What does Sustanon do? Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market

If fifteen years ago you could only learn about bodybuilding from foreign magazines, then in modern times it is the most popular topic. After all, the standard of superhumans today is an attractive smile, a stylish appearance and a body toned to the level of beautiful, sculpted muscle lines.

Yes, today many people strive to achieve the ideal of perfection, working out for many hours in gyms to keep up with time and success. But not everyone can immediately enjoy the positive results.

Sport is a complex thing, no matter how you look at it, requiring strength, patience and free daily time for yourself. And so for many, a beautiful body would have remained a dream if anabolics had not come to the rescue, which today are widely used as one of the effective ingredients in healthy sports nutrition, suitable for both professional athletes and those who like to lift barbells and weights.

Many experts highly praise various types of anabolic steroids in their reviews. However, this does not mean that they do not have any side effects and do not carry any negative consequences. A beautiful body with the help of specialized programs becomes a reality for many, but there are also those who, due to the desire to become beautiful and athletic, lose their health.

What is sports pharmacology?

Taking anabolic steroids during training and for a certain period of time during sports is called sports pharmacology in professional language. Yes, these are medications that tend to have a positive effect on the growth of muscle mass, making it exquisitely attractive.

The mechanism of anabolic steroids works at the level of hormones and metabolic processes, so you should be extremely careful when taking them and take them only as directed by a trainer or as recommended in the instructions.

Anabolic steroids increase the body's endurance at the physiological level, develop mental balance, and cause rapid recovery of sore muscles after grueling workouts.

In modern times, Sustanon is a particularly popular drug in the bodybuilding community. Reviews about it are numerous. This drug is not some kind of new product, no, it’s just that now it has become more accessible to those who want to radically change their appearance. How? Or at least like this, as shown in the photo below.

Do you feel the difference? And this is precisely the work of the drug “Sustanon”. Reviews from many athletes contain photographic evidence of its significant effect on the body, which leads to such beauty of the body.

Many people, admiring the results of those who boast of their achievements thanks to this drug, advise purchasing it and certainly using it in personal practice. Just first you need to figure out what kind of drug it is, what its properties are and how much it costs, and also be sure to study the rules for taking it so as not to harm your health.

What is the drug "Sustanon 250"?

It is the most common anabolic steroid, including several types of testosterone. The international company for the production of medicinal pharmacological drugs "Organon" developed it for the treatment of people, in particular men, who have a decreased production of the main anabolic hormone - endogenous testosterone.

Despite the purpose of this product in medical practice, it has been used quite successfully in the field of bodybuilding for more than ten years. And the essence of this success of the drug “Sustanon 250”, reviews of which are filled with consumer delight, is the rapid and prolonged release of testosterone. What does this mean? Let's look below in more detail to understand the essence.

The main effect of the drug

So, the composition of the product “Sustanon”, reviews of athletes about which contain recommendations for many who want to achieve the result of a beautiful pumped up toned body, includes propionate (30 mg), phenypropionate (60 mg), isocaproate (60 mg) and decanoate (100 mg) . Each of these substances exhibits its effect over a certain period of time. So, propionate and phenypropionate act in the first week after injection, isocaproate - from the first to second weeks, but the effect of decanoate is the longest - more than a month. That is why the drug “Sustanon”, reviews of which are so obviously positive, is characterized as a fast and at the same time long-lasting anabolic.

Many professionals emphasize that this product was not specifically developed to increase muscle mass; you need to know and understand this. It is prescribed for testicular dysfunction, osteoporosis, diseases of the male genital organs, and adrenogenital disorders. So there may still be possible side effects from taking it. No one is immune from this. Even a beautiful picture with the achieved result does not guarantee full health for you. Therefore, before making the final decision to increase muscle mass using anabolic injections, seriously consider all the risks.

Despite the availability of medicine to everyone, among the samples there are very often fakes that do not please with their effect. Reviews from many consumers advise purchasing the drug “Sustanon” in specialized sports nutrition stores. Original products of the Organon company are produced in paper packaging with a specific company logo. If an ampoule is offered for sale without instructions, it is an obvious fake, especially if it has a red inscription.

The effect of the drug "Sustanon", reviews of which contain information about the excellent results of athletes, is to increase muscle mass, increase physical endurance by several times, accelerate the regeneration of muscle tissue after intense training, enhance hematopoiesis, perform an anti-catabolic effect, increase appetite, as well as influence on increased libido.

Of course, the first three components are of greater interest to many men. The level of anabolic hormones in the blood is maintained in an optimal ratio for a month. And all this just thanks to a few injections a week.

Possible side effects from using the drug "Sustanon 250"

The product is injected into the body and is effective for a month. At the same time, you need to maintain proper nutrition and train intensively. By itself, muscle mass will not grow and will not turn into beautiful abs. Despite all the advantages of the drug "Sustanon 250", reviews from athletes who positively describe the miraculous method of achieving body relief, its use is fraught with side effects. Which ones? And playing with the physiology of the body at the hormonal level can result in acne throughout the body, a stop in the body’s production of testosterone as such, irritability, increased oily skin, water retention in the body, impaired liver function, the formation of lumps at injection sites, sexual disorders up to atrophy testicles.

If you can still come to terms with acne, then you can hardly come to terms with the loss of male strength. So before you decide to use the product, you should think carefully.

The use of the steroid "Sustanon 250" in bodybuilding: reviews

Professional athletes are not afraid of side effects, since they undergo programs with this drug under the strict supervision of trainers who regulate dosages and can prescribe combined courses with other anabolic steroids.

Athletes leave positive reviews about the drug “Sustanon 250”. Bodybuilding is a sport that creates beautiful, sculpted bodies through intense training. In this case, safe, original, high-quality steroids are always used. A big bet is placed on the product of the Organon company.

If you evaluate reviews of the Sustanon product, bodybuilding focuses on several pharmacological courses with this long-term anabolic steroid.

The concept of a cycle using steroids

Before using anabolic steroids, the health status of athletes is assessed. Despite the numerous reviews about the product "Sustanon", bodybuilding notes such people for whom it is contraindicated.

The course refers to the number of injections of certain drugs and their frequency in order to achieve a specific sports goal.

Course one - gaining muscle mass

It is aimed at increased muscle growth. The drug is used only after a man has reached the age of 21, when the hormonal system is formed as such.

This course lasts fourteen weeks. In three months, athletes gain up to fifteen kilograms of muscle mass. A rather impressive indicator is provided by the Sustanon course. Reviews about it recommend combining it with drugs such as Gonadotropin and Methandrostenolone.

The sequence of injections is as follows:

  • the first 14 days - the drug “Sustanon 250” in the amount of 250 mg is administered once a week and the drug “Methandrostenolone” in the amount of 20 mg is administered daily;
  • 15th - 28th day - Sustanon 250 in the amount of 500 mg per week and 40 mg of Methandrostenolone daily;
  • 29th - 42nd day - Sustanon 250 in the amount of 750 mg per week and 60 mg of Methandrostenolone daily;
  • 43rd - 56th day - Sustanon 250 in the amount of 500 mg per week and 40 mg of Methandrostenolone daily;
  • 57th - 70th day - Sustanon 250 in the amount of 250 mg per week and 20 mg of Methandrostenolone daily;
  • 71st - 84th day - 20 mg of Methandrostenolone is administered daily;
  • the last two weeks - 20 mg per week of Gonadotropin.

Course two - gaining dry mass

Lasts sixteen weeks. Through proper use, it is possible to achieve the required body weight without fat, that is, gain dry mass. In this case, increased venousness and muscle definition on the athlete’s body are observed. This course is supplemented with the drugs Nandrolone, Primabolan and Winstrol.

Injections are performed in the following order:

  • first week - 250 mg of Sustanon 250 per week and 200 mg of Nandrolone per week are administered;
  • second week - 500 mg of Sustanon 250 per week and 300 mg of Nandrolone per week;
  • from the third to the sixth week - 500 mg of Sustanon 250 per week and 200 mg of Nandrolone per week;
  • from the seventh to the ninth week - 250 mg of Sustanon 250 per week and 100 mg of Nandrolone per week;
  • tenth week - 100 mg per week of Primabolan and Winstrol are administered;
  • from the eleventh to the fifteenth week - 150 mg of Primabolan and 200 mg of Winstrol per week;
  • last week - 100 mg per week of Primabolan and Winstrol.

Course three - “Sustanon solo”

This program lasts eight weeks. It is simplified compared to the first two courses. Injections are given weekly with the addition of Gonadotropin. The dosage from 250 mg is gradually increased to 500 mg.

It is this course that non-professionals often rely on, deciding that they can achieve body definition like professional bodybuilders. At the same time, you need to understand that amateur activities can increase the risk of side effects. So the “Sustanon solo” course is recommended by many reviews to be taken under the supervision of specialists in this matter.

Normal production of testosterone by the body begins after three weeks of completion of the course, while you should adhere to a specialized diet and consume sports nutrition products that help normalize the physiological processes of the body.

Combined course “Deca + Sustanon”

Many athletes, in solving the problem of building muscle mass, rely on “Deca + Sustanon” - a course, reviews of which are also positive, but they note not a rapid increase in muscle mass, but a gradual one. It lasts twelve weeks. In this course, the main drug is Deca-Durabolin, and Sustanon 250 is only an addition.

What should you pay attention to when taking anabolic steroids?

The pharmacological group of steroids are drugs designed to regulate hormones in the body, increase their presence and their long-term effect on metabolic processes at the molecular level. They should only be used under the supervision of a competent trainer.

Is there a line between necessity and dependence on anabolic steroids?

The use of steroids is voluntary. This is not prohibited by law. Many high professional athletes do not refuse injection hormonal stimulation of the body's endurance. Many of the anabolic steroids are classified as prohibited doping substances that are not used during sports competitions. But they can be used for the perfection of the body by every person.

The main thing is not to get too carried away with such pharmacological support, since exceeding doses only brings a person closer to the manifestation of unwanted side effects from the steroids taken.

If you analyze the reviews about the drug “Sustanon”, its price suits many. Depending on the manufacturer, it varies from 200 to 2000 rubles. Trainers recommend using only the original product and not giving in to the temptation to buy the drug too cheap.

Professionals do not advise starting to use anabolic steroids during training if the fear of side effects is too high.

Contents of the article:

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones produced by the male body. If testosterone levels are low, various disorders occur in the body, such as bad mood, apathy, decreased libido and prolonged depression. To prevent this from happening, you need to undergo examinations from time to time, eat right and exercise.

But sometimes all this is not enough to constantly be in a good and cheerful state. What to do? What drug can increase the level of the main male hormone in the blood? The answer is simple - Sustanon.

Sustanon in bodybuilding

Sustanon is the most popular anabolic steroid in the modern world, as it includes four testosterone esters. This includes testosterone enanthate, propionate, and even cypionate. This “explosive” mixture is highly appreciated by athletes, since Sustanon begins to act almost immediately after entering the body. Thanks to this drug, the result remains for quite a long time (several weeks after finishing the solo course of treatment).

The anabolic steroid Sustanon is great for building muscle mass, as it has a strong androgenic and anabolic effect. The effect can be felt the very next day after starting to use the drug. Thanks to Sustanon, excess water does not accumulate in the body, so many athletes speak only positively about this steroid, and also note a surge of strength and rapid muscle growth.

Sustanon does not aromatize like enanthate and cypionate, so it has virtually no side effects. And if they do, in most cases it is from an overdose of the drug. One thing can be said for sure: bodybuilders give their preference to Sustanon.

What causes the long-term effect of using Sustanon? This is explained by the fact that each component contained in the drug has a different absorption time into the body. It is also very good that Sustanon can be taken quite rarely, but its effects will still be amazing. Most athletes take 250–1000 mg for 7 days, most often somewhere around 500 mg. Sustanon can be combined with another anabolic steroid, or taken as a solo course, but orally - this way they will complement each other perfectly.

This drug can also be used to treat people who have lost a lot of weight during a serious illness (cancer, hepatitis, etc.). This drug gives athletes a lot of strength for training. For better results, you can also add deca-durabolin to the Sustanon cycle. It is often well tolerated, but some bodybuilders still sometimes experience side effects.

Solo course Sustanon 250

Sustanon has many more advantages than disadvantages. Many athletes loved him. And for good reason, because the results after use are simply impressive. So, what are the benefits of Sustanon?
  1. Thanks to Sustanon, muscle mass increases quickly. The result can be seen literally the next day after the start of use.
  2. After using the drug, athletes noticeably increase their appetite. This is especially good for those who are used to eating little by little.
  3. Sustanon increases the level of red blood cells in the blood, and because of this, better endurance is ensured. Sexual attraction to the opposite sex increases.
The anabolic steroid Sustanon is an excellent drug, after use, which almost never has any side effects. And if they do happen, then only when the athlete takes too large doses during the course.

Sustanon 250: side effects

The negative consequences that any artificial testosterone has is that it can “reincarnate” into estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone, so if there is a lot of it in the male body, the male body will develop according to the female type, that is, acquire feminization. In order to avoid this, you need to simultaneously take drugs that suppress the production of estrogen. This could be Tamoxifen, Anastrozole and others.

In case of an overdose, men may stop producing their male hormone in the body, that is, they become addicted to this form. There have also been cases when testicular atrophy occurred in the stronger sex. But all this can be easily avoided if the course of using Sustanon solo does not last more than two months. With longer-term use, it is necessary to take drugs with an anti-estrogenic effect.

There may also be androgenic side effects, such as:

  • the appearance of acne or pimples;
  • baldness;
  • prostate problems.
Some athletes experienced an increase in temperature while taking Sustanon.

But once again it is worth noting that all side effects appear when an overdose of the drug occurs, or when the athlete was prescribed a large dose. With the right approach to this matter, side effects can be avoided.

Female athletes can take testosterone, but not long-acting. Therefore, Sustanon is not suitable for them, as signs of virilization may appear. Some representatives of the fair sex are not afraid of this. On the contrary, they want to look impressive in bodybuilding competitions, which is why they take various forms of testosterone.

But if this concerns Sustanon, then in no case is it recommended to use more than 250 mg per week. And the course itself should last no more than 6 weeks. These rules must be followed so that irreversible consequences do not occur in the female body.

Beginners should not take Sustanon alone or combined with other substances. In general, at first it is better for them not to even think about anabolic steroids, since in the first stages of sports they are useless.

When using Sustanon, the liver is not damaged, although in cases of overdose, an increase in all indicators of this organ was noted. But as soon as the course is completed, everything falls into place again. The liver copes well with testosterone, this is even mentioned in the book on prohibited substances (dopings), written by Dirk Claesing and Manfred Donicke. The book also states that a small rat liver (just 2g) can handle 100mg of the drug.

How to take Sustanon 250

The drug is intended exclusively for intramuscular administration. Dosages of a solo course for beginners range from 250 mg to 500 mg for 7 days. As a rule, experienced athletes use 500 mg and above. It all depends on individual characteristics and goals.

The optimal course duration for beginners is up to three months. If the specified period is exceeded, Gonadotropin and estrogen blockers must be included. These include Proviron and Letrozole.

Where to buy Sustanon

Nowadays it is common to purchase Sustanon. You can buy it in many places, but you need to take into account that many of the drugs offered are not real Sustanon. These are so-called fakes, which can be of high quality or not.

You should know that Sustanon ampoules must come with a paper label. If you are offered ampoules without it, then it is a fake drug. The most common counterfeit drug is called Omnadren. This is a good option, but still it is not Sustanon.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is which manufacturer is indicated on the packaging of the anabolic steroid. The company that produces Sustanon is called Organon, and nothing else. The original drug is becoming increasingly difficult to find these days. But the black market offers Sustanon 250 (Portugal), Sustanon 250 (Holland), Sustanon 250 (Russia) and a similar drug from India as a replacement.

This product has a positive effect on the body and is also well tolerated by athletes. This means that it is manufactured according to all the rules. Sustanon in Russia must be sold in plastic packaging, which will indicate the name of the drug, manufacturer, and chemical composition. Foil or just white paper can be used for text. Each ampoule in the pack is separately packaged.

Sustanon: price

The average price of one ampoule of Sustanon 250 in the CIS countries is from 3 to 4 dollars. If it's a 10ml/300mg keg, you'll have to pay $30 or $40. The exact numbers depend on the manufacturer and the amount of active ingredient per 1 ml.

Video about the use of Sustanon 250:

It is worth paying your attention to the good predisposition of this steroid in terms of gaining muscle mass and strength. Proper use of Sustanon 250 will always be effective in gaining mass and strength. This drug is considered inexpensive, but very effective and is used by both beginners and serious professionals. Of course, the result obtained cannot be classified as high quality, but the muscle gain will look somewhat better than from Methane or Deca. If you want to get quick and long-lasting results from the purchased anabolic steroid, then your choice should be to order ready-made course for mass Sustanon .

Initially, the drug was used exclusively for medical purposes, but its anabolic capabilities could not go unnoticed by the great bodybuilders. In the 60s - 80s, the choice of anabolic steroids for rapid weight gain was not great, and the emergence of such a highly effective drug as Sustanon gave many advantages to every athlete. If taking Methane or Deca at the initial stage is considered ineffective, then Sustanon can please you with a large surge of strength and endurance after the first injections. This really makes it possible to quickly start a course and get results from the first week, without waiting for the drugs to accumulate in the body.

For such a quick effect when taken correctly, Sustanon 250 is always chosen by security forces. After all, conducting a simple course before the competition and even on the day of the competition gives a huge advantage over your competitors. Strength and endurance increase enormously, forcing the athlete to perform at the peak of his capabilities.

How and when to inject Sustanon

Regardless of which manufacturer you like better: Organon, Iran, Balkans, Vermoji, Golden Dragon, British, it’s always the same drug, it’s just that each athlete has his own personal beliefs about the quality of the product. We can definitely say that try to buy the original Sustanon and regardless of the company you choose, it will work.

Regardless of whether you bought a course for weight or strength, taking the drug will help you get both. A lot depends on your training and proper nutrition. Thus, you can control all weight gain processes. Try to maintain your diet more correctly and do not focus on carbohydrate intake, but pay attention to increasing the consumption of high-protein foods. This will help you get better quality muscles, without the accumulation of excess fat mass.

A course of taking Sustanon 250 for mass and strength will definitely give its results and will not go unnoticed. The drug has a high anabolic effect, which is equal to 100% of testosterone and exactly the same androgenic effect on the athlete’s body. It is worth noting that aromatization will also be present and fluid retention manifests itself differently in everyone. The peculiarity of your body plays a more important role here, because some athletes have dry muscles, while others have somewhat watery muscles. This trouble can be dealt with very simply.

Solo course of taking Susta

For a solo course, it is better to order 1 bottle per 10 cubes of Sustanon, it will be good for money and no worse for ampoules of 1 cube. It will last you 5 weeks; this course duration is considered safe even for beginners. 10 cubes of the drug will last you for 5 weeks, calculating the frequency of intramuscular injections 2 times a week, 1 cube at a time. It turns out that we put 1 cube on Monday and 1 cube on Thursday, you can choose other days with an equal interval and continue this throughout the course.

This dosage is considered safe and effective, so it will be most suitable for beginners. To avoid fluid retention and prevent possible side effects, you can buy Proviron and include it in the course itself, 1 tablet until the end of the course. This really helps to suppress the aromatization process and eliminate many unpleasant aspects, in particular gynecomastia.

Do not forget that taking Sustanon 250 involves the use of 4 types of different testosterones and you will definitely encounter suppression of your own production of the male hormone. It is worth noting that any anabolic steroid exhibits its activity in suppressing its own testosterone. This is influenced by the steroid you choose, dosage and duration of the course itself.

Definitely, after stopping taking any anabolic steroid, our body will begin to gradually restore its hormone to its previous level, but this process can drag on for many months. It is worth considering the fact that Sustanon is eliminated from the body no faster than 3 months. That is why you should take this fact into account if doping control is inevitable.

After a course of Sustanon, you can buy Clomid to restore your own testosterone production. He copes with this task perfectly, as evidenced by the treatment options for athletes who complete their course of steroids. At least 10 days after stopping the course, you can start taking Clomid 1 tablet. for 20 days. This is an excellent option for quickly restoring the body after taking Sustanon 250 for strength and mass.

If you have additional questions about this drug or course, you can contact us. Phone numbers are listed at the top of our website. We will be happy to help you find and choose the best drug, as well as provide full consultation on the correct course of administration.

The steroid drug Sustanon is an excellent powerful androgen that has a long period of work inside the athlete’s body. Sustanon solo courses are preferred by professional bodybuilders who have experience in taking steroid courses that are lighter in terms of effects on the body. The drug contains 4 different testosterone esters. Since each of them comes into play at its own time, this drug is able to work for a long time on increasing the athlete’s muscles, forming a dry, dense and hard profile, increasing physical strength, endurance and speed.

In addition to purchasing a high-quality original drug from a well-known manufacturer (Balkan Pharma and Organon have good reviews), it is important to eat right. At least 4 - 5 times a day, including in the diet foods that supply protein, reducing the number of those rich in fats and carbohydrates. The standard working dosage of Sustanon is 250 - 500 mg. This is the contents of 1 - 2 ampoules of the product. Sustanon 250 and its intake with malt should be the second or third in the athlete’s practice. To reduce aromatization, during the course you should take the drug Proviron together with the steroid. Its dosage should be 1, maximum 2 tablets per day. Then it is guaranteed to be possible to reduce aromatization to a minimum and reduce fluid retention throughout the body. Proviron will also help you avoid such unpleasant side effects as gynecomastia.

Dosages according to the course of Sustanon 250

Sustanon for beginners in salt use should start with 1 ampoule per week. It needs to be heated and an injection into the gluteal muscle is given in the evening, injecting the drug slowly. Security forces often use 2-4 ampoules individually. This amount of androgen per week helps them increase physical power and recover faster after intense training. An athlete with little experience is recommended to consult a specialist, undergo a medical examination, and consult with a trainer before starting the course. And also start with the minimum safe dosages of the drug, monitoring your body’s reaction to it.

The solo course is good both in the off-season and before the start of the new beach season. In practice, for each week of using the drug, it is possible to gain up to 2 kg of muscle mass. If you purchase a high-quality original steroid, eat 4-5 times a day, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates in your diet, and increasing the number of protein foods. It is important to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of clean still water. Tea, coffee and other drinks do not count. You also need to fully rest and get enough sleep, take pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes, try to avoid stress and be focused on getting the best possible result.

Sustanon solo - result, effect

In order for the Sustanon solo cycle to give even more impressive results, you can take the steroid in combination with Boldenone or Turinabol. Both drugs in one complex with Sustanon can guarantee an increase in strength and endurance, and build lean and impressive muscles. Specifically, injectable Trenbolone works in conjunction with Sustanon to build solid muscles. In this course, Sustanon will exhibit its characteristic androgenic activity, and Trenbolone will exhibit anabolic activity. This classic combined course has been providing athletes with a noticeable increase in muscle mass, power, endurance, and speed for many years, making them more self-confident and focused on achieving high results.

On PCT after a course of Susta, the drug Clomid has proven itself to be excellent. It will allow you to preserve the resulting muscles for a long time, preventing its destruction. The product will also work tirelessly to restore the body’s production of its own testosterone at a high level. Also, many pros take Clenbuterol after the course. This excellent fat burner, which initially showed itself in medicine as an effective remedy for asthmatics, will remove excess water from the physique, further shape your lean and beautiful muscles, and prevent catabolism. By following the steroid dosage regimen and performing high-quality and timely PCT, the athlete gets the opportunity not only to build solid and presentable muscles, to become an order of magnitude stronger and more resilient, but also to maintain the existing results for a long time.

Sustanon course is one of the most famous and popular AAS courses, which can be used for completely different purposes, but, as a rule, it is not used when working on strength indicators. The course of Sustanon, in general, is the basis for any “compote”, that is, this drug can be included in almost any pharmacological course. Powerlifters often use this AAS solo, since it itself contains 4 different testosterone esters, and in powerlifting, in general, testosterone plays a key role role. It’s clear that bodybuilding can’t do without a test, and all androgenic anabolic steroids are altered testosterone, but still in the arsenal of bo-di-bil-de-ra there is also insulin , somatotropin and synthol, which in power lifting is either not used at all, or is used exclusively as support. But keep in mind that steroids have side effects, so you should not use them without a doctor’s advice!

The course of Sustanon almost completely repeats omnadren course , especially now, when pre-pa-ra-you consist of the same ethers. If you compare the compositions of pre-para-tov, you will see that even the ratio of esters is the same, but sustanon is mixed with higher-quality oil, it is not the same “painful”, but it is more often under-de-ly-va-yut. Both pre-para-tas can now only be found on the black market, so you will have to make your choice of composite testosterone based on which pre-para-t you have The next dealer is better. You, of course, can experiment and try to get test-to-vi-ron, sustanon 100, equitest and others, but most likely you will not find such an e-zo-ti-ki , and the choice will have to be made between Sustanon 250 and Om-no-dre-nom 250. If your dealer offers the same quality of drugs, then the choice should be made in favor of the one that is cheaper.

Sustanon course: properties of the drug

Sustanon 250
is a composite testosterone, which consists of four esters: 30 mg prop-pio-na-ta, 60 mg phenylpropionate, 60 mg isocapronate and 100 mg decanoate. This combination of long and short esters allows you to quickly feel the effect of the drug and pro-long its effect, which together neutralizes steroid pitfalls. It is this property of sus-ta-no-na that allows it to be used both in combination with short and long ethers. However, it is best to give injections 2-3 times a week, so as not to simply reduce the spikes and dips in the steroid profile to a minimum, but to reduce it completely. tew. However, if you take a “compote” of three pre-pa-ts, two of which will be short, then Sustanon can be given once a week.

Regardless of whether the course of Sustanon is accompanied by long or short broadcasts, let’s start PCT necessary 3 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, so the course should be multi-part. For the first 6-8 weeks you take Sustanon, and then for another 3 weeks you put on short broadcasts so as not to waste time. The point is that if you start PCT right away, it will not give any effect, but if you wait 3 weeks, having canceled all the pre-pa-ra , the rollback after the course will be more significant. However, you should still take tamoxifen during the course, since such a large number of different esters can contribute to the formation of gyno. However, the other side effects of the juice are the same as those of all other steroids.

You can only take a course of Sustanon in the deep off-season, because, although the pre-para-t does not aro-ma-ti-zi-ru-et-sya as strongly as methane , but it can still fill with water. Moreover, if you have a competition coming up with doping control, then there can’t be any notification 5-6 weeks before the competition. speech. Not only does 5-6 weeks make up its formation time, but the drug can also linger in the body, especially , if it is a fake. Often, instead of Sustanon, om-na-dren is slipped in, which, due to the poor quality of the oil, can form lumps. Shi-shech-ki have their own cap-su-la-mi, in which the steroid is located, but they tend to open sooner or later . So it seems that you could have taken the pre-para-t 8 weeks ago, but in fact the last time it got into the blood was 4-5 weeks back, as a result of which you are dis-qua-li-fi-tsi-ro-va-li and li-shi-li of all titles.

How to make a course of Sustanon

Duration: 6-8 weeks, but after stopping Sustanon, you need another 3 weeks of injecting short esters, after which you can immediately start PCT.
Dosages: Effective dosages start at 300 mg per week and end at about 2000 mg, but for amateurs, 1000 mg per week is the limit.
Dosage frequency: Sustanon is a composite drug, that is, it contains both short and long esters, therefore, if you use Sustanon solo, or together with other long esters, then it should be used 2-3 times a week, if Sustanon is used with short esters , then the dosage range is between 1-2 per week.
Compote: Composite preparations can be used with any other esters, especially since sustanon can generally be the basis of any course, and security forces can even use it solo.



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