Dreaming technique. The technique of lucid dreaming with an overview of alternative techniques

Is it possible to eat fish
Fish is allowed:

  • November 28 - December 19: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays;
  • December 20 - January 1: Saturdays and Sundays;
  • December 4 (on the feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple);
  • December 19 (St. Nicholas Day).

Can I drink wine?
The consumption of this drink is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on the holidays of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple and St. Nicholas.

How to prepare and smoothly enter the fast

To make dietary restrictions easier for your body to accept and not harm your well-being, you should:

  • prepare for fasting several weeks in advance. Animal products should be eliminated gradually so as not to cause stress in the body due to sudden starvation. The first foods to avoid: lamb, beef, pork. Then the ban should apply to milk and eggs;
  • the day before entering the fast, cleanse the intestines so that the mechanisms of intracellular nutrition are launched. This will also help get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger. People who neglect bowel cleansing will find it more difficult to suppress their appetite, especially in the first 2-3 days;
  • before the spell, eating fatty, heavy and difficult-to-digest foods is prohibited;
  • enter the fast with weak restrictions that must be gradually tightened;
  • the reduced calorie content of food can be compensated by increasing the serving size at one time;
  • In the first days, you can experiment with your diet and eat more often. When the body finally gets used to new diet, you can return to your previous daily routine;
  • have frequent fruit and vegetable snacks between meals;
  • drink water instead of other drinks: juice, compote.

Rules of conduct and traditions of the Nativity Fast

The Nativity fast is not only food restrictions, but also a time when you can repent of your thoughts and actions. This means that a person must give up many familiar things:

  • food of animal origin - milk, butter, eggs, cheese, sour cream and partly fish;
  • use alcoholic drinks- they are prohibited according to the Church Charter throughout the entire period of Lent (except for wine);
  • idleness - excessive rest can harm both body and soul;
  • entertainment - visiting entertainment venues, noisy celebrations with friends, celebrating anniversaries, excessive enthusiasm for the Internet are unacceptable during Lent;
  • watching TV - scenes of cruelty, violence from television series and news will complicate the process of searching for the Divine principle within oneself;
  • travel - trips that are not related to visiting shrines or do not contain a spiritual basis are better postponed to another time;
  • marital relations - carnal restrictions are welcome only with the mutual consent of both spouses.

Changes should also affect the sphere of relationships with people. During the Nativity Fast, you need to become kinder and more tolerant of others, throw away all grievances and stop using obscene language.

On days of fasting, it is advisable to attend churches and services, read the Gospel, pray, read the Psalter, perform godly deeds and give alms, and receive communion.

The Orthodox Church does not prohibit reading akathists during the Nativity Fast. Considering large number days of remembrance in Orthodox calendar for December, doing this is not only possible, but also useful from a spiritual point of view.

What you can and cannot do during the Nativity Fast

Fasting is a period of restrictions not only in nutrition, but also in lifestyle. To achieve spiritual cleansing, one must abstain from everyday sins. You cannot remain angry, irritable, or allow bad thoughts, quarrel with loved ones, judge others and gossip. It is prohibited to attend entertainment events and abuse television and Internet resources. Neglecting these rules is considered a violation of fasting.

Is it possible to do handicrafts
During the Nativity Fast, it is allowed to sew, embroider with beads, knit and crochet. Restrictions on handicraft arise only when it replaces saying prayers and going to church.

Is it possible to baptize a child
You can choose any day of the Nativity Fast for christening.

Is it possible to remember the dead?
It is allowed to commemorate the deceased from November 28 to January 5. It is better to do this through prayer - in church or at home. You can also order memorial services and submit notes for the proskomedia. If there is a memorial meal during this period, her diet should be as simple and lean as possible. Relaxation of fasting requirements can only be done with the permission of a priest or personal spiritual mentor.

Is it possible to conceive a child?
According to church traditions, it is undesirable to conceive a child during Lent, although there are restrictions on intimacy can only be by mutual consent. If conception does happen, you should not torment yourself with prejudices and worry once again. Date of conception by church calendar has nothing to do with the health and development of the unborn child.

Is it possible to get married
The Sacrament of Marriage is not performed during fasting days.

Is it possible to have a wedding?
A modest version of painting in the registry office does not go beyond the postal restrictions. A fun party with an abundance of meat and fish dishes Fasting for 40 days is not recommended. It is believed that such a wedding promises misfortune and hardship to the newlyweds.

Is it possible to go hunting and fishing?
The Orthodox Church does not support killing animals and fishing for the sake of excitement and an interesting pastime. Therefore, it is better to avoid them during fasting.

Sayings and signs

  • If during the Nativity Fast the weather is extremely cloudy or snowy, then May will be quite stormy.
  • If there are frequent snowstorms, you should expect an early spring.
  • If there are frosts in the first days, then the grain harvest will be good.
  • If relatives quarrel during Lent, then the whole next year will be full of troubles.
  • The loss of something promises losses in the coming year, and any discovery promises new income.
  • If, at the end of the moon, you touch a dry branch with a wart, saying: “Just as during fasting the meat on a platter is empty, so that the wart is thin,” then it will dry out and fall off.

Advent fast for Catholics

Catholics have traditions of the Nativity Fast that are in many ways similar to Orthodox ones. The main difference is the dates. The Catholic Nativity Fast begins on November 15 and ends on December 24. During this period, people take on individual responsibilities that may concern various fields everyday life: restriction of visits entertainment events, charity, reconciliation with others. Catholics do not adhere to any special dietary restrictions.

Most on strict days Lent among Catholics are the four Sundays preceding Christmas, which are called Advent. These days are dedicated to repentance and prayers. An attribute of Advent is a wreath with four candles, which is placed on the home altar.

The Nativity Fast is the last multi-day fast of the year. It begins on November 15 (28 - according to the new style) and continues until December 25 (January 7), lasts forty days and therefore is called Pentecost in the Church Charter, just like Lent. Since the plot (the eve of fasting) falls on the day of remembrance of St. Apostle Philip (November 27 new style), then this post is called Philipp.

The Nativity Fast was established so that on the day of the Nativity of Christ we purify ourselves with repentance, prayer and fasting, so that with a pure heart, soul and body we can reverently meet the Son of God who appeared in the world and so that, in addition to the usual gifts and sacrifices, we offer Him our pure heart .

Correct fasting is a struggle for the human in oneself. He is an attempt to place the higher in himself higher than just the physiological. If this succeeds, then this “higher” (that is, the soul) will be grateful to you for its rescue from Velcro. So correct post- this is joy. Just like correctly experienced Orthodoxy. Deacon Andrey Kuraev

The gastronomic component of fasting is not a goal, but only a means for a correct spiritual life based on prayer and the sacraments of Repentance and Communion. Fasting without prayer is just a diet.

The rules of nutrition during Lent, which are indicated in the calendars, refer to the monastic Rules - this is the ideal norm. Lay people can receive relief from the priest depending on their specific living conditions and health.

Christmas post. The Holy Scripture tells us about the Nativity of Christ this way: the Roman Emperor Augustus commanded to announce a nationwide census and for everyone to register in the city from which his family came. Righteous Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary came from the house of David, and that is why they headed from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the city of David. There was no place for Joseph the Betrothed and the Blessed Virgin Mary in any of the hotels in the city - the city of David was great, many came for the census; They took refuge in the cave where the cattle were driven. There the Most Holy Virgin gave birth to Her Son, the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ. She swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger... The shepherds were the first to know about this; they were guarding their flock and the Angel of the Lord appeared before them, and heavenly light shone around them. “Do not be afraid,” the Angel announced to them, “today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David. Who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11). “And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and crying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:13-14)… The shepherds were the first to worship the Infant God, followed by the wise men, they were led to the Lord by a wonderful star, and they brought gifts: gold (as to a king), incense (as to God) and myrrh (as to a man) ...

Christ, the source of love and life, came to earth, came to save us, to atone for our sins, to enlighten us with the light of the Gospel; came to reconcile man with God the Father, to save people from eternal death and to show the way to salvation, to the Kingdom of Heaven...

This event is joyful, and therefore the fast is joyful, not strict: on those days when the polyliary service is performed, the fish are blessed.

The soul of a fasting person is like a flying bird, it freely rises to the Lord, the soul of a non-fasting person is like a bird with broken wings: it would like to fly, but cannot, therefore it lives on earth and becomes a frequent prey for predators - evil spirits.

When a person fasts for the sake of the Lord (that is, he observes a fast blessed by the Church, and not just goes hungry), his soul calms down, is pacified, and if during physical fasting a person leads clean life, prays, he feels the Lord next to him and is firmly convinced that the Lord exists.

The person who does not feel the Lord and says that there is no God is not lying, he can be believed. Why? Because he does not live according to the commandments of Christ: his conscience is unclean, his soul is also unclean, it is stained with sins: pride, fornication, gluttony, love of money, irritation, evil, we are no longer talking about murders - abortions, adultery of spouses, non-walking to church... - God does not and cannot exist in such a soul - a dirty vessel cannot be a container for the Holy Spirit.

The dead soul does not feel God, it does not need good deeds, in prayer, love for God and neighbors. And an evil spirit lives in such a soul, it demands food for itself and waits for its evil will to be fulfilled. And when a person becomes an obedient slave of evil spirits, his soul suffers, falls into despondency, despair, and the person thinks about suicide. And no matter what such a person has, even if he were given the whole world and made king, he cannot find peace in anything, cannot be satisfied with anything. And only if he goes to Church, repents, remembers all the sins from his youth, prays, fasts, only then can his soul feel the Lord, calm down - the soul has found what it has been looking for all its life.

Christ said: "Blessed are you pure in heart; for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8). This is why fasting is given to us, so that we stop, look around us, look into our souls: who lives there, an evil spirit or a good one? If he is evil, we must expel him, cleanse the soul with repentance, and prepare a place in the soul for the Newborn Infant of God.

Two thousand years ago, when the Egyptian sages learned about the Nativity of Jesus Christ, they brought gifts to the Infant God: gold, myrrh and incense, and we must come to this great event with gifts worthy of our Lord. Let these gifts be repentance, humility, prayer, good deeds and love.

The Nativity Fast is joyful, it precedes the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ and therefore is not strict, fish is blessed (except Wednesday and Friday). This fast lasts 40 days - from November 28 to January 7. Strict fasting- on Christmas Eve - the eve of the Nativity of Christ, one is blessed to eat kolivo after the evening star.

Every year, believers prepare in advance for the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ, cleansing their soul and body. In order not to anger the Saints and avoid serious difficulties in life, it is necessary not only to observe the Nativity Fast, but also to honor its traditions and customs.

TO have a wonderful holiday People begin to prepare for the New Year in advance. Everyone knows that it will be followed by a great religious event - the Nativity of Christ. This day is one of the most important for Christian believers. People remember the birth of the miraculous Baby Jesus Christ. Now his identity is causing a lot of controversy, but for parishioners Orthodox Church he has always been considered the Savior who died for the sins of mankind.

The main rule of the most important Orthodox holidays- observance of fasting. Christmas is no exception, and 40 days before the holiday, believers begin to actively prepare for it. During this period, people cleanse not only the body, but also the soul, and strong prayer helps with this. Traditions are an integral part of the Nativity Fast, and they must be followed.

Traditions and customs of the Nativity Fast

The purpose of the Nativity Fast is spiritual and physical cleansing before Christmas. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to completely exclude food of animal origin from the diet, as well as engage in charitable deeds and say prayers daily.

“Heavenly Lord, hear my prayer. Cleanse my sinful soul, deliver me from unforgivable evil. I ask You to become my helper and protector, and I will remain Your eternal servant. Help me, God, bless me. Amen!".

The prayer must be said daily during the Nativity Fast, preferably before going to bed.

Prayer on the first day of the Nativity Fast

The first day of the Nativity Fast is considered one of the most important. On the morning of November 28, immediately after waking up, say:

“The Nativity Fast begins, my soul and body are cleansed. I pray to You, Almighty, and ask you to deliver me from evil and unkind thoughts. Give me strength to withstand difficult trials. May you send me your blessing. Amen".

This prayer will give you strength so that you can observe the Nativity Fast in accordance with all the rules.

Prayer before meals

Fasting only implies food restrictions, but not starvation. To ensure that your meal is beneficial not only for your body, but also for your soul, before starting your meal, say:

“I thank You, God, for the blessings given. May my table always be as rich, with all the delights. Bless our food with prayers. Amen".

Prayer must be said before every meal. During the Nativity Fast, it is forbidden to swear at the table and share negative news and memories, otherwise your prayer appeals will lose their power.

Prayer after eating

Prayer after meals is essential to thank God for the food on your table. After finishing the meal, without getting up from the table, say:

“The Lord God, our Protector and Savior. Thank you for feeding us. A rich man at the table. For your attention. Hear our words and bless us. Amen".

Never throw away food that is left on the table. It is advisable to leave it for later or give it to the poor. Throwing food out of the house wards off well-being.

During the Nativity Fast, it is important to properly plan your diet. Severe dietary restrictions can harm your body. To prevent this from happening, find out the recipes for the Lenten menu. With their help, you can eat tasty and healthy every day without harm to your health. May your wishes always come true, and don't forget to press the buttons and

There is not a single person in the world who has never dreamed of something. Some people have extremely simple desires, while others will never be able to realize theirs, because the laws of physics, biology, mechanics and common sense unanimously oppose him, what to do in this case? This is why lucid dreams exist; the technique of entering them for beginners to master them may seem incredibly complicated and incomprehensible, so we will try to study the phenomenon in detail. It's worth it.

What are lucid dreams and why might they be needed? This is what is usually first of all of interest to everyone who comes across this concept. However, the answers lie in the name itself. We are talking about a dream that we are aware of as a dream, and we can control everything that happens in it. Sounds tempting?

What is this for? The answer is clear. However, let's clarify some points:

1. You will have the opportunity to fulfill any desires. The feelings and emotions experienced during lucid dreams will be very real, only much more vivid.

2. You will be able to fight your fears and inner demons, but this is for more experienced “users” who have enjoyed the newly opened horizons and decided to focus on themselves.

3. You will finally have the opportunity to develop your creativity, even if in reality you are drawing a horse using a ruler. In a dream, you can create everything that your brain creates, hear your own melody. And this is not all that will be within your control.

On at the moment Scientists are very actively involved in lucid dreaming, studying the practice of application and the phenomenon itself. Therefore, we cannot say that this is something unscientific and made up. Experts say that having achieved a certain level of sleep control, a person can not only realize his desires, but also study himself. AND we're talking about not only about the intricacies of the psyche and the characteristics of the brain. Having plunged into a lucid dream, you can turn to each of your internal organ, see its condition and find out about existing problems. Someday doctors will be able to use this method in their practice, but for now only a few know it.

How to learn to control dreams?

How to induce lucid dreams, how to learn to control them? These are the questions asked by everyone who hears for the first time about the wonderful possibility of living in a dream. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Potentially anyone can master this art. You must be willing and carefully follow all instructions.

Before you try to lucid dream, you need to prepare for it. The main difficulty is to understand in a dream that it is a dream. Agree, most often we do not realize this. Everything that happens seems self-evident to us; only when we wake up do we understand how absurd and abnormal the situations we have observed.

To prevent this from happening, you need to train your powers of observation in reality. Train yourself to pay attention to small details. Usually it is from them that you can understand where you are. Our subconscious is capable of building a world in a dream that is absolutely identical to the one in which we are accustomed to being, but it cannot repeat exactly the little things. For example, try looking closely at a painting on the wall. You get closer to it, see the strokes that make up the image, traces of brush bristles. You won't be able to do this in a dream. You should also be wary of any incomprehensible object that clearly does not belong where it is.

Constant observation in reality is also important in order for this habit to develop. What we usually repeat methodically day after day carries over into sleep. That is, if you develop your powers of observation before you begin to enter lucid dreams, it will work there too. These simple exercises will allow you to instantly realize that you have succeeded, you are dreaming, you know about it and you can control the world around you.

The technique of lucid dreaming for beginners differs little from what professionals do. The algorithm is the same. It’s just that those who regularly practice diving have mastered the entry technique so much that they don’t need any effort for this.

Awareness of the boundary between sleep and reality is only the first step. It is incredibly important, without it nothing will work, but many other conditions must also be met. Let's talk about them.

Dream management.

It may seem that controlling your sleep is very easy. However, this is not entirely true. Most people, realizing that they managed to enter lucid dream, experience such a storm of emotions that they lose control. Most often they just wake up. Alternatively, you can stop feeling the presence in a dream and calmly continue to dream, but you can no longer control them.

To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to control your emotions. Regular meditation can help with this, then in your sleep it will be easy to force yourself to return to the necessary state of relaxation or concentration that is familiar in life. In general, to master the technique of entering lucid dreams, it is very important to be able to control your own consciousness. It’s worth spending some time on this, especially since such a skill will be very useful in life.

To prevent a lucid dream from ending suddenly and prematurely, you need to constantly remind yourself that you are actually dreaming. In this way, the brain will regularly concentrate on what is happening and not relax too much, so as not to lose touch with reality.

How to evoke the desired images in a dream.

Having understood how to induce a lucid dream, a person begins to strive for more. He doesn’t want to just watch from the sidelines as the pictures unfold. Now he needs to see something specific. Someone longs to return to their favorite moments of the past, someone needs to replay recent scenes from life, and someone has a desire to go on a date with the girl they like, who in reality does not want to pay any attention to him. It sounds like a fairy tale, but in fact all this is quite possible.

How should you proceed? You must understand that in a dream you will no longer be able to suddenly decide that you want to see yourself as a small child and ride a bike. Here you need to prepare in advance. Before going to bed, try to concentrate on what or who you want to encounter. Think about it, create an image in your imagination. At the same time, do not limit your imagination, because in a dream everything is possible.

How to change the world around you.

Because in reality we cannot change the world around us with one snap of the fingers, it is difficult for our brain to imagine this even in a dream. However, what is the point of being in one room when the entire castle and surrounding domains are at your service?

For the world of sleep to become truly endless, you need to learn how to change locations. There are several methods for this that are quite feasible for beginners.

So, if you are in a room, you just need to find the door from it. Imagine where you would like to go and just step out of the door. You don’t have to think about something specific, but let your subconscious mind come up with routes for you.

Portals are also an excellent means of travel. Their role can be played by objects such as mirrors, windows, paintings, etc.

Another method is to switch TV channels. Imagine the place you want to go to on the screen and just dive there. Don't be surprised, everything is possible in a dream.

If you are a fan of the film "The Matrix", you can try using the method by which the characters left the fictional world and entered reality. Remember how they disappeared into telephone handsets? Nothing prevents you from doing the same.

By regularly experimenting in your sleep, you will gradually select the most comfortable and effective ways. The main thing is not to stop there and constantly repeat the exercises.

Is there any danger?

Can lucid dreaming be dangerous? Any experiments with consciousness can lead a person into a trap, so you need to worry about preventing this from happening.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is the inability to distinguish a dream from reality. Such things very often lie in wait for beginners who are just learning to manage their dreams, are delighted with what is happening and are ready to dive in countless times. At some point, they may well become confused between worlds. There is only one way out - do not do anything life-threatening. For example, you should not jump from a roof if you are not one hundred percent sure that you are dreaming. Experienced dreamers usually do not encounter such problems.

Many people believe that the world of dreams is so tempting that it can draw a person in, take him away from real life. As is the case with computer games. However, there are several points that significantly limit the frequency of dives. And first of all, this is the need to sleep, and it is endlessly impossible to do this. At the same time, it will not be possible to plunge into a lucid dream under the influence of any drugs, because consciousness must be pure and clear.

To make entering a lucid dream easy, you must always get a good night's sleep. If you go to bed dying from fatigue and lack of sleep, you won't succeed.

Constantly develop your powers of observation. Try to go to bed at the same time.

This is what lucid dreams are like; the technique of dreaming may seem complicated for beginners, but if you practice regularly, the results will not keep you waiting.

There are many different techniques to experience lucid dreaming (LUD). In my practice, I use the simplest and most effective one. With its help, you will be able to become aware of yourself in a dream on the first try. Trust my experience, this technique works one hundred percent. I have been practicing it for over ten years.

This technique came to my mind out of despair, when stagnation began in my practice. One day I was so fed up with this that the “birth” of this simple method occurred.

I am not its discoverer. There is mantra yoga, where the meditator (seeker) constantly repeats a sacred word before falling asleep to become aware of himself in a dream.

The technique turned out to be so simple and effective that I used it (with slight modifications) to exit the body. It is good because it gives you the opportunity to experience lucid dreams (LU) and out of body experience(OBE) with the least amount of time required for practice. One or two attempts are enough.

This technique is best done when you don't have to go to work or school the next day.

Lucid dreaming. Practice

The first thing to do is wake up after several hours of sleep, when the body has already had enough rest. If you go to bed at 21-22 hours, then best option for practice it will be from 1 to 3 am. If you go to bed later, then reschedule the practice later. late time. You should sleep before performing the technique for 4-5 hours (plus or minus an hour).

To wake up at a specified time, you need to set an alarm clock. Another option would be to drink a little more liquid than usual so that you need to go to the toilet at night (an alarm clock is more reliable, since you can set the exact time of waking up). When you wake up and realize that you are ready for practice, start repeating mentally, like a wind-up, one phrase:

This is a dream! This is a dream! This is a dream! This is a dream! This is a dream! This is a dream! This is a dream!..

And so on for a long time from half an hour to an hour. So that this phrase sticks in your head and all other thoughts are absent. Repeat until you fall asleep. This constant repetition you need to create stress in your subconscious to become aware of yourself in a dream.

When repeating, there is no need to control time. At night it flies quickly. By " internal clock"You should feel the space spent on it. It should be from 30 to 60 minutes. If the time is less, this technique may not work.

You need to repeat it together with the imagination (idea) that you are now aware of yourself in a dream. You need to believe in it!

Just staring into space and repeating to yourself is not enough. Create in your imagination any pictures of a dream and repeat to yourself - This is a dream!..

Usually this technique works 50/50. Of two attempts, you will definitely experience lucid dreams in one. This is the most effective and simplest method I have ever practiced.

Important nuances

Very important. You must use all your will and desire power to the maximum the first time you perform the technique. If you don’t succeed in the first attempt, then try as much as possible in the second.

You must make every effort to realize your experience. He always relies on the power of desire. The stronger it is, the sooner the result will be.

This technique also has its own negative aspects. You can interrupt your sleep. That's why it's best to use it on the weekends. Or when you don’t need to go anywhere tomorrow morning.

What to do if your sleep is interrupted

What to do if you did everything correctly for the specified time, and then cannot fall asleep? They interrupted their sleep, which sometimes happens during practice.

Then in order to fall asleep you need to use a different technique. The most simple technique The technique I use to fall asleep is the “Visualization of Images” technique. It can also be used separately when you have insomnia and cannot fall asleep. But in this case, it is needed if there is no sleep due to the practice.

When performing this technique, your primary goal is not how to fall asleep, but to experience lucid dreams. Therefore, you should not forget about stress technique. Insert the phrase into the images - This is a dream... Combine them together.

What results can you expect from practice?

I have the most amazing memories associated with this stress technique. When I first started practicing it, lucid dreams happened in a funny way.

The first time this happened was immediately after it was completed. I dreamed that I was walking in the center of the city. There were people around me. I turned into the train station. I went into one of the corridors leading to the train platform. A homeless-looking man walked towards me and kept repeating, “This is a dream!” This is a dream! This is a dream!.. When he passed by me, repeating this phrase, I realized that I was dreaming.

Another lucid dream also occurred after performing the stress technique. In my dream I was pulled into a large twisting tunnel. I flew along it in an unconscious state. At the exit from it I began to fly over noisy company, who was celebrating something and sang cheerfully in chorus: “It’s a dream!” This is a dream! This is a dream!.. Flying over them, I realized that I was in a dream.

Whenever you put effort into practice, results appear. Help can come even in such a comical form. If you practice this technique long enough, you simply begin to remember in your dreams that you are dreaming. Often, during dreams, the thought will come - This is a dream... and after this the awareness of oneself in a dream.

Another option for the stress method

This technique can also be used in soft form(without using stress) without specially waking up with an alarm clock. This is good for those who often wake up at night. After waking up (no matter for what reasons), when you fall asleep again, start saying the phrase to yourself - This is a dream... Observe the dream images that appear and insert this phrase between them. Do this until you fall asleep.

With this option of using the technique, it will be easiest to experience lucid dreams when you have already worked with the stress method. It is also easier to do it in the morning, when the body has already rested overnight.

Reality check in dreams

Sometimes in dreams the thought comes that you are dreaming, but everything is so real that doubts begin to torment you. Is this a dream?

At such moments I do a reality check. I find a wall or some solid object. Then I try to poke my hand through it to make sure it's a dream. Usually, the more realistic the dream, the more difficult it is to do this. The subconscious mind resists and wants to make you believe that this is reality. Sometimes you have to try hard to get your hand through an obstacle.

It also often helps me understand that I’m dreaming when I start flying in my dreams. This is my favorite awareness of myself in dreams. When you are in flight and realize that you are dreaming, it brings you into strong feeling delight. At this moment you need to try to keep your emotions under control, otherwise the experience will be interrupted due to the fact that you will wake up physically.

But even if you “woke up”, you must again try to do a reality check, try to fly up or pierce something with your hand. The subconscious can joke and will only dream that you woke up. In fact, it will be just another dream. When you wake up in reality, you no longer need to check. This will be understandable as is.

Next step

Here you need to put in more effort to make out-of-body experience a reality. Your bonus will be that you are on your personal experience you will know the immortality of your soul. That you are not your body.

For this to happen, on initial stage his spiritual path It is necessary to make efforts to master the practice of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreams in one night. Technique



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