Ultrasound examination of the bladder. Diagnostic methods for inflammation of the bladder Indications for research

Typically, this disease can be diagnosed using blood and urine tests, but to identify complications and make an accurate diagnosis, ultrasound is prescribed for cystitis. Every woman has encountered this disease at least once in her life. Representatives of the fair sex are significantly more susceptible to this disease due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the urinary canal - the urethra. In women it is wider and shorter than in men, which means that it is much easier for pathogens to reach the bladder and begin to actively multiply there.

The most common pathogens of cystitis are Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus and others. Before starting treatment, it is important to identify the group of bacteria that caused the inflammation, then the doctor can prescribe a drug that inhibits the vital activity of a specific microorganism.

What can you find out with an ultrasound of the bladder for cystitis?

Speaking about whether ultrasound shows cystitis, we note that this procedure has its own procedures for assessing the condition of the organ on several points. The specialist assesses the size of the bladder (for accuracy, an ultrasound is performed when the organ is full), the norm for a man is no more than 750 ml, for women – 55 ml. Experts also pay attention to residual urine. Ideally, it should not be visible, but there is an acceptable limit - no more than 50 ml. Residual urine in a larger volume provides a fertile environment for the development of infectious diseases.

To diagnose diseases, a study is carried out, during which signs of cystitis are detected on ultrasound. The wall of the bladder is assessed; its thickness can range from 2 to 4 mm. A change in these indicators up or down is a sign of pathology. If the wall thickness is too small, there is a risk of perforation (hole formation).

The bladder normally has the shape of a pear (when empty) or a saucer (when full). It has smooth walls with smooth contours and transitions, without growths, bulges and processes. The presence of deformation and an unnatural shape may be a signal of a developed adhesive process in the pelvic organs; it will definitely show it. Most often this is observed in women with chronic diseases of the uterine appendages.

An ultrasound of the bladder helps to find out how severe the inflammatory process has developed, to find out which layers of tissue are affected by it and how widespread it is. There are several types of ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

What does cystitis look like on ultrasound?

The organ itself is not echogenic, meaning it appears on the screen in dark shades. On ultrasound for cystitis in women and men, light small particles are clearly visible - blood clots, pus, fungal formations, salt crystals, grouped into small lesions. All of them are designated as “sediment in the bladder”, while during an ultrasound in a vertical position (standing), sediment will accumulate on the front wall of the organ, and in a supine position - near the back.

The thickness of the walls of the bladder remains unchanged in the initial stages of the disease, the walls of the organ are smooth, symmetrical, and have the correct shape. They noticeably thicken during the transition to the acute form of the disease. With the development of pathology, one can observe a change in the contours of the organ, a violation of symmetry and a change in proportions. The same features can be seen in the photo after an ultrasound for gangrenous cystitis.

With chronic cystitis, the walls of the bladder also thicken, and specialists note the sediment as “flakes in the bladder.” In advanced disease, blood clots are clearly visible on the screen, characterized as hyper- and hypoechoic structures. In some cases, they are attached to the mucous membrane of the bladder. During the liquefaction stage, these structures are not echogenic and create an uneven outline on the image.

Sometimes a repeat ultrasound of women who have had hydrosalpinx shows cystitis. This is an indication for undergoing another examination after identifying problems with the fallopian tubes.

What methods of ultrasound examination are there?

There are several types of bladder ultrasound for cystitis:

  • through the anterior abdominal wall - the most common method for cystitis;
  • insertion of the device into the rectum provides more accurate information about the condition of the organ;
  • through the urethra - the device is inserted into the urinary canal, giving excellent visibility of the organ, however, this method is extremely rarely prescribed by doctors, since it can damage the patient’s urethra.

Before the procedure, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water 1.5-2 hours so that the bladder is full at the time of the ultrasound. There is another ultrasound method - transvaginal (through the vagina), it gives accurate results and does not require filling the bladder.

Kidney ultrasound for cystitis is prescribed if the patient has complaints of lower back pain. This may be a signal that the infection has passed higher up the ureters and into the kidneys. Quite often, acute cystitis can provoke complications in the form of pyelonephritis and other infectious kidney diseases.

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2016-09-27 19:08:37

Valeria asks:

Hello! I have this problem. I’ll start from the very beginning. In July of this year I lost my virginity. A couple of weeks later I began to feel pain when urinating in the clitoral area. I thought it was cystitis, I bought a powder to treat it, drank it and the next day the symptoms disappeared After some time, I began to feel like there was a needle in my bladder, I especially felt it when I lay on my stomach. I went to the therapist, he sent me for an ultrasound of the bladder and a urine test. The test was clear, so was the ultrasound. Kidney stones too. no For the last couple of days I have been feeling pain when urinating. Help, what could this be?

2012-10-16 10:56:24

Olga asks:

Hello! My name is Olga, I’m 26 years old, I’ve been suffering from cystitis for 3 years, at first it was cystitis in the usual form, the urologist prescribed antimicrobial drugs, then it became chronic. I did an ultrasound of the bladder, everything was fine, then I took a urine culture, they found a microorganism and sensitivity to antibiotics was determined. I completed the course of treatment, the cystitis stopped bothering me for a while. Now I am on sick leave (animia), the other day the cystitis worsened again for no reason. I went to the gynecologist, the diagnosis was Kalpitis, the doctor advised me to take tests (scraping) for Ureoplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, candida, gardinella and herpes simplex virus., because believes that Kalpitis may be the cause of Cystitis. Why did antibiotics not help, since the microorganism was detected and the correct treatment was prescribed? And can cystitis appear due to Kalpitis? How effective will these tests be? It seems to me that there is a connection here. If something is found during a scraping, will this be considered the cause of Cystitis? Please help(((Thank you.

Answers Brezitsky Yuri Iosifovich:

Only by examining you, conducting a full laboratory examination, and conducting a detailed analysis of previous prescriptions and failures from previous therapies can we find the right solution.

2010-05-22 20:37:36

Ramzia asks:

Hello dear consultants.
I am 48 years old. 10 months ago, due to CIN stage 3, I had an extirpation of the uterus and ovaries. I have dyshormonal cystic mastopathy, so the end-gynecologist did not recommend HRT (I take Cyclim, calcium D3 Nikomed, Aevit and the regimen) I am worried about minor hot flashes, lumbago and distension in the rectum, constant pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and with slight body tension, running, coughing, the desire to urinate. There are no stings or blood pain when urinating.
General blood test is normal, general urine analysis, urine according to Nechiporenko and flora - without pathology.
Sigmoidoscopy - the intestines were examined at 25 cm. There was no tumor pathology.
Irrigography - Sigma with additional bending, sagging of the transverse colon to the entrance to the pelvis. Without organic changes - dyskinia of the right parts of the hypomator type.
Ultrasound of the kidneys - with clear, even contours, the right one is located lower than usual.
Right-102-43mm parenchyma-16
left - 100-47, parenchyma 19.
The relationship between the parenchyma and the renal sinus is preserved.
The kidney cavities are not dilated.
In the projection of the renal sinus of both kidneys, hypoechoic structures with a diameter of 2-3 mm are visualized.
vaginal examination
in the small pelvis there is an adhesive process.
Ultrasound of the bladder - the walls are thickened by 7 mm. There is echogenic sediment along the posterior-inferior wall.
I saw a urologist, he said that it was chronic cystitis, it should be treated, but because of it there cannot be such constant severe pain.
I visited the surgeon and he said that the stomach is calm, so what if adhesions cause constant severe pain and problems with urination.
Pain in the lower abdomen in the midline and heaviness (feeling as if I was dragging a large boil the size of a brick)
I don’t know what to do and which doctor to go to. Maybe it’s because I don’t take HRT.
Help, tell me what to do.
thanks in advance.
We kindly ask you to duplicate the answer to my email address.

Answers Zheleznaya Anna Alexandrovna:

I would advise you to take FSH estradiol TSH T4 free and, depending on the results, discuss HRT taking into account mastopathy.
Try a course of rectal suppositories Distreptaza or Biostrepta, serate 2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 days, absorbable drugs.
And most importantly, is there any indication of endometriosis in your histological response after surgery? If so, then be sure to treat it.

2009-12-08 13:04:39

Maria asks:

Hello. I have been suffering from cystitis for 4 years now, but maybe it’s not cystitis, because treatment does not bring results. During the first attack of cystitis, I treated myself on the advice of friends, which I now very much regret. She was treated with furadonin, furagin, herbs, and a heating pad. At that time it helped, and there were exacerbations 1-2 times a year. Later I tried other medications: cephalexin, urolesan, cyston, cystenal, amoxicycline, monural, I don’t remember everything. For the last year and a half, symptoms have been haunting me almost constantly, there are sudden attacks, and the rest of the time there is a constant feeling of discomfort when urinating, a burning sensation, the urge to go to the toilet is not so frequent, as well as pain during sexual intercourse. In the fall of 2008, I went to a urologist at a local hospital, took urine, cultured the tank and found Sf epidermidis, E. coli 1000 in 1 l.. Urobilin 0.173 g/l, epithelium-spl, leukocytes - 5-7, salts - val. Detrid - sick, mucus - sick, prescribed Nolitsin + Phytolysin (10 days). It helped for a while, then the symptoms appeared again. In the winter of 2009, I went to a gynecologist with the same problem, took tests for an ultrasound scan, and nothing was found. I was prescribed Viferon suppositories and diuretics for prevention. The symptoms never went away. In September, I went to a “quality” clinic on the advice of friends, to a gynecologist. PCR diagnostics were made for Micoplasma Genitalius, Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Gardnerella vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans, HPV n.r. (6,11), HPVv.r. (16), HPVv .r.(18). Only Candida was detected (I could tell that myself). Smear: leukocytes – uretra 1-3, Vagina 5-10, Canalis Cervicalls – 5-10. Epithelium – Uretra, Vagina, Canalis Cervicalls – flat in large quantities. Flora – Uretra, Vagina, Canalis Cervicalls – moderately rod-like. Fungal elements – Vagina – found, Uretra, Canalis Cervicalls – absent.
Cytological examination (scraping from the cervix): Among single neutrophilic leukocytes, squamous epithelial cells and fungal elements were found. The cytogram was without features.
Tank. Analysis of vaginal discharge: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Candida albicans with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. Tank urine test for Escherichia coli with sensitivity determination.
Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys: signs of chronic cystitis.
Treatment was prescribed: clotrimazole, Augmentin, Linex, magnetic laser procedures on the bladder area. Candida was treated successfully, but cystitis did not go away. Biseptol, a diuretic and laser-magnetic procedures were prescribed. After treatment, the symptoms did not go away and continue to this day: burning and pain in the urethra when urinating, pain during sexual intercourse. I was prescribed Furamag 1 tab per day for 4 months and chamomile baths for 10 days, Clotrimazole ointment for 10 days.
I’m already disappointed, I don’t know where to turn for help, the treatment is not bringing results. Thank you in advance

Answers Chernikov Alexey Vitalievich:

Hello Maria. You should have turned not to a gynecologist, but to a urologist a long time ago. You have not yet had a cystoscopy or a full examination. It is a pity that you were not redirected to the right specialist. Treatment by a gynecologist, therapist or general practitioner is justified only in uncomplicated and unadvanced cases. You need to contact a urologist or nephrologist and be examined. Because really, it may not be cystitis. Be healthy.

2009-06-29 23:52:09

Kate asks:

Hello! I am bothered by pain before (not often), during and after urination in the urethra. At the age of 17 (three years ago) I was diagnosed with chronic pyelonephritis. Exacerbations occur regularly, mainly before menstruation. Cutting pain during and stabbing pain or burning after urination. Sometimes the left side of my back hurts. A large amount of water will help reduce the symptoms. No abnormalities or diseases were found in gynecology. Tests for all kinds of sexually transmitted infections are negative. The only thing that worries me with particular regularity is thrush. But some gynecologists claim that this is vaginal dysbiosis, since thrush was sometimes not confirmed by tests. I treated both, but everything still repeats itself every month ((. According to urine tests, there is an increased content of leukocytes, but recently the same symptoms have been observed with a normal analysis! They did a cystoscopy - there are no pronounced changes. An ultrasound of the bladder indicates signs of cervical cystitis. Ultrasound of the kidneys: RD-15? RS-19 mm. Its echogenicity is increased.
Tell me what to do?? What else could this look like? I can’t suffer anymore... Thank you in advance!

Answers Velichko Marina Borisovna:

Good afternoon. Do a urine culture tank. Most likely, you are constantly not receiving additional treatment. In such cases, long-term prophylaxis is recommended with small doses of an antibiotic sensitive to the identified pathogen (up to 3 months in the evening) or cranberry juice up to 300 ml/day.

2008-01-23 10:31:19

Victoria asks:

Hello. I was diagnosed with Chronic Cystitis. I underwent a course of treatment with collargol, in my opinion, bladder indistillation. But after a month of feeling well, the attack recurred after hypothermia. The whole story: I have been suffering for 2 years. Pain when urinating, cutting. When passing urine, there is a significant amount of bacteria. Ultrasound - The bladder is enlarged to 6mm. According to gynecology, everything is normal. But 2 months ago they discovered uroplasma, and an ultrasound showed colitis. Tell me if cystitis can be treated in my situation. Thank you in advance.

Answers Manzhura Alexander Ivanovich:

Good afternoon. First you need to make a tank. urine culture, then, if necessary, treat the infection in the urinary tract, then restore the intestinal microflora and do not overcool.

2015-02-01 16:32:05

Irina asks:

A week ago, some discomfort began in the vagina - burning and itching, frequent urination. I myself bought fluomizin suppositories and started using them, but after 3 days I began to have severe pain in the groin in the area of ​​the left ovary for about four days. On the 5th day in the morning, my ovary was already aching a little, but I still went to the gynecologist, during the examination, when she pressed hard on the ovaries, I felt pain. After taking a smear, 40-50 leukocytes and nitimicelium were detected. How the doctor explained that this is a beginning thrush or, on the contrary, a finishing one, since I put fluomizin suppositories before the smear and she cannot say what exactly could have caused inflammation of the ovaries, since putting fluomizin suppositories could kill the first true infection.
Urethral smear is all clear
General urine test - 1-3 leukocytes and mucus, no protein, no bacteria, she said that the problem is not in the bladder
She poisoned me with an ultrasound. By ultrasound
Day 24 of the cycle (my usual cycle is 31-34 days)
uterus anteflexsio, smooth, clear, 61/36/65mm, bicornuate
the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous
Cervix 43/25
Endocervix 8
Endometrium 13 corresponds to the phase of the menstrual cycle
Right ovary 31/26
The contours are clear, contains 15 antral follicles up to 6 mm
Left ovary 47/30
Contains a corpus luteum and the number of antral follicles is not yet legibly written, like 23
I prescribed Azitrox 500 to drink for 3 days, once a day.
And revitax suppositories for 10 days
Fluzak 200 1st, 3, 5, 7 days once
And since I have relapses of cystitis, urolesan in drops and furamag

I started taking antibiotics that same day and by the next morning the ovary was almost gone, but for some reason, after a couple of hours when I woke up, it started to hurt much more than it had before. I can’t understand why during treatment, on the contrary, the pain worsened and antibiotics did not help.
Tell me, is this treatment effective? It seems to me that Revitaxa does not treat inflammation of the ovaries? And the treatment is not enough. And according to the ultrasound, is this inflammation of the ovaries or not? And why did I feel worse during treatment than before treatment? I am very afraid of complications, since I have not given birth yet and my husband and I are very worried
Please help

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Irina! Your left ovary is enlarged, due to which it is difficult to say. As I understand it, 23 antral follicles are visualized in it? If yes, then the cause of pain in the ovaries is most likely associated with multifollicular ovaries or polycystic disease. Do you have a regular monthly cycle? Have you donated blood for sex hormones? To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood for AMH. If you have polycystic disease, you do not need to take an antibiotic.

2014-09-23 16:00:33

Katerina asks:

Hello! Since 2003 I have been seeing a psychiatrist. Neurotic depression with insomnia (I have difficulty falling asleep, the quantity and quality of sleep is poor). I took azaleptol and amitriptyline for a long time. In January of this year, sonapax and quetiron were offered at the day hospital. But in the summer, side effects from the drugs began to appear, and urinary retention began. At first I couldn’t cure cystitis for a long time, only after the 4th course of antibiotics did I cure it. Then there was a strong urge to urinate. I contacted the Institute of Urology: they did an ultrasound to determine residual urine - much higher than normal, they did uroflowmetry - it showed a delay in urination in the bladder. The urologist explained to me that this is happening to me from taking psychotropic drugs.
Please advise what to do and where I can turn for qualified help, where they can help me choose the right medications that will not cause urinary retention and promote sleep?
The urologists did everything they could. I'm still taking tamsulide to make urine flow easier (sometimes no-shpu during spasms).
One psychiatrist said that it is rare for anyone to experience such side effects from psychosis. drugs, in particular azaleptol, etc. Although drugs with anticholinergic side effects lead to neurovegetative disorders such as urinary retention, disrupting the normal contractions of the sphincters. (This is especially true for tricyclic antidepressants). So far they have prescribed Miaser and, in addition to it, Sonovan and Gidazepam.
But how much this will help me and for how long, I don’t know! Please advise what to do so that I can sleep and avoid side effects from the medications?

The cause of cystitis is the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the bladder cavity. This organ has a fairly high degree of protection against these microorganisms. Therefore, in order to create a focus of infection, additional factors are needed:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Sexual infections.
  • Failure to comply with personal and sexual hygiene requirements.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Regular consumption of alcohol, smoked, spicy foods, etc.

Diagnosis of cystitis

Cystitis can be diagnosed using blood and urine tests. The transcript evaluates the level of leukocytes, red blood cells, and the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Using urine culture, the causative bacterium is identified.

Ultrasound of the bladder for cystitis is prescribed in case of difficulties encountered in diagnosis, or the need to obtain a more accurate picture of the condition of the organ. The procedure can also be performed for preventive purposes. This type of research is absolutely safe. Therefore, it can also be used for children and pregnant women.

Ultrasound examination for cystitis

There are three methods of ultrasound of the bladder for cystitis:
  • Examination through the abdominal wall.
  • Examination through the urethra.
  • Examination through the rectum.
In any case, the bladder should be full. You can drink two liters of water 1.5-2 hours before the procedure and hold off urinating until the examination. If there are no contraindications, you can take a diuretic. Transrectal methods are used when organ pathologies are suspected. In other cases of cystitis, an ultrasound of the bladder is performed through the abdominal wall.

An infection that develops in the bladder can travel up the ureters to the kidneys. This provokes the appearance of pyelonephritis, inflammation of these organs. Therefore, if the patient has back pain, an additional ultrasound of the kidneys is performed for cystitis. This makes it possible to carry out treatment that will completely destroy the infectious focus in the body.

The role of ultrasound in diagnosis

When conducting a study, the doctor receives a lot of important data. During the procedure it is determined:
  • Size.
  • Form.
  • Content.
  • Integrity.
In the presence of stones and various pathologies, the urinary tract becomes enlarged. The formation of fibrous tissue, on the contrary, reduces the volume. Neoplasms and tumors make the shape of the bladder asymmetrical. Ultrasound can help identify traumatic injuries.

The presence of hyperechoic structures makes it possible to determine pus and blood clots in the contents. Based on the interpretation of tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract for cystitis, the doctor can prescribe effective treatment.

Initially, antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs are prescribed to destroy the causative agents of the disease. Simultaneous use of anti-inflammatory medications is required. These may be tablets, suppositories or injections. When using herbal preparations, such as Urolesan or Canephron, you need to take tablets for a month.

If it is necessary to improve blood microcirculation in the tissues of the bladder, Pentoxifylline is prescribed. Taking vitamin complexes helps support the body and give it strength to fight the disease. The treatment of chronic cystitis must include a course of physiotherapy.

Diagnosis of bladder inflammation requires not only laboratory tests, but also instrumental studies. The basis of instrumental examination is ultrasound examination.

What is ultrasound

Ultrasound is a common examination method that is used in branches of medicine such as gynecology, urology, internal medicine and surgery.

Using ultrasound, the shape and size of the organ, the presence of inflammatory processes, tumors, and cystic formations are determined.

Ultrasound examination is used to diagnose diseases of the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, female genital organs, pancreas, and liver.

Can cystitis be seen on an ultrasound? It’s possible, because the wall of the bladder is thick so that it can be seen on the device. The study is carried out using stationary or portable devices.

Indications for ultrasound for cystitis

Some symptoms of the urinary system are absolute indications for treatment. These include:

  1. Presence of bloody impurities in the urine.
  2. Flakes of pus in the urine.
  3. Frequent urge to urinate.
  4. Regular or recurrent pain in the suprapubic region.
  5. Acute urinary retention.

These manifestations require immediate contact with a medical facility for examination and diagnosis.

It is worth noting that these symptoms are characteristic not only of cystitis, but also of other dangerous urinary diseases. Therefore, an ultrasound examination is performed to differentiate the diagnosis.

What is revealed on ultrasound for cystitis?

General changes include:

  1. Thickening of the bladder wall in the area of ​​inflammation.
  2. Bladder asymmetry. The inflamed part will be larger than the healthy part.
  3. Swelling of the mouth of the urethra.

For some forms of cystitis, studies will have specific manifestations. So, for ulcerative cystitis, a characteristic change will be the presence of erosions and ulcerative formations on the inner surface of the bladder. In addition, this form of cystitis is accompanied by severe pain.

An ultrasound will reveal formations that have different sizes and shapes.

The intensity of the growth depends on the duration of the disease and the activity of the immune system.

During the examination, diverticula are detected - neoplasms or other localizations that grow into the bladder.

Stones or sand are found in the cavity, which injure the mucous membrane and become a provoking factor in the development of cystitis.

How is ultrasound performed?

Ultrasound examination is carried out in 4 ways:

Patient preparation

Transabdominal examination requires preparation of the intestines and the bladder itself. To do this, for several days they follow a diet that prevents flatulence and reduces the deposition of toxins in the intestines.

Since the examination is carried out with a full bladder, drink at least 1.5 liters of water 1.5-2 hours before the examination. If the examination is carried out in the morning, then you do not need to urinate before the examination.

Transrectal ultrasound requires cleansing the rectal capsule from feces. To do this, use an enema or laxatives.

If the examination is carried out through the vagina or rectum, then it is worthwhile to thoroughly clean the genital organs to prevent infection and the development of inflammatory diseases, proctitis, vulvovaginitis, etc.

Ultrasound standards

Ultrasound examination has standards that are a criterion for assessing the condition. The normal volume of the bladder is up to 550 ml in women, and up to 750 ml in men.

To assess the volume, the study is carried out with a full bladder. The diagnostic criterion is residual urine.

In healthy patients it is absent, but presence in a volume of up to 50 ml is allowed. If it is more than this volume, it indicates a change in the shape of the urinary tract, which leads to stagnation and causes the development of diseases.

The wall thickness is assessed; the normal range is 2-4 mm. Thinning or thickening of the wall indicates pathology. Thinning is a danger, as the risk of perforation increases.

Normally, the bladder is shaped like a pear when emptying, or a saucer when full. Does not have any defects, processes or formations.

The wall of the bladder should be smooth and have smooth rounded shapes. Significant distortion, the presence of strands and unnatural protrusions will serve as a sign of a developed adhesive process in the pelvis.

This phenomenon is observed more often in women who regularly suffer from inflammatory pathologies of the uterine appendages.

Ultrasound of the bladder is an informative method of examination for acute forms of cystitis. You can see the degree of damage and spread of the process, understand which layers are involved in the inflammatory process.


A doctor can diagnose cystitis based on the results of urine and blood tests. But often the specialist has difficulty in accurately determining the pathology, so he refers the patient for an ultrasound examination of the urinary organs.

Indications for the procedure

A number of symptoms from the urinary system are indications for an ultrasound scan for cystitis. Among them:

  • the appearance of bloody impurities or pus in the urine;
  • frequent urge to urinate or acute urinary retention;
  • small volume of urine;
  • pain in the suprapubic area that appears periodically.


A person who has received a referral for a procedure must prepare for it. An ultrasound examination will be performed with a full bladder, so 1.5-2 hours before the ultrasound you need to drink about 2 liters of still water or other liquid. If this cannot be done, then it is recommended not to have a bowel movement for 5-6 hours.

The procedure may be hampered by a gas-filled intestine. Those who suffer from flatulence should follow a diet for 2-3 days before the ultrasound. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to gas formation - vegetables, fruits, legumes, carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks.

If the study is carried out using the transrectal method, then a cleansing enema must be done a few hours before the procedure.

Types of ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination of the bladder is carried out in several ways:

  1. Transabdominal. The most common instrumental diagnostic method and less invasive for the patient. It is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall when the urinary organ is full. For urinary incontinence and obesity, transabdominal ultrasound is not prescribed.
  2. Transrectal. It is performed through the rectum for patients of both sexes.
  3. Transurethral is a rare diagnostic method that requires mandatory anesthesia. It is carried out through the urethra using a special tip. The procedure causes discomfort to the person, and the urinary tract may be injured.
  4. Transvaginal. Women are examined using this method. The urinary organ must be completely emptied. Transvaginal examination allows for a detailed analysis, but causes some inconvenience to the patient.

Pathogenic microorganisms that cause cystitis are able to ascend through the genitourinary canals into the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis. If the patient complains of back pain, then an ultrasound scan for cystitis is performed to examine the kidneys.

Differences between men and women

Depending on the gender of the patient, the examination is carried out differently. If a woman comes to the appointment, the ultrasound doctor additionally analyzes the condition of the uterus and ovaries: the organs are measured, their location, shape and structure are determined. Ultrasound can be performed during menstruation and pregnancy, but you should warn your doctor so that he can select the correct technique for the procedure.

During the examination of a man, the doctor can analyze the condition of the prostate gland. If prostate pathology is suspected, the remaining urine is determined. The patient is asked to go to the toilet to empty the bladder, and then the amount of urine remaining in the organ is measured.

Cystitis: symptoms, treatment. How to treat cystitis


The results of an ultrasound examination of the bladder indicate several parameters that help make a final diagnosis:

  • bubble shape;
  • its volume;
  • amount of residual urine;
  • bubble structure;
  • Wall thickness;
  • rate of bladder emptying.

Ultrasound allows you to determine whether an inflammatory process is developing in the urinary organ.

The echo picture of a patient with acute cystitis shows accumulations of cells - epithelium, erythrocytes and leukocytes, which are described in the study results by the term “sediment”. If the patient lies down during the ultrasound, the sediment is localized near the posterior wall of the bladder. When the patient stands up, the sediment will move to the front wall.

In the chronic form of the pathology or with the progression of acute cystitis, the results of the study will show that the organ has an uneven contour and the walls are thickened. The presence of blood clots in the bladder cavity is shown on the echo picture.

The results of an ultrasound examination must be deciphered by the urologist who referred the patient for the procedure. If necessary, the doctor selects a treatment course.


The results of the bladder examination are normal:

  1. Form. In the transverse projection the bubble should be round, in the longitudinal projection it should be ovoid. The shape of the female organ is influenced by the number of pregnancies and births.
  2. Structure. Normally, it is echo-negative, but the parameter depends on the age of the person: the older you are, the higher the echogenicity should be.
  3. Volume. Average values ​​for women are 250-550 ml, for men - 350-750 ml.
  4. Walls. The same thickness over the entire surface - 2-4 mm. If any area shows thickening or thinning, this indicates the presence of pathology in the organ.
  5. Residual urine. Its quantity should not be more than 50 ml. When conducting a study, it is mandatory to measure.

What is the price

Ultrasound prices depend on various factors: the city of the study, the clinic (in a commercial medical center the cost of the service can be 2-3 times higher than in a specialized hospital in a municipal hospital), and the level of qualifications of the specialist performing the procedure.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the average cost of an ultrasound scan of the urinary organ is from 600 to 2,500 rubles.



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