Food grade sodium alginate powder - instructions for use and price in pharmacies. Alginatol

Sodium alginate in medicine.

The uniqueness of the biochemical composition of seaweed consists of a large number of biologically active substances: microelements (especially iodine), vitamins, alginic acid and its salts (alginates).

Alginic acid and its salts are polysaccharides. The widespread use of marine polysaccharides is associated with their properties such as viscosity, swelling ability, and interaction with certain structures. Alginic acid is a long chain of polyuronic acids that form algal plant fibers. They consist of two different monomer units (mannuronic and hyaluronic acid) in different proportions. Long chains of these acids can cross-link into three-dimensional chains that trap divalent metal ions with their carboxyl groups. Plant fibers from algae are not digested by the human body and are excreted through the intestines. Like other natural polymers, alginic acid is insoluble in water and in most organic solvents. Some alginic acid salts behave somewhat differently. Thus, potassium, sodium and magnesium alginates are highly soluble in water. Soluble salts form viscous solutions. It is this property that determines their practical use as thickeners, stabilizers and binders in the production of food products and medicines. When sodium alginate is added to a solution, a gel easily forms. Alginic acid has the remarkable ability to adsorb water weighing almost 300 times its own weight.

Alginic acid has ion exchange properties. The series of cations have been established in increasing order of their affinity for alginic acid, that is, if some cation binds more tightly to it, then another cation is displaced from the compound. Thus, lead, copper, barium, and strontium cations have a greater affinity for alginic acid than, for example, calcium cations. Therefore, lead cations will displace calcium cations from calcium alginate and themselves bind tightly to alginic acid.

Currently, the only raw material source for the production of alginic acid and its salts is brown seaweed. Every year, 25 thousand tons of alginic acid are produced and consumed in the world. The acid and its derivatives are used in textiles, winemaking, food, medicine, perfumery, cosmetics and other industries.

In recent years, medical interest in alginates has sharply increased. The use of alginates in medicine goes in two directions, as excipients in the production of finished medicines and as biologically active substances in medical preparations. Thus, due to the ability of alginates to swell in water and form viscous gel-like solutions, they are used as disintegrants in tablets, which increases the disintegration and absorption of tablets in the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 20% of tableted medications supplied to our country from abroad use alginic acid or its salts as excipients. The well-known "Pentalgin", for example, quickly "cements" during storage, and therefore the time of its disintegration in the stomach increases to 30 - 60 minutes (and we are waiting for a quick relief from headaches!).

These same tablets, prepared using alginates, disintegrate within the same shelf life in just 5 to 10 minutes.

Of the dosage forms, the most attractive medications are in the form of capsules. They are convenient - gastric juice does not destroy the drug, and it is absorbed in the intestines in full. Gelatin is usually used to make capsules. However, if alginates are introduced into the gelatin mass, qualitatively new capsules with selective solubility in certain parts of the gastrointestinal tract are obtained. The resulting drugs have a more pronounced effect and help weaken the digestive effect of gastric and intestinal juice on the active principles. It should be noted that alginic acid and its salts are much cheaper than other plant extracts and licorice used in the manufacture of medicines. Algae components completely replace expensive extracts. In dental practice, sodium alginate can be used to take impressions of teeth during prosthetics.

The listed properties of alginates have long been successfully used in the pharmaceutical industry. We will tell a story about how derivatives of alginic acid can help maintain the health of each of us, withstand unfavorable environmental conditions, protect against diseases of the 20th century - oncological, cardiovascular, kidney, gastrointestinal, and strengthen the immune system.

Marine pharmacology is still in its infancy. In the near future, plant and animal marine organisms may become a unique source of new drugs that can cure the most serious diseases. Laminaria has not yet exhausted its potential. In the future, we will, without a doubt, be waiting for new amazing preparations created on the basis of this widespread plant.

Immune regulator.

The function of self-defense, self-preservation is one of the most important functions of the body. How well it is performed largely depends on the human immune system. She performs numerous duties. This is not only protection from infectious agents associated with immunity - viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Now it is difficult to name a disease in the origin and course of which an “immunological trace” would not be found. These include tumor diseases, autoimmune pathology, allergies, burns, atherosclerosis, and arrhythmias... The uniqueness of the immune system is ensured by its diversity - the multitude of protective mechanisms, the variety of resistance factors, the diversity of reactions. Its structure is quite complex: there are nonspecific factors (phagocytes and others) and specific ones (special protective proteins - immunoglobulins, or antibodies, and lymphocytes that destroy the “stranger” in the body). The immune system ensures the genetic constancy of the internal environment of the body.

Scientists, immunologists, medical practitioners, and pharmacologists have long been looking for ways to help the body with a “shaky” immune system. This is a rather difficult task - in fact, a delicate biological operation to correct one or another link of the most complex and multicomponent human immune system. Correcting immune imbalances is especially effective preventatively and in the early stages of disease development. But even when the disease has developed, immunocorrection ensures the release of the body from the pathogen, localization of the process, healing and restoration of tissues. Tools for such immunocorrection were created from seaweed. From them, medicines and biologically active food additives are obtained and successfully used: SUPO-LAN, DOPOLAN, MPH (copper derivatives of chlorophyll), ALGINATES and a number of others. Naturally, in the case of diseases, these tools are only good in the hands of an experienced doctor (clinician and immunologist), so the patient cannot do without their consultation.

For preventive purposes, ALGINATES are widely used to maintain and restore the “tone” of the immune system. These various salts of alginic acid (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) have unique immunostimulating abilities. They are very versatile...

  • Alginates stimulate phagocytosis. Phagocyte cells are the main “orderlies” in the body (they capture and digest microorganisms and their decay products). Stimulation of phagocytic defense provides antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral activity of kelp preparations.

  • Alginates attract (sorb) and thereby make immune complexes circulating in the blood inactive. The immune complex is a conglomerate consisting of an antigen (a protein section of the microbial wall, a foreign substance) and a special protein produced by the immune system - immunoglobulin (also called an antibody). If an excessive amount of such immune complexes is formed in the blood, the body does not have time to cleanse itself of them. Excessive amounts of circulating immune complexes damage the vascular wall of the smallest blood vessels in almost all organs and cause an inflammatory response. The damaging role of excess circulating immune complexes has been proven in many diseases (bronchial asthma, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, chronic hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, autoimmune anemia, thrombocytopenia).

  • Alginates are capable of sorbing (binding) excess amounts of a special class of immunoglobulins (E), which are responsible for the development of acute allergic reactions and diseases.

  • Alginates stimulate the synthesis of local specific defense antibodies (class A immunoglobulins). This, in turn, makes the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract more resistant to the pathogenic effects of microbes (a barrier at the entrance gates of infection).
This is how amazing the “alginate shield” is, which helps the body itself fight infections and various ailments, awakens the body from hibernation and activates its internal potential, and prevents allergies from appearing.

Weapons against old age and cancer.

Medical statistics state dispassionately: every 4 out of 5 people die from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Cancer and myocardial infarction have left other causes of death far behind.

Heart disease in most cases is associated with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Atherosclerosis has been known to people for a very long time. And its signs have also been known for a long time; you all are well aware of Rembrandt’s painting “The Old Man,” where the artist was able to depict a person with this disease better than the most experienced doctor. Atherosclerosis is one of the most pressing topics of modern medicine and humanity in general. Its frequency increases with every year of a person’s life. Now he is getting younger. The disease affects a number of unique features. It is based on disorders of lipid (fat) metabolism. Extremely great importance is attached to increasing the blood levels of cholesterol and special fractions of lipoproteins (low and very low density). A change in the balance of lipids (the so-called “lipid mirror”) leads to an increased tendency to form atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. This is largely due to both the genetic characteristics of metabolism and the nutritional characteristics of modern people, leading to tissue overload with atherogenic lipids, damage to the endothelium and cell membranes, and impaired blood clotting.

Oncology is a scary word for patients... Cancer is predicted to “bite” every sixth woman and every fifth man. Cancer cells are mutated cells that have degenerated but are not recognized by their body. Cancer lies dormant in cells for a long time, but as soon as the body’s immune system “perforates”, the monster wakes up. He's like a ghost, wandering through the genes, looking for weakness. When, in what generation will he emerge? Who will get the unlucky number?

Old age - we respect it in others and think about our own with sadness, hoping to delay its approach. Oxidant atoms are constantly formed in the body, which destroy outdated cells. Antioxidants (nature is provident) make sure that these “orderlies” do not gobble up anything unnecessary. But if the body is weakened (as a result of the fact that a person smokes, drinks immoderately, worries a lot or eats poorly), the antioxidants retreat, give up, and the oxidants blindly and cruelly begin to devour healthy cells and open the gates of premature aging. You can make old age late by adding reinforcements to antioxidants or helping them. This is the last word in medical science.

Careful, well-organized prevention can work wonders. Of course, it largely depends on socio-economic and environmental factors. What individual preventive measures can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer?

Unique algal preparations are such weapons against aging, atherosclerosis and cancer degeneration. First of all, alginic acid salts are the most powerful sorbents of cholesterol and fatty acids, reducing the concentration of atherogenic substances in the blood. By stimulating phagocytosis, alginates have an antitumor effect.

One of the most popular food additives in Russia is the drug "Klamin", produced on the basis of seaweed concentrate. The State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance recommended "Klamin" for the prevention of cancer in groups at high cancer risk, people living in unfavorable environmental conditions, and the elderly age group. Klamin was created from the lipid fraction of sugary kelp, combining it with an “intestinal brush” - microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). The drug turned out to be a ruthless and merciless hunter of mutated cells that were inhabited by a cancer monster. “Klamin eradicates cancer from cells, like an eraser - a pencil mark,” wrote Komsomolskaya Pravda enthusiastically, reporting the results of clinical trials signed by the luminaries of Russian oncology. “The drug was a fresh wind of hope. Rather, it is a storm. More precisely, it -- a hurricane named Klamin.

Science does not stand still and today a new generation of drugs has appeared on the pharmaceutical market - “beta-Clamin-2, 5” (a combination of kelp concentrate, sodium alginate, mannitol with beta carotene) and “Clamalin” (a combination of kelp concentrate, sodium alginate, mannitol with garlic powder). The introduction of garlic into PD enhances the effectiveness of drugs for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cancer. Garlic contains a cascade of sulfur-containing compounds, including alliin, which is converted to the biologically active allicin. It is allicin that is credited with anticarcinogenic and antibiotic properties. When combined with seaweed, garlic enhances their adaptogenic, anti-stress and immunomodulatory properties.

In the fight against the accident.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant dramatically highlighted the main misfortune of the 20th century: the progress of science and technology is increasingly associated with negative “side effects” of the extensive and intensive exploitation of natural forces - damage by radionuclides, the entry of heavy metal salts into the soil, water and atmospheric pollution. Is humanity doomed to become a victim of the technogenic path of development? One of the most pressing problems of modern medicine is the search for effective means of prevention and pathogenetic therapy of radiation damage to the body. The severity of this problem is determined by the ever-expanding contingent of people exposed to ionizing radiation, as well as the practical absence of effective anti-radiation drugs (radioprotectors).

The severity of radiation damage is determined to a decisive extent by the specificity and severity of the damage to the red bone marrow. The process of hematopoiesis is ensured by bone marrow stem cells, which multiply by division and then transform (differentiate) into the precursors of mature cells (blood cells) - leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes. With radiation damage, the process of cell division is inhibited at the earliest possible stage, and the bone marrow is catastrophically devastated. A decrease in the reproduction of precursor cells leads to a drop in the content of basic formed elements in the blood. A decrease in the number of leukocytes is one of the main causes of infectious complications. A lack of platelets leads to increased bleeding. A decrease in the number of red blood cells is called anemia, and affected people experience weakness and dizziness (signs of tissue oxygen starvation).

The second leading characteristic manifestation of acute radiation sickness is intestinal syndrome. Intestinal damage consists of the death of intestinal epithelial cells and disruption of permeability processes. This often leads to the death of an irradiated person already in the early period of damage.

Scientists turned to nature itself for help. It is known that the World Ocean is capable of self-cleaning from all the dirt brought into it by humans. It was there that they began to look for and find means of protection and treatment.

An unlimited source of such funds is seaweed - the main natural tool for purifying sea water.

It turned out that alginic acid salts have excellent anti-radiation properties. These properties of alginates are based on their ability to selectively bind and remove heavy metal ions from the body. Alginates specifically and selectively bind and remove from the body, for example, strontium ions. It turned out that strontium cations, regardless of whether it is a stable element or a radioisotope, have the same specific affinity for alginates. It is known that strontium ions are introduced into the internal structure of bone tissue, displacing calcium ions from it, which makes them especially dangerous for the body if a radionuclide isotope is absorbed. The transition of strontium from the bloodstream to bone tissue occurs quite quickly - within a day, up to 30% of the incoming element is concentrated in the bones. Alginates already at the level of the gastrointestinal tract bind strontium isotopes instead of releasing calcium cations, and then remove them with feces. Later it was found that the binding effect of alginates also manifests itself in the skeletal system, from which they transfer strontium into the blood and are then excreted from the body through the intestines and kidneys. Under the influence of sodium alginate, the content of radioactive strontium in bone tissue is reduced by 75%.

A feature of alginic acid preparations is their targeted correction in the most radiodamaged vital systems of the human body. Such systems that have the greatest radiosensitivity include the already mentioned hematopoietic system and the gastrointestinal tract. Alginates help to increase the overall radioresistance of the body, activate restoration processes in the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic system under conditions of external exposure to ionizing radiation on the body.

Sodium alginate is successfully used in patients with cancer of various locations who are undergoing courses of complex chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is known that under the influence of such therapy, patients develop disorders in the hematopoietic system of varying degrees. In some cases, these complications require stopping the course of treatment, resulting in a sharp decrease in effectiveness.

Gentle algae against heavy metals.

In Ancient Rome, lead dishes were considered the height of luxury. In the 16th century in Amsterdam there were massive lead toxicoses among those who drank water from lead water pipes. In England, the taste of cider was improved with lead... And no one suspected that lead had a destructive effect on the brain, causing mental disorders and other serious illnesses (anemia, kidney damage, abdominal cramps). Our health faces no less danger. The industry, in addition to undeniable benefits, also brings a lot of troubles - one-time and “long-lasting”. Among the many environmental factors that adversely affect human health, a prominent place is occupied by the overload of our environment with heavy metals.

Of course, we do not drink water from lead goblets, but we pour it from the tap, into which it flows through water pipes. Even at first glance, the water from these pipes - with particles of rust, often with foreign odors and tastes - arouses suspicion. Existing plumbing systems generously “supply” us with all kinds of metals. According to the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene named after F.F. Erisman, when using metal pipes and water shut-off valves, migration into the water of such a “bouquet” of highly toxic ingredients such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, asbestos, and others is inevitable. Cadmium causes gastrointestinal disorders, renal colic, and anemia. Aluminum - severe neurological disorders.

Chronic poisoning with salts of heavy metals (metallosis) affects the most advanced part of the nervous system - the cerebral cortex. Hence - weakness, apathy, autonomic dysfunction, hallucinosis, memory loss. Heavy metals displace microelements needed by the body from metabolism. The damaging effects of heavy metal salts can still occur in utero. It is no coincidence that neonatologists began to diagnose the so-called industrial fetal syndrome. The isolation of this syndrome is due to environmental hazards, environmental pollution, products of incomplete combustion of oil, dioxidine, lead, silicon, herbicides, and other industrial emissions. The accumulation of the mentioned and other products in the placenta leads to disruption of its barrier and other functions, intrauterine hypoxia and trophic disorders in the fetus, primarily disruption of the functional state of the liver and brain. It is clear that such children have an increased incidence of birth with asphyxia and neurological disorders both in the neonatal period and in the future. It is believed that an increased frequency of this syndrome is observed in women living near gas stations, intersections of major roads, in large environmentally unfavorable cities, working as drivers, at gas stations, chemical industry enterprises, with pesticides in agriculture, and others. Each chemical substance also has a specific nature of damage. For example, with massive contact of a pregnant woman with methylated mercury, in 60% of cases the fetus develops microcephaly, and then delayed psychomotor development, blindness, deafness, spasticity, convulsions, and ocular abnormalities are detected; with lead - increased frequency of stillbirths and miscarriages, brain malformations.

When released from the body, metals damage the kidney tissue. Children are especially sensitive to kidney damage. Thus, according to the Arkhangelsk Children's Nephrology Center (headed by E.V. Shchekina), the incidence of kidney disease in children is 3 times higher than the national average. The maximum incidence is detected in those areas where industrial enterprises operate. Using complex laboratory methods, it was determined that the excretion of heavy metals (arsenic, manganese, nickel, zinc, copper, iron) was increased in all patients.

How to resist these influences? The solution was offered by nature itself. One of the most successful recent developments has been alginic acid preparations obtained from brown algae. Alginates, like a magnet, bind and remove toxic metals from the body. The experience of their use in children with toxic nephropathies and interstitial nephritis turned out to be very successful. Thus, in young Arkhangelsk patients, after three weeks of taking sodium alginate, changes in laboratory urine tests disappeared, and heavy metal salts in the urine practically ceased to be detected. Similar data were obtained by scientists from the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery when treating children with nephropathies from a region contaminated with heavy metals.

So, a solution has been found. It is not only for treatment, but to a greater extent for the prevention of numerous diseases. Alginates are vital for adults and children living in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions. They are necessary for people who constantly work in hazardous conditions.

The way to the heart is through the stomach...

Alginic acid, its sodium and calcium salts have the ability to stop bleeding. This has proven useful, in particular, in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers.

It has long been experimentally and clinically established that alginic acid salts, when taken orally, have antacid properties (reduce aggressive hyperacidity of gastric juice), are able to stop local bleeding and stimulate the healing of ulcerative lesions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. The mechanism of these processes is based on the reaction of sodium alginate neutralizing hydrochloric acid of gastric juice with the formation of alginic acid according to the following scheme: Alginate Na + HCl > alginic acid + NaCl.

Alginic acid, which is formed in the form of a viscous gel, envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from further exposure to hydrochloric acid and pepsin, stopping bleeding.

Most antacid drugs used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract exhibit sorption properties, but do not have an enveloping effect, which is desirable when protecting erosive surfaces from the effects of gastric acid. Alginates of sodium, bismuth, aluminum have a complex of the listed properties, and in addition - a hemostatic effect. This was the reason that in the first years after the Chernobyl accident, an aqueous solution of sodium alginate was used to treat one of the main syndromes of radiation damage - intestinal. It is no coincidence that a number of foreign pharmaceutical companies began to use alginic acid as the basis for their antacid preparations. Thus, the drug "Topalkan" from the famous French company "Pierre Fabre" contains 200 milligrams of alginic acid (in addition to it, the drug also contains aluminum and magnesium salts). The drug protects the gastric mucosa due to the formation of an alginic acid gel floating on the surface of the gastric juice. It is used to treat and prevent reflux esophagitis, stomach pain, chest burning, and belching.

The property of “lingering” in the esophagus is given to the drug by alginic acid. The Swedish drug "Marinil-Original" also contains sodium alginate as its main active ingredient. Among the indications for its use are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the components of alginic acid polysaccharide is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, in turn, is a component of glycosaminoglycans, which currently play a special role in the regulation of many cell processes, including proliferative activity.

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant very often had duodenal ulcers and chronic gastroduodenitis. This group was treated with sodium alginate gel for 4 weeks. When sodium alginate gel was included in the treatment regimen, patients noted a decrease in gastrointestinal discomfort already on days 5–8. With fibroduodenogastroscopic control, scarring of the ulcerative defect occurred in 80% of patients after 3–4 weeks. In patients receiving conventional antacids (Almagel, Vikalin), the pain syndrome persisted for up to 15 days. Scarring of the ulcer also occurred more slowly. In patients who were prescribed sodium alginate as an antacid, normalization of gastric acidity was noted at an earlier time compared to other drugs of similar action. The effect turned out to be the same as when using expensive foreign “branded” topical antacid preparations. Sodium alginate gel is more effective when used 3 - 4 times a day 1.5 - 2 hours after meals.

Algae preparations prescribed to children with chronic gastroduodenitis and intestinal dysbiosis contributed to a more rapid disappearance of such manifestations as intestinal bloating, stool instability, abdominal pain, which can be explained by stimulation of colonization of the colon lumen with obligate microflora and the local immunomodulatory effect of these drugs. Children's gastroenterologists of Arkhangelsk (V.P. Belozerov, A.P. Cherkashina, and others) were amazed at the multifaceted effect of alginates.

Algae have a particularly beneficial effect on the function of the gastrointestinal tract during constipation. Alginic acid itself swells when cooked, exerting a gentle enveloping effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, while at the same time helping to significantly weaken pathological reflexes, including pain. Compounds of alginic acid with chemical elements such as sodium and calcium reduce excessive intestinal motility. The enveloping effect of alginic acid helps to delay the absorption of water in the intestine, which leads to normalization of stool.

An aerosol form of the drug Statin has recently been developed. Extensive clinical experience has shown the effectiveness of the aerosol form of drugs, which allows the drug to be applied through the gastroduodenoscope channel during a mandatory diagnostic examination and ensures the application of the drug directly to the lesion site under visual control. This method of drug delivery ensures immediate action and a significant reduction in its therapeutic dose. Clinical trials have shown high efficiency: it promotes rapid tissue regeneration at the site of damage, has a pronounced hemostatic effect, destroys Helicobacter pyloricus (a micropathogen that is associated with many cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers ) in places of its localization, helps prevent recurrent bleeding, including after surgery to remove polyps. The drug relieves persistent pain that cannot be relieved by other means. Applications of the drug almost halve the healing time of ulcerative defects compared to the generally accepted course of treatment. Of particular interest to specialists is the possibility of preventing the occurrence of an acute ulcerative process in stressful situations, including during severe operations. The use of the drug is an excellent alternative in cases of critical surgical risk and the ineffectiveness of traditional treatment methods.

Wounds, injuries, burns, bleeding, ...

The problem of treating wounds and burns still remains an urgent problem in medicine. The number of wounded and burned people, even in peacetime, is very high. Local treatment plays an important role in solving this problem. Therapeutic dressings should protect the wound from infection from the outside and from injury, absorb exudate and prevent its accumulation under the bandage. Dressings should prevent the development of infection in the wound and stimulate healing processes. They should be easy to handle, easy and painless to apply to the wound, and just as easy to remove when bandaging. These are the extensive requirements for bandages from both doctors and patients.

Recently, there has been increased interest in medicinal dressings based on the polysaccharide of brown seaweed - alginate. This polymer is not antigenic or allergenic, is completely absorbable and stimulates healing processes. It is easily combined with medicinal and other physiologically active substances. The introduction of these substances into the structure of alginate coatings makes it possible to reduce their dosage tenfold, sharply reduces or completely eliminates the side effects of a number of drugs.

Based on alginates, the State Scientific Research Institute of Medical Polymers (V.S. Yakubovich, A.L. Komissarova) has developed a family of modern medical coatings that have no foreign analogues: Algipor, Algimaf, Teralgim - intended for the treatment of burns, wounds of various origins, trophic ulcers, radiation skin lesions, bedsores.

The basis of algipor is a mixed sodium calcium salt of alginic acid. The preparation consists of sheets of porous material. The porous structure provides high suction capacity and the necessary adhesion to the wet surface of the wounds. Algipor is used in the treatment of 2nd - 3rd degree burns, indolent wounds, trophic ulcers and bedsores, as well as long-term non-healing wounds in cancer patients. Recently, Algipor has been successfully used in dentistry in the treatment of deep caries and various forms of pulpitis.

A significant increase in recent years in the frequency of severe infectious complications in burnt patients caused by particularly malicious gram-negative micropathogens has led to the creation of another polymer coating - Algimaf. Algimaf contains one of the most potent antimicrobial agents against gram-negative microflora (sulfonamide drug mafenide acetate). Due to the presence of the antioxidant phenozan, the drug has an enhanced therapeutic effect (faster rejection of necrotic tissue, prevents the deepening of the burn wound). The drug is able to penetrate deep into the burn wound.

In the drug Teralgim, a special enzyme (terrilitin) is “embedded” into the polymer alginate dressing, which allows it to “dissolve” large protein molecules in necrotic tissues. This makes it very effective in treating bedsores. Pressure wounds are a serious complication in patients who are immobile for a long time, especially with spinal cord injuries. The drug Teralgim showed its excellent healing qualities in the presence of purulent-necrotic tissue in the wound.

Experience in the clinical use of alginate coatings on wounds and burns has shown that all of the listed drugs have good drainage properties, accelerate the cleansing of wounds, reduce their infection, reduce intoxication of the body and contribute to the favorable course of the wound process. By actively absorbing wound exudate, the drugs are lysed, turning into a gel-like mass, creating comfortable conditions in the wound and ensuring non-traumatic dressings. The preparations are sterile, easy to handle, easily applied to the wound and tightly fixed, adhering to the wound surface. They do not stain linen, which creates certain convenience for patients and staff. Their most amazing property is that bandages on the wound dissolve, so there is no need to remove them after healing. They are well tolerated by patients and in most cases do not even require pain relief during dressings.

Clinical trials of algipor, algimaf and teralgim, conducted in the largest surgical clinics and burn centers in the country, showed the effectiveness, ease of use and good tolerance of treatment with alginate dressings by patients. Dressing coverings are successfully used by doctors at the Arkhangelsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

But for bleeding wounds, the first choice is Statin. It is Statin that is included in the mandatory car first aid kit (the first aid kit must contain at least three sachets of the drug). Statin is developed on the basis of sodium alginate. This is an effective powdered remedy for quickly stopping bleeding and treating wounds. As clinical trials have shown, Statin stops capillary bleeding when applied to the wound surface, and moderate-intensity bleeding within 8 to 10 seconds; forms a delicate gel-like layer on the surface of the wound, relief covering the affected tissue of any configuration. The gel-like coating ensures good water and gas exchange in the wound, painless dressings, and prevents adhesions. Statin is available in sterile form in packaging for single use.

The use of Statin is indicated in the following cases: bleeding wounds, wounds after removal of necrotic tissue, operations to remove tonsils, adenoids, operations on internal organs. Statin has no analogues in world practice and is patented abroad. Statin sachets should be not only in the motorist's first aid kit, but also in the home first aid kit of every family.

Health given by nature.

The body of a modern person, consuming more and more artificial foods, experiences a serious deficiency of organic substances, in particular microelements. Deficiency of vitamins, macroelements and microelements, dietary fiber forms risk factors for many chronic diseases and reduces the functional activity of the immune system. According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, no more than 3% of compatriots improve their diet with the help of multivitamin and mineral complexes. Meanwhile, half of Europe constantly adjusts their diet with the help of dietary supplements (dietary supplements); in the USA this figure has increased to 80%. According to experts, only through a balanced diet can the incidence of illness be reduced by 30%. Rational nutrition is not only its calorie content, but also the enrichment of biologically active substances, microelements and macroelements, which are components of biomembranes, enzymes, antioxidant and hormonal systems of the body.

Concentrates of natural food biologically active substances are primarily intended to prevent “diseases of civilization”. But they can also be effectively used to restore the body’s defenses during the period between courses of therapeutic treatment and for chronic diseases. Algae, as a powerful accumulator of all kinds of chemical elements, should take their rightful place in medical practice. Laminaria is the object that makes it possible to fulfill the dream of Hippocrates: for our food to be medicine, and medicine to be food.

The existing saying “You can’t buy health at the pharmacy” requires clarification. With the help of the "sea pharmacy" you can maintain and improve your health!

INCI: Sodium Alginate

Appearance: fine white powder, tasteless and odorless.

Peculiarities: Together with agar and carrageenan alginates constitute a group of so-called hydrocolloids or phycocolloids - polysaccharides obtained from seaweed.

Alginate was discovered by the British pharmacist E. Stanford at the end of the 19th century. Currently, the largest producers of alginates are the USA, Great Britain, Norway, Canada, Japan, France and China.

Alginic acid and its salts are mainly found in marine brown algae. Its quantity is very variable and depends on the location, depth, type of algae, its age and time of year.

Chemically, alginates are polysaccharide polymers of β-D-mannuric and α-L-guluronic acid residues linked to each other. In carboxyl groups, hydrogen is replaced by sodium. The ratio of polymer chains determines the properties of alginate. It was found that young algae contain more polymannuric acid, and mature algae contain more polyguluronic acid. Moreover, the plasticity of algae depends on polymannuric acid, and rigidity and rigidity - on polyguluronic acid.

Alginates when added to water they have unique gelling properties.

Only alginate gel - thermally irreversible. That is, while gels formed by agars and carrageenans can liquefy and solubilize, an alginate gel is not able to do this.

When a gel is formed, first the polysaccharide chains are connected to each other using hydrogen bridges, and then these chains, by contacting metal ions, form a cellular structure. In the middle of each cell is a metal ion. This structure is called the egg box structure.

Physical Features:

Alginic acid absorbs water weighing almost 300 times its own weight.

Alginate gel is thermally irreversible, withstands cooling, freezing and retains its properties when thawed.

Solubility: Sodium alginate slowly soluble in water with the formation of a viscous gel. Insoluble in ethyl alcohol when its concentration is above 30° Insoluble in acidic solutions pH≤3 Insoluble in organic solvents.

pH 1% solution approx. 7

Viscosity presented alginate Na - 1000

Use in cosmetics :

  • Cream viscosity regulator, improving product stability and properties
  • Viscosity regulator, thickener for shampoos, shower gels, intimate hygiene gels, etc.
  • Viscosity regulator for roll-on deodorants
  • Source material for alginate masks.

Additional information:

Sodium alginate is declared as a food additive E 401 and is widely used in the food industry as a thickening agent and gelling agent in dairy products, sauces, and confectionery products.

In medicine and pharmaceuticals, sodium alginate is included in many dietary supplements, cholesterol and fatty acid sorbents, is a prebiotic additive for normalizing intestinal microflora, and a remedy for the treatment of constipation; It is used as a hemostatic and hypoallergenic agent that accelerates epithelialization, as an immunomodulator, etc.


In cosmetics, in addition to the function of a thickener, alginates can be used in the form alginate masks .

The composition of such masks, in addition to alginate, includes the so-called. plasticizers containing calcium ions.

Most often, diatomaceous earth or kieselguhr are used as a plasticizer.

Alginate mask polymerization reaction .

Unlike sodium alginate, salts of alginic acids with divalent calcium poorly soluble in water due to cross-links that occur between polymer molecules of alginic acids.

If you add water to the alginate powder, the sodium salts of alginic acid and calcium sulfate come into the solution. These salts dissociate into sodium ions (Na+) and alginic acid on the one hand and into calcium ions (Ca 2+) and sulfate (SO 4 2-). After dissociation, especially when adding excess calcium ions, it becomes possible for alginic acid to react with calcium ions. As a result, individual chains of alginic acids cross-link with calcium ions, which leads to formation of an elastic gel and polymerization of the mass.

Such alginate gel Over time, it may lose its stability, which is associated with the leaching of calcium ions from the cells.

However, its properties can be restored by adding calcium to it.

In addition, it must be remembered that alginate gel loses its stability in the presence of EDTA - a complexone, monovalent cations or complex anions - citrates, phosphates, lactates - which have a high affinity for calcium ions.

Alginate masks refer to plasticizing masks - i.e. When they freeze, they “fix” the contours of the face or body.

When they harden, an air- and waterproof film is formed, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the skin.

Alginate masks:

  • Have a moisturizing effect, restore water balance,
  • They have a lifting effect - correction of facial contours, smooth out wrinkles, reduce pores
  • Increases skin tone and elasticity
  • They have a detoxifying effect - they “remove” signs of fatigue and improve complexion
  • Saturate the skin with microelements
  • Activate microcirculation
  • Regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • Strengthen the effect of cosmetic preparations applied before using the mask
  • When using alginate masks after invasive procedures, they promote healing, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and relieve swelling.

As a rule, manufacturers of alginate masks additionally introduce other useful components into their composition.

Namely - plant extracts, vitamins and microelements, diatomaceous earth.

By exposure temperature , distinguish:

  • Isothermal
  • Thermal (the manufacturer can add stimulating, warming oils, such as eucalyptus, to such masks). The expected effect of such masks is stimulation of microcirculation and cellular metabolism, increased detoxification, and relief of spasms.
  • Cooling (the manufacturer adds menthol to such masks) The expected effect is relaxation, smoothing of fine wrinkles, smoothing of skin texture, stimulation of microcirculation through local hypothermia, stimulation of lipolysis during anti-cellulite procedures.

Application technique.

As a rule, the mask is applied while lying down. Eyebrows and eyelashes, if they are very thick, are lubricated with a small amount of rich cream. Under the mask, if desired, apply the appropriate products - emulsion, serum, oil aroma mixture. They try to apply the mask itself in as dense a layer as possible. It can be applied to the eyelids and lips - leaving only the nostrils open.

The mask plasticization time is 10-15 minutes.

The total procedure time is about 30-40 minutes.

After which the mask is removed with a smooth movement from bottom to top. If the mask sticks to the skin - before removing it - these areas can be moistened with water.

A course of masks is 6-15 procedures.

Frequency - 1-4 times a week.

In cases where anti-cellulite mask-wraps are performed, the top is wrapped in plastic film or foil and wrapped in a warm blanket for 30-40 minutes. At the same time, it is recommended to drink warm drinks. And at the end of the procedure - a massage using essential oils.

The course is at least 10-15 procedures. Frequency - 2-3 times a week.


  • Acute inflammatory processes in the mask area
  • Trophic ulcers
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Individual intolerance.

The development of medicine leads to the emergence of more modern drugs, gradually replacing old and familiar medications. Many of them are made based on herbal ingredients, which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction and reduces the likelihood of side effects. The list of such drugs created using natural ingredients also includes a whole group of drugs – alginates. Allowing you to get rid of heartburn and without causing stomach irritation, they can replace more popular antacids.

Just a few years ago, antacids, which had practically no analogues, were considered the main medicines that saved stomach problems. However, at present, their analogues include some salts of alginic acid - alginates, previously used only in the food industry, surgery and cosmetology. They were made from brown algae and were used in the following situations:

  • as a means for rapid healing of wounds;
  • for the treatment of severe burns;
  • to improve the condition of the limbs with trophic ulcers;
  • to improve immunity (in the form of food supplements);
  • for cosmetic masks.

The use of alginates to treat heartburn began in the 2000s after a number of studies confirming their effectiveness. Thus, one of the drugs, Gaviscon, helped patients with reflux disease in 84% of cases. It also made it possible to get rid of episodic heartburn in most healthy people.

Alginates for heartburn

The drugs are high-molecular polysaccharides, which contain two acids - D-mannuronic and L-hyaluronic. Thanks to this composition, the interaction of drugs and gastric juice leads to the formation of a special protective film on the surface of the stomach and esophagus. This eliminates pain symptoms for various stomach problems and relieves the patient from heartburn.

The advantages of choosing these drugs include:

  • reducing the impact of stomach contents on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, without changing the acidity of gastric juice;
  • almost complete safety of use;
  • high speed of action - the effect is observed within 4-7 minutes after taking the medicine;
  • promoting the rapid healing of ulcers and erosions of both the stomach and duodenum.

In addition, the use of alginates leads to a decrease in the strong appetite and feeling of hunger that accompany hyperacid gastritis. With their help, the activity of pathological microflora is suppressed and harmful substances are adsorbed. Alginates can also be used as additional sources of dietary fiber necessary to normalize intestinal function and improve its microflora.

Operating principle

When a drug created on the basis of calcium and sodium alginates enters the body, the following occurs:

  1. The drug helps neutralize hydrochloric acid and pepsin;
  2. Alginic acid is formed in the body;
  3. With the help of calcium ions, the molecules of this acid are collected into a fairly strong layer on the surface of the stomach.

The period of action of alginates can last up to 4 hours. During this time, the protective film successfully copes with the symptoms caused by reflux disease (GERD). And, even if gastric juice is accidentally thrown into the esophagus due to the patient’s incorrect body position or unintentional physical stress, the medicine reliably protects the mucous membrane.

Contraindications and side effects

Research results show that the use of alginates does not lead to noticeable complications. There are no side effects from these medications. And among the contraindications we can only note individual intolerance to alginates or the excipients contained in their dosage forms. Although even when such an effect appears, only urticaria usually occurs.

It is not recommended to use alginates to treat children under 6 years of age. And from 6 to 12 years old, it is advisable to use the medicine only in the form of a suspension. At the same time, there are no contraindications for their use during pregnancy or lactation.

Important! Due to the lack of reliable information about the effect of drugs on the children's body, nursing and pregnant women are advised to use them with caution.

Types and features of the use of alginates

There are several popular alginates that can be found in pharmacy chains:

  • "Gaviscon" or "Gaviscon", sold in the form of a mint or anise flavored suspension, lemon and mint chewable tablets. Another form is “Gaviscon Forte” with double sodium alginate content;
  • "Laminal", available in gel form;
  • separately sold magnesium, sodium and calcium alginates. Most often they are sold in the form of a gel, packaged in jars. Sometimes found in the form of chewable plates and suspensions.

The most popular of all drugs is Gaviscon. It is often prescribed for the appearance of various symptoms of GERD - indigestion, sour belching and heartburn. If the medicine is used in tablet form, it is taken immediately after meals and before bedtime. “Laminal” is recommended to be taken twice a day – 15–20 minutes before morning and evening meals, washed down with juice or tea.

To increase the effectiveness of alginates, several recommendations must be followed. First of all, do not engage in physical exercise during the period of action of the drug - that is, within 4 hours after taking it. Also, you should not simultaneously take alginates with some other drugs - antibiotics from the tetracycline group, beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, chloroquine, antipsychotics and bisphosphonates.

Advantages over antacids

The use of antacids helps neutralize the aggressive acidic environment in the stomach. In this case, the activation of enzymes is disrupted, intestinal motility decreases (in particular, the patient experiences constipation) and the digestion process worsens. In addition, sucking antacids cause the release of carbon dioxide, which can lead to renewed heartburn. Taking alginates eliminates the reflux effect without causing stomach irritation. Thanks to this, there is no “rebound” symptom, and heartburn does not reappear.

Important! Alginates should be preferred if side effects occur as a result of taking antacids. It is also worth switching to them if you have an individual intolerance to antacid drugs.

With the help of calcium alginate, the stomach is reliably protected from acid. The result is improved bowel function and relief from heartburn.

Pharmacological action

  • Not specified. See instructions


calcium alginate, obtained from the brown seaweed kelp; chlorophylls and their copper derivatives. Contains no excipients. All components of the calcium alginate dietary supplement are natural. Chlorophylls and their copper derivatives are added to the substance as a natural green dye

Indications for use

Recommended as a dietary supplement - an additional source of unique highly effective soluble dietary fiber of marine origin (alginates) and bioavailable calcium in ionized form. When taking 6 capsules of calcium alginate, the body receives 51% of the daily requirement of soluble dietary fiber and 18% of the daily requirement of calcium.

It is a highly active enterosorbent, recommended for removing metabolic by-products and radionuclides from the body, incl. strontium and cesium, salts of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, etc.) coming from contaminated food, water, air, especially in people living in areas with a high content of radionuclides and heavy metals in the environment.

Participates in the restoration of intestinal microbiocenosis, promotes the growth of normal microflora, suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora. Recommended for combating intestinal dysbiosis, for normalizing microflora after intestinal infections, and when taking medications (especially antibiotics).

Recommended in the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (improves the functional state of the digestive tract, weakens the aggressive effect of gastric acid, improves the healing of ulcers and erosions of the stomach and duodenum).

Restores intestinal motility, has a laxative effect and is used to combat constipation, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a prophylactic to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Has an antiallergic effect, restores the functioning of the immune system. Normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces increased appetite. Recommended for correcting excess body weight, normalizing metabolism in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Normalizes calcium metabolism, reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, and is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the joints and spine.

Release form

capsules 350 mg.

Contraindications for use

individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnant and lactating women. Consult your doctor before use

Directions for use and doses

2 capsules 3 times a day with meals, duration of use is 1–3 months. If necessary, the reception can be repeated. Calcium alginate is safe for short-term and long-term use, has no toxic or side effects

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Description of vitamin Calcium Alginate is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Alginatol is a topical hemostatic agent that also has anti-inflammatory and reparative (wound-healing) effects.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories containing:

  • 250 mg sodium alginate - a natural polysaccharide obtained from brown seaweed;
  • Witepsol and supposir as auxiliary components.

Candles are sold in 5 pcs. in blister packs, of which there are 2 pieces in a cardboard box.

Indications for use of Alginatol

As indicated in the instructions for Alginatol, this drug is intended for the treatment of:

  • Chronic bleeding hemorrhoids, including during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • Colitis;
  • Proctosigmoiditis;
  • Chronic fissures of the anus in the epithelialization stage;
  • Inflammation or bleeding from the rectum that occurred in the postoperative period as a result of surgery in various parts of the colon;
  • Acute intestinal diseases that occur with severe damage to the wall of the colon such as hemocolitis or enterocolitis, for example, dysentery or salmonellosis;
  • Rectal prolapse.

The components of the drug do not penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk, so Alginatol suppositories can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women without concerns about the possible negative effect of the medication on the child.


According to the annotation for the drug, the only contraindication to the use of Alginatol is hypersensitivity to any component included in its composition.

Directions for use and dosage of Alginatol

Alginatol suppositories, according to the instructions, should be used rectally. The daily dosage of sodium alginate depends on the age of the patient, the type of disease and the severity of its course. As a rule:

  • Infants under 1 year of age are prescribed 1 suppository once a day;
  • Children from 1 year to 4 years – 1 suppository twice a day;
  • Children 4-14 years old – 1 suppository two or three times a day;
  • Children over 14 years old and adults – 1 suppository two to four times a day.

Treatment can last from 7 to 14 days. If necessary, after a short break, the course of therapy is repeated.

Alginatol suppositories are inserted into the anus after defecation. If by the time it is time to use the drug, bowel movement under the influence of natural reflexes has not occurred, you should give an enema. After this, wash the anal area with warm water and soap, and then wash your hands. There is no need to wipe off the remaining moisture with a towel - the water will make the process of inserting the candle easier. Having taken it out of the contour packaging, the suppository should be inserted with the index finger (after cutting off the nail on it - to avoid traumatizing the mucous membrane and walls of the hemorrhoidal veins) until it loses the feeling of resistance.

The drug Alginatol can be used to stop bleeding from the rectum. If bleeding still continues 60 minutes after insertion of the suppository, you must call an ambulance.

Alginatol can be used to stop bleeding periodically, but doctors strongly recommend undergoing an examination to assess the full clinical picture and prescribe appropriate treatment that will help completely defeat the disease or, at least, achieve stable remission.

Side effects of Alginatol

According to numerous reviews from patients who were treated with Alginatol, in the vast majority of cases the drug is well tolerated and, if the recommended regimen is followed, does not have any side effects. In extremely rare cases, allergic reactions may develop in the form of rash, itching, urticaria, etc. As a rule, this phenomenon is caused by hypersensitivity or intolerance to any component of the drug, which the patient was not aware of before.

In any case, if any undesirable reactions occur on the part of the body, you should stop using Alginatol and consult a doctor who will select a drug with a similar mechanism of action, but with a different composition.

Special instructions

Cases of overdose with Alginatol have not been reported in medical practice. The likelihood of such a phenomenon, according to doctors, is impossible, since the drug has a local effect.

No negative interactions of Alginatol with other medications have been identified, so it can be used simultaneously with various medications, but only in consultation with the treating doctor.

Alginatol analogs

A structural analogue of Alginatol, i.e. in composition, is the drug Natalsid, which is also available in the form of rectal suppositories. Rating: 4.6 - 5 votes



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