Sweet dreams my dear girl. Wishing good night to your girlfriend in your own words

To the most affectionate and sweet, tender, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and Good night! 1146 (1)

Sweet dreams, a piece of heaven, I miss you so much! Sleep is rushing to my bed, it’s sad to sleep without you, I’ll think how beautiful, how tender, how unique! How sweet, how loved you are! How wonderful it is when you are near, I meet your eyes with your gaze, I am always glad to see your smile! 2280 (4)

I kiss you good night, sweet dreams, my sweetie!
Good night, Sweet dreams
As always, I wish you well.
And the milky way and the stars
I send you from heaven... 1879

Good night my dear, despite the fact that we are very far from each other, I still see you in my dreams, and I miss you very much... 1578

Quietly, quietly the heart beats
The naughty night steals
Taking away the sun's light
Twilight is coming in response.
Sleep and you go to bed baby
I'll check how you sleep
I will come to you in a dream
And I’ll tell you according to a fairy tale! 622

And-...just good dreams! :) 529 - good night to you, my love!

Do you want me to come to you in your dreams?
I'll sit on the bed in silence
I'll touch you quietly, darling, wake up,
Extend your hand and smile.
Tell me more about yourself,
Show me how you can be sad -
Let your hand lie in mine
We will disperse the clouds of sadness,
I won't let you sleep until morning,
I'll kiss you until dawn,
And when the earth wakes up at dawn,
I will melt quickly in silence... 757

And pleasant dreams to you, so that your sleep is wonderful. Well, the new day is so clear - so that your dreams come true. Sleep well, sleep sweetly! 356

And I... And I want to hug you, kiss you hotly and passionately, and not let you sleep all night. These are my dreams... My Love, sleep sweetly! 356

Sorry if I’m disturbing you, I just miss you very much, and I hasten to say that I really want to hug you! 344

Good night!
I kiss you tenderly on your lips and both cheeks! 270

I send you a sweet kiss, I love you it is, I can’t live without you, I live loving you, forever we will be together, you are always in my heart. Having finished my history, I will say again: I LOVE YOU!! 215 (1)

The night kisses you sweetly, everything is frozen in silence. Let the crib be gentle, maybe we’ll meet in a dream! Good night! 302 (1)

I think you are sleeping now, the moon is shining through the window, good night, my baby, my favorite in the world! 156

Let everything be like in a fairy tale tomorrow, let there be more warm dreams, but for now, close your eyes and rest - sweet dreams! 272

Let a hundred thousand kisses come to you in your dreams. After all, you yourself know very well WHO is sending them to you... 212

The crib has been waiting for you for a long time, the bed is very boring, sleep is knocking on your window, my kitten, good night! 128

May you dream of an angel, may he come down from heaven, kiss you tenderly on the cheek and give you a Mercedes!:) 144

I’m writing a text message - good night,
I miss you very much.
I can't live without you at all,
Honey, I love you very much! 208

My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you, I so want to be heard by your heart... I kiss the tips of your wings! 189

No matter what the day was, the night is beautiful and tender, and I wish you, as always, good night! 223

Night has come, it’s time to go to bed and may you have a wonderful dream, you will fall asleep sweetly, serenely in your bed, tenderly! 134

I will not write either a poem or prose, but I will write only from myself - my girl, I LOVE YOU so much. Good night, I’m waiting, I miss you, I’m going crazy without you. 219

Stomp, stomp, stomp - I’m a brownie, I stomp like a little bear, I’ll kiss your eyes, I’ll tell stories in your ear
And when you sleep, I will guard your sleep. 284

Quietly the night falls. Sleep sweetly, and may you have the sweetest dream and may it last a long time! 368

It became quiet and dark, moonlight fell on the blanket, good night, my sunshine, I love you, kiss you, hug you! 176

On this page you will definitely find the best good night wishes for your girlfriend. A girl is a sentimental, vulnerable and emotional creature. She always puts warmth and emotions above some practical, prosaic values. At the beginning romantic relationships It’s important to give a girl emotional emotions, wish her good night beautifully, and your beloved will appreciate this impulse, don’t hesitate!

Send an audio good night wish to your girlfriend on your cell phone or home phone. It will be delivered exactly at the scheduled time and will give only positive emotions!

You know, I wanted to call you and call you my sunshine, but later I thought - you’re much brighter and more dazzling! I wanted to tell you - my little bunny, but you are a hundred times more tender! I wanted to whisper to you - my pussy, but you are more graceful than any cat! You are more expensive than diamonds and diamonds, your gait is more airy than a cloud, your embrace is warmer than fire... - you are my perfection! Good night, my love.

The sweetness of my life, the love of my soul and body, the meaning of my existence, my girl is unusually affectionate and tender, like this night! I want to wish you a peaceful rest on this velvet night, and may the silence of the night envelop you with its soft embrace from head to toe! May your sleep be sound and calm, cozy and carefree, airy and colorful!

Night will soon come. You're probably already going to bed. And I want to see you again. Touch your hand, look into yours beautiful eyes, touch your lips with my lips. Although, what am I? I always want this. And tomorrow, when I see you again, I will want it even more. Sleep, my sun, good night.

Sun! Thank you for having me! And even if I’m not with you today, but I know that we still love each other, and our dreams are one dream, our thoughts are one thought, tomorrow we will be together in the same bed, how I’m looking forward to it... and Good night bye, my love!

My beloved, the most wonderful on the entire planet, I wish you good night. May this night give you a wonderful dream and take you to the land of bright dreams and fantasies. I wish you, dear, a wonderful rest, gain vigor and strength, and in the morning be ready for the magic of the coming day and great victories.

So the remains of the day burned out, and a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take everything with it anxious thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a peaceful sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night!

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and restful sleep. May you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

To the one who does not leave my thoughts day and night, to the one who is the joy and happiness of my soul, I want to wish the most calm, kind and good night. Your dreams will take you to a world full of joy, light and warmth, may the most beautiful angels protect your peace this night. I will think about you even when you sleep, when I myself go into the arms of Morpheus.

In your sleep you can do whatever you want. You will have wings that will lift you to the greatest heights; your most cherished dreams will come true in your sleep. Good night, my soul, may all the good things that you dream of today become your true reality.

Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved girl in prose

My beloved, my angel and my soul, good night to you. I wish you to have the kindest and most cheerful dreams, I wish that yours is cozy and comfortable. night rest, I wish you to start the morning with a smile and good mood, and continue with a busy and happy day.

Go to sleep. The night has already covered the earth with its blanket and is waiting for you to sit comfortably in bed and close your eyes. Morpheus already misses you, and the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner I will see you cheerful and beautiful in the morning!

I wish you have a beautiful dream. So that we can do magic with you. Only you make me the happiest. With you we will accomplish and go through a lot!

My dear princess! I wish you a carefree, peaceful, velvety, quiet, calm, colorful, blissful night! Let a magical, kind fairy come to you in a dream and fulfill all your wishes, but only in reality! May the Universe gently wrap you in its cosmic blanket and give you harmony in your soul and peace in your heart.

You are the dream of my dreams, you are the dream of my dreams, you are my Universe! I wish you to feel my presence even in a dream, and in reality I wish you to feel my boundless love! Close your beautiful eyes, my beloved, and relax!

Let your bed be airy like a cloud, let your thoughts be light like the evening breeze! I wish you to touch my soul in a dream and feel the depth of my feelings! I wish you a million colorful moments both in your dreams and in reality, my dear! And may my love keep your sleep until the morning! I love you, my sleepy princess! Have a good sleep and a quiet night!

Let the night gently cover you with its starry blanket, take away your worries, and bring you a magical sweet dream. I kiss you, my love, have a good night.
My dear, I want you to remember mine before you close your eyes. strong feelings. Let the stars, and the warm wind, and fluffy clouds, and the aroma of flowers whisper to you about this. Tender night I wish it to my beloved girl.

my love, I adore you, I haven’t seen you for an hour, I miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile, why is the blanket hugging you now and not me? I want the morning to come quickly and I will see you again... I miss you, I love you!

In love and inspired by the beauty of one girl, a simple guy wishes the beautiful conqueror of his heart pleasant dreams! Good night

All evening I think only about you, I can’t sleep in either eye. I remember your voice, words, smile, and this makes me sadder that you are not near me. In wild excitement, I wish you sweet dreams. Good night!

The old day is leaving, and night is coming to replace it... May Morpheus bring you only unforgettable dreams! Let tomorrow begin with new strength and energy! Sweet dreams! I love you!

I wish my beloved girl sweet dreams! May every star in the sky kiss you for me! May the month keep your dreams peaceful! And the new day will only make you happy positive emotions!

My sweet candy, I wish you good night, may you have the most wonderful and interesting dreams. May your peaceful night's rest give you a lot of strength and new ideas for the coming day, may inspiration and a great mood come to you with the onset of dawn.

Short good night wishes to your beloved in your own words

My beloved, good night to you and the most pleasant dreams. I wish you to dream about a beautiful and wonderful island our love, Cote d'Azur our happiness, our kind and bright dream.

In love and inspired by the beauty of one girl, a simple guy wishes the beautiful conqueror of his heart pleasant dreams! Good night!

I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. May the night give good rest and meet your dream, and the morning will begin with great luck and good mood.

My wishes are simple, but everything is for you, my joy. The night carries you on its wings to the land where fatigue passes...

My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you, I so want to be heard by your heart... I kiss the tips of your wings!

Let a hundred thousand kisses come to you in your dreams. After all, you yourself know very well WHO is sending them to you...

To the most affectionate and sweet, tender, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and good night!

Hello! I'm a night text! Sent from a man in love to the most wonderful girl in the world! I kiss you goodnight and wish you sweet dreams!

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night!

May you have the most beautiful and fabulous dreams today. And when you wake up, I will try to make them come true!

May fate keep you in your dreams and prepare a wonderful day for tomorrow, and I will tell you with it - Good night!

Let tender dreams in sweet slumber they come to you. I just want to wish you good night and a happy tomorrow!

We just broke up, and I already miss you very much. Let's see you in your dreams, my kitten, good night!

Along with my good night wishes, I send you the most tender hugs and one long one, passionate kiss for the night. Sweet dreams, baby!

Thoughts about you keep me from sleeping. Is it possible to be so beautiful? You are my doe.. I hope, beauty, she will fall asleep quickly and soundly today! Good night

I haven’t seen you for just a few hours, but it seems like a couple of weeks have already passed... All in thoughts about you, I wish you good night, my beauty!

Good night, my beauty. You are my dearest. I want to tell you a secret... Secret: I love you!

Long good night wishes for a girl in your own words

How wonderful are those moments when you fall asleep in my arms, my beloved! These sweet moments go deep into my soul and make me the happiest person in love! It’s impossible to take your eyes off your silk eyelashes, trembling in your sleep, from your involuntary smile, which enchants with its beauty! I wish you that your dreams will always be sweet, magical, filled with goodness and love!

Let the moon gently caress you with its light, and let the stars gently whisper a lullaby! I wish you, my dear, to meet me in a dream and feel my love through the veil of sleep! I will protect your sleep all night, and in the morning I will give you a sensual kiss and a generous smile! Sleep, my dear! Let the night flight in the kingdom of Morpheus give you the ease of tomorrow!

My song, my blue-winged swallow, the melody of my soul, my scarlet flower, my love! How glad I am to wish you a measured, serene sleep! May your worries calm down for this day, and may you close your eyelids with sweetness! Let your thoughts dissolve in desires and plans for tomorrow! I wish you an airy flight to the fairy-tale world of dreams, where you will thoroughly relax your soul and body, where worries and everyday vanity will not bother you!

Rest, my joy, and gain strength to do great and good things tomorrow! Let the night sky cover you with a magic blanket and take you to the land of sweet dreams! Let the kingdom of Morpheus open its generous arms for you and not let you out of them until the morning! I wish you to smile in your dreams and in reality, I wish you to see yourself happy both in your dreams and in reality! Go to sleep, my honey, and don’t think about anything until tomorrow!

My girl, I wish you good night! I really want you to see only the most pleasant and positive things in your dreams today. I hope that before going to bed you will think about me, so that in the end it’s me you dream about. Let everything bad thoughts will go out of your head because I want you to sleep peacefully.

And tomorrow you should wake up in good location spirit, because you and I have big plans for the coming day. My beloved, now you will have to close your beautiful eyes, but before that, do not forget to smile at today, because there will definitely not be such a day again, because it is unique. I love you very much, my dear! I promise that I will be with you mentally. You know that I will never leave you.

Good night, my beauty! You are so good to me, so beautiful and bright, that I still cannot believe my own happiness. Was it really me who got this happiness in the form of you, my sunshine? I will do everything so that you never regret your choice, my love! But now it’s time for us to sleep, because we’ve both been overtired this day.

I wish you good night, pleasant and cheerful dreams that will give you even more strength. Let everything bad thoughts will go out of your head, and all the good things will double, because you just need positive energy. Know that even in my sleep I think about you, I worry about you, my love. Thank you to fate for having you in my life. I love you, my very best girl!

Now the night has come, all the worries of the day are behind, and ahead all night rest. Order a dream on any topic and rest peacefully. My beloved, I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. May you have a dream as sweet as honey. May a good wizard fulfill all your most cherished desires in your dreams. Let good sleep, tomorrow will definitely come true. Let the golden angel protect your night peace. Good, quiet and magical night to you, my joy. Have a nice and wonderful dreams, my dear.

When Cupid hits the hearts of two with his arrows of love, he knows that they will always want to be close. But there are circumstances when lovers cannot always be together. And they get bailed out beautiful wishes good morning, have a nice day, Good night.

Dear men, today we have selected beautiful sms-wishes good night for your favorite girls. Choose your favorites or come up with your own. Strong and beautiful love to your couple!

Send good night wishes to mobile

A good night will happen when someone wishes it to you...

My soul goes into your sleep, quietly, tenderly hugging...

Short and beautiful SMS good night to your beloved girl

May you have a good dream,
He will tell you how much I am in love with you.
So that when you wake up at dawn,
With a smile you remembered me.

Decorated my heart.
Good night!

When the silence comes,
When you fall asleep, baby dear.
My soul will come into your dream
Quietly, gently hugging.

It wasn't an easy day and you were tired
He brought a lot of trouble and work.
The night gives you peace, let it
Sweet dreams, dear, go to sleep.

Outside the window there is night and stars,
I'm in bed, but I'm not sleeping,
I wish you pleasant dreams
The one I love!

Good night, my little bunny!
I kiss your sweet nose.
Curl up like a kitten
And close your cute eyes!

Beautiful dreams, like from a fairy tale:
Kind, gentle, about love...
Close your eyes quickly
Good night, sleep sweetly!

Darling, good night
I want to wish you!
Sweet dreams my baby
It's time to go to sleep, dear!

Are you yawning, dear? I was tired during the evening.
Get closer to the pillow!
Let the night hug me by the shoulders,
Go to bed quickly and get some rest!

In a dream today, honey,
Open your wings
And, plunging into the starlight,
Fly into the distance with me.

At night I miss our “together”

Good night, honey! Sleep well, my princess!

SMS good night to your beloved girl in your own words

Good night, honey! Sleep well, my princess, I will be by your side! I wish that in your dreams you will be transported to the most fabulous countries, and in the morning you will wake up rested and cheerful.

Sleep, my sweet girl. May the night give you rest and peace. Let your dreams be the most pleasant and fantastic, like a good children's fairy tale. Good night my love, see you tomorrow.

My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you, I so want to be heard by your heart... I kiss the tips of your wings!

Baby, you are not next to me now, and I miss you madly. I wish you sweet dreams and a cheerful morning!

In love and inspired by the beauty of one girl, a simple guy wishes the beautiful conqueror of his heart pleasant dreams! Good night!

You are my attraction, you are my inspiration, you are mine best gift life, you are my treasure! I will take care of you every night and today too. Good night, my love!

Oh my dear, beloved! I don’t want to part with you, but the night is merciless to everyone. I have to say goodbye to you, but I promise that as soon as I wake up, I will immediately contact you by any means possible way! Good night!

There is nothing worse than spending a night without you, my love! Missed you madly! I'm looking forward to meeting you. And now I’m going to bed so that this night goes by faster! Sweet dreams!

If you could see my face now. It is in suffering, melancholy and loneliness without you! I feel sorry for myself :) Looking forward to the long-awaited meeting. Good night, my love!

The night is restless not when your loved one is not around, but when he does not wish you good dreams.

I wish you to sleep sweetly, my love, my joy!

Good night sms to make a girl melt

I wish you to sleep sweetly,
My love, my joy!
Let me sneak a peek into your dreams,
So that I can be with you in my dreams.

So that the dream is hot from passion
And carried on gentle waves,
I'll leave a kiss as a gift
On your sweet lips.

Good night, dear happiness,
May your night be quiet!
You rest in comfort and peace,
I hope you dream about me too!

I will touch you tenderly with my lips in a dream,
And I’ll take you in my arms, my love...
Sleep peacefully, my baby,
Smiles to your dream...

The day has come to an end again
And you, my dear, are tired.
This fatigue does not suit you,
So go to sleep and dream:

A land of fabulous beauties,
Where there are lakes, wonderful forests.
Where the wind carries you in its arms,
And miracles surround you everywhere.

I kiss you good night,
Sweet dreams, my sweetie!
Good night, sweet dreams
As always, I wish you well.
And the milky way and the stars' cover
I send you from heaven...

Let the blanket be warm
The night will cover you
And the sorceress moon will give miracles,

Let all the good in the world,
Will always be with you
I love you very much
My beauty!

Good night sweet dreams,
I wish you again
I want to wish every day
And in the morning hum gently!
Love you!!! Love you!
Everything in this world is for you!

The stars in the sky are clear
We lit up for you, my love.
So that you have wonderful dreams,
Comparable to your beauty,
Have a calm and sweet night
I wish you, my dear.
So that tomorrow you wake up joyful,
With new, strong strength.

Sleep, my tender girl!
The stars look out the window.
Let the night be serene,
The dream is like in a beautiful movie.

I will come to you in my dreams.
I promise, baby!
I will hug you gently and tightly.
Why aren’t you sleeping, dear?

Let all sorrows be forgotten,
The day will be more important than the night.
May all your dreams come true
So go to sleep quickly.

Stars are like peas
In dark skies
Going to bed, baby,
It's midnight on the clock!

I miss you very much
For your love,
Lonely night
In your room!

And the moon is so close
Whispers: “Bay-bye...”.
Sweet night pussy
Close your eyes!

Darling, good night! Didn't I wake you up?

Fall asleep in an instant to bring your dreams closer!

Cool good night sms for girl

Top, top, top - I'm a brownie,
I'm stomping like a bear cub
I'll kiss your eyes
I'll tell you stories in your ear
And when you sleep,
I will guard your sleep.

A soft bed is already waiting for you,
The teddy bear and pajamas are also with you,
Sweet, sweet yawn
Sleep well, don't be bored!

Super soft bed
Hints: you need to sleep,
Don't ignore the hint
And go to bed,

Don't spin too long
And curl up into a ball,
And fall asleep in an instant,
To bring dreams closer!

Lie more comfortably on your side,
And close one eye,
Sweetly stretch once
And close the other eye.
The night beckons, come to the call,
Good night, sweet dreams.

My joy, may you dream
A sea of ​​discounts and various sales.
Where I could admire things:
“Silk is wonderful! Delicate knitwear!

In everyone's dresses you are slim and neat,
The most fashionable color and style everywhere.
Everything is yours and, most importantly, free.
Let me have a dream like this.

There were no roses, only daisies around
And so modest are the beautiful cuties,
What a shame it is to sprinkle petals on the bed,
But you can find out the truth from them!
Good night, honey, you know
That I love you, no matter what!

The birds flew away from our roofs before morning,
Only you, my love, are still awake.
Come on, go to bed quickly, you see - it’s night time,
A gray, scary, wild wolf walks behind the wall.

He comes only to those who do not want to sleep,
Sits at the computer, does not go to bed,

Is your sweet, dear girl, with whom you so dream of falling asleep in the same bed, far from you? Wish her good night via SMS. Beautiful, kind, gentle, exciting, filled with images of stars, moon and beautiful dreams, poetic messages to a falling asleep girl from our site will really appeal to any girl. And the man who pleases her with such a message will not only dream about her all night, but also remember her the whole next day. And if your separation does not end, then the next evening you can also go to our website, select another good night wish and send it to your beloved.

Close your eyes quickly
May you dream fairy tales!
Sweetie, good dreams!
Sleep, sleep my love!

May the moon lull you to sleep,
The wind will sing a lullaby,
The night will come quiet, fresh, tender,
He will take Morpheus to the kingdom!

Darling, I wish you sweet dreams!
Don't worry, sleep, good night!
My love always protects you,
And may you dream what you want!

Night outside the window, the cloud sleeps, the forest
Talk about a miracle of miracles?
All about you, you are the angel of sleep -
You are my early spring!
Sleep dear angel, miracles
Yours gives birth to heaven!

There are many bright stars in the sky,
Reminds me of you
They whisper to me: about a dream,
Which you will give to me...

Sleep sweetly pussy
I'm with you even next to the crib,
I gently hold your hand,
I look at you sleeping...
And I’ll whisper in your ear:
Good night I love you!

Look at the night sky
And find a ray of happiness there
Take it to bed with you,
And you will see a sweet dream!

I write poetry with love,
Know this is my girl,
With your love like a hand,
I'll close your eyes
And sleep peacefully, sweet dreams,
Kiss me gently and fall asleep
Good night, bye bye!

Sweet dreams to you, kitten,
Wonderful images and dreams.
Kind, gentle and beautiful,
May everything come true in the morning!

This warm night I wish you
See sweet fairy tale in a dream
Let me be in it too
With a beautiful bouquet of flowers for you
Good night bunny, I kiss you!

It became quiet and dark,
Moonlight fell on the blanket
Good night, my sunshine,
I love you, kiss you, hug you!!!

Listen, bunny, what I say,
It's very late I'll go.
I advise you to sleep
I love you, I kiss you, I will wait...

Another evening is coming to an end,
And again I type SMS:
I am writing to you "Good night, bunny,
I love you, kiss you and miss you."

Good night sweet dreams,
I wish you again
I want to wish every day
And in the morning hum gently!
Love you!!! Love you!
Everything in this world is for you!

Close your eyes lightly
I will come to you quietly in your dreams,
I will touch your eyes with my lips,
May they sleep sweetly!
Sweet dreams!

May you dream of a gentle, white, affectionate animal -
He will stroke your ass and turn you on a little,
He will kiss your neck and then your stomach,
Then he will go down a little lower and......!
Good night!
Your animal!

There are two stars in the world,
Called you and me.
They are far from the dream
Like the sun and the earth.
So may you have dreams...
In which I found you.
Good night, my star!

And like a boy, in trembling excitement
I sit half the night and wait with longing,
Why would you write me at least a line -
Just three words “I love you!”

Quietly, quietly the heart beats
The naughty night steals
Taking away the sun's light
Go to sleep my baby
And don't be afraid of the darkness of the night
I'm close, I'm with you!

No matter what the day was,
But the night is beautiful and tender,
And I wish this night
Good night for you!

Today is quiet, serene,
The night will smile tenderly.
Let yourself dream about everything you want.
Darling, good night!!!

The moon is sleeping...
The clouds have fallen asleep...
The angel took you in his arms...
He brought a dream and sang a song...
Kissed me on the cheek...
Flew away...
Sweet dreams!!!

Good night, sweet dreams!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Even if we're not together
I fall asleep with you!
I fall asleep quietly, next to me!!!
Just nearby and without words,
I tenderly embrace happiness!!!
Good night, sweet dreams!

Night has come, the moon is already shining
And the stars are shining bright.
And I want you my angel,
Wish you good night.

Let sleep touch your eyelids,
Tells a tale of love,
And in this tale about two,
It will just be me and you.

Good night, sweet dreams!
Let love come in your dreams at night,
He will hug you tightly, look into your soul,
And in the morning life will be more beautiful!

The night kisses you sweetly
Everything froze in silence.
Let it be gentle
Crib, maybe we'll meet in a dream!
Good night!

Close your eyes, let your dreams be tender
They come to you in sweet slumber.
I just want to wish you good night
AND happy day at dawn!

The crib has been waiting for you for a long time,
Pajamas are very boring
Sleep is knocking on your window,
My kitten, good night!

I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep,
My soul yearns for you!
My thoughts fly to you,
I want to see you!

The road to the kingdom of dreams
Strewn with rose petals
Free your mind from shackles
Drowning in the ocean of sweet dreams.

Sleep peacefully and easily
All problems are far away
You are in the cloudless distance
Do you see fabulous dreams?
And quietly in your ear
I whisper, go to sleep baby!

I wish you good night!
I miss you very much!
Answer that you miss me too
and wish me pleasant dreams!

You're not here, I miss you,
The quiet night closes my eyes;
Sleep sweetly and dream in my dreams;
I will also fall asleep and dream about you.

Good night, my sunshine,
Close your eyes and go to sleep!
May your happiness be yours,
Don't forget to hold him!
May sweet sleep close your eyes,
And everything you wish for yourself,
I'll dream about blue skies,
And the love that I feel for you!

Your eyes are a roaring volcano of passions,
Your gaze can melt an iceberg,
You are my boat sailing on the waves of love,
And I want to sail somewhere on it.
Sail away to where there are no human betrayals,
Sail away to where eternal love is,
Where there are no attacks on feelings,
And where the blood does not freeze in the veins.
I want to sail to the ends of the world with you,
To where we stay together,
Where there is no winter, where it is always summer,
Where we will sing our love song.
Beautiful, you say, written like in a fairy tale,
And I'll tell you: “Yes, these are all dreams,
Well now - good night, dear, close your eyes,
There in the vase, I bought you flowers!”

Good night, sweet dreams,
Sleep sweetly my love.
So that you only have good dreams,
May all your dreams come true in your sleep!
So that gray wolf I didn’t come to you
And don't let him take you behind the barrel!
And may you dream of me this night,
And we will walk together under the moonlight!
And we will look at the stars with you,
I will sing tender songs to you,
I will kiss you tenderly
And I will hug you tenderly!
Well, go to sleep, my little bunny,
Sweet dreams, I love you:*!

Short wishes for your beloved good night

Good night, darling (although you are more precious),
Good night, bunny (although you are more gentle),
Good night, pussy (although you are more graceful),
Good night, fox (although you are more cunning),
Good night, darling!

I'll whisper good night...
Hear, my beloved!
And even if you don’t want to sleep,
Lie down, rest, I beg you.
I worked all day, I was tired,
So go to sleep quickly, baby!
The sun has stopped shining -
After all, you sleep peacefully, sweetly.

No sleep today, tonight,
I'll be lying in bed.
Because my heart really wants
To you, my beloved.
Good night darling
The stars lit up in the sky.
Just know, my dear:
I want to live with you all my life!

Good night! Silver
The generous moon throws.
And let the legend be old -
Don't let her kick you out.
Hurry up, joy, come!
Please make us happy with yourself.
May there be more happiness ahead!
Night, cover us with a quiet fabric.

Tender wishes for sweet dreams to your beloved

You're curled up like a kitten
Eyelids gently lowered.
And I didn't even wake up
When I visited you.
Well, sleep, my love,
Sweet dreams to you.
Let everything beautiful dream:
How my love is for you!

Morpheus's embrace
Cooks for you
So go to sleep quickly
My beloved!
Good night. Sleep sweetly
And think about me.
About our fairytale love
May you have dreams!

There is one country in the world
It is only visible from the moon.
A cheerful gnome lives there.
The gnome plays the pipe,
Dreams fly like butterflies,
Remember your sweetest dream
And he will return to you.

You are my sunshine, don’t be sad!
Everything is ahead of us.
Drive your thoughts away!
Sweet dreams to you this night!

Good night, Miss Charm!
Let your dream lie close to you,
And every cherished desire
It could be yours in the morning.
Good night, my dearest!
Fly towards a sunny day.
I am for you, my irresistible,
I will keep my warmth and tenderness.

The kittens fell asleep, the magpies fell asleep.
The clearing fell asleep, the flowers fell asleep.
And you are my joy.
And you are my heart.
Close your eyes.
And fall asleep gently.
Let him smile at you in your dreams.
Wonderful sun and mother moon.
Sleep my happiness, sleep my sky.
May your path be beautiful.

Good night to my favorite girl

My beloved, desired,
Good night, good dreams.
Let with beauty, charm
Love itself will come to you.
He will sing beautiful tunes,
And in the predawn silence,
And joyful and happy,
Perhaps you will remember me.

The sun is setting,
The month is young
frolicking in the sky,
Bringing peace.
The stars illuminate
Silence around
Sleep, my dear,
I love you!

A dream is spinning over the city,
And the light in the windows has long been extinguished.
And I'm madly in love!
I have become bold and reckless!
Without waiting until the morning,
I am writing to you that you are beautiful!
Answer now, please!
Until your grave! I kiss you passionately!

When the last lights go out,
The city will be shrouded in silent silence -
Close your eyes and sleep sweetly, gently...
Good night, my love.

Romantic good night wishes for your beloved

What an evening! Sky, stars and you.
You are the ideal of my beauty,
You made my dreams come true,
I'm so happy when you're around.
So I'm waiting for us to live together,
So that I don’t have to take you home,
It's not difficult for me to see you off,
But I really want us to live together.

Whisper just the word:
Simple, uncomplicated, gentle...
There will be nothing in it
In addition to awe and warmth.
Evening will come, but eternal
He won't sleep even with the shadow of the last star,
Only he will sit next to you...
Sleep, my love, you are my joy.

Good night. Way to go
Only magical dreams will occur,
And about love and fate,
So that you don't have to worry,
After all, prophetic dreams today
They will come to you, I promise
You will see the fire of love,
What burns you and me!



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