Silhouette: instructions for use for endometriosis and the positive effect of therapy. Birth control pills silhouette instructions for use

Using contraceptive pills to treat endometriosis is an excellent alternative to surgery or hormonal injections. The drug Siluet, consisting of 2 components, provides a good therapeutic effect for endometriosis and protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe a specific regimen for taking the pills in order to create the maximum therapeutic effect and remove the unpleasant symptoms associated with endometrioid disease. The side effects of hormonal pills are minimal, and a significant advantage of the drug is the preservation of a woman’s ability to bear children. Reviews from women taking Siluet for long courses convincingly prove that if you take the pills correctly, you can forget about the pain and irregular periods that occur due to genital endometriosis.

Composition of the drug

The hormonal contraceptive Siluet consists of 2 parts:

  • estrogenic component, the dose of which is 30 mcg;
  • progestational drug Dienogest (2 mg).

Both hormones are as close in structure as possible to the natural biologically active substances produced by a woman’s ovaries. At the same time, estrogen is a typical component used in the vast majority of contraceptives, and Dienogest is a modern, highly effective drug with additional positive properties. It is due to this part of the contraceptive that the effectiveness of the effect on endometrioid disease is very high. The beneficial properties of Dienogest include:

  • targeted and local effect on endometrial cells located anywhere;
  • hormonal effect comparable to the effect of natural progesterone;
  • suppression of endometrial cell growth that occurs in phase 2 of the menstrual cycle;
  • decreased production of one’s own progestogen hormones and androgens.

The multifaceted effect of the drug on endometriosis provides excellent therapeutic effects and reliable protection against unplanned conception. However, it should be remembered that Siluet is a hormonal drug, so the drug should be used according to indications and after consulting a doctor.

Indications for use

Contraceptive pills Siluet can be taken in the following cases:

  • protection against unwanted conception;
  • long-term therapy of endometrioid disease;
  • correction of menstrual cycle disorders with restoration of hormonal balance;
  • treatment of skin diseases associated with an increase in androgen hormones in the blood (acne, seborrhea).

Often, a woman has several problems at once that can be solved with long-term use of highly effective medications. Siluet will help protect against unplanned pregnancy and will have a therapeutic effect on endometriosis and acne. But the doctor will decide on the possibility of using the drug, because it is necessary to take into account contraindications and side effects.


Hormonal pills have a serious impact on the female body. The instructions for the drug define all contraindications for which it is undesirable to use the drug for the treatment of endometriosis and contraception. You should not drink Siluet against the background of the following factors:

  • any manifestations of a tendency to block blood vessels (thrombosis, thromboembolism, heart disease, varicose veins with thrombophlebitis, stroke, heart attack);
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas (tumors, hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis);
  • high blood pressure;
  • endocrine pathology (diabetes, thyroid problems, obesity);
  • epilepsy and migraine;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions to hormonal substances.

Women who smoke should not take any oral contraceptives, because harmful substances from tobacco negatively affect blood vessels, increasing the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolic complications.

Treatment regimens

The drug Siluet provides several important effects:

  • suppression of ovulation and prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • reducing the severity of pain associated with the progression of endometrioid disease;
  • regulation of cyclic processes in the female body with guaranteed restoration of hormonal balance;
  • reduction of menstrual blood loss;
  • prevention of endometriosis in women with a hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • preventing recurrence of endometriosis.

The instructions for use indicate the regimens for taking the tablets, but the choice of therapy regimen should be selected together with the doctor. Reviews from doctors are clear - taking pills on your own without taking into account the variant of endometrioid disease and possible contraindications can cause dangerous complications. Or it will not give the desired beneficial effect. The following schemes are usually used:

  • contraceptive (you should start taking pills with the onset of your critical days, duration 21 days);
  • prolonged (continuous daily use of the drug, duration 6-9 months);
  • long-term (continuous use of pills, interrupted for a period of scanty bleeding, simulating menstruation).

The contraceptive regimen is optimal for women who do not have typical symptoms of endometrioid disease. The absence of premenstrual pain and a regular cycle are the basis for the standard use of a hormonal drug.

If it occurs, it is necessary to select treatment individually, using a prolonged or long-term regimen.

Side effects

Almost all hormonal contraceptives can have a negative effect on the female body, which is associated with the effect of the drug on all organs and systems. The most unpleasant side effects are:

  • regularly occurring headaches of varying severity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased pain in the mammary glands in the coming days before the onset of menstruation;
  • weight gain;
  • psycho-emotional disorders, decreased sexual desire;
  • cramping pain in the leg muscles;
  • change in eating behavior (increased appetite);
  • increase in vaginal leucorrhoea.

Most of these problems occur in the first months of taking Siluet. However, this is not a reason to refuse treatment for endometrioid disease. After consulting with a doctor, you need to continue therapy, creating conditions to combat the unpleasant manifestations of hormonal drugs. Usually, after a certain period of time, all these problems disappear or become less significant. Great importance in the fight against excess weight is given to rational diet therapy, reasonable physical activity and proper water regime.

Siluet (Silhouette) is a drug included in the group of oral contraceptives, intended for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and the treatment of acne. Let's look at this page "Popular about health" what the instructions for use say about the drug Silhouette.

Instructions for use Silhouette

What is Silhouette's composition and release form??

The active ingredients of the contraceptive are: dienogest, 2 mg and ethinyl estradiol, the content of which is 30 mg. Silhouette contains auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, talc, macrogol 3350, potassium polacrilin, polyvinyl alcohol, titanium dioxide, corn starch, hypromellose 2910.

The contraceptive drug Silhouette is available in round white tablets, biconvex in shape, labeled “G53”. The pharmaceutical product is sold in packages of 21 pieces. A prescription is required to purchase.

What action does Silhouette have??

Multicomponent contraceptive with antiandrogenic effect. The direct contraceptive effect is due to several factors.

First of all, the drug in question suppresses the process of ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle), which complicates fertilization and sharply reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.

The action of Silhouette changes the physical and chemical properties of the cervical (cervical) mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity and further reduces the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy.

Another factor in preventing pregnancy is the suppression of motility of the fallopian tubes, due to a decrease in the activity of the tone of smooth muscle fibers, which creates obstacles to the movement of the egg into the uterine cavity.

The antiandrogenic effect of the contraceptive is due to both components. A decrease in the concentration of androgens leads to a decrease in the severity of acne, especially in diseases of moderate and mild severity.

The drug in question is very effective as an antiandrogenic drug and contraceptive. The Pearl index, calculated as the number of pregnant women out of 100 taking this pharmaceutical during the year, is only 1.

The active ingredients of the contraceptive are well absorbed from the intestines. The maximum concentration of active components is formed in the blood plasma within a period of one and a half to 4 hours.

The bioavailability coefficient of the drug components is no more than 44 percent. The effect of the first passage through the liver is affected, when most of the active components are metabolized.

The processes of metabolization of active substances begin in the intestinal wall. The final stage of biological transformation occurs in the liver, with the formation of pharmacologically inactive derivatives. The half-life is about a day.

What are Silhouette's indications for use??

The Silhouette indications include the following cases of its use:

Implementation of contraceptive measures;
Treatment of mild to moderate acne.

It is important to remember that hormonal contraceptives have an impressive list of contraindications. Using them without prior consultation with a gynecologist can be very dangerous.

What are the contraindications for use of Silhouette??

The Silhouette annotation lists the following cases as contraindications:

Smoking over 35 years of age;
Liver diseases;
Venous and arterial thrombosis;
Uterine bleeding;
Breastfeeding period;
Suspicion of pregnancy;
Intolerance to contraceptive components.

Relative contraindications: bronchial asthma, herpetic infections, mastopathy, endometriosis, diabetes, any electrolyte disturbances.

What are Silhouette's uses and dosage??

Use Silhouette once a day, preferably at regular intervals (increases the effectiveness of the drug as a contraceptive, maintaining a constant level of hormones).

The first pill should be taken on the first day of the cycle. Then the medicine is taken for 21 days. If you accidentally miss the next pill, you must take it as quickly as possible. The simultaneous intake of two or more pieces at a time is unacceptable. The next package is started after a 7-day break.

If you overdose on Silhouette

In case of accidental overdose of Silhouette, the following negative consequences can be expected: vomiting, nausea, poor health, acyclic bleeding. Typically, no specific treatment is required. It is necessary to stop using the contraceptive for a while. Symptomatic treatment measures are carried out in accordance with the prevailing symptoms.

What are the side effects of Silhouette??

Side effects of the Silhouette abstract include the following manifestations: arterial or venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, anemic phenomena, tinnitus, allergic dermatitis, changes in body weight, depression, acyclic bleeding, suppressed sexual desire, convulsions, pain in bones and joints, depression.

How to replace Silhouette, what analogues to use?

Silhouette's analogues include Janine, Diecyclen, and Genetten.


It should be remembered that hormonal contraceptives are not a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Mechanical contraception should still be used for these purposes.

Be healthy!


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Article outline

Endometriosis is a serious and common gynecological disease. The pathology provokes the proliferation of endometrial cells, which lines the inner layer of the uterus. Cells penetrate into the muscle tissue of the organ, beyond its boundaries. An accurate diagnosis is made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination, including various methods. The disease can be treated conservatively with medications and surgically if there are indications for this. Even after surgery, a woman’s body needs medicinal support, which prevents possible relapses. To treat the pathology, combined oral contraceptives are used - these are first-line medications used in therapy. The drug Silhouette for endometriosis has been named one of the most effective and safe today. It ensures the destruction of foci of endometriosis, accelerates regenerative processes and restoration of the body.

General concept of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent pathology in which the glandular tissue of the uterus (endometrium) grows beyond its boundaries. As a rule, foci of endometriosis occur in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestines, and affect the rectum and peritoneal organs. Endometriosis is usually divided into:

  • internal - in this case the organ itself is affected. Endometriotic lesions form in muscle tissue;
  • external - pathology affects organs outside the uterus.

Adenomyosis is a form of pathology in which the growth of the endometrium does not extend beyond the organ. The disease causes an increase in the size of the uterus. Heavy bleeding is possible, pain increases during menstruation and in the intervals between them. Ignoring the problem leads to aggravation of the situation - the menstrual cycle is disrupted, a woman may face problems conceiving or bearing a child. Infertility is possible.

Many people associate it with emotional stress and physical stress, ignoring them. The diagnosis can be made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. Timely treatment will stop the process, restore health, allowing you to maintain reproductive function.

These pathologies have the same nature - they are provoked by the growth of the endometrium outside its normal location. Timely diagnosis, complex therapy, and a woman’s compliance with specialist recommendations give a good prognosis for the recovery of the body. It should be remembered that endometriosis cannot be cured completely, but through proper therapy, a long period of remission can be achieved. The disease goes into a latent form, does not bother, and does not prevent a woman from becoming pregnant, carrying and giving birth to a healthy child.

General information about the drug

Today, the drug Silhouette is recognized as one of the most effective and safe in the treatment of endometriosis. It is a monophasic low-dose contraceptive. It is produced by a Romanian pharmaceutical company. Silhouette is a structural analogue of the drug Janine, which has the same set of medicinal properties. The advantage of the drug is its availability for most women - it has a low cost.

The drug is monophasic - it combines two active ingredients that have a constant concentration, regardless of what day of the menstrual cycle.

Silhouette is a low-dose drug - the amount of dienogest exceeds the amount of the same substance in other related pharmacological subgroups.

Pharmacological action

The drug Silhouette is part of the group of combined contraceptive drugs. It works comprehensively and makes the process of conception impossible. For endometriosis, Silhouette performs a therapeutic function.

The tablets promote degeneration, regression, and further atrophy of endometrial growths, regardless of where they are located. The drug helps reduce estrogen synthesis, it successfully suppresses ovulation and, as a result, proliferative cyclic changes that occur in the endometrium, which is located in the uterus and beyond, are blocked.

Another important pharmacological effect is the elimination of local inflammatory processes. In patients, the activity of certain enzymes also decreases, which reduces the intensity of pain localized in the pelvic area. For some, such pain becomes chronic; it periodically intensifies or weakens.

Thanks to the action of the drug, the implantation of endometrial cells outside the uterus is reduced; lesions formed in other organs stop growing without degenerating into endometrial tissue. Thanks to Silhouette, the development of iron deficiency anemia is prevented.

Japanese scientists have found that dienogest, which is part of the drug, prevents the degeneration of endometrial lesions into malignant neoplasms. It is able to protect a woman from possible cancer diseases, reducing the risk of their development.


Silhouette hormonal tablets contain two main active ingredients:

  • dienogest – 2 mg;
  • ethinyl estradione – 0.3 mg.

The combination of components provides a contraceptive, antiandrogenic effect. The medicine also contains a number of excipients that are important for providing a therapeutic, contraceptive effect.

The main active components of the drug are synthetic analogues of estrogen and progesterone, which are produced in the woman’s body. Dienogest and ethinyl estradione are contained in the amount necessary to have a positive effect on the condition and structure of endometrial tissue, as well as the condition of the mammary glands.

Indications and contraindications for use

There are a number of mandatory indications for prescribing the drug Silhouette for endometriosis:

  • treatment of the initial stage of pathology in patients;
  • preparing the patient for surgery for severe forms of the disease;
  • postoperative treatment to exclude possible relapses.

As soon as endometriosis is diagnosed, the patient must understand that taking therapy seriously is the main rule for restoring the body. The dosage and duration of treatment directly depend on whether the woman plans to become pregnant in the near future. After the course of prescribed therapy, a repeated comprehensive examination is prescribed. The further treatment plan depends on the results obtained.

The silhouette does not suit every woman. There are a number of contraindications that completely exclude the use of the drug:

  • jaundice;
  • liver damage;
  • thromboembolic diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, reproductive system organs;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • smoking if the woman is over 35 years old;
  • hypertension;
  • coagulation disorder;
  • dyslipoproteinemia.

The presence of one of these factors completely excludes the use of Silhouette as a drug to eliminate endometriosis. The doctor selects other means that have a therapeutic effect.

How to take Silhouette

Exact instructions for using Silhouette for endometriosis are developed by a doctor. This directly depends on whether the woman is planning a pregnancy in the near future, the general condition of the body, and the stage of development of the disease.

For early stage adenomyosis, as a rule, a six-month course of therapy is prescribed according to a “cyclic scheme”. A woman takes Silhouette for 21 days. And he takes a 7-day break - the 21+7 scheme. Menstruation occurs during the withdrawal period on day 3-4. The course of treatment is 3-6 months - everything is individual. After this, a re-examination is scheduled and the treatment plan is adjusted if necessary.

For women who do not want to get pregnant, but want to avoid relapses of the disease, another “long-term” regimen is prescribed. You need to take the pills for 42 days, then take a break for 7 days. A 63-day regimen with a 7th break is possible. The third scheme is 84+7. In this case, such schemes are maintained for several years, during which the woman takes the drug daily. If you do not take one or several tablets in a row at times when you need to take them according to the schedule, you can:

  • disrupt the treatment regimen;
  • provoke bleeding, the intensity of which cannot be predicted.

The first tablet in the treatment cycle for endometriosis is taken on the first day of the cycle. In some cases, treatment begins 2-5 days after the start of menstruation.

A woman should know that the first week of use requires additional barrier contraception. The doctor warns about this.

Interaction with other drugs

Which involves taking Silhouette, may temporarily exclude the use of other drugs or weaken their effect. You definitely need to know about this. Hormonal contraceptives may reduce effectiveness:

  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • antiviral drugs.

In turn, these same medications reduce the contraceptive effect that Silhouette has. Before starting a course of treatment, you must tell your doctor what medications you are taking. This also applies to the treatment of other diseases. The specialist should know that the patient is taking COCs.

It is completely contraindicated to combine Silhouette with:

  • preparations created on the basis of St. John's wort;
  • antidepressants;
  • anti-anxiety drugs;
  • antibiotics.

Analogues of Silhouette in the treatment of endometriosis

The silhouette is recognized today by specialists as effective, affordable and safe. Most often it is prescribed to patients who are faced with the disease.

Its analogues can be no less effective:

  • Zhanin, Yarina - the mechanism of their action alleviates the woman’s condition, has a contraceptive effect, does not allow the production of an egg, as a result of which the endometrium does not grow. The drugs normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - drug components suppress the production of estrogen (its amount is significantly reduced) due to this, the endometrium does not grow;
  • Danazol - the drug provokes the cessation of the production of sex hormones in the female body, the foci of pathology begin to gradually decrease, then disappear.

The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, it takes at least 6 months to stabilize the condition and start recovery processes.

Prescribing, canceling, or skipping medications on your own can be harmful to your health!


The price of Silhouette may vary depending on the region and pharmacy chain. The drug is considered affordable in its category.

On average, the cost of 1 tablet of medicine containing 21 tablets is 610 rubles. A Silhouette package containing 3 records costs an average of 1,420 rubles. The drug is sold freely without a doctor's prescription.

You should not take it on your own, only after consulting a specialist.

It is not uncommon for gynecologists to prescribe the drug Silhouette when diagnosing a disease; reviews from patients with endometriosis are quite good. Women who come to see a gynecologist once a year for prevention are definitely not familiar with such a disease as endometriosis. However, it is quite common and has caused many women many health problems. Is it possible to conceive with endometriosis? What is the threat of this disease, what is the best drug? What symptoms precede the disease and how can it be cured?

Brief description of the disease

As you already understand, endometriosis is a very serious and insidious disease in which tissue similar in composition to the layer lining the uterus can grow on any of a woman’s internal organs.

Typically these changes can be noticed in the pelvic cavity, namely on the ovaries, bladder, fallopian tubes, skin, vagina and other places.

There is an opinion that this disease can develop into something worse, namely cancer. However, such a judgment is erroneous, since endometriosis does not have cellular atypia, but at the same time it has the ability to grow and damage healthy tissue. It should also be said that this disease affects exclusively women of predominantly reproductive age.


  1. Critical days. Experts have discovered that there is a kind of release of blood along with endometrial cells into the abdominal cavity. After some time, they move freely into nearby tissues.
  2. Downed hormonal levels. With this diagnosis, there is almost always a strong surge of LH.
  3. As trivial as it sounds, heredity plays an important role in this matter.
  4. Weak immunity. If a woman’s immunity is normal, it simply destroys all endometrial cells that have left the uterine cavity. And if it is weak, then these cells grow freely anywhere.
  5. Metaplasia. There is a statement that cells released from the uterine cavity tend to transform from one tissue to another.

How is adenomyosis treated?

Since this is a very serious illness, therapeutic treatment is usually carried out conservatively or surgically. The treatment method is selected depending on the location of the ectopia and its stage. It is important to know that this disease can only be detected through laparoscopy. After surgery, you will still need to undergo treatment to prevent relapse. For this disease, doctors most often prescribe tablets silhouette, janine and a number of other drugs.

Medicines that are most often prescribed for this disease:

  • Contraceptive pills, or as they are also called - oral contraceptives, are Janine, as well as Yarina.
  • Danazol.
  • Tablets Visanne, Utrozhestan, Duphaston.

Each drug has a different effect on the female body, so now we will study them in more detail.

Drugs for the treatment of endometriosis

The medicine Silhouette is more popular, but its analogues are no less effective. To compare indications and side effects, you will need instructions.

General information about "Silhouette"

The drug is a new generation product, produced by Gedeon Richter. This is an analogue of “Janine”, and the tablets have similar properties. I would like to note that the drug silhouette, due to its low cost, is more accessible to our citizens. Dienogest, a component of this drug, has a mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid effect on the human body. Among other things, dienogest is a safe substance, so the tablets can be used by almost everyone; there are no prohibitions on its use. This medication also contains a second component - ethinyl estradiol; this radical ensures excellent digestibility of the compounds, which ensures the stability of the action of ethinyl estradiol. Reviews about the silhouette can be found different, both positive and negative. The thing is that the drug can act differently on each person and this must always be taken into account.

Janine and Yarina with endometriosis

The exact cause of endometriosis has not yet been established, but experts say that hormonal disorders are to blame for the development of this process. The drug Janine, as well as Yarina, are very effective for endometriosis and this is explained by the mechanism of their action. In the second stage of the cycle after immediate ovulation, increased preparation of the body for pregnancy was noted. Janine and Yarina do not allow eggs to leave the ovaries, they simply block them. Contraceptives primarily relieve pain, normalize the disrupted menstrual cycle, and eliminate symptoms. Contraceptive medications prevent ovulation, so the endometrium cannot grow much. Among other things, contraceptive medications normalize the menstrual cycle.

As mentioned above, the medications Zhanine and Yarina are quite effective for endometriosis. The components of these medications exhibit powerful activity in the human body, which makes it possible to use them in small doses.

There are several effective schemes for taking these medications. But despite this, only the doctor selects treatment methods on an individual basis. For treatment to be successful, these medications should be taken for at least six months without interruption. If the result is positive, then the attending physician may recommend taking the medicine for another three months as a preventive measure. Reviews from women confirm the positive effect of such therapy.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan

These medications contain the female hormone, which is why they are very effective in combating this disease.

Medicines reduce the production of estrogen, which in turn suppresses the growth of the endometrium.

Therapy lasts approximately seven months, sometimes even longer, so prepare yourself mentally and physically for the long road to recovery. Tablets must be taken according to the instructions for use. You can’t stop halfway and stop taking the pills, it’s very dangerous and threatens a relapse!

Danazol and adenomyosis

If anyone doesn’t know, then dianazole is a hormone of synthetic origin, if a girl uses it, her body will stop producing sex hormones, thereby the foci of adenomyosis will significantly decrease. For the best effect, it is recommended to take dinazole for at least six months. There should be no problems with use; instructions are available in several languages.

This drug was previously widely used in other countries, but patient reviews slightly changed the opinion of doctors. Women began to complain about side effects, namely:

  • Chest pain;
  • Swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Cycle disruption;
  • Hair loss;
  • Acne;
  • Facial hair growth.

Other treatments

It is not always possible to cope with the disease using a therapeutic method; in severe cases, the doctor may recommend surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment

The chronic type of adenomyosis responds well to conservative therapy.

Sometimes no medicine can help, even a drug like Zhanine, and then surgical intervention is required. Here is a list of diagnoses that require urgent surgical intervention:

  • Ovarian cyst;
  • The drug did not help;
  • The presence of several diseases of the uterus at once;
  • Danger of tumor development in the ovaries.

Laparoscopy is a surgical method that involves surgery using a laser. It is with them that the doctor cauterizes the foci of the disease, but, of course, you still cannot do without medication; the drug Zhanine is perfect in this case. First, the doctor prescribes a course of pills, after which surgery is performed.

It should be noted that after surgery, women can count on the restoration of reproductive function; in addition, if the patient takes a course of Janine, Dinazole, or Yarina, she will feel relief during the menstrual cycle - the discomfort will go away and the pain will decrease.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies have been used as a treatment for this disease since ancient times. However, you should immediately understand that traditional medicine is not a replacement for surgical or drug therapy. It is very important, before you decide to use folk remedies, to visit your doctor and consult with him on this issue.



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