Vitamins Duovit. Duovit - a new generation drug

There are currently a large number of complexes on the modern pharmaceutical market, where multivitamins and minerals act as active ingredients. They have a beneficial effect on the human body, improving its well-being. However, the question of their choice is too acute for a sufficient number of people. Thus, Duovit vitamins are considered one of the best food supplements that help normalize the functioning of internal organs and their systems. Before using them, it is important to consult with a specialist and study the instructions.

Instructions for use

The complex is manufactured by the Slovenian pharmaceutical company KRKA, d.d. Duovit is prescribed not only for preventive purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes, depending on the situation in which a person needs help. Many people doubt the effectiveness of the complex, and therefore try to find the maximum amount of information about its composition and beneficial properties. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the available indications for use and contraindications in order to prevent a worsening of your own condition if the drug is used incorrectly.

Release form

"Duovit" is offered to consumers in tablet form. Each cardboard package contains four blisters, each of which contains 10 capsules of different colors. This color distinction was developed specifically so that a person does not get confused about which pill to take in the morning and which in the evening. In addition, the composition of the red and blue tablets is different from each other.


The color division of the dragees was developed for better absorption by the human body of the nutrients they contain. As you know, in the morning some vitamins and minerals are absorbed faster than in the evening, for example. For this reason, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of taking the pills.

Red dragee

The reddish capsules contain only vitamins. These include elements belonging to groups such as:

Blue jelly bean

Considering the fact that Duovit contains not only vitamins, but also minerals, and the red tablet is filled only with the former, the blue dragee is a keeper of macro- and microelements. These include:

These substances determine the beneficial properties of the complex and determine its positive effect on the human body.

Beneficial features

Multivitamins have the following beneficial properties:

  • regulation of the functioning of the retina;
  • regulation of the transformation of stem-type cells into erythroid-type cells;
  • increasing resistance to microorganisms that cause various diseases;
  • regulation of calcium content in the plasma component of the genetic material;
  • ensuring the growth of bone tissue, its strengthening;
  • optimization of the functioning of the renal organs;
  • strengthening naturally acquired immunity;
  • accelerating the production of insulin (important in case of its deficiency in the human body);
  • removal of toxic substances;
  • increasing stress resistance and ability to work;
  • creation of additional energy reserves;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • accelerating the production of erythroid cells;
  • improving the functioning of the visual organs;
  • improving the functioning of skeletal muscles, normalizing the number of their contractions;
  • getting rid of sleep disorders (insomnia, increased drowsiness);
  • improved appetite;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • improvement of appearance.

Considering the indicated properties of the complex, there are certain situations when its use is required. For preventive purposes, you can take the drug only after consultation with a specialist.

Indications for use

Many people are interested in the question of when to start taking this nutritional supplement. The main indications for its use are:

  • a state of overstrain caused by increased physical, mental, emotional overload;
  • the need for constant strength training and active rest;
  • belonging to the age group over sixty years of age;
  • the presence of bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism;
  • improper organization of diet;
  • attempts to follow restrictive diets (prescribed for diabetes mellitus, extreme obesity);
  • spring-autumn vitamin deficiency;
  • pregnancy and lactation period in women;
  • recovery after severe dyspeptic disorders, diseases, surgical operations.


Despite the eleven vitamins and eight minerals in the complex, there are certain contraindications to its use. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • excess amount of vitamins A, D, E in the human body;
  • dysfunction of the renal organs;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • inability of the kidneys to remove uric acid, or more precisely, gout;
  • increased amount of uric acid in the plasma component of the blood;
  • erythremia;
  • increased number of erythroid cells in the genetic material;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • clogging of the lumens of blood vessels with thrombotic formations;
  • individual fructose intolerance;
  • increased amounts of calcium in urinary secretions and genetic material;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • disruption of copper and iron metabolism;
  • insufficient absorption of glucose and galactose in the intestinal area;
  • insufficient functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • glomerular type nephritis, which is chronic;
  • recovery period after sarcoidosis;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • children up to ten years of age.

Given the extensive list of contraindications, it is better to ask your doctor for advice before starting to take the complex. Otherwise, you can experience the negative effects of the product, called “side effects”. The drug should be taken with caution in the presence of diseases such as:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • previously suffered peptic ulcer;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidney organs;
  • decompensated functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant and benign tumors.

Side effects

Negative effects from taking the Duovit complex may occur if it is taken incorrectly, for example, the dosage established by the manufacturer or specialist is not followed. The following side effects are observed:

  • allergic reactions of varying severity;
  • pain in the head, dizziness, hypersomnia;
  • the sensation of “goosebumps running over the skin”;
  • visual impairment;
  • dyspeptic disorders, flatulence, nausea, turning into vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • discoloration of urinary discharge;
  • the appearance of large amounts of calcium in urinary secretions;
  • arrhythmia;
  • redness on the skin, rash, itching sensation;
  • increased content of uric acid in the genetic material;
  • increased sweating.

In order not to experience side effects from your own experience, it is enough to know how to take multivitamins correctly: together or separately. For children, the dosage is determined separately.

How to use?

"Duovit" is used once a day. A red and a blue tablet are taken at the same time, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. It is recommended to take the complex in the morning after breakfast, since it is during this period that the vitamin and mineral components of the drug are best absorbed. When wondering how long to take Duovit, you should first decide for what purpose it is used. If used as a preventive measure, twenty to thirty days of use is enough to replenish the required amount of nutrients in the body. The interval between courses is from one to three months. It is installed by a specialist.


The complex, like other vitamin food supplements, has certain analogues. There are no products that are completely identical to it, however, dietary supplements with similar effects are sufficient. These include:

  • "Glutamevit";
  • "Vitacap";
  • "Menopace";
  • " " and others.

Each of these food additives has specific indications and contraindications. Before using them, you should consult a specialist.

There are two types of dragees - red and blue (20 dragees of each type).
The composition of 1 red dragee includes:
  • vitamin A – 2.94 mg;
  • vitamin D 3 – 0.2 mg;
  • ascorbic acid – 60 mg;
  • vitamin B 1 – 1 mg;
  • vitamin B 2 – 1.2 mg;
  • nicotinamide (nicotinic acid, vitamin B 3) – 13 mg;
  • vitamin B 5 – 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B 6) – 2 mg;
  • vitamin B 9 – 400 mcg;
  • vitamin B 12 – 3 mcg.
  • vitamin E – 10 mg;
The composition of 1 blue dragee includes:
  • magnesium – 20 mg;
  • calcium – 15 mg;
  • phosphorus – 12 mg;
  • iron – 10 mg;
  • zinc – 3 mg;
  • copper – 1 mg;
  • manganese – 1 mg;
  • molybdenum – 100 mcg.
Auxiliary components: sugar, lactose, sorbitol, polysorbate-80, liquid paraffin, glycerin, castor oil, dextrose solution, magnesium stearate, macrogol, macrogol 6000, polyvidone, antifoaming agent, dyes, citrus flavor.

Pharmacological properties

Duovit- This multivitamin complex. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, which are the main regulators of biochemical reactions.

Vitamin A (retinol) regulates the functioning of the retina. Regulates cellular differentiation, in particular the transformation of stem cells into red blood cells. Increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. Retinol and its derivatives ensure the integrity of epithelial tissue (skin, mucous membranes of internal organs), which provides protection against pathogenic microbes entering the body.

Vitamin D 3 regulates the concentration of calcium in the blood plasma, which is essential for maintaining stable functioning of the nervous system, bone growth and ensuring the necessary bone strength. Inhibits uncontrolled cell division, leading to dangerous diseases such as cancer. Takes part in the process of cell differentiation. Ensures normal kidney function. Affects the functions of the immune system: strengthens natural immunity and inhibits autoimmune disorders (the fight of the immune system against its own body). Participates in the process of insulin secretion, especially when it is deficient in the body.

Vitamin C has pronounced antioxidant properties. Even a small dose of ascorbic acid inhibits the oxidation of proteins, fats and saccharides by free radicals, which can appear in the body as products of normal metabolism or under the influence of poisons or pollutants (for example, tobacco smoke). Promotes the production of other antioxidants, in particular tocopherol. Takes part in the production of collagen, the main component of connective tissue that makes up blood vessels, tendons and bone tissue. Participates in the production of norepinephrine, a hormone that regulates mood and a number of psycho-physiological conditions, especially stress. Plays an important role in the production of levocarnitine, a vitamin-like substance necessary for the reaction of obtaining energy from fats. Participates in the reaction of converting cholesterol into cholic acids. Cholic acids, in particular, are necessary for the absorption of fats, as well as improving peristalsis.

Vitamin B 1 (thiamine)- an integral component of many enzymes, the activity of which is aimed at producing energy from food components. Participates in the endogenous production of fats and proteins. It affects the voluntary contraction of skeletal muscles.

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin), being a strong antioxidant, inhibits the destructive activity of free oxidants. Necessary to ensure normal metabolism of proteins, saccharides and fats, as well as vitamins B 3, B 6 and B 9. Together with retinol, it ensures the visual system perceives colors and light, improves visual acuity and the ability to see in the dark. Regulates the normal functioning of the retina and lens. Provides the eye's ability to reflect ultraviolet radiation. Necessary for the addition of iron to the hemoglobin molecule. During pregnancy, it is necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

Vitamin B 3 (niacin) serves as a constituent component of a number of redox enzymes. Participates in the processes of providing cells with oxygen, obtaining energy from saccharides and fats, as well as in protein metabolism. It affects the production of red blood cells, gastrointestinal motility and the secretion of digestive juices. Expands small vessels and capillaries, thus improving blood supply and metabolism in the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Vitamin B 5 (calcium pantothenate) is a component of coenzyme A - the most important coenzyme that affects a number of biochemical processes. Coenzyme A is necessary for the production of energy from essential nutrients, as well as for the production of fats, cholesterol, and certain hormones (eg melatonin). Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Used by the liver to neutralize toxic substances.

Vitamin B 6 ensures the activity of more than 100 enzymes, which serve as catalysts for vital biochemical processes in the body. Takes part in the production of serotonin, the most important neurotransmitter that regulates the psycho-emotional state of a person. Serotonin regulates emotional background, appetite and sleep rhythm. Participates in the production of nucleic acids, as well as in the formation of heme (the non-protein part of hemoglobin). Able to partially eliminate nicotinic acid deficiency. Regulates the effect of reproductive hormones on the body.

Duovit Memo is a modern multivitamin complex, the action of which is aimed at improving brain activity. The dietary supplement is designed specifically for schoolchildren and students. Students experience higher mental and psycho-emotional stress. Therefore, in addition to the standard complex of vitamins and minerals, they need additional micronutrients to stimulate brain activity. These micronutrients include lecithin, choline and inositol. Choline improves memory and mental activity, and is also involved in the synthesis of an important neurotransmitter - acetylcholine. Before use, you should consult a specialist.


Multimax and multitabs vitamins have disappeared from sale. I tried taking Duovit again. Everything worked out, just like last time, the first few days I gained strength. Then there were sudden mood swings from depression to aggression, sudden dizziness, and with increased physical activity, a semi-fainting state occurred. Digestive depression began: the appetite disappeared completely, after eating, indigestion and I had to save myself with festal. The reaction slows down. On the second day after stopping treatment, improvement began. This drug is definitely unsafe when taken systemically as indicated in the instructions.

I started taking two-component Duovit for men. At the very beginning of taking it I felt the effects. Positive: fatigue decreased, performance increased, drowsiness disappeared, anxiety level decreased. Negative: increased nervous activity, even with a bias towards aggressiveness; in situations associated with reaction and increased attention, overestimation of capabilities and incorrect assessment of the situation is possible. My recommendations: Just what a student needs before an exam. During the period of admission, he does not drive or operate equipment. Avoid conflict situations.

In fact, I discovered the Duovit multivitamin complex for women following a recommendation from a doctor. If doctors advise, then you can trust this product. The drug is effective, I tested it on myself. I feel better, I feel less blue, I didn’t get sick even once after taking it, even when the whole family died with the flu. My head began to hurt less often, and it is now more difficult for various ailments to pester me, because I have strengthened my immunity. Which is what I advise you to do. Do not be ill.

I’ve never complained about my health, but here it’s unclear what, weakness, drowsiness and I don’t want anything anymore when I come home, just to sleep, watch a movie and that’s it, I don’t even have much of an appetite, my wife raised the alarm, she’s tired of looking at me like that. Of course, I didn’t go to the clinic, I thought I was just tired, I needed to sleep and everything would go away. But still, my wife started giving me some vitamins in the morning, I drank and didn’t complain. After a week of taking it, I somehow began to wake up better, and then I had more strength. In general, everything returned to normal, even better. And the desire became very burning, I didn’t lag behind my wife, I thought I’d finally gotten enough sleep. But it turned out that all the vitamins have such an effect, after all, you can’t correct fatigue with just sleep, vitamins are really needed here, I never thought before that they would be so beneficial. They are called Duovit for men, my wife immediately took a pack of 60 tablets for two months, so after a month of taking it I was already running around like a twenty-year-old. Then I looked into this topic in more detail, and it turns out that these vitamins contain all the vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain excellent shape and men’s health. And it’s a shame I didn’t take vitamins before, because the lack of vitamins and minerals is what leads to this state of weakness and apathy. So if you have something similar with your health, take some vitamins, they will definitely help.

When I lived outside the city, I didn’t particularly need to take courses of vitamins, all the vitamins grew in the garden! Or maybe I was just younger and had a better metabolism. Having moved to the city, of course, after some time I felt weak, had trouble falling asleep, and what bothered me most was that my nails simply turned into a film, they became very brittle and ugly. I started taking duovit vitamins for women, thank you for the advice at the pharmacy, the composition is quite clear to me, nothing superfluous but everything necessary specifically for women’s needs, and their price was low at the same time. After taking a couple of monthly courses, the skin began to shine again, and the nails regained their beauty and strength)

That spring I had such a rush... I had orders at work and everything was urgent, my daughter was graduating, I was also taking my license test, it was still the summer season. In general, my head was spinning from everything that was happening and I began to get irritated because I didn’t have time, and I also didn’t get enough sleep. My boss suggested a solution to me, brought me vitamins to work, told me to drink so that I would finish everything and not fall ill from overexertion. These were Duovit multivitamins for women. They really helped me out. I managed to do everything. There was a lot of energy. Great, now I take them in the spring and fall in a monthly course, it’s effective and not expensive.

Work doesn’t allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle, there’s not even enough time for fitness at all, what can we say about nutrition, it’s difficult, especially to wake up the body after winter hibernation, and it’s also hard and “drowsy” at the beginning of autumn and you want something sweet instead of chewing a lettuce leaf . I decided not to ruin my body further and started taking vitamins, bought Duovit, which was very convenient, drank it after breakfast and rushed to work. at first everything was as usual, but after taking the first course, and even during it, the body was fine, I had a lot of strength, the seasons did not affect me so sleepy and dull. I became much more cheerful.

Everyone argues and argues about the benefits of vitamins in tablets, but where can you get the right amount for your body now? Moreover, this eternal physical inactivity also does not have the best effect on one’s well-being. Of course, Duovit vitamins for women are good and the results are impressive, but you still need to do at least some exercise. After all, vitamins also need to help. But when the body has enough of everything, then there is enough strength for sports. So take your vitamins, but don't forget to exercise.

I have a problem with the thyroid gland since childhood, my heredity is bad, and I was always taken to the sea, and I always take increased doses of iodine. But now I’ve switched to multivitamin complexes, I’ve already tried several options, but the result was that I liked the Duovit complex for women more. It contains iodine, I can no longer take it separately, and many other microelements and vitamins. The price is very affordable, you only need 350 rubles for a month of admission.

I am only for a healthy diet, and the obligatory intake of vitamins, and it is better not to drink handfuls of single preparations, but immediately vitamins with minerals, they help and benefit the body much more than carrying a huge number of jars with you. Who chooses what, but I am for Duovit for women, it has a very good combination of ingredients, and everything is for us girls)) and the manufacturer is serious, KRKA, the cough medicines they took were good, European quality at a very affordable price. I’ve been taking courses for three years now and as a result I’m convinced.

Working as an accountant is not the easiest of jobs; it requires attention, concentration, a good memory and a lot of energy. In spring and autumn, when there are not so many vitamins in foods, it’s hard, I get very tired at work, and what helps me is that I drink the vitamin-mineral complex Duovit for women, I feel much better with it, I’m confident in myself, I don’t feel strong tired after a day of work, like most of my colleagues, who simply collapse. The price of these vitamins is also attractive, I spend more on chocolates for tea per month, a package for a month is 350 rubles, I take it in courses twice a year.

I took exams, was a lot nervous, and also had dance classes. Everything is very intense. It got to the point that in March, all weekend I simply slept like a baby, and on weekday mornings it was impossible to “wake up”. I had to somehow save myself))) I found the “right remedy” according to my mother, these are vitamins, she bought them for me, the Duovit vitamin and mineral complex for women. And after two weeks I woke up in the morning to the alarm clock and went straight to study. Koa's hair and nails are also in much better condition than before. magic vitamins, thanks to my mom, she always knows how to help))

I had nervous exhaustion from overwork and family circumstances. They treated me with B vitamins and injected them. I had such a hard time withstanding these injections that I flatly refused. The doctor allowed me to take it in the form of regular tablets. I took the Duovit complex and found that it contained all the B vitamins, all in a daily dose, and other vitamins and minerals that are important for women. And I drank them in courses without a break. My nerves returned to normal, I calmed down and somehow became more balanced.

In the summer I was extremely tired, there was a lot of stress and overload at work. At some point I started having hysterics from fatigue. I went to a psychiatrist, she listened to me and told me to reconsider my priorities, and in the meantime, take some vitamins with magnesium. I took the duovit complex for women, it contains magnesium. Surprisingly, it helped, I became much calmer and my work was easier.

I like women's vitamins Duovit! They were recommended to me by a cosmetologist, whom I go to for cleaning. She said that the procedures generally help me, but it would be good to nourish the skin from the inside. I tried it, took it for two months, and during that time my skin actually got better. She is not so fat now, her face does not shine. Apparently, my metabolism has improved. I also noticed that I began to sleep better. In the morning I feel sleepy, although I seem to sleep the same amount, 7 hours.

Previously, I took monovitamins, regular ones like ascorbic acid or aevita. I started planning my pregnancy, and then it turned out that I had a catastrophic lack of iron, B vitamins, and not enough iodine and magnesium. The gynecologist looked at the test results and grabbed her head ((She told me to definitely take multivitamins. I’ve been taking Duovit for women for three months already. The tests have already gotten better, and I’m starting to feel better myself. I’ll continue.

I'll take part in the conversation. I’m 52, I’ve been taking women’s Duovit for six months now. Recently, menopause began and I was glad that I chose these vitamins. They have a good composition and are designed for the female body. I have never seen vitamins with folic acid and iodine in large dosages before, but these contain 100% of the daily requirement. I drink it every day after breakfast. I feel better, apparently it helps smooth out hormone fluctuations.

I am inclined to believe that you need to take vitamins as often as possible. Colds are usually not caused by cold, but because the body is exhausted and cannot cope with viruses. If you don’t eat normally and don’t get vitamins, you may not get out of colds. I didn’t take vitamins before, but now I take courses and I’ve finally stopped getting sick. I feel much better! Duovit helps me a lot, I take it for women. One tablet a day provides all the most useful substances.

I took Duovit more than once. I used to be very tired of overwork. The circumstances are such that you have to take home orders to earn more. I caught myself looking at my work documents and couldn’t remember anything. I look at the book and see a fig. I decided to take some vitamins. I googled about vitamins, there were a lot of good reviews about Duovit. It turned out to be really good. After three weeks of taking it, it became easier to concentrate. I remember easier. And overall a feeling of lightness in the head.

Everyone in my family was categorically against vitamins, but I started taking Duovit. Relatives said it was all chemicals. I wouldn't say that. Vitamins, on the contrary, are better absorbed, but it’s impossible to get so many vitamins and minerals with food. It’s somehow very stupid to scold medicine, it doesn’t stand still. By the way, there is an effect. I’ve only been sick once this year, and it didn’t last long, but my sister doesn’t get out of a runny nose or cough. Now the family is no longer against vitamin prophylaxis.

Duovit is a series of multivitamin products with micro- and macroelements.

Release form and composition

Duovit is represented by 8 vitamin-mineral complexes, differing in composition and indications for use. The most popular of them are:

  • Duovit (vitamins and minerals);
  • Duovit for men;
  • Duovit for women.

Duovit contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. Its release form is dragees, packaged in 10 pcs. in one blister (5 red and 5 blue), in one package there are 4 blisters.

Red dragees contain as active ingredients:

  • Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) – 13 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 60 mg;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 1.2 mg;
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – 10 mg;
  • Cyanocobalamin 0.1% in mannitol (vitamin B12) – 3 mcg;
  • Thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1) – 1 mg;
  • Retinol palmitate (vitamin A) – 2.94 mg;
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) – 2 mg;
  • Colecalciferol (vitamin D3) – 200 mcg;
  • Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5) – 5 mg;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – 400 mcg.

Blue dragees contain as active components:

  • Magnesium lactate dihydrate – 200 mg (corresponding to 20 mg magnesium);
  • Zinc sulfate heptahydrate – 13.3 mg (equivalent to 3 mg zinc);
  • Iron fumarate – 30.3 mg (corresponds to 10 mg of iron);
  • Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate – 64.5 mg (equivalent to the content of 12 mg phosphorus and 15 mg calcium);
  • Sodium molybdate dihydrate – 220 mcg (corresponding to 10 mcg of molybdenum).
  • Manganese sulfate monohydrate – 3.1 mg (equivalent to 1 mg zinc);
  • Copper sulfate pentahydrate – 4 mg (corresponds to 1 mg copper).

Excipients for red pellets:

  • Orange oil 05073;
  • Dextrose liquid;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Sorbitol;
  • Defoamer 1510;
  • Glycerol;
  • Purified castor oil;
  • Polysorbate 80;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Opalux dye AS-F-2833G (consisting of sucrose, emulsion wax, sunset yellow and crimson Ponceau 4R dyes).

Excipients for blue dragees:

  • Indigo carmine dye AS-20912 blue;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Polysorbate 80;
  • Povidone;
  • Defoamer 1510;
  • Sucrose;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Emulsion wax;
  • Glycerol;
  • Liquid paraffin;
  • Sorbitol;
  • Orange oil 05073;
  • Refined castor oil;
  • Dextrose liquid.

“Duovit for men” is a balanced dietary supplement, produced in the form of tablets (30 or 60 pieces per package), containing 12 vitamins and 6 minerals important for the male body:

  • Vitamin B12 – 6 mcg;
  • Vitamin B2 – 1.7 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 – 1.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin D3 – 5 mcg;
  • Vitamin E – 30 mg;
  • Vitamin C – 60 mg;
  • Vitamin A – 1000 mcg;
  • Manganese – 3.5 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid – 6.4 mg;
  • Iron – 10 mg;
  • Niacin – 20 mg;
  • Magnesium – 100 mg;
  • Folic acid – 200 mcg;
  • Zinc – 15 mg;
  • Biotin – 30 mcg;
  • Copper – 2 mg;
  • Iodine – 150 mcg.

“Duovit for Women” is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets (30 or 60 pieces per package), which contains 12 of the most important vitamins and 5 minerals as active ingredients for the female body:

  • Calcium – 450 mg;
  • Biotin – 30 mcg;
  • Niacin – 18 mg;
  • Vitamin A – 800 mcg;
  • Vitamin B12 – 1 mcg;
  • Vitamin B6 – 1.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 – 1.4 mg;
  • Vitamin D3 – 5 mcg;
  • Vitamin C – 50 mg;
  • Vitamin E – 10 mg;
  • Magnesium – 50 mg;
  • Zinc – 15 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid – 5 mg;
  • Iodine – 150 mcg;
  • Iron – 14 mg;
  • Folic acid – 200 mcg.

Indications for use

Dietary supplements “Duovit for women” and “Duovit for men” are taken as an additional source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Poor and/or irregular nutrition;
  • Increased physical activity (due to active sports or type of professional activity).


Regardless of the type of Duovit, taking a vitamin-mineral complex is contraindicated in case of known hypersensitivity to at least one component included in its composition.

As for the use of Duovit in pediatrics, vitamins in the form of tablets can be given to children over 10 years of age.

Directions for use and dosage

It is recommended to take Duovit (vitamins and minerals) once a day, preferably in the morning, 2 tablets at once - 1 red and 1 blue. The pills should be swallowed whole with water. The course of prophylactic administration is 20 days. If necessary, repeat courses are possible, but you need to take breaks lasting from 4 to 12 weeks.

“Duovit for women” and “Duovit for men”, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, take 1 tablet per day with meals.

Side effects

The instructions for vitamin-mineral complexes indicate that Duovit is well tolerated. Only in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug is it possible to develop allergic reactions, sometimes with an asthmatic component.


  • Duovita (vitamins and minerals): Complivit, Vitaspectrum, Multi-tabs, Berocca Plus, Multiproduct, Fenyuls Zinc, Bio-Max, Oligovit, Glutamevit, Pregnakea, 9 months, Selmevit, Jungle, Lavita, Pikovit D, Elevit Pronatal, Caltsinova, Vitaftor, MultiMax, Triovit, Vitrum, Teravit, Supradin, Maxamin, Vitatress, ReddiVit, Centrum, etc.;
  • Duovita for women: Megadin, Vitrum Centuri Forte, Menopace, Antioxicaps, Multi-tabs Maxi, Royal-vit, Pregnavit, Perfectil, etc.;
  • Duovita for men: Veromax, Velmen Trichologic, Mitomin, Azal, Nagipol, ABC Spectrum, Progelvit, Yantavit Ecorsol, Sustamir, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

All Duovit vitamins are sold without a prescription. It is recommended to store drugs in a dry, dark place. The manufacturer does not indicate any special requirements for temperature conditions. The shelf life depends on the type of vitamin-mineral complex and is:

  • For Duovit – 3 years;
  • For Duovit for women and men – 2 years.

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  • You need to take vitamins correctly, since some of them enhance the effect of the substances contained in them, while others, on the contrary, slow them down. For example, Duovit allows you to consume vitamins and minerals separately.

    Duovit: composition and properties of the red tablet

    The Duovit complex is developed using a special formula that improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for health. Each package of the drug contains two different sets of substances, contained in red and blue tablets. The components they contain protect the body from premature aging, prevent the development of many diseases, strengthen bone tissue, and maintain beauty. Each dragee contains a certain set of useful substances. Red contains 11 vitamins that have a specific effect on the human body, and blue contains 8 microelements.


    One of the main components of the red pill is retinol - a synthetic “substitute”. Its ability to penetrate tissue is low, so taking special medications will help prevent problems associated with deficiency. Especially over 30 years old and those whose skin is prone to excessive oiliness.


    • decreased activity of the sebaceous glands and their cells;
    • normalization of sebum composition;
    • stopping the growth of malignant cells.


    Like retinol and ascorbic acid, they are antioxidants. It prolongs youth, preserves the beauty of the skin, protects the body from the harmful effects of the environment. Tocopherol is responsible for hormonal balance, maintaining normal cholesterol levels, and cardiovascular health.

    Ascorbic acid

    The second important component is vitamin C, which is responsible for human immunity. Its daily requirement is determined by gender, age, lifestyle and the presence/absence of bad habits. With participation, many hormones are synthesized, hematopoiesis occurs, collagen is produced, toxins are eliminated, and cells of the bone and cartilage system grow. Without vitamin C, the body ages faster.

    Group B

    Vitamins Duovit contain (thiamine), B2 (), (pyridoxine) and B12 (), each of which plays a specific role, but in combination with other members of the group is more effective than alone. Without it, normal functioning of the digestive and nervous systems is impossible. Their deficiency leads to increased blood sugar, insomnia, dry skin, hair loss, dizziness, photophobia, chronic fatigue and other problems.

    Or vitamin B9 regulates the development of new cells, affects the activity of enzymes and the synthesis of blood cells. It rids the body of toxins and participates in the production of serotonin, the deficiency of which leads to prolonged depression. An additional effect is to improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin in both women and men.

    The only vitamin that has been given the status of a medicine in traditional medicine. It effectively fights cholesterol and is important for blood circulation, as well as for the smooth functioning of the heart. With its participation, sugar and fats are converted into energy, and not into cellulite.


    Participating in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, is responsible for the growth of skeletal tissues and bone strength. When it occurs, the functioning of the nervous system and endocrine glands is disrupted, and immunity is reduced.

    Symptoms of problems associated with vitamin deficiency are:

    • frequent fractures and slow healing of bones;
    • deterioration in general health;
    • increased fatigue against the background of decreased performance.

    Vitamin E has radioprotective and antioxidant effects. It stimulates the supply of oxygen to cells, improves immunity, affects the tone and permeability of blood vessels, and regulates the functioning of the genital organs. Deficiency leads to decreased libido in men, menstrual irregularities in women, blurred vision, capillary fragility, hypotension and other troubles.

    Composition of blue tablets

    Blue tablets contain exclusively minerals.


    Takes part in many processes occurring in the body. For example, in protein synthesis, antibody production, internal organ function, glucose absorption, and so on. Lack of the element leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.


    Participates in muscle contraction and excitability of nerve fibers, affects blood clotting and membrane permeability, prevents the appearance and accumulation of cholesterol.


    Responsible for metabolism and transport of oxygen to tissues. Without it, the removal of toxins slows down, cholesterol metabolism is disrupted, and calories turn into fat instead of becoming energy.


    Affects the functioning of blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, takes part in the production of blood cells and energy metabolism. The mineral has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect. With its participation, iron is transported and female sex hormones are produced. It is believed that copper deficiency increases the risk of heart disease, obesity occurs, and the growth of malignant tumors is activated.


    It affects the functioning of the immune system and the production of the hormone thymulin. Without zinc, tissue regeneration worsens, taste sensations are impaired, atherosclerosis develops, and disorders in the functioning of the heart and genital organs are observed. Deficiency causes hair loss, lack of appetite, slow growth and frequent dermatitis.


    An important microelement that affects the functioning of almost all human systems and organs. It is necessary to regularly consume foods rich in manganese, otherwise wound healing will slow down, vitamin metabolism and the production of thyroid hormones will be disrupted, and the regulation of fat metabolism will deteriorate. When ingested in sufficient quantities, manganese has an antioxidant, immunomodulatory effect and stimulates reproductive function.


    Necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the production of amino acids and enhancing the work of antioxidants. Without it, teeth decay and chronic pain worsens. The mineral is especially useful for asthmatics and can prevent gastrointestinal cancer. Molybdenum enhances the sexual function of men and removes toxic substances from the body.


    Phosphorus obtained from food is generally only 70% absorbed by the body. It ensures strong teeth, improves metabolism and cell division. Without it, the acid-base balance and enzyme reactions are disrupted. A sufficient amount of phosphorus reduces pain in arthritis.

    All tablets contain excipients such as sucrose, lactose, orange and castor oil, paraffin, dyes, and other components. Before purchasing and taking Duovit vitamins, you should carefully read the instructions to prevent side effects.

    Duovit instructions for use

    Indications for the use of color-coated tablets may be as follows:

    • constant mental and physical stress;
    • bad habits associated with smoking, regular drinking of alcohol;
    • seasonal shortage of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables;
    • irregular and poor nutrition;
    • strict diet for weight loss;
    • significant loss of minerals and vitamins as a result of prolonged menstruation, poisoning accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, bleeding;
    • active and frequent sports.

    There is also. The difference between the types is the composition: the tablets contain more or less amounts of certain substances, the amount of which is directly related to the needs of both sexes for useful substances.

    Not only adults, but also children over 10 years old can take Duovit (the one intended for both sexes). According to instructions, once a day we drink one red and one blue jelly bean. Drug used after breakfast, the tablets should be swallowed whole with plenty of water.

    Duovit cannot be taken together with other vitamin forms. If there is a need to resort to the parallel use of drugs containing any mineral or vitamin with Duovit, then they should be taken separately, only as prescribed by a doctor.

    When taking any vitamins or medications, you should carefully monitor your condition and consult a doctor if:

    • increased sensitivity to components;
    • signs appeared.

    Drinking Duovit is strictly prohibited for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, gout, peptic ulcers, hypercalcemia, sarcoidosis, chronic heart failure and other diseases, a full list of which is contained in the instructions attached to the drug. The presence of auxiliary components such as glucose, sucrose, lactose and sorbitol makes the drug inaccessible to people suffering from fructose intolerance and diabetes. Use of any form of vitamin E and C is contraindicated when taking certain medications.

    In order for taking Duovit vitamins, as well as other similar drugs, to bring the expected benefits and not harm your health, it is advisable to use it after the recommendation of a doctor and reading the instructions.

    Which are replete with pharmacy windows, are among the effective means to combat the manifestations of vitamin deficiency.

    One of them is the drug Duovit, which is a chemical compound devoid of disadvantages.

    The composition of the drug includes a fairly large amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Therefore, this complex: increases immunity; slows down aging; protects the body, tones and strengthens it; stimulates metabolic processes.

    Instructions for use

    Indications for use

    Red jelly beans include:

    • Vitamin A , ensuring the normal functioning of the mucous membranes and organs of vision, stimulating the process of cell regeneration.
    • Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which relieves fatigue and protects the body from nervous disorders in stressful situations.
    • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which accelerates wound healing and normalizes blood sugar levels.
    • Vitamin B5, increasing life expectancy.
    • Vitamin B6, which activates brain activity and improves a woman’s condition during her period.
    • Vitamin B12- a biologically active substance containing cobalt, which is essential in the treatment of anemia (anemia) and diseases of the nervous system.
    • Vitamin E- a physiological antioxidant that normalizes blood circulation, increases performance, and slows down the aging process.
    • Vitamin D3, necessary for the mineralization of bone tissue and teeth, promoting effective absorption of calcium, preventing muscle weakening and reducing the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
    • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), strengthens the immune system.
    • Vitamin PP, improving protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulating the work of the pancreas, liver and hematopoietic organs, converting sugar and fats entering the body into useful energy, participating in the formation of hormones.
    • Folic acid- a vitamin necessary for the normal functioning of the circulatory system and increased immunity.

    Blue dragees contain:

    • Calcium- a microelement necessary for bone tissue and teeth.
    • Sodium. Maintains water-salt balance in the body, improves digestion, and ensures the supply of glucose to cells.
    • Phosphorus- ensures the correct formation of bone tissue structure, increases its strength, and is a supplier of energy at the cellular level.
    • Zinc- an essential trace element that provides color vision, maintains physical fitness, and increases endurance. It promotes better absorption of vitamin A, increases potency in men and normalizes the functioning of the internal secretion organs.
    • Copper. Regulates the functioning of the endocrine system, participates in the formation of female hormones and hemoglobin, supplies oxygen to cells, promotes the renewal of epithelium, connective and bone tissue.
    • Magnesium. It is also called the “trace element of life.” Its positive ions regulate potassium-sodium balance. It acts as an anti-anaphylactic and anti-toxic factor in inflammatory processes, stress and allergies. Indispensable for maintaining normal cardiac activity.
    • Manganese. It affects tissue respiration, the immune system and hematopoiesis, skeletal development, brain activity, and the health of the female reproductive glands.
    • Iron- the main trace element for the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Has a detoxifying effect. Affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

    The composition of red dragees includes formative and taste-improving substances, as well as dyes.


    It is contraindicated in a number of diseases, including:

    • Impaired metabolism of iron and copper;
    • Previous sarcoidosis;
    • Increased content of red blood cells in the blood;
    • Heart failure;
    • Acute form of tuberculosis;
    • Gout;
    • Chronic glomerular nephritis;
    • Stomach/intestinal ulcer;
    • Thrombophlebitis;
    • Kidney stones and other kidney disorders
    • Fructose intolerance.

    The vitamin complex is not prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to one of its components.

    Interactions with drugs

    When taking the Duovit vitamin complex, it should be taken into account that its components have a negative effect on certain types of medications. In particular:

    • The intestinal absorption of antibacterial drugs from the tetracycline group slows down.
    • The absorption of antimicrobial agents from the fluoroquinol family deteriorates.
    • Side effects occur when treated with antibiotics and sulfonamides.
    • Medicines with a high content of calcium and magnesium ions reduce the absorption of iron contained in the vitamin complex.
    • Diuretics from the thiazides group contribute to the development of hypercalcemia.

    To avoid this, there should be a gap of at least three hours between taking the vitamin and the medication.

    Side effects

    Duovit vitamins are absolutely safe if the recommended dosage is followed.

    The components included in their composition are completely absorbed by the body.

    Side effects most often occur with an overdose of the drug(in particular vitamin and) or hypersensitivity to its ingredients.

    They are manifested by the following symptoms:

    • In case of an overdose of vitamin A: dizziness, increased excitability, sleep disturbances, headaches, decreased threshold of light sensitivity; arrhythmia.
    • With increasing vitamin D concentration: belching, stomach pain, accompanied by vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia; the appearance of weakness and fever;
    • For hypersensitivity: itchy rashes on the skin, excessive dryness of the skin and the appearance of cracks, urticaria; allergic reactions in the form of angioedema, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis; temperature rise.

    If side effects occur, the drug should be stopped immediately. To eliminate the reaction, you need to rinse your stomach and drink one or two tablets of activated carbon.

    Duovit and pregnancy

    During pregnancy, Duovit is prescribed for toxicosis, severe anemia, vitamin deficiency. It can also be prescribed during breastfeeding to support the body’s immune system weakened by difficult childbirth.

    During normal pregnancy and childbirth, taking Duovit is not recommended.

    Video: "Description of vitamin A"

    Best before date

    If the storage conditions specified in the instructions are observed, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The date of manufacture is stamped on the packaging.



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