For the first time to the gynecologist. Preparing for an appointment with a gynecologist: general recommendations

Visiting a gynecologist - important event in the life of every woman. Is this your first visit to women's doctor, or not - you need to know how to behave at an appointment with a gynecologist, what questions to ask. About how to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist, how to behave and about others useful things This article will tell you in detail.

First visit to the gynecologist: at what age

It is impossible to give a clear answer to this question, because most often girls go to the gynecological office when any complaints appear. However, the first visit usually occurs between 14 and 16 years of age, as requested by the school paramedic. It is recommended to have an examination with a gynecologist even when an item about sexual activity appears in your plans, regardless of whether you have started it or are just about to. After the first sexual intercourse, it is necessary to see a gynecologist more often, especially if sex is irregular.

A visit to the gynecologist is also necessary if you need to choose a contraceptive. If you have a regular sexual partner, the examination can be done once a year. Any complaint, be it thrush or a change in the color of the discharge, is a signal for an immediate visit to the gynecologist. Large quantity female diseases pass without obvious symptoms, so the girl may not notice their signs. However, when long absence If treated properly, the disease can progress to another stage, causing infertility, which is difficult to treat. Therefore, regular examinations by a specialist (at least once a year) are a necessary condition.

In case you are already driving sex life, That gynecological examination should be regular: either once a year (in the absence of any symptoms and in the presence of a permanent sexual partner), or with each change of partner.

If you notice any changes, e.g. discomfort when urinating, disruptions in menstrual cycles, painful periods and their excessive duration - all these are reasons to consult a doctor.

If we talk about the examination, it consists not only of tests for the presence of infections, but also of an assessment of the progress of the process of puberty in order to stop the developing deviation in time. If the girl is still a virgin, then the gynecologist takes a smear, and all examinations are carried out using an ultrasound machine. Therefore, do not worry: the doctor will conduct an examination without inserting instruments into the vagina.

Visiting a gynecologist: how to prepare?

This section talks about those simple things that need to be taken into account before being examined by a gynecologist, and which women very often do not pay attention to.

The first step is to calculate from your menstrual cycle the period when you can go to the doctor, since you can take everything necessary tests on such days it will become impossible. But in case you noticed spotting or menstruation has become protracted, you should consult a doctor immediately. If you are planning an appointment with a gynecologist, you need to take your cycle calendar with you.

If you do not keep it, then you need to clearly remember the number menstrual days and your cycle is very important information for a doctor. Before the examination, the gynecologist will also ask you a number of questions: about how old you were when you had your first menstruation, about the regularity of your cycle. You will also need to indicate the date when the last menstruation, and how long it lasted.

Before visiting a doctor, we must not forget about observing the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the external genitalia or take a shower. If you are taking any antiviral drugs, antibiotics, use vaginal creams and suppositories, then 3-4 weeks before visiting the doctor you must completely abandon them, since these drugs complicate the diagnostic process and affect the accuracy of the tests.

If you have been warned that you will need to get tested, then empty bladder 2 hours before administration is not recommended. Moreover, experts advise avoiding sexual intercourse several days before the appointment. If the purpose of your visit is an examination hormonal levels, then remember that this kind of procedure is carried out on an empty stomach and in special days menstrual cycle. If you were sent for an ultrasound, then the bladder should be emptied. In addition to all of the above, it is recommended to ask the reception desk what exactly you need to take with you (in case medical institution the rules have changed).

First time at the gynecologist: how girls are examined

Young girls who are not yet sexually active have many questions about what to do at a doctor’s appointment and what exactly a gynecologist does.

First of all, don’t worry or be embarrassed. A gynecologist is a doctor who is called upon to help you and answer all your questions. Moreover, what you are embarrassed about is the area of ​​his work, and he treats it as work, and nothing more.

Secondly, you need to be prepared for the fact that the examination may be physically unpleasant. The gynecologist usually examines the vagina through anal hole using a finger inserted into it. However, if a girl wishes, she can conduct a careful examination through the vagina without using special devices.

How is a gynecological examination performed?

This is the most frequently asked question among girls and women who are preparing for their first visit to the gynecologist. So, your first meeting with your doctor will start with various issues doctor about sexual experience (from the age when you had your first sexual experience to the number of partners), about menstruation, about previous diseases and so on. If you have already visited a gynecologist before, then the questions will mostly be about what is bothering you.

Hesitation when describing your complaints is a big mistake. Remember that the doctor encounters patients with similar problems several times a day, and his job is to help you. Describe the nature of your symptoms, when they appeared, whether they bothered you before, etc. If you have already had experience treating this disease, your doctor will ask you a series of questions about what medications you were treated with, how long it took, and what the results were. After the doctor receives answers to these questions, he will conduct an examination and take the necessary tests.

How to behave at an appointment with a gynecologist

It should be remembered that the doctor asks questions solely to help you, and not out of curiosity. Therefore, it is important not to be shy or nervous. The main thing is to listen to what the doctor tells you. If you have experience of sexual activity, then the examination will be carried out by introducing a gynecological speculum. This is not painful at all, but the doctor must initially select the appropriate size of the mirror for you. As a rule, after this the gynecologist takes a smear using a special stick.

How to overcome anxiety?

Despite the advice not to worry and try to relax, a visit to the gynecologist still causes a feeling of fear, which appears largely due to the unknown. Thanks to this article, you learned all the subtleties and all the stages of reception.

If you manage not to strain, the examination will go quickly and will not cause unnecessary discomfort. This is the main motivation to calm yourself down. After all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with either the first or subsequent visits to the gynecologist. Especially in our time, when clinics are equipped with everything necessary, which makes the examination comfortable and of high quality.

What questions to ask when visiting a female doctor?

Don't hesitate to ask your doctor questions, especially if you don't understand something. Ask for more detailed and accessible explanation so you can understand and remember the information you need. Ask about further actions: about upcoming tests and examinations, about the effect of certain medications. A doctor is a specially trained person whose profession is aimed at treating people and providing them with full information about what has been done and what is planned.

Now you are equipped with the most necessary information and are savvy in many questions that will help you during your visit to the gynecologist. Don't be nervous and be healthy!

The article is intended for girls and women who are going to see a gynecologist for the first time. Briefly touched upon legal aspect, describes the procedure for visiting a doctor.

Going to the doctor is not a pleasant experience in itself. This is always connected either with necessity due to feeling unwell, or with a requirement for employment. And if visits to such doctors as a traumatologist, surgeon or proctologist can still be avoided in your life, then a trip to a gynecologist will sooner or later loom on the horizon of any woman.

So you're ready first time to the gynecologist.

First of all, you need to find out where and which doctor is best to go to. First of all, find out where it is antenatal clinic, which serves your area. If you do not live where you are registered, you can go to any insurance policy you must be served free of charge. However, not everyone trusts the doctors from the consultation, considering them an illiterate relic of free Soviet medicine. Sometimes in vain.

If you still don’t trust free medicine, you should ask your friends’ reviews about paid ones. medical centers.

Legal aspect

Since the first trip to the gynecologist is made, as a rule, at a minor age, it is necessary to clarify that in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets. These also include medical confidentiality, which, being personal, is trusted to the doctor and constitutes his professional secret. This is like the secret of confession; a doctor, like a priest, has no right to disclose it.

Russian legislation establishes a list of information that constitutes medical confidentiality. These include:

Information about applying for medical care;
information about the citizen’s health status;
disease diagnosis;
information obtained during examination and treatment of the patient.
However, from of this rule There are exceptions. Minor patients under 15 years of age should be aware that their parents or legal guardians have the right to receive information about your health. The doctor is also obliged to inform law enforcement agencies if, in his opinion, a citizen’s health has been harmed by illegal actions. In addition, the doctor is obliged to take measures if there is a threat of spread infectious diseases, or widespread diseases.
Now that we have dealt with the legal side, let’s move on directly to visiting the doctor.

In front of the office door gynecologist

First of all, it should be warned that in order to preserve the natural microflora of the vagina, it is unacceptable hygiene procedures. Simply put, there is no need to wash your face, douche, or use various fragrances, be it sanitary pads or perfumes.

If you go to free consultation, it would be a good idea to take with you a small sheet or towel, as well as shoe covers or replacement slippers. In paid clinics, all this is provided to patients free of charge.

Sitting in the corridor waiting for an appointment, you can familiarize yourself with the information posted on the walls. As a rule, it indicates methods of prevention various diseases, information about modern ways contraception, advertising medical supplies etc. It is better not to read for impressionable people and hypochondriacs to preserve their sanity.

At the doctor's office

An appointment with a gynecologist, like any other doctor, begins with filling out medical card. In this case, the doctor will ask about the following:

At what age did it start menstrual cycle;
- during what period the menstrual cycle became regular;
- what is the frequency of the cycle;
- which women's diseases were transferred;
- were there any operations;
- is there allergic reaction for anything, in particular for medicines;
- Are you sexually active, and if so, at what age? This fact must be mentioned, since the examination of virgins is carried out through anus.
- how many sexual partners did you have;
- are you married, is it registered;
- other information about your health status.

Following this, the doctor will offer to examine you in a gynecological chair. The procedure is rather unpleasant, including psychologically, than painful.
Usually gynecological chair looks like this:

Despite the fact that everything seems to be clear, some women, and especially young girls, do not know which way to approach him.

There are usually small steps in front of the chair for convenience. With the fifth point you need to sit in a chair, as if on a regular chair. After this, place your feet on the knee pads sticking out on both sides. Leaning back, you need to completely relax.

As mentioned above, examination of girls who do not have sexual experience is carried out through the anus. Relaxation plays a big role here important role not only for the doctor, but also for the patient, since the sphincter muscles are much stronger than the vaginal muscles.

First of all, the doctor, with the help cotton swab will take swabs for testing. At the next stage of the examination, the gynecologist uses an instrument such as a dilator, which has the shape of a “beak.” By inserting the dilator into the vagina, the doctor spreads the valves and thereby has the opportunity to perform visual inspection. With its help, he assesses the condition of the cervix, the color of the discharge, etc.

After this, the doctor, having introduced medium and index fingers with one hand and with the other hand makes palpation movements on the abdomen. There is no point in describing in detail what information the doctor receives in this case. Let's leave this for medical forums and articles.

This completes the examination of the chair. You can get dressed and answer additional questions, which may appear at the doctor.

The result of a doctor’s appointment may be the prescription of medications, a referral for ultrasound examination(ultrasound) or simply information that you are healthy.

As you can see, there is nothing scary or scary about visiting a gynecologist. The main thing is a calm attitude and psychological attitude.

Good health.

A visit to a gynecologist is not an easy task for some, but it is necessary to cope with it, because sooner or later you will have to make this important visit to a specialist for your health.

Today, together with the magazine site, we will try to understand the intricacies of this process.

When should you plan your first visit to the gynecologist?

Teenage girls and young women are most afraid of the first examinations by a gynecologist, considering this procedure to be quite intimate, and experience shame and fear. But believe me, you shouldn’t be afraid of these techniques - it’s better to check everything in time so that don't miss the moment for treatment , if necessary.

Fear of visiting a gynecologist is often associated with the incompetence of many specialists, a careless attitude towards the patient, and failure to decipher medical terms. All this can frighten patients who next time will try to delay the moment of visiting a gynecologist.

The problem of shame and fear can be solved by undergoing the first examination in a specialized medical center , where the percentage of qualified specialists and attentiveness of the staff is still higher than in conventional medical clinics.

When should you go to the gynecologist for the first time?

The first visit to the gynecologist should be made after the onset of the first menstruation - at about 15-17 years old, or after the start of sexual activity . Doctors recommend getting tested twice a year , regularly getting tested to prevent the possibility of developing various diseases. Health checks are also mandatory. when changing sexual partner .

Often doctors may look or speak judgmentally. But always remember that You don't have to make excuses for certain actions in front of a doctor - this is your life. Doctors are only obliged to warn you or give a recommendation. Therefore, at the doctor's appointment always tell the truth, be confident when communicating.

How to prepare for your first appointment with a gynecologist - important rules

  • For a more accurate appearance You can shave the hair in the genital area - but, again, this is at your discretion. It is better to shave in advance - 1-2 days before your appointment, so that irritation does not appear if this procedure is irregular for you.
  • Taking it in the morning, of course, presupposes that in the morning you take a shower , and you will look decent. Taking it in the evening is, of course, more difficult, but still find an opportunity to wash yourself with warm water. clean water without any funds.
  • You should absolutely not douche or wipe with napkins. For intimate hygiene, since this may show a false picture during the examination, and the doctor will not notice the true problem in your health, if there is one.
  • If you have recently been treated with antibiotics, postpone your visit to the gynecologist for 1-1.5 weeks . Similar drugs affect the microflora of the vagina, and will also show a false picture of health when taken.
  • Tests for infections should be done before or immediately after menstruation , it’s better to visit the doctor on days 5-6 of the cycle . During menstruation, visiting a doctor without a necessary reason is not recommended.
  • Bring a diaper with you to put on the gynecological chair and socks to wear during the reception. In paid medical centers this is usually not required, since disposable diapers and shoe covers are used.
  • Also prepare list of questions for the doctor , if you have them.

First examination by a gynecologist - how does the examination by a gynecologist take place for the first time?

The first examination by a gynecologist consists of several steps:

The entire appointment with a gynecologist takes approximately 10-15 minutes , during this time you will have time to “chat”, undergo an examination on a chair, undress and get dressed.

We hope our story will help you no longer be afraid of going to to this specialist and even your very first visit to the gynecologist will undergowithout fears and doubts.

Good day everyone!
Oddly enough, many girls asked me to talk about such a seemingly simple question like the first visit to the gynecologist...
It would seem simpler?...but a lot of questions arise:
- why examine a very young girl/girl?
- how is it prepared?
- what will the doctor do?
- how to climb onto a chair?
- what will they do with me?
- Do I need to shave?
- what questions will be asked?
So, so that there are not so many questions, I will try to cover this topic in as much detail as possible today.

An examination by a gynecologist is also necessary and mandatory, just like an examination by other doctors and specialists, for your health both today and for your future.
Let's start with the very first question.
1. When should you start seeing a gynecologist?
Or when is the age for the first examination by a gynecologist?

This question varies for everyone.
The most important thing you must understand: if you or your daughter have at least some complaints or should already make an appointment with a gynecologist!
As a standard, after 18 years of age, a girl should visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.
As a rule, the first visit takes place at school age during medical examination - this is 15-16 years old... this is a general examination... so that you don’t get scared!... the doctor will only externally examine you and maybe ask you something... if he has questions for you or wants to examine you you, and you are not yet 18 years old....then it is better to convey the doctor’s request to your mother or your guardian, because examination of girls under 18 years of age should be carried out only with the consent of the mother or guardian and in his presence, if of course you want your mother I was looking at this...if you don’t want it, mom will wait outside the office door for you...but she will first give her consent to the gynecologist for your examination.
That is, if you don’t want to be examined at school or have questions after the examination, ask the gynecologist to write a note to your mother or guardian stating that you need an examination by a gynecologist at your place of residence or registration... And then at home with Mom will discuss and plan your trip to the gynecologist. And remember, no one can force you to undergo an examination. Know your rights!
And of course, even if you are not yet 18 years old, but you have already begun to be sexually active, you simply need to visit a gynecologist.
2. If a very young girl (child) is forced to see a gynecologist, what should she do?

Yes, this also happens... when admission to some lyceums or gymnasiums, or even to some kindergartens, requires a certificate from a gynecologist.
Well, don’t be alarmed...First of all, you must find out where in your area (at your place of residence) a CHILDREN’S gynecologist is seen.
He is the one who examines children and girls under 18 years of age. It is his office that is equipped with a special children's gynecological chair... for little girls.
You must be present at the appointment with your daughter and, if she wishes, be with her during the examination itself.
If the girl is very small...then the whole point of the examination will be an external examination of your girl...whether the mammary and reproductive glands are developing correctly (no one will insert speculums, and no one will conduct an anal examination if there are no complaints).
The doctor will ask the girl if she has any pain?.. of course, he will ask about her period, if she has any?.. and will give you a certificate.
Perhaps the doctor can take a smear from your daughter with a special stick and only from the outer labia, he should not insert the swab inside!
3. What should you take with you to an appointment with a gynecologist?

As a rule, good clinics already have everything you need for your examination and don’t need to take anything... but this isn’t available everywhere, right? Many of them are serviced in regular city clinics. So, what you will need:
- clean diaper or small towel to place under your butt on the gynecological chair.
- clean socks(when you undress at the gynecologist, take off your tights or socks, it will be very good if you quickly put on the clean socks you brought with you - the doctor will also like it, it will be more aesthetically pleasing than your bare feet and besides, you will It’s more convenient to walk from the couch on which you undressed to the chair wearing socks than barefoot on the floor (it’s unknown who walked on it and with what feet before you).
- if you are already sexually active and do not want to be examined with instruments that are already available in the clinic, you can buy them at any pharmacy disposable gynecological examination kit(there will be mirrors, a diaper, gloves for the doctor, and a special brush for your smear) Here's what it includes:

- if you are already having your period, don’t forget your calendar where you mark your periods.
- and of course we need yours positive attitude - remember, the doctor will not bite you and does not dream of offending you or laughing at you. You are not the gynecologist’s first patient, he is used to everything....don’t be afraid to be frank with him regarding your intimate problems.
And believe me, he looked THERE many, many times... and it only seems shameful or scary to you... the gynecologist is used to this and no matter what, he will never offend you (at least I wish it for you).
4. How to prepare for the first visit to the gynecologist or just how to prepare for the next visit to the gynecologist?
- you should not go to the gynecologist if you are menstruating, because due to spotting, the doctor will not be able to get all the information he needs. However, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that if your periods are taking too long or spotting appears, then a time when you definitely didn’t expect it - for example, between expected menstruation - then it’s absolutely necessary to go to an appointment with a gynecologist!
- Before the examination, it is better to take a shower or bath and put on fresh underwear. At the same time, you should not wash yourself particularly carefully, since the doctor must see the vaginal microflora in a normal, “everyday” state. Douching is strictly prohibited(introduce water, and even more so antiseptic substances into the vagina using a douche): firstly, douching will deprive the doctor of the opportunity to evaluate vaginal discharge, which is very informative for a specialist; secondly, a smear taken after douching will, to put it mildly, not be informative. It is not recommended to use special intimate deodorants or perfumes.
- It’s not at all necessary to shave your pubic area... only if you like it that way.
- Before going to the gynecologist’s office, you should go to the toilet and urinate, and it is also advisable to empty your bowels at home beforehand.
- You should avoid sexual intercourse a day or two before, as sperm remaining in the vagina may interfere with the examination or distort the picture.
- Also, for a day or two, you should not insert any suppositories into the vagina!
5. What will they do in the office and what will they ask?
So you entered the office, don’t be embarrassed, say hello to the doctor, as a rule he will not be alone, but to the nurse.
Go ahead and sit on the chair next to the doctor. Wait for them to ask you.
The doctor will most likely immediately ask you about the reason for your visit to him or about what worries you about women's problems. To relieve your stress, immediately say that this is your FIRST VISIT to the gynecologist... the doctor will assist you and be more loyal.
At the appointment, the doctor will definitely ask about the age at which menstruation began, the regularity of the cycle, the duration of the menstrual cycle (the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the next first day of menstruation), the date of the last menstruation.
Having a calendar at hand, you can easily answer these questions.
He will ask about your complaints, if any.
He will ask if you are sexually active... answer boldly with the truth, the quality of the examination depends on this. As a rule, the doctor asks questions regarding sexual activity: have you had sexual intercourse or not yet, the age of onset of sexual activity, the number of sexual partners, the presence of any diseases in sexual partners, etc.
Maybe he will ask if you have had gynecological problems before.
Next, you will be asked to go into the next room for examination or just behind a screen. There will be either a chair or a couch where you must undress: take off everything to the waist, that is, pants/jeans/skirt/tights/panties, then remove everything from top to bra or if you don’t wear it, you can stay in your undershirt. Then turn to the gynecological chair.
Here's what it looks like:

It has a back, a seat and footrests on both sides, and sometimes there are also two steps at the bottom to make it convenient to climb onto the seat.
Place your towel or diaper on the seat.

Then lean back, spread your legs wide and place them on the stands:

From the doctor's perspective, your position should look like this:

Tell the doctor that you are lying down and ready. The doctor will come over and first put on disposable rubber gloves.
Then, if you are still a virgin then he will look you through hindgut, not through the vagina! But first he will examine your external genitalia - this is normal! Then he will lubricate his finger with special oil and carefully insert it into your hindgut, and with his left hand he will feel your tummy.... in this way he will be able to examine your uterus and ovaries . It will be a little unpleasant, be patient, it won’t last long...Then the doctor will most likely take a smear from the outer labia with a special stick, it will be possible to find out in a couple of days.
If your doctor has questions, he may order a pelvic ultrasound for you.
If you have already been sexually active, then you will be examined through the vagina with special devices... which are called speculums, although they bear little resemblance to mirrors.
This is what reusable gynecological speculums look like; they must be sterilized after each use:

And this is what disposable gynecological speculums look like, they are made of plastic, you can buy them for yourself at any pharmacy, as I wrote above.

So, after you lie down on the chair, the doctor will insert this mirror and examine what he needs there, you lie quietly, immediately at the moment of examination in the mirrors, the doctor will take a smear from you for cytology (cancer cells) and a simple smear for flora. The moment of inserting the speculum is a little unpleasant, but less painful than examining through the rectum.
Just try to relax and under no circumstances squeeze the muscles there! Otherwise it will hurt.
By the way small retreat, gynecological speculums come in 3 sizes: 1,2,3.
So, for your first examination, ask the doctor to examine you in size No. 1 - these are the smallest ones. And remember that sometimes the doctor doesn’t care whether you are in pain or not, watch for yourself and ask what he is doing.
Then the doctor will take out the mirrors... no need to jump up from the chair right away!!! Lie down, the doctor should now examine you with his hands, right hand, namely, the gynecologist will insert 2 fingers into the vagina, put the left one on the tummy and press on the stomach, so the doctor will be able to examine what is not visible in the mirrors. Lie calm and relaxed, it is almost painless.

Sometimes it is difficult for the doctor to see certain things in the mirrors because of your anatomical features, then he may ask you: “Put your feet on your heels”...
This means that you should bend your knees even more, and put your heels on the place on the stands where your knees rested, like this:

When the doctor is finished, he will tell you - “Get up” and you can get up.
6. When will the breasts be examined?
Here, each gynecologist has his own turn, someone looks at the mammary glands before looking at you in the chair, someone looks at you in the chair, someone after the chair.
In a word - don't worry - he will tell you.
And if you haven’t told him, remind him... ABSOLUTELY!... because we have doctors who forget about this, and breast cancer is now far from uncommon, even at a young age!
7. What kind of apparatus was it when they looked at you in the chair?
Now almost all gynecologist's offices must be equipped with a special device - a colposcope - this is a special microscope for examining the cervix in mirrors for the presence of pathology... It usually stands next to the chair, and looks like this:

Don't be afraid of it, it doesn't bite, if necessary the doctor will just look at your neck with it for 3-4 minutes. It doesn't hurt.
8. What to do next?
Well, they examined you, took swabs, now you have the right to ask the doctor everything you want to know about yourself. Sometimes doctors, after an examination, look at your card and nervously scribble something and are silent like partisans... And you sit next to you and are afraid to breathe.
Don't be shy, ask if everything is okay with you. Do you need to take any additional tests, if so, which ones and why?
Ask when you will be able to find out the result of your smear test?
When is your next appointment?
Ask about contraception? What if you are doing something, and it’s wrong!
Don't be afraid to ask your doctor questions and don't be embarrassed that you don't know something or didn't understand it the first time.
Doctors undergo quite a long training and it is their direct responsibility to understand their specialty.
During the consultation, you have the right to count on a detailed and, most importantly, accessible explanation about your state of health, the planned examination, the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment.

Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you, I hope this post will help you successfully pass your first visit to the gynecologist.
And of course I wish you to find YOUR competent and sensitive doctor!



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