Wet cough remedy for children. Treatment of night cough in children

Cough is considered one of the signs of infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs in children. But parents should not make a diagnosis on their own and give their child medications. If a wet cough is detected in a child, the local pediatrician will tell you how to treat it.

Symptoms in a child

Sputum is a secretion produced by the glands of the trachea and bronchi. In the normal state, mucus is also formed, but not in the volume that causes a cough reflex. A large amount of mucus from the respiratory tract begins to drain due to inflammation caused by the proliferation of harmful bacteria. A runny nose also appears when there is a discharge of liquid or mucous secretion. In this case, mucus flows down the walls of the nasopharynx and accumulates in the lower parts of the respiratory organs.

Know! An unusual number of clots for the body irritates the receptors, causing a sharp spasmodic exhalation - a cough. The reaction is accompanied by rapid contraction of the respiratory muscles, which helps push out foreign mucus.

In medicine, a wet cough is called productive. It is determined by the amount of fluid released from the respiratory organs. It is this symptom that will indicate to the doctor the nature of the disease present. A residual wet cough is often observed after an acute respiratory viral infection, cold or flu.

Features of a wet cough replacing a dry one

The first symptom of an incipient infectious disease is a dry cough. Microorganisms enter the throat, causing inflammation and hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane, provoking a cough reflex. A dry cough is often hacking, without sputum production.

Watching the child suffer, parents wonder how to make a dry cough wet. In fact, the dryness will decrease on its own, and phlegm will begin to separate. Children 2 years of age and older do not have problems coughing up mucus. Expectorant and mucolytic drugs will contribute to a quick recovery in this development of events.

Important! If the baby is not yet 2 years old, treatment should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

The situation when a wet cough turns into a dry one means that the secretion of secretions from the glands has slowed down. There are several explanations for this course of the disease:

  • with the flu, the cough can be either dry or wet;
  • cigarette smoke dries out the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • insufficient humidity in the room contributes to a dry cough;
  • allergic reactions can provoke both dry and wet cough;
  • the disease with laryngitis, whooping cough, measles is accompanied by a barking cough.

Dry cough is very difficult for children to tolerate. There is a constant desire to cough. Doctors do not recommend straining the ligaments, otherwise there is a risk of losing your voice and acquiring hoarseness.

Wet cough does not go away

Sometimes therapy does not bring results - after a couple of weeks, even after a month, a frequent wet cough has the same intensity as at the beginning of the disease. The reason most likely lies in incorrectly prescribed treatment.

When a wet cough does not go away, a chronic form of respiratory disease is diagnosed. True, in some cases, factors other than infectious factors provoke the cough reflex:

  • allergy;
  • chemical irritants.

In these cases, it is enough to eliminate the provocateur of the reactions.

If a child has a wet cough without fever, this does not mean that the inflammatory process is absent. In young children, the immune system is not sufficiently developed; the young body does not always respond to the ingress of harmful bacteria with the usual rise in temperature. But a strong wet cough without fever may also indicate the presence of allergic reactions, or the entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract.

Attention! When there is a wet cough and fever, this is definitely a sign of inflammation. In this case, you should put the child to bed and call a doctor.

How to treat the disease

If the cough is wet, then the cough reflex cannot be suppressed. By eliminating the symptom, you will not be able to get rid of the source of the disease. In addition, suppressing cough can contribute to the accumulation of mucus and the transition of the pathology to a more severe form.

The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that the best way to eliminate the disease that provoked a wet cough is to systematically perform basic actions:

  • humidifying the air in the child's room;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • drinking plenty of fluids.

The doctor is also sure that phlegm-thinning medications are simply irreplaceable, but only a pediatrician should prescribe them.

Drug treatment

Consultation with a local pediatrician in the presence of a wet cough is definitely required, although not immediately. But you should call a doctor immediately if you have:

  • prolonged paroxysmal cough, especially at night or in the morning;
  • cloudy sputum with green or bloody streaks;
  • barking cough;
  • wet cough that does not go away for a long time;
  • high temperature (more than 38.5⁰C);
  • wheezing in the chest area.

In order to prescribe a suitable drug, you need to know the reason that caused the formation of a large amount of fluid in the respiratory organs. The medicine is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Treatment of wet cough in children depends on age. For example, in a child under one year old, the cough reflex is not sufficiently developed. It is not worth prescribing him any means to remove sputum. The mucus released will accumulate in the baby’s bronchi and can provoke “flooding of the lung” syndrome, which can easily turn into pneumonia.

It is much easier to cure a disease in a one-year-old child than in an infant. After the first year of life, children are usually prescribed syrups - they are easier to use. Popular drugs prescribed by pediatricians can be purchased in pharmacies:

  • Gedelix;
  • Althea syrup;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ascoril Expectorant.

Mucolytic agents promote the discharge of thick sputum and have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dosage forms in the form of syrups contain extracts of medicinal plants. Not prescribed for children under one year of age. Expectorants of plant origin relieve severe coughing attacks and are recommended for chronic forms of diseases with thick mucus that is difficult to separate.

Important! A synthetic product will have an effect faster. Medicines such as ACC, Lazolvan, Ambroxol will help relieve attacks and help reduce the child’s cough at night.

Treatment with folk remedies

Natural components help relieve inflammation and quickly cure the cause of cough. At home you can use some effective recipes from traditional medicine:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs - coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow. Pour the collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Over the course of a week, give the child 1 tsp. after meal.
  2. Licorice, marshmallow, anise, fennel, sage and pine buds are brewed in 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then give the baby 1 tsp to drink.
  3. Viburnum berries are boiled for several minutes, then mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Give the patient a spoonful throughout the day.

Badger fat is used to rub and warm the chest. Infants should not apply concentrated ointment, as the skin is still very tender and can cause burns. It is allowed to mix the medicinal composition with regular baby cream and apply a thin layer to the chest.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are very helpful in treating diseases:

  • eliminate pain and inflammation;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • activate the immune system.

It is up to the specialist to decide which type of devices and procedures will be most useful.


Inhalations quickly alleviate the condition of the body in children, moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, relieve coughing, and increase the discharge of mucus from the bronchi. But there are also contraindications.

Know! In children under 3 years of age, inhalation can cause spasms of the respiratory organ and burns of the mucous membrane. Therefore, such procedures are prescribed to older children.

There is no need to involve a physiotherapist for observations during manipulations if the child is already 5 years old. Such children quickly understand their parents' instructions and act carefully. You can carry out inhalations with a nebulizer at home. Treatment medications can be purchased at pharmacies:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • Borjomi type mineral water;
  • ACC in the form of a solution.

Steam inhalations can be carried out with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus and fir.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage for children should be performed by a specialist who has a medical education and training. Manipulations are highly effective in the treatment of bronchitis, as well as in the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Heated oil is applied to the chest area. Vibrating and tapping actions are carried out using the fingertips. Then they are replaced by stroking and rubbing. The whole process takes no more than 10 minutes. After the massage, wrap the heated area in a terry towel or blanket. To treat diseases, 7-10 sessions are sufficient.

Breathing exercises are suitable only for adults and middle-aged and older children. A set of exercises helps rid the respiratory tract of mucus and reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. Additionally, daily warm-up improves the functioning of the cardiovascular organs and digestive system.

To get the expected effect, gymnastics should be performed only in the absence of elevated temperature. During the healing process, you need to carefully monitor the patient’s condition.

If coughing, dizziness or drowsiness occurs, exercise should be stopped. Breathing exercises are a great way to speed up your recovery. In addition, this method helps to cope with colds without the use of medications.

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to an irritant. External factors (smoke, dust, strong perfume) or internal factors (infectious diseases and respiratory tract pathologies) can act as a provocateur. Each cough is individual.

One symptom should be eliminated, while the other should, on the contrary, be provoked. Treatment methods always depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the cause of the cough.

Expectorants for wet coughs are prescribed everywhere. Most medications are included in the over-the-counter list. It is important to correctly distinguish a wet cough from a dry one, since their treatment is completely different. With a wet cough, the following symptoms are noted:

  • a person coughs, making gurgling sounds;
  • sputum is discharged with varying degrees of intensity (productive or difficult);
  • increases in the morning, after waking up;
  • When listening to breathing with a fanendoscope, wheezing and whistles are heard.

A wet cough appears in diseases of the lower respiratory system: chronic, acute, infectious or somatic.

Expectorants: classification of drugs

Expectorants are complexes of medications whose purpose is to remove mucus from the respiratory tract.

Under normal conditions, this process proceeds independently. The speed of mucus movement through the bronchi varies from 0.4 to 2 cm per minute. If this process is disrupted, doctors prescribe expectorant medications to the patient.

Drugs have many classifications. They differ in their operating principle:

  1. stimulants (reflex and resorptive);
  2. secretolytic (proteolytics, cysteines, mucoregulators).

Medicines are produced in different forms: tablets, suspensions, concentrates, inhalation solutions. The basis of medicines can be herbal or synthetic. The best expectorant is selected individually for each patient.

Drugs that stimulate the cough reflex

Stimulating medications accelerate the removal of mucus from the bronchi, thereby relieving inflammation and hastening the moment of recovery. The use of this group of drugs is advisable for non-viscous and thin sputum.

All stimulant medications, in turn, are divided into two subgroups:

  1. reflex
  2. resorptive

Reflex medicines

Reflex-stimulating drugs have an expectorant effect:

  • dilute gastric mucus, which provokes irritation of vomiting and coughing;
  • high activity of the medulla oblongata provokes additional synthesis of bronchial mucus;
  • as a result, the frequency of coughing increases.

Medicines have a short duration of action and therefore require frequent re-doses. Consuming large amounts may cause nausea accompanied by vomiting.

Trade names and active ingredients of reflex-stimulating expectorants
Trade namesApplicationUseful actionContraindications
Mukaltin, Althea Root, Alteyka (syrup)Bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, emphysemaStimulates bronchiole peristalsis, providing an anti-inflammatory effectUlcer, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, children under 3 years of age, lactation period
Thermopsol, Codelac Broncho (without codeine), Cough tabletsBronchitis, tracheobronchitis, difficult separation of sputum from the bronchial wallsThe high content of alkaloids provokes a cough reflex, irritating the respiratory centerPregnancy, lactation period, children under 3 years of age, stomach ulcer
Chest collection (1, 2, 3, 4), Expectorant collection, Bronchofit, Plantain syrup, Stoptussin phytoAcute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitisHerbs stimulate secretolytic activity, facilitate sputum separation, and relieve inflammationIndividual intolerance to components, pregnancy and childhood
Thyme herb, Bronchicum, Pertussin, TussamagBronchitis and pneumonia with paroxysmal cough and difficult sputum dischargeProvokes an expectorant effect, while simultaneously providing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effectsHypersensitivity, pregnancy, individual contraindications
GelomitrolChronic and acute bronchitis, sinusitisStimulates the expectorant reflex, eliminates microbial flora, relieves inflammationPregnancy, formation of kidney or gallstones, childhood
Tussin, Coldrex Broncho, Gexo BronchoBronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, flu, asthma, cystic fibrosisStimulates gastric receptors, increases the vibration of epithelial ciliaUlcer, stomach bleeding, cough with copious sputum

When taking reflex drugs, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

Resorptive drugs

Resorptive expectorants for wet coughs in adults are used when the amount of sputum is small. Such compositions work according to the following principle:

  • increase the secretion of bronchial mucus (liquid part);
  • contribute to its liquefaction and make sputum easier to remove;
  • stimulate the rapid release of accumulated secretions.

Due to their pharmacological action, resorptive medications can cause adverse reactions such as lacrimation and nasal congestion.

Such symptoms go away on their own after stopping the medication. Liquid forms of medications in this group are considered more effective.

Trade names of drugs that stimulate the production of bronchial secretions
Trade namesApplicationContraindicationsAdditionally
Iodide, Microiodide, Iodine balance, IodomarinInflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory system, accompanied by a non-productive wet coughThyroid diseases, furunculosis, kidney pathologiesAbsorbed in the stomach, after which it is released through the bronchi, increasing the amount of sputum; stimulates the breakdown of sputum proteins
10% sodium iodide solution for intravenous administrationInflammatory processes in the lower parts of the lungs with a wet coughThyroid diseases, individual intoleranceIncreases the amount of sputum, absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and released in the lungs
Sodium bicarbonate, Bicarbonate, Sodium bicarbonate-ESKOM, used as an additional substance in combined expectorantsBronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis and infections of the lower respiratory system with low sputum productionHypersensitivity, hypocalcemiaIncreases the volume of bronchial secretions, accelerates the removal of mucus formed

Practice shows that resorptive medications are rarely prescribed. More often their use occurs when using combined agents.

Medicines acting on phlegm

The drugs act directly on sputum, regulating its condition. Due to their action, medications make bronchial secretions liquid and easily separated. All thinning compounds are divided into subgroups: proteolytic, cysteines and mucoregulators.

Cysteine ​​derivatives

The most popular phlegm thinners are medications belonging to the cysteine ​​subgroup. The principle of their operation is as follows:

  • break down disulfide bonds that are part of the protein of sputum glycoproteins;
  • quickly thins thick mucus;
  • contribute to the gentle removal of phlegm during coughing.

Cysteine-based medications should be prescribed with caution to debilitated patients. Under the supervision of a physician, such medications are taken by patients in whom the removal of thin sputum may be difficult.

Active ingredients and names of medications of the cysteine ​​group
Trade namesApplicationContraindicationsAdditionally
ACC, Fluimucil, Mucomist, Vicks Active ExpectoMedBronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasisStomach or intestinal ulcer, hypersensitivity, breastfeedingLiquefies mucus, increases its volume, relieves inflammation
Fluditec, Bronchobos, Carbocysteine, Libexin MucoInflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with the formation of thick secretions, pathologies of the ENT organsUlcer of the digestive tract, pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, pregnancy and lactationActivates enzymes of the bronchial mucosa, normalizes the elasticity of mucus, regenerates damaged surfaces of the membranes of the respiratory system
FluifortTracheobronchitis, bronchiectasis, asthma, bronchitisUlcer, pregnancy, childhood, phenylketonuriaNormalizes the elasticity of mucus, regenerates damaged surfaces of the membranes of the respiratory system, activating enzymes of the mucous membrane of the lungs

Cysteine-based drugs act quickly and effectively. They form large volumes of bronchial mucus, which in some situations requires pumping it out in a hospital setting.

Enzyme proteolytics

Drugs included in this group show the following effect:

  • break bonds (peptide) between the molecules that build phlegm;
  • bronchial mucus undergoes powerful liquefaction;
  • When you cough, phlegm is easily expelled naturally.

Proteolytic enzymes are prescribed to patients to take under the supervision of a physician. Such drugs can cause serious side effects: allergies, bronchospasm, or bleeding in the lungs. It is prohibited to use these drugs for obstructive bronchitis.

Trade names of proteolytic enzymes
Trade namesApplicationContraindicationsAdditionally
Trypsin solution, Crystalline trypsin, is included in combination medicationsBronchoactasis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary actelectasis after surgeryEmphysema, heart failure, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver diseaseLiquefies phlegm and blood clots in the lungs, eliminates inflammation, rejects pus and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues
ChymopsinBronchopulmonary diseases and pathologies of the ENT organs, accompanied by viscous sputumHeart failure, lung malignancy, bleedingThins thick mucus, reduces inflammation, and protein nature of origin
Ribonuclease, Ribonuclease amorphousLung abscess, suppuration, bronchiectasisRespiratory failure, liver disease, bleedingPromotes the regeneration of damaged bronchial tissue, thins mucus in the bronchial tree, accelerates its elimination

Enzyme preparations are made from the pancreas of cattle. Most of them are used by inhalation. These medications are not suitable for self-administration. A prescription is required to purchase them.

Mucolytic response regulators

Expectorant drugs of this group are among the newest. The peculiarity of their work is as follows:

  • increase the volume of released pulmonary surfactant;
  • balance the amount of viscous sputum and liquid secretion;
  • provoke a cough reflex by increasing the amount of mucus.

Mucoregulators are actively used in modern medicine. They are prescribed to children and adults. Most drugs are over-the-counter products.

Trade names of mucolytic agents
Trade namesApplicationContraindicationsAdditionally
Bromhexine, Solvin, BronchostopCOPD, pneumonia, various types of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosisChronic liver and kidney diseases, pregnancyIncreases the production of bronchial secretions, relieves coughing, improves sputum discharge
Lazolvan, Ambrobene, BronchoxolPneumonia, acute forms of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosisNeonatal period, hypersensitivity to the active substanceStimulates the functioning of bronchial cells, reduces the viscosity of thick secretions

Medicines based on ambroxol are becoming the most popular today. They are used in pediatrics, therapy, otolaryngology and pulmonology.

The drugs are safe, effective, and receive positive reviews from consumers.

Folk remedies

In some patients, expectorants and sputum thinners purchased at the pharmacy cause mistrust. In pursuit of well-being and health benefits, people use folk recipes for wet coughs. The effectiveness of this treatment method has been questioned.

  • Honey – removes mucus from the bronchi, relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Lemon is a source of vitamin C, improves immunity, restores damaged epithelium.
  • Radish – stimulates the immune response, accelerates the discharge of thick sputum. Thanks to the combination of beneficial substances, it relieves inflammation and normalizes oxygen metabolism.
  • Herbal decoctions have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, expectorant effects. Taken orally or administered using an inhaler.

One of the common folk remedies for wet cough, which is also recommended by doctors, is. Mineral salts relieve inflammation, additional fluid accelerates the liquefaction of mucus, and alkaline components promote rapid healing of damaged structures.

Compresses for wet coughs can only be used when body temperature is normal. Warming is carried out with vodka, honey, flatbreads, mustard plasters and other various means.
Physiotherapy and massage are also highly effective in treating wet cough.

Medicines that improve expectoration when coughing

In contact with

With the help of coughing, the body protects itself from any irritating factors affecting the respiratory tract. A wet cough helps remove foreign bodies, germs, toxins, viruses, dust particles and other substances from the bronchi. And when it appears in a child, parents should understand both the causes of such a cough and the need for its treatment.

How can you tell if your cough is wet?

The main difference between a wet cough and a dry cough is the presence of sputum. This is the name given to specific mucus that accumulates in the respiratory tract and is coughed up by a child. Normally, it is formed in small quantities and is eliminated with the help of rare coughs. With diseases of the respiratory tract, the volume of sputum increases significantly, which is why the child begins to cough frequently. Moreover, in many cases of the disease, the viscosity of sputum increases, which makes it difficult to cough up.

No temperature

The causes of a wet cough against a background of normal body temperature may be:

  • Bronchial asthma. The sputum coughed up during this pathology is viscous and transparent, which is why it is called glassy.
  • Allergy. Although rare, with this problem the child may cough up viscous, transparent sputum.
  • Chronic runny nose. A cough with sputum usually appears in the morning.
  • Heart failure.

In infants, a wet cough can be caused by tears, mucus from the nose or milk entering the respiratory tract. Also, a wet cough can appear during teething, when babies experience excessive salivation.

A wet cough without fever indicates the absence of a viral infection.

With temperature

The presence of a wet cough and a simultaneous increase in body temperature often indicates:

  • ARVI. A wet cough in such diseases often occurs during the recovery period.
  • Acute bronchitis. With such an illness, the child coughs up a large amount of sputum.
  • Pneumonia. The sputum coughed up during this disease may have a rusty tint.
  • Lung abscess. Sputum with this pathology usually contains impurities of pus.
  • Tuberculosis. There may be blood in the expectorated sputum, and the temperature is often low-grade.

Syrups and other effective preparations

Since in children it is more difficult to clear sputum due to its greater viscosity and less developed muscles of the respiratory tract, in the treatment of wet cough it is important to ensure better mucus discharge. Both herbal and synthetic preparations cope with this task.

The most popular and frequently used are presented in the table:

Name and release form

Features of action and application

Gedelix syrup

This drug is based on ivy extract.

The medicine is prescribed from birth.

It has an expectorant, healing and antimicrobial effect.

The product contains no sugar or alcohol.

The course of treatment is at least 7 days.

This remedy has an expectorant and mucolytic effect due to its carbocisteine ​​content.

Linkas syrup

Multicomponent herbal preparation with anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mucolytic effect.

Approved for use in children over 6 months.

Duration of use is 5-7 days.

The preparation contains thyme oil.

This medicine has an expectorant and bactericidal effect.

The drug is prescribed from 2 years of age.

Prospan syrup

The drug can be taken from infancy.

This medicine is based on ivy leaf extract.

The drug is prescribed for at least 7 days.

The medicine is based on herbal ingredients.

The drug coats the bronchial mucosa and reduces inflammation.

The syrup can be washed down with water or tea.

It is prescribed from the age of 2 years.

Mucaltin tablets

The medicine can be used from 3 years of age.

He is discharged for 5-7 days.

For young children, the tablets are crushed to form a powder and then dissolved in warm water.

Older children should chew the tablets before eating.

Medicines for infants

If a wet cough bothers a baby, the child should be given any medications with extreme caution and only after consultation with a pediatrician. As a rule, children under one year of age are prescribed syrups with herbal ingredients, but in their use it is important to take into account age recommendations and the risk of allergies.

Among the drugs used in infancy, the following are popular:

  • Linkas (from 6 months);
  • Bronchipret (from 3 months).


If children over 3 years of age have difficulty coughing up viscous mucus, steam inhalation can be performed. For such procedures, herbal decoctions are prepared, and menthol, soda, and various essential oils are added to the water. It is important to ensure that the liquid is not too hot (to avoid the risk of steam burns).

The procedures are performed an hour after meals. The baby should calmly inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. After inhalation carried out in autumn or winter, the child should not go outside for several hours. Medicines cannot be used for such inhalations. It is also prohibited to perform procedures if there is difficulty breathing and a barking cough, purulent sputum and elevated body temperature.

If you have a nebulizer, inhalations can be carried out using such a device. It is best to use saline solution or mineral water to moisturize the mucous membranes. This will safely and effectively loosen sticky mucus.

Inhalations for wet coughs effectively dilute sputum, but they are done only as prescribed by a doctor; you should not self-medicate

Wet cough in the morning

A cough with sputum production immediately after waking up is usually associated with the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract at night. This situation is possible with chronic sinusitis or rhinitis, as well as with tonsillitis and adenoiditis. During sleep, with such pathologies, mucus rolls into the respiratory tract, and in the morning the child coughs it up. Also, a morning wet cough can be a symptom of bronchial asthma or allergies.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular pediatrician advises treating not a cough as a symptom, but the disease that caused it. Regarding wet cough, Komarovsky’s recommendations are unchanged - humidify the air in the nursery, walk in the fresh air, give more fluids.

Komarovsky considers taking medications that dilute sputum and help cough it up to be as effective as the above measures. He emphasizes that all medications should be prescribed by a pediatrician, and drinking, hydration, ventilation and walking are methods available to every mother and every child to help quickly cure a wet cough.

Some more tips from the doctor in the following videos.

Folk remedies

To treat a wet cough, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • Brew mother and stepmother, marshmallow and oregano. To do this, you need to take 8 g of these herbs and 500 ml of water that has just boiled. After infusing for 1.5 hours, give the baby from 1 teaspoon to 1/2 cup, depending on age.
  • Make an infusion according to the recipe described above from marshmallow, licorice, pine buds, anise, fennel and sage.
  • Boil the berries for a few minutes

An article about the causes of wet cough in children and methods of treating it.

There is not a single child who has not coughed at least once in his life. Parents seemed resigned to endless illnesses. But is it necessary to humble yourself? It is better to learn to quickly identify the cause of a cough and eliminate it no less quickly.

Causes of wet cough in a child

Cough is not a disease. On the contrary, this is how the body reacts to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is not considered a pathology if a child coughs up to 10 times a day, and he does not have any ailments or symptoms indicating illness.

The cause of a wet cough in a child is not always an illness.

A child's cough may be:

  1. Dry or unproductive. Children cough without sputum production in the first days of laryngitis, bronchitis, other diseases of the ENT organs and bronchopulmonary system, as well as with allergies, whooping cough, and other ailments
  2. Wet, or productive. As you recover or during treatment, the mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory system begins to thin out and lose viscosity. The child begins to cough it up. Parents can hear a characteristic “gurgling” and also see clots of phlegm that the child spits out when he coughs

A wet cough may indicate an illness if it is provoked by:

  • virus
  • bacterium
  • fungus
  • allergen
  • toxin
  • other aggressive substance

Simultaneously with the appearance of a wet cough in a baby, if he is sick, other symptoms appear:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to subfebrile (37.5 degrees), febrile (38 - 39 degrees) and higher
  • shortness of breath and cyanosis
  • chest pain
  • loss of appetite
  • deterioration of sleep
  • lethargy
  • irritability
  • wheezing

Also, you need to pay attention to the cough mechanism itself and the nature of the sputum released during it. Reasons for immediately contacting a pediatrician are:

  • sudden, prolonged, paroxysmal cough
  • sputum discharged in large quantities is green, brown, mixed with blood or has an unpleasant odor

Pathological conditions in which a child may begin to cough with sputum production are diseases of the respiratory system:

  • acute respiratory infections
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • bronchial asthma
  • other diseases of the respiratory system of an allergic nature
  • tuberculosis
  • other

Diseases of other organs and systems can also provoke a wet cough:

  • cardiac pathologies
  • helminthiasis
  • gastrointestinal reflux
  • some sexually transmitted diseases, for example, chlamydia (children can “catch” it at birth or through contact at home)

Also, in children, a cough with sputum may begin:

  • when they are in a room with dry air
  • when they inhale fumes from household chemicals, tobacco smoke, dust, etc.
  • when choking on breast milk
  • when choking on saliva during teething

To identify the cause of a wet cough in a particular child, he needs to be examined. In this case, doctors use the following methods:

  • external inspection
  • auscultation
  • percussion
  • laboratory blood test
  • chest x-ray

IMPORTANT: If the cause of the cough is a virus or bacteria, a blood test will show leukocytosis, if allergies or helminths - eosinophilia

VIDEO: Wet cough during teething

Wet cough, fever and runny nose in a child - causes

Fever, runny nose and cough with sputum are signs of ARVI.
  • When a child gets sick with ARVI, his temperature rises, his nose runs and he begins to cough. The virus irritates the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
    It happens that on the second or third day from the onset of the illness, a runny nose and fever are accompanied by another symptom - a wet cough
  • Parents may be frightened by his unexpected attacks. It seems to them that everything inside the child is gurgling and bubbling. You need to know that in this way the child’s airways are cleared of mucus from the nasal cavity (snot), which flows down the back wall of the throat. Evacuation of sputum occurs through coughing
  • On the one hand, such a transformation of cough from dry to wet indicates that the child is getting better. On the other hand, sputum from the nasal cavity can infect the pharyngeal mucosa and cause inflammation. It is recommended to adjust the treatment and add measures to sanitize the throat and larynx
  • Often a pathogenic organism, a virus or a bacterium, affects not just one part of the child’s respiratory system, but several at once. Bronchitis or pneumonia, the symptoms of which at a certain stage are fever and a productive cough, may be accompanied by rhinitis. Symptomatic treatment will then be difficult; at the same time, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the source of infection

Causes of wet cough in a child during sleep

A severe cough with sputum production, which occurs in a baby at night, should alert parents and prompt them to show the child to the doctor, not only because it interferes with his sleep. The first priority is to find out the cause of coughing, which may be:

  1. Start of acute respiratory infection. Often, in the first few days, the virus that affects the upper respiratory tract does not make itself felt in the daytime. At night, as soon as the child falls asleep, he may develop a cough, either dry or with sputum.
  2. Rhinitis. During sleep, the child is in a horizontal position and does not blow his nose, so the snot flows into the throat, blocks the respiratory lumen, and irritates the mucous membrane of the throat. The evacuation mechanism turns on in the form of a cough
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs (adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). During a certain period of these diseases, the sputum becomes thinner, and during the day the child begins to cough it up gradually. When he sleeps, phlegm accumulates in his respiratory tract. A reflex paroxysmal cough occurs
  4. Allergy. A cough that produces sputum may occur at night if there is an allergen near the baby's crib.
  5. Bronchial asthma. Its cough form manifests itself in bouts of wet cough, worsening at night.

IMPORTANT: To prevent a cough from preventing a child from sleeping peacefully, first of all, parents, together with a pediatrician, must identify its cause and eliminate it.

They can also take the following measures:

  • humidify the air in the child's bedroom, if it is winter, the heating system is running
  • ventilate the child's bedroom
  • put the child to sleep not horizontally, but on a hill, sitting up
  • infants change position more often during their sleep
  • give plenty of warm drinks
  • remove from the child's bed all items that have the potential to cause allergies
  • Give your child a decongestant or antihistamine at night

IMPORTANT: If a child takes an expectorant, you should not give it right before bed; it is better to do it 1.5 - 2 hours before. The medicine can drive away phlegm, and then in a dream the child will literally begin to choke on coughing. Antitussives for productive coughs are strictly prohibited.

Why does my child's wet cough not go away? Causes of a prolonged wet cough in a child without fever

Cough due to ARVI and bronchitis, provided adequate treatment, disappears in 5 to 14 days. If after this time the child continues to cough, you need to sound the alarm, as this may mean:

  • continuation of the infectious process in the respiratory organ or its chronicity
  • pneumonia
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • helminthiasis
  • bronchial asthma or other type of severe respiratory allergy

A prolonged cough with sputum may or may not be accompanied by an increase in temperature (usually up to 38 degrees).

To determine its cause, the child must be examined in detail.

IMPORTANT: After bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, there may be a so-called residual cough. The cause of the disease has been eliminated, but the mucous membrane of the organ remains inflamed, and sputum is produced above normal. Such a cough in a child is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and tends to fade away.

VIDEO: Wet cough for respiratory diseases

Remedies for wet coughs for children: compresses, mustard plasters, medications

Cough is not cured, its cause is treated. Depending on what it is, the child is prescribed the following medications:

  • antiviral
  • antifungal
  • antibacterial
  • antihistamine
  • anthelmintic

Traditionally, mucolytics are prescribed for productive cough. These drugs, which help reduce the viscosity of sputum and facilitate its expectoration, are divided into two large groups:

IMPORTANT: Infectious inflammation of the respiratory mucosa, which causes a wet cough, always has an allergic component. Therefore, simultaneously with the mucolytic, the child should be given Claritit, Suprastin, Erius or another antiallergic drug prescribed by the doctor.

Procedures such as:

  • rubbing
  • compresses (potato, honey, vodka, etc.)
  • mustard plasters

But they must be carried out strictly according to the rules and only as prescribed by a doctor. You can read more about mustard plasters in the article:

Herbion for wet coughs for children

For conditions accompanied by a wet cough, children over two years of age are prescribed Herbion Primrose syrup, which has expectorant properties.

Herbion Primrose for coughs with phlegm.

The composition of the drug includes menthol, aqueous extract of primrose root, aqueous extract of thyme herb.

IMPORTANT: In addition to the expectorant properties, Herbion Primrose also has immunomodulatory properties.

  • Children drink the drug 1-2 scoops 3 times a day, depending on age
  • The duration of the course of treatment is adjusted by the doctor

Inhalations for wet cough in children

Various types of inhalations have been and will be effective against cough with sputum production.

Steam inhalation for wet cough in children.

They can be done as before, over a saucepan or kettle. Decoctions of herbs and essential oils that have an expectorant effect help. This:

  • sage
  • St. John's wort
  • eucalyptus
  • nettle

Also, many families today have a nebulizer through which the child can be given Lazolvan, saline solution, or alkaline mineral water to breathe.

Folk remedies for wet cough for children

You can help your child cough up by giving folk remedies along with pharmaceutical medications. Parents should arm themselves with several recipes.

RECIPE: Black radish with milk for an important cough in a child

Need: Black radish juice, milk, honey

  • I grate the radish and squeeze out the juice.
  • Milk is boiled and cooled slightly
  • Mix radish juice (1 part) and milk (2 parts), add a spoonful of honey
  • The child is given the elixir an hour after he eats, three times a day.

RECIPE: Vegetable juices and aloe for a child’s wet cough

You need: juices of beets, carrots, black radishes, cranberries - 100 ml, aloe juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice – 50 ml

  • The juices must be mixed and left overnight.
  • If your child finds the medicine bitter, you can add honey or sugar to it.
  • Give 2 tbsp three times a day. spoons

RECIPE: Licorice for wet cough

You need: licorice root – 10 g, boiling water – 200 ml, honey – as needed

Simmer the crushed licorice root in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for an hour, and filter. A child with a wet cough is given 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

IMPORTANT: Folk remedies used to treat a child with a wet cough must be approved by a doctor. Firstly, not all of them may be suitable for his age. Secondly, they may cause an allergic reaction.

VIDEO: Causes of cough and its treatment - Doctor Komarovsky

Treatment of a wet cough first requires treatment of the disease that caused the symptom. It is known that a wet cough is much easier to treat than a dry cough. With a wet cough, the bronchi and lungs are well cleaned, and pathogenic organisms are released with sputum. A wet cough during illness is a good sign, but it still needs to be treated, since any type of cough gives the child a lot of discomfort.

It is important to know how to treat a cough, especially in a one-year-old baby. In some cases, you can not use medications, but treat with folk remedies. The treatment method depends on the cause of the phlegm that the body is trying to get rid of through coughing.

  • Gedelix;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ascoril;
  • Marshmallow syrup;
  • Prospan (allowed in the first year of life);
  • Gerbion.


– a drug that thins sputum and has an expectorant effect. Ascoril is actively used in pediatric practice, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Children in the first year of life are not prescribed Ascoril. Ascoril also has other properties: eliminates spasms in the bronchi, increases lung capacity, significantly reduces airway resistance, and helps facilitate the removal of phlegm.

In order for Ascoril to have the right effect, you need to know exactly the causes of the cough. The drug does not help in every case. The medicine Ascoril is taken for dry cough, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and tracheobronchitis.


Gerbion syrup is a mucolytic drug. Herbion syrup facilitates the discharge of viscous sputum. Herbion contains extracts of primrose and thyme herbs, menthol. Gerbion syrup has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Gerbion is contraindicated for infants. Herbion is taken after meals, washed down with plenty of liquid.


Expectorants are indicated for diseases that are accompanied by the release of viscous, thick sputum and a wet cough. Expectorants help thin mucus, which then removes phlegm from the bronchi. Expectorants are divided into two groups: herbal and synthetic.

Herbal preparations for the treatment of wet cough in children are very popular. Especially ones like:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Alteyka;
  • overslept;
  • Mukaltin.


Mucaltin is used to provide relief from diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Mucaltin is recommended for acute and chronic respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by difficult to separate sputum.

– an expectorant drug that additionally has anti-inflammatory properties. Mucaltin stimulates the functioning of the bronchial glands, as a result of which additional production of mucous secretions occurs, sticky and viscous sputum is liquefied.

Mucaltin has virtually no contraindications due to its plant origin. Mucaltin should not be taken by children in infancy; use is permitted from 12 years of age. It is also contraindicated to use Mucaltin for children with peptic ulcers. Mucaltin can cause an allergic reaction, side effects are very mild.

  • Read also:

Many parents choose herbal preparations. This decision is not always correct, since herbal preparations can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Also, their effectiveness in treating wet cough has not been proven in clinical studies. Therefore, it is not recommended to treat infants with herbal preparations.

The most famous expectorant drugs of synthetic origin:

  • Ambroxol;

Treatment with synthetic expectorants brings more positive results. They help relieve attacks and have an effective effect on nighttime lingering coughs in children. But, do not forget that any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Inhalations will significantly improve the condition of children, help relieve coughs, thin mucus, and moisturize the respiratory tract. , prolonged cough in children - the choice of inhalation. It is important to remember that inhalations are recommended for children over 4 years of age. In a one-year-old baby, inhalation can cause pain, and there is also a risk of burns to the mucous membranes.

Good for children's health steam inhalations with essential oil of eucalyptus or pine. An effective remedy in the fight against wet cough is fine inhalation, which can be carried out at home using a nebulizer inhaler. After these procedures, the little one will sleep peacefully at night.

Can be carried out with medications such as:

  • ACC solution;
  • Mineral water "Borjomi";
  • Herbal decoctions.


Paraffin or ozokerite applications to the chest area immediately greatly improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. If the child is not observed, you can make mustard plaster applications or potato cakes at home. Compresses and applications have a good effect at night and will help quickly cure coughs with phlegm in children.

Thermal procedures are excellent in treating colds and prevent the disease from developing.


A productive cough can be supported with a massage; after the procedure, your baby will sleep peacefully at night. Massage helps a lot in the fight against cough. The procedure can be performed by children at home. The simplest massage methods:

  • Invite your child to blow up a few balloons;
  • Play with a glass of water and a straw - blow into the straw to make the water bubble;
  • Make a massage in a simple way “Rails - rails, sleepers - sleepers” is a well-known game for all mothers.

Folk remedies

Popular are folk remedies that help cure coughs with phlegm. It is very difficult for one-year-old children to choose the right one, since drug treatment is not always allowed for children under one year of age.

“Grandma’s remedies” will help treat a long-lasting wet cough at night; you can prepare delicious syrups:

  • From viburnum berries and sugar;
  • From onions: finely chop 1 onion, mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice, leave overnight, and give the child the juice obtained from this mixture to drink;

Such simple and tasty syrups will help cure a wet, severe cough even in an infant.


Decoctions of medicinal herbs are the “signature dish” of lovers of traditional healing. The child can be given decoctions of medicinal herbs to drink. (coltsfoot, linden and elderberry blossom, sage, chamomile). Herbal teas are also effective in relieving severe, lingering coughs in children that occur at night.

  • Be sure to read:


Rub children at night if their body temperature is not elevated. For the procedure, use goat,. Attacks of prolonged night cough will not bother children after rubbing. Everything can be used for one-year-old children. Cases of allergic reactions to fat are extremely rare.

If a productive cough at night exhausts your child, you need to give him warm milk and honey. Honey can help soothe nighttime coughs.



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