What to do to do well at school. What's the best way to study at school? Helpful Tips for Students

How to do well at school?

    In fact, all this should go according to genes, perhaps your parents are smart and received a lot of good grades in their studies, so you shouldn’t be spared all this. But if you think realistically, then you just need to do all the lessons on time and submit everything accordingly on time. During lessons (and it is not advisable to skip them), you need to listen carefully to the teacher and write down everything in a timely manner. Also, during lessons, the teacher’s questions should be answered as often as possible.

    To be a successful student and do well at school, you need to listen carefully in class to what the teacher says, complete various tasks. After that, listen carefully to how to do your homework and successfully prepare it at home. Here, the main thing is not to be lazy, but to do everything.

    It is important not to miss school classes. Only if due to illness.

    Do everything systematically and then you will definitely get good grades at school.

    It is also advisable to study additionally yourself (if suddenly something is missing in your knowledge). And also read literature recommended by the teacher in the summer.

    Some schoolchildren believe that some subjects at school will not be useful to them in life. They reason like this: why should I study mathematics if I am a humanist and my future profession will have nothing to do with it? This is why schoolchildren are lazy and neglect those subjects that they consider unimportant or too difficult, because for them, sometimes physical education and technology are nicer than learning foreign languages ​​and understanding the laws of physics.

    To study well, you need to understand that there are no useless or unnecessary subjects, that any knowledge is good, because erudite people are always held in high esteem, no matter what they say. Studying is the same part of life as rest, it is a ticket to the future.

    To do well in school, you need to follow the main rule: do not neglect your studies. Laziness always haunts a person, so you often have to force yourself do homework. To deceive laziness, you need to set yourself a strict regime. After school, it doesn’t matter whether you study on the first or second shift - allow yourself to rest for no more than an hour. During this hour you can eat and lie down for a while. You shouldn’t turn on the TV or computer; they will drag you in for a long time. After resting, immediately begin writing lessons, starting with the most difficult ones. Do not leave the table until the written lessons are done. After this you can take a break for half an hour. And then do oral subjects. This mode will allow do well at school all the time, and not from case to case. If it so happens that a hole in knowledge has formed, then this hole needs to be plugged as quickly as possible, otherwise after a while the school curriculum will become too difficult. There is no need to be shy, you need to approach the teacher and honestly admit what exactly you don’t understand. The teacher will help you figure out the issue, and then you need to improve your studies yourself.

    In order to study well, you need to not cheat, you need to be able to listen to the teacher.

    Do homework, do assignments in class.

    All this is very easy to do for a week, a month, but when it comes to years, you need patience.

    The main thing is to have the desire to study well, and in no case be lazy! Studying is work. The rules of good study include: do not miss classes, listen to the teacher during lessons, and always do your homework. Do all tasks regularly and constantly, do not put anything off for later.

    Well, the most important thing here is to be a diligent and responsible student. Listen to all instructions from teachers, do homework diligently, raise your hand often, go to the blackboard, do not contradict teachers and participate in amateur activities.

    The main secret, as in any business, is LOVE.

    You must love this process so that learning itself brings joy and pleasure.

    And for this there is a second main secret - you need to PLAY while studying.

    But to win in this, as in any other game, you need to approach it seriously.

    After all, all these ratings are nothing more than game levels :)

    In addition, winning this game means nothing but prizes and pleasure.

    Honor and respect.

    And such a person will grow up and work effortlessly, everything will be in his hands.

    These rules are very simple. You must listen carefully to the teacher in class, try to understand him, and if it is not clear, ask. if not during class, then after it. This is already half the battle. If a child is predisposed to study, sometimes he has nothing to do at home. Well, at home, do everything that was assigned.

    In order to study well, you must first of all listen to the teacher in class and try not to be distracted. The information I learned during the lesson helped me out more than once, even in cases where I was not ready to answer. In addition, I used to read a lot, and this helped me successfully study in subjects such as literature and history, because I learned much of what we studied then much earlier from books. It’s also good to train your memory by memorizing texts, poems, etc.

According to statistics, out of several dozen students, there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to study at school. We invite you to read the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force you to study, memorize and understand a topic if the student himself does not want it. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken a student’s interest in science.

Why is good academic performance necessary?

As a rule, while studying in elementary school, children do not yet realize the importance of knowledge of science. Understanding this comes closer to graduation, starting in grades 8-9. The fact is that every student has to pass a final exam, which will play a decisive role in future education, and sometimes in their career. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to gently and politely explain why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot has been missed, but you want to keep up?

Very often, before final exams, students begin to think about the difficult trials ahead. They understand how lucky those who study with straight A's are.

But it is impossible to catch up with excellent students in just a few months. Time has passed. In fact, you can ask for help from a teacher you trust, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How to study better

What is the best way to do well in school for someone who is behind? There are simple tips for this:

  • listen to the teacher's words;
  • ask your loved ones to tell you something on a given topic;
  • read more about the science/subject yourself;
  • start over from the beginning or from where performance declined.

In this case, it will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

There are different types of teachers: those who can explain well and those who tell practically nothing. You need to be prepared for this. If you cannot understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own and consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, or rather “teach yourself.”

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it’s better to rest a little: lie down, chat with your family, or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

About 1 hour will be enough. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if you don’t have the desire and strength. In addition, you should not waste time on computer games or the Internet, as all this can distract you for a long time.

When you feel rested, start studying. You can, for example, sit on the sofa and read a paragraph on history or a given novel on literature. And various calculations and all written work are best done at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • understand the meaning of the text;
  • imagine information mentally;
  • re-read again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat it to yourself and check the textbook. If you don’t remember anything, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why, no matter how hard you try, nothing works?

But there is also the other side of the coin: they memorized (a formula in physics or a definition in social studies), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. You can even find video tutorials on a particular topic.

What is the best way to study at school if you can’t study despite your best will? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Don’t be afraid to approach the teacher before or after class to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often children have a dislike for certain subjects. But you need to study so that your overall final grades are impeccable. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like history because there are so many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are schoolchildren who like to study at school because they strive to learn some topic through experience. From the same history, for example, we study the reign of Empress Catherine II. You can visit the museum or see paintings associated with the reign of this great woman.

For mathematics you don't like, you should find easier equations and practice and solve them in several ways. And then we get to the hard stuff. Making graphs is also a fun activity.

What good will come from successful studies?

Above we discussed how to study better at school. Now let’s answer the question: why should you be successful in your studies? Will it be useful in life? It is better to answer this question from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, he does not worry about every test or independent work, and is not afraid of speaking. He is happy, he likes everything and everything comes easy to him. For ten years he has treated school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This moral attitude will help you realize your career.

Independent analysis of the material

Man is born to learn more about the world around him on his own. If you don’t start from childhood, it will be very difficult in adulthood. So let's talk about how to teach students to learn, that is, to teach themselves.

This topic will be especially relevant for those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what happened at school. Next, you should open the textbook and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then the new material should also go well. You shouldn’t look for excuses like: “I was sick, I don’t know anything.” Try to figure it out on your own

Should I hire a tutor?

How to improve school performance in more convenient and time-efficient ways?

If studying is not going well at all, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. He will help you deal with any material in the shortest possible time. But the responsibility still lies with the student: the material must be memorized and the essence of what is being studied must be understood. Only in this case will the tutor have guarantees that the student will become a good or excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are children doing at school these days? In past decades and even centuries, it was difficult to obtain the necessary material. At the moment, any book and even an essay can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.

The new school year has begun, and with it school friends, parties, registrations and other serious autumn matters have returned to our lives. In such conditions, it can be difficult to force yourself to study well, plus bad weather, increasingly complex school curriculum material, and the massive release of new cool games and films after the summer. But don’t despair if you no longer have grades from school higher than C, or even if you never did. We will tell you how to start doing well at school - in fact, anyone can do it, if they want.

What does it take to study straight A's?

1. Make studying your priority.

In a person’s life, a big role is played by his system of priorities - what is more important to him, what comes second, what comes last, etc. If you've never studied particularly well, then most likely it just doesn't seem that important to you. Of course, it’s more important to catch a new Pokemon or vape with friends in the hallway. But by devoting more time and attention to your lessons, thereby moving them a little higher from the penultimate place, you will definitely begin to learn better.

2. Create yourself a comfortable workplace where you would do your homework.

A comfortable desk with everything you need and no unnecessary distractions is already half the success. But many do their homework at the same table where there is a computer with games, contacts and other entertainment. Well, how can you study here when you can already see how with this very mouse you are pointing the crosshairs at someone’s head? Or there is no normal table at all, and writing on your knees is not very convenient.

Therefore, allocate a place for a working desk, and your academic performance will go uphill, provided that you also allocate time for it.

3. Challenge yourself in class.

If you more or less know the material discussed in the lesson, then do not sit on the last desk, slouched in the hope of remaining unnoticed this time. Better ask yourself - “Hey, weakling, is it necessary to shake with fear in every lesson? Are you weak to raise your hand and answer right now?” Be interactive, interact with the teacher, respond. Thus, you take yourself out of your comfort zone, where there is no growth and progress.

4. Concentrate on the lesson.

Concentration is also a very important thing. When you listen to the words of the sensei during lessons and do not hear any other voices, wisdom comes to you. Refuse to sit at the same desk with a hooligan - a naughty person, turn off your mobile phone. Better sit down with a strict, good girl. At the same time, prepare yourself for graduation.

5. Motivate yourself the right way.

Surely there are much more interesting things in the world than Vieta’s theorem and quadratic equations. So promise yourself something nice after you've dealt with them - for example, an hour of binge playing your favorite shooter, hanging out in the yard with friends, or a walk with your beloved.

Parents can also participate in your motivational program. If they agree to generously pay you for A's and B's, then your motivation to study will skyrocket, and you will begin really good at school. Checked!

Another way to motivate is to “battle” with a classmate to determine the number of good grades. The loser fulfills the winner's wish, gives away the item or performs any action provided for in the dispute.

6. Understand that all subjects studied are important.

If you think logical equations (which you take in computer science instead of working with computers) are completely stupid and unnecessary in life, then you are right. However, they also have benefits - they train your intellect. In general, the entire school curriculum is designed for this - to give your brain the ability to work, and in different areas.

Having accepted the importance of each of the objects, your brain will stop resisting perceiving them, and you will finally start studying with straight A's.

7. If you have a gap in your knowledge of the program, fill it as soon as possible.

It is true when they say that without knowledge of this formula it will be impossible to continue. If you were sick for days on end, and now you see that the program has moved ahead and you don’t understand anything, don’t be shy! Go to the teacher and tell him that you have a gap and don’t understand something. They will tell you what you need to do to catch up.

It’s not a bad idea to return to the material you’ve already studied on your own. Repetition of what you have learned well structures the knowledge in your head and helps you better understand it.

8. Don’t put off studying until later.

It’s better to do all your homework during the day - right after you get home from school, because at this time the brain thinks better and is most active (unless you are a pronounced night owl.) Quickly scribble down your homework, and that’s it! Total benefit:

  • The rest of the day is free for your favorite things
  • We did our homework and it was immediately a weight off our shoulders. It's easier to have fun when things are done.
  • No gloomy thoughts about having to do homework.
  • Better self-discipline, and therefore better academic performance

9. Monitor your own ability to work.

If you find yourself looking at a book and not perceiving anything at all, then make sure that it is not an Indian-Chinese phrasebook. If this is still your textbook with homework, then it’s time to take a break. All the same, you won’t advance one iota, so it’s better to spend your time usefully.

As soon as you begin to understand that your head has stopped thinking, stop, do something else for ten minutes or lie down, and then go back to battle!

Regular and proper nutrition, as well as good sleep, are the basis of your ability to work.

10. Love school.

They say that even in a fly in the ointment there is a barrel of honey. Try to find and emphasize for yourself the positive features of your school, teachers, classmates and the subjects you study. Of course, it sounds like something impossible to love studying. But we have no other choice - we still have to study. So it's better to do it in love. Well, or at least say that you study only because you like it, and not because you were told so.

How to study better at school: tips

  • Find purpose and meaning in studying well.First, you need to decide why you need to study better. This is especially true for those who are forced to study by adults. You need a goal that will be important specifically for you: to go where you want, but where there is a lot of competition; become the best in class, attract someone's attention; receive praise and approval from parents; make your teachers respect you, etc. Awareness of this goal should already suggest how to force yourself to study.
  • Write down specific tasks- what you need to do to study better. Divide this global goal into small ones: “do 4 homework in mathematics, write a literature test for 5, learn to calculate integral equations” and so on. The smaller and more specific the task, the easier it is to complete it and the easier it is for you to understand how best to study at school and what to do for it.
  • Go to all classes- At school, truancy is treated very strictly. But even if you miss classes for a good reason, ask your classmates what happened in class; Ask your teacher what you can read on this topic and go through the missed material yourself.
  • Don't get distracted during lessons- being distracted, you miss important material and comments on it. You can be distracted by a friend who sits next to you and always strives to quickly tell you the latest joke; on a phone with games, SMS, ICQ, or free Internet access; player; console and much more. Knowing what things distract you, it is better not to take them with you to school, not to bother them in class, and to sit away from your friend, if possible explaining what you are doing and why. If there is nothing interesting around you, nothing that can distract you, perhaps the lesson itself will become interesting to you.
  • Another way to do well in school islisten carefully to the teacher- listen not only to the rules and tasks, but also to what he says about them. Often students' attention is focused only at the words "test", "homework" or "grade for the quarter", but the teacher usually has a good understanding of his material, he may mention a way in which the problem can be solved more easily or talk about small details of the author's life. Such little things may go unnoticed, or they may be remembered and useful to you in the exam.
  • Ask questions - not all teachers like questions; some may react sharply to a request to repeat or explain again. If something is not clear to you, try to soften the question, make it clarifying, ask about something specific. If something is unclear, not only the teacher can help you, you can ask your classmates for help; a classmate who understands the topic can sometimes tell it to you better than the teacher, because he will explain it in your language, and not in terms from a textbook.
  • Complete tasks- do not copy them from others or from textbooks, decide for yourself. Homework is given for a reason, their task is to consolidate your knowledge, so it is best if you complete the task on the very day when it is assigned. Firstly, it will be easier, because you have just covered the material, and you remember it well, and you know how to solve things. Secondly, you will actually be able to consolidate new material in your memory, and not painfully remember and learn to do everything again later. Thirdly, by repeating, you develop skills, “get your hands on”, the more problems of a certain type you solve, the easier it will be to solve such problems after some time.
  • Structure your time- if during the day after school you need to go to the sports section, language courses, do homework and meet with friends, do homework first. The number of things that still need to be done will spur you on, and you will work faster. Knowing how much you have to do, you won’t be so lazy anymore.
  • These tips will help you do better in school only if you want it yourself. Good luck!

If you are a school student or a student at an institute or other educational institution, then you know from your own experience that studying is a difficult task, and that forcing yourself to study is very difficult. It is doubly difficult to sit down with textbooks and notebooks if the weather outside is wonderful, friends are inviting you to join them in their games, and in general, there are a lot of things to do that are much more fun and interesting. Meanwhile, there are ways in which you can motivate even the most careless students to study well.

How to start studying well? There are several answers to this question. One of the methods of motivation is motivation with money. Invite your parents to introduce a reward system for you. To do this, you can propose the following scheme: in the first and second weeks you do not receive any money from them. If during this period all your assessments turn out to be positive, you will begin to be paid the previously agreed upon amount of pocket money. If your performance does not drop over the next two weeks, your pocket money will increase. Two more successful weeks means another promotion, but if you get at least one “C”, everything starts from scratch.

Another An option on how to start studying well is to argue with your classmates. Choose a partner who has approximately the same level of knowledge and also wants to improve his situation. Argue about which of you can improve your performance the most. According to the terms of the bet, the one whose average score for the specified period is lower will have to respond to some offensive nickname invented by the winner for a certain time.

Very good results in your studies can be achieved when you learn to find pleasant moments in this process. It’s quite simple to turn a routine sitting at textbooks into an exciting process, the main thing is to be able to use your imagination and ingenuity for this.

A powerful argument in favor of good study can be the desire to become a specialist in any profession. As a rule, everyone wants to become a lawyer, manager or financier after graduating from school and college, but in order to master these professions, you must have a certain amount of knowledge. Knowing clearly what you want to become in the future, it will be easier for you to prioritize and pay more attention to those sciences that are more important to achieving your goal.

Try to develop a daily routine for yourself and learn to strictly follow it.

The schedule should be designed in such a way that it takes into account your classes at school, a short rest after them, doing homework and preparing for lessons, visiting clubs and sections, as well as time for walks. By strictly following the points of your routine, you will begin to manage everything, and all your activities will not seem so difficult to you. Once you get used to living at this pace, you will begin to learn better, putting in much less effort.

The following statement may seem contradictory, but, nevertheless, in order to study well, you need to get more rest. Each person has his own limit of endurance and perception. A person in a state of fatigue is practically unable to perceive new information, which means he needs to rest, and the best form of rest is healthy sleep. If sleep does not help you cope with overwork, then find time to take walks in the fresh air or do some distracting and relaxing activities.

A very good way to improve your academic performance is to try to imitate someone. Find someone you would really like to be like. Study all the available information about him, especially about how he studied at school, and try to study as well as or even better than your idol. It is important that the candidate for the title of your idol is correct and positive, otherwise you may turn into an antisocial person, and your grades will become even worse.

Another recommendation to anyone who is thinking about how to start studying better, is to never put off doing homework. This will not only allow you to start studying well, but will also give you more free time for all your other activities.

Armed with our tips and starting to implement at least some of them, you will be able to see from your own experience that studying can be interesting, the main thing is to find the right approach to it.



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