Electricity registration log in St. Gardening partnerships

In this article I want to give an overview of my new program, which will be useful to the chairmen, power engineers of SNT and other similar organizations where there are many sub-subscribers. With the help of the program, paying for electricity will become much easier.

I already have a similar program:

But that program was made for a specific enterprise and, I must admit, is not suitable for everyone.

My new program has become simpler, more convenient and more functional.

For example, you have a transformer substation where general electricity metering is installed. Using this meter, you need to pay the energy supply organization. Each sub-subscriber has its own counter. But, if you add up the readings of all sub-subscriber meters, the sum will be less than the readings of the main electricity meter. This occurs due to losses in overhead (cable) power lines.

How to take into account the line losses of each sub-subscriber A?

The most accurate way is to provide 2 counters on each line: at the beginning and at the end of the line. But, in real conditions, this is almost impossible to do, and why would there be extra counters?

In my program I took a different path. I distribute electricity losses evenly depending on the electricity consumed. I think this method is the fairest and simplest. This method allows you to distribute absolutely all electricity losses. Other calculation methods will not do this.

At the same time, you must understand that losses are different at each moment in time. The more loaded the cable, the greater the loss of electricity. In other words, if you consume all the power in 1 day, then the losses will be greater than if you consume the same power evenly throughout the entire month.

Now let's move directly to the program.

First page: input of initial data.

All initial data for all metering devices is recorded here. The readings of the main accounting and the readings of all sub-accountants are recorded.

For a more detailed overview of the program, watch the video:

I should note that this program is not included in my software package and is adapted for each object. To receive the program, contact me on the page

Light / Electricity in SNT

Fair electricity metering has always been and will be a sore subject for any electricity consumer. This problem becomes especially relevant in horticultural non-profit partnerships (SNT) and other associations of private home owners, where serious “battles” often take place over fair payment. It is no secret that in SNT, where the owner becomes the full owner of not only the plot and house, but also his internal networks, it is possible to connect to the wires to the meter, which is what “savvy” gardeners use.

Nonsense, you say! Is it really possible to steal a lot?! And you will be wrong. Because you can really do a lot! For example, when using an electric heater in winter. And not in one, but in several houses. But payment for all unmetered electricity falls in equal shares on all members of the partnership. Those. someone uses many times more, but everyone pays for them!!! The amounts can be really large. If so, you should seriously look into the problem. Let's start, as usual, from afar.

Electricity in SNT. Main problems

In 2008, the reform of the Russian energy industry was completed. One of its consequences was significantly more serious requirements for electricity metering at the balance sheet boundary between the electricity consumer and the power grid organization. Electricity network and generating company, etc. It can be said more simply. Now accounting must be organized where it should have been and where it was not and in many cases is not until now. Or there is electricity metering, but it is not organized properly.

This cannot be done without creating automated electricity metering systems within one “consumer” (object). The dispatcher's automated workstation (AWS) allows you not only to view the current readings of all electricity meters at all current tariffs at any time, but also access the archive of energy consumption of any of the devices. Analyze electricity consumption for a certain period of time, remotely change the tariff schedule of the device, etc.

Speaking more down to earth, many years of experience in the electricity metering market allows us to formulate two main problems facing SNT: theft (theft) of electricity and real losses of electricity in networks.

Electricity in SNT. Network losses

Just a few words about the “second” problem. With correct and high-quality installation of the 0.4 kV distribution network within the SNT itself, and our experience shows this, the volume of losses ranges from 3% to 6% of the total energy consumption.

Often, SNT managers talk about a significant under-accounting of electricity or a significant imbalance between the readings of the electricity meter located at the input of the SNT transformer substation and the total amount of energy consumption according to the readings of the meters used by SNT members. As a rule, the reason is immediately indicated - unauthorized (unmetered) energy consumption by members of the gardening partnership.

At the same time, the condition of 0.4 kV networks is not taken into account at all, losses in which in some cases can amount to up to 100% of the amount of imbalance that “forces” SNT managers to contact our company to perform automation work accounting for electricity consumption and ultimately identifying points of “theft” of electricity. Often, however, the true reasons for the imbalance are found elsewhere. And if we talk about the causes of losses in 0.4 kV distribution networks, the main ones are as follows:

  • reduced wire cross-section
  • poor quality connections
  • "misalignment" of the load by phase
  • unsatisfactory condition of the circuit along the neutral wire
  • “irrationality” in the construction of the networks themselves.

Electricity in SNT. Theft, also known as theft, of electricity

Now a little more about the theft of electricity in SNT and methods of “combat” this phenomenon. Of course, one of the main measures to counter “theft” is the installation of an electricity meter before entering the house of each of the SNT members in a place or conditions that exclude the possibility of electricity theft.

In addition, it should be possible to read information remotely from each of the installed devices - after all, in many cases, SNT managers insist that electricity metering devices be mounted at a height of several meters from ground level on a 0.4 kV line support. Let's assume that such work has been completed in SNT. And the “imbalance” between the readings of the input electricity meter (for the entire SNT as a whole) and the total volume of electricity consumption of all members of the SNT remains significant. What's next?

Electricity in SNT: localization of problem areas of the network

Of course, miracles do not happen, and most likely the reason for this is significant losses along the 0.4 kV network. This means that now the task is to identify points of energy loss and, accordingly, minimize losses. How to achieve this?

As a rule, a 0.4 kV distribution network is a fairly branched system, with taps, “branches”, etc. To effectively control energy consumption, it is necessary to determine “control” points, as a rule, these are tap locations on the lines. It is advisable to install additional electricity meters in them, which will account for electricity by consumer groups. Of course, the installation locations for these additional metering devices must be provided for in the project for the creation of an automated electricity metering system for SNT, which takes into account the existing configuration of the 0.4 kV line.

Having the readings of electricity meters at “control” points and the readings of the “input” device, it is already possible to analyze the “pattern” of energy consumption for a specific period of time. And then - with a sufficient degree of probability to localize one or another “problem” section of the 0.4 kV line where losses occur.

A fair question would be why is it necessary to install additional “control” devices for a group or groups of consumers? After all, the total readings for one or another “branch” of a 0.4 kV line can be obtained simply by adding up the readings of all metering devices in this group. The answer is simple - it may very well be that within this particular group there are significant discrepancies between the readings of the control device for the group and the total electricity consumption of individual consumers. Having identified it, we localize the area where there are significant losses of electricity.

Thus, by creating an automated electricity metering system within SNT, the gardening partnership receives for itself a powerful tool that not only provides control over the energy consumption of SNT members, but also allows, with sufficiently high accuracy, to identify places where electricity is lost and, ultimately, to monitor the condition the distribution network itself is 0.4 kV within SNT.

Electricity in SNT - consumption calculation

Now a few words about payments for electrical energy. In the relationship between SNT and the energy sales organization, everything is quite simple. As a rule, calculations are made according to the readings of an electrical energy meter, located on the border of balance and operational responsibility between SNT and the electric grid company, mounted in a switchgear at the input of a 0.4 kV power line or in a 10 kV switchgear of a transformer substation.

As for the SNT members, they make settlements with the SNT board based on the readings of electrical energy meters, which are located in separate areas. It is advisable to divide the losses of electrical energy, which occur in any case (as mentioned above - from 3% to 6% of the volume of energy consumption) in accordance with the number of plots in the SNT by their owners. The decision on how exactly to pay for losses in SNT distribution networks is made by the general meeting of SNT members.

This is one side of the issue. But there is another one - the process described above is quite possible to automate. Connect SNT metering devices into a single network and receive the necessary data online. The most obvious, as they say, on the surface way to do this is to “connect” all electrical energy metering devices in SNT using a “wired” information highway using one or another protocol. However, this decision may come with significant financial costs. The large territorial dispersion of sites within one SNT can make the creation of a system based on wired information highways simply unprofitable.

It is more acceptable to create an information system using PLC technology. Those. transmission of meter readings via 0.4 kV power wires without the use of additional information cables. Readings from all metering devices are collected in the concentrator and stored there until the accumulated information is collected. Data on the consumption of all members of the SNT can be displayed in a form convenient for use, for example, as a table on a computer monitor.

Electricity supply in SNT. Some results

Naturally, it is simply impossible to immediately talk about all the intricacies of organizing the energy supply of such a specific object as a gardening partnership within the confines of one article. However, we tried to place the main accents. It is important to understand that all problems can be solved! There are the necessary legal and technological tools for this.

Their use makes it possible to abandon inspection raids and calls to conscience from dishonest gardeners. If a persistent defaulter appears, you can teach him a lesson - disconnect him from the power grid for a while until payment is received. If one of the SNT members decides to switch to a two- or three-rate tariff and pay for electricity based on the time of day, this is also feasible.

The main thing is the presence of an agreed policy in the field of energy supply developed by the members of the association of owners and a detailed program of actions for its implementation. And for this, of course, it is necessary that the members of the SNT are not just neighbors, but like-minded people. But this, of course, is a topic for a completely different article.

The volume of actual electricity losses in gardening non-profit partnerships (SNT) can reach 30% of the individual consumption of each individual subscriber. The reason for this is a combination of three factors: poor quality networks, unreliable metering and theft of electricity. Consistent elimination of these problems will reduce the level of actual losses to the standard level - 5% of total electricity consumption within SNT networks.

Technical losses of electricity in SNT distribution networks

Formulation of the problem

Technical losses of electrical energy in 0.4 kV distribution networks are an inevitable phenomenon. According to the Joule-Lenz Line Law, the resistance of the wire converts some of the electricity into heat. These are standard losses that are included in the tariff. In a properly functioning distribution network, their level does not exceed 2-5% of the total volume of transmitted electricity. Losses of up to 10% of total consumption are considered the maximum acceptable. With this indicator, no urgent measures are taken.

The problem arises if technical losses increase sharply compared to the standard value. In SNT distribution networks, the increase in standard losses is caused by the following factors:

  • reduced wire cross-section;
  • physical wear and tear of electrical equipment in the network;
  • poor quality connections;
  • “distortion” of the load across phases;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the circuit along the neutral wire;
  • increasing the length of networks by connecting new ones
  • subscribers;
  • errors made during the design or installation of networks.

Finding a solution

  1. Calculate the standard electricity losses in SNT networks.
  2. Check the condition of the electrical equipment of the networks: transformer, cables, connections.
  3. Make sure that the networks are laid in accordance with the design.

Project implementation

  1. Reconstruct the network: replace the faulty transformer, install new wires, replace electrical connections. Don't skimp on the quality of cables and other equipment. The wires must be of the same cross-section throughout the entire length of the network. It is better if these are self-supporting insulating wires (SIP) in double insulation. Such wires give off less heat and interfere with unauthorized withdrawal of electricity from the power line, bypassing the meter.
  2. Optimize your power distribution design.
  3. Establish reliable commercial accounting.
  4. After reconstructing the networks, submit an application to the energy supply organization to accept the networks into operation. During acceptance, power engineers will re-measure the parameters of the power transmission line, calculate the standard loss coefficient and approve it at the Regional Energy Commission (REC).

With correct and high-quality installation of the 0.4 kV distribution network, technical losses in SNT networks return to the level of the standard indicator.

Inaccurate electricity metering in SNT

Formulation of the problem

Despite the adoption of the law “On Energy Saving,” the organization of reliable electricity metering remains a pressing problem for SNT managers. Often there is a significant under-accounting of electricity or an imbalance between the readings of the calculated meter located at the input of the SNT transformer substation and the total amount of energy consumption according to the readings of the individual electricity meters of the partnership participants.

Modern metering devices provide an error of ±2%. The error of old general and individual meters is higher due to outdated technologies and wear of parts. Such meters are prone to “self-propelling”, when the counting mechanism continues to rotate even when the load is turned off. In addition, it is easier to exert external influence on outdated metering devices in order to distort the readings.

Finding a solution

  1. Make sure that individual and general utility meters have no visible damage to the casing or signs of breaking the control seal.
  2. Check that certified metering devices with a valid state verification period are installed at the sites.
  3. Check the serviceability of individual metering devices that are suspicious. To do this, turn off all power-consuming equipment in the garden. A working induction electric meter will complete no more than one revolution in 10 minutes without load, and a modern electronic meter will consume no more than 5 watts per hour required to power it.

Project implementation

Replace all metering devices that do not meet current requirements for metering mechanisms.

Unmetered electricity consumption in SNT

Formulation of the problem

SNT participants have full access to the network section on their farms, and “savvy” gardeners often take advantage of the technical opportunity to connect to the line to the meter. At the same time, payment for all unmetered electricity falls on all SNT participants in equal shares. In everyday life, this phenomenon is called “electricity theft,” or, in a very simple way, theft.

Some gardeners also use more resourceful methods of unaccountable consumption, most of which are based on interfering with the operation of metering devices.

Finding a solution

To identify thefts, an inspection of garden plots and consumption analysis for each of them will be required.

  1. Check the condition of networks, meters, and the presence of bypass lines. Transformers for twisting readings can be connected to the meter through poor insulation without damaging the seal. Therefore, pay attention to the presence of bare sections of wire close to the meter.
  2. Study consumption statistics for each site. If consumption on the site remains at a low level during the irrigation period, when electric water pumps are actively operating, or during the heating season, the subscriber may be “stealing” the energy resource.
  3. Pay attention to the correspondence of external factors to the test results. For example, consumption readings may not be low if the house is heated with oil-fired electric heaters.

Pay special attention to surveying large consumers connected to SNT networks: shops, workshops, farms. As judicial practice shows, they most often resort to illegal methods of “optimizing” energy consumption.

Project implementation

Metering devices for consumers who come under suspicion must be dismantled to conduct a trace examination. This will make it possible to unambiguously establish the fact of interference in the operation of the meter, or to refute it.

The only way to manipulate the metering device, which cannot be recorded by experts, is to stop the counting mechanism with a neodymium magnet. The magnetic field of this device is strong enough to block the counter and leave no trace. To avoid using a magnet to stop the meter, stick a magnetic field indicator seal on its body. This will make it possible not only to stop “magnetic theft”, but also to prove its fact in court.

A more effective, but expensive way to stop energy theft is to install an automatic electricity metering system (ASCAE).

The chairmen of the SNT perceive the organization of electricity metering on the poles of 0.4 kV overhead lines as a panacea for the theft of energy resources. Yes, this method reduces the possibility of unmetered consumption, eliminates the error of outdated metering devices and allows crawlers to monitor readings at any time. But such a decision contradicts the Electricity Metering Rules, which clearly states that an electrical energy meter can only be installed indoors. In other words, it is illegal. The chairmen of dacha cooperatives may not know about this. But this is known for sure to entrepreneurs who earn good money by installing electricity meters on poles or facades of houses. The only correct, legal and effective solution to combat unmetered consumption is the installation of ASKUE. Jan Kalish, Chief Power Engineer of Asset Management Center LLC

Amount of fines for electricity theft

In order to hold an unscrupulous consumer accountable for the theft of electricity, it is necessary to draw up an act on unaccounted consumption of energy resources. The court will hold violators administratively liable under Art. 7.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. According to the court decision, the “enterprising” gardener will be fined and monetary compensation for unaccounted consumption, which will be accrued from the date of the last check of the meter according to the current standard.

The current fines for unaccounted consumption are:

  • from 3 thousand to 4 thousand rubles for individuals;
  • from 6 thousand to 8 thousand rubles for officials;
  • from 60 thousand to 80 thousand rubles for legal entities.

If theft is detected on an especially large scale, the violators will be prosecuted under Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the consumer will pay a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, or in the amount of income for two years. The maximum punishment is forced labor or imprisonment for two years with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles.

Prevention of commercial electricity losses in SNT networks

The introduction of ASKUE will make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of losses in SNT. This technology allows you to eliminate factors that influence the increase in actual losses in the network:

  1. Excessive technical losses in 0.4 kV distribution networks. ASKUE with high accuracy identifies areas of technical losses of electricity and effectively controls the condition of the network itself.
  2. Inaccurate accounting of consumed electrical energy. ASKUE provides full control over the energy consumption of all SNT participants in real time.
  3. Unaccounted consumption of energy resources. ASKUE records any attempts to influence the operation of metering devices in normal mode and remotely limit the energy consumption of the violating gardener.

In addition, ASKUE allows SNT participants to switch to a multi-tariff system for metering consumed electricity, which will provide additional savings for each gardening farm.

Thus, the introduction of ASKUE systems is an effective means of preventing an increase in actual electricity losses in SNT networks.

ASKUE for SNT based on LPWAN technology,
without wires or hubs.

For more than 70% of gardening partnerships or cottage communities, one of the serious problems that causes strife between neighbors and disputes with the chairman is high losses of electrical energy within the village or gardening partnership.

After all, payment for electricity between the electricity supplier and SNT is carried out using a common electricity meter, which is installed at the entrance to the partnership. In the future, this volume is distributed among SNT members.

What to do when one of the members or residents of the village consumes electricity “bypassing” the meter? In this case, the remaining residents pay for electricity both for themselves and for their neighbor. This is why such controversial cases arise: the chairman either increases electricity tariffs for all residents to cover losses due to theft, or residents are required to pay for volumes of electricity that exceed their own consumption by 2 or more times.

What is the way out of this situation?

The answer is to organize electricity metering in such a way that no one can steal electricity from SNT.

Electricity losses in the electrical networks of SNT reach 20-30 percent of the volume supplied to the network of the gardening partnership.

Obviously, the reason for such losses is not so much the poor technical condition of power lines, but the banal theft of electricity by unscrupulous SNT members.

Therefore, in order to eliminate unmetered consumption and unpunished interference in the operation of the electric meter, it is necessary to either monthly monitor the connections of each member of the SNT, or organize automated electricity metering in the SNT - implement the ASKUE (automated system for commercial metering of electricity in a gardening partnership).

In addition, an effective way to combat theft in SNT would be to move electricity meters to a pole. In this case, the counters of SNT members are out of reach.

Removing metering devices to a support is quite an expensive undertaking. However, electricity meter readings will have to be taken the same way as before - through regular walk-throughs.

Removing electricity meters to a support will protect SNT from theft of electricity and interference with the operation of electricity meters

A more modern and effective way to combat theft in SNT networks would be the construction of ASKUE.

If we do modernize metering, it should be done radically, so that in the future it will be convenient to take readings from electricity meters.

The construction of an ASKUE system will not only help protect against the theft of electricity, but will also simplify the taking of electricity meter readings: the data is automatically transferred to a computer installed in the administration of the village or SNT.

This is what the ASKUE schematic diagram looks like for a SNT or village

Some advice to SNT and cottage villages on organizing ASKUE and electricity metering

Tip 1. ASKUE is not suitable for every SNT due to the high cost

The approximate cost of the system will be at least 7,000 rubles for each homeowner and additional costs for general equipment (server) from 25,000 rubles for all SNT members.

In other words, the more members there are in a gardening partnership, the lower the price will be for each owner of a house or plot.

Tip 2. For large SNT ASKUE will be more profitable than moving the meter to a support

For SNT, the number of members of which reaches several hundred, monitoring and identifying theft through regular rounds is an impossible task. Therefore, the only way out in this situation is to introduce ASKUE. Moreover, the price for a cottage community with a large number of members will be lower than for a small SNT.

Removing the meters to a support may not cost much less than building an ASKUE.

The ASKUE system for gardeners involves the automatic collection and transmission of data on electrical energy consumption to a server (a computer or a server installed in the SNT board).

Tip 3. If you want to reduce the cost of ASKUE, first get unreliable elements of SNT or a cottage village under ASKUE

What does it mean?

This means that, according to statistics, 80% of losses in SNT are created by 20% of its members.

The grandmother is a pensioner with an electricity consumption of 100 kWh. per month is very responsible about paying for electricity, unlike his neighbor - a wealthy businessman from Moscow who comes to his dacha only on weekends.

Therefore, with a small budget in SNT for the construction of ASKUE, it is advisable to first install electricity metering for persons who are under suspicion of stealing electricity. This will already be able to solve the problem of energy losses.

Tip 4: After construction, ASKUE must be maintained

Of course, further costs for servicing ASKUE are not comparable with the cost of construction, but they will still be there. Therefore, it is recommended to work with a contractor who will provide a guarantee for the constructed system and is ready to provide post-warranty services for ASKUE for a small fee.

In general, the advice is simple - choose reliable contractors.

Don’t let the contractor who built the ASKUE run away “unnoticed”

Tip 5. Choose the ASKUE option that suits you

And we have conducted for you a brief analysis of the main manufacturers of ASKUE systems for SNT to choose the option that suits you.

When designing and constructing an electricity metering system, two channels can be used for data transmission:

1. PLC channel - signal transmission is carried out via power lines

Among the advantages ASKUE systems using such a communication channel - low price and well-known manufacturers who offer such solutions. In addition, when building a system using such a communication channel, data transmission does not depend on radio interference.

Disadvantages of ASKUE systems using a PLC channel: Data from meters may arrive with delays. The signal transmission speed in such systems is affected by the quality of power lines. Taking into account the fact that in SNT the lines are usually in poor condition, the system as a whole may work intermittently. In addition, SNT members will not have the opportunity to see consumption online in their personal account, since a personal account is not provided in systems built on a PLC channel.

An ASKUE system using such communication channels should be installed in newly built cottage villages in which the power lines are new and allow the transmission of a stable signal.

The main manufacturers of electricity metering systems that operate using a PLC channel:


The cost of the system per member will be about 9 thousand rubles.

The advantages of this manufacturer are that it is already widely known and has managed to establish itself as a manufacturer of reliable equipment.

It is worth noting that the basic model (NP523 Counter) does not have a display. This means that if there are problems with the signal from the meter, it is impossible to visually take readings from it. The display can be purchased separately, but this makes the system more expensive.


The cost of the system per member will be at least 13 thousand rubles.

According to reviews from electricians, electricity metering systems based on MERCURY PLC-I have proven to be unreliable. They often fail, causing signal transmission failures and other difficulties.

Unlike PLC-I, Mercury ASKUE for SNT based on PLC-II will work much better. However, the cost of the system will be much higher and is no longer comparable with competitors.


The cost of the system per member will be about 8 thousand rubles.

Among the features of ASKUE using such electricity metering devices is that the manufacturer produces devices in one case of which a meter for one, two or even three subscribers can be installed. That is, using such metering devices you can save money if several households or plots are powered from one pole.

2. ASKUE systems using a radio channel (main manufacturers of ASKUE Energomera, STRIZH)

Systems based on a radio channel began to be used relatively recently.

Benefits The use of a radio channel means that radio communication is more stable compared to a PLC channel. However, such systems began to be used relatively recently.

Accordingly, the quality of the incoming signal from the electricity meter does not depend on the state of the electrical networks of the village or SNT. In addition, systems on a radio channel already require the presence of a personal account for each owner of a plot or household.

A personal account is needed to control power consumption and obtain statistics. Access to your personal account is via the Internet.

Among the disadvantages Such systems may cause possible interference in the radio signal. Also, such electricity metering devices cannot be placed in an iron cabinet: it will jam the signal.


The cost of the system per member will be at least 10,000 rubles (data needs to be verified).

Interesting system. It uses base stations to take readings. This means that base stations can be used in large SNTs with a large number of members and a large distance between the server (which is installed in the board) and metering devices. In other words, base stations are some kind of adders and signal repeaters for large SNT.

ASKUE systems based on STRIZH are a fairly new and interesting solution for gardeners and cottage communities. Especially for the big ones.

Some ASKUE systems allow owners to track electricity consumption via the Internet in their personal account

At the end of the material, I would like to once again describe some of the activities that can be carried out in SNT to reduce electricity losses and prevent the theft of electricity:

1. Place electrical energy metering devices on a support.

2. Carry out regular walk-throughs and checks of electricity meters and connection diagrams of SNT members or residents of the cottage community.

3. Order the construction of an ASKUE system and control electricity consumption.

(gardening non-profit partnership)

1. ASKUE is needed so that the payment for stolen energy is not spread across all honest users.

How to stop electricity theft? How can everyone not pay for the “most cunning”? All chairmen of gardening partnerships are familiar with the situation when the meter in the substation, for which the partnership reports to the sales organization, shows 30-40% more than what is obtained from the total readings from subscribers' meters. It is often impossible to find the culprit of illegal selection, but you have to pay, otherwise they will turn you off.

What do you do in this case?

Usually the missing amount is distributed among those who pay honestly. New meters with sensors installed on top of overhead line supports completely solve this problem. With such sensors, you collect money exactly as much electricity as each consumer used.

Fair? - Fair!

If a sawmill operated for three days from being “thrown” onto the overhead line wires, then the logs were most likely cut by the owner of the site, and not by homeless people who climbed into someone else’s dacha. With the new sensors, whoever owns the branch from the overhead line to the household pays. Honest users do not pay for someone else’s “cunning”, saving up to 40% of previous payments.

Fig.1 Automated electricity metering

2. ASKUE is needed to fully control consumption in each home and turn off defaulters without going to their site.

Now, with new computerized electricity metering sensors, chairmen of gardening partnerships or people authorized by the partnership can exercise daily control over the energy consumption of each home, each subscriber who has a new meter installed.

Fig.2 Organization of electricity metering

If you are tired of persuading defaulters, following irresponsible members of the partnership and asking them to pay for the energy they consumed, then now you have the opportunity to disconnect defaulters from your work computer without waiting for their next visit to the village, without gathering a support group and without going into their house at all .

3. ASKUE is needed to limit consumption according to quotas determined by the board and power grids, and to fine for excess power consumption.

You know that electricity consumption is growing every year, new electrical appliances appear, and with every repair and restructuring, energy consumption increases. It is not uncommon for a village’s consumption to begin to exceed the limits of sales organizations, and the village is subject to shutdown or additional payment for consumed electricity is required at an extremely high tariff.

Each subscriber has a certain permitted power, which was allocated to him by the Electric Networks, or its value was determined by the project and approved at the general meeting of members of the partnership.

With new meters, the board can not only record the excess of the permitted power for each subscriber, but also take immediate action in the event of an excess.

Chairmen of gardening partnerships or people authorized by the partnership can:

1) turn off the consumer for exceeding power using the meter itself, manually through a computer, or by programming (the meter itself will turn off and turn on the consumer)

2) charge a fine for energy consumed in excess of the norm.

4. ASKUE is needed to save up to 60% of previous payments when paying at two tariffs.

New meters can be programmed in multi-tariff mode.

Paying at several tariffs provides savings only if you use electricity in a well-thought-out manner.

If you don't want to delve into the daily savings technique,

if you do not have energy-intensive consumers in your house that can be turned on at night and turned off during the day (such as electric “warm floors”, electric boilers, electric boilers for heating the building),

then it will be cheaper for you to pay using single-tariff accounting.

Typically, the main consumption of electricity occurs during the daytime, and after 11 pm everything in the house freezes. This means that the electricity you consume will be paid at a tariff valid from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. The rate in the single-tariff mode is less than the daily tariff rate in the two-tariff mode.

Therefore, paying for electricity in a single-tariff mode is more profitable if the main consumption occurs during the daytime - from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

When is a two-tariff regime beneficial?


If your home has a heating system using an electric boiler, then you can automatically turn on the boiler to heat water in the heating system only at night from 11 pm to 7 am. During the day, heated water circulates in the radiators, gradually cooling down until the evening. At the same time, you pay three times less than the daily rate. The consumption of such systems is significant. Saving 60% on electricity bills in just one season pays for the cost of the entire system with an electric boiler.

If you have an electric washing machine, dishwasher, water boiler, heated floors in your house, and you are ready to use them mainly at night (your wife is ready to wash and iron after 21 pm), then you can significantly reduce your electricity bills when paying in two tariff mode.

5. ASKUE is needed to be included in the list of settlements that will receive funding from the budget for retrofitting with new metering devices for the properties of low-income citizens.

Federal decisions on the modernization of the Russian economy led to the development of regional programs for the development and improvement of consumer networks.

If in the near future, literally two or three months, you present an ASKUE project for your gardening partnership with partial coverage of users with new sensors that are part of the ASKUE, then you can then enter the regional development program.

Members of this program are allocated budget money to retrofit low-income owners with new metering devices and form a complete network of ASKUE.

One of our priority areas of activity is the installation of ASKUE systems - implementation and programming of electricity meters:



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