The dog is vomiting yellow liquid. Why does a dog vomit white foam, what to do: treatment of vomiting with mucus

Frequent vomiting, accompanied by loss of appetite, increased drowsiness, constipation, diarrhea, depression and dehydration indicates problems with the dog's health. Its cause may be unsuitable or low-quality food, the dog eating food waste, the presence of foreign bodies in the stomach, as well as distemper, enteritis and other viral infections. Vomiting occurs with diabetes, cancer or ulcers. The most common causes of vomiting are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning from home remedies or pesticides, and severe stress.

Vomiting that occurs on an empty stomach or immediately after eating food may occur, while vomiting several hours after eating is characteristic of a foreign body or tumor in the stomach. Debilitating vomiting indicates pancreatitis, cholecystitis or hepatic colic. Vomiting with diarrhea, causing exhaustion and dehydration of the body, is a sign of infectious diseases. Vomiting that smells may indicate kidney failure or uremia.

Treatment of vomiting in dogs. in this case?

If your dog suddenly starts vomiting foam, and there is no way to quickly get to the veterinarian, you must follow certain rules when treating the animal. First of all, you need to cleanse the body of possible toxic or irritating substances. The dog should not be given water or food for 24 hours, allowing it to lick ice cubes. If the vomiting stops after a few hours, the animal can be given a small amount of chicken broth. On the second day, you can add fresh and liquid food to the diet - for example, pureed white chicken or turkey breast.

Food should be given in small portions 4 to 6 times a day, adding fresh greens and brown rice, which will help strengthen the stomach during diarrhea.

Regular products are allowed to be added to purees only on the third day. As for medications, you can give your dog drugs such as “Nosh-pa”, “Papaverine”, “Smecta”, “Cerucal” or “Omez”. They will calm the vomiting center in the brain and relieve painful spasms from the gastrointestinal tract. Additional treatment can be done using herbs and homeopathy, but it is advisable to seek advice from a qualified professional before using them.

Vomiting in dogs is not uncommon, and there are many reasons for this reaction. There is no need to panic right away, since the gag reflex does not always indicate serious problems. What should you pay special attention to and how to behave if your dog starts vomiting?

A dog cannot tell about its health, so only by external signs can the owner find out that not everything is all right with his beloved pet. As you know, vomiting is preceded by nausea, and it can affect the dog's behavior:

  • the animal often licks its face;
  • refuses food, does not drink water;
  • profuse salivation occurs;
  • the dog shows anxiety and constantly moves chaotically;
  • The pet's stomach growls and makes a loud burp.

In addition, often before vomiting, the pet may have a bowel disorder: both diarrhea and.

Quite often, dog owners confuse two concepts - vomiting and regurgitation; if in the first situation the food comes out in the form of digested liquid, then in the second it does not have time to go through the processing process.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

Of course, this phenomenon cannot be called pleasant, but it also has its positive aspects. Vomiting is, first of all, a defense mechanism of the body, with the help of which all poisonous, toxic substances and foreign objects are released from it. By cleansing itself in this way, the body protects itself from negative influences.

Among the causes of vomiting are the following:

Vomiting often signals some kind of disease and in most cases has distinctive characteristics. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs:

  • vomiting blood can be a symptom of oncology, ulcerative lesions or gastric bleeding; the blood can be bright scarlet or brown, it depends on the duration of the bleeding;
  • vomiting several hours after eating - often occurs against the background of cancer;
  • vomiting with bile (yellow), excrement indicates intestinal obstruction or helminthic infestation (in this case, the animal begins to eat grass at every convenient moment, after which vomiting occurs);
  • if vomiting occurs repeatedly, is accompanied by diarrhea, and a clear ammonia smell emanates from the mouth, then this is a sign of a disorder of renal function (renal failure) or uremia;
  • repeated vomiting may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas, gall bladder, or hepatic colic;
  • A dog vomits on an empty stomach or as soon as it eats, which means it most likely has gastritis.

Vomiting with white foam

Often dog owners are afraid of their pet vomiting containing white foam. Is there any cause for concern?

In fact, there is an explanation for this phenomenon at the physiological level. If vomiting occurs some time after the dog has eaten, then it is during this period that food is pushed from the stomach further along the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach itself turns out to be empty and its walls, as protection from corrosion by gastric juice, are covered with a layer of mucus.

The mucous coating contains proteins and polysaccharides, which promote the formation of structural cellular masses after swallowing air.

If your dog is vomiting white, foamy discharge, there is no need to worry too much, as this phenomenon confirms that the animal does not have any serious illnesses. If this happens once, then no treatment is required. If this happens many times, then a trip to the veterinary clinic becomes mandatory.

Does your dog vomit white foam on an empty stomach? This means that we may be talking about a violation of the functions of bile secretion, which normally should enter the large intestine after each meal. In this case, the liver secretes the necessary enzyme fluid during hunger, which irritates the intestinal walls. After this, a forced movement of bile into the stomach occurs. The dog's vomiting is not severe, after which the pet is again ready to eat. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, and normally can be repeated once every 7 days.

But if the vomit is covered not with white, but with yellow foam, then this is a sign of a serious illness.

Correct actions when a dog is vomiting

Do all owners know what to do, and even more so, what is best to avoid if their pet starts vomiting? Of course, first of all, there is no need to panic and assess the situation sensibly. Even if medical attention is necessary, the owner must comply with the following rules:

  • A dog that vomits is not to be blamed. There is no point in scolding your pet for something he cannot control. After all, this natural process, which cleanses the body of harmful effects, is necessary for further successful treatment.
  • Don't try to stop vomiting.
  • Only the owner can assess the situation and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Maybe the dog ate too much food, was poisoned, suffered a heatstroke, etc. - the more accurate the data received by the veterinarian, the sooner effective treatment will be determined.
  • The dog owner must record the number of vomits, their consistency, color, content, as well as accompanying symptoms - all this is valuable information for diagnosing the disease.
  • When vomiting, the body requires maximum cleaning, so you should not feed your pet for the first day. If on the second day the vomiting has passed, then you can introduce liquid food without salt and spices into the diet.
  • The same applies to drinking - you will have to give it up for a day, and in return offer the dog to lick ice cubes. If vomiting does not recur within two to three hours, then you can give your dog some low-fat chicken broth.

After you can give your pet food, you should take care of its dietary nutrition. Suitable foods include turkey breast, chicken breast, and fresh herbs. As for cereals, it is better to give preference to brown rice and rolled oats. During this period, the dog needs to be fed in small portions, up to six times a day. Food must be fresh and warm.

If the vomiting process is completed, then already on the third day you can introduce the pet’s usual food into the diet.

Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

A veterinary clinic will perform diagnostic tests to treat vomiting in dogs if it continues and is accompanied by alarming symptoms. It includes the following procedures:

  • general blood test;
  • abdominal radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum.

Drug therapy is prescribed according to the clinical picture and consists of eliminating the accompanying symptoms:

  • To eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, No-shpa (Drotaverine) or Papaverine is prescribed.
  • To eliminate nausea and normalize gastric contractions - Cerucal.
  • In case of increased acidity of the gastric flora and elimination of irritation, the drug Omez is prescribed.
  • If vomiting has led to the risk of dehydration, then two drugs are prescribed by drip at once - Glucose and Ringer's infusion solution.
  • To remove toxic components from the pet’s body, absorbent agents are prescribed - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon.
  • The homeopathic veterinary remedy Verokol is often prescribed and used as first aid until vomiting completely stops.

If there is a dog living in the house, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it may get sick. And in some cases, first aid from the owner has a decisive effect on the success of the entire treatment. The same applies to vomiting, which can be either a natural or pathogenic phenomenon.

Vomiting in dogs is often common. Fortunately, an unpleasant symptom is not always a signal of danger, but nausea is extremely unpleasant for the dog and its owners. If your dog is vomiting, you need to find the reason for this; you cannot let the problem take its course!

If the dog is vomiting

Why does a dog feel sick?

Vomiting is a common occurrence in almost all animals. It cannot be interpreted as a separate disease, because it is only a symptom. There can be many reasons for vomiting and nausea: worms, chronic liver disease, poor-quality food poisoning, indigestion, overeating, stress, heat stroke, motion sickness and much more.

As you can see, nausea can be either normal or indicate the presence of a serious illness. It is necessary to constantly monitor the dog in order to take it to the veterinarian on time.

The dog is vomiting: what to do?

To stop vomiting, you need to find its cause. To do this, remember what your pet did before the onset of digestive problems, what he ate and in what quantities. We advise you to note on a piece of paper how often your dog vomits. If this happens 1-2 times per hour or more often, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Why does a dog vomit - types of vomiting and ways to solve the problem:

1. Vomiting with foam. Such vomiting can be caused by poor quality nutrition, liver problems and viral diseases. The dog must be immediately sent to a doctor for examination. It is better not to self-medicate.

2. Vomiting yellow vomit. Often, such vomiting occurs in dogs that are fed dry food or special canned food. If it appears, consult your veterinarian; you may need to take certain medications. Your four-legged friend should definitely drink a lot of water; If he is weak and refuses to drink, he will have to fill it up.

3. Vomiting blood. This type of vomiting is quite dangerous as it can be fatal. As soon as you notice vomiting of this nature, immediately send your dog to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe the correct treatment. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

4. Vomiting from food. Often such nausea occurs due to overeating, so we advise you to first pay attention to the amount of food you consume. Additionally, your dog may vomit food due to stale food. To eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food and also check its quality. If nausea continues the next day, contact your veterinarian.

5. Car sick. This is a fairly common occurrence. Special medications will help eliminate vomiting, which should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the breed and weight of the dog. Before the trip, we advise you not to feed your dog food, but you should not exclude drinking.

On the first day after the vomiting stops, it is recommended not to feed the dog, only to give it plenty of liquid. On the second day, you can give some boiled rice with broth. On the third day, the dog should be fed in small portions 5-7 times during the day.

Dog owners need to remember that prolonged self-medication can only harm your pet. You should not wait a few days for the vomiting to go away on its own; contact your doctor immediately.

Sometimes even a healthy and active animal begins to feel sick and vomit. An isolated case does not cause concern. But if it is combined with constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, then we can talk about the development of a serious disease.

The cause of foamy vomiting is the penetration of food into the intestines.

The stomach remains empty. There is an accumulation of mucus secreted by the walls of the organ. Vomiting helps stop the process of self-digestion of the intestines.

Vomiting in a dog prevents the intestines from self-digesting.

The secreted mucus contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. When combined with air, the mixture turns into foam..

Risk group

Symptoms of vomiting often appear in Yorkshire Terriers.

Typically, such vomiting occurs in small breed dogs. Owners of Yorkshire terriers often complain about the appearance of this symptom.

What causes vomiting with white foam?

The main causes of foamy vomiting include:

Poor nutrition can lead to foamy vomiting.

Vomiting may indicate damage to the central nervous system. Sometimes this symptom indicates sunstroke or heatstroke.

Symptoms of diseases

Sometimes foamy vomiting signals progression:

  1. Stomach ulcers.
  2. Parvovirus virus.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases.

Foamy vomit may occur in a dog with distemper.

If the foamy vomit contains bloody impurities, this may indicate the development of oncology. If dark-colored clots appear, damage to the stomach wall by a foreign object can be suspected.

But the animal can also progress or. The main symptom of these dangerous diseases is long, painful vomiting.

Danger signs

The most alarming sign indicating the progression of a serious illness is excessive salivation. The dog whines and, unable to find a place for himself, constantly walks around the room. . This symptom is combined with belching.

Rapid weight loss in a dog signals an infectious disease.

  • A combination of vomiting, fever and diarrhea signals about the development of an infectious disease . The animal rapidly loses weight, becomes lethargic and drowsy. The temperature rises, the nose remains dry and hot. They can.
  • Development is indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth. A clear sign indicating the progression of this disease is the “aroma” of ammonia.
  • If sweetish appears, this indicates that the animal suffers from diabetes . A putrid “aroma” signals problems with the intestines.
  • When develops , the dog vomits in the first half of the day, approximately 2-3 hours after eating.

What is the danger?

Prolonged vomiting of white foam leads to dehydration of the animal's body. In this case, the water-electrolyte balance is disrupted. In the absence of veterinary care, this leads to the death of the dog. This is especially dangerous for puppies.

Prolonged vomiting is especially bad for puppies.

The constant release of foam leads to the body being unable to properly absorb nutrients. Energy reserves are gradually depleted, which negates the likelihood of a speedy recovery.

What to do?

The dog is given a drip if vomiting is due to infection.

An isolated case usually does not require immediate attention to a veterinarian. But if the pet reacts poorly to external stimuli, then it needs emergency medical attention.

Therapy is prescribed and monitored by a veterinarian.

If the cause of vomiting is an infection, then the dog IVs are prescribed . They stop the development of intoxication. When the animal’s condition has stabilized, it is prescribed vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. If the vomiting was caused by a cancerous tumor, then only surgical intervention can help the dog.

What to do first

If you notice alarming symptoms, you need to take your pet for an x-ray.

While the veterinarian is preparing the examination data, the dog’s body must be cleansed. This can be done with a fasting diet. The animal is allowed to be given only low-fat chicken broth, cooked without salt or spices. On the 2nd day, fresh food of turkey meat and brown rice is allowed.

You can give your dog chicken broth.

If you suspect dehydration, you need to fill a syringe without a needle with warm boiled water with a small amount of sugar. The liquid must be introduced gradually, in small portions.

If pet loses consciousness, you need to put it on its side, open its mouth slightly, take out its tongue. Otherwise, the animal may choke on vomit.

Drug therapy

Papaverine is prescribed to the dog after diagnosis.

After clarifying the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes an appointment for the dog:

  1. Papaverina.
  2. No-shpy.
  3. Omeza.
  4. Tserukapa.
  5. Smecty.

The use of Papaverine helps relieve painful spasms from the intestines and stomach. Smecta removes poisons from the body and protects the mucous membrane of internal organs. Taking Cerucal helps normalize contractions of the intestines and stomach. Irritation is reduced with the help of Omez. The same drug reduces the formation of stomach acid.

Drinking regime

The amount of liquid must be limited.

Only boiled water can be given. If possible, it is advisable to replace it with bottled one. Your pet should drink in small portions. The interval between them is 2–3 hours. You can also let your dog lick ice cubes.

The dog should only be given boiled water.

If vomiting continues, the animal should not be given anything at all.

Otherwise, dehydration occurs.

When the animal’s condition has stabilized, it can begin to be given gentle food.

The optimal solution is pureed chicken fillet. It is allowed to add a small amount of fresh herbs. You need to feed your pet in small portions. Do not give food more than 6 times/24 hours.

The dog should be given food only in small portions.

Food and treats are prohibited during treatment. During remission, it is allowed to diversify the four-legged friend’s menu with fattier foods.

What not to do when vomiting!

Unless the dog owner is a veterinarian, you should never give your dog human medications to stop vomiting on your own. This may make the situation worse.

Even if an animal vomits on the bed or in the nursery, you cannot scold it. You should not hesitate to visit the veterinarian, expecting that it will “heal like a dog.” An advanced disease is more difficult to treat and takes longer to treat.

You can give your dog buckwheat porridge.

Compliance with preventive measures can help prevent relapse. It is important to provide your pet with regular and balanced nutrition. After surgery or long, difficult treatment, the animal needs to be given high-quality dietary food. Abrupt changes in nutrition are not allowed.

The exception is buckwheat and rice porridge . You need to be careful with oatmeal, as large amounts can cause stomach upset.

From puppyhood, you need to teach your dog not to pick up trash on the street. But you shouldn’t stop her from eating grass. Often the animal cleanses its stomach in this way.


  • Timely deworming and vaccination are very important. At least once every 3 months you need to take your pet for a preventive examination.
  • Video about dogs vomiting white foam

09.10.2016 by Evgeniy

If a dog is vomiting bile, it does not mean that it is terminally ill. By nature, dogs are predators, feeding not only on fresh meat, but also on carrion. If the dog has eaten something that is not fresh, a defense mechanism is triggered, causing vomiting. When your pet frequently vomits bile, this is a good reason to contact your veterinarian with the question “What should I do?”

Bile is an endogenous secretion whose purpose is to improve digestion. After eating, it is released in the stomach, promoting the breakdown of lipids and their absorption by the body.

Vomiting of bile occurs when the secretion periodically enters the stomach, thereby causing irritation of the intestines, which leads to the appearance of a gag reflex. It is not difficult to determine its presence in the stomach. The vomit will have a dominant yellow-green tint. Vomiting usually occurs in the early morning or evening. Vomiting in the evening is typical for those dogs that are fed once a day, the intervals between meals are too long, or with stomach diseases. Gastrointestinal diseases are common if the dog is old, but cases of their occurrence in puppies cannot be ruled out.

Symptoms of vomiting in a dog

If vomiting occurs, you need to take your pet for examination to a veterinary clinic. To make it easier for the doctor to understand the factor that influenced the urge to vomit, you need to pay attention to symptoms such as:

  1. Chronic vomiting containing bile.
  2. Discomfort in the stomach, which manifests itself in unusual behavior (refusal to eat, whining, howling).
  3. Nausea, during which the pet tenses, groans, and tries to vomit.
  4. Diarrhea. It is observed in case of indigestion.

If a dog does not eat anything, it shows signs of exhaustion: weight loss, drooping eyes, and brittle fur.

Causes of vomiting

There are quite a few reasons why a dog vomits, the main ones being:

When visiting a veterinarian, it is advisable to report any symptoms you notice. After a complete examination, you will need to do a blood and urine test. This data will help detect gastrointestinal diseases. Vomiting often accompanies infectious diseases, which are detected during testing. If necessary, the veterinarian may additionally prescribe an ultrasound or x-ray; they can detect intestinal volvulus, gastric atony, etc.


If the main cause of vomiting is not established, the doctor applies symptomatic treatment. If hyperacid gastritis is detected, drugs are prescribed to lower the acidity level, and drugs that relieve spasm of smooth muscles are also used. If a dog is diagnosed with an infectious disease, it is prescribed antibiotics; if it is viral, it is prescribed immune-stimulating drugs.

Most dogs tolerate treatment well. Do not forget that the pet will need long-term therapy, which should not be stopped. Only the veterinarian can decide how long treatment will have to be continued. In most cases, vomiting in dogs occurs due to the fact that they are given a large amount of food at once on an empty stomach. It is for this reason that many dog ​​owners recommend feeding their pet several times a day.

If the dog received intense exercise during the day and was then fed nutritious fatty foods, the release of bile can lead to damage to the digestive organs. The exact same situation happens with emaciated dogs. If you pick up a stray dog ​​on the street, you should not feed it fatty foods in large quantities. Her diet should start with broth.

The physiology of a dog is designed in such a way that if there is no food in its stomach for a long time, then gastrointestinal atony may develop. Let us remind you that if your dog vomits in the morning after a small amount of food or water, it is better to switch him to multiple feedings, which should contain a balanced amount of fat. It is not recommended to feed your pet bones; their remains tend to accumulate in the stomach.

Theoretically, they are perceived by the stomach as food, but in reality the bile will eat away at the mucous membrane, thereby causing vomiting, and after a while the dog may develop an ulcer.



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