Barley porridge: beneficial properties and contraindications. To prepare the dish you will need

Cheap, gray, nondescript - this is how barley is perceived today. Centuries ago, it was worth its weight in diamonds. Barley, from which barley is produced, as an ancient cereal, gave rise to weights precious stones(one carat is equal to three grains of barley), measures of length. It fed nations and peoples and covered the bulk of the cultivated lands of ancient civilizations.

In modern culture, barley is perceived as a fodder cereal, for which more than 70% of its crops are used. For food purposes, grains are processed and two types of cereals are produced: and yachka. There is an opinion that pearl barley is more valuable, while barley, on the contrary, belongs to the second grade. This opinion is refuted by nutritionists.

Product Features

The high nutritional value of barley groats is based on the technique of its production. To make pearl barley, the kernels are ground. This removes the membranes from their surface, which contain the bulk of valuable fiber. Barley groats are produced differently. Whole barley grains, peeled only from the inflorescence shell, are crushed. The fiber remains unchanged. That is why barley is much more useful than pearl barley.

Other features of cereals.

  • Barley is an extremely unpretentious cereal. It grows in any conditions, regardless of climatic conditions. This is due to the availability of the product, minimum cost barley groats. At the same time, its cheapness in no way indicates its uselessness in the diet. On the contrary, in terms of quantity valuable substances cereal is ahead of other cereals.
  • The composition of barley groats is called the most balanced. This conclusion was made by Japanese researcher Yoshihie Hagiwara. He studied the effects of 150 types of cereals on the body. And I chose barley as optimal in terms of protein, long-term carbohydrates and vegetable fat.
  • The calorie content of cereal is high, but it is recommended for use in dietary nutrition. The peculiarity of the product is its low glycemic index. When digested, it does not cause a spike in blood glucose; therefore, sugar levels do not drop after consumption. Absence sharp jumps glucose eliminates acute attacks hunger that occurs after eating baked goods or sweets.
  • The use of cereals in the diet perhaps in the form of crumbly side dishes, viscous porridges. The only country The world where barley is drunk is Japan. There, a drink is brewed from the cell and used as a medicinal drink, to cleanse blood vessels and as a natural antibiotic.
  • The choice of barley groats is simple. Buy the product in plastic packaging. It protects against moisture. There are no varieties of cereal, so it is enough to evaluate its color; it should be light. See how the chopped kernels are poured into the bag. If the cereal is dry, it means it is of high quality. Bacteria and dangerous mold can develop in damp conditions.
  • Storage is allowed in sealed packaging. It is enough to put it in a dark, dry place.

To keep the cell at home longer, after purchasing, immediately pour it into glass jar and close with a tight lid. If the cereal is exposed to moisture, it will begin to taste bitter.

Properties of porridge

What is the benefit barley porridge? Does it have contraindications for use? There is a lot to tell about this cereal. After all, according to a number of indicators, she is considered a record holder.


  • Coarse fibers. There is an opinion that oatmeal contains the most of them. This is wrong. It is barley groats that contain the maximum proportion of coarse fibers, which ensure large-scale cleansing of the intestines. It follows the egg in terms of the abundance of fiber, and only then comes oatmeal.
  • Slow carbohydrates. There are more than 60% of them in cereals, which is why it is considered high-calorie product. But due to the high duration of their absorption in the body, a person remains full for a long time. This advantage The product is used in dietary nutrition.
  • Lysine. This is a valuable amino acid that is not synthesized in the human body. Moreover, it is an element of collagen fibers that form the skin, joints, bones, and are responsible for visual acuity. The beneficial properties of barley porridge include maintaining a youthful body!
  • Protein, vitamins. Thanks to the preservation of the membranes, more vegetable protein, B vitamins, and selenium remain in barley groats. Among microelements, cereal is the leader in the content of fluorine and potassium. These substances are involved in the structure of muscles, nervous system, ensure vascular health.

The balanced composition of the cereal makes it ideal for baby food, suitable for dietary table, allows you to quickly restore strength during exercise, as it supplies energy.


Harm from barley porridge is possible if individual intolerance. Other contraindications to its use are early age and the inability to absorb cereal gluten.

  • Ages up to three years. Cereals contain gluten, which can cause allergic reactions in young children. Yachka should be consumed safely and beneficially after three years of age.
  • Celiac disease. A disease also caused by gluten. Natural protein provokes an inflammatory process of the intestinal mucous membranes. This reaction is observed in 30% of the population. In 1% of people it is most pronounced and poses a danger to life.

Calories and nutritional value

Rules of use

In Rus', barley dishes were prepared with milk and flavored with butter. For proper nutrition classic recipes don't fit. They contain an extremely high amount of animal fat, which reduces the efficiency of the coarse fibers of the product and saturates the blood vessels with cholesterol.

According to nutritionists, the most the right way consumption of barley, it will be steamed with boiling water. The cereal is first washed and placed in a glass container. Pour boiling water at a ratio of 1:2, cover with a lid. And when the mass swells, you can add honey and fresh berries to taste.

Fitness trainers are less conservative and offer a recipe for a dish with an original vegetable sauce.

You will need:

  • barley grits - ½ cup;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • red onion - ½ head;
  • cucumber, tomato - 1 small vegetable each;
  • yellow bell pepper - ½ fruit;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • greens - a bunch of parsley, cilantro;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Boil the washed cereal in water for 20 minutes. Wrap it in a blanket and leave it to warm up.
  2. Finely chop the onion and mix with the porridge.
  3. Grind the tomato, cucumber, pepper to small pieces, add to the cell.
  4. Prepare a dressing from crushed garlic with salt, finely chopped herbs, olive oil.
  5. Season the dish.

It's worth using it right away. The original combination of vegetables and spicy dressing will complement the nutty taste of the porridge, making it rich and not at all dietary!

Use barley in your diet! It is so rich in nutrients that it will become an indispensable assistant in maintaining the health of the body. And its availability is an additional advantage of the product.

Cereals obtained by crushing barley are called barley. Many people do not know how it differs from ordinary barley, that is, pearl barley. The fact is that to make cereal, barley grains are cleared of films and ground, removing the useful aleurone layer. In contrast to this method, to obtain barley groats, the grains are kept as whole as possible, only the flower membranes are removed. Thanks to this, the cereal retains everything beneficial properties barley and remains unusually rich in nutrients.

The fiber contained in barley has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Barley has been a valuable product since ancient times. They began to grow this crop back in the 4th century BC. e., and the first plantings of barley, according to archaeological excavations, are more than 3 thousand years old. The culture was known for its rapid growth and ease of care, so ancestors used barley not only for food. For some peoples, a barley grain served as a measure of length and mass.

This crop is already grown on the planet for a long time, starting from the 5th century. And since the 9th century, barley has been widely used traditional healers. Modern people They hardly know that pearl barley is a barley grain crop, but without a shell.

A barley groats is crushed barley. All housewives, mothers and wives simply must know about the benefits and harms of barley porridge for children, men and female attractiveness.

It is known from history that gladiators ate barley daily. And the reason lies in its ability to saturate, while supporting all the necessary functions of the body. The main property of barley is to promote growth muscle mass. But besides this, barley porridge is beneficial for the body, thanks to the ingredients included in its composition:

  1. Vitamin composition represented by A, E, PP and group B.
  2. Silicon with fluorine, phosphorus with zinc, chromium with potassium, boron with copper, iron with calcium, iodine with magnesium and nickel, which are trace elements.
  3. Fiber, which helps normal operation Gastrointestinal tract with intestines.
  4. Protein that is 100 percent absorbed by the body.

All of them have a beneficial effect on the activity of all organs and systems human body, at the same time helping to get rid of or alleviate many ailments. By regularly consuming barley, you can get many benefits for the body:

  • She copes with allergies;
  • Enveloping, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties help fight obesity and diabetes mellitus;
  • A diet based on barley groats is prescribed in recovery period after undergoing surgery on the stomach or intestines;
  • Crushed barley can normalize the functioning of the genitourinary and endocrine systems;
  • This dish can even get rid of depression, long-term stress state and just a bad mood;
  • The presence of amino acids helps to produce collagen, which smoothes the skin of the face, slowing down the appearance of wrinkles. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on hair and nails.

But to receive maximum benefit from barley porridge without harm, you need to prepare it correctly.

How to properly prepare healthy porridge

The recipe and amount of cereal will depend on the desired result. For example, if you want to end up with a viscous porridge, take 1 glass of this product using 4 glasses of water.

A semi-viscous dish will require less liquid for the same volume of cereal - 3. And to make the porridge crumbly, add only two and a half glasses of liquid. The benefit of barley porridge with water is that it contains less calories than that prepared with milk.

The cereal is first fried in a frying pan for 5 minutes. The water is boiled and then added to the bowl with the grain. The porridge is immediately salted and any spices to taste are added, including chopped vegetables. At the very end, greens are added. Cooking time also depends on the desired result:

  • Knitting takes 25 minutes;
  • Not too viscous - up to 20;
  • And the crumbly one is cooked for only 15 minutes, followed by wrapping and infusing for 30 minutes.

While cooking, you should try the porridge so as not to “miss” the moment of its readiness. You can add it to it immediately after cooking. butter, but we must not forget that calories will increase significantly.

Even with such a list positive points, for some people, barley porridge may be harmful:

  1. Serious intestinal problems.
  2. Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. Allergic reaction to this product.
  4. Glycine enteropathy, a predisposition to it, when the body lacks enzymes that break down a specific type of protein.

Barley porridge can be harmful to a pregnant woman due to high risk premature birth.

For all other people, barley porridge in water is healthy and should be mandatory be present in the diet.

Benefits of a cell

The first advantage is the ability to use this product in the preparation of children's and dietary dishes.

The second is its low cost, making it accessible to anyone. Its regular use will save the family budget, while strengthening the body.

The calorie content of porridge cooked in water is about 300 Kcal, which will help you lose weight. extra pounds without harm to the body.

How to cook yachka

By placing this product in a slow cooker, you can enjoy it in about 10 minutes great taste and the benefits of the resulting porridge.

Using a pressure cooker, you will get a porridge similar in taste and thickness to the dish prepared in the previous way. The only difference is in time - in this case, cooking will take 30 minutes.

The steamer cooks for about 40 minutes, but the benefits and taste will be no less.

Next alternative way is a microwave, which also does not take much effort over time.

The oven can also become a place and method for preparing barley porridge. But in this case, the cereal is first boiled and then baked in the oven.

A thermos is also suitable for brewing it, doing it quickly and without much hassle.

How to use

In our country, it has always been customary to cook porridge with milk, flavoring it with additional butter (butter). Based on the rules rational nutrition- this is wrong, since animal fats are added, which reduce the functioning of dietary fiber, while at the same time increasing cholesterol levels. Nutritionists recommend eating this dish while steaming boiled water:

  • The cereal is washed and placed in a glass container;
  • Pour boiled water on top, 2 times the volume of the cell.

After it swells, add honey if desired. fresh berries. Fitness trainers suggest eating barley porridge in combination with vegetable sauce prepared according to the original recipe.

The first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing this cereal is the expiration date. After this, you can look at the product itself - it is dry, shiny and even in color.

Store barley in a container with a tight lid and place it in the dark and dry. The room must be ventilated. The shelf life should not exceed a year and 3 months. And if it suddenly turns out that there is a cereal product any insects, you will have to remove such cereals from your home.

Healthy and tasty barley porridge is made from crushed barley.

Cereals can have three different numbers depending on the type of grinding, but they always have the same grade.

Also made from barley pearl barley by grinding the grains, so it is considered to be less healthy than its “sister”.

The beneficial properties of barley porridge are more pronounced, since it contains fiber.

Barley porridge: composition, calorie content, how to use it

Barley is considered one of the most healthy grains , and cereals obtained from its grains are famous valuable properties. In terms of composition, it occupies a leading position: it contains vitamins A, B and E, as well as rare vitamin RR. Eat important microelements, promoting normal life person. Minerals provide the benefits of barley porridge; they are present in its composition in large quantities.

About 6% of the composition is occupied fiber. It has a positive effect on work digestive tract, improving metabolism.

Another proof that barley porridge has health benefits is its high nutritional value. It contains vegetable protein, which is completely absorbed. This is why yachka is superior to wheat.

This product is distinguished by its pronounced nutritional value:

Proteins – 10 g

Carbohydrates – 66 g

Fat – 1.3 g

Water – 15 g

Ash – 1.2 g

Coarse fibers – 13 g

The calorie content of barley porridge is higher than that of other types of cereals - 324 kcal per hundred grams of product.

For comparison:

— buckwheat – 310 kcal;

wheat porridge– 316 kcal;

rice porridge– 78 kcal;

- millet – 90 kcal.

But although the calorie content of barley porridge is similar to pasta, this product is often included in diets. Causeits complete digestibility, due to which the body receives energy, and not overweight. The most famous diet is the six-porridge diet. Together with millet, wheat, oatmeal, rice and pearl barley use cell. This diet lasts for seven days.

Barley porridge is famous for its beneficial properties in the fight against urolithiasis. Cereals are used for cooking medicinal decoctions.

In cooking based on barley, there are many original recipes. Barley porridge baked with nuts, sugar and eggs is popular. If you don’t mind the calorie content of barley porridge, you can flavor this dish with jam or honey.

Barley porridge: what are the benefits for the body?

Beneficial influence occurs due to large quantity minerals, vitamins and valuable microelements.

The benefits of barley porridge are provided by vitamins:

B – normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, nourishes brain cells, protects the epidermis, stabilizes sleep and stimulates appetite.

E – activates many biochemical processes;

A – strengthens vision, improves skin condition;

RR – improves blood circulation and prevents skin diseases.

D – promotes calcium absorption.

The beneficial substances contained in cereals have a beneficial effect on the body:

1) Barley porridge has antibacterial properties. The microelement hordecin is responsible for them. It actively fights fungal infections. You can achieve significant therapeutic effect, if you regularly use barley infusion.

2) It has been proven that when barley porridge is included in a nutritious diet, its benefits become noticeable even on the face. Vegetable protein rich in amino acids, which are responsible for cell regeneration. They provide rejuvenating and antiviral effect.

3) Barley porridge helps improve hair growth and condition skin and nails.

4) Fiber improves peristalsis and normalizes stool. The trace element speeds up metabolism and helps get rid of constipation. Many nutritionists recommend eating barley porridge, the beneficial properties of which include improving metabolism.

Benefits of barley porridge:

— prevention of allergic reactions;

- diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;

- good taste qualities;

— nutritional value (without increasing sugar levels);

- general strengthening effect;

- lifts your mood, relaxes, eliminates irritability;

- improves work endocrine organs And genitourinary system;

- slows down aging;

- strengthens vision;

- has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Barley porridge has great health benefits during the period after surgery on the stomach or intestines. Soups and other liquid dishes made from it are recommended as dietary nutrition. The testicle is a mucous croup, different enveloping effect. Anti-inflammatory properties help the patient recover faster from illness.

Barley contains many minerals essential for the elderly. Useful microelements are responsible for brain activity And metabolic processes in the body. Cereal cleanses the blood well, so it can be used to cure allergies.

Porridge cleanses the body, lowers cholesterol, and prevents fat from accumulating. The process of losing weight based on this dish is optimal in terms of comfort for physical and emotional state person. Therefore, porridge from crushed barley grains must be present in nutritious diet.

Barley porridge: what is harmful to health?

Barley porridge has virtually no harm or contraindications. Red light is only for celiac disease, a disease in which the human body does not completely break down the gluten protein. It is not advisable to eat barley if you have an individual intolerance. At severe forms gastric and intestinal diseases it can only be eaten with the permission of the attending physician or gastroenterologist.

Harm from barley porridge can only occur in cases where it is not prepared correctly. Cooking with milk can result in weight gain. Uncontrolled consumption of barley groats also leads to extra pounds.

The product is rich in starch, which in small doses is beneficial for the body. Starch and carbohydrates provide the nutritional and energy value of barley porridge. When starch is broken down, it is converted into glucose. It is absorbed into the blood and gives a person strength and vigor.

Abuse of such a dish threatens overweight due to an increase in glucose. To avoid harm from barley porridge, her should not eat more than three times a week.

It is important to know how to properly prepare a dish for dietary purposes. The cereal is not boiled, but poured into a food thermos, poured with boiling water and left to steep for a while. For a regular menu, you can prepare barley porridge in different ways; the harm from this will be minimal if it is eaten in small portions.

Barley porridge for children: good or bad

Barley is necessary for a child, it improves brain function and promotes proper development body. Barley porridge has more benefits than pearl barley. It acts in a gentle manner and has an enveloping effect.

Dishes made from barley are prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract; they are indispensable for disorders of the digestive system. Therefore, they are well suited for baby food, but it is best to introduce them into the diet after one and a half years. This porridge is not recommended for infants due to its gluten content. But if a child is underweight, doctors often prescribe dishes made from barley groats at a higher weight. early age.

The benefits for the body from barley porridge are undeniable: it is rich in phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of calcium. The last mineral is responsible for the formation skeletal system child. Vitamin D prevents the development of rickets.

It is recommended to give barley porridge to children suffering from frequent constipation. It stimulates intestinal activity and quickly stabilizes stool. Fiber helps eliminate stagnation in the intestines, removes toxins and waste.

You need to eat barley porridge children with poor eyesight And weak activity growth.

This porridge is valuable due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It should be regularly included in the menu if the child is going through an adaptation period in kindergarten. Thanks to its enveloping properties, barley groats have a gentle effect on digestive system child. It also has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect.


1) For baby food, egg porridge should be cooked for about 40 minutes.

2) First, the cereal should be washed several times until the water becomes clear.

3) The washed cereal is poured with water - one to two. You need to take a saucepan with plenty of space, since during the cooking process the volume of porridge increases several times.

4) Add a small amount of salt and creamy or vegetable oil.

5) Cook the porridge while stirring until the water has completely evaporated. Then remove from heat and steam a little more.

The benefits to the body from barley porridge will be greater if it is prepared with milk. Pediatricians also recommend mixing it with vegetables or fruits. You should give your child barley porridge no more than two or three times a week.

Another advantage of crushed barley porridge is its taste. It has an appetizing aroma and a pleasant, slightly tart taste.

Barley porridge is considered a budget product, but its nutritional and beneficial properties do not depend on price. Most peasant dishes were prepared from barley groats, and even Peter I himself loved to enjoy barley porridge.

The Japanese Institute of Health gives barley priority importance as the healthiest grain. The plant also occupies a place of honor in the Bible Scriptures. There it is mentioned more than twenty times and is considered the fruit of the Promised Land.

IN modern world Barley porridge is chosen more for economical purposes. Many people are confused by the presence of gluten in it. However, you must include it in your diet.

Many people are interested in what grain barley is made from. Barley porridge is made from crushed barley and is very similar in nutritional value and other properties to the well-known one. The benefits of this product have been known for a long time, because barley porridge contains a huge range of microelements and almost all the vitamins necessary for the human body.

Unlike pearl barley, for the preparation of which barley grains are crushed and polished, the process of obtaining barley groats is limited to crushing. Flower films and unnecessary organic and mineral impurities are removed from the surface of the kernel, but basically the grain remains intact and retains all its fiber. No wonder it is believed that barley gives strength and strengthens memory.

Nowadays, barley porridge is not as popular as rice or buckwheat, but in past times it was served as gourmet dish for a festive dinner with nobles and nobles.

Facts from history

Asia is considered the birthplace of barley grain, and the cultivation of this crop began long before our era. Recently, in Jordan, scientists found barley grain that had lain for about 11 thousand years. All this suggests that the benefits and harms to the human body when consumed have been known for a very long time and positive properties cereals clearly outweigh its disadvantages.

There was a time when barley grains were used to measure length and weight. Five grains weighed an Arabic carat, and three kernels corresponded to an inch in length.

After soaking barley kernels in water, scientists discovered hordecin, a substance used to treat fungus on the skin.

To get rid of colds, in past times the human body was smeared with boiled barley. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and softening properties of the cereal, the disease receded.

Product composition

Barley porridge contains many substances essential for the human body. 100 g of product contains calcium (94 mg) and potassium (478 mg), phosphorus (354 mg) and iron (12 mg). In addition, the cereal contains iodine, bromine, sulfur, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and vitamins: niacin (PP), ergocalciferol (D), tocopherol (E), thiamine (B1), (B9).

First of all, in barley groats in significant quantities are slowly digestible complex carbohydrates, a lot of protein (more than 11%) and about 7% fiber. copes well with the function of cleansing the intestines and removes toxins and waste substances from the body. Present in porridge and dietary fiber, fats, sugars.

The nutritional value of barley porridge for the body (if cooked in water) is only 76 kcal per 100 g of product. Low calorie And high content fiber allows you to use the dish while losing weight, since the product prevents the accumulation of fats and prevents their deposition.

Useful properties

The benefits of barley porridge for the body cannot be overestimated. It is much softer than pearl barley, so it can be used for dietary and baby food. Moreover, this product is inexpensive. If you introduce barley porridge into your diet, you can not only restore your health, but also significantly save your family budget.

Here are some proofs of the benefits of barley.

  • People suffering from diabetes and obesity are advised to eat barley, as it has an enveloping, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The high percentage of coarse fibers that make up barley allows the product to be well absorbed by the body, and blood sugar levels do not increase.
  • Fiber-rich barley grits are great for cleansing gastrointestinal tract, prevents intestinal diseases and constipation. After operations on the intestines or stomach, as well as inflammatory processes Dishes made from this cereal have a restorative effect.
  • Due to the high percentage of protein content, barley porridge is used for dietary nutrition.
  • Barley grain porridge has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and genitourinary systems, helps get rid of depression and bad mood.
  • The amino acids that make up the barley kernel accelerate the production of collagen, which slows down the appearance of wrinkles. Women who include this dish in their diet notice that their hair becomes silkier and their nails become stronger and healthier. The benefits of barley porridge for women's health obvious.

A person who regularly consumes barley porridge feels cheerful, healthy and able to work, and quickly loses excess weight. Another undeniable advantage of this product is the ability to control and normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Barley porridge for weight loss

A dish made from barley grain is an excellent remedy, allowing you to lose extra pounds and lose weight in the most short terms. The calorie content of this dish is 76 kcal per 100 g, which is significantly lower than that for other cereals. At the same time, the product wonderfully satisfies the feeling of hunger, enriching the body with the necessary energy and satiating valuable proteins, microelements and vitamins.

Nutritionists have developed special barley diets for weight loss. If you follow such a diet, you can get rid of 3-4 unnecessary kilograms of weight in a few days. In addition, the intestines will be cleansed, cholesterol levels will decrease, the body will be freed from excess fluid, and your well-being will significantly improve.

The essence of this diet is to eat porridge without adding various fats and sugar. In addition, you should not consume meat, baked goods or alcohol. During the diet, you can eat fruits and drink kefir, coffee and tea.

Here approximate menu for one day with this diet:

  • porridge with apple and kefir;
  • lean soup, vegetable salad, a plate of porridge;
  • fruits;
  • porridge, half a glass or kefir.

This diet is quite easy to tolerate, since a person does not feel hungry. After a month, the diet can be repeated, but even with a normal diet, you should not completely exclude porridge from your diet.

Barley porridge for children

Barley porridge is very useful for children. The product stabilizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, strengthens vision, increases endurance and immunity. If a child does not eat fish and meat, barley porridge must be included in the diet, which will deliver children's body required amount of protein.

To exclude the possibility of development allergic reaction Since it is present in the product, porridge should be introduced into the diet after one and a half years.

The cooking time for porridge can be significantly reduced if you crush the grains into flour using a coffee grinder.

Harm of barley porridge

Compared to the benefits of barley porridge, the harm that this product can cause to human health is very small and strictly individual. This dish is not recommended for consumption in the following cases:

  • if you have individual gluten intolerance;
  • at serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract, inflammation and exacerbations;
  • pregnant women, since the cereal contains substances that promote premature birth.

If your diet contains barley groats, it is better to avoid chicken protein.

If you decide to go on a barley diet, you should consult a nutritionist, since only a doctor can determine the required proportions and frequency of taking the product. Otherwise, instead of getting rid of a few kilograms, you can, on the contrary, gain excess weight.

How to cook barley porridge

Prepare barley porridge with water or milk. In any case, everything is saved healing properties. You can add fruits or herbs, dried fruits and nuts, salt and sugar to the finished dish.

When cooked, barley porridge increases in volume 3 times, so you need to take a pan of the appropriate size. Prepare the dish for no more than 40 minutes.

  • Yachka recipe on water

The preparation of the dish begins with lightly frying the cereal. Required quantity water is calculated depending on what consistency the barley porridge should be: thick, medium viscosity or crumbly. In the first case, take 4 glasses of water for 1 glass of cereal, in the second - 3 glasses of water, in the third - 2-2.5 glasses.

Water is boiled and poured into a pan with fried cereals. Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes, then cover with a towel and leave for half an hour. At the end of cooking, you can add spices, oil and herbs to the porridge to taste. You need to know that eggs cooked in water are healthier than those cooked in milk.

  • How to cook porridge with milk

The nutritional value of a dish made from barley with the addition of milk is slightly higher than that prepared with water, but it is also recommended for dietary nutrition.

A glass of washed cereal is poured with water and soaked for several hours, preferably overnight. Before starting cooking, drain the remaining liquid and add 2 cups of boiling water, then cook for 5 minutes. At this stage of cooking, you can add spices.

Then pour 2 tbsp into the pan. boiling milk and cook for another 5 minutes. Barley porridge will be viscous and viscous.

  • Cooking in a slow cooker

The simplest and in a fast way is cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker. To receive dietary dish The washed cereal is poured into the bowl, water is added according to the proportions, spices are added and cooked for 10 minutes.

Presence in barley porridge huge amount useful substances and the minimum harm makes this dish indispensable in the diet active person.



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