Shungite stone how to use in water. Health Recipes

Absolutely every person drinks water every day, so the question of its benefits has remained open for many decades. Humanity also knows that the benefits of water largely depend on the location of its source. Yes, enriched useful substances water is sold all over the world, and in areas with mineral waters there are various health complexes, sanatoriums and other institutions, but the first resort of its kind in our country was created by Peter I precisely in the place of shungite deposits. They are treated in “Martial Waters” to this day, and the benefits of shungite water have long been proven scientific research and is not considered a miracle.

What is shungite

This mineral resembles coal in appearance because it looks like small black pebbles. Of course, you won't be able to get your hands dirty with them. The basis of shungite is carbon, the content of which in some deposits can reach almost 100%, while in others it is only 10%. Such indicators give the stones the ability to conduct electricity. The mineral is more than two billion years old, and thanks to its main component, shungite is very fragile, so it is not found in the form of large stones.

It can only be found in the form of small pebbles embedded in shungite shale or dolomite. The beneficial properties of shungite have been known for a long time, especially by those people who live near its deposits. There, shungite was often called northern anthracite, slate stone or Kizhi chernozem, since it could easily be added to the soil instead of fertilizers. Under the influence of air and water, the mineral disintegrated.

Selection of mineral

The harm of shungite water can be felt if you initially choose the wrong stones for its preparation. The fact is that the benefit depends precisely on the amount of carbon in the mineral, and stones with low carbon content are simply not able to purify water properly. At the same time, other impurities contained in it, which occupy a large part, will freely penetrate into the liquid, and then into the human body.

Shungite water is not capable of fully healing the body even if the stones are chosen for it, on the contrary, with increased content carbon. Such a mineral necessarily has a glossy surface, which means it is not able to pass liquid through itself.

Since cleansing occurs precisely due to the passage of liquid through the pores of the mineral, you get visible result and benefits can only come from stones with an average carbon content - 30% -40%. This mineral is often found on sale and does not look very attractive. Externally, the pebbles are inconspicuous and small, but at the same time they are capable of conducting electricity and have a matte surface with pores of the required size.

It’s interesting that on sale you can often find various pyramids or rings made of shungite, which look much more attractive than untreated stones, but you won’t be able to get really healthy shungite water with them. The fact is that a mineral with the necessary proportion of carbon for purification is very fragile, and it simply cannot be processed properly. To make such figures, shungite with a high percentage of carbon is used, and its beneficial properties are in question, as mentioned above.

You can even feel the energy from a real stone with your own hands. To do this, just bring your palm a couple of centimeters to the surface of the mineral. Some even feel slight tingling, but everyone will definitely feel the pleasant warmth emanating from the stones.

Very important nuance When choosing a mineral for preparing shungite water, its deposit is determined. Real stone is mined exclusively in Karelia, in the village of Shunga of the same name. It is simply impossible to bring it from Tibet, Altai or other areas.

The benefits and harms of shungite water

As mentioned above, the basis of shungite is carbon, which means the mineral is very porous. It is by passing through these holes that the water is saturated. useful minerals, available in pebbles. Of course, if you use shungite with a low carbon concentration to prepare it, then the likelihood of harmful substances getting into the liquid increases several times, and such water is not able to bring proper benefits to the body. In addition, harm from shungite water can also be caused by its uncontrolled use, because everything is good only in moderation. An excess of certain substances in the body, even useful ones, can provoke feeling unwell and disruption of the functioning of certain systems, so during treatment you should adhere to the norm of 2-3 glasses per day.

Speaking about the benefits of shungite water, it should be noted that the peasants of Karelia were the first to notice it. Then this mineral was used simply as an additive to black soil, but the yield increased several times, and the vegetables themselves exceeded in size even crops well fertilized by other methods. It was then that Tsar Peter I himself decided to use unique properties mineral for the health of his soldiers. For this purpose, a resort was built on Lake Onega and is still operating to this day.

Scientific proof of the benefits of the mineral was made only in 1985 by a group of foreign chemists, who even received awards for their discovery. Nobel Prize. It was they who discovered that carbon compounds in the mineral are in unique condition.

Their shape is a hollow polyhedral shell - fullerenes. It is thanks to them that shungite is able to have a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level:

  • increase cell strength;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • stimulate the production of enzymes;
  • promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Stone based cream

After the popularization of shungite water for effective external influence A special cream based on this mineral was invented for sore joints. How does the stone penetrate the skin? To do this, it is ground into powder and many other ingredients are added to the mixture. useful components. Thus, the Shungite cream-balm contains essential oils sandalwood, cypress, lemon, eucalyptus, cinquefoil and camphor. The composition is also enriched with panthenol, as well as nettle, hawthorn, hot pepper, St. John's wort and thyme aqueous extracts. Shungite water, even with all its benefits, is not capable of providing such therapeutic effect like cream. This product perfectly warms, relieves pain and eliminates crunching in the joints in just a few weeks of use. According to reviews, it is even noticeable how the cream is absorbed much faster into the diseased areas.

It is almost impossible to find such a product on sale, but preparing it yourself is very simple, especially since the mineral itself is freely sold in pharmacies throughout the country. The most important thing before preparing shungite water is to thoroughly rinse the mineral. This is necessary to clean it from dust and is done under running water until it becomes clear. After the preparatory procedure, you can place the pebbles in a container and fill it with water.

For each liter of liquid you will need to take 100 grams of shungite. It is better to use glass dishes, but you can also use enameled ones. The water itself may even be tap water, but for better healing effect you should take spring water.

After just 30 minutes, the liquid is enriched with a small amount of minerals and is completely free from bad taste and smell. This water is very easy to drink, but for maximum effectiveness it must be left to steep for 2-3 days, depending on the size of the stones. The smaller they are, the faster they can pass all the liquid through themselves, which means that it can be drained already on the second day. It is important to not pour all the water into another container. Most bottom part should be left in the jar and simply poured out, since a sediment of heavy impurities and salts accumulates in it, from which shungite purifies the water. Also, the container should not be shaken before draining.

What does it help with?

Reviews of shungite water testify to the veracity of all its prescribed properties. Thanks to its unique characteristics, the liquid can alleviate the course of diseases such as:

Shungite water has the same effect on the body when consumed directly, in pure form, and when preparing food based on it.

Even if in such miraculous properties mineral is hard to believe, then there is no doubt about its ability to purify water, because this is no longer guesswork, but a fact proven by many. That is why drinking such water will be useful in any case, because only a clean liquid enriched with useful substances can remove toxins from the body and speed up its cleansing.

Additional properties

You can not only drink water infused with shungite in order to get benefits from it. This liquid perfectly disinfects if you wash wounds with it. You can also give shungite water to animals, because they also need various minerals for good health. This water also performs excellently in the garden, where instead of the usual fertilizers it is added to the irrigation liquid. Abundant flowering and a good harvest are ensured by adding only 10 ml of infused water per liter of regular water.

Besides this mineral water you can gargle when you have a cold, wash your face when skin diseases or acne and even rinse your hair, after which it acquires a healthy shine and strength.

In sanatoriums where shungite water is used in huge quantities, visitors are even offered baths filled with such healing liquid.

Health Recipes

To get rid of arthritis, varicose veins veins or arthrosis, or at least to alleviate their course, compresses made from shungite water are often used. For them, you just need to wet the cloth in the prepared liquid and apply it to the sore spot for a couple of hours under polyethylene. Thanks to this procedure, you can relieve pain from calluses and speed up the healing of burns and wounds.

To get rid of toothache, gum disease, sore throat, stomatitis or periodontal disease, water should be slightly heated and used for rinsing. If you have a cold, you can also use it to rinse your nasal passages.

When regularly washing with shungite water, acne disappears in teenagers, and wrinkles decrease in adults. The skin becomes smooth, elastic and elastic, peeling, redness and inflammation are eliminated. Rinsing your hair with this water strengthens not only the hairs themselves, but also their roots, and dandruff goes away. At the same time, the hair becomes thick and shiny.

If you wish, you can even prepare a bath from mineral water at home. To do this, you need to place 300 grams of stones in a fabric bag and place it under the stream. hot water so that all of it flows through the mineral. After this, the pebbles are rinsed in the same water - and the bath is ready. This procedure can be carried out in a course of 15 baths, each of which is taken only every other day and for 10-20 minutes. The bath promotes wound healing and postoperative sutures, relieving fungal diseases, eczema and flaking skin. In addition, the procedure normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension and calms.

To enhance any of the listed effects, you can use silver shungite water.

Application of the mineral itself

In addition, the stone itself can be used for the health of the body. To do this, it is enough to place it next to the computer monitor so that the mineral absorbs all the negative electromagnetic radiation from it. You can massage your back and whole body with pebbles, and if you wish, you can sprinkle them on a mat and massage your feet.

Stone care

Pebbles do not lose their properties for a long time, but so that the water infused with them has only beneficial properties, shungite should be looked after accordingly. The mineral needs regular cleansing, since all the negative impurities from the water settle on its surface and can subsequently harm the body. IN natural environment such cleaning is carried out thanks to bright sun rays and running water of streams.

At home, running distilled water or tap water is suitable, the main thing is that it is not chlorinated. The pebbles should be washed for at least 10 minutes. special attention focusing on pores and irregularities. If necessary for effective cleansing You can use a fine brush (an old toothbrush will do).

After thorough cleaning, the shungite should be taken out in the sun and dried for several hours so that the mineral warms up well, but this can be done no more than once every 1.5-2 months.

The stones should be deep cleaned every six months. To do this, they are completely brushed and long time washed under running water. Of course, when regular use shungite, the time frame for caring for it may be different. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the stones and not allow plaque to form on them.

Water must be purified before use. Most sources contain components that are harmful to the body. There are many types of filters that you can use at home. Their differences lie in design and complexity. There are also simplified options. Shungite is often used for water purification. Reviews about this product are extremely positive. Experts value it for its effectiveness.


What is shungite for water purification? This is a rock whose age is 2-3 billion years. By chemical structure it is like diamond and graphite. A special feature is the black color with a metallic sheen. Shungite is resistant to low temperatures and has pronounced resistance to chemical components.

In its pure form, shungite is almost never found in nature. This is a unique material that has no analogues. The substance includes almost all elements of the periodic table. It is considered an excellent adsorbent, which allows it to be used for water purification and biological fluids. Shungite has medicinal properties which are used in folk medicine.

There is a shungite deposit in the Republic of Karelia. The substance was discovered in its pure form in the 18th century. These rocks are actively studied by geologists. To date full origin mineral is not known. Researchers believe that the structure of the substance is similar to bodies of volcanic origin. Outwardly it is similar to coal. According to reviews, shungite for water purification is one of the effective means. But you still need to consult a specialist.

Benefits of water

Shungite purified water is beneficial thanks to these stones. The liquid passing through them is purified in a natural way, satiating valuable substances. Scientists attribute the benefits of the stone to the presence of hollow carbon cells.

Russian researchers have discovered the function of the stone to neutralize negative energy in its various forms and weaken electromagnetic radiation. The stone eliminates almost all harmful compounds: salts heavy metals, pesticides. He eliminates harmful microorganisms. Fullergens attract pollutants, neutralizing them.

Shungite water has the following effects:

  1. Antioxidant.
  2. Antihistamine.
  3. Immunostimulating.
  4. Disinfectant.

As can be seen from the reviews, shungite for water purification has great benefit for health. By drinking this liquid you will be able to get rid of digestive, heart, nervous system. It also improves immunity and restores blood circulation. Application will be useful for:

  • skin diseases;
  • asthma;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • colds;
  • digestive disorders;
  • stomach diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • allergies.

Shungite water is useful in treating wounds, burns, and cuts. It is used for arthritis, varicose veins, osteoporosis. Drinking purified water rejuvenates the skin. And if you use it to wash your hair, it will eliminate dandruff and early alopecia.


When drinking shungite water, the following may occur: side effects like nausea, dizziness. Don't expect fast positive results in the presence of chronic illnesses. It is forbidden to drink water in large quantities. 2-3 glasses per day will be enough. If side effects occur, the amount of fluid should be reduced or discontinued.

In case of particularly complex ailments, for example, cancer, you should consult a doctor before drinking water. There is an assumption that the filtered liquid can lead to the growth and development of cancer cells.


It is difficult to name the main purpose and use of this stone. Filters are made based on the rock. The mineral is also used:

  1. During production healing belts, foot massagers.
  2. When creating protective plates for mobile phones.
  3. In construction and landscape design.
  4. In industry.
  5. In metallurgy, as an additive.
  6. In agriculture.

This natural stone used for making jewelry. It has medicinal properties.


According to reviews from doctors, shungite for water purification is effective means. This mineral is considered a sorbent that removes contaminants from the liquid. He also has almost magical properties, which is related to the content of the set valuable microelements. Purifying water with shungite at home has a positive effect on the health of the body. It helps with complications in gastrointestinal tract, kidney stones, removes skin irritations and various rashes.

The water is infused on shungite stones poured onto the bottom of a glass container for 2 days. The water is then drained for use. After washing in running water, shungite is used again. There are also contraindications to using the filter. These include malignant and benign tumors, heart and vascular diseases, thrombosis, inflammation. As reviews show, shungite should be used for water purification after consultation with a specialist.

How to use?

There are several ways to use shungite stone to purify water. For individual use There are cartridges for household filters that use this stone. When used in the country or on a hike, the water is purified in glass jar or a jug.

Shungite can be used for cleansing large quantity water, for example, in a well, but this requires not grams, but kilograms of the substance. Due to the properties of the active sorbent, the mineral is used in collective water purification and water treatment in food enterprises.

At home

How to use shungite to purify water? The liquid must settle and be filtered from sediment. You should choose a suitable container for receiving water, taking into account the amount of mineral (100 g of shungite per 1 liter of water).

The antibacterial properties of the mineral appear an hour after infusion of water. But it is advisable to drain the liquid after three days. The vessel with stones should be refilled with a new portion of water. Gradually, the water purification reagent reduces the intensity of beneficial substances entering the water, so it should be changed after two months. A black suspension may appear in the vessel, but it settles.


According to reviews, shungite for water purification has a number of advantages:

  1. Without chemical reagents, a purified liquid is obtained.
  2. The mineral is considered safe and environmentally friendly.
  3. They get into the water useful elements and minerals.
  4. The price of consumable components is affordable.

Taking into account the advantages of the filter, natural reagents for water allow you to obtain purified and healthy liquid. Thanks to the absence of chemicals natural substances in household and industrial filters are safe for humans and nature.

For wells

The material must be poured into the well within 24 hours, during which time the dust fraction settles. The water becomes clarified and purified from organic and inorganic contaminants.

For better cleansing Shungite should cover the bottom of the well by at least 5 cm. This is necessary to obtain high-quality water. After a year, shungite needs to be replaced or a fresh layer added.

Shungite chips

Shungite crumbs are used in an amount of 0.5-0.7 kg for running water. Boil it for 15-20 minutes. Pour shungite into a three-liter jar and fill with water. Before use, leave for three days. Then you can drain 0.5 liters per day from the jar.

Thus, shungite can be used to obtain high-quality water, but only after consulting a doctor. This will protect yourself and your loved ones from adverse consequences.

Tens and even hundreds of years ago, people went to bathe in reservoirs located on shungite deposits. At that time, no one knew what the benefits and harms of shungite water were, but it was still considered healing. Despite the fact that even today many skeptics doubt wonderful properties unique liquid, the number of supporters of the approach is steadily growing. Now you don’t have to go far to get the desired effect. It is enough to purchase shungite and prepare unusual water at home.

Beneficial properties of shungite water

The mechanical effect of shungite on the liquid leads to its thorough natural purification and saturation with useful substances. Shungite itself is a unique combination of silicate minerals and carbon. Thanks to special physical properties, this natural compound weakens unfavorable magnetic radiation and neutralizes negative energy. In the case of water, this is accompanied by its purification from heavy metal salts and pesticides.

Shungite attracts to itself harmful substances and mitigates their danger. For this reason, experts endow shungite water with the following properties:

  • Cleansing the body of toxins, waste, heavy metal salts and other harmful chemical compounds.
  • Reduced reactivity immune system, reducing the risk of developing an allergic response.
  • Stimulation protective forces body, strengthening the immune system.
  • Disinfecting effect, which is clearly manifested when shungite water is used externally and consumed internally.

According to experts who study the properties and features healing liquid, with its regular use you can count on weight positive effects. They manifest themselves especially clearly against the background of such pathological conditions:

  1. Skin diseases from dermatitis to acne and single pimples.
  2. Anemia.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Diabetes mellitus.
  6. Predisposition to colds.
  7. Stomach diseases and digestive problems.
  8. Pathological processes in the liver and gall bladder.
  9. Allergic status.
  10. Chronic fatigue.
  11. Diseases of the joints and blood vessels (arthritis, varicose veins).

External use of shungite water alleviates the condition of cuts, burns, insect bites and other wounds. Rinsing oral cavity healing liquid relieves stomatitis and relieves inflammation in sore throat. Even ordinary washing with a purified product is beneficial, eliminating obvious skin defects, restoring freshness and youth to the face.

Rules for choosing shungite for water purification

When choosing shungite for cleaning liquid from a tap, in a pool or well, you need to take into account the following points:

  • Black shungite has a dull color and is very similar to coal. Its carbon content is 30-50%.

Interesting fact: In the process of studying the properties of shungite, experts conducted a variety of experiments. They even placed the mineral in a liquid contaminated with staphylococci. Just a few minutes of treatment was enough to significantly reduce the amount pathogenic microorganisms. True, this does not mean that you can try to purify some dubious liquids at home with the help of a stone.

  • Noble shungite contains at least 80% carbon. It is shiny and very fragile, it is not subjected to special treatment. In deposits, its reserve is no more than 1%, which sets the price of the product. Before purchasing, you need to make sure that it is real quality product, not a fake.

Both types of stones can be used to purify water. The only difference between them is that with more high content carbon cleaning is underway faster and takes less time. Today on sale you can find stones in the form of pyramids, spheres or cones. All of them are effective, but it is better to prefer regular elements irregular shape, which have not gone through mechanical processing.

Method for preparing shungite water

The process of treating water with shungite is very simple. To get a clean and healthy liquid for drinking or external use, you need to do the following:

  • The water must be made suitable for drinking. To do this, it should be passed through a filter or allowed to stand.
  • Next, add shungite to the liquid. If it is black, then take 100 g of product per 1 liter of water. The holding time will be 3 days. Elite stone is taken at the rate of 60 g per 1 liter of water. 3 hours will be enough for cleaning, but you can wait overnight.
  • Carefully pour the finished product into a new container, leaving at least 0.5 liters of shungite water in the old one. It includes all harmful elements and mixtures; this liquid must be poured out.

In the process of making shungite water, you need to adhere to a number of rules, this will allow you to obtain the highest quality and useful composition:

  1. The preparations are infused in glass or ceramic containers. IN as a last resort An enamel pan will also work. It is better to avoid using containers made of aluminum, plastic and any non-food materials. They can join chemical reactions with substances that contain shungite.
  2. It is best to keep the finished liquid in a glass container. No need to put it in the refrigerator. Electromagnetic radiation from the device will negatively affect its quality.
  3. You should not prepare more than 3 liters of water at a time. It is better to put the process on stream and get new water every time.

The sediment that remains after cleaning the liquid does not need to be poured out. Some use it to water flowers and mineralize the soil.

Options for using shungite water

Shungite water can not only be drunk or used for cooking. There are many options for using healing liquid at home:

  • Baths. They help relieve tension, get rid of traces of stress and fatigue, and normalize sleep. You just need to put it in the bath with warm water(temperature no higher than 36-37ºС) a bag of stones. For a full bath you need to take about 300 g of product. Session duration is 15-20 minutes.
  • Gargling and mouthwash. The procedure is no different from the standard one. The liquid must be slightly warmed up so that it is not cold.
  • Carrying out inhalations. Even pure shungite water without additives will have a beneficial effect on the body’s condition. To carry out the procedure, you can use an inhaler or breathe in the vapor over a regular saucepan.
  • Compresses. In this case, it is enough to moisten a clean cloth or piece of gauze in water, squeeze it lightly and apply it to the problem area.

Shungite water retains its taste and freshness much longer than ordinary water. If it seems that the product no longer meets the requirements, it can be used for watering flowers, washing and other external applications.

The same shungite stones can be used for a long time to improve the quality of drinking water. But to maintain their functionality, the elements should be provided with high-quality care. It consists of the following manipulations:

  1. Before first use, the product should be rinsed thoroughly in very clean water. It is better if it is distilled.
  2. The elements are stored in a cotton bag.
  3. The optimal cleaning of shungite is natural, with the help of the sun. When using stones systematically, every 1-2 months they must be cleaned in distilled water and dried. We simply place the products in a container with liquid and shake it from time to time to mix the stones. After 10 minutes, place them in the sun and wait until they dry well.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to try to clean shungite using unfiltered tap water. This may damage the stones.
  5. Spheres, pyramids and other processed products must be additionally treated with soft sandpaper or the thick side of a sponge.
  6. Small stones should be changed at least once every six months, large stones - a little less often. Experts recommend paying attention to water quality. If it becomes normal, it's time to replace the natural filters.

If necessary, clogged pores of stones can be cleaned using citric acid. To do this, you need to prepare a solution from a tablespoon of powder and water at a temperature of 50-60ºC. The holding time of the products is at least 5-6 hours.

Harm of shungite water

There is no harm from the use and consumption of shungite water, but there are several contraindications to its introduction into the regime. Do not use the product if it causes nausea, vomiting or other negative manifestations. You should not drink more than 2-3 glasses of healing liquid per day. If available chronic diseases or a predisposition to cancer, you should consult a specialist about drinking shungite water.

Shungite water is not a cure for all diseases, so you should not rely on it alone. There is no need to hope for a quick manifestation of positive effects. It may take several weeks or even months before the therapy has any effect.

The history of the mineral will help you understand what shungite water is and where it came from.

Shungite is an ancient rock, approximate age which is calculated as 2 billion years. (By the way, shungite deposits were found exclusively on “our” territory - in Karelia.)

But, unlike some “gifts of nature” (copper, gold, rock salt, etc.), they began to use it only recently. The first mentions of the healing properties of the “slate stone” (so named for its black color) date back to the era of the Romanov Tsars. Under Peter I, the springs were “opened” and used widely, but after that they were abandoned for almost 200 years. And only on the eve of the 20th century they gave the mineral a name - after the village “Shunga”, near which shungite mines were developed.

In the photo, freshly mined shungite

Composition of mineral shungite water

Mineral composition in%: 70 - carbon and 30 - ash. Ash is rich:

  1. aluminum oxide;
  2. silicon oxide;
  3. Na; Ca; TO; Mg; Fe; S; Ni; Cu; Ce et al.

What are the benefits of shungite water?

Since shungite cannot be eaten, we are talking about its INTERMEDIATE beneficial influence on human health. It is used as a water purifier and mineralizer. “Shungite water” is easy to prepare, and its application is wide:

  • for drinking;
  • bathing, washing, rinsing hair;
  • bath;
  • compresses and lotions;
  • cooking;
  • watering plants and feeding pets;
  • for prevention and treatment huge amount somatic diseases(this is a topic for a separate article).

How to drink shungite water

  1. We take shungite stones of any shape or crushed stone, specially sold by weight, at the rate of 200-300g per 3 liters of water and leave in a glass container for 3 days.
  2. It is recommended to drain the bottom layer (3-4 cm) due to harmful precipitation.
  3. Can be used both raw and boiled. Store for 3 days at room temperature.

How to prepare propolis extract with shungite water at home

Propolis itself is used in cosmetology and medicine, and together with mineral composition shungite its benefits are doubled.

Pre-prepared water is mixed with propolis at the rate of 1 liter per 100 g, kept in a water bath for 40 minutes, and stirred. The solution is stored for up to six months at t 6-8 º C. Used for:

  • washing the eyes for conjunctivitis;
  • rinsing the nasopharynx for colds, tonsillitis, sore throat and ARVI;
  • reducing hair loss, getting rid of dandruff (rubbed into the scalp);
  • inhalations for bronchitis;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal diseases (orally according to an individually calculated scheme);
  • reducing manifestations hangover syndrome(Very useful feature) etc.

For whom shungite water is contraindicated?

As far as I understand, there are no contraindications to washing your hair, preparing soup and brewing tea with water infused with shungite stones. And it is advisable to drink it raw for health, no more than 3 glasses a day.

Concerned about quality of life.

This level is known to directly depend on the purity of the foods we eat and drink every day.

More than half of a person consists of water, especially in at a young age, therefore, the unique properties of shungite are being actively studied.

Supporters argue: insistent in a special way liquid becomes similar to the structure of intercellular plasma, and even acid-base balance has the same (7.4). But is this product really useful?

We hope this article will help you figure it out.

Shungite water and benefits from the depths of nature. What is it?

Shungite can be called unique without any subtlety natural material. At least considering its rarity.

The breed is mined only in South Karelia, where every body of water is famous for its purity and healing power.

It's all about the shungite water that has been washing this earth for 2 billion years.

There are several speculations regarding the origin of this unusual carbon-bearing rock.

Some believe that this is a fragment of a giant meteorite from a collapsed unknown planet, others believe that it is a remnant of volcanic activity. So what is it really?

Shungite is a rock based on carbon.

Until a certain point, scientists counted only three forms of its embodiment:

  1. Diamond
  2. Graphite
  3. Carbin

But after the discovery of shungite, another one appeared. Here carbon is presented in the form of fullerene molecules.

This is the “magic” hidden in the depths of the mysterious rock.

It is thanks to these particles that the human body is able to recover from serious illnesses.

They play the role of powerful antioxidants, and these properties are only enhanced by water.

Mineral shungite

Fullerenes are capable of retaining up to 93% of harmful impurities contained in simple tap water, these are:

  1. Radionuclides
  2. Colloidal iron
  3. Phenols
  4. Acetone
  5. Humic substances
  6. Pesticides
  7. Heavy metal salts
  8. Petroleum products

Using shungite, you can purify drinking water for daily use, as well as wells, swimming pools, and almost any body of water.

There is the ability to neutralize color and harmful microflora, while leaving an optimal concentration of beneficial mineral components (salts and potassium, etc.).

Conventional filters do not allow them to pass through, but these microparticles are also necessary for human health.

Advice: even if you have a delicate taste and sense of smell, try purifying tap water with shungite. As a result, no specific smell or taste is felt. You can even implement some impromptu pollution/purification experiments.

Shungite water: benefits and harm, healing properties of space stone

Fullerenes at one time became a real discovery in the world of science; in 1996, a group of scientists received the Nobel Prize for this.

Their healing properties directly contribute to the resistance of each cell to negative environmental conditions.

Increases the body's resistance to stress, inflammatory processes, premature aging.

We can say that such water builds a kind of natural barrier, helping the body overcome any aggression from harmful free radicals.

And, by the way, it cleanses itself 30 times faster than when using activated carbon.

Shungite water has great benefits, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach, and can cure:

  1. Anemia
  2. Dyspepsia
  3. Liver and kidney diseases
  4. Allergies
  5. Diabetes
  6. Nervous diseases
  7. Sexual disorders
  8. Bronchial asthma
  9. Pancreas
  10. Heart and vascular system
  11. Cholecystitis
  12. Colds
  13. Weakened immunity

Many even point to accelerated healing bedsores, wounds and burns varying degrees after applying lotions to the sore spot.

Sleep improves due to the normalization of natural rhythms.

Shungite has a lot of useful properties

It is also used in the resort and health sector. Even serious illnesses joints and spine can be cured with drinking, baths, lotions and shungite foot massage.

The only restrictions are oncological diseases or any other in the acute stage, prone to thrombosis.

When considering shungite water (the benefits and harms of it), people are interested in the opinion of doctors on this matter.

Most doctors are confident positive impact and the cleansing effect of this component.

This is confirmed by the construction of entire shungite rooms in the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg and a number of health institutions in many cities.

Their data confirms the healing effect of simply being indoors, the overall improvement in mental and physical condition sick.

If you doubt the benefits of a mineral, offer the purified liquid to your pet.

Animals are very careful when choosing water (especially cats and birds).

You will see how much the condition of the coat or plumage has improved, and with what enthusiasm they absorb the enriched water every day.

How to select and prepare shungite before use

The fastest and effective method to check whether they offer you a real component for shungite water or simple coal, a little unusual.

Few people know what shungite actually looks like, so remember:

  1. Come to the store
  2. Take the light bulb, battery and two wires out of your pocket
  3. Connect them together
  4. Touch the wires to the stone
  5. The light should light up

Shungite water can be prepared at home

If there is no glow, they most likely want to deceive you. Electrical conductivity in such breeds is a rather rare phenomenon.

It will unmistakably help determine originality.

So, you have chosen a stone; it would be better if it is large in size; it is easier to work with.

Place the piece in a colander and rinse thoroughly. It is especially convenient to do this in a simple canvas bag.

Shake it every few minutes and check the clarity of the water.

Purpose: to wash away the fine sand and dust that inevitably covers each product.

Carry out this procedure every month, and the stone will last a really long time.

You should focus on the quality and taste characteristics of the resulting water.

There is an interesting way to quickly regenerate shungite. Boil a liter clean water and add oxalic or citric acid here.

Place the stone inside and close with a tight lid. Wait about four hours and rinse the rock thoroughly and for a long time.

The process can be repeated no more than 20 times.

Advice: try this method if the old stone is large, expensive and it would be a shame to throw it away after a certain period of use.

Shungite water benefits and harms. How to receive and produce?

After washing the stones, place them in an earthenware bowl. Glass, plastic or enamel are also suitable.

Pour about 200 grams of shungite into five liters of plain water and leave it like that for three days.

After this, you can start drinking, gradually adding water. But not completely, about half a liter at the bottom contains all the chemical impurities that shungite attracts.

For shungite water, the percentage of benefit and harm directly depends on proper preparation and timing of use, because it retains its activity for a fairly short time.

The mistake will be to stock up for future use, use it within the next three days.

Shungite water can be beneficial and sometimes harmful if too frequent use, reviews recommend drinking no more than three glasses a day.

It is best to divide this amount into several small portions.

In addition, it is sometimes observed individual intolerance finished product.

Tip: soak the grains in this water and you will see that they will germinate faster and more readily, and the subsequent harvest will be richer.



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