What to do if the veins on the labia become enlarged? Varicose veins of the labia: causes, symptoms, treatment The vein on the lip is swollen, what to do.

The problem of diseased veins in our time is becoming more relevant every day. If 30 years ago it was considered a disease of older people, now the peak of those suffering from varicose veins is 35-40 years old. In total, twenty percent of the country's population suffer from vein pain, and most of them are women.

This disease often comes unexpectedly. An inexplicable heaviness begins, a feeling as if the muscles cannot relax for two, three, twenty days. After a few days, this tension feels like pain, almost worse than a toothache. At the same time, stars begin to appear on the skin, veins swell... But the symptoms may vary slightly for different types of illness.

Varicose veins of the hands are relatively safe, due to the relatively weak blood pressure in the vessels of the hands, but this is no less alarming ailment, since the lack of veins and arteries can manifest itself in other types. There is usually no pain with varicose veins of the arms (also called primary), but with it the veins from the shoulder to the wrist swell, and it looks “so-so”. In addition, there is a danger of hernia, for example veins among the complex plexuses of the muscles of the hand.

The cause may be a faulty heart valve, so it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

Reticular varicose veins are especially unloved by the fair half of humanity due to the complete lack of attractiveness of the legs with this disease. Thin veins swell, the skin wears the finest pattern of blue stars spreading all over the skin. If you start, swelling begins. No pain is felt, but if there is discomfort, then this is a sign of the next stage.

Internal varicose veins are especially unpleasant, and they can be the cause of aching pain that sometimes prevents you from falling asleep or sitting quietly. But pain is, as always, a signal, and this time a signal of possible danger to the heart. Advanced internal varicose veins can lead to thrombosis, and then to heart attacks, and even death.

Varicose veins of the lips are determined by their location on the lips of the mouth - upper and lower. May appear as a result of bruises and injuries. It looks like a blue mesh on the lips and can be removed by surgery.

There is also varicose veins of the labia, which appear in pregnant women at 7-8 months of pregnancy. It is safe and goes away after childbirth.

Varicose veins in the groin are dangerous for men. The cause is weak blood vessels on the inside of the thigh. The vessels of the thigh suffer, if the disease progresses to the penis area. Symptoms: pain after the end of sexual intercourse in the scrotum, during an erection - in the penis. Also, unpleasant sensations occur in the groin when standing. Often this disease cannot be overcome without special medical procedures, so if symptoms appear, it is better not to risk the possibility of becoming a father.

The cause of venous diseases lies in the imperfection of the system itself. Unlike arteries, veins do not have muscles, and the rise of blood from the lower extremities back to the heart occurs with the help of:

  • blood pressure: this pressure plays a minimal role in the rise of blood.
  • muscle work: during work, the muscles put pressure on the veins, which at this time work like pumps. At the time of rest, such pumping does not occur, since:
  • The outflow of blood to the heels is prevented by valves, which ensure the movement of blood in one direction.

When all the unfavorable factors come together, the condition of the veins begins to deteriorate. When the muscles are at rest, the veins, unable to expel blood on their own, use valves to keep the blood from flowing back. As a result, the blood stagnates and the veins begin to expand. As a result, the walls of the blood vessels gradually become thinner, and cope with blood pressure more and more poorly, and begin to swell and swell.

The causes of varicose veins can be:

  • Upright posture: constant blood pressure on the lower limbs negatively affects the condition of the veins
  • Genetic predisposition: it is not the disease itself that is inherited, but factors that influence the predisposition to varicose veins (weak vein walls, problematic valves)
  • Endocrine disorders, the influence of hormones: manifests itself at the time of puberty, or other periods of hormonal changes. Therefore, women are susceptible to this disease much more than men. Female sex hormones weaken the walls of veins and destroy elastic and collagen fibers.
  • Features of work and lifestyle: constant sitting on a chair with the vessels pinched as a result, standing in one position for a long time often lead to disastrous consequences.

The science that deals with the problem of veins is phlebology. Doctors can treat varicose veins using sclerotherapy, compression therapy, medication, laser coagulation, and surgery. Timely treatment can solve many problems.

An excellent way of prevention is swimming, contrast showers, and various techniques that promote involuntary contraction and dilation of veins from sudden changes in temperature. Such procedures are also effective during illness and contribute to a speedy recovery of the veins.

When forced to sit on a chair for a long time, the 20-minute rule helps - once every twenty minutes you should get up, walk, and do gymnastics. The same methods will help if you have to stand often and a lot.

For our part, we can offer you and containing Coenzyme Q10, K2 and amino acids - substances necessary for the regulation and functioning of not only the cardiovascular system, but also the entire body.

Varicose veins primarily affect the lower extremities. Spider veins, discomfort when walking, swollen legs - such problems are familiar to many ladies. However, such a violation of venous circulation can affect the esophagus, colon and other important organs. Varicose veins of the labia are no exception to this issue. The causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease are discussed in the article.

What factors predispose to the disease?

Varicose veins of the labia in women are quite common. In approximately 30% of the fair sex, the pathology manifests itself during pregnancy. Each repeated conception increases the likelihood of its development, and in 10%, symptoms of the disease persist after childbirth. What is the reason for the development of this disease?

In pregnant women, the appearance of varicose veins is due to increased stress on the body. Increasing body weight every day, changes in hormonal levels - these factors help slow down the outflow of blood.

Doctors also identify other causes of the disease. Among them the following can be noted:

  • inactive lifestyle;
  • sedentary work;
  • excess body weight;
  • decreased venous tone.

A special role in this issue is given to hereditary predisposition.

The first signs of pathology

Varicose veins of the labia are accompanied by minor symptoms on the skin. A constant feeling of discomfort and burning negatively affects a woman’s psychological state, making her irritable. The veins and labia gradually increase in size, and the skin changes its color and becomes dry. Each sexual intercourse is also accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain.

Diagnostic methods

Taking into account the symptoms described above, a woman can independently determine varicose veins of the labia. However, detailed diagnosis and treatment will require the help of an experienced doctor.

The first stage of the examination is a consultation with a gynecologist. During the initial examination, the doctor conducts a physical examination, during which he pays attention to the presence of varicose nodes and hyperemia. As a rule, bimanual examination reveals blue discoloration of the vaginal mucosa, swelling, pain and dilated thrombosed vessels. An increase in the volume of watery leucorrhoea is possible.

To confirm the diagnosis of “varicose veins of the labia” and determine the stage of the pathology, further examination is required. It involves taking blood tests and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. After receiving the results, treatment is prescribed. It should not be ignored, because the lack of timely treatment is dangerous for the development of complications. Among them, the most common is varicothrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of blood vessels with subsequent formation of blood clots.

Principles of treatment

When diagnosed with varicose veins of the labia, treatment is conservative. First of all, you need to change your diet and lifestyle. Doctors recommend that patients move more, because blood flow improves during walking. You can visit the pool several times a week. You should also change your taste preferences: eliminate fried and fatty foods, smoked foods and overly salty foods. It is extremely important to control your body weight. If the increase per week is more than 300 g, it is useful to make cottage cheese.

To combat the symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe venotonic drugs (Troxerutin, Diosmin, Lyoton). They are available in the form of gels and ointments, so they act directly on the affected area. Sclerotherapy is one of the medicinal methods of getting rid of dilated veins. During this procedure, a special drug is injected into a vein to “seal” the affected area. Injections are carried out on an outpatient basis, and their number depends on the extent of the lesion.

How to alleviate the disease?

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, doctors recommend avoiding high heels and not lifting weights. As noted earlier, varicose veins of the labia most often develop against the background of blood stagnation. Therefore, any physical activity that does not aggravate the course of the disease is useful. This could be swimming in the pool or doing yoga.

In addition to this, it is necessary to monitor intimate hygiene; for washing, use special gels rather than soap. Hygiene procedures should be carried out in the morning and evening, and change underwear regularly. As for the diet, it is better to avoid foods rich in vitamin C for a while. It reduces vascular permeability, creating swelling.

Compression garments are one of the most common ways to bring swollen veins back to normal. As a rule, special stockings are used. By compressing the limbs, the tissue forces the muscles to remain in constant tone.

Features of the disease during pregnancy

Varicose veins on the labia during pregnancy are a very common occurrence, and there is an explanation for it. The fetus inside the womb increases in size day by day, so it receives a colossal load. The greater the baby's weight, the higher the risk of developing the disease and bleeding during childbirth.

Women with a predisposition to varicose veins are recommended to prevent the disease even before conception. Anticoagulant ointments and venotonics can be used for therapeutic purposes only until the third trimester. Pregnant women with this diagnosis must strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, as well as monitor blood clotting parameters. Women with this pathology are usually hospitalized at 38 weeks. Many representatives of the fair sex do not have a complicated course of varicose veins of the labia. Childbirth and pregnancy itself take place without pathologies. In case of extensive skin lesions, a cesarean section is used. This approach is due to the need to eliminate the risk of bleeding due to rupture of veins during childbirth.

Prevention measures

Varicose veins of the labia, the causes of which were discussed above, are considered an unpleasant disease. How can he be warned? First of all, experts recommend adhering to an active lifestyle and devoting more time to physical activity. When working sedentarily, you should periodically take a break for light exercises, and during lunch you can take a walk down the street.

It is better to give up high heels and replace them with comfortable shoes. In case of obvious predisposition to the disease, it is necessary to use compression garments and periodically visit consultations with a phlebologist. Varicose veins are not a fatal disease, but its prevention should not be neglected. Be healthy!

Varicose veins of the labia are a pathological condition of venous blood circulation in the pelvic area, leading to the progression of pathological enlargement of the veins, called varicose veins.

This condition develops on the lips of the genital organs and is a fairly serious disease that prevents normal sexual activity, walking and causes a lot of worries and discomfort.

Mostly, varicose veins of the labia progress in pregnant women during the last three months of pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for this disease to progress after varicose veins of the lower extremities. In such a situation, the provoking factor is increased pressure on the uterus and pelvic floor. The veins located in the labia grow in size and become pathologically deformed.

Varicose veins of the labia accompany the rest of pregnancy until childbirth, causing fear and panic in expectant mothers.

In most cases, the symptoms of varicose veins of the labia disappear on their own, immediately after childbirth. However, this pathological condition brings problems before and during childbirth. Relief from the disease is possible with effective treatment.

The veins of the labia, which are swollen from varicose veins, can be restored.

What causes swollen labial veins due to varicose veins?

The period of bearing a child is the main reason why varicose veins of the labia (one or both) develop. It is during this period that a woman experiences significant changes in her body.

There is a significant increase in body weight, the production of hormones is disrupted, the muscles of the body are weakened, physical activity increases, venous blood flow is disrupted and low blood pressure is formed - all this contributes to disruptions in circulation in the body.

The size of the uterus grows and compresses the veins around it, which leads to disruptions in blood circulation, an increase in the volume of circulating blood and an increase in pressure on the vessels.

Arteries are denser and more flexible than veins, which is why the latter are affected first.

With such processes, women experience swelling of the perineum, and the veins of the labia swell and cause discomfort.

Factors that can provoke varicose veins of the external genitalia are the following:

  • Thinned walls of blood vessels;
  • Excessive body weight;
  • Long-term hormone therapy;
  • Weakening of the body's muscles;
  • Constipation;
  • Inflammatory process of organs localized in the pelvis;
  • Insufficiency of vein valves;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Constantly being on your feet;
  • Hereditary disposition;
  • Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun or extreme heat.

Symptoms and what does varicose veins of the labia look like?

The external manifestations of varicose veins on the labia are quite pronounced.

The main symptoms are given below:

Pain increases during sexual intercourse, physical activity and urination. The pain is aching in nature and often radiates to the perineum.

When feeling such discomfort, the woman’s mood and mental state decrease, irritability and aggressiveness are noted.

Gynecologists determine dilation visually by looking at varicose veins. The aesthetic component is quite unpleasant. Initially, a small nodule is formed, which does not manifest itself in the clinical picture.

Over time, the number of nodules increases, their size increases and causes discomfort when walking, sexual intercourse and sitting.

Nodules of veins on the genitals grow, and lumps grow and are felt when palpated. Pigmentation of the affected dry skin occurs.

During late pregnancy, excruciating pain is observed, and obvious manifestations of varicose veins become extremely noticeable.

What is the danger of varicose veins of the labia?

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, serious complications may progress that may threaten the life of the mother.

The most dangerous complications are:

  • Hemorrhages and ruptures of the genital organs during childbirth;
  • Formation of blood clots in the genitals;
  • Thick blood;
  • Partial or complete blocking of a pelvic vein by a blood clot.

To prevent complications, you should immediately go to the hospital for treatment.


In order to initially identify varicose veins, you do not need the help of a doctor. For the first time, you can perform an initial palpation of the hollow lip and all genital organs. If you discover that a vein on the labia has “popped out,” you need to go to a gynecologist.

It is a qualified specialist who will help to suspect the disease and accurately diagnose it through additional research.

Additional hardware studies are:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It will help to accurately diagnose pathological damage to the veins and examine the extent of dilation;
  • Coagulogram. Determines blood clotting indicators, which helps assess the risk of blood stagnation and blood clots;
  • General analysis blood. Displays a general picture of the blood condition. Helps to detect general disorders in the ratio of blood elements and its coagulation.

The choice of research method is made by the attending physician and depends on his suspicions and external symptoms.

Treatment of varicose veins of the labia

You should immediately understand that you can finally get rid of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy only after the child is born.

The course of therapy, in this case, is aimed at reducing symptoms and stopping further progression of the pathology.

Treatment of varicose labia begins with the most common methods:

  • Venotonics for oral use (Lioton, Aescusan, Detralex);
  • Antiplatelet agents that prevent the formation of blood clots (Trental, Curantil);
  • Medicines based on heparin for external use (Heparin ointment, Lyoton);
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments with horse chestnut (Cycloven, Troxevasin);
  • Ointments with diclofenac (Dicloran, Fastum gel);
  • Vitamin complexes (vitamins E and C);
  • Therapeutic gymnastics. The patient needs to get on all fours and put her head on a pillow so that the pelvic organs are higher than the head. In this position, blood flows out;
  • Sclerotherapy is a method that involves the use of injections that completely eliminate varicose veins. The area affected by varicose veins is cooled with air, after which a solution is injected into the affected vein, narrowing and stimulating blood movement. This method prevents the formation of blood clots. The damaged vessel stops functioning, and the blood flows through healthy veins. The injection site is compressed on both sides for five minutes. This method of treatment is the most effective and practically does not cause discomfort for varicose veins of the labia, which require high-quality treatment.

For women who suffer from enlargement of the veins of the labia minora or labia majora, outside of pregnancy, labiaplasty, or microthermocoagulation, can be performed.

Whereas such methods are prohibited for pregnant women.

If the disease does not stop after childbirth, or the above remedies do not work, surgical intervention is performed.

The main types are phlebectomy, as well as radiofrequency and laser coagulation of affected veins.

For pregnant women with varicose veins of the labia, there are certain recommendations:

  • Monitor your weight;
  • Go to the pool;
  • Do not take a hot bath or shower;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Do not lift things heavier than three kilograms;
  • Monitor bowel function;
  • Wear comfortable underwear;
  • Rest on your left side with your knees bent and tucked.


For speedy treatment, or for prophylaxis to prevent varicose veins of the labia, you should adhere to the following steps:

What's the forecast?

Today, such a disease as varicose veins of the labia is quite easily curable if you go to the hospital in a timely manner for quality help. Modern medicine will eliminate the clinical signs of the pathological condition and possible external cosmetic disorders without pain and complications.

For the effectiveness of treatment, timely application is important.

If treatment recommendations are not followed, therapy is not effective, or drug therapy is not used in a timely manner, serious complications can progress, causing bleeding during childbirth, which becomes a threat to the life of the mother.

To prevent possible complications and speedy recovery, immediately contact a qualified specialist at the hospital. Only an experienced doctor will most effectively and painlessly cure the capillaries of the labia.

Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

Appearance any pigmentation on the lips should not be ignored. If a blue dot appears on the lip, even more so. Because it always indicates the presence disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Interesting! Doctors distinguish between two main types of spots - youthful and senile. Both cases have their own characteristics and causes. Before starting treatment for a defect, you should understand what caused it to appear.

Causes of dots on lips

Spots and dots on the lips can vary in size, shape and color. However, special attention should be paid to blue, intensely pigmented dots, since they most often appear as a consequence of serious illnesses:

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment in each specific case.

Spots caused by harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, are successfully eliminated with the help of bleaching agents and appropriate vitamin complexes.

If the spots are intensely colored, injections of ascorbic acid help well. The appearance of a large number of blue dots on the lips (hyperpigmentation) requires oral administration of folic acid, aevit and riboflavin.

If any other diseases are discovered during research, the intervention of specialists in the required field is required - oncologists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists. Treatment in this case will be comprehensive, and as your overall health improves, the blue spots will disappear on their own.

Photo 2: Treatment of any pigmentation on the lips depends on the causes of the defect, so first of all you will need to undergo an examination and a blood test. Source: flickr (Dave Black)

Homeopathic medicines

Success, first of all, lies in an individual approach to every patient. The homeopathic doctor prescribes a remedy suitable constitutional type of the patient. In this case, the chosen remedy will affect improvement of the body as a whole.

Depending on the type of stain on the lip and the patient’s psychotype, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  1. (Arnica montana). The drug promotes the resorption of compactions and is used to treat warts and venous nodules on the lips. The constitutional type of Arnica is full-blooded, good-natured people. Most often they are friendly, but during illness they become moody and irritable.
  2. (Calcarea fluorica). Effectively fights vascular tumors, increases the tone of capillaries and blood vessels, and helps in case of helminthic infestation. Prescribed to patients with malocclusion and severe asymmetry of the bone skeleton.
  3. (Silicea). The product effectively fights papillomas and helps eliminate hyperpigmentation on the lips. Psychotype - thin, sickly people who tend to get nervous over trifles. They often freeze and do not tolerate mental stress well.
  4. (Phosphorus). The drug is prescribed if the appearance of defects on the lips is caused by dysfunction of the liver and adrenal glands. The constitutional type of the drug is tall, stooped people with soft blond hair. The character is sensitive, touchy and vulnerable.
  5. Bellis perennis. The drug fights the manifestations of excessive pigmentation on the lips and has whitening properties. Most often prescribed to older people who complain of constant fatigue and memory problems.

The popularity of homeopathic treatment is primarily due to proven effectiveness of drugs. In addition, the absence of side effects that often occur when using traditional medications can be considered a big plus. Any drug prescribed individually by a homeopathic doctor, therefore, when a blue dot appears on the lip, consultation with a specialist will be the first step towards successful treatment.

Sincerely, Krylov S.A.

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There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.

Vein on the lip

Varicose veins on the labia

Girls, who had such trouble? How did you give birth? 32 weeks, walking hurts. I can only lie on my left side. Troxevasin is a placebo.

Varicose veins of the labia.

Girls who have experienced or are experiencing such a nuisance as Varicose veins of the labia. How did you deal with pain and swelling? How did you give birth?

Vein on the labia.

I’m so upset, I’m sitting there, sobbing: (My third pregnancy - the previous ones were all ok - but I rested a lot then, took care of myself - now I live on my own. Today I had to go on business and stand in line for 1.5 hours. Now I went to take it before bed shower, washed up and to my horror felt a thick vein on the inside of the labia: (((((In the lying position it doesn’t stick out - I wanted to take a photo - there’s nothing special to take a photo of, but when I stand, yes, it feels like a long cord. I read on the Internet that varicose veins of the labia - go to the surgeon, take pills before giving birth and most likely a cesarean:((((((I REALLY don’t want a cesarean:(((((((Who has this happened? Did you go to the surgeon? Pills.

I'm shocked! ((varicose veins on the labia

Who has encountered this? There was a feeling of heaviness (swelling) in the vagina, I told the doctor, she didn’t look, she said that the uterus had enlarged and was pressing, that’s why it felt like that, but today I saw swollen and bluish veins on the labia, I was in shock, I was so worried that the pressure rose ((. the doctor gave a referral to a surgeon for a consultation and recommended visiting a phlebologist, who has encountered something similar, what do they do. Should I wear ointment or special underwear?

varicose veins on the labia and nearby.

girls! who experienced this during pregnancy!? how does it go! after childbirth, will these BUNES disappear?(((((I’m in a panic.

What could it be?

Last night I discovered that one of the outer labia is swollen and a vein is standing out strongly, what is it and what do you recommend?

Varicose veins in the intimate area

Intimate problem (((Varicose veins came out on the right labia - there are 3 blue veins on the outside and two on the inside. I only saw the doctor on the 11th. Maybe someone had something to anoint me with. I told my husband to shave me there, he saw me and ran away😭😭😭😭 I’m almost 32 weeks, I can still walk and walk, but I feel a little swollen because of the veins.

Varicose veins in the intimate area

Hi all! Girls, who have encountered this, tell me what you did to save yourself... The vein on the labia is very swollen... I’ve been walking for a month now, I’m suffering, nagging pain when walking, discomfort. The doctor is on vacation, appointment only on September 13th. Maybe there is some kind of ointment?

Varicose veins of the perineum

Good afternoon girls! At the 36th week of pregnancy, varicose veins of the perineum appeared, a vein appeared on one labia majora. The doctor at the maternity hospital, during examinations, said that after childbirth it would go away on its own. It’s now the second day after giving birth, how soon will it be? As it was.

The veins are "there".

Girls, excuse me, my husband shaved me yesterday (I can’t see myself anymore) and said that I had some kind of horror there. I looked in the mirror and it was truly terrifying. There are two black veins on the lips, protruding and long. Right with the bumps. It seems that if I get pierced, I’ll die from bleeding))) Has anyone had this happen? Are you alive?)))

Varicose veins of the genital organs

Girls who encountered before or during B with varicose veins in the pelvis, uterus or external labia? How were you treated? What did you do? And what are the symptoms? Help with advice.

Varicose veins of the labia.

Girls, such an intimate question. I found something blue swollen on the labia on one side. I had some kind of big pimple or something. It's a long one. It's very similar in color to a vein. I found on the Internet that there are varicose veins of the labia. I was suddenly afraid that some bad mole had grown there. I almost burst into tears. maybe someone met. Or did you hear?? See the doctor only on the 25th. But there’s probably no point in calling and asking.

Strange sensations.

Since yesterday there has been a terrible pulling in the lower abdomen, I would even say that the vagina hurts and “aches.” The outer labia are bluish. The O test showed // 3.10, 06.10 when it should have been /. PA 3.10, 4.10, 7.10. 9.10. The veins on the chest near the nipples are already swollen.

Varicose veins of the genital organs

Hello girls everyone! It's the 22nd week of pregnancy. Who has encountered varicose veins of the inner labia? For several days there it seems to drag on constantly. My job is sedentary in the office, you yourself understand that you can’t walk or lie down…. Today I went to the toilet and decided to look at everything. And she was terrified. They are swollen and bulging veins. I rescheduled my doctor's visit from Tuesday to the day after tomorrow. I would like to know if everything is so bad.

Varicose veins

I have very strong varicose veins. It started about a month ago. I went to the surgeons. They told me to do support after giving birth. And this morning I discovered that the veins on the labia were swollen. I’m so scared of what could happen next. Maybe someone has the same problem or has encountered this.

varicose veins

girls, when she did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the doctor said a strong dilatation of the veins. but I didn’t attach much importance to it, now a huge vein has come out on my labia, just like an old woman’s. Are there any other girls here with such problems? what was prescribed for you, the doctor told me to take phlebodio, but she didn’t even look at the situation. PS the moderator may have chosen the wrong category

Varicose veins of the pelvis and labia

girls, when she did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the doctor said a strong dilatation of the veins. but I didn’t attach much importance to it, now a huge vein has come out on my labia, just like an old woman’s. Are there any other girls here with such problems? what was prescribed for you, the doctor told me to take phlebodio, but she didn’t even look at the situation.

Varicose veins on the labia!?

Girls, a couple of days ago I noticed that discomfort appeared in the vaginal area in the evening. It hurts like a bruise. Yesterday I took a mirror and looked. The labia were slightly swollen before, but yesterday they were purple and painful. On one there is a vein just like a worm, inflated. In the morning it’s not so bad, but you can feel this vein with your finger under the skin. Today I’m going to the doctor, but I would like to know who has had this happen? Are these varicose veins? Now only after giving birth can we hope that it will disappear? 😢😢😢 into pregnancy.

Labia hurt 🙁

Girls, we are in the 14th week, but somewhere around the 9th week, intermittent pain in the labia began. The pain is like it grabs and lets go.

I'm panicking and a little hysterical.

Sex under the cut.


I'm very afraid. Suddenly it became very scary 🙁, I’m afraid for everything. I suffer from heartburn, I sleep half-sitting, my legs and arms are swollen, it’s hard to turn from side to side, my perineum is very swollen, veins have popped out on my labia 😭 I’m tired. I can’t understand how the child is lying.

Varicose veins are there.

A few weeks ago I started to ache between my legs, I thought it was the bones coming apart, I had the same sensations during the first B. Then I noticed that the previously flat seam from the episiotomy had become convex. It has gotten even worse in recent days. Everything crunches between my legs in the morning, it has become uncomfortable and painful to walk. And then I thought of looking in the mirror to see what was going on there. Girls, I was horrified: the labia were enlarged (but maybe this happens in a normal state in pregnant women), and so on.

Varicose veins of the perineum? Varicose veins are right THERE. Has anyone been treated by an osteopath?

A week ago I discovered a swelling on the labia closer to the butt - there is just a cluster of veins + one wreath goes to the buttocks, on the legs and stomach the veins have become more visible, they are visible but do not protrude. More worrying is this cluster right on the genitals (maybe there is one inside too). What to do? I'll go to the osteopath on Tuesday. maybe someone was there and helped? My pelvis also hurt. There were no varicose veins THERE during my first pregnancy. And now my 3-year-old daughter doesn’t have much rest and won’t let me go to the pool much.

good evening! A 14-year-old brother developed a mobile lump in his leg (and cysts on his lip). A couple of times, either from numbness or pain, he fell and could not get up. They thought there was something wrong with the veins, but examination of the veins did not reveal any pathology. They did an ultrasound of this coil in the leg, and then they found several more. The uzit said that there were neoplasms, you need to see a doctor. My parents made an appointment with a surgeon at the clinic, and I think there’s a dead number there. Well, he will give some direction.

Varicose veins here and there...

Girls, on Monday I’m going to the residential complex and will ask for a referral to a phlebologist. If they don’t give it or the consultation doesn’t suit me, then I’ll go for a fee.

Pimples? "there" after childbirth

Terribly dumb question. I'm panicking. Tomorrow I will go to the gynecologist. But maybe someone has encountered this. 3 weeks have passed since the ex. There are 200% no vein diseases. Never had herpes. Today I discovered 4 lumps on my labia (2 small, 2 larger) similar to pimples. Brr. Both disgusting and scary. I am very afraid of infection after c-section. It was like that. What is this?

The right labia is swollen. Week 27.

Hello girls! Happened to me here. For the fourth day, my right leg hurts in the calf area, it really aches, sometimes my thigh twitches, and today my labia is swollen, this is varicose veins. The veins don't show through anywhere. It hurts so much to strain the leg muscles (((walk for a long time and with...


The reviews here are true, not like anonymous ones from Google. So the question is: how to get rid of age spots around the eyes? Appeared during pregnancy, worsened by lack of sleep, a blue vein is visible under the spot, absolutely beautiful. And how to stop the beginning sagging? The nasolabium on one side, down from the corner of the lips along the contour of the smile and the eyebrow wrinkle, closer to the right eyebrow. And in general, all the horrors are on the right side of the face. What to do, where to run? Age 25 years old, it all started with my second pregnancy

A couple of questions!

1. Girls, I signed up for an ultrasound, I’ll be exactly 30 weeks, isn’t it too early? I’ll go for a fee, it’s convenient on weekends, and for some reason I remember that I also went with my first child when I was 30. 2. I have an intimate problem. I notice it from time to time, in principle it doesn’t bother me now, I worry about how it will affect me during childbirth.

Varicose veins

Girls, please tell me who had varicose veins on the labia? How was the birth, was EP allowed? Because I’m getting closer and closer to giving birth, it’s getting a little scary. At the same time, there is a vein the size of a little finger on my lip and I do not experience any pain/discomfort due to varicose veins, so my gynecologist did not prescribe any treatment

what should the cervix look like during B?

YES bbshki, I have a question. Yesterday, sitting on the toilet, I was washing myself (sorry for the details), and I felt as if there was a ball inside right behind the labia, a ball instead of the opening of the cervix, I looked THERE in the mirror, and there it was like a ball with winding dark blue veins. Where did the cervix go, is it swollen? Or is it supposed to be swollen and blue with veins? I couldn’t find anything on the Internet, what is it, why do I have varicose veins there? In short, I’m in shock, I don’t see the doctor until the 22nd, help! Veins on the legs and groin.

Varicose veins of the labia.

A very intimate question) About a week ago I discovered a swelling on one of the labia majora. The doctor said it was varicose veins and referred me for a consultation with a vascular surgeon.

Result of the 30th week

Coolant 90 VDM 30 Weight 65,700 (+10kg) Height 171))) nothing has changed here

Old age

Today on the beach, my mother discovered terrible, ugly veins on my legs, on the back surface, so to speak, under my knees. In one place it looks like a bruise! I couldn't see it myself. It wasn’t enough for me that the capillaries on my lips had burst, and the same thing happened to my eye, now this too. And, apparently, nothing can be done with them, just remove them with a laser, and the meaning will appear again. Of course, we must first find out the reason. And I don’t even know which doctor.

Varicose veins

The veins in the groin swell, excuse the intimate details, right on the labia! The doctor said to apply Lyoton, but it seems to me that it doesn’t really help. Has anyone had this happen? How were you saved? And how to give birth? Is this not an indication for c-section?

Consequences from the operation

Girls, I had my teeth done under sedation (removal of 5 nerves). So, here are the consequences: the first time, the anesthesiologist got into a vein badly and the solution got under the skin, a lot, about 5 cubic meters. Then I injected it, everything went smoothly. But while I was recovering from the anesthesia, I chewed my lower lip, not realizing it until the doctor stopped me. Arriving home, I discovered a large swelling at the site where the first needle was inserted (as if all 5 cubes were still there), the lip was chewed badly, into a mess, the temperature rose to 37.5 for now, but it is increasing. They said.

who had or has this?

Pain in the labia majora, it hurts to get up from the couch, walk and even just lie down. I read on the internet that these are varicose veins. I went to a consultation, the doctor didn’t see anything visually. She said to apply troxevasin and you can buy a bandage to distribute the load and it will be easier.

Severe varicose veins of the pelvis

Girls who suffer from this scourge, I not only have thick black veins in my vagina and lips, but also the inside of my thighs and even my buttocks, they hurt. Today there is a strong pulling there and even in the rectum it seems that it is the same. Can varicose veins also cause tension in the lower abdomen? The abdomen seems soft, the doctor is on vacation for a long time, and somehow everything is purple for her, for some reason I’m worried

Labia color during pregnancy

Girls, I stole this article from the website club-mam.com Absolutely the entire woman’s body prepares for the birth of a baby. This may seem a little strange to you, but the color of the labia also changes during pregnancy. By the way, a change in the color of the labia can be a signal for a woman that she is pregnant. The process of change in the labia is a pattern and is considered normal. During pregnancy, a strong change in hormonal levels occurs in the female body (hormones really rage), and this leads to increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Girls, I apologize in advance for the question, I’m 27 weeks and I’ve already had 2 days of pain and tension in the labia area, I don’t know what to do, it’s very unpleasant, I read that the baby can put pressure on the veins, has anyone had this? What did you do?

A very, very intimate question.

The question will be about places below the waist, for those who are not squeamish, please refer to the cat. No photos.

Varicose veins in the saddest place(((

Namely in the intimate zone, and on one side. But I’m not completely sure that it’s varicose veins. The doctor just took a look and said that this is not it. My feelings - when I wash myself, I feel swollen veins, sometimes it starts to put a lot of pressure in that place, it seems that now everything there will burst, as if there is crazy pressure there, and after PA I almost always have this feeling, but only if I’m standing or walking. When I lie down, I can say everything goes away.

Varicose veins

Veins popped out on the perineum. So unpleasant. And the period is not that long. With the first one this happened at 9 months and went away after giving birth. And now it's so early. And the labia hurt, as if something was pressing on them. Girls, does anyone have similar feelings? how are you saved?

Severe varicose veins

Girls. Who suffered from varicose veins during pregnancy? From the first months my left leg turned blue and hurt. the labia were swollen. Doppler showed that there were no blood clots. The doctor prescribed Detralex. You just need to lie down more and wear compression tights. But none of this helps. How to get to childbirth. There is no longer a living place on my leg, everything is blue and my toes. The veins itch terribly in the evening. How did you experience this condition? And what did they take? Will this leg really remain after childbirth?

Varicose veins on the labia😢

Question for those who know and have gone through this. Varicose veins on the lips. Everything is clean on my feet. About two months ago a vein popped out on my labia. I wouldn’t even have noticed if I hadn’t climbed in there with a mirror (put myself in order). I saw it and got scared. But it didn’t cause me any discomfort. I told the doctor. I thought she would look. But she didn’t do this and only said to apply ointment to what seemed to be on the outside. Don't go inside. No new “bumps” appeared. But it appeared on the inside of the lip.

Hemangioma on the lip

Hemangioma is a benign neoplasm. It is most often localized on the face, but can appear on other parts of the body. It is formed as a result of congenital venous abnormalities. The neoplasm consists of small blood vessels, which together form a small spot or convex shapes of red, pink, purple or bluish color.


  1. They are congenital in nature and can occur as they grow older and even in older people under the influence of certain factors.
  2. Dense nodules can gradually grow, thereby leading to thickening and deformation of neighboring tissues.
  3. In some cases, the tumor can rapidly increase in size. In this case, surgical removal of the hemangioma is recommended to prevent the development of a malignant process.
  4. Small vascular nodules may disappear on their own over time.

Medical statistics indicate that hemangioma represents 45% of benign neoplasms that appear on soft tissues. Despite the fact that medicine is developing at a rapid pace, there is no exact information about how and why a hemangioma appears on the lip.

Reasons for the development of hemangioma on the lip in children

There is no reliable information about what causes a hemangioma to appear on a child’s lip. But many experts in this field of medicine believe that the formation of some tumor processes is influenced by a viral-infectious factor that occurs at the 12th week of pregnancy. The fact is that during the first trimester the formation of the fetal circulatory system occurs, but under the influence of a viral infection this process can be disrupted. As a result, hemangiomas form on the surface of the skin or inside organs.

In the first week of life, a newborn baby may develop a small red spot on the lip. There is no reason to panic, but you should carefully monitor this formation and its size.

In some cases, blood nodules may protrude greatly above the surface of the skin. In this case, the formation causes significant discomfort to the baby. By the way, hemangioma on the lip appears 5-7% more often in girls than in boys.

Causes of development in adults

In adults, activation of the process occurs due to a traumatic factor or as a result of the formation of a blood clot. Outwardly, it looks like an irregularly shaped red or purple spot. It can be completely smooth or protrude above the surface of the skin. In some cases, you can see the so-called “epicenter” of the tumor - the brightest point from which the vessels diverge. The main factors that can trigger the formation of vascular nodules in adults are:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Diseases of internal organs that lead to vascular disorders.

In older people, such tumors can appear in the corners of the lips, as well as on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. Having an age-related origin, the tumor can grow into the muscles and subcutaneous tissue.

How can hemangioma be dangerous?

A small red or purple spot on a baby's lip is not particularly dangerous. Quite often it goes away on its own, but the mother must carefully monitor its size - the rapid growth of vascular nodules causes severe discomfort to the baby, and also means that the tumor process is developing.

Since the lip is one of the most traumatized places, this means that even a non-growing hemangioma can be accidentally injured. As a result, small ulcers may appear inside the formation, and this is an ideal place for the development of infectious processes, which significantly aggravates the situation.

If the stain is small, it is better to leave it alone. It should be understood that a lip hemangioma can grow not because a malignant process develops, but because it grows along with the child’s body.

Thus, experts distinguish several stages of regression (spontaneous disappearance of the tumor):

  1. During the first year of life.
  2. Stage of early evolution (from 1 year to 5 years).
  3. Puberty.

Yes, most often a benign formation disappears completely during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

The development of a tumor process on the lip in old age is dangerous because it can degenerate into a malignant formation. In rare cases, a hemangioma on the lip can grow into the thickness of the tongue, thereby increasing its size so much that it no longer fits in the oral cavity.

Hemangioma and cancer

Depending on the location, education can lead to different consequences. Thus, being located on internal organs, hemangioma over time can disrupt their functions and lead to very negative results.

Vascular nodules on the surface of the lip are a cosmetic defect that causes significant discomfort. It is important to monitor the condition and size of the tumor. So, some factors (prolonged exposure to the sun or injury to the lip) can lead to growth and enlargement, and this can be dangerous. The fact is that even a benign enlargement of hemangioma can grow into internal organs and tissues, which provokes the development of negative processes.

To summarize, we can say that hemangiomas on the lip in children are not dangerous if they do not grow. Fortunately, medical practice has not yet known cases where vascular nodules degenerated into malignant formations.

In adulthood, more attention should be paid to these formations and their size should be closely monitored, since in old age the tumor can become malignant.

Modern methods and methods of treatment

Lip hemangioma is a cosmetic defect, so the most effective method for eliminating it is laser. Exposure to them allows you to minimize the effect of the tumor on nearby healthy cells. This treatment method is ideal for small lesions.

In some cases, you can get rid of vascular nodules using cryodestruction (exposure to liquid nitrogen). This method is very effective as it does not affect the facial nerve.

Surgical intervention is indicated only when the hemangioma has grown deeply into the tissue and cannot be eliminated by other means.

Preliminary tests and examinations

A benign formation can be diagnosed using ultrasound. This applies to both adults and children. An ultrasound can determine how deep the tumor has grown and whether it is affecting any important organs.

It is worth noting that an externally unchanged hemangioma of the lip can actively develop inside. Therefore, even an infant should be referred for a more detailed examination.

For adults, in addition to an ultrasound examination, they may also be prescribed an X-ray examination and x-ray of blood vessels. In addition, you should undergo a medical examination to identify the malignant nature of the tumor on the lip.

Removal cost

Removal of hemangioma is possible using a laser. Not all medical centers and beauty salons can offer this procedure, as appropriate equipment is required to perform it.

The cost of the operation depends on several factors:

So, for example, the lower price limit is 800 rubles. (small spot less than 2 mm in diameter). Removing a formation larger than 2 cm will cost approximately 3,000 rubles.


How can surgical excision of a hemangioma be dangerous? First of all, because it may appear again after some time. Therefore, it is best to use laser exposure to eliminate this defect.

A hemangioma on a child’s lip may go away on its own if it does not increase in size. If, upon reaching 14 years of age, the stain has not disappeared, you can contact specialists to eliminate it. In adulthood, you need to monitor her and undergo a full medical examination. Otherwise, the development of a malignant process may begin.

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Blue mole on lip

A blue mole on the lip may be a sign of a venous lake (see photo). A venous lake is an enlarged vein in sun-damaged skin that appears as a small, dark, blue-purple papule that is capable of discoloration.

Venous lakes are common on sun-damaged skin of elderly patients. Venous lakes occur as a result of acquired skin damage due to sun exposure and subsequent loss of skin elasticity (solar elastosis).

Clinical picture

Very often, patients with venous lakes worry about a possible malignant disease. Venous lakes with blood clots can be painful. The lesions resemble varicose veins on sun-damaged skin.

Venous lakes are slightly raised, dome-shaped dark blue lesions measuring 0.2-1.0 cm, which consist of an enlarged, blood-filled vascular canal. Multiple lesions may be present.

The venous lake is an asymptomatic soft dark blue-violet papule with a diameter of 2-10 mm, which discolors when pressed. Multiple lesions may be present on the mucous membrane of the lips, especially on the lower lateral red border of the lips. Lesions can also be on the ears.

Raised lesions and lesions exposed to trauma (eg, labial mucosa) may be itchy and painful, suggesting thrombosis. Injured lesions bleed easily and form a hemorrhagic crust.


Skin biopsy shows dilation of the thin walls of venules located in the upper layers of the skin or under the mucous membrane.

Venous lakes may resemble pigmented lesions such as blue nevi and malignant melanoma; venous lakes are completely discolored during diascopy.

Injured venous lakes can become crusty and look like herpes labialis.

Patients with HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma develop multiple blue-violet nodules on the mucous membranes that resemble venous lakes.

Venous lakes persist and may increase in size over time.

Lesions that are often traumatic or cosmetically unpleasant, as well as lesions that interfere with eating and speaking, should be treated, although they tend to recur. After local or regional anesthesia, the venous lake is opened and cauterized. Lasers are also effective for removing vein lakes. If the lesions change quickly, you should contact a dermatologist.

“Blue mole on the lip” and other articles from the section Skin neoplasms

A vein popped out on my lip

This topic has probably been discussed more than once before, but I just came across it. B 3rd, 17th week, 2 weeks, veins appeared on the lips, you can directly feel them and sometimes ache. to the toilet, sorry, it’s scary to go to the toilet again. I wore compression tights for B, but didn’t see any benefit at all. If anyone has encountered this, can you tell me what to do? They said you can take Detralex only after the 20th week.

Apparently this is varicose veins... but I don’t know how to alleviate it... ask a doctor

Yes, the fact of the matter is that the doctor doesn’t say anything. Well, like, varicose veins, so what? After 20 weeks you can take Detralex. And there are still 3 weeks until 20 weeks, what should I do? I can’t afford to go to a paid one. I thought maybe someone else had met someone like this?

I had this. The doctor said not to do anything. Can be applied with ointment

What kind of ointment can I use?

Well, maybe you know something? Am I the only one like this?!

To be honest, I've never heard of this

I also recently discovered it, around 22 weeks. I’ve never heard of that either, but then after a shower I noticed my swollen lips, took a mirror - and there you can see such a vein! I didn’t even know that there were veins running so close there, but here they came out.

I was just thinking about stocking up on anti-varicose tights, because... Now I’m just wearing stockings (I also have a visible vein on one leg), and then I read that they don’t help the author, maybe there’s no point in spending money.

Write after the phlebologist. I got it too, but I’m lazy about going to the doctor, I’m already tired.

Go and tell us then, please! Otherwise, all the information is kind of vague, without specifics.

I have the same thing =(((On one lip, it’s very strong, in the evening it’s even hard to walk, there’s a heaviness in that place. What helps is a contrast shower and then Traxevasin ointment. Now I’m patient with a little time left until the birth =(

Tell me, is troxevasin only needed for the skin? If it gets on the mucous membrane, is it very bad? I understand that you need to be careful, but still.

not alone, the same thing, and at first it got out very good. strongly - it feels like a convex mole, after a week the convexity has passed, but the vein is visible. The doctor said it should go away after giving birth.

Enlarged veins on the labia - why is it dangerous?

Violation of venous circulation, according to generally accepted opinion, is characteristic mainly of the lower extremities. In fact, swollen veins can appear in the colon, esophagus, and external genitalia.

Enlarged veins on the labia are painful formations that cause not only significant physical, but also moral discomfort due to the non-aesthetic appearance of the vulva. This delicate problem interferes with normal sexual life, interferes with the woman’s usual rhythm of physical activity, etc.


If a vein on the labia is swollen, we may be talking about acquired or congenital thinning of the vascular walls, decreased tone of the veins, and an insufficient number of valves regulating forward and reverse blood flow.

Favorable conditions for the development of vaginal varicose veins are:

  • overweight, obesity;
  • systematically staying in a standing or sitting position;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • physical inactivity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • constipation;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • mechanical injuries of the genital organs;
  • pregnancy period.

Most often, dilation of the veins in the labia area is observed in women during pregnancy and disappears completely after childbirth. But you cannot ignore a dangerous symptom. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, inflammation of the vascular walls may develop, followed by the formation of blood clots, and rupture of a varicose vein on the labia during sexual intercourse or at the time of childbirth.

Only a doctor can determine the reason under the influence of which the veins in the area of ​​a woman’s external genital organs swell after receiving data from an initial examination, examining the phlebological state of the patient’s body, and analyzing the clinical manifestations of the pathology.

Features of symptoms

Women suffering from vaginal varicose veins note the following manifestations of the disease:

  1. swelling of the external genitalia;
  2. swelling of veins (often with the formation of extensive conglomerates of nodes);
  3. the appearance of spider veins and screeds on the mucous membranes and skin;
  4. irritation and dryness of the skin, accompanied by noticeable itching, burning, numbness of the affected areas;
  5. bursting or aching pain radiating to the sacrum and perineum;
  6. urinary disorders.

The intensity of symptoms increases during sexual intercourse, at the time of bowel or bladder emptying, and after physical exertion. The psycho-emotional background suffers - there is increased irritability, persistent deterioration in mood, tension, and a state of stress may develop.

If a woman has a swollen vein on her labia, she should definitely seek medical help. In the early stages of the development of the disease, small nodules are formed, the clinical manifestations of which are usually not observed. Gradually, the formations increase in size and quantity, preventing a normal lifestyle. In more advanced stages, a medical examination usually reveals deformation of the genital organs in shape and size. Palpation reveals growing conglomerates of venous nodes, lumps, and cords. The affected areas of the skin are characterized by changes in pigmentation, increased dryness, and soreness. This patient's condition requires immediate treatment.

Treatment of the disease

To prevent the development of pelvic vein thrombosis, varicothrombophlebitis, blood thickening and the risk of bleeding and rupture of the perineum during childbirth or during sexual intercourse, a woman should consult a doctor immediately after discovering that a vein on the labia has protruded.

A gynecologist, vascular surgeon and phlebologist are involved in diagnosing the causes that provoked an unpleasant illness and selecting appropriate therapy. After collecting anamnesis, examination, clinical blood tests, ultrasound and coagulation tests, a complex of drugs is prescribed that normalizes venous tone, and it is also recommended to wear special compression garments. If conservative therapy does not bring results, phlebosclerosing techniques such as microfoam sclerotherapy, microthermocoagulation, and labiaplasty may be prescribed.

During pregnancy, the use of medications must be treated with extreme caution. Often, pronounced symptoms of varicose veins of the labia are an indication for cesarean section. With timely diagnosis and the necessary treatment, you can quickly and painlessly cope with the problem of dilated veins in the labia area and get rid of the unaesthetic consequences of the disease.



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