Sneezing grass (Asteraceae family) is also known as common sneezing grass, Ptarmika yarrow. The plant has a creeping rhizome. Sneezing grass can reach a height of one meter. The leaves are simple, have no petioles, and have serrated edges. The flowers are quite small and white, collected in corymbose inflorescences. What are the benefits of sneezing grass? Where is it used? How to prepare medicines correctly?

Description of sneezeweed

The plant begins to bloom in mid-summer. The fruits are ready at the end of August. The fruit of the sneezeweed is in the form of an achene, which is slightly compressed on the sides. Sneezing grass prefers to grow in damp places, so it can be found in fields, meadows, and near river banks. Yarrow is found in Central Asia, North America, in Europe. The plant is not afraid of drought and frost.

How to properly harvest and store sneeze grass?

The above-ground part of the plant is actively used in medicine; it is collected when it blooms. IN medicinal purposes use top part plants. The grass is dried in a shady area, in indoors or on fresh air. The plant should be stored in a linen bag or paper bag. Sneezing grass is actively used in everyday life. The plant is most often used for decorative purposes; for this purpose it is specially planted in a flower bed.

Benefits of sneezeweed

The aerial part is rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, essential oils, organic acids, and stereopten. In the sneezing grass sufficient quantity ascorbic acid, there is especially a lot of it in the leaves. The leaves are rich in inulin.

The alkaloid achillein, which can be used to increase blood clotting, is valued in the leaves. A tincture with the addition of sneezing herb is used to heal wounds, stop bleeding and treat ulcers.

Due to chemicals, which are contained in the plant, can improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Are you strong? Rinse your mouth with a decoction of sneezing herb, it will help get rid of acute toothache.

All herbal remedies that contain sneezing herb have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic effect. For a long time Does your runny nose or cold persist, or do you have headaches? Prepare sneezeweed powder.

Use of sneeze guard

IN healing purposes infusions are used water decoctions, squeezed juice.

Treating toothache

Grate a teaspoon of dried or fresh sneezeweed root, pour a glass of boiling water over it. Everything needs to sit for about one hour. Then rinse thoroughly oral cavity. If the pain is unbearable, gargle with the decoction every half hour.

Treating stomach ulcers

Use the same decoction as for teeth. If you are going to eat, take a decoction (a tablespoon) first. This should be done three times a day. Be sure to complete a month's course of therapy.

Infusion for uterine bleeding

You need to take chopped herb - 2 teaspoons, a glass of boiling water. Wait until everything sits for about three hours. To stop you need to take 50 ml of infusion in the morning and evening time. The course of therapy is no more than a week.

We treat conjunctivitis

Grind greens - 2 teaspoons, pour boiling water (100 ml) over everything, wait 3 hours until it brews. Then take a cotton pad, soak it in the infusion and place it on your eyes. You should lie down like this for about 15 minutes. The more often you perform the procedure, the better.

Infusion for stomatitis

Prepare a tablespoon of sneeze powder and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Place everything in a warm place for an hour. Rinse throughout the day. Three days are enough for you to feel much better.

Herb for treating wounds

Take fresh leaf sneeze grass, wash it off clean water, apply to the wound for an hour. Do not use if you are prone to blood clots or increased blood clotting.

Infusion for intestinal upset

Finely chop the herb, pour a glass of boiling water, then you will need to wait 2 hours until everything is infused. The medicine is drunk during the day, 25 grams.

Compresses for the treatment of external wounds

Prepare dry herb, chop it finely, pour a glass of water. The compress is used to treat boils, injuries, dermatitis,. This is an excellent pain reliever for bruises.

Getting rid of skin itching

Prepare dry herb - 5 grams, pour boiling water (300 ml). Drink no more than 20 grams in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Cleaning the blood

To improve your health, you need to periodically cleanse your blood. You should drink 300 ml of the above decoction throughout the day. Accept medicine for a week, then rest for 4 days and continue taking the medicine.

Infusion for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Pre-prepare sneezeweed herb - 6 grams, pour 100 ml of boiling water over it. Drink the product three times a day before you are going to eat.

This infusion can also be consumed by diabetics. The product is rich in inulin, so it can be used to improve metabolic processes, perfectly cleanse the body, reduce blood sugar levels. If you constantly use the infusion, you will normalize the digestive process and prevent excess weight and get rid of such a problem as .

Lotions, baths for bone fractures

To get rid of bone and joint pain, it is recommended to use the decoction as an external remedy. For these purposes, finely chop 4 tablespoons of sneezeweed herb, fill everything with water (a liter), and cook for about 20 minutes. You can use the decoction as a lotion or add it to the bath.

Thus, the sneezing grass has healing effect. It is used to prepare decoctions, infusions, and tinctures. For a long time now traditional healers use herbs for treatment various diseases. It is not recommended to use the product on its own, because if the dosage is not followed, it can harm the body. It is best to use recipes from herbalists and healers.

Sneezing grass is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, with a creeping rhizome, a straight, smooth stem, pubescent at the apex, leaves linear-lanceolate, serrate, sessile. At the ends of the stems there are thyroid inflorescences consisting of many baskets. The flowers are white and yellow, blooming begins in June and continues until mid-August.

The height of the plant is 30–70 cm. The sneeze plant grows almost everywhere in the CIS. She chooses floodplain forests, river banks, damp areas in the shade, ditches, and peat bogs. The grass is collected during flowering and dried in the shade. October is the time to harvest the roots.

Beneficial properties of sneeze grass

The above-ground part of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material. Although chemical composition it has not been studied enough, it is known that alkaloids Achillin, essential oil, organic acids, and a bitter substance are found in it. Tannins are found in the roots, which have very noticeable astringent properties and impart bitterness to the herb.

The rhizomes contain inulin, a plant polysaccharide that is a polymer of glucose and is similar to starch and fiber. The plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and wound-healing effects.

Use of sneeze grass

The use of the plant is popular only in folk medicine. Remedies prepared on the basis of sneezing herb improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions assist in the treatment in the form of lotions for hernia and hemorrhoids. Taking the decoction orally is useful for pulmonary tuberculosis, to improve appetite, for enterocolitis, diarrhea, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

This product is used to rinse the mouth for toothache, colds(angina). Take grass to stop uterine bleeding and with bloody urine. The name of the plant was not chosen by people by chance: the crushed powder of leaves and flower heads causes sneezing. It is prescribed for various acute respiratory infections. IN fresh sneeze grass ground in a meat grinder is applied for healing purulent wounds and ulcers.

Infusion of sneezing herb: 5–6 g of herb should be infused in a thermos for two hours with 1 glass of boiling water. You need to drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The infusion is especially indicated for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Contraindications to the use of sneezing herb

Contraindications for use of this plant not identified.

Quarantine organism

Family: Asteraceae, Compositae

Genus: Ptarmica, Yarrow, Sneezeweed (Ptarmica, Achillea)

Biological classification


Common sneezeweed– a perennial rhizomatous weed, up to 1.25 cm high. The stem is simple, branches in an inflorescence. Shortened sterile branches are present in the leaf axils. The leaf blades are linear-lanceolate, linear, sessile with a glabrous or slightly pubescent surface. The general inflorescence is corymbose. The baskets consist of marginal false-lingulate and middle tubular white flowers. The fruit is a light gray or yellowish-silver flattened achene. The flowering phase lasts from June to September, fruiting from July to October. Mainly distributed in Europe. (Gubanov I.A., 2004) (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961) (Shishkin B.K., 1961)


Seedlings of the common sneezeweed are distinguished by a long (up to 6 mm) thin cotyledon section. The epicotyledonous internode is absent. The cotyledons are close to round with a rounded apex. The size of the cotyledon is 2.5 - 5 x 1.5 - 3 mm.

The first leaves are oblong, slightly lanceolate with one or two small teeth on each side and a larger terminal tooth at the apex. Bottom part passes into the petiole. The leaves have a ciliated margin and are pubescent on both sides with short, scattered hairs. Subsequent leaves of the shoots are narrowly oblong along the edge, serrated, petiolate with a ciliated edge and scattered pubescence. (Vasilchenko I.T., 1965)

An adult plant reaches a height of 1.25 m. The stem branches in the inflorescence and often has shortened sterile branches in the leaf axils. Pubescence varies from complete absence in the lower part of the stem and scattered short curly colorless hairs in the middle to dense (the hairs are the same as in the middle) in the upper part. The stem is densely leafy with green linear-lanceolate or linear, sessile, double-serrate leaves. The lower leaf blades are not pubescent. The upper ones can be pubescent on both sides or only below along the vein with scattered colorless soft, short, straight hairs. (Shishkin B.K., 1961)

The lower leaves die off at the beginning of the flowering phase. Leaf dimensions: 0.7 – 9 x 1 – 6.5 mm. Hemispherical baskets are collected in a corymbose inflorescence. Basket size without tongues: 5 – 6.5 x 7 – 9 mm. The involucre consists of broadly lanceolate, three-row leaflets arranged imbricately. Leaf size 2.5 – 4 x 1.2 – 1.5 mm. All the flowers that make up the basket white. The marginal ones are pseudolingular, the middle bisexual tubular (Shishkin B.K., 1961) (Gubanov I.A., 2004)

The fruit is a strongly compressed, curved, wedge-shaped achene with two protruding ribs. The surface is light gray or yellowish-silver, finely wrinkled, slightly shiny. Achene size: 2 – 2.5 x 1 – 1.5 x 0.5 mm. Weight of 1000 achenes – 0.2 g (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961)

The underground part of the plant is represented by creeping rhizomes with single stems. (Shishkin B.K., 1961)

Biology and development

Common sneezeweed– mesophyte, ephemeroid, perennial, reproduces by seeds and rhizomes. The entrances of achenes and rhizome buds appear in the spring. It blooms from June to September, bears fruit from July to October. (Shlyakova E.V., 1982) (Gubanov I.A., 2004)


Habitat in nature

Common sneezeweed gravitates towards damp, swampy meadows, thickets of bushes and forest edges. (Gubanov I.A., 2004)

Geographical distribution

Common sneezeweed- Mainly distributed in Europe. In Russia it is found in the European part, listed in Western Siberia. The plant is rare. (Gubanov I.A., 2004)


Common sneezeweed– contaminates grain, field and vegetable crops. In the southern taiga, broad-leaved and broad-leaved-spruce forests it occurs in perennial grasses. (Vasilchenko I.T., 1965) (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961) (Shlyakova E.V., 1982)

If the contamination is severe, plants suffer from:

  • from shading;
  • from a decrease in soil temperature;
  • from poor aeration;
  • from decreased humidity;
  • from increased removal of nutrients;
  • from the development of pathogens;
  • from harmful insects. (Masterov A.S., 2014)

Subordinate unit pesticides against

Chemical pesticides.

Cartilaginous sneezeweed (Ptarmica cartilaginea Ledeb.). Benefits and uses of sneezing herb

Characteristic. Yarrow ptarmica (lat. Achillea ptarmica) is also known under the names sneezing grass, common sneezing grass, sneezing plant, white lake grass, nine-hernia grass, blood grass, nesting doll, serporiz, serpentine. Perennial herbaceous plant genus Yarrow of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The rhizomes are perennial creeping, the stem is smooth, single, erect, 30-60 cm high. Simple sessile, green, smooth leaves are arranged oppositely along the entire length of the stem. The corymbose inflorescence is formed from 5-10 flowers at the top of the stem; the flowers are 1.5 cm in diameter, hemispherical, multi-petaled. The basket consists of outer white round petals and central tube-shaped light yellow inflorescences.

In dry form, crushed grass causes sneezing, which is why the plant is popularly called the sneezeweed. Yarrow prefers wet soil, found in meadows, fields, coniferous, mixed forests, on river banks, in lake areas in the European part of Russia, North America, Asia, and Europe. Yarrow is highly resistant to drought and winter frosts As an ornamental plant, it is bred vegetatively, by root division. IN medicinal purposes The grass and flowers are collected in September, the roots are dug up in October, and dried in the shade. Sneezing grass in its chemical composition, medicinal properties, close to common yarrow (lat. Achillea millefolium). On appearance The plants are similar; common yarrow can be distinguished by its densely pubescent stems with small white hairs and pinnately dissected leaves.

Usage. Sneezing herb is used only in folk medicine, reduces pain and inflammation, normalizes blood flow. For treatment chronic prostatitis, adenomas, endometritis, uterine fibroids, a decoction of sneezeweed is combined with other medicinal herbs. Aqueous solution herbs are taken orally for uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation, convulsive and postpartum pain, hemorrhoids, hernia and pulmonary tuberculosis. The solution enhances the work gastrointestinal tract, it is drunk for stomach ulcers, various pain and intestinal disorders. Shredded, fresh grass used as anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic, it is applied to external purulent wounds and ulcers. Dried flowers are sniffed to treat runny noses and cold headaches; according to legend, a decoction of the roots is used to rinse the mouth for toothache.

Chemical composition. The sneezeweed needs a full phytochemical study. The alkaloid achillein is found in grass and leaves, which increases blood clotting, and also organic acids, essential oil, the rhizomes contain inulin.

Contraindications. Categorical should not be used by people with increased coagulability blood, with a tendency to thrombus formation.

Aqueous solution.
Brew one tablespoon of raw material with one glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain.
Method of application.
Take one tablespoon 10 minutes before meals.
Method of use for bleeding.
Drink 50 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.



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