Green lentils: benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of lentils: is it worth eating them?

Lentils have long been known for their taste. But few people know exactly what benefits and harm this legume brings to the human body. Before you start using lentils in your diet or using them for cooking various recipes beauty, it is necessary to carefully study the nuances of its application.

Table: composition of lentils

ElementContent per 100 g of product
Vitamin A5 mcg
beta carotene0.03 mg
Vitamin B10.5 mg
Vitamin B20.21 mg
Vitamin B990 mcg
Vitamin B51.2 mg
Vitamin E0.5 mg
Vitamin PP5.5 mg
Calcium83 mg
Potassium672 mg
Magnesium80 mg
Sodium55 mg
Phosphorus390 mg
Iodine3.5 mcg
Iron11.8 mg
Fluorine390 mg

Product benefits

  1. The product is a source of valuable vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by our body.
  2. This legume contains a lot of iron. One serving provides 90% of the daily requirement of this microelement.
  3. Lentils are one of the leaders in vitamin B9 content, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin.
  4. This product contains coarse insoluble fibers that normalize intestinal function.

Table: comparison of lentils and peas by nutritional value and calorie content

Video: beneficial properties of lentils and their combination with bell pepper

There are five varieties:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • black.

Red or orange

Red lentils are also called orange lentils. The color of the product is determined high content gland. In addition, this variety is rich in potassium. Including red beans in the diet helps improve brain activity and normalize the functioning of the human nervous system. The product does not have a shell, so it cooks quickly.


Green (French) lentils lead among other types in their healing properties, since it contains greatest number fiber. In fact, it is unripe beans. This variety is indicated for intestinal problems and to reduce sugar levels. Green variety takes longer to cook than others.


Yellow lentils are green grains freed from the shell. This product retains all the healing qualities of the previous variety, but contains slightly less fiber.


Brown lentils are the most common in cooking. These are the same beans as green beans, but already ripe. They retain the beneficial properties of the product.


Black lentils were first developed in Canada. This variety is the most aromatic, and when cooked it retains its shape and color. It is superior to its counterparts in protein content, therefore it is considered more nutritious. The color of the product is given by a special pigment with antioxidant properties.

Black lentils look like black caviar, for which it received the name “beluga”

Sprouted grain

Seedlings also have amazing properties. The grain becomes alive, the content of vitamin C in the product increases. The sprout will be useful to everyone, but not large quantities.

Tip: eating 50 grams of sprouted beans per day will be useful for people suffering from low immunity.

Sprouted lentils are especially useful because they retain all their beneficial properties.

Which type is the most useful?

It is difficult to answer which lentils are the healthiest, since all varieties have a good effect on the human body. Green vegetables have more fiber, so they are suitable for diabetes and diseases. gastrointestinal tract. The black one fights cancer more effectively, and the red one fights anemia and problems with blood vessels. Eating sprouts improves immunity well. To a healthy person It is enough to diversify your diet with lentils in any form up to twice a week. When used correctly (up to 100 g per day), the product will only bring benefits to the body.

All varieties have beneficial properties

Benefits for women

  1. Prevents the development of breast cancer.
  2. Warns benign tumors uterus.
  3. Helps make it easier to survive menopause.
  4. Women reproductive age makes it easier painful conditions with premenstrual syndrome.

Benefits during pregnancy

  1. Promotes normal formation and growth of the fetus.
  2. Increases the immunity of mother and child.
  3. Prevents the development of anemia.
  4. Ensures normal hematopoiesis.

During pregnancy, you should limit your intake to 50 grams per day because:

  • because of slow digestion a feeling of nausea may occur, which is especially undesirable with toxicosis;
  • in women at risk urolithiasis abuse can provoke the formation of kidney stones.

When breastfeeding

  • helps strengthen the baby's immunity;
  • provides the necessary level of iron and prevents anemia in mother and baby;
  • promotes normal bowel function, regulates stool, and also removes waste and toxins from the woman’s body;
  • does not cause allergies in the child.

For feeding babies

  1. Legumes can be introduced into the baby’s menu no earlier than 8 months. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then not earlier than two years.
  2. Most domestic pediatricians recommend introducing this product only from the age of 2, since the grains of these crops contain special fibers and sugars that can cause increased gas formation and irritation of a child’s fragile intestines.
  3. It is recommended to start getting acquainted with legumes with red lentils, as they contain less coarse fiber.
  4. Beans contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is absorbed more easily by the child's body than meat.
  5. You should try giving the product to your child with half a teaspoon in pureed form. If the baby has problems with digestion, then postpone the start of complementary feeding with legumes to a later date.
  6. It will be enough to use the product for complementary feeding once every 2 weeks.

The role of the product in healthy nutrition for men

According to scientists, lentils are especially beneficial for men suffering from impotence. In addition, the strong half of humanity is susceptible cardiovascular diseases. Including beans in a man's diet will help prevent these ailments.

Lentils for weight loss

Reasons why the product is useful for weight loss:

  • is not high in calories;
  • valuable carbohydrates contained in lentils do not cause surges in blood glucose;
  • It takes a long time to digest, so it saturates well;
  • is an excellent source of protein, and the content of rough dietary fiber promote good bowel function.

For the purpose of losing weight, it is better to eat green beans, since they contain more healthy fiber, it takes longer to digest and suppresses appetite for several hours.

To lose weight, it is better to use green lentils

Can you get better from eating lentils?

With moderate consumption, it is quite difficult to gain weight from beans. The product is slowly absorbed, therefore dulls the feeling of hunger for for a long time. In addition, its use does not cause sharp jump blood sugar, so you don’t want to eat soon after such a meal.

Can the product be used in the evening?

In the evening, lentils should be eaten in in moderation because it contains carbohydrates. If you eat 50 grams of beans as a side dish for dinner, it will only benefit your body and you will not gain weight.

Lentils for athletes

Red lentil soup is a very healthy and tasty dish.

Liver diseases and cholecystitis

Lentils are digested slowly, as they contain a large amount of coarse fiber. Therefore, in case of liver diseases, biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis, its consumption should be limited to 1 time per week. If the patient wants to pamper himself, then he needs to choose the red variety.

Red lentils are suitable for people with liver diseases

Gastritis, including with high acidity

Lentils, especially green and black, are recommended for gastritis with low acidity, but you should include it in your diet only after consulting a doctor. This legume irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and causes increased gas formation. Therefore, with gastritis with increased acidity it should be excluded from the diet.

With gastritis with low acidity, you can eat lentils only in a well-cooked form - as puree soups or liquid porridges. And before cooking, it should be soaked for 8–10 hours to reduce gas formation.


Gout is a disease associated with metabolic disorders. The diet in this case is aimed at eliminating foods containing uric acid. Lentils are rich in this substance, so they should be excluded from the diet for this disease.


Hypertension is a disease characterized by high blood pressure. In this case, you need to monitor your diet especially carefully. People suffering from hypertension simply need to include lentils in their diet at least 2-3 times a week due to high content potassium, beneficial for blood vessels. In addition, a large number coarse fiber Helps normalize cholesterol levels.

A remedy for hypertension based on motherwort


  • 20 g of dry motherwort;
  • 30 g lentils.

Cooking method

  1. Combine the ingredients and fill the composition with water.
  2. Simmer the broth over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Strain the infusion.

Drink two tablespoons of the decoction three times a day before meals.

Kidney stones

This is one of the few diseases in which lentils and all legumes are contraindicated, since these products can trigger the formation of new stones.

Beauty Recipes

Lentils have long been used in the manufacture of beauty products. For example, in India, legume-based shampoo with essential oils. The product makes hair soft, manageable and smooth.

At home, you can prepare simple and useful masks for face and hair.

Mask for split ends with sprouted lentils


  • 1 tablespoon of dry fenugreek;
  • 100 g of sprouted beans;
  • 100 ml natural yogurt.

Cooking method

  1. Grind fenugreek and lentils in a coffee grinder.
  2. Add yogurt, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator overnight.

The next morning, the mask should be applied to your hair for 3 hours. Then wash off the product warm water no shampoo.

Rejuvenating face mask


  • 1 cup lentil grains;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 100 ml freshly brewed green tea.

Cooking method

  1. Grind the beans in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix with sour cream.
  3. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and keep for 15–20 minutes.
  4. After the specified period of time, moisten a cotton swab with fresh tea leaves and wash off the mask with it.
  5. Remove the remnants of the mask by washing with running cool water.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite all its beneficial properties, lentils have a number of contraindications. It should be excluded from the diet:

  • for joint diseases;
  • for gout;
  • with uric acid diathesis;
  • with difficulty urinating;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • for hemorrhoids.

Particular care should be taken when using this legume for diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and pancreatitis. Do not exceed the consumption limit - this is the main precaution. If you follow it, then there will be no health problems.

In the Old Testament (Book of Genesis) it is mentioned that Ahab sold his birthright to Jacob for lentil stew. And those who have tried this variety of legumes today say: it was worth it. What are the benefits and harms of lentils? How many calories are in these little "beans"? What varieties are there, which one is the most useful? We will cover all this in this article. We will also talk about the basic principles of cooking lentils. You'll learn how to properly sprout these little beans. This article will also reveal the secrets of the lentil diet.

Humanity began to cultivate this legume crop at the dawn of civilization. The remains of lentil puree, quite fossilized, were found in the burial chamber of an Egyptian pharaoh. In Ancient China, these flattened, small, seed-like beans were consumed along with rice. The benefits and harms of lentils have long been known. Doctors in Ancient Greece prescribed it as a healing remedy for liver diseases. For the Roman plebs, lentils replaced meat because they contain a lot of protein. The patricians did not disdain it either. He considered it a delicacy for its delicate nutty taste.

Do not think that lentils are a very heat-loving plant. It’s hard to believe, but before the October Revolution, Russia was one of the world leaders in the area under cultivation of this crop. She even sold it for export. Now India is the leader in the volume of cultivation of this legume.

Lentils in Rus'

In our country, the culture has become known since the fourteenth century. And she immediately gained popularity among the people. Since the Slavs have always loved porridge, lentils “hit the spot” - after all, they resemble cereals in appearance. This plant is unpretentious and always productive. For example, when there was a severe drought at the end of the nineteenth century, only lentils saved the country from widespread famine. What happened that made this culture become exotic for modern Russians? The benefits and harms of lentils did not play any role here. This crop just has one drawback: it ripens unevenly. If harvested by hand, this property can be corrected by simply packaging green and red beans in separate baskets. But in the era of primary mechanization, it was not possible to separate ripe pods from those that were not yet ripe. Therefore, the USSR switched to less problematic potatoes. Only the Russian proverb remained, as a memory of my former life: “Lentils are on the table, but health is in the family.” It's time to remember the past.


Before we talk about the benefits and harms of lentils, let us mention that there are several types of this legume. There are about ten of them, but we will list only the five main, most frequently used ones. These are brown, red, green, yellow and black lentils. They differ not only in color, but also in taste, method of preparation and, therefore, beneficial properties.

The most common are brown lentils. Her beans hold their shape well and cook slowly. Therefore, this variety is even soaked as regular peas or beans. After this, brown lentils are used for first courses. The red variety is also called Egyptian. Just like yellow, it cooks quickly and is used to prepare vegetable stews, purees, and thick stews. Green, or French, lentils retain their shape well. It is often added to salads. Popular in the Middle East, black lentils are called stellate lentils because they are the smallest variety. "Beans" are only two to three millimeters in size. Just like black caviar! This variety also holds its shape well and looks great in salads. There is also a special type of lentil - “puy”, named after the French city where it began to be cultivated. It has a somewhat spicy taste.

Red and yellow lentils

All varieties of this legume plant are extremely useful. All of them contain a lot of protein (about half of total mass) and only one percent fat. And this circumstance makes lentils a dietary product, although nutritional value quite high - 295 kcal per hundred grams of product. All varieties of this plant contain vitamins A, B, E, as well as substances essential for the health of the body such as iron, boron, iodine, silicon, cobalt, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine and copper.

Lentils should be consumed by pregnant women, because they contain folic acid, which has a positive effect on fetal development. Yellow and red lentils, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, do not have skin and boil quickly (in just a quarter of an hour). These varieties are rich in iron, so they should be consumed by people suffering from anemia. Red and yellow lentils are good for colitis and stomach problems. But diabetics should pay attention to other varieties.

Green lentils: benefits and harms

The French variety is poorly digestible and therefore lowers blood sugar levels. Green lentils are also used for constipation. This variety takes a little longer to cook, but retains its shape better. Lentilles (as lentils are called in France) looks great in salads and also goes well with grains. This variety is rich in fiber.

It is believed that green lentils do not accumulate nitrates, toxins and radionuclides - the eternal companions of many products in our environmentally unfavorable times. This type is good for rheumatism, cholecystitis, ulcers, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, hypertension.

Brown lentils: benefits and harms

Recipes for dishes from this variety are the most common. The beans have a spicy, nutty flavor. This variety is moderately overcooked. It is good for casseroles and thick soups. Brown lentils are used for lung diseases and especially for tuberculosis. This variety is indispensable for quick treatment bone injuries. How prophylactic used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevents development oncological tumors, osteoporosis.

Women during menopause should also eat this variety of lentils more often. But this variety, like all legumes, has unpleasant property cause gas formation in the intestines. People with ulcers, as well as people suffering from dysbacteriosis, should treat brown lentils with caution.

Black variety

Beluga lentils look very beautiful in dishes. The benefits and harms, preparation of this product (its subtleties) are still a matter of debate, since the variety was bred relatively recently in Canada. From there it spread to the USA and countries Southeast Asia. It is only known that black lentils strengthen the immune system. It also normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle. People suffering from gout and biliary dyskinesia should use it with caution. Black lentils are extremely prized for their spicy taste. When cooking it, it is not at all necessary to add spices. Heat treatment of tiny “beans” takes a little time - about twenty minutes.

How to properly sprout lentils. Diet

Lentils, which have already sprouted small shoots, are especially useful in early spring, when the body needs to strengthen the immune system. It is also good for pregnant women and people watching their figure. What are sprouted lentils? The benefits and harms of this product have been studied, and we can say with all responsibility: it does not cause health problems. But how to sprout lentils correctly? These should be whole (not split) beans, preferably of the brown or green variety. You need to fill them with water to completely cover the grains. Once a day, the liquid must be expressed and fresh water added. After a week, the product is ready for use. For a lentil diet, you need to steam a glass of beans in the evening. You need to eat this porridge for three full days, washing down each meal with a cup of low-fat kefir. According to nutritionists, during this time you can lose three kilograms.

On at the moment many return from oblivion food products. And among them special attention red lentils deserve, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in detail in this article.

A food product from the legume family called red lentils has been known since Ancient Rus'. And by the way, lentils were not bypassed and we tried to introduce them into the diet as much as possible to maintain energy forces required when working in the field. Over time, about the benefits of this useful product began to forget. True, today they are starting to talk about its benefits and significance in human life again.


Red lentils, from existing varieties of similar legumes, are distinguished by chemical composition. And the main difference in this regard is more low content some vitamins and minerals.

So in a cooked product (usually not consumed raw) the following can only be observed:

  • protein fractions plant origin;
  • fats (approximately 0.4 g);
  • carbohydrates (no more than 18 g);
  • fiber (consists of digestible and insoluble dietary fiber);
  • essential amino acid tryptophan;
  • beta-carotene;
  • some elements (that is, a small part) of B vitamins, represented by thiamine, riboflavin, niacin (vitamin B3 or PP);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • iron (up to 2.5 g);
  • potassium (as much as 220 g);
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • (about 16 g);
  • isoflavonoids.

According to chemist-biologists, it is precisely this that is characterized by:

  • absence of signs of absorption of toxic substances into the plant;
  • the ability to grow even in environmentally polluted areas, while remaining an ecological product;
  • the presence of all particularly important components.

As a result, including red lentils in the diet (only in reasonable quantities) will be beneficial and help replace meat products. And this will give you the opportunity to improve your health through delicious, nutritious meals, without being burdened by increased costs.

The culture contains a large amount of vegetable protein. This is especially important for vegetarians, they should know about the benefits of protein and include dishes with red lentils in their diet to maintain health. The absorption of this type of protein occurs faster when compared with animal protein.

It is also worth noting that red lentils have a dry calorie content of 318–320 kilocalories, while boiled ones have only 100 units. Glycemic index lentils are not at all distinguished from the indicators of their representatives - green, brown and yellow, and are characterized by 29 units. The proportional ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 33/5/63%.

Features of selection and storage

Unfortunately, red lentil grains can still be processed mechanically to remove the skin. Thus, it is almost impossible to see whole grains without damage. They often have a chipped appearance.

True, in order to benefit even when choosing such a product, you should pay attention to the following:

  • packaging integrity;
  • its appearance (it is better to give preference to the transparent version);
  • manufacturer (the main producing countries are Canada and India);
  • absence of mold on lentils;
  • maximum absence of debris in the cereal;
  • uniformity of grain color.

Storing the product is practically no different from storing other types. True, it is better to pour it into a glass, hermetically sealed container and place it in a cool, dark place. When a fabric bag is chosen as a “container,” the room should be well ventilated.

It is strictly forbidden to mix old lentils with newly purchased ones (not only the taste of the dish will deteriorate, but the cooking time will also change - one part of the cereal will cook faster, the other will remain tough). Despite instructions that lentils can be stored for about a year, it is still better to consume the grain within six months.

Red lentils: benefits

Almost every nutritionist and doctor knows that the product contains the maximum (as for legumes) amount of iron and potassium. And this indicator justifies many useful qualities, namely:

  • increasing the level of resistance to infections and viruses;
  • quick and long-term saturation of the body;
  • increased level of vital activity and activity;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • obstruction harmful effects radionuclides and other toxic substances;
  • prevention of occurrence and development oncological diseases;
  • improvement of sexual function in men;
  • improvement of hematopoietic processes;
  • increased blood hemoglobin;
  • additional therapeutic treatment diseases cardiovascular system(as a result, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis);
  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • normalization of blood glucose and serum levels;
  • decline blood pressure for hypertension;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • elimination of arrhythmia (in this case, sprouted beans are used);
  • improving liver function;
  • relieving nervous tension;
  • prevention of the appearance and development of kidney diseases;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintaining visual acuity;
  • absence of allergy provoking factor;
  • treatment of burns and dermatitis (for this, red lentil flour is mixed with butter);
  • cure acne and pimples that appear on the face;
  • softening the skin for dry skin types.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the presence of numerous useful properties However, some people should use this legume with caution, as it can cause harm.

That's why doctors warn:

  • Lentils should not be consumed by people suffering from joint diseases and gout;
  • Such beans are also undesirable for people with food-sensitive kidneys and gallbladder(from such food they begin to work in a state of increased stress);
  • uric acid diathesis and hemorrhoids are also among the main contraindications;
  • despite performing the function of establishing digestion, people with weak stomach should still avoid lentil dishes.

And the main rule is that you cannot eat such lentils in large quantities.

How to cook red lentils

Unlike unripe green French beans, the red variety is almost always boiled to a puree-like state. However, it is forbidden to cook beans without first soaking them in cold water for 2-4 hours (the beans should double in size). Only after this time has passed, the lentils are washed under running water, freed from debris and placed in boiling, clean, filtered water. And, of course, you need to know how long to cook red lentils. The cooking time until such a product is ready will not take even half an hour. But it is necessary to adhere to the proportions. And they make up one part of cereal to two parts of water.

Red Lentil Dishes

Red lentil soup

To prepare it you will need potatoes, carrots, red lentils, onions, creamy or vegetable oil, pepper (black or allspice) and salt. You will also need two pans.

  1. In one of the pans, a full-fledged regular soup should be cooked until it is completely cooked. If peppercorns are used, they must be removed. The taste of the spice transfers into the dish when cooked.
  2. In another saucepan, 20 minutes before the regular soup is ready, you need to start cooking the red lentils over low heat, remembering to stir.
  3. In just half an hour, both individual dishes will be ready.
  4. Later they are mixed and blended with a blender.
  5. The top of the puree soup is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

You can also prepare simple and tasty soup recipes, check out

This product is rightfully considered the most useful look legumes In order to appreciate it, let's look at biochemical composition green lentils and find out what microelements it contains.

The benefits and harms of green lentils

This product contains a large amount of protein as well as fiber. That is why green lentil dishes are recommended to be included in their diet by those who want to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lose weight or improve metabolism. Fiber increases intestinal motility, thereby promoting excretion harmful substances And feces from the body. Well, protein will help eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, which eliminates the problem of overeating. Therefore, lentils are often eaten by those who would like to get rid of extra pounds.

The benefit of green lentils also lies in the fact that eating them helps lower blood sugar levels. This product is recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes; dishes from it can and should be included in their diet for those who are at risk of developing this disease.

One of the beneficial properties of green lentils is that isoflavone, a substance contained in it, can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. It is worth noting that the amount of isoflavone does not decrease, even if these legumes are cooked sufficiently long time, that is, more than 2 hours. Well, microelements such as potassium and magnesium are simply necessary for normal functioning immune system.

You can also find vitamins A and C in lentils, so you should eat dishes made from them when you have a cold, this will help you cope with the symptoms of the disease faster and “get back on your feet.” One more positive effect we can say that vitamin A will help slow down the aging of cells and their elements.


IN daily menu You can rarely find lentils. Among others legumes she takes her rightful place. Porridge, soups and other dishes with its addition are popular in Germany, but are almost forgotten in Russia. Despite its South Asian origin, it is cultivated more actively in other countries. Finding the product in stores is not easy. Those who know about its unique properties try to eat the dish at least once a week to maintain the strength of the body.

Variety of lentils

For lovers of culinary experiments, this legume is also attractive for its ability to play with color. This has little effect on the taste, and the plant culture is capable of making the dish interesting. Lentils, the benefits and harms of which are still the subject of debate, come in several types:

  • green or French - goes well with salad ingredients, can be a side dish, contains the most protein;
  • red - rich in iron, porridge made from it is less attractive than soup or side dish;
  • black - popular in Canada, according to appearance resembles caviar. Red or green lentils take longer to cook than black ones;
  • yellow - is a purified version of green cereal;
  • brown or pardina - the ripest grains, therefore they have the most useful substances.

Regardless of the type, all grains have a round or cylindrical shape. They can be from 5 mm to 8 mm in diameter. The larger bean grain, the softer it is after cooking. This should be taken into account when choosing cereals for dishes. Porridge can be made from any type of lentil.

What are the benefits of legumes?

The popularity that lentils are gaining in recent years, connected with her unique properties. The main advantage over other cereals is great content squirrel. Red lentils contain 21.6 g. in 100 gr. product. In black - almost 2 g. more.

The usefulness of culture is also associated with its following properties:

  • control of hunger;
  • long digestion, which allows you to take long breaks between meals;
  • maximum protein absorption;
  • presence of B vitamins, nicotinic acid, iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relief from constipation;
  • removal of toxins;
  • high level of fiber content, which is used by nutritionists for weight loss programs;
  • increased performance due to the energy contained in grains;
  • phytoestrogens reduce adverse consequences menopause in women: reduce the risk of osteoporosis and the level of sweating, smooth out the ebb and flow of tides;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • skin healing;
  • normalization of sugar levels;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • development of brain areas and decreased likelihood nervous exhaustion due to the available vitamins.

The properties of lentils in restoring liver cells have also been proven. Hematopoietic organ, responsible for filtration in the body, needs support.

Red lentils are indicated for patients with anemia.

This culture cannot compensate for the beneficial properties of all products. For example, this vegetable protein does not contain full list amino acids. However, its inclusion in the diet can significantly improve the quality of food.

Disadvantages of grains

The benefits of lentils for the body are obvious. There are properties that indicate the need for careful use of the product. This is due to possible aggravation chronic diseases.

If you eat dishes with lentils in large quantities, it causes gas formation. This may cause stomach cramps. Other disadvantages include:

  • decreased filtration function of the kidneys, which excessive consumption culture can worsen their condition;
  • Excess potassium in the body can affect heart rate;
  • the accumulation of lysine can provoke the appearance of gallstones.

All negative consequences consumption of vegetable protein is associated with incorrect establishment of a diet. If you do not make lentils a monoproduct in the human diet, there will be no problems.

Sick diabetes mellitus, despite all the benefits of culture for them, one should also not abuse it. Natural metabolism may go astray, the product will begin to be absorbed differently, which will increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

If you have ulcers, it is better to consume grains in the form of a puree. Men, who are more prone to heart problems, should eat less lentils than women.

Those who are introducing lentil dishes into their diet for the first time should start with a small amount. It is enough to consume the product 1-2 times a week so that the body gets used to it and tunes in to new way. Subsequently, you can cook dishes from this culture more often and experience its benefits for yourself!


Assessing the benefits and harms of lentils, the obvious fact is that the first is much larger and more significant. You can eat boiled cereals and sprouted grains. Despite its unpresentable appearance, lentils have a pleasant taste.

Cereal in different cultures

Since ancient times, people have noticed the benefits and harms of lentils. The fact that it was on the tables of various peoples is evidenced by the results of excavations and research by historians:

  • in the legends of the Old Testament lentil stew is mentioned;
  • mashed grains were a delicacy of the Egyptian pharaohs;
  • the ancient Greeks considered the product a delicacy;
  • in China, the value of cereals was equal to rice.

To Russia cereal crop came in the 14th century. The benefits of lentils significantly outweigh the harm, which is why their mass cultivation began. Grain was replaced by potatoes.

What's in lentils?

This plant does not accumulate toxins, nitrates and radionuclides, which allows it to be called environmentally friendly. The grains contain large quantities easily digestible protein, which is not inferior in nutritional value meat products. Vegetarians take note of this fact, actively including daily ration soups, cereals and other dishes made from this grain. Lentils are also important for weight loss.

The benefits of lentils for the digestive process and organs are undeniable. Being a source of soluble fiber, consumed grains reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors in the rectum. Lentil porridge is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The grains have positive influence on the woman’s body, thanks to its rich chemical composition. They contain:

The beneficial properties of lentils are that they saturate a person with important fatty acids Omega 3 and 6, vitamins A, C, group B. Thanks to this, the product has a broad effect:

  • significantly strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • eliminates dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • helps with heart diseases;
  • raises hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • improves skin condition;
  • promotes weight loss.

Men should know why lentils are beneficial for them. After all, it is indicated for symptoms of sexual impotence. But it is much more important for women to eat grains. They simply contain enormous folic potential: 100 g of ready-made porridge satisfies the daily requirement of the element. Pregnant and lactating women should take note of this.

Isoflavones are another benefit of lentils for women. This substance can prevent the appearance and development of breast cancer. Also, thanks to this element, porridge is recommended for women during menopause. It will help normalize hormonal levels and relieving unpleasant symptoms.

But the beneficial properties of lentils do not end there. Legumes are rich in tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin. He is responsible for good mood and resistance to stress.

Varieties and their usefulness

Red lentils are also called Egyptian lentils. It makes amazing soups and stews. The dishes will not only be tasty, but also healthy for men and women suffering from anemia and anemia.

The green variety is called the most useful. It contains trace elements and vitamins in larger quantities than red. It is green grains that are best suited for different diets for weight loss.

INTERESTING: In total, there are about 15 varieties of cereals, which have almost no contraindications. Brown lentils taste like nuts. It is recommended for use by those suffering from tuberculosis, as well as for injuries. muscle-bone tissue. Black lentils are the smallest: their grains are the size of fish eggs. The French variety is also called “Puy” by analogy with the name of the city where it was cultivated. The spicy taste is not an obstacle to eating porridge for weight loss.

Green and red sprouted lentils have an interesting taste and undoubted benefits for a woman’s body. This product cleanses the body, increases the efficiency of the liver and, as a result, provides a surge of strength and vital energy, improvement of condition skin. But still, for some women there are contraindications to using lentil porridge, at least frequently.

INTERESTING: To germinate grains, they need to be filled with water for 5 days. The fluid is changed every 24 hours. The product can be used to prepare salads and snacks. Special value Its benefit, in particular for weight loss, is that the amount of antioxidants in sprouted grains increases. They slow down the aging process and soothe nervous system, improve metabolic processes.

A weight loss diet based on green lentil cereals allows you to lose up to 5 kg in just a week. The maximum result is possible if a woman not only limits her diet, but also connects physical activity. Proper nutrition in combination with sports will allow you to be in good shape, normalize sleep and well-being. But before you use cereal for weight loss, you need to consider contraindications.

Who should refrain from porridge?

No matter how useful the product is, it often has a number of contraindications. And lentils are proof of this. It should be noted that grains lead to increased gas formation, therefore it is contraindicated for people with dysbiosis and other intestinal diseases.

It is recommended to refrain from eating lentil salads for those who have stomach problems. But it is quite acceptable to eat boiled grains in soups for weight loss. Legumes contain phytates, which prevent beneficial substances from being quickly and easily absorbed.

Contraindications exist only for people with certain chronic and acute diseases. Basically, lentils are extremely beneficial for men and women of any age, due to their high content of nutrients that are not destroyed even at high temperatures.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. Read how to do this here.


Green lentils is rightfully considered one of the most useful representatives of the legume genus. Known since ancient times, today it has not lost its importance in cooking. Lentils are a universal source of vegetable protein, essential minerals and vitamins. In addition, this legume is an ideal supporter healthy image life.

What are the benefits of green lentils?

Green lentils are one of the main sources of plant fiber or fiber. Thanks to its high content, this representative of the legume family normalizes appetite and supports normal work stomach, prevents constipation.

Another invaluable advantage of lentils is their enormous protein content. plant matter ensures muscle development, prevents various heart diseases, and at the same time contains almost no unhealthy fats. In addition to protein and fiber, lentils contain carbohydrates, starch, ash, and saturated fatty acids.

Eating green lentils for on a regular basis, you replenish vitamin B reserves ( folic acid, thiamine). They help others understand better nutrients, improves brain activity. In addition, it contains a variety of minerals, namely potassium, copper, magnesium and iron. This chemical composition contributes to:

  • Reducing the risk of stroke;
  • Prevention of anemia;
  • Maintaining bone strength;
  • Protect cells from changes caused by free radicals.

Dishes based on green lentils are suitable for diabetics; by the way, they reduce not only sugar, but also cholesterol, normalize high blood pressure. It is also believed that it helps prevent the development of cancer.

Before heat treatment It is recommended to soak lentils of this variety and only then cook them for a long time.

When you decide to cook a dish from lentils, remember that it will take a long time to digest and can even be painful. At first, an unaccustomed stomach may respond to a change in diet with a feeling of discomfort. To prevent health problems, this product should be avoided in the following situations:

  • For joint disease;
  • For ulcers, gastritis and colitis;
  • With active gas formation.


Legumes are the perfect combination of plant protein and vitamins. Of all the variety of beans, lentils are considered a feminine product.

How are lentils beneficial for women and pregnant women?

Eating this product will not only help you get rid of various diseases, but also to solve some typically female problems.

Composition and calorie content

Lentils are among dietary products. This legume is notable for the fact that it contains high concentration vegetable protein: 100 grams of boiled lentils contain approximately 25 grams of vegetable protein. Moreover, the product has low fat content. Nutritionists have calculated that in order to receive daily norm For protein, a person can completely replace meat with boiled lentils.

This will not negatively affect the health of the body, but it will improve the digestion process, since plant protein is known to be absorbed better than protein of animal origin. The composition of this variety of beans will allow you to find out how lentils are beneficial for women. Lentils contain everything necessary for the body vitamins and minerals:

  • Omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Soluble fiber;
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamins of group B, A, PP and E;
  • Microelements (iodine, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, phosphorus).

The presence of lentil dishes in the diet will make a woman’s menu more balanced and nutritious. Even though lentils are very hearty product, its calorie content is not too high. 100 grams of boiled beans contain 110 kcal.

Types of Lentils

Currently, humanity knows 10 different varieties of lentils. And although taste qualities they are practically the same, each type of legume has unique set useful properties. How are lentils of one type or another beneficial for women?

  • Brown lentils. It has a characteristic nutty taste, ideal for making soups and casseroles. Improves the condition of the body in case of bone and muscle injuries, tuberculosis and lung diseases;
  • Red lentils. It has a very piquant taste, boils quickly, and therefore is often used for making pureed soups. Contains a lot of protein and iron, indicated for anemia;
  • Green lentils. They are unripe fruits that hold their shape well after cooking. Green lentils are especially useful for hypertension, cholecystitis and pyelonephritis, as well as rheumatism.

Benefits of lentils for women

Nutritionists emphasize that to preserve women's health lentils should become permanent product on every girl's table. The properties and benefits of lentils for women are explained unique composition, which includes components that provide:

  • Prevention of breast cancer;
  • Reducing symptoms of menopause;
  • Confrontation severe stress and depression;
  • Normalization of blood sugar;
  • Prevention of heart and digestive tract diseases.

One serving of boiled lentils contains about 90% of daily norm folic acid, which is especially necessary for pregnant women for normal fetal formation. What other benefits are lentils for women? Due to the high content of soluble plant fibers in beans, the fair sex often uses it. Even a small portion of this product can quickly saturate the body. In addition, lentils do not cause a sharp jump in insulin levels, which means that the feeling of hunger will not bother you very soon. Daily use Lentils improve digestion, helping to avoid constipation, which is often encountered by those losing weight when switching to a less varied and low-calorie diet.



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