Painful lump under the armpit. A lump under the armpit, what it can be, which doctor to see - says the surgeon Lumps under the armpit of a child what

Lymph nodes and a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands are located in the armpit. Inflammation of any duct can cause lumps to appear. A lump under the arm is one of the common reasons for visiting surgeons. At the initial stages of the disease, treatment with conservative methods is allowed.

The formation can be resolved with anti-inflammatory ointments. Patients are prescribed immunomodulators and antibiotics. If the situation is advanced, then surgical intervention is used.

Anatomical structure

The armpit is a depression; it forms a fold of skin. The temperature in the armpit is higher than in other parts of the body. In addition, the humidity here is high. All this creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and microbes under the skin.

There are lymph nodes in the armpits, the skin is rich in sebaceous glands and sweat glands, and hair follicles. Any inflammation under conditions of high humidity and constant friction forms the appearance of balls.

In most cases (more than 90%), the lump under the arm is a local form of purulent inflammation. More serious diseases, expressed by cones, are much less common.

Why do bumps form?

Reasons influencing the appearance of lumps under the arms:

  • increased sweating - in this case, there is constantly high humidity under the armpit. It creates good conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene rules - with any microtrauma, bacteria enter the body and the inflammatory process begins;
  • improper use of body hygiene products - many deodorants clog the ducts, they do not reduce sweating. If you use them before playing sports, the sweat will have nowhere to go. After some time, hidradenitis or other inflammations may appear;
  • microtraumas and cuts during shaving can cause boils or hidradenitis. Any injuries must be treated with antiseptics;
  • if a lump appears under the armpit and it hurts, this may be a consequence of infectious pathologies (measles, sore throat). The seal is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes and is often diagnosed in a child;
  • lymphadenitis may indicate serious illnesses - cancer, blood diseases, syphilis or tuberculosis.

When lumps appear, some people do not know which doctor to see. If you have questions about lumps and other neoplasms, you must make an appointment with a surgeon.

Types of diseases

Doctors identify several main types of lumps inside the armpit.

Among them are the following reasons:

  • clogging of the sebaceous glands - this leads to the formation of lipids;
  • inflammatory process in the sweat glands - the condition ends with hidradenitis;
  • inflammation of the hair follicle causes a boil;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes leads to lymphadenitis.

All types of neoplasms can be viewed in photos posted online. But only a surgeon can make a final diagnosis.

Problems with the sebaceous glands

Lumps under the armpit in women and men are caused by blocked sebaceous ducts. Fat begins to accumulate and cannot come out because the ducts are closed. As a result, a lipoma is formed. Patients develop a dense and hard ball. It can be easily felt and has a round shape.

Usually the lump is not painful and does not bother the person in any way. The disease occurs without redness. But it needs to be treated, since an inflammatory process is possible. In this case, the infection can penetrate into the lymphatic angle, which is fraught with more serious consequences.


If the lump under the armpit hurts when pressed, then the patient may be diagnosed with inflammation of the sweat glands or hidradenitis. Previously, people called the disease “bitch udder.” The disease develops as follows: the sweat gland becomes clogged.

A secretion begins to accumulate in it, and bacteria located on the skin join it. The result is severe swelling and redness. The painful lump greatly interferes with moving your arms. In some cases, it is even difficult and painful for the patient to raise his arm due to, or.

Additionally, hidradenitis causes a deterioration in general health, fever, fatigue and weakness. Pus accumulates inside the ball. The disease is subject to mandatory treatment.


Lumps under the armpit in men and women can be caused by inflammation of the hair follicle. The ball hurts when pressed, the symptoms are similar to hidradenitis. A boil is a red, hard lump. It breaks out, and pus accumulates inside.

But the size of the inflamed follicle is smaller than that of hidradenitis. At the epicenter of the boil there is a purulent core. The disease is caused by bacteria. They enter the follicle through microtrauma and multiply. Then the purulent process begins.

The lump needs to be treated. Large boils are opened surgically. The small ball is treated with anti-inflammatory ointments.


Inflamed lymph nodes present as a lump in the armpit area. It is easily palpable and mobile. When pressed, the seal hurts, but may not cause discomfort.

The nature of the disease is purulent-inflammatory. Usually bacteria get under the skin through microtraumas or cuts. They begin to multiply, to which the lymph nodes actively react.

Inflammation occurs, and a lump forms in the armpit, interfering with a normal lifestyle.

Other diseases

In some cases, when a ball has formed under the armpit and it hurts, this indicates serious illness.

Inflamed lymph nodes indicate suppression of the immune system. A person may have cancer. Most often it is breast cancer in women.

If a lump appears, this may indicate diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia), syphilis, tuberculosis, even the immunodeficiency virus.

For serious diseases, doctors prescribe complex therapy to destroy the pathogen. In case of oncology, the lump is cut out and chemotherapy or radiation therapy is performed.


Therapy directly depends on the type of lump. Most often, surgeons resort to surgical intervention. Inflammations under the armpit cannot be treated independently or opened at home. This can lead to serious complications.

When a ball appears under your arm, you need to see a surgeon. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, interview the patient and make a diagnosis. After which treatment will be prescribed.

All operations are performed under local anesthesia; they are considered simple and take 15–20 minutes. After surgery, the patient is always prescribed a course of antibiotics (if the infection is caused by bacteria). You can take immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins.


Lumps under the armpit have appeared in many people. When a strange lump is discovered, most patients wonder what it could be and which doctor to go to.

In 9 out of 10 cases, the disease is purulent in nature and can be treated surgically. The lump can be caused by inflammation of the sweat or sebaceous glands, hair follicles or lymph nodes.

A lump in a child’s armpit appears for various reasons. This often indicates that the most common reason why a lump forms under the arm is a purulent disease in the apocrine tissues. They are located predominantly in the armpit. This lump under the arm is called hidradenitis.

The first sign of the onset of the disease is the appearance of a feeling of discomfort, which subsequently transforms into a feeling of burning and itching. The baby is constantly trying to open the armpit, scratch, and rub the itchy area. This only makes the discomfort worse. As a result, the baby becomes irritable, often capricious, and crying.

After a certain period, there is a slight redness and a ball under the armpit. Upon closer inspection, small dense nodules become noticeable. Touching them causes pain in the baby.

As the disease progresses, the nodules increase in size, protrude above the skin, and swell. The lump under the arm becomes more painful, as a result of which the child is forced to keep his arm constantly elevated.

The main reason for the development of the disease is insufficient hygiene. In the absence of bathing every day, dirt, waste skin cells, and sweat residues begin to accumulate in the armpits. In such conditions, staphylococcus develops favorably. In the process of its reproduction, the microbe, spreading over a vast skin space, affects the excretory ducts in this area and contributes to the development of inflammation.

Children who do not like to wash their hands are susceptible to hidradenitis. This is due to the fact that staphylococcus also lives on the hands. By scratching under the armpit with dirty hands, the child makes it easier for germs to penetrate the body.

A lump under the arm due to hidradenitis can often be caused by wearing clothes that are too tight. In this case, things squeeze and rub, resulting in damage to the skin. Microbes penetrate through these microtraumas unhindered.

Unhardened children and those with weakened immune systems are very predisposed to developing the disease. With physical overload, eating disorders, as well as a lack of vitamins A, E, C in the body, hidradenitis often develops.

When the first signs of illness appear, an examination by a doctor is required. The specialist will accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy.

The therapeutic course includes individual antibiotic agents. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor in accordance with the patient’s age.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, UV irradiation, UHF, Sollux and others are also used during treatment. It is advisable to use dry heat (heating pads). The area of ​​skin near the seal with nodules should be lubricated with camphor alcohol every day. It is permissible to use and or two percent. Bandages soaked in Vishnevsky ointment are also used. In some cases, antipyretic and painkillers are prescribed.

Drug therapy can also be carried out in combination with traditional methods.

One of these methods is treatment with aloe. To do this, take a plant leaf with cut spines. Mash it in your hands and then cut it lengthwise. It must be applied to the sore spot for twenty minutes, four to five times a day.

The appearance of lumps in the armpit is not uncommon. They come in various shapes and bring a lot of discomfort and pain to their owner.

Lump in armpit is a serious reason to see a doctor. In addition to unpleasant sensations, such formation can be life-threatening and even be a sign of the early stages of cancer.

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Why might a lump appear in the armpit?

There are three reasons why a lump forms in the armpit area:

  1. Clogging of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Hidradenitis.
  3. Inflammation or cancer of the lymph nodes.

Let's look at each factor in more detail.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

Such a round-shaped lump tends to move, but does not cause pain. Without signs of inflammation, it does not pose a threat. It is enough to improve personal hygiene and not overuse cosmetics of dubious quality. If the lump begins to grow or turns red, seek professional help.

Hidradenitis of the armpits

The lump is caused by staphylococci or streptococci entering the sweat gland. The problem is aggravated by a lack of personal hygiene, increased sweating, injuries, and inappropriate use of various cosmetic and hygiene products. Hidradenitis is easily recognized by the following signs:

  • body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • a small formation appears, hardening and turning blue after a few days;
  • after 2 days, a yellow or white purulent discharge is observed on the surface of the cone.


Under no circumstances should you remove a purulent lesion yourself. With this course of events, there will be a high probability of infection entering the body.

Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of progression and extent. Doctors generally prescribe an antibiotic, a local antiseptic, as well as immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lymph node enlargement

Such inflammation can be provoked by various infections occurring in the body, chronic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis and others), cancer tumors, and diseases of the circulatory system.

Depending on the factor of formation, the lump may or may not hurt, but it can always be easily felt. Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause of inflammation. Surgical intervention or conservative therapy is possible.

In what cases can a lump in the armpit be a sign of cancer?

A formation in the armpit can signal metastases in the mammary gland in women. Representatives of the fairer sex after 40 years should be especially careful. This age is at risk for developing a malignant tumor in the breast. The lump formed due to a cancer tumor is often painless.

What do you need to pay attention to to understand that a lump in the armpit is cancer?

A tumor in the armpits is a malignant tumor if a number of the following symptoms appear:

  • the lymph node of the axillary tissue has sharply increased in size, takes the form of a protrusion under the skin, it is painless and not connected with neighboring tissues;
  • the site of formation is very itchy before its appearance;
  • body temperature rises to 37 degrees for no reason and does not subside;
  • At night, body sweating increases.

As the tumor progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears;
  • diarrhea begins or vice versa - constipation;
  • headaches, fatigue appear, general condition worsens, a person can suddenly lose weight for no reason;
  • anemia often develops;
  • The body is affected by fungal, viral and bacterial infections with periodic frequency.

If at least one of the above signs appears, a person should immediately visit the clinic!

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What examinations need to be completed?

The oncologist first interviews the patient and listens to complaints. For every doctor, symptoms, their severity, and information about other chronic diseases are of great importance. Next, he feels the affected area. In this way, the specialist determines the diameter of the formation and its consistency. Next you need to carry out several examinations:

  1. Ultrasound - allows you to examine damage to the tissue of the lymph nodes and identify their mutation.
  2. CT and MRI - these methods determine the exact location of the tumor and the growth of cancer cells into neighboring tissues.

What tests need to be taken?

Often, specialists refer the patient to an accurate diagnosis. To finalize the picture, histological and cytological examination is carried out.

What consequences can happen if you don’t see a doctor in time?

If a person ignores the signs of cancer and does not seek help from specialists, the cancer will progress, gradually killing the human body. The result of such events, of course, will be death. Therefore, it is very important to go to the clinic at the slightest suspicion of a malignant tumor. It’s better to play it safe a couple of times than to suffer for the rest of your life.

Axillary lymph node cancer

Treatment depending on the situation

Treatment for a cancerous tumor under the arm depends on the type of cancer and the nature of its spread. The main ways to get rid of cancer of the axillary lymph nodes include:

  1. Chemotherapy. The dosage and duration are selected individually for each patient by his attending physician.
  2. Radiation therapy. Kills all malignant cells under the influence of highly active radioactive rays.
  3. Surgical treatment. All affected lymph nodes in the armpit are removed.

Not so long ago, new methods of combating cancer tumors began to be used, which consist of transplanting part of the bone marrow.

All treatment methods are aimed at reducing the size of the affected lymph node. It is also necessary to achieve stable remission. Often, to get rid of armpit cancer, doctors use complex therapy, which includes several of the most effective methods in an individual case.

Are you unsure of the correctness of the diagnosis and treatment prescribed for you? A video consultation with a world-class specialist will help dispel your doubts. This is a real opportunity to benefit from qualified assistance from the best of the best and not overpay for anything.

Forecast and what to expect?

In general, the prognosis is quite favorable. But it all depends on the type and prevalence of oncology. With a slowly growing tumor, patients can live 7-10 years. With a rapidly progressing disease, the likelihood of cure is also high, but high-dose chemotherapy is required. In the case of secondary pathology, when metastases have spread from the mammary gland, the prognosis is much worse. No more than 50% of patients live here for 5 years. If armpit cancer develops as a result, therapy is practically powerless. Approximately only 16% of patients manage to live at least another 5 years.

A lump in the armpit occurs for various reasons and also has different symptoms. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is one of the factors in the appearance of dense formations in the armpit, the development of oncology is quite possible. This often leads to a sad outcome. In case of timely diagnosis and treatment, positive dynamics are possible. Selecting a good clinic with experienced oncologists increases the patient’s chances of recovery. This issue should also be approached responsibly.

A lump under the armpit can appear for various reasons. For example, a lump may be caused by inflammation of a lymph node. The most common cause of painful lump under the armpit is a purulent disease of the apocrine sweat glands, mainly located in the armpits - hidradenitis. This disease is caused by the activity of staphylococcus.

Of course, only a doctor can determine the exact cause of a painful lump during an external examination and on the basis of a medical examination. Today on the website we will talk specifically about hidradenitis, what causes a lump under the armpit, pain in a child, we will consider the treatment of the disease under the supervision of a doctor.

Symptoms of hidradenitis

The first sign of an onset of illness is a feeling of discomfort, which then transforms into a burning sensation and itching. The child often moves his shoulder, tries to slightly open the armpit, scratches, rubs the burning or itching area. The unpleasant sensations from this only worsen, causing the child to become nervous, may become aggressive, often cries, and is capricious.

After some time, redness appears and a bump appears. If you examine it carefully, small dense nodules become visible, and when touched, the baby’s lump hurts. As the disease progresses, the nodules increase in size, swell, and protrude above the surface of the skin. They are very painful, so the child is forced to constantly keep his arm raised.

Why does a lump appear under the armpit?

The main reason for the appearance of a lump is insufficient hygienic care. If a child does not receive daily baths, dirt, sweat residue, and waste skin cells may accumulate under his arms. This is the most favorable environment for the development of staphylococcus. By multiplying, staphylococcus spreads over a larger space, captures the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, causing their inflammation.

Hidradenitis very often affects children who are not accustomed to washing their hands frequently. The fact is that staphylococci are also found on hands. By scratching under the armpit with dirty hands, the child makes it easier for germs to enter the body.

The disease can also be caused by wearing clothes that are too tight. When she presses and rubs the skin under her arms, germs easily enter the body through these microscopic damage to the skin.

Unhardened and weakened children are susceptible to the disease. A painful lump may appear due to a weakened body due to physical overload, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins A, C, E, etc.

Treatment of hidradenitis

If an illness occurs, the child must be shown to a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. The sick person is recommended complete rest, a nutritious diet enriched with vitamins. Fresh air is very important, so if your condition allows, you should take your child for a walk every day.

Therapy consists of the use of sulfonamide drugs and some antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, based on the age of the sick child. Physiotherapy, UHF, Sollux, etc. are also prescribed. Dry heat (heating pads) is used, and the skin around the lump with nodules is lubricated daily with camphor alcohol. You can use salicylic alcohol, 2% boric alcohol. Use bandages with Vishnevsky ointment. Medicines used include painkillers and antipyretics.

Folk remedies

Rinse the leaves of the tree aloe under running water, remember in your hands, cut off the spines. Cut the leaf lengthwise and apply it to the pine cone under the armpit for 20 minutes, 4-5 times a day.

Thoroughly rinse fresh plantain leaves with hot water, mash them thoroughly until the juice appears, apply them to the bump under the armpit for 20 minutes. 4-5 times per day.

When the lump hurts, prepare fresh plantain juice. To do this, collect a basket of fresh leaves, wash them thoroughly, scald them with boiling water, and chop them. Then place the pulp on several layers of gauze, twist it into a knot, and squeeze out the juice. Apply this juice to the area under the arm that hurts your child.

To treat hidradenitis, use a sea salt solution. To do this, dissolve 2 tsp. sea ​​salt for 1 tbsp. boiled water. Strain the solution, carefully rinse the area of ​​inflammation several times a day.

Infusions of medicinal plants will help you: chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tsp. one of the plants with 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel, leave for half an hour. After this, strain and rinse the inflamed area of ​​skin with warm infusion.

If signs of hidradenitis appear, treatment in a child can be carried out using birch buds. To do this, pour 2 tsp. kidneys with 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, cook over very low heat for 30 minutes. Then cover with a towel and wait until it cools down. Then, strain, moisten a cotton swab with warm broth, make lotions by applying the swab to the lump under the child’s armpit.

Since there are other diseases that lead to the same visible protrusion of the skin, treatment under the armpit may be carried out differently. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should show your child to a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is on him that further treatment will depend. Be healthy!

Lump under the arm is a lump, usually painful, in the armpit. Such a bump, as a rule, always brings pain inside and causes discomfort. This may occur due to poor personal hygiene, uncomfortable tight underwear, or razor cuts.

This seal is round or irregular in shape. Depending on the cause of its appearance, the color of the lump can be different - white, greenish (which indicates the purulent environment of the lump), red. Its sizes also vary, but most often the lump is clearly visible; it stands out significantly above the surface of the armpit.

If you have a lump under your arm, this indicates the presence of inflammation in this area. In this regard, the lump looks inflamed, as evidenced by the reddish color of the skin and increased temperature in the area of ​​the lump, and the general condition worsens. There may be one lump, or several lumps may form. A lump is a knot, abscess, or tumor.

Causes of a lump under the armpit

Hidradenitis– inflammation of the sebaceous glands, usually purulent. Most antiperspirants clog the ducts of the sweat glands, thereby keeping the underarms dry. There are always various types of infections under the armpits. When the sebaceous gland is blocked, infections are activated, which is very dangerous: the enlargement and suppuration of the sebaceous glands under the armpit occurs as a result of the activity of staphylococcus bacteria. Through the flow channels of the sebaceous glands, bacteria enter the glands and begin to grow.

This occurs due to insufficient hygiene of the armpit areas - particles of sweat and deodorant accumulate as a result of irregular washing. As a result, a lump appears under the armpit, which hurts and causes a lot of inconvenience. This disease may be accompanied by fever, chills, trembling and even loss of consciousness. Hidradenitis often appears in children.

Furuncle(boil) - inflammation of the sebaceous gland, bacteria accumulate inside the gland and suppuration appears - quite a dangerous disease. First aid when a boil appears: you need to lubricate the inflamed area with an antiseptic and apply a bandage with levomekol ointment (it contains an antibiotic that will have a strong effect on microorganisms - in other words, this ointment kills microbes and helps draw pus from the sebaceous gland), secure it. But if after 2-3 days it does not get better, the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.

Wen(lipoma) is a benign neoplasm formed due to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the sebaceous glands. The cause may also be a hereditary predisposition, diseases of the pancreas, thyroid glands, or liver. The formation of a lipoma occurs without pain, has a soft consistency to the touch, and grows in size from several mm to fifty centimeters. It is not recommended to carry out all kinds of procedures yourself; the best option would be to consult a doctor.

The lymph node under the arm is inflamed. In a normal person, the axillary lymph nodes do not become inflamed. They increase as a result of a sharp weakening of the immune system after suffering a severe infectious disease - influenza, infectious diseases of the throat or ear. Also, the axillary lymph nodes may become enlarged as a result of inflammation of the mammary glands. Excessive sweating and poor armpit hygiene can also cause inflammation of the lymph nodes. The latter most often concerns overweight, obese people, often with diabetes.

Some blood diseases– leukemia, cervical lymphadenitis, etc. – can also lead to the appearance of a lump under the armpit.

Some forms of cancer accompanied by the formation of tumors in the form of lumps under the arms.

The cause of a lump under the armpit may be the presence of serious diseases in the body such as mumps, AIDS and measles (see “Measles in children - symptoms and treatment”). The appearance of a lump under the armpit during any illness is caused by enlargement of the lymph nodes due to the negative effects of viruses and infections.

Ways to treat a lump under the armpit

The appearance of a lump in the armpit area is always noticeable and unpleasant. Before an abscess forms, the skin in the armpit first itches and a burning sensation is felt. Touching the troubled area is always painful, which indicates the presence of inflammation under the skin. The abscess does not always open.

For several weeks, the lump may fester, enlarge, but never open - this is its difference from a boil (see “Furunculosis - causes and treatment”). Under no circumstances should you treat a lump under the arm on your own! If pus or bacteria enter the bloodstream, it can cause blood poisoning.



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