Career zone according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui for work career and business

Greetings, my friends!

Well, let's continue the conversation on the topic “Career Zone in the Feng Shui of your home.” Today we’ll talk about how to activate it with the help of talismans and using its element – ​​Water. I hope that this information will allow you to strengthen the scope of your professional activities, provided, of course, that you apply the acquired knowledge in practice!

Water, Water and more Water!

As far as you remember from the article, the element of the Career zone is Water. We also used water in water, for which the element Wood is responsible. However, water was still supplied there as an auxiliary (in order to symbolically water the Tree and give it strength for growth and development). Here Water is the main element and is important in itself.

The Career zone in feng shui is enhanced with the help of water itself, materials symbolizing water, images of water, as well as everything that is somehow connected with water. Let's look at each case separately.


The best, I would say, ideal activator option for the Career zone is a fountain! Not a waterfall!!! Namely, a fountain where water is thrown upward! This symbolically strengthens and elevates your career. Water rushing upward symbolizes active, yang energy. This is exactly what you need to develop your career.

Avoid waterfalls in this area (why do you need the symbolic “flow down”?!), stagnant water, opaque, dirty water.

The Career Zone can be activated simply by pouring water into a glass, cup, or bowl. The main thing is that this water is clean and fresh. If you have already made such a talisman for the northern sector, then make sure that there is no dust floating on the surface of the water, change and refresh the water more often. This will prevent your career from stagnating.

By the way, a humidifier can become a very interesting talisman here. You know, there are those where the water seems to “boil”, “evaporating” and humidifying the air in the apartment. This is very powerful - active, “boiling” water is what you need!


Materials symbolizing water that you can use to activate this zone are glass, crystal, even transparent plastic (but better, of course, natural materials), mirrors. Can you imagine what a powerful talisman this glass fountain is! You can take a crystal vase and pour water into it. Just don't put flowers in it! After all, flowers belong to the Wood element, which means they symbolically weaken the Water element by “drinking” it.

Water images

It is best to take images (paintings and photos) of moving water. However, remember the ban on falling water! Therefore, no matter how much you like paintings with waterfalls, it is better not to place them in this zone.

Photos of a stormy river, a calmer but full-flowing river (see for yourself what kind of career development you need now - an active leap or a calmer state, and select images based on this), beautiful active sea surf, spectacular waves on the sea give a good effect.

But here it is important not to overdo it. It’s still better not to use paintings such as “The Ninth Wave” by Aivazovsky or just photographs of a stormy sea (especially with sinking ships!). Such images contain an element of anxiety and threat, and we absolutely do not need this for our careers!

You should also avoid images of swamps, overgrown old ponds (no matter what
no matter how cute and beautiful they seemed to you), standing water. All these paintings carry Yin energy, which we do not need in the Career zone.

I hope the basic principle is clear to you - active, clean and non-hazardous water.

Career Zone in Feng Shui. Talismans

The turtle is considered the most effective and powerful talisman for the Career zone. Any – live, figurine, photo, picture, etc. Naturally, a live turtle requires a lot of attention and care, so this “mascot” is not for everyone. However, if you are already the happy owner of a turtle, then you can place its aquarium (if it lives in your aquarium) in the Career zone (of course, if conditions allow this and nothing will threaten the comfort of the turtle!) and then your pet will become even more and strengthen your career!

For everyone else, there remain images and figurines of turtles, which, by the way,
work just as efficiently! Don't forget about the materials in this zone! It is best to use crystal (glass) or metal turtles here. The turtle must be alone in the Career zone! You remember that the number of this zone is 1.

Another very powerful talisman is fish. For example, an aquarium with one fish will perfectly enhance your Career zone. But this, again, is for those who can take care of a living creature and provide the fish with proper care and comfort. Because an unhappy fish is unlikely to bring you luck in your career.

If you are not an avid aquarist, then it is better to use figurines or photos of fish,
placing them in this area. There is a very interesting thing - artificial aquariums with moving fish. These are some kind of decorative lamps. They have lighting, the fish move as if they are swimming. If you place such an “aquarium” in your Career zone, it will become a chic talisman! Movement, lighting, symbolic images of water and fish - all this is simply ideal for activating the Career zone!

Also, all kinds of metal things - bells, horseshoes, etc. - will be excellent talismans for this zone. For example, in this area I have a metal figurine of an eagle hanging in its paws, holding a bell. If at any moment I need to “stir up” something in my professional field, I simply ring this bell, and the necessary changes quickly come.

Well, my friends, I hope that these recommendations will allow you to strengthen the northern sector in your home and reach a higher level in your professional activities!

Your Ekaterina

Want more knowledge on Feng Shui? Then you need my book

Many people dream of a brilliant career, but not everyone succeeds in being “in the right place at the right time.” In this case, you shouldn’t despair; it’s better to try to create the most favorable conditions for yourself. A good way to build a career is Feng Shui - an Eastern philosophy that calls for harmonization of the surrounding space.

Career zone in the office according to Feng Shui

The Feng Shui tradition involves dividing the surrounding space into zones that belong to the five elements and are responsible for various areas of life. To determine the correct colors and talismans for a particular zone from the point of view of the Feng Shui tradition, a compass is used. Naturally, we are not talking about a device showing the cardinal directions, but about a special Feng Shui (lo-pan) compass. It is much more complicated than a regular tourist one, and anyone who wants to organize their living space as accurately as possible in accordance with the Feng Shui tradition would do well to learn how to use it. In the meantime, there are no such outstanding skills, you can use several useful Feng Shui techniques for a good career.

Talismans located in the northern part of your home will help you move up the career ladder, since this area is considered the career sector according to Feng Shui. This area is subject to the element of water, and its effect is enhanced by metal. The colors blue, blue and black correspond to water; wave-like shapes can enhance the effect. To activate the effect of metal, you need to add silver colors and rounded shapes to the interior.

The element of water has a destructive effect on the element of earth, so there should be no brown, yellow and terracotta shades in your office.

Feng Shui talismans for a successful career

You can use anything related to water - fountains, aquariums, models of sailboats and steamships, figurines of fish and sea animals.

Most often in the offices of bosses you can find such a symbol of a good career according to Feng Shui as a model of a sailboat. This talisman is very good if you have your own business or are about to start one. The position of the ship is very important - its bow should be directed towards a wall or corner and in no case towards a window or door. But the stern, on the contrary, should “look” at the front door, thus the ship will float into the room, bringing good luck with it.

Fish, also a symbol of career, can be aquarium, but it is best to take figurines or images of goldfish. It’s a good idea to hang a fan with painted fish on the wall, and the more there are, the better.

You can also use talismans that are indirectly associated with water, but will enhance the element of metal. An excellent option is a turtle, which symbolizes wisdom and support of influential people (heavenly forces). If you want to get support from your superiors, get one. Just remember that there should be only one turtle - a composition of three figures in this case will be useless. It is best for the figurine to be made of heavy material - cast iron or stone. Feng Shui recommends placing this figure in the northwest – in the sector of assistants.

A large spherical vase with white flowers in it will also be an excellent talisman for a career. Moreover, it will strengthen the element of metal, which will provide not just a promotion, but also an improvement in material well-being.

A figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth, also sitting on coins, will help attract wealth and success in business. Since Feng Shui numbers also have a special meaning, the toad should be three-legged, since the three symbolizes rapid growth and a successful path in business.

In places that especially require luck in the quarry zone (entrance doors, dark corners), you need to hang wind chimes.

To enhance the impact of the signs, according to the Feng Shui calendar, you can select numbers for especially important events. This way you can plan all important things for the most favorable days, which will certainly have a positive impact on your career. Following some Feng Shui rules will help you achieve career growth, but only if you put effort into it. Talismans alone are not enough.

It is human nature to strive for success, overcoming difficulties along the way. The most accessible way to realize your potential today is work. It is at work that a person spends most of his life, often dealing with work issues in his free time. It is not surprising that after investing so much effort and time, you want to see the result of your efforts - career advancement, improvement of financial status, growth of professional knowledge, respect from colleagues and recognition from superiors. When you work hard to achieve a goal, but success never comes, it’s time to turn your attention to Eastern wisdom. The Feng Shui career zone may turn out to be the very saving straw that will take you to a new level of achievement.

Who needs it?

For a long time you may not realize that you have problems in your career and attribute it to chance and your own bad luck. However, do not rush to blame your fate. You need to activate the career zone in the following cases:

  1. To find a decent job;
  2. To get promoted up the career ladder;
  3. To strengthen the results already achieved in your career;
  4. To protect yourself from the machinations of enemies;
  5. To improve your communication with your boss or colleagues;
  6. To get the opportunity to express yourself and demonstrate your skills and abilities.

Professional growth zone

The area of ​​professional growth or career is located in the northern sector of the house. Many people intuitively locate their office or workplace in the northern part of the apartment. It should be noted that the number of the northern sector is a unit that has a “magical” ability to attract good luck, therefore it is recommended to place single interior items in this part of the house, and not paired ones.

The main element of the northern sector is water, and the feeding element is metal. When decorating this part of the apartment, it is better to use blue, dark blue, and black shades of colors, because... they symbolize the water element. The silver color enhances the water element, so the use of metal decorations, frames, and objects is allowed. Various wavy or smooth curves are ways to strengthen this area. In your office you can install a small aquarium with guppy fish. Guppy fish can be replaced with other fish, the main thing is that they are mobile and active, because stagnation and slowness are detrimental to this zone.

Where to register a zone?

In the case where the northern part of the apartment is located in the toilet or bathroom, and if it is impossible to move it, you should place a large stone in this room - it will muffle the negative energy. Also, you should not set up a work area in the bedroom - this will bring discord into your personal life and worsen your relationship with your partner. If your workplace is in the kitchen, then in this case it will be very difficult to neutralize the element of fire (gas stove), which negatively affects the water element by blocking it.

If the apartment does not provide for a separate office, then the best solution would be to mark out the workplace in the living room.

Setting up the zone correctly

Do not place your workplace opposite a window, door or in the corridor - in this case, energy will go to the outside world, and your successes will not be appreciated. There should be a blank wall behind your back, only then will you save your energy and increase it. You can hang photos of famous or successful people on the walls, this will help to further attract success to yourself. Various objects or pictures associated with water are welcome: a fountain, a ship, images of fish, turtles, frogs.


You should approach the design of your workplace with all responsibility. There should be no clutter on your desktop; the cleaner your work surface is, the less confusion and confusion there will be in your work affairs. Make sure that there are no sharp piercing objects on your table: all paper clips, pins, a stationery knife, etc. should be put away on a table shelf or kept in a special glass or container.


The traditional talisman is a black or metal figurine of a turtle. The turtle is the embodiment of wisdom and will also provide support from influential people. It should be taken into account that there must be exactly one turtle figurine, and the option with a pyramid of three turtles will not work in this case.

If you have recently opened your own business or are just planning to do so, placing a model of a sailboat or ship would be an excellent option. Just don’t point the bow of the ship towards the door or window, but on the contrary, make sure that the sailboat seems to “float” into your room and bring with it good luck in all your affairs.

You can also strengthen the career zone using wind chimes (necessarily with metal tubes) or a metal bell. Make sure the room has good, bright lighting.


And most importantly, remember that career energy can only help you achieve your ambitions, not help you achieve success INSTEAD of you. The wisdom of Feng Shui will only provide you with additional opportunities to express yourself and your talents, so go for it!

According to Feng Shui, the career sector is located on the nearest wall of the room when looking at it from the front door. This place is located right between two other areas: travel (assistants) and education.

The career sector needs to be activated by everyone who:

  • strives to change jobs and find a suitable activity to his liking;
  • wants to start rapidly moving up the career ladder;
  • wants to find a job;
  • desires any changes in the field of its activities.

Ideally, your workspace (both in the office and at home) should be located on the north side of the room or office. And sitting facing north is even better. It is advisable to have a blank wall behind your back. If there is a window in it, all your energy will seem to “fly” into the heavens. But the position with your back to the door is considered even more unfortunate - it is also called “a knife in the back.” The employee will gradually lose his energy and self-confidence; he may be set up or betrayed by his colleagues.

You can use a variety of Feng Shui talismans for your career. Firstly, these are a variety of aquariums, decorative waterfalls and fountains. Here they will come in handy, because the career sector is connected with the element of Water. If you cannot purchase such decorations or there is simply nowhere to put them, you can solve the problem differently: hang paintings, photographs and posters depicting seas, rivers, waterfalls, lakes, etc. on the walls. You can additionally activate the element of Water by using a variety of objects with smooth wavy shapes.

It is impossible to imagine Feng Shui for a career without important little things that allow you to cleanse the energy of the room. These are various glass figures, mirrors, and crystals. Even with an unfavorable location of the sector, they can be used to neutralize the flow of negative energy floating in the room.

Objects of dark colors will be effective helpers for you. They can be black, etc. The main thing is that these things do not cause negative emotions and harmoniously complement the overall picture.

There are a few other important little things to consider when learning Feng Shui for your career. For example, all kinds of computer cables and telephone wires should be hidden behind baseboards. Like any other visible pipes, they symbolize the outflow of money.

To ensure that creative energy does not go anywhere, but constantly surrounds you, it is best to place various bright objects (blue, orange, red, etc.) near the computer. Another option is to place a small globe on the desktop, which, as you know, is a symbol of knowledge. All this will provide you with an influx of creative, fresh ideas and help you successfully implement them.

But as for the phone, it should be positioned depending on which hand you write with. For right-handers - on the right, and for left-handers - on the left. A hand constantly crossing the body (right hand reaching to the left and vice versa) will block the flow of positive energy.

And, of course, it is important to remember that all this is just a physical shell. Feng Shui for a career first of all involves changing your attitude towards work, which should bring not only money, but also sincere pleasure.

According to Feng Shui, the career zone is responsible for our success in the field of professional activity; an activated career sector helps in moving up the career ladder and gaining respect from superiors. Of course, ancient Chinese philosophy does not promise you that after you furnish your apartment with talismans, you can just lie on the sofa and watch TV. However, with a competent attitude to business and personal participation, success will definitely smile on you.

Talismans for the career zone

According to Feng Shui, the career zone is located in the northern part of the house; this sector is directly subordinate to the element of water and is enhanced by the element of metal. The color of the water element, as you might guess, is blue, light blue, black. Wave-like shapes will have a positive effect on the area, and metal will add a beautiful silver shimmer and rounded shapes. The earth has a destructive effect on the element of water. Therefore, in this sector there should not be earth colors: terracotta, brown and yellow.

Anything that is directly related to water, for example, small fountains, aquariums, fish, models of sailboats and ships, will have a positive effect.

A ship is considered the best option if you already have or are planning to start your own business. The model can be placed with its nose against a wall or in a corner of the room, but it cannot be pointed at a window or door. At the same time, the stern should, on the contrary, be turned towards the front door so that it looks as if your sailboat is floating into the room, bringing with it good luck in all endeavors.

Of course, you can also have aquarium fish, but it’s better to put artificial ones in the form of figurines, and you should definitely take bronze or gold ones. You can also attach a fan decorated with the image of fish to the wall, and the more fish, the better.

Talismans that are mediocre to water, as well as objects that enhance the element of metal, will have a positive effect on energy. In this sense, the turtle comes first. In China, this animal symbolizes wisdom and support of heavenly powers. If it is important for you to gain the support of your superiors, be sure to get a turtle. Remember that you can only place one turtle in the quarry zone, and the option with a pyramid of three turtles is not suitable. It’s good if your animal figurine is made of heavy metal, for example, cast iron.

A large spherical vase filled with white flowers will look very original. Metal best contributes to the generation of material wealth, so the vase will fully enhance not only career success, but also the income associated with it.

In places where attracting good luck in the career sector is especially necessary, such as places with poor lighting, entrance doors, it is recommended to hang wind chimes. In this zone it may consist of several metal tubes.

Activation of the career zone

You can activate career zones in the living room, but you don’t need to do this in the bathroom, toilet or children’s room. You should be careful when arranging this area in the kitchen.

As you understand, the bedroom is also not a place to enhance career achievements, and the presence of the elements of metal and water here is extremely undesirable.

To activate the career zone in the workplace, you should first pay attention to how you sit in the workplace. If there is a door or window behind you, then you should not be surprised that you are not noticed or are bypassed. For the positive influence of energy, there must be a closet or a blank wall behind your back. If you have such an opportunity, try to properly organize your workspace.

It’s good if a photo of a successful person or a painting hangs behind your back. That’s right, I immediately remember the offices of the bosses, where behind them is a portrait of the head of state. Although this has nothing to do with Feng Shui, it cannot be said that the boss is unlucky in his career.

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