Cleaning the uterus after childbirth: the main consequences for a woman. Postpartum cleaning of the uterus Curettage after cesarean section consequences

Many women are afraid of panic cleaning after childbirth– a necessary and final procedure.

Childbirth for the female body is always a complex and quite difficult process, taking away strength and threatening all sorts of complications. Cleaning the uterus is a medical method that allows you to eliminate many postpartum complications, cleanse the uterine cavity of the placenta and preserve a woman’s health for many years.

How it is carried out and in what cases it is indicated, how to behave after this gynecological procedure will be discussed further.

Gynecological cleansing

When is uterine cleaning needed after childbirth?

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth is a measure to clean the uterine ducts. As gynecologists themselves note, a woman in her physiology gives birth twice in one visit to the maternity hospital. So the first time she gives birth to her baby, and the second time it is the placenta, in which the fetus grew and developed for all 9 months.

It is the placenta that does not leave the uterine cavity in a timely manner that can cause many complications and the reason for carrying out such a gynecological procedure as cleaning the uterus after childbirth.

According to many women in labor, they practically do not notice the placenta leaving her, because at that very moment they are already holding their baby in their arms and are captivated by the first minutes of communication with him. But as the practice of doctors shows, this does not always happen - in some cases the placenta grew so strongly to the uterus and came out of the woman’s body partially or did not come out at all.

In the gynecologist's office during surgery

In such cases, doctors prescribe a manual method of separation of the placenta - cleaning after childbirth, which helps to completely remove the placenta and is indicated both after natural birth and after cesarean section.

First of all, to determine whether this procedure is needed or not, the woman is checked using an ultrasound and if the results show remains of blood and placenta in the uterine cavity, then postpartum cleansing after the birth of the uterine cavity is prescribed.

How to cleanse after childbirth

Cleaning after childbirth - for many women this sounds intimidating, but the procedure itself is necessary and important. Suffice it to say that during a cesarean section, cleaning of the uterine cavity is carried out even more often than after a natural delivery process.

Due to the fact that particles of the fetal membrane remain in the uterine cavity after childbirth, they can decompose and rot, and an inflammatory process develops, which is dangerous for the woman.

The procedure is similar to the birth of a baby and the mechanism in this case is almost the same. However, if labor itself is prolonged and the woman does not have enough strength to push, the intensity of contraction of the uterine walls decreases accordingly. As a result, the placenta does not come out completely after birth and doctors have to separate it manually. But as a result, pieces of the placenta may still remain on the walls of the uterine cavity.

Consequences of postpartum uterine cleansing

In order to completely eliminate negative consequences and completely cleanse the uterine cavity, doctors practice postpartum cleansing. First of all, a woman undergoes an examination by a gynecologist on a gynecological chair, using gynecological speculum.

If necessary, an ultrasound of the uterine cavity is performed and, when pathology is diagnosed, a vacuum type of cleaning of the inner layer of the uterus is performed.

The planned operation itself to clean the uterine cavity lasts about 15-20 minutes, when the doctor applies a local or general type of anesthesia, observing all the norms of surgical intervention, the rules and regulations of asepsis, as well as antiseptics.

The gynecologist uses special instruments to dilate the uterus and then, using a special curette, scrapes the placenta layer from the walls of the uterus. The functional layer of the uterus, the endometrium, will gradually recover, just as the subsequent reproductive function of the uterus itself will be restored.

Reviews from women about postpartum cleaning

After gynecological cleansing, the woman must stay in the hospital for 2-3 days, under the supervision of doctors - during these days the woman’s condition is monitored, her body temperature and pulse are checked, what discharge comes from the female genital organs. Twice a day, morning and evening, women’s external genitalia are treated with a special antiseptic.

After cleaning, it is forbidden to use vaginal tampons and douching for at least 2 weeks, replace baths with showers, and refuse to visit baths and saunas. It is also worth limiting weight lifting and not going to the gym; vaginal sex is contraindicated. The cervix is ​​still open, and its mucous membrane is injured, and all this together creates favorable conditions for infection and therefore sex is prohibited in the next 13-14 days.

As a preventative measure, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics. The procedure itself for cleaning the uterine cavity from the remains of the placenta is quite painful - for some time the woman will feel pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar back. To relieve pain and prevent the formation of hematomas and blood clots, doctors may prescribe taking no-spa or aspirin.

Possible complications of postpartum cleansing

First of all, such consequences include hematometra - a fairly common complication after cleaning in the practice of gynecologists. This condition occurs due to excessive compression and spasms of the cervix itself - blood clots are retained in its cavity.

To prevent such a phenomenon, compression of the cervix, and, accordingly, retention of blood clots in its cavity - as noted earlier, doctors prescribe no-shpu or aspirin. This is not cleansing after childbirth, but it relieves cramps and generally heals.

Another complication after gynecological cleansing is uterine bleeding - this negative consequence is quite rare in the practice of doctors, but it is typical for those women who suffer from problems with blood, its ability to clot normally.

When bacteria, microbes, or the negative effects of pathogenic microflora enter the uterine cavity, endometritis may develop. At its core, endometritis is an inflammatory process of an infectious nature that affects the uterine mucosa.

Sudden cleansing of the uterus after childbirth

When diagnosing any complication, if negative symptoms appear in the form of discharge with pus from the uterine cavity, or an increase in body temperature, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor can help - do not self-medicate.

But during the normal course of the procedure for uterine cleansing of the placenta left after childbirth, a woman may be bothered by pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, scanty discharge of blood, reminiscent of menstruation - such symptoms will be observed for 7-10 days. At home it will not hurt to restore the body.

To summarize, we can summarize one thing - the cleaning procedure itself after childbirth is important and not as scary as it might seem at the very beginning. If all the rules of its implementation by doctors are observed, as well as personal hygiene by the woman herself, no complications are observed in the woman in labor, and her health will be restored in the shortest possible time, unless there are consequences without complications.

How and why uterine curettage is done after childbirth

The procedure of curettage of the uterine cavity after childbirth in the early postpartum period is quite dangerous. But usually by this name women mean manual cleaning of the uterus by a doctor or vacuum aspiration - less dangerous manipulations. Instrumental uterine curettage is performed in exceptional cases and usually later, when the cervix has closed. Curettage after childbirth is more typical for the late postpartum period and is carried out in order to remove the placental polyp from the uterus. But first things first.

Childbirth consists of three periods: when the cervix dilates during contractions, the birth of the baby occurs, and the third - the birth of the placenta. Normally, the third stage of labor is the fastest and most painless. The placenta, along with the remnants of the membranes and the umbilical cord, is most often born 15-20 minutes after the baby. Less often after 30-40 minutes. If this process has slowed down, curettage or cleaning of the uterus after childbirth is not carried out immediately. The woman may be given oxytocin to induce uterine contractions and birth of the placenta. And it’s even easier to put the baby to the breast, or if this is not possible, stimulate the nipples. This will also improve uterine contractility. If all else fails, a doctor must intervene.

How is curettage done after childbirth - with or without pain relief? As we wrote earlier, we are talking about manual cleaning of the uterus, or more precisely, about manual separation of the placenta tightly attached to the wall of the uterus. In this case, general anesthesia is usually given - intravenous or masked. It is rare that manipulations are performed without anesthesia. The doctor enters the cavity of the uterus through the completely open cervix and carefully separates the placenta. If nothing works, severe bleeding begins - an emergency situation may arise in which it will be necessary to perform hysterectomy - that is, to surgically remove the organ.

The consequences of curettage of the uterine cavity after childbirth can be tragic if severe bleeding occurs that cannot be stopped. Therefore, doctors try to do everything as carefully as possible and without the use of medical instruments.

Immediately after the placenta is born, the doctor and midwives examine it to ensure its integrity. If there is a suspicion that it has not separated completely, or that a lobule is missing, the doctor usually decides to immediately manually examine the uterine cavity and clean it further.

After the placenta is delivered, either naturally or with the help of a doctor, the woman is placed with an ice pack on her stomach so that the uterus continues to contract well and the bleeding decreases somewhat. And then for 3 days they give oxytocin injections 2 times a day. In the maternity hospital, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the tummies of women in labor. They are interested in whether the uterus is painful, how quickly it contracts (decreases in size). On the 3-5th day after natural birth, an ultrasound scan can be performed. And if the results show that a lot of secretions have accumulated in the uterus, and they most likely prevent the uterus from contracting well and serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, curettage of clots after childbirth from the uterine cavity is prescribed, but more often vacuum aspiration, which can be performed in a small operating room, does not require anesthesia and the presence of an anesthesiologist in this case.

It should be noted that this problem often arises after the birth of a large child, after a multiple pregnancy, if a woman has given birth a lot, since the uterus turns out to be overstretched and is not able to recover quickly enough, which threatens endometritis - an inflammatory process. If there was curettage after childbirth, the period of time during which the discharge occurs can be reduced, which will have a positive effect on the woman’s health.

But there are situations when a woman is discharged from the maternity hospital healthy, with a good ultrasound result, and after a few weeks her body temperature rises and uterine bleeding begins. This usually indicates that a placental polyp has formed in the uterus. Is it painful to perform uterine curettage quite a long time after childbirth? Yes, since the cervix is ​​already closed and it is necessary to dilate it instrumentally. Usually in this case general intravenous anesthesia is given. Local anesthesia is less common if general anesthesia is not suitable for some reason.

After pregnancy, gestation and birth of a child, the mother’s body should return to normal. A certain period of time is needed for the reproductive organs to cleanse themselves, for the discharge to stop, for the blood clots and tissue remnants to come out. If this does not happen, rotting will begin in the uterine cavity, creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

Under certain conditions, there is a need for curettage. After childbirth, the uterus is cleaned if the following conditions exist: blood accumulates, particles of the baby’s place remain in the uterine cavity or on the walls of the organ, and blood clots do not come out. And after a cesarean section, this procedure is necessary, since the placenta has to be removed mechanically. Even microscopic portions of the placenta are perceived by the reproductive organ as foreign, and the body is configured to remove them. Blockage of a vessel with a clot after some time can lead to severe bleeding.

Curettage after childbirth is performed using a vacuum or mechanical method. With a sufficiently long labor, the mother’s strength runs out, and the uterus does not contract intensely enough for the membranes of the placenta to be completely separated from it. Sometimes the fertilized egg is too tightly attached to the walls of the organ, and the placenta has to be separated manually.

After the baby is born, the woman remains in the delivery room for another two hours, where her condition, the presence or absence of blood loss, and the dynamics of uterine contractions are assessed. After examining in a chair using a gynecological speculum and ultrasound of the uterus, doctors, having discovered pathology, decide on cleaning.

Sometimes curettage is done on the same day, in other cases the condition of the young mother is monitored and an ultrasound is performed on the 5th day after birth. Based on its results, it is determined whether the process of reduction and purification is proceeding normally or whether cleaning is required.

The manipulation lasts about half an hour. The woman is given local or general anesthesia, the genitals are treated, the cervix is ​​dilated, and the functional layer of the endometrium is scraped out with a curette. It is capable of regenerating: after a certain time, a new, intact mucous membrane is formed from its lower layers, and the uterus is again ready “for work.”

The technique for performing the procedure is the same as curettage for an unwanted pregnancy or curettage for diagnostic purposes.

During the operation, mechanical manual cleaning of the uterus from the functional layer of the endometrium, particles of membranes and blood clots is performed.

The cleansing of the woman in labor is supervised by doctors, and the postoperative period is under close supervision. They monitor the pulse, body temperature, discharge, and well-being, since curettage is a painful procedure, after which the uterus becomes an open wound. She needs antiseptic treatment and daily care. Medicines prescribed by a specialist will help to completely cleanse the birth canal.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

A special device is used - a vacuum pump equipped with aspiration tips. Negative pressure is created in the organ cavity and the contents are expelled.

The vacuum method involves manual and machine scraping. The first is the most common and includes:

  1. Treatment of the external genitalia.
  2. Inserting a speculum into the vagina.
  3. Preparation of the cervix.
  4. Insertion of aspiration tube.
  5. Removal of tissue by rotating the tube or diagnostic sampling of material for research.

Vacuum cleaning is indicated:

  • if after childbirth or caesarean section the placenta or part of it remains in the reproductive organ;
  • as a result of spontaneous miscarriage with incomplete release of embryonic remains;
  • after an abortion;
  • for the study of biocenosis;
  • with hydatidiform mole;
  • severe uterine bleeding.

This method of curettage is more gentle than mechanical, since trauma to the uterus, cervical canal and endometrium can be minimized.

Cleaning after a caesarean section

If cleaning the uterus after childbirth is a common occurrence, then the doctor should prescribe curettage after a cesarean section with caution and taking into account the health status of the mother in labor. The body takes longer to recover after surgery, the incision made breaks the integrity of the muscle tissue, and the reproductive organ contracts worse. Only by the end of the second week after the baby is born, its size and shape are restored, and the stitches take even longer to heal.

Women who had to undergo a cesarean section have more postpartum complications in the uterine cavity.

On the 3rd day after the procedure, an ultrasound is performed to examine the integrity of the suture. If there is intense pain, an unscheduled ultrasound examination is performed to assess the condition of the postoperative scar. Its swelling may indicate inflammation in the mucous layer of the uterus.

According to the doctor's indications, curettage is performed during the cesarean section itself, this helps to avoid complications. But sometimes parts of the placenta remain inside, which is a direct reason for cleaning.

To ensure that the next pregnancy after a cesarean section goes well, experts recommend abstaining from conception for 3 years. During this time, the postoperative scar heals, and the uterus is again ready to bear a baby.

However, sometimes pregnancy occurs earlier, and you have to make a choice: keep the baby or decide to terminate the pregnancy. Women who have had an abortion after a cesarean section note that this is a big health risk, since the unformed scar can be damaged.

It should be remembered that the consequences of an abortion can be infertility, infection, bleeding, and hormonal disorders.

Complications after cleaning

After every surgical intervention, possible complications occur. Curettage of the uterus after childbirth is no exception. One of the side effects is when blood clots accumulate in the reproductive organ. During a muscle spasm, the pharynx closes and they remain inside. To prevent blood from accumulating in the uterine cavity, doctors prescribe No-shpa to relax the muscles.

During the cleaning process, the surgeon may puncture the wall of the uterus with a sharp instrument, which will lead to perforation. As a rule, the problem is fixed on the same day.

Late complications that develop a few days after curettage can lead to infection and further unpleasant consequences. Poor disposal of placenta remnants can provoke symptoms, which are characterized by high fever, pain in the lower part of the body, and discharge with an unpleasant odor.

The condition of the uterus after curettage is no different from menstruation: normal discharge should be moderate, without an unpleasant odor, and last about a week. Then their intensity decreases and the bleeding stops.


Rehabilitation after curettage should be aimed at restoring the function of childbearing; uterine bleeding still occurs, but this is a common occurrence. Slight pain radiating to the lower back indicates that the organ has begun to contract. The discharge becomes brown, and after a while - white, mucous, that is, it returns to normal.

It is necessary to abstain from sexual activity until the surface injured by curettage is completely healed. Both partners risk getting an infection, and the woman will experience pain during sex. There may be heavy bleeding due to vaginal irritation.

You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and follow medical instructions. You cannot take baths, douche, go to the bathhouse or sauna, use tampons, or lift weights.


Therapy after curettage of the uterine cavity involves taking medications. They do not build up the endometrium, but prevent infection and improve a woman’s well-being. Antispasmodics are prescribed with caution because they promote contraction of the uterus, which is accompanied by severe pain, especially immediately after cleansing. In severe cases, No-shpa is indicated.

Antibiotics are required to be prescribed: they help avoid infection. The vaginal microflora is restored with the help of antifungal agents in the form of tablets and suppositories. You can use herbal decoctions and infusions: shepherd's purse, nettle, boron uterus, viburnum, lemon balm.

Hormonal medications help restore balance in the body and prevent recurrence of the disease.

In addition to the medications listed, they take enzymes that prevent the formation of adhesions.

A prerequisite is an examination by a gynecologist and repeated tests to avoid relapse. There is no point in planning pregnancy within the next six months of treatment. should be with a condom and only after a follow-up examination by a female doctor.

During the process of childbirth, the female body is subjected to enormous stress and in some cases complications may arise that require additional medical intervention. Cleansing after childbirth is a medical procedure based on removing blood clots or placental remains from the mucous layer of the uterus, which helps prevent complications and preserve women's health.

The birth process occurs in two stages: first the baby appears, and then the afterbirth comes out - the membrane that surrounds the child for 9 months of intrauterine development. However, in cases where childbirth occurs in an unnatural manner, with complications, curettage is performed. Reasons that explain why this procedure is necessary may be:

  1. After the birth of the child, the placenta did not come out or came out partially.
  2. Presence of infection in the vagina.
  3. Insufficient contractile activity of the vaginal muscles.
  4. Excessively tight attachment of the placenta to the walls of the organ.
  5. C-section.

The remaining pieces of the placenta can provoke inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, which can lead to a serious illness - endometritis.

Therefore, in no case should you neglect the recommendations of doctors, and if there is a need for surgical intervention, then it is better to agree to it!

How it happens

In frequent cases, women in labor are injected with oxytocin to stimulate contractile activity of the uterus. This drug is administered to speed up the process of separation and removal of the placenta. This is a standard procedure that does not have a negative effect on the body of the woman and the newborn. But sometimes this is not enough, and doctors have no other option but to cleanse.

When a woman after giving birth (especially if it is her first) hears: “It is necessary to cleanse,” she panics. She doesn’t understand why this procedure is needed, and most importantly, how it happens and whether it hurts.

Before being discharged from the maternity hospital, the woman in labor is examined in a gynecological chair. Screening may also be performed after the baby is born. If blood clots are detected as a result, then vacuum or manual cleaning is prescribed after childbirth.

Like any surgical intervention, curettage requires preparation. Typically, this procedure is prescribed on the eve of the start of natural menstruation. Before the operation, the patient undergoes a thorough examination and undergoes a series of tests. On the day when the operation is to be performed, she is advised to refuse to eat and try to consume as little liquid as possible.

Manual cleaning after childbirth is carried out by scraping, the placenta is removed from the mucous tissue, that is, done mechanically, and vacuum cleaning is done using a special device, its tube is inserted into the vagina and operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. Of course, the curettage procedure is very painful, but modern science has made great strides forward, which allows the use of a wide range of painkillers. Therefore, gynecological curettage is performed under anesthesia - general or local.

Before this manipulation, the external organs are lubricated with an iodine solution, the cervix and vagina are disinfected with a solution of ethyl alcohol. The cervical canals are then enlarged and special instruments are inserted to remove the clots. The total duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes.

Contraindications and consequences

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth, like other surgical interventions, cannot be performed if any inflammatory processes occur in the woman’s body, other than those that caused this manipulation.

As a rule, there are no serious consequences of curettage in women. But it is worth remembering that the guarantee of a successful result of this gynecological operation is that it must be carried out in an official medical institution, by qualified specialists.

Most women experience spotting after curettage, which may resemble menstruation. The duration of bleeding is different for everyone, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the body and the rate of regeneration of the mucous membranes. It is normal if blood is released from the vagina for no more than 10 days in moderate quantities and without an unpleasant odor. As during menstruation, the amount of discharge gradually decreases and completely disappears. You may also feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

However, if the surgical intervention was performed incompetently or negligently, then the woman may face consequences such as:

  1. Bleeding for more than 10 days. The cause may be: tissue remains in the genital organ; if surgery is performed in the middle of the menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalance.
  2. Tears of the cervix or damage to its walls, with the formation of through defects, occur when the forceps are not firmly fixed due to the low elasticity of the organ. A surgical suture may be applied.
  3. Hematometra is a disease caused by blockage of the uterine cavity with blood clots due to the closure of the cervical canal. It has the following symptoms: fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen, cessation of natural bleeding after gynecological manipulation.
  4. Endometritis is an infectious disease caused by the activity of streptococci and other pathogens due to poorly processed surgical instruments and tissue particles left behind. Accompanied by bloody discharge with a pungent odor, pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  5. Infertility is the most terrible consequence that can be caused by negligence or insufficient professional qualifications of medical personnel.

After the operation, the following recommendations should be followed;

  • avoid intimacy for a month;
  • do not use vaginal tampons;
  • do not lift heavy objects and avoid excessive physical activity;
  • do not take blood thinning medications;
  • refrain from visiting the pool, do not steam or take hot baths.

How to treat the consequences

It is quite possible to avoid cleaning after childbirth. Doctors may prescribe droppers or injections that stimulate the contractile activity of the organ, during which all blood clots and remnants of the placenta will be released. But if this medication method turns out to be ineffective, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

In some cases, the consequences of curettage require additional attention and treatment. If intrauterine bleeding occurs, it must be stopped immediately to avoid the development of anemia. To do this, the doctor prescribes medications that stop the bleeding and contract the uterus. If the consequence is the development of infection, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Repeated scraping is also not excluded. Hormonal imbalances are treated by an endocrinologist through medication.

In addition to taking medications,

Namely: beef liver, beets and beet juice, pomegranates, avocados, nuts, honey.

Upon completion of the procedure, the patient should adhere to all recommendations received from the doctor regarding the medication regimen and observe the rules of personal hygiene of the intimate area. You also need to carefully monitor your well-being; if your temperature rises or severe pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Childbirth is a complex process for the body. The woman experiences a lot of stress, which can lead to complications. Which uterine discharge is normal and which should you be wary of? What symptoms should cause concern and go to the hospital?

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth

During pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus is subjected to the greatest test and stress. It is with the help of this organ that the child matures, the process of its birth, after which it pushes out the placenta (the membrane of the fetus, the umbilical cord that connected the baby to the mother and the placenta). But despite the fact that most of the remains (lochia) come out immediately after the birth process is completed, some still remain in the uterus. Therefore, if a clot comes out of the uterus after childbirth, then you should not panic. The remainder of the placenta comes out gradually. The process can take up to six to eight weeks.

The discharge of lochia is similar to clots after childbirth in the uterus. The first days they are quite abundant and have a bright scarlet color. Over time they become lighter. As a result, the lochia are released in an almost transparent color.

Several periods of increased discharge can be noted:

  • Breastfeeding. At this moment, an active contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organ occurs, which helps cleanse it of unnecessary elements.
  • When suddenly rising from bed. It is even possible to experience nagging pain.

The release of lochia decreases gradually over several months. The process is most intense in the first week, then gradually becomes less noticeable. As a rule, after two months, the reproductive organ stops secreting clots after birth in the uterus, which indicates that complete cleansing has occurred.

The process of cleansing the uterine cavity may be accompanied by nagging painful sensations that gradually disappear. The reason for this is contractions of the reproductive organ. The pain will stop when the uterus returns to its original size and shape.

This is normal for a woman. During the period when lochia is especially abundant, the woman in labor is under the supervision of a doctor and medical personnel.

Woman's behavior

The first few days after the long-awaited process of childbirth, the discharge is especially abundant. At this time, you need to carefully monitor hygiene and use special medical pads. After the discharge becomes moderate, you can switch to using regular pads, and then daily ones. Don't forget to change your hygiene products regularly.

Discharge from the maternity hospital

Before sending the woman in labor home, an ultrasound examination is performed. It examines the uterine cavity for the presence of large lochia. If you have not had an ultrasound examination, please contact the clinic at your place of registration or residence. The procedure can protect you from complications.

If any deviations are detected, the discharge will be postponed to a later date. There should be no clots left in the uterus at all. Otherwise, the woman may be prescribed a procedure such as cleaning after childbirth. If clots are detected in the first two or three days after the long-awaited moment, when the walls of the uterus have not yet contracted, then the procedure for cleansing the reproductive organ will be less unpleasant, because there will be no need to expand the walls.

Scraping after childbirth

The procedure is an operation that is performed in a hospital. Cleaning after childbirth is sometimes simply a necessary procedure. During it, the doctor removes all remnants of the placenta that remain in the uterus. This allows you to avoid pain and inflammation in the future. The process itself is performed under anesthesia, so the woman does not feel pain.

Causes of placenta remnant

If clots remain in the uterus after childbirth, then possible reasons for this may be:

  • Low activity of the uterine walls, which leads to ineffective contractions. The cause of the problem, as a rule, is a decrease in the level of a female hormone such as prolactin. It is he who promotes uterine contractions and removal of amniotic membranes.
  • The presence of a bend in the isthmus of the uterus. This may be a congenital feature of the body. During the period of active discharge, blockage of the passage may occur, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction. The presence of such a feature is determined by conducting an ultrasound examination. In its absence, the woman herself will be able to recognize the danger by the main symptom of the bend - a sudden stop of discharge.

When should you seek help from a doctor?

If blood clots come out, your doctor will be able to tell you exactly what they are. Even after the doctor confirms that everything is fine and goes home, the woman should pay special attention to her discharge. As soon as any strange symptoms appear, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

The reasons to contact a gynecologist should be:

  • If blood clots in the uterus after childbirth are bright scarlet in color and are accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Very heavy bleeding.
  • If the discharge continues after two months.
  • If lochia has an odor and is accompanied by itching.
  • Increase in body temperature and cessation of lochia secretion.
  • If there are pauses in the discharge for several days.


Following simple rules will help avoid complications and pathologies.

  • Maintain personal hygiene. Wash your genitals several times a day. This helps reduce the risk of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Refrain from active loads and lifting heavy weights.
  • Pay close attention to your stool. There should be no delays or constipation.
  • Lie on your back once or twice a day. This position stimulates the release of lochia.
  • After childbirth, it is recommended to apply ice to the abdomen. This helps reduce blood loss.

Possible complications

If you find yourself with alarming symptoms, then you should not delay your visit to the gynecologist. Otherwise, this can lead to complications such as:

  • The development of endometriosis is the process of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • The beginning of subinvolution is the cessation of muscle contractions of the uterus.
  • Blockage of the uterus, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction.
  • Development of the inflammatory process due to increasing infection.

After the examination, the gynecologist sends the woman for an ultrasound examination to determine the exact cause of the pathology, after which, as a rule, he cleanses the uterus. In some situations, it is possible to limit yourself to drug treatment. In this case, the woman is prescribed antibiotics. When breastfeeding, the doctor selects a drug that can be used during this period. In any case, it is recommended not to neglect precautions. So, it is better to feed the baby before taking the medicine. Give your baby lacto- and bifidobacteria throughout the treatment period. They will help avoid problems with the still unformed intestines.


Thus, clots after childbirth in the uterus and their release are a normal physiological process. Knowing the symptoms of complications and inflammation, a woman should not be afraid.



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