Different organizations may establish different tariff scales, differing, for example, in the number of categories. Commercial organizations do not have mandatory tariff schedules introduced at the legislative level. They can develop their own tariff schedule. A private employer has the right to independently determine the number of categories in the company’s tariff schedule, the size of tariffs and coefficients. When developing wage scales, the following must be taken into account: no one should receive a salary lower than the current minimum wage (minimum wage), and the maximum wage is not limited. NOTE Since July 1, 2016, the minimum wage in the Russian Federation has been set at 7,500 rubles. (Article 1 of the Federal Law of June 2, 2016 No. 164-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Minimum Wage””).

Nuances and rules for using the tariff schedule by category

She shares this:

  1. Time-based tariff system - the actual time worked by a person is taken into account.
  2. Piece-rate tariff system - it takes into account how much the employee produced (rendered services).

The elements of this system include tariff indicators:

  • Grid;
  • Discharges;
  • Odds;
  • Rates;

The tariff schedule is a scale that connects categories with coefficients. For example, for state employees, tariffs for 18 categories are applied.

The size of the tariff and earnings is influenced by the qualifications and complexity of the work. The calculation base is considered to be the first category rate. It sets the salary for the reporting period.

ETKS - unified tariff-qualification and EKS - unified directory of administration positions were created for tariff classification and rank division of personnel.

Tariff schedule by category for 2018

  • home
  • Accounting for settlements with personnel


In practice, this form of payment combines rules and regulations, according to which any position in the organization has a tariff rate (salary). Its value is influenced by severity, complexity, intensity and other working conditions.

In this article we will look at what is included in the tariff form of remuneration of workers. Key components of the tariff system of remuneration The tariff system is the most common payment model.

Salary calculation by minimum wage category and rank

UTS - a unified tariff schedule. She acted on the basis of Resolution No. 785 of October 14, 1992. Pay grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tariff coefficients 1.00 1.36 1.59 1.73 1.82 2.00 2.27 2.54 2.91 continuation: Pay grades 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tariff coefficients 3.27 3.68 4.18 4.73 5.32 6.00 6.68 7.41 8.23 ​​Each employee, according to the UTS, has his own payment coefficient.

The salary (tariff) of the first category must be equal to or exceed the minimum wage (see → table of minimum wages by year). The maximum size of this indicator is unlimited and depends solely on the employer’s finances. The rates for personnel of the highest ranks are equal to the product of the level 1 rate and the skill coefficient. Now work is paid in a new way (NSOT), this is enshrined in Resolution No. 583 of 08/05/2008. The principle of payment to public sector employees is based on data from the ETKS and EKS, state guarantees, lists of additional payments and incentives.

Tariff wage rate. minimum tariff rate

Tariff rate - a fixed amount of remuneration for an employee for fulfilling a standard of work of a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time (hour, day, month) without taking into account compensation, incentives and social payments. The tariff rate of the first category determines the minimum wage for unskilled labor per unit of time.


Tariff schedule - a set of tariff categories of work (professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and the requirements for the qualifications of workers using tariff coefficients. The tariff schedule is a scale of ratios in the remuneration of workers of various qualifications.

The tariff category reflects the complexity of the work and the level of qualification of the employee, and the qualification category characterizes the level of his professional training.

What is the tariff rate

When creating your own vehicle, HR specialists together with department heads determine:

  • the number of qualification levels for each profession and specialty;
  • maximum coefficient for the highest category in each specialty;
  • intermediate indicators (will they grow evenly or progressively).

As a result, a table is formed that allows you to charge the work of each worker and employee and assign a fair salary that reflects the value of his knowledge and skills for the company. Tariff coefficients of the unified tariff schedule 2018 If it is difficult to create a schedule yourself, you can “borrow” samples from industry agreements for the period until 2018 - documents created by associations of specialized employers and approved by the relevant trade unions.

Tariff system of remuneration in the commercial and public sector

Daily tariff rates are applied when work has the status of a daily wage, while the number of working hours in each such day is the same, but differs from the usual norm established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Monthly tariff rates are valid subject to constant observance of normal working hours: a stable schedule, fixed days off. In such conditions, the employee will “close” the month regardless of how many hours he actually worked: having worked the monthly norm, he earns his salary. Functions of the tariff rate The use of the tariff payment system for calculating remuneration in monetary form for the performance of labor functions has a number of advantages over other forms of payment.

What is the tariff schedule

The document explains in some detail the level of knowledge and skill required to perform work of varying complexity. In what case is the hourly wage rate for workers applied? Some enterprises have introduced hourly wages to pay employees.

This system is most convenient when taking into account the shift nature of work. If the company until recently used a different remuneration system, then the manager is obliged to inform all employees about the changes that have occurred a month before the introduction of the new regime. When calculating wages by the hour, you must adhere to the rule of a forty-hour work week. In the event of a reduction in the total number of hours, the norm is fixed by an additional agreement to the employment contract and the written consent of the employee. Otherwise, such a change in the labor regime may give rise to legal proceedings.

Tariff system for remuneration of workers: types, additional payments, calculation examples

Then the initial formula for the 2nd category will be: X / 1 × 100 – 100 = 12 X / 1 × 100 = 12 + 100 = 112 X / 1 = 112 / 100 = 1.12 X = 1.12 × 1 = 1.12 - tariff coefficient for the 2nd category. We find the tariff coefficient for the 3rd category in the same way, using the formula: X / 1.12 × 100 – 100 = 12 X / 1.12 × 100 = 112 X / 1.12 = 1.12 X = 1.12 × 1.12 = 1.25.

We similarly determine tariff coefficients for categories 4–6. The absolute increase in tariff coefficients for each category is found using formula (1):

  • for the 2nd category - 0.12 (1.12 – 1);
  • for the 3rd category - 0.13 (1.25 – 1.12).

In the same way, we calculate the absolute increase in tariff coefficients for the remaining categories (4–6). Table 3.

Minimum tariff schedule

Thus, the hourly wage rate for such a worker will be 25,000 / 150 = 166.6 rubles. Method 2. If you need to calculate the average hourly rate for the current year, you first need to determine the average monthly hourly rate. To do this, divide the corresponding annual indicator of the production calendar by 12 (the number of months). After this, we reduce the worker’s average monthly tariff rate established by the tariff schedule by the resulting number of times.

For example, the annual norm is 1900 hours. Let's take the same monthly rate as for the previous example - 25,000 rubles. Let's calculate the average amount this worker earned per hour during a given year: 25,000 / (1900 /12) = 157.9 rubles.

How does a tariff rate differ from a salary? These two concepts are very similar, since both of them reflect the monetary expression of labor remuneration.

The concept of remuneration is based on the tariff scale. The tariff system is necessary to determine wages and is used to distribute work according to complexity, and workers according to their qualifications. It consists of tariff schedules, rates, qualification characteristics and salary schemes according to positions.

An employee with the first category must be higher than the minimum wage established by law. The tariff schedule is a system that allows you to differentiate wages depending on how complex the work is performed and what qualifications the workers have.

The employer, together with the regulatory body or representative, assigns certain categories to employees based on the tariff and qualification reference book. They also determine which tariff category a specific type of work belongs to. The tariff schedule includes qualification categories and corresponding tariff coefficients, which determine the amount of rates.

Algorithm for assigning a new rank

An employee has the right to apply for an increase in qualifications if his level of knowledge meets the stated requirements, and he performs his duties conscientiously and responsibly. Those employees who have successfully performed work of a higher level for three months and passed the exam can also increase their rank. For violations of duties that resulted in a failure in production or the presence of defects, the qualification category may be reduced. The employee will be able to restore it in accordance with the generally established procedure no earlier than in three months.

Increasing the rank has a general procedure at all enterprises:

  • The employee, with the permission of his immediate supervisor, must write a statement and justify his opinion. The production crew council puts a visa on it.
  • The next step is collecting the commission. It includes representatives of the company administration and trade union organization, specialists, foremen and workers with the highest category.
  • Testing the knowledge of an employee applying for a promotion is carried out on the basis of a tariff and qualification reference book.
  • After the exam, a rank is assigned, which is confirmed by the protocol of the commission and the order of the enterprise. It is mandatory to make an entry in the work book.

The tariff-qualified directory has three groups for each profession:

  • "Characteristics of work." The complexity of the work, production conditions, technological level and the required degree of independence in performing work duties are indicated here.
  • "Must know". This section contains a list of required knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • "Work examples". Typical tasks and work for a specific category can be indicated as a visual aid.

Purpose of the tariff schedule

The tariff system is the norms that provide differentiated payment and requirements can be established both centrally and locally.

The tariff schedule is characterized by the following indicators:

  • The ratio of tariff coefficients that are assigned to the extreme categories.
  • Number of digits.
  • The nature of the increase in coefficients.

The tariff coefficient is an indicator of the relative level of payment. Its value may vary from category to category.

Types of tariff schedules

Tariff schedules vary depending on the nature of the increase in coefficients:

  • Uniform.
  • Regressive.
  • Progressive.
  • Combined.

Unified tariff schedules

Most often, enterprises use a grid of six digits. The simplest requirements and responsibilities correspond to the first category and the lowest salary. The sixth category requires high qualifications and competence of the employee.

Tariff schedules are used not only to set wages for blue-collar professions, but also for other areas, for example, budgetary ones. The unified tariff schedule includes 18 ranks. The first rank coefficient is 4.5.

One organization may have several tariff scales: for normal working conditions and difficult ones. The grid determines the rules by which remuneration is carried out within a specific qualification group.

Tariff scale value

The tariff schedule, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate both in the social and economic spheres, is widely used in many enterprises. It makes it possible to maintain the unity of labor and payment measures, to implement the principle of differentiated wages and to allow people to be paid depending on the quality of work.

The tariff schedule plays a motivational role for workers: the higher the qualifications, the higher the salary.

Types of tariff rates

The tariff rate differs by type:

  • Period.
  • Daytime.
  • Sentinels.

They form the basis for determining the amount of wages for time workers or piece workers. It is set taking into account the company's minimum wage, qualifications and various pay gaps. The tariff rate allows for inter-industry and intra-industry differentiation of wages. Industry workers who maintain modern and high-performance equipment receive increased wages. Intersectoral regulation occurs as follows: in more popular and leading sectors, a high tariff rate is established.

To set tariff rates at an enterprise, it is necessary to assess the complexity of labor, working conditions, the significance of the activity and the required qualifications of workers.

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ORDER of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 31-03-99 81 ON THE APPROVAL OF METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING THE REMUNERATION OF WORKERS... Relevant in 2018

2. Tariff system for organizing wages

Tariff schedule - what is it and why is it needed? The role of the tariff scale in determining workers' wages.

Unified tariff schedule

More than 15 million people are employed in public sector sectors. At the same time, the bulk of workers are employed in education.

Despite the growth in wages, the level of wages in the public sector remains extremely low. The rate of the first category of the Unified Tariff Schedule in 2003 was 23% of the subsistence level of the working population, and the average salary was 2,700 rubles and exceeded the subsistence level by only 1.32 times. The ratio between wages of public sector workers and industry workers is also unfavorable, which dropped from 70-80% in the pre-reform period to 48% in 2000-2001. In 2002, this ratio improved and amounted to 55-60% in 2003, which was due to an increase in tariff rates and salaries of public sector employees by an average of 1.89 times in December 2001.

The main reason for this situation in the remuneration of public sector workers is, first of all, due to economic factors and the lack of financial resources allocated for remuneration. At the same time, significant differences in the dynamics of wages in industries and the public sector indicate that approaches to organizing wages in the public sector need to be improved.

Until 2008, the organization of remuneration for institutions financed from budgets of various levels was regulated on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule (UTS). The remuneration of workers of these organizations is regulated by the Federal Law "On the streamlining of remuneration of employees of public sector organizations" and the Federal Law "On the tariff rate (salary) of the first category of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of public sector organizations" and was carried out in accordance with the Unified tariff schedule ( ETS). A unified tariff schedule for remuneration of public sector workers was introduced in 1992 to reduce the labor intensity of wage recalculation in conditions of inflation (Table 1).

Table 1 - Unified tariff schedule

Pay grades

Tariff coefficients of the Unified Tariff Schedule established by the Government of the Russian Federation

The unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of public sector organizations (UTS) was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 19, 1992 No. 895. Thus, its duration is more than 12 years.

The unified tariff schedule is a convenient and understandable wage system for public sector workers. It consists of 18 categories, in which, depending on the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the employee, positions of employees in public sector sectors are located (from a janitor to the head of an organization).

In conditions of an unstable economy with high inflation, the Unified Tariff Schedule provided a mechanism for maintaining correlations in wage levels in various industries, making coordinated decisions to increase wages in the entire public sector simultaneously and equally through the mechanism of indexing the tariff rate of the 1st category of the UTS and establishing interdigit coefficients.

In addition, the Unified Tariff Schedule was an element of the formation of inter-budgetary relations; on its basis, the amount of financial assistance from the federal budget to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the payment of wages to employees of budgetary organizations was determined.

During its existence, the Unified Tariff Schedule has undergone more than one change. They mainly concerned the revision of the tariff rate of the 1st category, the relationship between the first and last categories and the revision of the assignment of positions to categories.

The ratio between the first and last categories was the most important issue in the application of the Unified Tariff Schedule, and measures to change it were carried out repeatedly. Initially, the ratio between the 1st and 18th categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule was set as 1:10.07, then during the existence of the UTS, due to a shortage of financial resources, it was reduced to 1:7.5 and 1:8.3 , however, under pressure from trade unions it returned to its original value.

The minimum tariff rate (salary) for employees of public sector organizations in the Russian Federation is included in the system of basic state guarantees for remuneration of employees and is established by federal law. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approves tariff rates for all categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule. Inter-category coefficients must be agreed upon with representatives of all-Russian associations of employers and trade unions. The ratio between the extreme categories of the ETS, in accordance with the current federal law, cannot be lower than 1: 4.5. After the adoption of the federal law on the size of the tariff rate of the first category of the Unified Tariff Schedule, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopt their own regulations on the amount of wages for employees of public sector organizations.

Salaries of employees of all categories of the unified social system are established by multiplying the salary of the first category by the corresponding tariff coefficient. Therefore, it was interesting to find out what kind of analytical relationship between the category and the tariff coefficient was used by the developers of the UTS. Graphic-analytical methods for studying the source data showed that they were taken in an arbitrary manner and it is impossible to describe them with any simple model.

Indeed, how can one explain the fact that first the difference between the tariff coefficients of the UTS scale adopted in 1992 increases (0.3; 0.39), then decreases (0.22) and after that begins to increase again (0.25; 0.28; 0.32, etc. )?

The UTS scale, adopted in 1999, was also not without its shortcomings, which become visible if we graphically depict the relationship between the first six categories and tariff coefficients. Graphs constructed using points corresponding to the values ​​of the UTS scales of 1992 and 1999 have inflection points, although they should have only been concave upward.

This obvious mistake of the developers of the 1999 UTS scale was corrected by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2000 by making a decision to increase tariff rates (salaries) of the first to sixth categories of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of public sector organizations. Tariff rates (salaries) of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of public sector organizations were increased from January 1, 2001: by 68 rubles. - tariff rate (salary) of the first category; by 30.5 rub. - tariff rate of the second category; for 10 rub. - tariff rate of the third category. From July 1, 2001: by 168 rubles. - tariff rate (salary) of the first category; by 130.5 rub. - tariff rate of the second category; by 96.9 rub. - tariff rate of the third category; by 77.9 rub. - tariff rate of the fourth category; by 54.9 rub. - tariff rate of the fifth category; by 27.9 rub. - tariff rate of the sixth category.

After this, from December 1, 2001, the UTS scale was introduced, which was in effect (with slight rounding) until May 1, 2006. This scale is devoid of the shortcomings present in the UTS scales of 1992 and 1999, therefore, for its approximation with a calculation error not exceeding 3%, it turned out that a square parabola y = 0.005774x2 + 0.0963519x + 0.8898039 was enough

The latest change to the UTS scale (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 29, 2006 No. 256), effective from May 1, 2006, does not withstand any criticism from a mathematical point of view. It cannot be described by a smooth curve, because in the vicinity of the fourth and seventeenth categories its sharp change appears, which can only be explained by the reluctance to reasonably increase the wages of public sector workers who have UTS categories from 4 to 17.

At the same time, the entire logic of a real salary increase was violated. The real percentage of its increase among workers in these categories was established chaotically without any justification and ranged from 14.9% to 15.85% (Table 2). The maximum salary increase of 37.5% affected only those working in the first and last categories. That is, the most socially vulnerable in our country, along with unqualified personnel, are the heads of budgetary organizations, who are assigned the eighteenth category of the unified technical system.

Table 2 - Change in the ETS scale

Tariff coefficients

Increase percentage

Tariff coefficients

Increase percentage

A more thoughtful policy in this direction is being pursued by the Moscow Government, which, by its resolution of April 18, 2006 No. 260-PP On an increase in tariff rates (salaries) of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of public institutions in the city of Moscow, introduced a first-class rate of 2,200 rubles, while maintaining the UTS scale in force until May 1, 2006.

The value of the tariff rate of the first category of the Unified Tariff Schedule in different periods was different relative to the value of the minimum wage (Table 3). With the adoption of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it cannot be lower than the minimum wage in the Russian Federation.

Table 3 - Dependence of the tariff rate on the minimum wage

Since the introduction of the UTS in 1992, significant changes have occurred in economic development and the financial sector.

Significant territorial differences in the cost of living of the population necessitate different levels of wages in different regions of the country. The unified tariff rates and UTS salaries established at the federal level for all territories do not fully take into account the differentiation of cost of living levels across the regions of the Russian Federation.

Among the main disadvantages of the Unified Tariff Schedule are:

· low level of tariff rate of the 1st category (during the period of existence of the UTS - sometimes even below the minimum wage). This is due to the fact that in order to ensure an increase in the tariff rate of the first category, even by 10-20%, significant financial costs are required for budgets of all levels, since tariff rates (salaries) for all other categories must be increased in the same amount;

· insufficiency of 18 categories to reflect the differentiation of conditions and levels of remuneration in all sectors of the public sector;

· insufficient consideration of industry specifics in remuneration. Basically, industry features are reflected through a system of surcharges and allowances.

Difficulty factor numberAn approximate description of the degree of complexity of a factorDegree of factor complexityNumber of points
1 2 3 4
1 Operations for receiving, accounting, issuing and storing funds and securities. Requires knowledge of certain calculation and control rules2 336
2 A variety of simple work using machines and devices that facilitate the preparation, execution, transfer and processing of documents in a highly specialized field of activityNumber of points
1 2 3 4
1 Reception, processing, reproduction, storage and issuance of documents, control over their execution, typewriting work, housekeeping services1 168
2 A variety of simple work using machines and apparatus, transmission and processing of documents within a highly specialized field of activity2 210
3 Carrying out work related to a narrow range of issues of the corresponding function on a departmental scale2 350
4 - - -
5 Work related to the reception, storage and issuance of documents constituting state, commercial and official secrets1 120

2.4.7. Thus, calculating the complexity of work in points for each position makes it possible to quantify the work of each of the managers, specialists and employees at the enterprise.

For a more rational distribution between performers of work, both traditionally existing and new ones emerging as a result of scientific and technological progress, it is necessary to analyze the current (at the enterprise) distribution of functions, and if it is not rational enough, the complexity of individual types should be adjusted in each specific case work and distribute them taking into account newly emerging functions.

2.4.8. After establishing a quantitative assessment of the complexity of work, taking into account qualitative differences in the content of work for each position of a manager, specialist and employee, the next task is solved - determining the size of the official salary.

The ratio of the total score for each position is the basis for establishing the ratio of wages for positions.

So, for example, the assessment of the complexity of work for the position “repair engineer” is 1785 points, and for the position “planning economist” - 1953 points, then official salaries are correlated as 1.0 to 1.09. It is recommended that for a position with a minimum score, the salary should be assumed to be conditionally equal to one.

In the future, this will be the minimum (basic) level of official salary at the enterprise, in relation to which the official salaries of employees are established based on an assessment of the complexity of work.

A quantitative assessment of the complexity of work for each position of a manager, specialist and employee based on a set of complexity factors makes it possible to determine with a sufficient degree of accuracy the size of official salaries for the purpose of more justified differentiation in remuneration; avoid equalization and link the complexity of work to the level of payment.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 14-10-92 785 (as amended on 02/27/95) ON DIFFERENTIATION IN WAGE LEVELS OF BUDGET EMPLOYEES... Relevant in 2018 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/27/95 N 189) Pay grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tariff coefficients 1.0 1.30 1.69 1.91 2.16 2.44 2.76 3.12 3.53 3.99 4.51 5.10 5.76 6.51 7.36 8.17 9.07 10.07 Notes. 1. The size of the tariff rate (salary) of the first category is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Rates (salaries) for employees of other categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule are established by multiplying the tariff rate (salary) of the first category by the corresponding tariff coefficient. 2. Professions of workers are charged in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers from 1st to 8th categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule.

Tariff schedule by category for 2018

In practice, it turned out that management, along with the obligation to distribute funds, has an almost uncontrollable opportunity to increase its own salary. This is easy to do by reducing the volume of services provided by the institution, which naturally has a negative impact on the quality of work.


You can also manipulate the base part by setting the “director’s” salary significantly higher than the average for the institution, citing the fact that many employees work at 1.5 times the salary. NSOT unwittingly placed the management of institutions and its staff in the position of business partners with opposing interests, which cannot but create a certain social tension.

Tariff schedule for public sector employees as of 10/01/2018

Approximately 30% of the entire wage fund should be used to ensure these payments, that is, this is exactly the share by which subsidies from the state budget are increased as part of the introduction of NSOT. In order to introduce a new payment system, each budgetary institution is obliged to make changes or adopt new regulations, which, in essence, regulate changes in essential working conditions, and therefore require the consent of the employees themselves.

If we interpret the transition to NSOT as a change in technological conditions or work organization, then it is not necessary to obtain the consent of workers. To do this, the employer must take a number of steps provided by law: 1.


Notify employees of the changes in writing within two months. 2. If the employee agrees to work under new conditions, he must express this in writing.


Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of public sector workers

If the conditions are not suitable for a public sector employee, he must be offered in writing vacancies, if any, including those paid below the current ones, as well as in other regional divisions. 4. If there are no vacancies or the employee does not agree to take one of them, he is fired according to clause.
7 hours 1 tbsp. 77

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 5. An additional agreement is concluded with the consenting employees with new terms of remuneration specified in it (they should not be worse than the old ones): amounts of payments for salary, compensation, allowances, incentive part of the salary. Very effective in theory, in the process of using NSOT it discovered several extremely unpleasant pitfalls.

It was intended that all funds allocated from the budget would be spent within the institution itself, and those that were saved would go to the wage fund, from which they would be distributed by management as an incentive part of the salary.

Nuances and rules for using the tariff schedule by category

NSOT stands for “new wage system.” This is an initiative that replaces the principle of calculating labor remuneration for employees in the educational industry from a salary (based on the Unified Tariff Schedule) to a differentiated approach.

Under the usual system, the salary of a public sector employee was calculated based on the salary (tariff), which corresponded to a certain qualification category in terms of length of service and category of the employee. Labor productivity in each specific time period had virtually no effect on wages.
NSOT declares a different principle for the distribution of salary funds: managers receive the sole right to control their distribution, assigning different amounts depending on the quantity and quality of work of each public sector employee, encouraging the more successful and qualified.

New teacher salaries in 2018 tariff schedule

After the official salaries for 2018 change, the salary table will also be changed. However, penalties arise. It is not yet known how the IMF and other international partners of Ukraine will react to such actions.
Considering that Ukraine has a large external debt that does not stop growing, then, perhaps, creditors will not like it. All this leads to the fact that the situation in Ukraine will not develop in the best way. A large number of different experts and specialists predict a default for the state as early as 2020. These, of course, are only forecasts, but in order to avoid this, the authorities need to make considerable efforts, because changing the situation for the better will not be so easy.
Workers who benefited It should also be mentioned that positive changes did affect some.

Which public sector employees will have their salaries increased from May 1, 2018?

In connection with such data, it can still be argued that the official salaries of civil servants for 2018 should undergo certain changes. Salary growth and pitfalls Representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine have also repeatedly stated the above-mentioned problem. This is a very important problem that practically destroys any motivation to work. If you pay attention to how the indicators have grown over the past years, you can understand that this trend began back in 2014. It was then that the increase in official salaries ceased to correspond to the increase in the cost of living. To dive deeper into this problem, when comparing the size of tariff rates, it becomes known that representatives of the first category have a salary that is approximately 1,700 hryvnia.

Official salaries for 2018 in Ukraine. table

Funds for such payments should appear through savings in funds, as well as by expanding budget allocations at the federal level by about a third. If the temporary volume of work of a public sector employee remained at the same level, as well as the level of his job responsibilities, then the salary based on the NSOT cannot be less than what it was according to the UTS.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution according to which public sector employees belonging to certain industries, and above all, education, switch from the Unified Trading System to the NSOT. This document highlights general issues related to the new approach to the labor remuneration system in public sectors.
In Art.
To do this, you just need to find out about the coefficient, which is indicated in the unified tariff schedule. This coefficient is a clearly established concept that is regulated only by the tariff schedule. That is why any other labor amendments and innovations do not have any impact on the indicator. As you know, for representatives of the first tariff category the coefficient is unity, and for other categories it increases in a certain way. This is the basis on which the salary table is compiled. It should also be said that the tariff category itself is adjusted depending on the person’s profession.

Light work usually equates to the lowest levels. And work that generally requires a minimum belongs to the first category.

But the more professional skills you need and the more specialized knowledge you need, the higher the tariff category will be.

Pay scale for public sector employees in 2018

Tariff categories were established depending on the complexity of the work. In order to unify the distribution of workers by tariff categories, 2 qualification directories were used:

  • Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Blue-collar Professions (UTKS);
  • Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees (USC).

Both directories are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. They are constantly updated as the level of technology development increases and new work standards are introduced. New remuneration systems in budgetary organizations From December 1, 2008, the Unified Tariff Schedule was replaced by a slightly different method of tariffication of salaries of public sector employees.
If this is a tariff system, the rules of use of which in 2017-2018 are regulated by the current norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then a local regulatory act, for example a regulation on wages or a collective agreement, prescribes all the components of this system and the principles of their application. Thus, the employer must describe the tariff schedule that will be used when calculating salaries to employees.

Within the tariff schedule, the link to tariff categories is fixed. Thus, all positions in the enterprise are divided into certain groups - categories.

Typically, the 1st rank is assigned to the least qualified positions, and as the level of complexity of the work increases, the rank also increases. NOTE! Naturally, higher wages are set for more complex work that requires certain knowledge and skills.



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