An adult often suffers from colds, what to do. Causes of frequent colds

The cold is an illness that affects the vast majority of people, usually more than once a year. Frequent colds in adults, they can be a consequence of both a respiratory viral infection and hypothermia.

In the first case, the disease develops rapidly, accompanied by an abrupt increase in temperature. In the second case, the development of the disease occurs gradually.

Main symptoms:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • possible sore throat;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature less than 38 °C.

If left untreated, complications associated with inflammation may occur. respiratory tract(bronchitis), hearing organs (otitis), lungs (pneumonitis), larynx (laryngitis) and pharynx (pharyngitis), runny nose (sinusitis and rhinitis).

According to statistics, a person who goes to the doctor for this reason more than 6 times a year can say that he often gets sick. At the same time, the norm for an adult is up to 2 times a year in the case of a seasonal epidemic.

Possible causes of colds

More susceptible this disease older people and children. Lifestyle also influences disease resistance. The causes of frequent colds in adults can be increased physical and mental stress or their complete absence, stressful situations, lack of sleep, sedentary work or unbalanced diet.

People who have bad habits or chronic diseases, you should be most careful and respond to the first symptoms as early as possible. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.

However, in the vast majority of cases the cause of frequent colds is a weakened human immune system, which is seriously affected by all the factors described above.

The role of immunity

The first initiates the synthesis of phagocytes. These are specialized cells that help neutralize hostile antigens.

The second one is called humoral immunity, in which the antigen is neutralized by antibodies - immunoglobulins.

The third line was the skin, as well as some mucous membranes and enzymes. If a viral infection does enter the body, its response will be the intensive production of interferon, a special cellular protein. In this case, the patient will experience elevated temperature bodies.

Initially, immunity is formed in the womb, therefore it is closely related to genetic inheritance and directly depends on the characteristics of feeding. Helps seriously strengthen your child's immunity breast milk. However, in addition to heredity, there is also huge amount other factors that may affect the development protective functions. Most of them are corrected using modern pharmacology and will not let you catch a cold.

In most cases weak immunity occurs for the following reasons:

One more important reasonpoor hygiene. Dirty hands become a source of germs and viruses that can infect you. For prevention, you need to wash your hands with antibacterial soap for about 20 seconds.

Reduced function thyroid gland(hypothyroidism) or adrenal glands are difficult to diagnose, but can also be one of the reasons why people get colds.
A person can easily exclude most of these factors. Exercising, avoiding bad habits, eating healthy and dressing appropriately for the weather will help avoid a critical decrease in immunity.

Possible complications

Due to low immunity, the body is not able to fight frequent colds on its own. Therefore, a person is haunted by frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. As a result, it is necessary to constantly use potent drugs, which further reduce immunity.

Because of this, it is possible that allergic reactions And autoimmune diseasesmultiple sclerosis, joint pain, Crohn's disease or Liebman-Sachs disease (systemic lupus erythematosus).

Signs of low immunity

Weak immunity can be independently determined by the following signs:

  • frequent headaches:
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • constant fatigue and weakness;
  • pale, painful skin;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • dry lifeless hair;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle nails;
  • Treatment of a cold takes up to two weeks;
  • the disease occurs without an increase in body temperature;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • persistent low-grade fever;
  • chronic infections;
  • fungal diseases.

If you periodically notice similar symptoms at home, then it is advisable for you to visit a doctor. A specialist will help you choose suitable methods increasing immunity.

Ways to strengthen immunity

Many people ask the question of how to increase immunity. Raising the activity of the immune system is not an easy task and will require considerable effort and patience from you.

The attending physician or professional immunologist will help make the task easier by eliminating the failure exactly in the right area of ​​the immune system. Self-medication, as a rule, only leads to a worsening of the situation and new diseases.


To get the desired effect from this procedure, you need to have general idea about how it works. When cooling some areas skin the body responds by trying to reduce heat loss and lymphatic drainage from these areas.

As a result, tissues can quickly get rid of waste and dead cells. The procedure helps to rejuvenate the body and increase resistance to temperature stress. It should be understood that this procedure is very expensive for the body in terms of the amount of energy expended. The kidneys are subjected to serious stress, lymphatic system and liver. If there is no necessary supply of energy, then the body is overexerted, and a person may often get colds.

Therefore, before starting the procedure, you should consult with a specialist who knows what to do and can develop detailed plan classes. There is no need to rush; hardening should take place gradually. Mainly focus on your body and its sensations. One of the main conditions for success is regularity.

Skipping a procedure becomes critical and can negate all results. Hardening should be taken as seriously and thoroughly as possible, so that instead of increasing immunity, it does not harm your health.

Physical activity

Exercising will help significantly strengthen your immune system. At active movement The speed of blood circulation increases, helping to remove toxins from the body. However, as with hardening, you should know when to stop and create a training program based on the age and capabilities of the body.

Long-term exercise (more than 1.5 hours) increases susceptibility to diseases for 72 hours after exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the principles of regularity, proportionality and gradualism.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet plays a big role in good health person. To do this, it is necessary that the diet be dominated by plant and animal proteins and contain essential minerals and vitamins B, A, C, E. A person can get protein from meat, eggs, fish, nuts and legumes.

Vitamin A is found in vegetables and fruits - tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin and apricots. It can also be found in butter and eggs.

Vitamin B in large quantities people get it from dairy products, seeds, liver, bran, raw yolks, meat and nuts.

Vegetable oils, wheat grains and avocados are rich in vitamin E.

A daily diet that contains all these proteins and vitamins will serve as a good support for your health.

Pharmacological prevention

Special medicines based on natural medicinal herbs at correct use will help boost immunity. These include aloe extract, ginseng, echinacea tincture, golden root, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea, hawthorn and Kalanchoe.

In addition, often when immunity decreases, doctors prescribe animal and microbial origin, as well as various interferon inducers.

It should be remembered that such means often have side effects. Therefore, taking them unless absolutely necessary and on your own is not recommended.


If you notice that you suffer from colds often and for a long time, first of all consult with specialists. After the examination, they will prescribe an individual course of treatment.

At the same time, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, exercise, proper nutrition. It is worth refraining from bad habits - smoking and alcohol reduce your body’s overall resistance to diseases. By following these principles you can live life to the fullest and forget what constant colds are like every month.

Patients, parents of frequently ill children, neighbors, and fellow travelers constantly ask doctors of any specialty this question. Doctors usually talk about a viral infection, bacteria, and decreased immunity. They recommend hardening, taking vitamins and dietary supplements, and in some cases a consultation medical psychologist. It helps some, not so much for others. Today we will look at cases of frequent colds from the point of view System-vector psychology and we'll find effective recommendations and the answer to the main question - why a person often gets colds.

1. At the appointment, patient A, 25 years old, complains of cough with sputum, sore throat, difficulty in nasal breathing, purulent discharge from the nose. From the anamnesis: in childhood - frequent colds, bronchitis, sinusitis. Then the pain began to decrease. She got married and gave birth to two children. She has been experiencing frequent colds for the last six months. She says she's tired of being sick. I'm no longer used to feeling healthy. Not a single doctor understands how you can get sick so often.

I'm sure he's sick because weak nerves, I just couldn’t find the cause of the stress on my own. After a short conversation, it turned out that she began to get sick often after the death of her mother-in-law. The relationship was difficult, but she is still missed. She tells how difficult it was to get used to, how much she was offended, how she wanted to become the best daughter-in-law and nothing worked out: “I wanted her to love me so much, but she just died”.

2. At the appointment, patient B, 50 years old, complains of a painful cough with difficult to clear sputum, pain in the chest when breathing, feeling unwell. Frequent colds, exacerbations two to three times a year chronic bronchitis, last year she suffered from pneumonia. Speaks: “I’m so tired of being sick. Why is my body like this, it catches any infection? There are two or three colds per season and always an exacerbation of bronchitis, and pneumonia almost every year.

“...Result 9. I spent the whole winter in an autumn coat, the table was under the window, which is always open, but I no longer get colds, although they used to be frequent...”
Galina N., manager of social and cultural activities, Petrozavodsk

“...It is impossible not to briefly mention the accompanying psychosomatics: body temperature has changed (the hands were always cold, now they are always warm); back straightened (with adolescence I slouch); cold recurrences stopped (before the training, I got sick 4 times in six months); I don't feel it strong heartbeat(began to worry about 3 years ago and cases were constantly becoming more frequent); The weather dependence unexpectedly evaporated. In my opinion, my throat has stopped hurting (I write “in my opinion” because this result is a little more than a week old, which means that for a little more than a week I’ve been eating ice cream, drinking drinks straight from the refrigerator, sleeping in a cold room - it’s gotten very cold in Moscow these days - and my throat didn’t get sore or sore)..."
Fatima O., leading manager, Moscow

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”.

Normally, an adult should not get a cold more than twice a year during a seasonal ARVI epidemic. If a cough, runny nose, sore throat, rashes on the lips, fever and other cold symptoms occur six times during the year, then such an adult is considered to be frequently ill. What are the causes of frequent colds in adults? This is what we will try to find out.

Not all people have good immunity. City residents most often suffer from influenza diseases. According to statistics, the average city dweller gets sick with colds up to four times a year. Almost a month later in the autumn-winter period, and this is due to several reasons.

Why do adults get very frequent colds? First of all, this is due to large cluster people: transport, shops, especially pharmacies, where the premises are not ventilated, and people sick with ARVI stand in line for medicine along with those who are still healthy. A person with a weakened immune system - and this is the majority of people in cities - is constantly at risk, so he often gets colds and is forced to take medications.

What is immunity

Immunity is a biological barrier that prevents a variety of foreign harmful agents existing in the environment from entering the body.

There are other cells, blood proteins, immunoglobulins that neutralize various chemically active molecules.

When a foreign agent does get inside any cell of the body, the human body begins to resist in response, producing a specific cellular protein interferon to end the threat. At this moment, the person's temperature rises. This is additional protection, because many viruses and bacteria are not able to withstand even small increase the temperature of the environment in which they fall.

The body also has an external protective barrier, the so-called nonspecific immunity. This is our primary defense - beneficial bacteria on the skin, mucous membranes and in the intestines, which kill and prevent pathogens from multiplying. Specific substances and enzymes are like “chemical weapons” that guard human health.

However, these protective forces Today, many people’s bodies “work” not well enough, and there are reasons for this. Frequent colds on the lips in adults, colds and other diseases are all due to weakened immunity.

Why does the body weaken its protective functions?

Immunity can be reduced due to many factors, such as adverse ecological situation, unhealthy lifestyle, congenital or acquired chronic diseases, poor nutrition, bad habits - alcohol and smoking, physical inactivity, stress.

Unfavorable environmental situation

Car exhaust gases contain up to 200 substances that are harmful and even deadly to human health. Today major cities suffer from excess road transport. Often, not all cars have new, high-quality engines. Many drivers don’t even think about catalysts and neutralizers for automobile emissions. The quality of fuel at regular gas stations leaves much to be desired.

If we add emissions here too industrial enterprises, then the city air turns into a “cocktail” that simply becomes difficult to breathe.

Polluted air irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, so to speak, “preparing the ground” for pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Because the first protective barrier of the human body, nonspecific immunity, is largely reduced.

Therefore, diseases such as rhinitis, rashes on the lips, and cough often appear, which are not accompanied by fever, but can last for months.

No less serious environmental factor is electromagnetic pollution. Electronics – computers, smartphones, monitors, TVs, microwave ovens- what constantly surrounds us, and without which modern man can no longer imagine life, has a negative effect on his body. Naturally, immunity decreases.

Wrong lifestyle

To unfavorable ecological situation, which reigns in cities, you need to add the wrong lifestyle - bad habits.

For example, smoking greatly aggravates the situation, because tobacco smoke contains more than 4 thousand harmful substances, and not just nicotine. It's deadly dangerous poisons eg arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, polonium-210. All these chemical reagents penetrate the human body, poisoning it for years, “distracting” the body’s immune forces to fight these substances in the first place. The immune response to the invasion of external foreign agents is weak. This can cause frequent coughing in an adult without signs of a cold.

Physical inactivity

Sitting at a computer for a long time in the workplace and at home affects not only your posture and weakened vision. The immune system is mainly affected. After all, the human body is designed for constant movement. When muscles are constantly relaxed, they simply begin to atrophy. There is stagnation of blood and lymph, organs stop working well, and the heart, on the contrary, experiences more heavy load. The respiratory organs are especially affected. The volume of the lungs is reduced, the bronchi become “flabby”. Therefore, slight hypothermia can cause illness. And if we add here an unfavorable environmental environment and smoking, the result is obvious.

Poor nutrition

A city dweller is always in a hurry to get somewhere, so he simply has no time to eat properly and fully. Cheap and unhealthy products are used food industry fast food. And this is often fried food, which is usually washed down with sweet drinks, chocolate bars, etc.

These fatty, refined foods are harmful to the body. They do not contain essential vitamins, microelements. The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed. Such products are poorly absorbed by the body. He spends too much energy digesting them and fighting the consequences of such nutrition. Accordingly, people who consume such food, especially in large quantities, suffer chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

All this weakens the body so much that immune defense It just doesn't cope.

Stress, fatigue

It's no secret that life is not easy these days, constant stress accompanies modern man everywhere. It can cause frequent colds in adults. Inability to relax, calm down, chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, exhaustion - the body’s strength is spent excessively.

Sometimes a person just needs to get a good night’s sleep, have proper rest, so as not to injure his health and boost his immunity.

Research by scientists has shown that a positively thinking person suffers less from colds.

How to strengthen your immune system and stop getting colds?

In a situation where a person often suffers from colds, it is necessary integrated approach. Powerful immunity consists of many components, so it is necessary not just to temporarily use immunomodulators, but to seriously change your lifestyle.

Daily routine

The reasons for frequent colds in adults lie in an incorrectly structured daily routine. It is necessary to develop specific mode to have a good rest and eat on time. When a person lives “on a schedule”, in a certain rhythm, it is easier for him to endure stress. Moreover, he eliminates many stressful situations, is not late for anything, is not in a hurry, and is not overloaded with work. This lifestyle creates favorable positive thinking.

Proper nutrition

The causes of frequent colds in adults also lie in junk food. Healthy eating requires a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Food should be rich in minerals and vitamins different groups- A, B, C, D, E, PP.

Must be consumed natural products, exclude processed foods from your diet and do not buy fast food. If you purchase products in a supermarket, you need to carefully read what is written on the packaging, whether there are any artificial ingredients - preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers. Do not eat this.

Only under such conditions does the immune system function fully, which means your body will cope well with colds.

Vitamin A is present in vegetables and fruits of bright yellow, orange, red colors - carrots, pumpkin, apricots, tomatoes, bell pepper. This vitamin is also rich in animal products - liver, chicken eggs, butter.

B vitamins are found in nuts, seeds, bran and flour coarse, eggs, liver, meat, dairy products.

Vitamin C can be obtained from rosehip, cranberry, sauerkraut, citrus fruits.

Vitamin E is found in abundance in unrefined vegetable oil, wheat and oat sprouts.

Hardening and gymnastics

If adults have frequent colds, what to do? You need to do hardening and gymnastics.

It is better to start hardening procedures with special training. First in the morning pour a little warm water feet and rub them with a terry towel. Then, after a few weeks, move on to pouring over the legs and feet, and so gradually move up. In the end, start dousing yourself entirely with cool water at room temperature.

The gymnastics complex should be selected according to age and physical characteristics. Hatha yoga or various Chinese gymnastics complexes with smooth movements and gradually increasing load are especially suitable for a weakened body.

For those who often suffer from colds, it is very important breathing exercises, which help train the lungs and bronchi. For example, Strelnikova’s gymnastic complex or pranayama yoga.

Daily jogging, regular visits to the pool, skating rink, skiing and cycling in the fresh air will be beneficial.

Once a week you need to go out of town to breathe clean air and cleanse your lungs.


Every three months you should take immunomodulators made from plant materials. These are various preparations from aloe, ginseng (it is better not to use for hypertensive patients), echinacea, mumiyo.

You can resort to folk medicine, prepare teas, infusions from useful herbs, make tasty and rich vitamin mixtures from honey with nuts, lemon, cranberries, dried fruits.

Eat onions and garlic.

Treatment of frequent colds in adults with medications should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Only he will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe exactly the medications that are needed.

Cough recipe

You will need one large onion, which needs to be finely chopped. Then use a wooden spoon or pestle to crush the chopped onion a little to release the juice. Pour the resulting slurry with honey and leave for a day. Take a teaspoon 3-5 times a day between meals.

Treatment of frequent colds on the lips in adults

In order for rashes on the lips to go away faster, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile, mint or celandine.

Pour a tablespoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour in a sealed container. Then apply a lotion with a cotton swab carefully soaked in the infusion every 2 hours.

Chamomile tea is also good to drink internally.

Because the average person is ignorant and lazy. Are you offended? Then answer two questions:

— What is the difference between the signs of flu and a cold?

— What health procedures do you regularly perform to avoid catching colds?

Based on the unity of physical and spiritual body In humans, the causes of frequent colds need to be identified both at the somatic (physical) level and at the mental (psychological) level.

Here are seven of the most common reasons why why do people often get colds?

Physical causes of diseases:

1) Viruses , transmitted by airborne droplets during contact with patients. The number of viruses and their activity increases sharply in autumn and winter periods, and especially during influenza epidemics.

However, even in such times, not every person gets sick. A combination of other factors contributes to the disease.

2) Hypothermia of the body in the absence of a person’s reasonable attitude towards clothing, taking into account weather conditions. Feet need to be kept warm, as they say in folk proverb, and dress according to the weather.

Sometimes in cold weather of 20 degrees you see young people in light jackets, sneakers and autumn hats, or even without a hat. In windy weather, some people dress lightly.

3) because wrong image life.

Poor nutrition, mainly refined and carcinogenic foods, overeating, insufficient consumption of clean water.

Sedentary lifestyle: modern people in offices and at home they sit at the computer, in front of the TV they lie down. But the nature of our body is designed for significant motor activity. Only when physical activity all our organs and systems work well.

Greenhouse living conditions: hot heating of the home, dry air, poor and insufficient ventilation.

Polluted environment: air with harmful impurities, electromagnetic radiation, household chemicals, chlorinated water, nitrates and harmful additives in products.

Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

Constant tension due to stress regarding the financial support of the family, which leads to lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.

All of the listed factors of an unhealthy lifestyle reduce immunity and make the human body vulnerable to various kinds viruses.

Mental reasons why a person often gets colds:

4) arising due to an incorrect assessment of life phenomena and oneself, attract bad things, make a person helpless and susceptible to viruses and microbes. This happens because fear interrupts the movement of energy in the human body.

The fear of getting sick during an epidemic creates a feeling of insecurity.

The fear of catching a cold causes a feeling of cold.

The fear of “they don’t love me” makes you feel like a sufferer who gets sick and requires increased attention and care from others.

Fear of life, distrust of life causes spasm of the respiratory tract.

Fear of openly expressing your feelings, opinions, desires provokes a sore throat, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

The fear of losing money or not getting enough of it leads to tension, sometimes suffocation, and viral infections.

5) Malice settles where the movement of energy is interrupted by fear. A person will never admit that he is angry. Sometimes he gets angry not only at others, but also at himself, thereby expressing dissatisfaction with his appearance and actions. In this case, the subconscious sends a disease to a person in order to protect him from himself.

Anger can be recognized by five signs:

- pain - the anger of searching for the culprit;

- redness - anger, finding the culprit;

- temperature - anger, condemnation of the perpetrator. The most dangerous thing for health is the anger of self-blame, when a person blames himself for everything;

- swelling - the malice of exaggeration;

- discharge in the form of mucus - the anger of suffering.

In reality, the pain does not appear alone - it is hidden behind temperature, redness, swelling or accumulation of discharge. Together these features form humiliated anger , which causes inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. The higher the concentration of humiliated anger, the more likely the formation of pus - unbearable humiliation.

6) Accusation – this is the denominator of all types of malice. Evaluation, comparison, guilt, all of it, with a slight difference, is accusation , which leads to a nervous atmosphere in the family, to quarrels, screaming, and ultimately to despair and fatigue from life.

From unwillingness to live and “breathe” full breasts» Pneumonia and other lung diseases occur.

In order to save himself from illness, a person only needs to consciously and voluntarily recognize the conflict that has arisen at the level of his consciousness. Forgive oneself for the error of judgment and the one with whom one is angry. Thus, let go of your anger on a mental level.

7) Resentment – cause of runny nose, nasal congestion. Often a person wants to seem better than others, and when he is criticized, “clicked on the nose,” he gets offended and gets a runny nose.

Nasal discharge is subconscious tears or internal crying, with the help of which deeply suppressed feelings of disappointment, self-pity, and regret about unfulfilled plans are brought out.

In children, a runny nose can be a kind of request for help if they suffer from a lack of love or threats from parents.

Nasal congestion occurs due to lack of recognition of one’s value and uniqueness.

The seven reasons given why do people often get colds? appear in each individual in a certain combination. This depends on the characteristics of his physical and mental levels of development.

But it is clear for everyone - the presence and simultaneous suppression of harmful, aggressive thoughts and emotions, deeply experienced inside, in the subconscious and consciousness.

Illness serves as a signal of imbalance in the system that unites the mind, body and subconscious (Spirit) and at the same time, a subconscious protection of ourselves from our destructive behavior or thoughts.

Therefore, look inside yourself, try to understand what the disease is teaching you, ask yourself what your problem is, realize it.

Released fear, anger, resentment, accusations, envy, doubts of yourself and others will restore your natural harmony and allow you to quickly improve the health of your soul and body.

No one will help you to be healthy, since you create illnesses for yourself, which means you can heal yourself. Instead of taking pills and wanting to quickly get rid of pain and inflammation, try to find the causes of frequent viral infections.

Exercise : read more and think about your life, purpose, the laws of the Universe, your mistakes and ways to correct them.

Eat right, move more, drive healthy image life, take your time and don’t overload yourself, take loving care of your physical body.

She's not very serious illness, but her symptoms in the form of a runny nose, cough and body temperature of 37.7 degrees often knock her down and simply do not allow her to move on. After a week, of course, we recover and feel incredible relief, remembering the cold, how bad dream. But how to deal with such a phenomenon as constant colds.

Reasons for the development of persistent frequent colds

No matter how unnatural it may sound, many psychologists argue that the cause of the disease is often uncertainty and low self-esteem. A person endlessly loads himself with work, not giving himself the opportunity to rest. And a cold is perceived as the only true right to a well-deserved rest. But such a lifestyle entails a lack of energy and strength, which does not allow the body to fight viral infections and leads to colds that develop into permanent state body. But this is the opinion of psychologists. In addition, there are a number of factors that cause frequent colds.

Main of and especially common cause Constantly recurring colds are a careless and irresponsible attitude towards oneself and one’s health. The need to run out into the cold as quickly as possible warm room, is at that moment more important than being one minute late, but nevertheless the opportunity to throw on warm outerwear.

Having bad habits - possible reason persistent colds such as:

Frequent overeating;


Lack of a healthy lifestyle, constant overwork, inability to eat regularly and properly - all these are also causes of the disease. And there are many more factors that we do not highlight and do not pay enough attention to.

Prevention of persistent colds

If a person’s immunity is severely weakened, then he simply cannot avoid constant illness. Immunity is given to man by nature to protect himself from all sorts of diseases. But humanity has not been able to use this “gift” correctly, and as a result, all children are now born with already weakened immunity. The environment also influences junk food and bad habits. Therefore, to prevent frequent colds, all children need infancy start hardening. This could be activities in the pool, proper massage, daily walks, adherence to proper temperature regime in the apartment, balanced and healthy food, exercises for development physical health. All this contributes proper development and strengthening necessary immunity. Which means absolutely healthy person will be able to forget about such a disease as a cold.

Currently, there are more than 460 items in our country various drugs for the prevention of disease from more than 20 countries. But their action does not always effectively restore and strengthen the immune system, often only, on the contrary, weakening it.

Tips for preventive treatment frequent colds

In addition to the above medications necessary for the prevention of frequent colds and strong immunity, there are several more points that every adult and every parent should take into account.

You need to drink more fluid. Water washes the human body, re-degrades and removes toxins.

Fresh air. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, this is very important, since with central heating of the room, the mucous membrane becomes drier, as a result of which the human body becomes more vulnerable to influenza and cold viruses.

Charger. Exercise will help protect the body from frequent colds. It helps accelerate the exchange of oxygen between circulatory system and lungs. Charging exercises favor an increase in human body, so-called killer cells.

Fortified food. Must be eaten more red, dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables.

Say no to alcohol to prevent frequent colds. Just like nicotine, alcohol abuse greatly reduces immune system person.

Know how to relax. If you learn to relax, you will be able to activate your immune system. After all, when the human body is in a relaxed state, the amount of interleukins, which are responsible for the immune response in defense against influenza and cold viruses, increases in the bloodstream.

How to treat regular frequent colds?

Many people who are prone to frequent colds try to cure them, without even trying to find out the root cause of such diseases. After all, getting rid of the irritant that regularly affects the resumption of colds in the body will allow you to get rid of such an illness forever. Pay attention great attention your health, allow yourself a break from work, because you won’t earn all the money, even if you devote yourself entirely to this process. Every person has earned the right to a healthy lifestyle, with small joys and the right to regular good rest, and no one is an exception.

There are often cases when a persistent cold is the first symptom of some more serious disease. Psychotherapists won’t let you lie about this: constant colds for neurotics are a sad and harsh life norm. Also, constant colds may indicate that the sick person suffers from low self-esteem. He works tirelessly, not allowing himself to enjoy life and breathe deeply. Such people subconsciously program themselves for illness, considering it the only possible reason for them to rest.

Treating the disease in such cases is a futile exercise. The first thing you need to do is deal with psychological reasons colds, become more self-confident, start loving yourself and being proud of yourself. And finally, give yourself the right to regular entertainment and relaxation. Then constant illnesses will be a mere memory.



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