A Chihuahua weighs 1 kg at 3 months. Chihuahua breed standard: sizes and weight by month

They require utmost attention, especially in the earliest stages of a dog’s life.

Weight standards for newborn puppies

The first thing a Chihuahua owner must pay attention to is the weight of the animal. Body weight is recorded daily during the first 3 weeks of life, then every week. After six months, weighing is done once a month. Moreover, each period of growth has its own norm.

Important! The weight of a puppy at birth is on average 100 g, although fluctuations can be from 75 to 150-170 g.

On the 2-3rd day, newborn Chihuahuas may lose 5-10 g in weight, but after that the baby is actively recovering, and by the second week its weight should double. During this period, the size of the baby is affected by the litter:

  • in multiple births, babies are more often born with underweight, but with proper consistent nutrition they quickly reach normal;
  • in low-fertility puppies are often too fat, so the owners need to massage them, adjust their diet and exercise them in order to return their weight to normal.
Despite such miniature figures, outwardly babies can look plump, even curvy. This appearance is not evidence of obesity if the scale shows normal. It’s just nature’s way of protecting newborns from the cold in the early stages of life. As the puppy grows, it will turn from a ball into a slender and graceful dog.

If within 4 weeks of observation there is no increase in the baby's weight, then you should contact a veterinarian - this may be a sign of illness. A Chihuahua is considered an adult when it reaches one year of age. By this time, representatives of this species usually weigh 1.5-3 kg, and their height reaches 15-23 cm.

A number of factors influence a puppy's weight:

  • Pedigree. The parameters of the parents always influence the characteristics of the dog, especially the mother. Although genes from previous generations can often appear.
  • Diet. There are a number of foods that can cause obesity in Chihuahuas, so it is important to know what you can feed your Chihuahua at home.
  • Dog activity. Depending on how much the animal moves, its weight will fluctuate.

Did you know? Chihuahuas are the most popular breed in Hollywood. Blondes especially love her - Paris Hilton, Reese Witherspoon, even Marilyn Monroe had such a petite friend.

Features of care in the first days of life

Fragile dogs need special care in the first days after birth. They hardly move, they breathe thanks to the help of their mother. During this period, their thermoregulation is just developing, so it is important to warm them near the mother’s body, to examine and weigh them, take them with warm hands and place them only on a heated surface to avoid hypothermia. In some cases, the owner should take special care.

Umbilical cord care

When a puppy is born, it is not advisable to cut the umbilical cord. It would be more correct to cut it off, leaving 2-3 cm for the baby. If you still have to cut it with scissors and blood appears, then the umbilical cord is tied with alcohol-soaked thread. The remainder usually disappears on the 2-3rd day of the baby’s life. If this does not happen, then you need to show the Chihuahua to a veterinarian. Otherwise, when the puppy begins to move independently and steps on the umbilical cord, this can lead to an umbilical hernia.

Trimming the claws

The growth of puppies at this time is very fast, so already on the 10th day of life you should carefully examine the baby’s paws and trim the first claws.

Important! At this time, the claws have already grown enough, so with a careless movement the baby can scratch the mother in the nipple area, where the skin is especially delicate.

Depending on the claw, it is carried out using a special nail clipper for small dogs or a nail file. If the claw is dark, then it is better to simply file it down. But you can look at the foot with the light one in the light: the pink part of the finger will become visible there, from which you need to retreat 1.5-2 mm and can be cut off.

Driving away worms

Deworming, or simply deworming, is an excellent means of prevention, which will allow you to avoid various diseases and infections of the animal in the future. Chihuahua babies are given their first ride at the age of 24 days. Both the veterinarian and the owner can carry out the procedure, but it is better to consult a specialist about which remedy to choose for this. The procedure is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the drug, and the dosage is also determined there.

It is worth repeating the run at 5 weeks, and then at 12 as a preventive measure. For adults it is done once every three to four months.


The next step to improve your dog's health should be its vaccination. Before vaccination, the Chihuahua must be dewormed and completely healthy. The baby is given the first injection against infectious diseases at the 8th week, then at the 12th week a revaccination is given. The next stage awaits puppies at 7-8 months, after a complete change of teeth, and in the future the procedure is carried out once a year.

Important! Rabies vaccination is given to Chihuahuas after changing teeth and only by a specialist from a state veterinary clinic, who puts a note about this in the animal’s passport.

Pet food

Feeding Chihuahua puppies matters from birth. It is important to pay special attention to it at 3 months, when the animal’s immunity is formed.

After birth, for the first three weeks, the baby eats only breast milk, which supplies it with reserves of proteins, microelements, and fats. For an older puppy, this will no longer be enough, so complementary foods can be introduced from the fourth week.


Chihuahuas' first supplements come in the form of pea-sized balls of beef or cottage cheese. From a piece of frozen beef, scrape the meat with the tip of a knife and let it warm up at room temperature. It is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, soft and always fresh.

Every three to four days, portions of complementary foods can be increased, but you should not get too carried away with feeding in order to avoid obesity. By the end of the 4th week of life, babies are already eating cottage cheese, kefir, and meat themselves; a little later, you can teach them to eat from a bowl. It is clear what to feed a Chihuahua puppy at 2 months, but the frequency of feeding during this period should reach 6 times a day, i.e. every 3-4 hours. Then we gradually transfer the baby to three meals a day.

Did you know? The Chihuahua is officially recognized as the smallest dog breed in the world.

Often natural nutrients are not enough for a growing body. To compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, it is worth giving medications with vitamin D and a colloidal solution of calcium oleate. A combination of natural products and nutritional supplements is an ideal complementary feeding option for Chihuahuas.

What to feed a Chihuahua puppy during this period is also important from the point of view that up to 3 months the animal’s taste is formed. At this time, the dog remembers what it looks like and what it tastes like, so if you don’t teach it now, for example, to fruits, then in adulthood it will be impossible to force the Chihuahua to eat them. This one feels great eating both natural and dry food.

Natural food

Feeding your Chihuahua regular food will not be difficult if you approach this issue carefully and use only high-quality products, since the digestive system of these babies is extremely demanding. You should immediately remove the following from your dog’s diet:

  • fatty, spicy, salty dishes;
  • lamb, pork;
  • pollock, river fish;
  • pasta, flour products, white bread;
  • sweets;
  • sausages;
  • potatoes, cabbage, onions.

Important! These products lead to problems with intestinal function, obesity, and in some cases, loss of appetite (if we are talking about sweets, dogs become capricious after them and eat too much food).

Your Chihuahua puppy will benefit from:

  • boiled beef, veal, chicken;
  • boiled sea fish fillet (make sure there are no bones);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits and berries.
No matter how much you would like to pamper your beloved pet only with natural products, it is still advisable to teach him to eat dry food and canned food in case of trips or travel.

Dry food

To a certain extent, it is useful for Chihuahuas, as it helps them clean their teeth of plaque, thus preventing tartar. You need to select specialized food, because both the size of the granules and the composition matter. For puppies, it is advisable to soak it, but when the first signs of loss of baby teeth appear, it is already necessary to give only dry complementary foods: it will speed up the change of teeth.

Chihuahuas can be very picky; they may refuse such food if they don’t like the smell, for example. Therefore, choose products from quality brands that use natural flavors.

Important! How to feed a Chihuahua puppy is up to its owner to decide, but it is worth remembering that you cannot skimp on feeding these babies! Whether his diet will be based on dry food or natural products, the quality of the food should not be in doubt, otherwise the puppy’s health will be harmed.

Another advantage of dry is its composition. If when eating natural food the baby needs additional vitamin supplements, then in the case of dry food they are already included along with useful minerals and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system.

Chihuahua Development: Puppy Development Calendar

The development of each puppy is individual, it depends on genes and environmental factors. However, on average, certain Stages of development of Chihuahua babies:

  • During the first week of life, puppies cannot see, they cannot hear yet, they cannot move independently, their mother helps their body breathe and function by licking and stroking.
  • By the end of the second week, the eyes begin to open slightly, the baby begins to respond to loud sounds (during this period, exfoliated cells can be observed near his ear - these are the consequences of the opening of the ear canal), breathing improves (he breathes on his own, taking 20-25 breaths per minute). At this time, the puppy begins to crawl, his legs learn to support his body weight.
  • At the 3-4th week, vision and hearing are finally formed, and baby teeth begin to cut. The heart rate evens out, breathing returns to normal. During this period, babies are already moving well, controlling their body and making attempts to run. The time has come for the first worming.

Did you know? Compared to other dogs, the Chihuahua has the largest brain based on head to body proportions.

  • The 2nd month of life is characterized by the presence of all milk teeth and a fully formed nervous system. This is the beginning of the baby’s active life: he begins to run and bark. It is important to promptly teach him not to eat from the floor, but only from a bowl, to introduce him to other animals (although socialization is difficult for Chihuahuas, they only recognize dogs as their own). Taking care of your pet’s immunity: time for the second deworming and the first comprehensive vaccination.
  • 6 months - 3rd run.
  • 7-8 months - the puppy reaches puberty.
  • The 8-9th month is the final change of teeth, after which you can get vaccinated against rabies.

12 months after birth, the Chihuahua puppy already becomes an adult, its habits and character are formed. What they will be depends only on the owner of the dog, his attitude and care. If you follow the recommendations for caring for your puppy, he will become a healthy, loving and faithful companion for his owner.

How big will my Chihuahua puppy grow? When will my Chihuahua stop growing? These are the questions every chi owner wants to know!

The growth of this breed can be somewhat gradual. Therefore, sometimes the smallest puppy in the litter may outgrow its peers by the time they all reach the age of 1 year.

The best way to determine the future size of a Chihuahua is to study its pedigree. Size and other physical characteristics are hereditary. Genes passed on from the mother usually determine the size of the puppy. Although, looking back 2 or 3 generations will give you an even more accurate idea of ​​its likely size.

Chihuahua puppy weight table by month

Age/Weight at birth, grams 71 78 85 99 113 120 128 142 156
1 week 106 113 142 156 184 198 227 255 269
2 weeks 142 156 184 198 255 284 312 354 383
3 weeks 170 198 227 255 312 369 397 454 496
4 weeks (1 month) 198 227 269 312 369 452 482 539 595
5 weeks 227 255 312 369 425 482 553 624 680
6 weeks 255 312 354 425 496 567 624 680 765
7 weeks 284 340 411 482 553 624 695 765 851
8 weeks (2 months) 312 369 454 539 610 680 765 822 936
9 weeks 340 425 496 567 652 737 822 907 992
10 weeks 369 454 539 624 709 794 879 964 1077
11 weeks 397 482 595 680 795 879 964 1049 1191
12 weeks (3 months) 425 539 624 737 851 936 1049 1162 1276
13 weeks 454 567 680 794 907 1021 1134 1247 1389
14 weeks 482 624 737 851 964 1106 1219 1332 1474
15 weeks 539 652 794 907 1049 1162 1304 1446 1588
16 weeks (4 months) 567 709 851 964 1106 1247 1389 1531 1673
17 weeks 595 737 879 1021 1162 1304 1446 1616 1758
18 weeks 624 794 936 1049 1219 1361 1531 1701 1843
19 weeks 652 822 964 1106 1247 1418 1588 1758 1899
20 weeks (5 months) 680 851 992 1162 1304 1474 1644 1814 1985
21 weeks 709 879 1021 1191 1361 1531 1701 1871 2041
22 weeks 709 907 1049 1219 1389 1588 1758 1928 2098
23 weeks 737 936 1077 1247 1418 1616 1814 1985 2155
24 weeks 737 936 1106 1276 1446 1644 1843 2013 2211
25 weeks (6 months) 765 946 1134 1332 1503 1701 1899 2070 2269
18 months 908 1135 1362 1589 1816 2043 2270 2497 2724

Growth rate

Newborn Chihuahuas usually weigh only about 100 grams (maximum range from 75 to 200 grams). Chihuahua puppies experience their fastest growth during the first month after birth, doubling their size in just a few days.

Chihuahuas reach their full adult size in about one year. However, during this time they may have several periods of rapid growth and weight gain. If your Chihuahua does not grow in height or weight within 4 weeks, it should be taken to a veterinarian for a checkup. Based on this, the most appropriate frequency for weighing chi is once a month, or once every 4 weeks.

Although a one-year-old Chihuahua is already considered an adult, the dog may become fully developed a little later, between 12 and 18 months of age. During the last months, the Chihuahua's chest often enlarges and develops muscles. The weight of the breed according to the standard is from 1.5 to 3 kg, height - from 15 to 23 cm.

Probable weight of an adult Chihuahua based on weight at 8 weeks:

Changing body shape

You will notice that Chihuahua puppies are quite round and plump. They have extra fat deposits on their body that they need for warmth and nutrient reserves. There is no need to worry about your puppy being overweight. Puppies are full of energy and rarely have thyroid problems or other disorders that can be caused by being overweight.

During the puppies' first year of life and up to 6 months thereafter, the chi's physique will become more slender. As they mature, adolescent puppies, like adults, will become more coordinated and elegant.

While adolescent and adult Chihuahuas are rarely overweight, health problems that prevent the dog from being active can cause them to gain unhealthy weight. This is especially true for aging Chihuahuas. If the amount of exercise decreases but caloric intake remains the same, the dog will have weight problems. When adult chi becomes too heavy, the excess weight most often forms in the abdominal area.

Factors affecting size

The size, weight and height of an adult Chihuahua will depend on several main factors:

  • Both parents' sizes
  • Proper diet
  • Dog's activity level
  • The presence of inherited genes in a dog that appear after one or more generations, in other words, the size can depend on the puppy's grandparents up to 5 generations ago.

Video - development of a Chihuahua puppy from 1 to 6 months

The miniature dog is officially named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where in medieval times it was considered a sacred animal by the Indians. Opera singer Adeline Patti made a significant contribution to the popularization of the breed. In the late 19th century, the Mexican president gave her a Chihuahua hidden in a bouquet of flowers. And by the middle of the 20th century, almost every English lady acquired a Chihuahua.

The breed is one of the most popular in the world. The Chihuahua can boast of excellent upbringing and constant victories at exhibitions.


RKF breed standard with explanation

The Chihuahua standards of the Russian and International Cynological Federations do not have any fundamental differences.

The breed is classified:

  • group 9 (companion dogs),
  • section 6 (Chihuahueño),
  • no working class

The Hichuahua is a tightly built and at the same time elegant dog, nimble, lively, a typical fidget with a hapless expression on its face.

Chihuahuas are generally absolutely fearless and have incredible reflexes.


The allowed difference is from 500 g to 3 kg. Ideal figures range from 1.5 to 1.8 kg. Individuals heavier than 3 kg will be disqualified.


To evaluate dogs of this breed, the only criterion is the weight of the individual; Height at the withers is not a criterion when evaluating an individual of this breed. The standard does not specify strict limits for growth.

The distance from the ground to the withers should be slightly less than the length of the body. The square format for males is the most preferred. For bitches, a more extended format is possible. According to the latest changes to the standard, the stretch index cannot exceed 110.


Consists of two departments:


The apple-shaped skull is well rounded. A parietal fontanel is possible, but it is more advantageous when it is not there. The forehead is strongly highlighted.

The front is divided into parts.

  • The muzzle is dry, compressed. When looking at it from the side, it is straight, but closer to the nose it is pointed and raised upward.
  • Cheekbones - with clear lines.
  • The eyes are slightly convex, large and almost round, brownish or black in color. Dark iris is more preferable.
  • Teeth and jaws. Skew, undershot and other deformations associated with the animal’s bite are not allowed. A straight or scissor jaw position is considered normal.
  • The ears are somewhat reminiscent of a cat's. They do not hang, the auricle is open. Ideally, they form an almost isosceles triangle. When at rest, they are slightly lowered towards the temples, forming an angle of 45 degrees.

The lack of a row of teeth is considered a flaw, but not critical. They will not be disqualified because of it.


The breed standard specifies the ideal properties and proportions of each part of the body.

The neck is not short, with tight-fitting skin. The scruff is slightly pronounced. For long-haired Chihuahuas, a lush “mane” is a must. The thickness of the neck may vary depending on the sex of the individual.

  • Top line and withers. The back is parallel to the floor with a slight elevation at the withers.
  • The back is not wide, but quite dense.
  • Lower back - the muscles are clearly defined.
  • The croup is wider than that of many representatives of miniature breeds. Both flat and slightly inclined are allowed.
  • Chest - the chest is quite wide, round in shape. Gives the impression of being massive. Barrel-shaped breasts are not acceptable.
  • Bottom line - a toned shape is emphasized by clean lines.
  • The tail is set high. Smooth, pointed towards the end. Pointed upward with a slight curve. Length equal to half the length of the back. The coat corresponds to the body. Long-haired Chihuahuas have a longer tail that is usually curled and resembles a headdress.


The forelegs, when positioned correctly, are straight and level, regardless of the angle. Can't be called short. The shoulders have visible muscles. The breed is always distinguished by the distinct angles of the shoulder blades and forearms. Elbows fit tightly to the body. The paws are not large. The standard does not recognize the similarity of paws to those of a cat or a hare. The fingers should be well apart. The nails are quite convex.

The hind legs have strong muscles and pronounced angles of the hip, knee and hock joints. The hock joint is equal in length to the elbow joint. The Achilles tendon is well developed. When viewed from the rear, the paws are well apart.


The Chihuahua walks like a leader. The steps are wide and the lunge is strong, with a powerful push. The gait is free and slightly springy. The hind legs follow exactly behind the front legs. The head is raised and looks strictly in the direction of movement. The back is straight and strong.

The leading distinctive feature of a purebred individual is the habit of holding its tail. When moving, the Chihuahua keeps it pointed upward or bent in a semicircle.


The skin is delicate, thin and elastic in any area of ​​the body.

Chihuahuas have several coat variations:

  • Smooth-haired. The hair is short and lies close to the body. Rarely are individuals born with undercoat - then the length of the coat is slightly longer. A mandatory rule is the softness and shine of the wool. Hairless dogs are disqualified.
  • Long-haired. The hair is longer and the coat is silkier. A little wavy, but better smooth. The fur is long in the area of ​​the ears, on the back near the withers, on the hind legs (forming panties) and on the tail. Individuals with excessively long or curly hair are not allowed.

Long-haired Chihuahuas cannot have short-haired puppies, but smooth-haired ones can have both.


There are many varieties of Chihuahua colors. There are no restrictions in the standard for both smooth-haired and long-haired dogs.

The breed has about 70 types of colors. But there are only a few of the most common:

  • Red (Red): completely red or red with white markings;
  • Golden fawn: looks like a less rich red or cream;
  • Black and Tan: The base tone is black, but fades to a lighter tone on the limbs or other parts of the dog's body.
  • Spotted: Most often medium-sized spots on a white coat.

The following colors are less common and are considered uncharacteristic for this breed:

  • white,
  • black,
  • chocolate,
  • brindle,
  • blue.

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Mini individuals

There is no mention of mini in the official Chihuahua standard. This is due to the fact that the classification appeared only thanks to breeders. Mini began to be called bred individuals whose weight did not exceed 1 kg, as well as supermini weighing 500 grams. In Russia, for example, dogs weighing from 800 g to 1 kg are popular. This bred miracle, the size of a rat, can be called a purebred Chihuahua, and even more so, it is impossible to specify any standards for it.

What is the difference between a mini Chihuahua and a standard one?

The two varieties can only be distinguished by size. In terms of coloring, skull shape and basic proportions of the body, the mini is a complete copy of its larger relative. Even the character is indistinguishable. Mini, you could say, is just a Chihuahua puppy that will never grow up.

Female mini Chihuahuas are not able to perform reproductive functions due to their miniature size.

Weight table by month

The most reliable and accurate forecast of how much a pet should weigh can be given by its pedigree. Size, like some other parameters, is inherited. But to determine the approximate weight, you can use the weight table for Chihuahuas.

Age / Weight of the newborn, gr. 70 80 85 100 110 120 130 145 155
1 week 106 113 142 156 184 198 227 255 269
4 weeks (1 month) 198 227 269 312 369 452 482 539 595
8 weeks (2 months) 312 369 454 539 610 680 765 822 936
12 weeks (3 months) 425 539 624 737 851 936 1049 1162 1276
16 weeks (4 months) 567 709 851 964 1106 1247 1389 1531 1673
20 weeks (5 months) 680 851 992 1162 1304 1474 1644 1814 1985
25 weeks (6 months) 765 946 1134 1332 1503 1701 1899 2070 2269
18 months 908 1135 1362 1589 1816 2043 2270 2497 2724

Estimated weight by one and a half years at a weight of 2 months:


This aspect is unique and depends on a huge number of facts. This breed's lifespan can vary from 12 to 20 years. If we talk about averages, it is about 14 years. By dog ​​standards, representatives of the Chihuahua breed are considered long-lived.

Despite its tiny size, this dog managed to win millions of human hearts around the world. Chihuahuas are loved not only because of their appearance, but also for their ability to live and enjoy life.

In the world. With an elegant appearance and compact body structure, the animal has a height at the withers proportional to its weight.

These are very loyal animals, sincerely attached to their owner. They choose the caresses and hugs of the owner rather than games. Such attachment can be compared with the relationship between a baby and mother.

Very smart, not aggressive, good watchdogs, despite their mini size. Choosing this breed would be an excellent solution for those who want to get a miniature pet.

In addition to their characteristic character traits, feeding and care rules, you should know a little about their development and what influences it.

The breed standard does not indicate the exact height of the dog, but with proper development they have 15-23 centimeters at the withers. Weight ranges from 2,500 to 3 kilograms. Animals grow up to seven months of age, and up to 12 months, they just gain weight.

General information

Puppies should develop with a certain pattern. Experts say that if the fetus develops correctly, it grows without problems. More detailed information about changes in the formation of a puppy can be found in the standard table.

Puppies have several stages of growth

icon-bell-o The first stage is intrauterine - the foundations of health and character are laid, which is an important factor when choosing a puppy. Pets should be taken with a pedigree, from healthy parents, from reputable breeders.

icon-bell-o The second is suckling, from birth to one and a half months. All responsibility for the formation of animals during this period lies with the breeder. If the future owner has experience in feeding, the baby can be adopted from four weeks of age, you just need to feed it correctly.


The third includes puppies aged 1.5 - 6 months. Often, at this time they end up with their owners. There is rapid growth and replacement of teeth.

Fourth - period 6 - 12 months. Quadrupeds stop growing.
At the fifth stage, the dog’s character is formed, growth stops, but active weight gain occurs.

Characteristics of growth


By the age of 6 months, the puppy should grow three times, the height at the withers doubles. At this stage of development, the formation of tubular bones slows down. At this time, the bones must be formed correctly, otherwise, if they suffer a serious illness or improper feeding, they will distort the proportions of the body, and this defect is irreparable.

  • The dog will have disproportionate shapes, and there will be no opportunity to take it to dog shows.

icon-bookmark-o Up to one and a half months, babies only grow in height. By two months it will already be clear what kind of skeleton the quadruped will eventually have.

After six months, flat bones enlarge and the sternum develops; the pet rapidly expands in width and gains weight up to a year. At this stage, development does not stop, but slows down. By the age of eight months, a Chihuahua is fully formed and ready to reproduce. Females begin estrus during this period.

icon-bookmark-o The first mating also affects growth, after which the dog stops growing altogether. Experts and dog handlers do not recommend mating at an early age so that the pet grows to its required size.

icon-bookmark-o It is not uncommon for babies to grow rapidly at the beginning of life and stop quite abruptly at four or five months. Therefore, you should not rely on the breed standard table.

icon-bookmark-o Chihuahua is a full member of the family. The cute creature brings true pleasure to the owners; a more cheerful, devoted four-legged one cannot be found.

The Chihuahua is rightfully considered not only the smallest, but also the cutest dog in the world. This special decorative breed can simultaneously play the role of both your pet and be a pride at exhibitions. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the Chihuahua standard. This data is useful to know not only for owners of show-class pets, but also for people who simply want to buy a healthy, full-fledged dog.

Chihuahua: description of appearance and character

This is a dog with a compact body shape. Her skull is rounded, slightly shaped like an apple. In a calm state, the Chihuahua holds its tail curved, in a semi-ring, with the tip of the long tail facing the lower back. The tail takes the shape of a ring if the dog is happy and in an excited state. Chihuahuas have strong limbs. The ears are quite large, with an inconspicuously rounded tip, erect, the angle between the ear and the vertical axis of the body should be 45°.

There are short-haired and long-haired individuals. Short-haired Chihuahuas have dense, soft, shiny fur, while long-haired ones have straight, sparse fur, forming a “collar” on the chest, “pants” on the paws, and a “sultan” at the end of the tail.

Representatives of this breed are ideal for active people, as they have a cheerful, playful disposition and a cheerful attitude towards the world around them. Despite their dwarf size, these are fearless dogs, devoted to one person and always ready for attention from their owner. They quickly learn even complex commands and circus tricks, and in society they behave intelligently and appropriately.

Chihuahua body proportions: weight, constitution, bone structure

For dogs of this breed, rectangular and square formats are acceptable (preferably the latter). In females, length often prevails over height at the withers; in males, these parameters are usually equivalent. For this breed, the permissible elongation index (the height of a Chihuahua at the withers to its oblique body length) is 110 (previously it was permissible up to 120). IR can be calculated using the following formula: IR = (DTC/In)*100%. Hence, the following body formats are distinguished: regular, short, elongated. The dog has a well-built constitution and strong bones. According to the standard, the dog’s weight should not exceed 3 kg or be less than 500 grams. Weight also influenced the fact that the breed was divided into 3 subtypes. Standard individuals appeared, weighing 2.2-3 kg, mini (their weight ranges from 1.5-2.2 kg) and super mini (0.5-1.5 kg). True, such a division is the decision of the breeders; the official standard does not provide for this.

Chihuahua growth: males and females

For females, the height at the withers is 15-18 cm, males can reach 23 cm.

Acceptable colors of Chihuahua

All colors are acceptable, including spotted, tan and speckled varieties. More often than others you can see dogs with chocolate, white, black and red colors. Lip pigmentation, eye rims and nose can also be anything.

Chihuahua colors considered a defect

No. In dogs with light coat colors, light pigmentation of the nose, rims of the eyes and lips (pink, light brown) is acceptable. Black pigmentation is preferred. It is undesirable to give birth to puppies with light pigmentation from parents whose pigmentation was dark.

Full characteristics of the Chihuahua

The skull of this breed is distinguished by the presence of a molera - a fontanelle, an area between unfused bones covered with skin. The Chihuahua's muzzle has a clear visible transition from the forehead in the form of a deep furrow. The nose is slightly raised, the nose is mobile when the dog sniffs. Individuals of blue or chocolate color must have lobes of the same pigmentation. The lips fit tightly to the muzzle. The cheeks of dogs of this breed are weakly expressed.

Chihuahuas can have either a straight bite or a scissor bite. As in many other breeds, overshot and undershot are considered abnormal. The dental set of an adult dog consists of 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars and 10 molars. The absence of several teeth is allowed; this is equated to defects, but cannot be a reason for disqualifying the dog.

The eyes are large, round, and should be dark in color, although light ones are acceptable in some cases.

The neck is medium in length, in males it is thicker.

The Chihuahua is a dog with a flat upper back, slightly pronounced withers, its back should not be long and sagging. A slight slope is noticeable on the croup.

The standard allows for a rounded chest shape. When looking at the dog from the side, it should reach the elbows.

The dog's belly should be tucked up. The Chihuahua's tail is of medium length, should be set high on the croup; when moving, the dog throws it up or lifts it with a “saber”.


The front legs have a straight vertical stance, forming a straight line along with the elbows. The shoulders have slightly pronounced muscles and form an anatomically correct angle with the shoulder blades. The elbows are not distant from the body. The dog has a sloping pastern with long flexible phalanges. The hind legs are parallel to each other, have slightly pronounced muscles, the joints (hip, knee, hock) are set at anatomically correct angles. The pads of the fore and hind limbs are elastic, the phalanges end in blunt claws. When the dog moves, the limbs on the right and left move in parallel.


  • Incomplete dental set;
  • Presence of milk and permanent teeth at the same time;
  • Deformation of the dog's jaw;
  • Sharp ends of ears;
  • Insufficient neck length;
  • Extension of the dog’s body (IR ≥ 111);
  • Barrel-shaped or flattened chest;
  • Incorrect tail position, deformation, short tail;
  • Short legs;
  • Turning the elbows out;
  • "Cow" (too close) stance of the front or hind legs.

Serious disadvantages include:

  • Narrowness of the skull;
  • The eyes are “protruding” (bulging), deeply set on the muzzle, their small size;
  • Anomalies in jaw development (presence of underbite/overbite);
  • Dislocation of the kneecap.
  • Aggressive or, conversely, excessively fearful behavior of the dog;
  • The presence of a large fontanel;
  • Ears are drooping or short;
  • The dog's body stretch index is too high;
  • Complete absence of tail;
  • Insufficient weight (less than 500 grams), excessive weight (more than 3 kg);
  • Cryptorchidism in males (undescended testicles into the scrotum).



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