The tooth hurts, the nerve has been removed, what should I do? Fast self-help

Many patients face this problem. They notice that their tooth with the nerve removed hurts. How is this possible? Why does it hurt when there is no longer a nerve there and should it? After all, the majority believes that a tooth can hurt when the nerve is inflamed. In fact, there are many reasons that cause tooth pain. Most often, so-called post-filling pain occurs when biting or pressing on a tooth. This is associated with the fact that there is supposedly an invasion of the body and this pain as a response. It lasts no more than a week and should become less and less every day. Otherwise, something else may be the cause, so you should contact your doctor immediately.

Why is the nerve removed from the dental cavity?

Very often we hear the expression that the dental nerve needs to be removed. But few people ask why this needs to be done. After all, if it hurts, it’s better to remove it immediately and get rid of this pain. Toothache is considered the most severe and unbearable. The pulp consists of nerve endings, blood vessels and connective tissue. But in common people they simply call it the dental nerve. It is removed when it becomes inflamed or has already decayed due to the presence of bacterial microflora. When the nerve is still alive and inflamed, this disease is called pulpitis. And if it is dead and the inflammatory process has gone beyond the apical foramen, then it is periodontitis.

There are situations when, even with periodontitis, the pulp retains its vital activity. In any case, it must be removed. Otherwise, the process will not stop in the peri-apical space, but will go further into the bone and even into soft tissues. To avoid complications such as periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscess, phlegmon, it is better to immediately seek help from a dentist when pain symptoms appear.

How does depulpation of a dental organ occur?

Pulp removal can be carried out using a devital or vital method. These two options are possible for pulpitis. In the first method, the neurovascular bundle is first killed by applying arsenic paste to the opened pulp horn. The second method is carried out in one visit under local anesthesia. With periodontitis, the nerve is already dead in most cases. If sensitivity is preserved, then again the pain is numbed. First, the carious cavity is treated, then the chamber where the pulp is located is opened. Then it is opened and the coronal part is removed. It is necessary that the walls are smooth and there are no ledges. This way access to channels will be better.

Then they find the canal mouths and widen them. This is where the hard part begins. It is necessary to completely remove the nerve from the canals. This is done with a special tool - a pulp extractor. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the canal is too narrow and the pulp extractor does not fit into it. It can catch on the wall there, get stuck and break. Therefore, if there is such a concern, the nerve bundle should be removed with other instruments. After this stage, the length of the canal is measured, its walls are expanded and leveled. With pulpitis, you need to reach the physiological apex, and with periodontitis, you need to reach the anatomical apex. Then the canals are thoroughly washed with antiseptics, dried and sealed. In some cases, it is recommended not to immediately close the tooth cavity with a permanent filling.

In conclusion, it is necessary to conduct x-ray quality control of the filling. If the doctor did not direct you to take a photo, you should still take one yourself to make sure that the treatment was successful.

Possible causes of pain after depulpation

Why does a tooth hurt after nerve removal? If these are not post-filling sensations, then the next common reason is the removal of the filling material outside the root canal. Toothache occurs immediately that day. How long it will last and how intensively depends on many factors:

  • Amount of material removed;
  • Compound;
  • How the human body perceives foreign substances;
  • The presence of any allergic reactions to the components of the material.

This error occurs due to incorrect measurement of the root canal length. As a result, the pin is taken and installed in the canal at the wrong size and it, together with the filling, extends beyond the apical foramen, irritating the periodontal tissue. This cause of pain after nerve removal can be determined on a targeted x-ray. A competent doctor will be able to eliminate this cause. If the patient does not immediately contact, the tooth may hurt after removal of the nerve for up to six months.

This is one of the gross and unacceptable mistakes of a dentist. Because it can lead to tooth loss due to the doctor’s fault. When an instrument breaks and the doctor fills the tooth without removing the broken piece, there is still the possibility of infection spreading. Because of this piece, the canal cannot be completely sealed. After some time, the tooth ache. They take a picture and the remaining piece is visible there. The more time passes, the harder it is to get it. Therefore, if the dentist discovers such a problem, he will do everything to correct this situation.

The most common causes of this error:

  • Work in the canal is dry, that is, no special gel is used to chemically expand the canal walls;
  • Excessive application of force during instrumentation;
  • Using old blunt instruments;
  • Violation of the correct endodontic treatment technique.

The broken instrument can be removed using ultrasonic vibrations or widening the canal in this area. If it is not possible to extract, then resection is performed according to indications or the tooth is removed.

Poor quality root canal filling

Many doctors, being self-confident, do not conduct x-ray control after endodontic treatment. And in vain, because it may be that the walls of the canal are not completely obturated. In other words, there is a space left that is not filled with filling material. If a good filling is not carried out, then bacteria multiply in these places, causing an inflammatory process. This type of toothache does not occur immediately. After some time, pain occurs in the tooth, and the gums in this area hurt. And the patient has a question: why does a tooth hurt without a nerve? The inflammatory process can spread to periodontal tissue, where the innervation is preserved. This is where tooth pain occurs after nerve removal. In this case, all canal treatment work must be done again completely and more carefully.

This problem occurs when the doctor is not competent enough or the walls and bottom are too soft. Perforation in dentistry is the creation of a hole in the wrong place. When treating pulpitis and periodontitis, the tooth cavity is first opened, then the mouths of the canals are looked for. If you don’t know their approximate location, then there is a possibility of drilling the bottom. The doctor may not immediately determine this and mistake it for finding a canal. But a competent specialist will immediately understand that he should not be in the channel. The patient will experience pain despite the anesthesia. There may be blood. Unfortunately, no one knows the exact location of the mouths, because each tooth has an individual structure for each person. But still some points are worth knowing.

Perforation of the root wall occurs during instrumentation when the canal is too curved or narrow and difficult to navigate. In an attempt to expand it and reach the physiological apex, the dentist can drill through the wall. The signs are the same as for perforation of the bottom. In both cases, detection time is important. If this mistake is made, the tooth may immediately become ill. It is necessary to put antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medicine on for some time. If this does not help and the pain does not go away, then the tooth must be removed.

Manifestation of an allergic reaction

This reason does not occur very often. But there are still cases when any component is not suitable for a given person. As a result, the treated tooth may become ill. The gums after removal of the nerve may react to the material. Itching, redness and rash may occur. The sooner the doctor determines the presence of an allergy, the better. In such situations, it is necessary to completely remove the filling material and refill it with a hypoallergenic one.

Damage to the mucosa

There are cases when the inflamed gingival papilla hurts as much as the tooth. It seems that the nerve was removed, but the tooth hurts. If the carious process is located on the contact surface, then the gums located nearby may also be affected. And pain after dental treatment can occur due to this inflamed gum. It may also be affected during treatment. A dentist may accidentally injure the gums with a sharp instrument, and if hygiene is poor, an inflammatory process will quickly develop there. In such cases, it is enough to rinse with antiseptics. You can make lotions and mouth baths. For more advanced cases, antibiotics are prescribed. You should not take them on your own, because only a specialist can correctly prescribe them to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Is it the same tooth that hurts?

Sometimes it may be that a nearby tooth actually hurts. Toothache is so unpredictable that it can radiate to neighboring areas, even to the ear on the other side. In acute diffuse pulpitis, it is impossible to determine the diseased dental organ. Moreover, if the cavity is on the contact surface and is not visible during normal inspection. Only a doctor can determine its presence. If this cannot be done with the help of instruments, then they are sent for an x-ray. There you will definitely see whether there is a carious cavity or not. If this is the cause of pain, then you just need to treat the diseased tooth.

No matter how trivial it may sound, a lot depends on the attitude of the patient himself to his teeth. That is, we are talking, first of all, about personal hygiene. If he takes good care of them, then this is an excellent prevention of many diseases. If the patient is more afraid of losing a tooth than of experiencing pain, then he will immediately consult a doctor if the slightest spot is detected. If hygiene is poor, then the risk of inflammation and pain is high. Therefore, first of all, the doctor recommends brushing your teeth properly. On the day of depulpation, you can rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions, focusing on the area of ​​the extracted tooth. You should not chew rough food on that side for several days. Taking analgesics is also allowed. But if the pain does not subside, the pills do not help, then you need to take a photo and quickly make an appointment with a doctor.

Advanced caries leads to the need to remove the dental nerve. Depulpation of an element does not always mean the absence of problems in the future. After the operation, pain may reoccur and require a visit to the doctor. Why does a dead tooth without a nerve hurt? It is necessary to understand in more detail the causes of the pathological condition and how to eliminate it.


In the clinic, the dentist can perform tooth filling or pulp removal. In the latter case, the tooth stops responding to external stimuli. Many patients mistakenly believe that pain in the element will no longer be felt. But in rare cases, after depulpation of a unit, discomfort may be observed when pressed.

Unpleasant symptoms that occur immediately after surgery are considered normal. During the process of extracting the nerve, the structure of the blood vessels of the tooth is destroyed, which is accompanied by postoperative pain. The discomfort usually disappears after a few days. Acute symptoms that do not subside a week after dental work indicate pathological processes in the body.

Why does a pulpless tooth hurt? Among the main causes of the problem are:

  • Poor quality channel processing. The canals in which the nerve trunk is located must be thoroughly disinfected. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria will remain in it, which, after filling, will continue to actively multiply and destroy dental tissue. Gradually, the inflammatory process spreads to the gums and leads to unbearable pain.
  • Remains of pulp in the canal. Dentists are not always able to completely extract the nerve endings from the element. This is especially true in cases where dental work is carried out by an inexperienced doctor. Necrotic masses remaining under a filled tooth lead to inflammation.
  • Voids between tooth tissue and filling material. Due to improper installation of the filling or its shrinkage, an empty space is formed between the dental tissue and the material, which is quickly filled with pathogenic microorganisms. The condition leads to the development of gum abscess and destruction of the tissue of the element.
  • Exit of the filling beyond the top of the crown. Excess dead tooth material interferes with the chewing process. In this case, there is pain when biting and when pressing on the unit.
  • Incorrect channel placement. The tooth may have more roots than necessary. A dentist who does not refer the patient for an x-ray often leaves additional roots uncleaned.

Incorrect location of roots is often diagnosed in dentistry

Repeated canal cleaning procedures are difficult for the dentist and costly for the patient. If pain in a pulpless tooth occurs due to the doctor’s fault, then the clinic must provide treatment to the patient free of charge.

Why does a tooth with a removed nerve hurt? The causes of the uncomfortable condition may lie not only in dental errors. The problem can be caused by allergic reactions in a person to the filling materials or anesthesia used. Painful sensations are accompanied by itching and burning, swelling of the gums. If an allergy occurs to the filling, it will have to be replaced with another material.

The cause of pain in a dead tooth under a filling can be damage to the trigeminal nerve during dental work or due to other diseases developing in the human body.

The structure of the trigeminal nerve includes the lunate nerve, when inflamed, a person feels acute pain not only in living teeth, but also in teeth deprived of the nerve.

The discomfort of neuralgia does not disappear after using local painkillers and rinsing the mouth. Symptoms are aggravated by biting and touching. Another common cause of discomfort in a tooth without a nerve is damage to neighboring elements. If neighboring teeth have carious cavities, the discomfort will spread to other areas. Pain after depulpation when pressed is a sign of inflammatory processes in the gums.

Symptoms of the problem

Unpleasant signs after tooth extraction appear after the anesthetic drugs wear off. This occurs due to injury to the nerve endings and blood vessels that supply the tooth.

Your tooth may hurt after nerve removal

Symptoms may vary from patient to patient, but in most cases, after removing pulp from a tooth, patients note:

  • increased sensitivity of enamel to cold and hot food;
  • sharp pain when biting or biting food;
  • the appearance of aching sensations in the evening;
  • discomfort when closing the jaw.

In addition, after surgery a person often feels weakness, headaches and a general deterioration in health. Gradually, unpleasant symptoms will be expressed less intensely and will disappear. It is important to be able to distinguish postoperative symptoms from the pathological syndrome after pulp removal.

The list of differences is given in the table:

Emergency measures to combat pain

What to do if there is a problem? If a tooth hurts without a nerve, then before visiting the dentist you can relieve the symptom yourself. The only rule for home treatment is not to exceed the dosage of painkillers indicated in the instructions.

The following remedies will help cope with acute attacks:

  • Nimesil;
  • Analgin;
  • Tempalgin.

For severe toothaches that are not eliminated by popular drugs, use Actosulide or Nurofen

Painkillers are carefully selected for people with kidney and liver failure, as well as for children under 12 years of age. In the latter case, to reduce the intensity of pain, it is recommended to use products in the form of syrup

Drug control of pain

Before identifying the cause of pain in a dead tooth, the doctor prescribes a drug treatment regimen for the patient. Symptoms lasting more than 3 days require a visit to the dentist. Ignoring dangerous signs leads to the loss of the problematic element and infection of healthy tissues.

If your teeth hurt badly, the dentist will prescribe the drug Ketarol or its modern analogue Ketanov. The effect of using the products is observed after 15-20 minutes. The duration of the analgesic effect is on average 5-6 hours. The drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so treatment with them cannot exceed 3-5 days. Ketorol is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 16 years of age.

Instead of Ketorol, drugs with a milder therapeutic effect (Novalgin, Pentalgin) are prescribed. Novalgin acts 30 minutes after taking the tablet and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Pentalgin is indicated to relieve symptoms of moderate intensity. For moderate tooth pain, Analgin is also used. It is less effective than previous remedies, but has virtually no side effects.

To relieve minor tooth pain, use Baralgin. The effect of taking the tablet is observed 40 minutes after administration

Pregnant women and children are more often prescribed No-shpa if they have a problem. The product has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Traditional medicine

At the initial stages of pain in a dead tooth, folk recipes are used. The drugs have long been used as an adjunct to drug treatment.

Rinsing with soda, salt and iodine can effectively reduce the intensity of the element’s reaction to external stimuli. The solution is prepared from a ratio of 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 4 drops of iodine and 200 ml of water. It is important that the solution is not hot, since thermal irritants increase pain and contribute to the rapid proliferation of pathogenic flora. The liquid is held in the mouth for 30 seconds and then spat out. Rinsing is carried out every hour after the nerve of the element has been removed.

Another popular way to combat discomfort is to apply propolis to the tooth after depulpation. Traditional recipes can be used only after the anesthesia has worn off.

Surgical treatment

If toothache is accompanied by additional dangerous symptoms, then home treatment is unacceptable. Emergency measures in this case can only aggravate the problem. Urgent help is required if spasms in a dead tooth are accompanied by:

  • significant rise in temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • pain when eating and swallowing;
  • intense pain that is not relieved by anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • significant swelling of the cheeks and soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • increased symptoms when tapping on the element.

The treatment method is selected depending on the cause of the pathological condition.

If the root canal is inflamed, the dentist performs a secondary preparation of the element, cleaning the root canals, placing medications in them and filling them. Before the intervention, the patient is often prescribed an X-ray examination to rule out the presence of additional roots or their curvature.

If the roots are bent, a person is prescribed removal of part of the root element or partial resection. Why is the operation performed? Additional roots interfere with normal treatment and contribute to the spread of infection. Resection is prescribed in the presence of cystic formations and granulomas at the root apex. In this case, not only the affected root is removed, but also the pathologically altered soft tissues.

When gums become inflamed, a pulpless tooth may also hurt. The problem requires an integrated approach. In this case, the patient is prescribed professional enamel cleaning to remove hard deposits. Medicines are placed in the cleaned periodontal pockets. In difficult cases, therapy is combined with the use of antibiotics, which enter the human body through the bloodstream.


Can a tooth hurt after depulpation? The answer to the question is yes. Simple preventive rules will help you avoid complications associated with tooth depulpation. The list of preventive measures includes:

  • regular cleansing of the oral cavity from food debris and plaque;
  • taking painkillers for 1 day after the intervention;
  • rinsing the mouth with antiseptic compounds in the first 3 days after dental work;
  • avoidance of consuming too hot or cold foods;
  • minimizing the chewing load on the sealed element;
  • exclusion of rough and solid foods from the diet;
  • Quitting smoking in the first few days after tooth root removal.

If, after removing the nerve in the roots, the tooth hurts when pressed, this is unpleasant. Depending on the severity of the pain and the length of the period that has elapsed after treatment, one can judge the norms and deviations. One way or another, if a person still experiences unpleasant symptoms after root canal treatment, he or she must re-visit the attending physician and tell him about your complaints. The dentist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, send the patient for an x-ray. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will judge the need for re-therapy or adopt a wait-and-see approach.

When is it necessary to fill canals?

Treatment of canals is carried out if it is impossible to preserve the neurovascular fiber inside them. Diseases for which therapy is provided:

  • Deep caries. Causes of the pathology: violation of hygiene rules, vitamin deficiency.

The nerve of the tooth is reliably hidden from environmental influences by a layer of enamel and dentin. Caries is a disease in which the tissues of a unit begin to change their cellular structure. In the initial stages of the lesion, a white spot appears on the enamel; with medium and deep caries, a cavity forms. The dark color of the hole indicates the involvement of dentin in the pathological process.

Establishing a diagnosis is not difficult. When examined with a dental probe, the tissues of the unit are loose and soft, there is no shine or smoothness of the enamel.

Symptoms of deep caries: a cavity with dark edges, medium or large in size, pain in the unit during eating, aching pain.

Unpleasant manifestations of the disease indicate that the pathology has affected not only the layer of enamel and dentin, but will also in the near future lead to inflammation of the pulp.

  • Pulpitis is a disease accompanied by unbearable pain. Causes of the disease: poor oral hygiene, caries, diseases of the ENT organs, jaw injury.

Features of pulpitis: lack of reaction when touching the unit, increased pain at night and in the evening. Unpleasant sensations are exhausting, depriving you of sleep and appetite. A person notices that it hurts to open his mouth and make sudden movements.

It is interesting that it is impossible to eliminate unpleasant sensations by rinsing, treating the gums with anesthetic gel or dental drops. Only analgesics can help cope with pain. When taking medications, remember that this is temporary symptomatic therapy; direct treatment must be carried out by a dentist. Prolonged waiting and taking medications can lead to a lack of sensitivity to anesthetics during therapy, periodontitis and periostitis.

  • Periodontitis is inflammation of periodontal tissue. This is exactly the situation when a tooth hurts without a nerve. Reasons for the development of pathology: improper treatment of caries, pulpitis, tooth trauma, gum disease, violation of oral hygiene rules.

The first symptoms of periodontitis are the unpleasant sensations that appear when biting or touching the unit with the tongue. Over time, the inflammatory process increases and pain intensifies. In the absence of timely treatment, the following appear: fever, decreased general health, headaches, insomnia.

  • Periostitis is inflammation in the periosteum. Causes: inflammation of the gums, improper therapy of periodontitis, pulpitis, caries, trauma to the unit, violation of personal hygiene rules, diseases of the ENT organs.

Confirming the diagnosis of periostitis is quite simple. The disease is accompanied by classic symptoms: the appearance of a small bump at the roots of the affected tooth, redness of the gums, and pain when biting. In some cases, the body itself tries to cope with the disease and forms a natural outlet - a fistula. The pathological formation is a kind of tunnel between the source of infection and the oral cavity.

If the patient does not visit the dentist in a timely manner, the chances of developing dangerous complications increase. Unfavorable signs: spread of swelling to the soft tissues of the cheek, lips, neck, facial deformation, persistent fever. If these symptoms are detected, you must immediately go to a medical facility for assistance. Complications of periostitis (flux) are: sepsis, phlegmon. In advanced stages of gumboil, the chances of saving the tooth are minimal.

How is therapy carried out?

During a visit to the dentist, he examines the oral cavity, asks the patient about the presence of chronic diseases, allergies, and fills out an individual medical record. It is very good if a person has a permanent doctor and conducts examinations in one clinic. The medical history contains important information about the work performed, stages of treatment, and x-ray images.

To confirm the diagnosis, the dentist may refer the patient for x-ray diagnostics.

General principles of root treatment:

  1. Pain relief with an anesthetic injection;
  2. Elimination of enamel and dentin tissue affected by caries;
  3. Cleansing and expansion of channels;
  4. Elimination of the inflammatory process. In the case of periodontitis, periostitis, the stage is carried out over a fairly long period. Treatment time varies depending on the severity of the disease. To relieve inflammation, the patient must: rinse with antiseptic solutions at home, follow all the dentist’s recommendations, make timely visits to the medical clinic for observation;
  5. Carrying out antiseptic treatment;
  6. Root filling using pins and special paste. The purpose of this procedure is to seal the cavities and eliminate the source of secondary infection. Before, during and after treatment, mandatory x-ray diagnostics are performed. The image helps: accurately establish a diagnosis, determine the length of the canals, and confirm the quality of the dental work performed. On the day of canal filling, crown restoration is not performed. A temporary filling is installed on the unit.

If within 3–5 days after treatment the patient has no complaints, the tooth crown is restored using filling material. The dentist suggests restoring the unit with a chemical or light composite. Depending on the budget and personal beliefs, the patient makes the choice independently.

If it is necessary to treat a multi-rooted tooth, then before removing the pulp, it is devitalized using an arsenic paste.

Canal treatment is completely painless. It is started after the doctor injects an anesthetic and part of the patient’s jaw becomes numb. Depending on the type of drug, after the end of the manipulations, lack of sensitivity may be present for several hours.

Unpleasant sensations - how to deal with them

Many people think that if there is no nerve in the tooth, then there is nothing to hurt there. However, this is not true. If a person has discomfort when biting, it may be:

  • Periodontitis;
  • Periostitis (flux);
  • Periodontitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • Adaptation period after root canal treatment. In some cases, after therapy, aching pain may be observed, aggravated by biting. Normally, the discomfort is tolerable, does not require taking analgesics, and lasts from 3 to 10 days. An important criterion for assessing the patient’s health status is the intensity of unpleasant manifestations. If the pain gradually subsides and is completely eliminated, this indicates a normal adaptation period. If severe pain persists, gum redness, tissue swelling, lumps appear at the roots, or an increase in body temperature, you should immediately visit your doctor.

If a tooth without a nerve hurts when pressed, this is an unfavorable sign indicating the presence of inflammation. To protect your health, see your dentist for an appointment. After an examination and x-ray, a diagnosis will be made.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, before visiting a doctor, you can:

  1. Take a pain reliever. Analgin, Baralgin, Ketarol - will help temporarily eliminate pain;
  2. Rinse your mouth with water, salt and soda. To prepare the solution, you need to take 200 ml of boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and soda, 1 drop of iodine, and mix everything. Procedures are carried out 5-6 times a day.
  3. Rinse with antiseptic infusions of medicinal herbs and flowers: Chamomile, Calendula, Sage.

The most effective of the above methods are painkillers, however, they provide only symptomatic, but not curative therapy. To identify the cause of the discomfort when biting and get rid of it, it is necessary to carry out full treatment from a dentist.

To reduce the risk of unit diseases, you must:

  • Observe personal hygiene rules daily.
  • Eat nutritiously, include vegetables, herbs, fruits, meat, fish, nuts in the menu.
  • Visit your doctor once every 6-7 months for an examination and preventive hygienic cleaning.
  • Get rid of caries and gum diseases in a timely manner.
  • Treat somatic diseases.
  • Avoid injury.
  • Increase immunity - give up bad habits, exercise, exercise, walk in the fresh air.

However, in some cases, pain accompanies chewing. There are several possible reasons here.

Postoperative syndrome

When there is aching pain that lasts for several days after depulpation, this should not cause anxiety in patients. After all, this is a completely normal phenomenon, which is associated with interference in the structure of the tooth. In most cases, this type of pain occurs when eating too hot or cold food and drinks. In addition, it can appear when chewing hard foods or closing the jaws. As a rule, after a few days, or at most weeks, the pain goes away and the tooth behaves as if nothing had happened to it. But you can relieve pain by using modern analgesics or.


If a tooth is depulped when chewing, and there is a feeling that it is a little, then the cause of this discomfort is harmful bacteria. This picture suggests that they penetrated through the root canal of the tooth into the jaw bone. As a rule, the pain is accompanied by swelling near the tooth, and sometimes swelling appears on the face. If you do not immediately consult a doctor, microorganisms will gradually destroy the bone near the root of the tooth, and this threatens its removal. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that this process can not only be fleeting, but also last for several years. In this case, this will be practically asymptomatic, only sometimes the tooth will make itself felt by pain.

Incorrect dental treatment

An extracted tooth may hurt due to incorrect treatment. So, the doctor could have performed depulpation not very well or left nerves in the canals. As a result of this, pain will not keep you waiting. Also, the cause of discomfort and severe pain can be not very well treated canals. In any case, you will have to contact your dentist so that he can examine the tooth and take action if necessary. You should not delay this, as there is a possibility that you are allergic to filling materials. The only solution in this case would be a filling and use completely different materials. Delay can lead to severe inflammation, then the question of tooth extraction will arise.

Pain in a pulpless tooth is observed in many patients and is caused by various reasons, including the individual reaction of the patient’s body or the dentist’s mistakes when removing the pulp.

Pulp is the fibrous tissue inside the tooth that contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Depulpation - removal of inflamed pulp to prevent complications dangerous for the patient - pulpitis and apical periodontitis.

Depulpation is an extreme measure, which is most often resorted to if therapeutic treatment for deep caries and pulpitis is impossible.

Pulp removal occurs under local anesthesia and does not cause any pain. After depulpation, the dentist removes the damaged tissue, opens the root canals and removes the dental nerve. Then comes the next stage of treatment - temporary or permanent filling of the canals.
The service life of a pulpless tooth depends on the quality of the filling materials used and the qualifications of the dentist. With proper treatment, the tooth will last for many years.

A number of patients complain of pain in a pulpless tooth, which intensifies when biting and eating cold and hot food. On average, pain persists for several days after the procedure and goes away either after using anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor. You can also alleviate the condition by regularly rinsing with a decoction of oak bark.
Such pain is caused by the patient’s body’s reaction to the filling and is not a sign of a pathological process. If the pain after depulpation does not subside, is persistent and intensifies over time, you need to contact a specialist for quality canal filling.

Causes of pain in a pulpless tooth

It is quite possible that the tooth extraction and filling were carried out according to all the rules. In this case, the pain may be caused by the presence of “neighbors” next to the pulpless person who need treatment. If the nearby teeth are healthy, the problem may be due to poor treatment, which requires confirmation with an x-ray.

If the doctor did not completely clean the root canals, did not completely remove the nerve endings, or performed an incomplete filling, the patient will feel acute pain in the pulpless tooth. Often the cause of discomfort is the cavities remaining in the tooth, the contents of which put pressure on the surrounding tissues and provoke. Unfilled root canals are a “refuge” for pathogenic microflora, which causes the formation of abscesses, fistulas and, ultimately, tooth destruction.

In all these cases, the operation will have to be repeated, otherwise the pain will not go away or will get worse.

Other causes of pain in a pulpless tooth

In some cases, patients talk about pain in a tooth, but when checked, it turns out that it is the neighboring tooth - sometimes the pain is too blurred and does not have a clear localization, and is transferred to neighboring areas. In this case, the doctor will determine the cause of the pain and eliminate it. It may also seem that the tooth hurts, when in fact inflammation develops in the tooth.

In any case, if you have a pulpless tooth, you should consult a doctor, and the sooner the better. A good specialist can determine what the problem is and prescribe treatment.

A person's gums near the tooth swell, and less often swelling appears on the face. You should not delay visiting a doctor, as microorganisms can gradually destroy the bone near the root of the tooth, which can lead to larger problems. Moreover, this process can last several months or years.

Poor root canal treatment

A fairly common reason for a “dead” tooth to make itself known is poor-quality root canal treatment. Thus, modern technology puts forward a number of requirements for their filling. Absolutely all canals in the tooth must be sealed, very tightly and to the full length. As a result, there are no favorable conditions left for the development of microflora, which means there will be no inflammation. However, it often happens that some canal remains unsealed, and in some cases the dentist leaves nerves in them, which become inflamed over time. You should not endure the pain for a long time, filling it with various analgesics; it is better to immediately consult a doctor.


A “dead” tooth can hurt due to the penetration of a harmful microbial agent from the so-called periodontal pockets. This phenomenon occurs when a person is diagnosed with periodontitis, and also has heavy plaque, which must be removed every six months. As a result, the disease is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, even an ideal tooth will be in serious danger. After all, harmful bacteria gradually move along the root of the tooth, destroying the ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket. For this reason, he becomes mobile, and chewing food is accompanied by pain.

In this case, comprehensive treatment of the entire oral cavity will be required. First, the doctor will conduct an X-ray examination of the diseased tooth, after which an individual treatment plan will be drawn up. As a rule, ultrasound of teeth and periodontal pockets is prescribed, after which medications are prescribed that will help reduce pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. You will also have to follow all the rules of hygiene, otherwise the treatment will not give results.

A tooth is called dead, from which, after treatment, there were blood vessels (in a word, pulp).

Often the killing of a tooth occurs due to human neglect. This happens if the patient was unable to see a specialist in time or simply did not want to do so.

A tooth without a nerve may hurt a little after treatment, but subsequently the pain stops. Over time, the “body” of the organ itself begins to turn black from the inside, its tissues weaken, and if you try to bite through something hard with it, it will certainly crack and fall apart into two parts.

And there seems to be nothing to hurt, but it still hurts

If we think logically, it seems that a dead tooth cannot hurt. In fact, this is not entirely true.

The tooth itself cannot hurt without a nerve, since it lacks nerve endings. occurs at the base of the organ, that is, where the gum begins. This syndrome can easily be confused with the one that stands next to it.

Pain often occurs when eating food (especially hot food), during contact with something, sometimes a tooth without a nerve hurts when pressing on it or biting.

Such processes may be accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, prolonged discomfort and discomfort.

About the reasons seriously

The main cause of pain in a nerveless tooth is. During the course of this disease, the tubules of the organ are filled with harmful microorganisms. They appear due to pieces of rotting food, which are discreetly located in fissures - depressions on the teeth.

The tooth itself does not hurt, but microorganisms harm its base, which is sensitive to this process. Due to this, unpleasant pain begins to occur in the area of ​​the dead organ. It is strange that such a process can take not a day or two days, but even many years.

Another reason is poor quality filling. Very often, specialists are negligent in treating the patient. The entire space inside the tooth must be filled, but so tightly that there is no passage for bacteria in the tubules.

Thanks to microbes inside the tooth, the ligaments on which the organ is attached are destroyed. This causes the teeth to wobble when touched. This problem very often interferes with chewing food, causing a person to experience very unpleasant sensations.

Why does a tooth hurt without a nerve? - video on the topic:

A filled tooth hurts - an unpleasant problem

It often happens that treatment has already been carried out, but after some time the dead tooth begins to hurt under the filling. As a rule, this is a consequence of poor quality filling.

This usually happens to those who had their teeth treated back in the days of the Soviet Union. At that time, doctors, although they had extensive knowledge about treatment, did not have the necessary set of tools.

Now many doctors also do not have enough equipment to perform many operations. It will be quite difficult to treat the tooth again, but there is no other way out.

Reaction to hot food - is it possible?

A tooth cannot be called dead if it reacts to any temperature changes. As already mentioned, such side effects can result from inaccurate treatment.

It often happens that one of the nerve endings in an organ was not removed, since human inattention is limitless. However, sometimes it’s not the doctors’ accuracy that matters.

There may be a hidden canal in the tooth that cannot be detected the first time even by a professional doctor.

Another situation is when the problem is not a dead organ at all. A neighboring tooth that has been affected, for example, by caries, may hurt. In such cases, you need to pay more attention to oral hygiene, choose your diet and consult a doctor.

They put pressure on him, but he hurts...

The tooth itself, without nerves, as already mentioned, cannot hurt. However, his surroundings can hurt.

The most common situation is pain that is caused by damage to the adjacent dead tooth. The solution is simple - you need to see a doctor.

No less often, pain in dead teeth occurs due to doctors’ mistakes. A specialist who makes a mistake, does not have the necessary set of tools, or does not have some knowledge, may incorrectly seal the tubules in the organ.

Because of such an oversight, many types of pathogenic bacteria can find refuge in the tooth. Bacteria destroy the connection between the organ and the gum, which is why the former begins to hurt. As a rule, the base of the tooth suffers.

Very often it is not the tooth that hurts, but the gum itself. This happens when it is affected by microorganisms that are no less dangerous for the oral cavity.

It is considered normal that after a high-quality filling, the area around the dead tooth may hurt slightly. This condition goes away after a few days. If the pain reappears, the best solution is to consult a doctor. It is advisable to undergo treatment from the same specialist who did the filling.

Sometimes it happens that the treatment was carried out correctly, but discomfort is still present. Taking painkillers may be a temporary solution. Otherwise, you need to see your doctor again.

What should I do?

First, we must talk about sufficient prevention. It is necessary to keep your mouth clean, even if there are many teeth with removed nerves.

It is best not to put any stress on a diseased tooth, since the tissues in it have weakened and it can break into pieces at any time. It is advisable to regularly visit a specialist who can warn you about the necessary treatment if he notices a danger.

It is worth remembering not only about the disturbing tooth, but also about the remaining living ones. In severe cases, some infection may enter the oral cavity, which will then affect healthy teeth.

Fissure sealing is an equally useful procedure for those who don’t mind spending a little money on healthy teeth. She allows exclude potholes on these organs from the habitats of microorganisms.

In symbiosis with this procedure, you can use it, which costs a little more. If the shape of other teeth allows, then it is necessary to place. This is a very expensive procedure that is not available to everyone.

If we talk about treatment, then everything is much more complicated. It is much easier to maintain oral hygiene than to suffer from various types of pain, constantly run to the dentist and spend a huge amount of time and money on medical procedures.

As a conclusion

Pain in a dead tooth is a rare, but very unpleasant situation for any person. The pain appears, it seems, out of nowhere, because all the nerves have been removed, which means there is nothing to hurt.

However, there are many reasons for discomfort. There are also many culprits for this. It is bacteria, and doctors, and even the sick person himself who is largely to blame for this.

If you don’t want to spend a huge amount of time going to dentists, and burn a lot of nerves and energy feeling constant pain, then the best solution would be not treatment, but preliminary prevention. It helps a huge number of people stay with their healthy teeth into old age.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs