Bouquets of roses from paper napkins. Sweet bouquet of roses made from napkins

Modeling is one of the most popular creative activities for children. Plasticine remains a favorite, but you can also create beautiful crafts from mastic or salt dough. The right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the ability to think creatively; it can be gradually developed by drawing or creating sculptures with the baby. Such activities are quite accessible for children who are already 1 year old. Gradually, crafts can become more complex to arouse cognitive interest.

Together with your children you can learn colors, shapes, different breeds of animals, for example or. And types of birds. For example, you can create a woodpecker from plasticine and talk about the benefits this bird brings.

How to make a Woodpecker bird from plasticine - photo tutorial step by step:

1. Stock up on bright plasticine. One type of colored blocks will cause delight in a child and a desire to get creative. For ease of work, you will also need a small spatula; it is usually included in the ready-made set.

2. Roll a small ball out of black material, then make it oblong. Make the body of the bird in the form of a large black drop.

3. Form two cakes resembling a boomerang shape. These will be the wings of a woodpecker. Decorate them with white longitudinal stripes. Roll a very thin white sausage and cut into small pieces with a spatula.

4. Assemble the prepared parts together.

5. Decorate the woodpecker's chest with white plasticine. Also place white cakes on the front part, add black pupils.

6. Make a sharp beak from an orange drop, cut it and insert a small worm.

7. Add some bright colors. Decorate the chest with yellow and red shades, place a red tuft on the top of the head.

8. To create the tail, make a lot of black and white flat drops.

9. Connect them one by one and attach the tail in its place. Using matches or wire as a basis, mold two legs.

10. All that remains is to plant the woodpecker on the tree. You can mold it from plasticine or use real branches.

Bird Woodpecker made of plasticine, ready.

Plasticine is an ideal material with which small children can bring their wildest fantasies to life. In addition, the pliable and plastic mass serves as an excellent simulator for the development of fine motor skills of children's fingers.

Children often embody their dreams of flying in drawings of birds, but you can’t really play with a drawn bird or airplane. There is a way out - help your young sculptor and show him how to make a bird out of plasticine that he can play with.

Making a bird craft from plasticine without any special skills so that it is a copy of a real bird is a rather difficult task even for parents. To begin with, you should try modeling a cartoon bird from plasticine, which does not have plumage and other characteristic features, which, unfortunately, are difficult to imitate.

So, let's sculpt a funny bird from plasticine! First, soften the modeling mass a little. Roll out the body of the bird from blue plasticine. Decorate his chest with a white spot, tightly pressing the ball rolled into a round layer. Now start sculpting small parts: divide the pink beak with a knife, decorate the spherical eyes made of white plasticine with black pupil balls, make two notches on the slightly flattened ball legs imitating marigolds. Decorate droplet wings made of purple plasticine with two thin stripes of a contrasting color - these will be feathers. Place a large red comb on the bird's head - the bird is ready!

Before giving the bird to your baby to play with, place it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes so that the plasticine hardens.

Now you know how to make a bird from plasticine in a few minutes. Believe me, the little dreamer will definitely appreciate his mother’s efforts and will experiment with plasticine more than once. And someday he will definitely surprise you with a masterpiece!

Angry Birds is one of the most popular arcade games for mobile platforms in the history of smartphones and tablets. Appearing for the first time back in 2009 for iOS, this arcade game won the hearts of a huge number of owners of Apple mobile devices within just a few months, which became the reason for its spread to other operating systems.

To date, more than twenty modifications of Angry Birds have been developed, each of which has its own unique features and an entire army of fans. Moreover, in 2016, a full-length animated film was made based on the game, which grossed more than $200 million, which once again confirmed the highest popularity of the franchise around the world.

And it is not at all surprising that today there are a huge number of Angry Birds toys on sale, as well as clothes, accessories and other items not only for children, but also for adult products with the brand logo and images of various arcade characters. In addition, many handicraft lovers make their own crafts in the form of figurines of funny cartoon birds.

Various materials are suitable for making Angry Birds figurines, one of which is plasticine, among the main advantages of which it is worth noting:

  • flexibility for detailed processing;
  • the ability to manufacture complex geometric shapes;
  • widest range of colors;
  • relative ease of use.

Angry Birds crafts can be made not only independently, but also together with your baby. They are not very complicated to make, although they do contain some small elements.

PHOTO step by step - How to make Angry Birds from plasticine

Let's start making Angry Birds with our own hands with a mandatory attribute of this game - a slingshot, with the help of which the birds attack the settlements of evil pigs. We will make the base for the slingshot from brown plasticine, and the role of an elastic band will be played by a black material rolled out well into a ribbon.

Note that Angry Birds can be sculpted using two methods:

  • by first making round blanks of the appropriate colors for each character;
  • by sculpting each bird from start to finish.

Today we use the second method.

First, let's sculpt a figurine of the green bird Hal. First, we will sculpt a blank for the bird in the form of a green ball, and then, using white material, we will make the bases for the eyes and chest of the bird.

Above the eyes we will attach thin black eyebrows.

We attach small black pupils in the middle of the eyes.

We complement the image of the bird with an orange beak, in which we make a cut using a regular plastic stack, as well as a black crest.

Using the same scheme, we sculpt figurines of the remaining birds, not forgetting to take into account their unique features:

  • The red bird Mat has side-by-side eyes and merging eyebrows, as well as a red crest;
  • The black Bomb bird should be larger than all the others in size;
  • Jake the bluebird is the smallest with funny bulging eyes;
  • Chuck - a yellow bird with a triangular body with narrow eyes;
  • The white Matilda bird has an oval body shape with yellow spots on the sides and a black crest.

Teach children to sculpt a tit, conveying the characteristic shape, proportion of the body and its parts, the correct position of the head, the position of the tail, and wings.
Teach children a constructive method of sculpting a tit from several parts that differ in shape and size, using additional material (beads instead of eyes, a sunflower seed instead of a beak).
To develop children's independence in finding ways to convey the movement of a sculpted bird (the head is lowered down - the tit is pecking, the wings are raised up - the bird flies from place to place).
Develop a sense of form, composition ability, visual perception, coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills.
Cultivate an interest in wildlife and a desire to help wintering birds during the cold season.
Preliminary work: Bird watching in the kindergarten area, in the park with parents. A conversation about tits and their benefits. Making feeders for wintering birds by parents and children. Examination of images of different tits (great tit, blue tit, coal tit, long-tailed and tufted tits, brown-headed tit, common tit) in the presentation. Reading R. Novikov “Let’s Help the Birds”, V. Gvozdev “Fly to Us, Tits.”
Materials and equipment:
Demonstration material: illustrations “Tit”, “Birds at the feeder”, diagram of the step-by-step sculpting of a tit.
Handouts: yellow and blue plasticine, stacks, toothpicks for attaching paws, sunflower seeds for the beak, black beads for the eyes, paper and cloth napkins; cereals and seeds - food for tits in the feeder.
Equipment: projector, multimedia screen, Power Point presentation, computer, tape recorder, audio recording with calm background music, feeder as the basis for a collective composition.
Progress of direct educational activities:
1. Organizational point:
The teacher turns on the presentation (slide No. 2) “Birds at the Feeder” and reads T. Lavrova’s poem to the children:
On a birch tree near the house
Someone shadows familiarly.
There is noise and fun at the feeder -
They are having a housewarming party there.
Quickly pecks the grains,
Doesn't let us sleep in the morning
Vocal singer -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.
Educator: Do you remember how we watched the birds at the feeder during our walk?
  • What birds flew to the “bird canteen”? (sparrows, tits)
  • What do people feed birds in winter? (seeds, cereals, bread crumbs)
  • What else do tits like to feed on at the feeder in winter? (unsalted lard)

Educator: It’s frosty outside and the kids don’t go for walks in this weather and haven’t seen the titmice that fly to our feeder to eat. Look how beautiful the feeder is! Let's make titmice so that kids can also admire these beautiful birds!
2. Explanation of work steps:
Educator: Look at the tit (attach a picture to the magnetic board) and let’s remember its appearance:

  • small,
  • the body is round,
  • the head is also round and small,
  • the wings are small,
  • elongated tail,
  • feathers are yellow, with black and blue tints,
  • short beak,
  • eyes like black beads.

Educator: Today we will sculpt a tit from individual parts (a diagram for sculpting a tit in a constructive way is attached to the board):

  1. Take a small lump of yellow and blue plasticine, similar to the color of tit feathers (draw the children’s attention to the image of tits).
  2. We divide the yellow lump into two equal parts and divide one part in half again, we get 3 lumps - one large and two identical, smaller ones.
  3. From a large lump we sculpt a body in the shape of an oval and on one of its elongated sides, we pull the tail and flatten it with our fingers so that the tail looks like a spatula for a frying pan.
  4. There are two identical pieces of plasticine left. From one we sculpt a head and a stand for the paws: we divide the piece in half and roll the round head, attaching it to the body (show the attachment point), from the remaining part of the plasticine we make a cake - a stand, break a toothpick in half and insert it into The lower part of the body (legs) for the stability of the craft, we fix it on a stand. From the second, we make wings: we roll up a ball, flatten it, divide it in half with a stack - we get two identical wings, attach the wings to the sides of the body.
  5. We check the stability of the craft.
  6. On the front of the tit's head we attach a beak from a seed - one if the beak is closed, and two if it is open; We place the beads on both sides of the beak.
  7. The tit is ready to fly to the feeder!

Educator: Look what my tit can do!
In a playful way, show the transfer of the movement of a molded figurine: raise the wings - the tit flies to the feeder, lower the wings - sits on the feeder, lower the head down - pecks the seeds.
Educator: Let's turn into little tits!
Dynamic pause:
The nimble tit is jumping,
She can't sit still.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Spun like a top.
I sat down for a minute,
Scratched her chest with her beak
And from the path to the fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.
3. Repeating the sequence of work stages:
(1-3 children repeat the ways of doing the work.)
Educator: I suggest we start work.
Children do the work independently (turn on quiet music).
Individual assistance from a teacher.
4. Analysis of children's works:

  • completeness,
  • accuracy,
  • independence,
  • transmission of tit movement.

Educator: Listen to an excerpt from Alexandrova’s poem “Bird Tree”:
Flocks of birds arrive
To the feeder in the winter garden,
And in the garden, without stopping,
The bells are ringing.
I suggest your titmice visit the bird canteen, “feed” them and introduce the kids to the titmice.
After the educational activity itself: At their own request, children complement the composition “Tits at the Feeder”



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