Types of human helminthiases, signs, treatment and preventive measures. Video: Symptoms of helminths in humans

Depending on the method of transmission, all human helminthiases are divided into:


The characteristic signs of helminthiasis appear first of all on the peripheral blood. If you carry out clinical analysis, then a significant increase in the amount can be detected (especially in acute stage illness). It is worth noting that it is often combined with pronounced.

Other signs of the presence of helminths include:

  • itching in the anus;
  • possible unstable chair– alternation and diarrhea;
  • grinding teeth in a dream;
  • nausea in the morning. Most often it occurs in a person while brushing his teeth;
  • weight loss, while the diet has not changed;
  • hyperthermia, accompanied by joint and muscle pain;
  • drooling in the morning;
  • a person constantly feels hungry;
  • the appearance of rash elements on the skin (sometimes on the eyelids);
  • the skin on your fingers may peel.


  • diarrhea;
  • hyperthermia;
  • the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed;
  • elements of a rash appear on the skin;
  • the face swells. This symptom is especially pronounced in children;
  • In young children, sore throat sometimes occurs.

Pathological process may be complicated:

  • bronchospasm;
  • the appearance of infiltrates in the lungs;
  • . An allergic reaction comes to the fore. Allergy symptoms reach their maximum. In the most difficult clinical situations development is even possible;
  • filariasis and strongyloidiasis. Skin rashes intensify, and swelling of the face is observed.

Experts consider the most severe helminthiasis to be:

  • echinococcosis;
  • paragonimiasis;
  • cysticercosis.

These helminthiases affect almost all vital important organs and systems, so even with timely treatment the prognosis is often unfavorable.


Due to the fact that there are quite large number helminth infections, diagnosis includes many research methods. The most informative and frequently used are the following:

  • stool analysis. In it, doctors have the opportunity to detect helminth eggs, as well as undigested food debris, which indicates a disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blood for microfilariae;
  • to detect roundworms and pinworms in the human body, they resort to macroscopic examination;
  • microscopic examination;
  • bile examination;
  • coproovoscopy. Diagnosis of helminthiases using this method allows you to determine the intensity of helminthic infestation;
  • examination of the contents of the duodenum;
  • if doctors suspect that a person has progressive trichinosis, they prescribe a biopsy of muscle tissue;
  • X-ray;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • blood test for the presence of specific antibodies to certain helminthiases.


The basis for the treatment of helminthiasis is the use of specific anthelmintic drugs. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • pyrantel;
  • Wormil;
  • carbendacim;
  • mabendazole;
  • albendazole;
  • medamin;
  • levamisole;
  • Praziquantel

They must be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician and in the dosage that he prescribes. IN acute phase disease, a single dose of medication is enough to get rid of helminths. But most often treatment is carried out according to a certain scheme.

During treatment, it is important to adhere to the following principles:

  • strict adherence to personal hygiene rules;
  • diet therapy;
  • all products consumed must be processed;
  • the place where the patient is being treated must be regularly disinfected.

Treatment of helminthiasis in children is carried out only in inpatient conditions so that the doctor can constantly monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, adjust therapy. It is worth noting that in children the disease is more severe, so the course of treatment can be lengthy.


Prevention of helminthiasis in children and adults should be carried out throughout life. Since helminths live in the ground and can also be transmitted by contact, you should maintain maximum hygiene - wash your hands, use personal hygiene items, etc. It is also important to thoroughly process vegetables and fruits before consumption.

For preventive purposes, it is important to promptly identify people infected with helminths. For this purpose, surveys of certain categories of adults (especially food workers, medical field and so on).

Currently, the prevention of helminthiasis is greatly underestimated. For example, in Russia every year about 500 thousand people become infected with helminths. The number of adults is about 20%.
There are three groups of helminths, divided according to the method of infection of the human body:

  • chills;
  • skin irritations;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • angina;
  • diarrhea;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis;
  • myocarditis.

The following characteristic features can be distinguished:

  • increased salivation at night and in the morning;
  • grinding teeth during sleep;
  • morning sickness;
  • strong, almost constant feeling hunger;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • problems with stool;
  • despite an excellent appetite, a person begins to lose weight;
  • fever, characterized by pain in muscles and joints;
  • changes in blood composition.

The initial stage of the disease can be recognized from the blood periphery. Since immunity during helminthiasis is usually reduced, a large number of leukocytes are present in blood tests.

  • view flatworms– eyelash worms, cestodiasis;
  • view roundworms– nematodes;
  • type of hairworm;
  • type of acanthocephala;
  • species of annelids.

The most common helminths

Let's consider the following most frequently settled individual species helminths in the human body.

A type of roundworm that is red and yellow in color. An adult reaches a length of 40 centimeters. They provoke ascariasis in the body, leading to jaundice and pancreatitis.

Initially, the larva enters intestinal tract. Their migration route is such that, causing mechanical damage the walls of the intestines, liver and lungs, they penetrate into the latter where they grow somewhere up to 2 millimeters. Next, the grown larva enters the bronchi through the alveoli and again into the gastrointestinal tract along with sputum. It is here that she grows into an adult.

In addition to the ability of roundworms to penetrate narrow openings, causing damage to the walls of organs, and subsequently hemorrhages and inflammation, they also emit strong allergens that lead to severe allergies. As a rule, these are rashes on the skin, in in rare cases turning into dermatitis. Helminths and helminthiasis have dangerous consequences that may be irreversible.

Signs in adults infected with whipworm include severe abdominal pain, stool upset, anemia and a sharp violation appetite.

Larval group

Larval helminthiasis, or larval ones. They are caused by a type of tapeworm. They cause allergic reactions and can provoke the appearance of tumors, both benign and malignant. They can affect any internal organs, including the heart and brain.

Intestinal group

Intestinal helminths include:

  • tapeworm;
  • roundworm;
  • nematode.

Intestinal helminths occur mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, but along with this they can also cause serious violations in the central nervous system.

  • Analysis and examination of feces is used to determine the simplest and most common types of helminths.
  • Macroscopic examination is used to identify pinworm or roundworm eggs.
  • Bile analysis.
  • If trichinosis is suspected, a biopsy is performed muscle tissue.
  • A blood test for antibodies, which helps identify a specific type of helminth.
  • Ultrasound or x-ray of internal organs.


Of course, treatment in adults with medicinal plants is less pronounced and less effective impact compared to specialized drugs. But medicinal plants ideal for preventive purposes.


Moreover, today in all educational institutions: schools, kindergartens (after all, as you know, children make up approximately 80% of total number people infected with helminths) examinations are carried out. In particular, it is carried out special prevention in adults of a certain group and children, in which it is necessary to take special preventive medications.


So, statistics show that helminthiasis is actually dangerous, it is serious illness may cause irreversible changes in the human body. That is why helminths and their prevention must be constantly under the control of doctors and specialists, who today use specially designed schemes to prevent and prevent mass infections, especially for children in educational institutions.

Today, there are about 300 types of helminthiases. However, there are even more varieties of worms that cause disease. They are divided into 3 main groups.

How does helminth infection occur?

Based on the above, best prevention helminthic infestations- thorough heat treatment meat and fish, protection from insects, swimming only in clean waters and frequent washing hands You should also forget about undercooked or undercooked meat dishes.

Signs of helminth infection

Symptoms of helminth infection can vary. Among common manifestations health disorders that arise in case of infection include weakness, general deterioration, decreased performance, sleep problems, increased allergic reactions, problems with immunity, skin rash and others.

Enterobiasis is often observed in children. Pinworms living in small intestine, and at night crawling out through the rectum from anus and laying eggs, can provoke itching and grinding of teeth in children at night, during sleep. This disease is easily diagnosed today, using stool testing for helminths. The disease can also be treated quite quickly, including at home.

The effect of helminths on the body

Some flukes become attached to the site so that the intestinal lining begins to “fall off.” Bleeding develops, and if left untreated, intestinal necrosis occurs. Symptoms in this case: severe pain, availability hidden blood in feces and so on.

Analysis of feces for helminth eggs for diagnosis is used quite often, although this is not very effective method. The reliability of the results does not exceed 20–50%, especially if the study is carried out only once. This method is absolutely ineffective for diagnosing helminthiases that do not affect the intestines and other digestive organs.

How to take a stool test for helminths?

This analysis has a number of recommendations that must be followed for the accuracy of the results. There are few of them and they are not difficult to complete. Feces must be obtained after spontaneous defecation. That is, you cannot obtain material for analysis using an enema, taking laxatives, etc. From the moment of defecation to the time of the examination, no more than 4–6 hours should pass, since the microbiological composition of feces may change, which affects the results of the examination.

A few days before the tests, you should switch to proper nutrition, limit consumption harmful products. In addition, it is better to stop taking activated carbon, bismuth, rectal suppositories and pilocarpine. Women should not get tested during menstruation.

How to get rid of helminths?

  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunostimulants;
  • anthelmintic medicines etc.

The most common tablets for the treatment of helminths

Self-medication of helminthic infestations is highly discouraged. Despite the fact that this group of diseases seems widespread and, because of this, “safe,” in fact, helminthiasis can be dangerous for both the health and life of the patient.

The most common human helminthiasis: enterobiasis, which affects the intestines, skin, nervous system; trichinosis, causing fever, muscle pain, allergic reactions; trichocephalosis, characterized by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, changes in blood composition, ascariasis, accompanied by gastrointestinal dysfunction, allergies.

Helminths can take hold in the lungs, bile ducts, intestines, gallbladder, apply internal organs mechanical damage, poison the body with decay and metabolic products.

Human helminth infections are also dangerous because they suppress the immune system, negatively affect the ability to work, aggravate the course of existing diseases, and reduce the effectiveness of vaccination.

Causes of the disease

A person becomes infected with helminths mainly through food and water. Unwashed food, poor personal hygiene, and dirty water are the main causes of infection.

An infected person experiences the following symptoms due to helminths: rash, fever, swelling on the face, inflammation of the eye membrane, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, enlarged lymph nodes.

Helminths cause these symptoms when the disease is in the acute stage - for a week or several months. If helminthiasis is not treated, the infection will progress to chronic phase. Allergic reactions may persist, and other symptoms due to helminths develop depending on their number, size, and location. Pains in the abdomen, joints, tissues, digestive disorders, migraines, anemia, vitamin deficiency, and nervous disorders may appear.

Diagnosis of helminthiasis

Diagnosis of helminthiasis consists of stool analysis, in which whole worms and their parts, larvae and eggs are found. It is advisable to repeat the test for helminthiasis several times, because one study is not always representative.

Blood tests are also used to diagnose helminthiasis. If helminthiasis infection has occurred recently, eosinophils will be elevated in the blood.

A characteristic indicator for diagnosing helminthiasis using a blood test is the presence of immunoglobulin G antibodies to a certain type helminths.

Treatment of helminthiasis

Treatment of helminthiasis is carried out with drugs that kill adult helminths, affecting their larvae and eggs: Medamin, Pyrantel, Levamisole, Vormil, Thiabendazole, Praziquantel and others. The appointment is based on the type of helminthiasis and the degree of infection.

Gives good results complex treatment helminthiasis, in which, in addition to anthelmintic drugs, they include choleretic, hepatoprotective, and sedatives.

Due to the fact that many drugs for the treatment of helminthiasis are toxic, at the end of therapy, in addition to a control test for the presence of helminths, it is necessary to conduct an examination intestinal microflora, gastrointestinal tract, liver and, if necessary, undergo rehabilitation.

Disease prevention

It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and conduct regular deworming of pets.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Types of helminthiasis

The following are distinguished: types of helminthiasis: contact helminthiasis, geohelminthiasis and biohelminthiasis.

Contact called helminthiasis, infection of which occurs directly from the patient. Contact helminthiases include enterobiasis and hymenolepiasis. Enterobiasis is a helminthiasis caused by pinworms (roundworms up to 10 mm long). The source of infection is humans. The female crawls out of the rectum and lays eggs on the skin. Infection occurs by ingesting eggs that enter the mouth with contaminated hands, food, objects, etc. Hymenolepiasis is caused by the dwarf tapeworm, the eggs of which are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through food and household items. Compliance by personnel with personal hygiene rules and hygienic rules for storing and processing products is of paramount importance in the prevention of contact helminthiasis.

TO geohelminths include roundworms and whipworms. The final host and source of invasion is humans. Part of the biological development cycle of these helminths before the formation of an invasive egg (on average 2-24 days) takes place in the soil. Human infection occurs as a result of ingestion of eggs containing mature larvae, through consumption of contaminated vegetables, fruits, berries, water, as well as through the introduction of eggs into the mouth with contaminated hands. Prevention of geohelminthiases consists of strict adherence to sanitary regime at the enterprise, rules of personal hygiene and hygienic requirements for the processing and storage of vegetables, herbs, berries, etc.

According to sanitary rules and regulations, the presence of helminth eggs is not allowed in fresh and freshly frozen table greens, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Biohelminthoses are caused by helminths, the biological development cycle of which requires an intermediate host. Animals, fish and other hydrobionts can be intermediate hosts, carriers of the larval form of the helminth. The organism in which the helminth matures and lives in its sexually mature form is called the definitive host.

Meat can cause dangerous helminthiases human, therefore in meat and meat products The presence of Finn, Trichinella and Echinococcus larvae is not allowed.

Bull tapeworm or pork tapeworm a person becomes infected by eating large meat cattle or pigs

affected by the larval stage of tapeworm (Finns). This type of meat is called Finnish. The larvae are transparent bubbles the size of a pinhead to a pea, localized in the muscles of the head, muscles of the body, heart muscle, etc.

When eating undercooked or undercooked meat, sliced ​​meat and tasting raw minced meat, Finns can enter the human gastrointestinal tract. Having freed itself from the membranes, the larva attaches itself to the intestinal mucosa, and after 1.5-3 months a tapeworm grows. In this case, various disorders and pernicious anemia. Bovine tapeworm reaches a size of 6-7 m, pork tapeworm - 1.5-3 m.

During veterinary and sanitary control of meat, the number of finn is calculated on a muscle section over an area of ​​40 cm 2. If more than three fins are detected, the meat is unsuitable for food and must be disposed of. If less than three Finns are found in this area, the meat is rendered harmless by boiling (pieces weighing up to 2 kg, thickness up to 8 cm for 2.5 hours), freezing or salting. Beef is frozen to -6 °C in the muscle thickness and kept in a chamber at a temperature of -9 °C for 24 hours. Pork is frozen to -10 °C in the muscle thickness and kept for 10 days at -12 °C.

Trichinosis is a disease that develops in humans as a result of damage to organs and tissues of litchi nocturnal form round small helminth. In its mature form, it lives in the intestines of dogs, cats, rodents, and wild animals. In the larval form, it is found in the meat of wild boars, bears, seals, and pigs infected by eating rodents.

A person becomes infected by eating insufficiently heat-treated infested animals, most often pork or pork ham. Trichinella in meat are visible only under a microscope at 50x magnification.

Larvae in the human intestine into sexually mature forms. Already on the 3-4th day after this, the females give birth to larvae, which are carried in the blood, penetrate the muscles and remain here in the form of a capsule-covered, coiled larval shape. The larvae are viable for up to a year. The disease is severe, with fever, muscle pain, swelling of the eyelids and face.

To prevent trichinosis, mandatory control of meat is required at meat processing plants, slaughterhouses, and collective farm markets. Meat processing plants use a group method for examining pork carcasses. Carcasses in which at least one trichinella is found are unsuitable for food and must be technically disposed of. External fat reheated. Internal fat used without restrictions.

Fish can cause severe helminthic diseases, such as diphyllobothriasis and opisthorchiasis.

Fish - pike, ruffe, perch, burbot, caught in the Volga and Kama basins, Onega and Ladoga lakes, the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, infected with game by the nocturnal form of tapeworm (plerocercoid), is the main source of invasion of humans and animals. Larvae in the form of white worms 2-2.5 cm long are visible to the naked eye under the skin, in muscles, calves and abdominal cavity fish (Fig. 9).

The larvae of tapeworms (gulls, etc.) can infect omul, trout, whitefish, muksun and other fish from Siberian rivers, as well as Far Eastern salmon fish.

A person becomes ill with diphyllobothriasis when consuming stroganina or uncooked fish, lightly salted pike caviar infected with helminth larvae. The disease is severe, with severe anemia (anemia).

Neutralization of fish infected with larvae occurs by canning, smoking, freezing at - 12°C for three days, salting with exposure for at least 14 days, frying small fish, portioned pieces of flattened fish or cutlets for 15-20 minutes, and not during cooking. less than 20-30 min.

In case of massive damage to the muscle tissue of fish by tapeworm larvae, the sale of fish is not allowed.

The ways of infecting people with opisthorchiasis are similar to diphyllobothriasis. Foci of opisthorchiasis exist in the basins of the Irtysh, Ob, Kama, Don, regions Western Siberia, Kazakhstan.

The disease begins with an increase in temperature, allergic rash, nausea, loss of appetite, enlarged liver, pain in the pancreas. Subsequently, changes occur in the composition of the blood.

The presence of live larvae is not allowed. Cat fluke larvae are resistant to high and low temperatures. The fish should be fried flat, skin side down, for 20-25 minutes until the temperature inside the piece reaches 75-80 °C. Fish cutlets fry for 20 minutes, cook the fish for at least 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. According to sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN, the presence of live helminth larvae in freshwater, marine, migratory fish, crustaceans, mollusks, amphibians, reptiles and their processed products is not allowed. The safety of fish and non-fish species is certified by a veterinary certificate.



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