Moonshine ratio water sugar yeast. Sugar mash from a scientific point of view

The basis of moonshine is mash. You can get it in different ways; in this material we will tell you how to make mash from sugar and dry yeast at home. This is the simplest recipe that will require the least effort from you, which is why it is often called the “classic recipe.”

By the way, do you know why many people prefer homemade alcohol to store-bought alcohol, why they distill moonshine rather than buy vodka in a store? The answers are obvious:

  • you are confident in the quality of the finished product because you independently control the entire production process;
  • it is more profitable in terms of financial costs;
  • this is interesting :)

Okay, this is a topic for another conversation. Let's move on to preparing sugar mash for moonshine.

What ingredients are needed for mash?

In order to prepare mash for moonshine at home, you will need the following ingredients in the following proportions:

  1. Granulated sugar – 5 kg
  2. Drinking water – 20 liters
  3. Dry yeast – 100 g (about 20 g per 1 kg of sugar)

Some also add 20 grams of citric acid to this volume of water (speeds up the fermentation process).

Since the question “how much sugar, water and yeast to use for mash” is no longer an issue, let’s tell you a little more about each ingredient.

Granulated sugar. Take the one that you use daily to add to tea, coffee, etc., that is, the one that has been personally tested. There is not much difference, but now in stores you often come across a low-quality product - it is not sweet enough (this happens) and leaves a residue.

Water for mash. Take any drinking water that is available in stores. It is sold in cans of 5-6 liters. There are services that deliver 19 liter bottles to your home.

Pure spring water will also work.

Yeast. Dry baker's yeast is sold in almost any store in bags of 50 and 100 grams. Please note that brewer's and wine yeast are not suitable for making mash for moonshine.

Special alcoholic yeast will speed up the fermentation process. It is recommended to use them.

Where to put mash for moonshine?

As a container for preparing sugar mash, you can use large glass bottles and other containers made of glass, stainless steel, aluminum or plastic (food grade only!). Do not use galvanized cookware!

The container must be perfectly clean - thoroughly washed with detergent and hot water and wiped dry.

The mash container should be of such a volume that during fermentation it is no more than ¾ full.

Step-by-step recipe for making sugar mash

The classic recipe for making mash involves several steps. Let's look at each in detail.

  • Inverting granulated sugar

First of all, we need to prepare sugar syrup, which will increase the activity of the fermentation process. To do this, you need to heat 10 liters of water to a temperature of 80 degrees and pour in all the granulated sugar. Stir it until completely dissolved, wait until it boils and then leave on low heat for 10 minutes, then add citric acid to the syrup and cook for about an hour on low heat with the lid closed.

Before the next step, the syrup must be allowed to cool to 30 degrees.

If you do not want to prepare syrup, then simply dissolve the sugar in 10 liters of heated water, stirring thoroughly.

  • Yeast starter

Pour dry yeast into a small saucepan and fill with a liter of water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Stir and leave covered for 15-20 minutes. To keep the temperature at the initial temperature, place the pan in a warm place or wrap it in a blanket. The yeast will swell and a foam cap will appear above it. After this, stir the starter again.

Sourdough can also be made in a small amount of sugar syrup (about 300 ml) with the addition of water (1 liter).

  • Mixing

Pour the syrup into the container in which the mash will stand, and add the remaining 10 liters of water into it (remember that you already used 10 liters when preparing the syrup). The water temperature should be about 30 degrees. Mix thoroughly.

Pour in the prepared yeast starter, you can add a little rye bread. Mix thoroughly again.

  • Fermentation

Place the container with mash in a dark place at room temperature. If the container allows it, install a water seal on it, which will help remove carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process. If there is no water seal, wrap the neck with gauze or loose fabric.

If foaming is very active during the fermentation process, add a pinch of Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast to the mash.

The mash should stand for at least a week, maximum 10 days. The temperature in the room should be stable, without changes. If alcohol yeast and syrup were used, then the readiness of the mash can be checked on the fourth or fifth day.

How to determine the readiness of mash for moonshine?

When you open a container of mash, you will smell the alcohol. If you taste the mash, it will not be sweet, rather bitter with a slight sourness.

In addition, the readiness of the mash is indicated by its lightening and the precipitation at the bottom of the container.

Clarifying mash

Although the mash will noticeably lighten during fermentation, it is recommended to carry out a clarification procedure before distilling it, which will help get rid of the remains of dead yeast (which can later give the drink an unpleasant odor).

There are two ways to lighten the mash:

  1. Place the bottle of mash in a cold place for two days (in winter, for example, on a balcony), using a water seal. During this time, the yeast will precipitate; all you have to do is pour the mash into another container through a tube (remove from the sediment).
  2. Bentonite (white clay). Bentonite acts as an adsorbent, binding yeast residues and other microorganisms in the mash and precipitating with them. Mix 20-25 grams (tablespoon) of bentonite powder with a small amount of warm water until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then add this mixture to the mash, stir and leave for a day (although in practice a few hours are enough, but within a day everything unnecessary will definitely settle to the bottom). After this, drain the mash from the sediment.

Braga is ready for distillation into moonshine!

Without artificial or wild yeast, moonshine is impossible in principle. It is these microorganisms that convert glucose into alcohol. Alcohol is a waste product of their life. This article is devoted to determining the quantity and nuances of activating yeast for sugar mash. All proportions were obtained experimentally and tested many times in practice.

When choosing yeast for moonshine, it is better to focus on alcoholic types intended specifically for these purposes. Everything is simple here: in the instructions, manufacturers indicate how much sugar a pack is designed for. But while alcohol yeast is not sold in every store, it is still difficult to get it in small towns. Therefore, next we will look at mash recipes based on raw pressed and dry yeast used for baking. With the right approach, they also make good moonshine.

Braga with pressed yeast

For ten liters of forty-degree moonshine you will need:

  • sugar – 8 kg;
  • water – 32 liters;
  • raw pressed yeast – 0.5 kg;
  • raw potatoes - 2-3 pieces (optional).

On specialized forums on the Internet, they constantly argue about the correct proportions of ingredients for moonshine. Many recipes use more water than I suggest. But practice has shown that increasing the volume of mash does not lead to an increase in yield or improvement in the quality of the distillate. Raw potatoes speed up fermentation because they contain microelements necessary for yeast fungi. First, the tubers are cleaned and passed through a meat grinder, then added along with yeast.

Dry yeast mash recipe

It is believed that it is impossible to make good mash with dry yeast. In fact, you just need to know the proportions and some nuances of preparation. Any dry yeast will do, such as Saf-Levyur, Saf-Moment or Pakmaya. They are usually sold in 100 gram bags. The optimal ratio between dry and raw yeast is 1:5 or 1:6. For 8 kg of sugar you need to add one and a half packets of dry yeast.

Before adding it to the sugar solution, dry yeast is diluted; moonshiners call this “fermentation.” The powder is poured into 0.5 liters of warm water (not higher than 30°C), allowed to stand for 5 minutes, then slowly stirred until completely dissolved. The optimal temperature of the sugar solution before adding yeast is 20-24 degrees.

First, dry yeast needs to be activated

Sometimes, during the first few hours, dry yeast mash behaves unpredictably: either it does not ferment at all, or it begins to foam profusely. To extinguish the foam, add 50 grams of vegetable oil to the container. In some cases, oil must be added 2-3 times. If foam is released abundantly, do not cover the container with a lid, otherwise a small explosion may occur.

Regardless of the yeast chosen, the mash will be ready for distillation no earlier than after 4-7 days. The finished mash becomes lighter and a little bitter. If the taste tastes sweet, you should add 25% of the volume of water, mix the contents of the container thoroughly and let it sit for another couple of days.

Those who want to realize themselves as moonshine masters begin their journey with. Because obtaining this product does not require much labor.

But there are subtleties here too. It is important that the sugar and yeast mash have the correct proportions.

And this depends, first of all, on what kind of yeast you use in your work.

But there are other subtleties, knowledge and implementation of which will help you create a high-quality product on the first try.

Don’t expect to get good moonshine from poor quality products, according to the principle “That’ll do!” It will be distilled!” Yes, it will distill, but what will the result be - crystal clear moonshine without a “vigorous” smell or a stinking, albeit strong, liquid filled with fusel?

Therefore, you should not hope for chance, but you should do everything according to the rules, paying attention to every little detail. Put the word “quality” first, and this applies to everything from purchased sugar to the choice of water and the conditions for maturing the mash.

Selection of containers and ingredients

Many copies have already been broken relatively. Here's what they often put in the brew:

  1. Plastic container. There is an opinion that plastic is not a suitable material. Again, this is a controversial issue. It depends on what kind of plastic it is. If it is certified, from a reliable manufacturer, intended for food products and the annotation to it indicates that it is suitable, for example, for pickling vegetables, or even for making wine, mash, etc. (these containers are equipped with water seals), you can use them at your own risk. Chemists are unanimous: the plastic itself is safe, but the additional substances used in its manufacture pose a potential threat. Even food-grade plastic releases formaldehyde, styrene, and vinyl chloride, which are carcinogens. And under no circumstances should non-food (technical) plastic be used for moonshine production. In addition to direct harm to health, you will receive a distillate that smells strongly of plastic.
  2. Glass. The material is inert, does not react with the components of the mash, and does not emit harmful substances. The bottles are convenient to use; it is easy to install a water seal on them or put on a medical glove with a finger pierced with a needle to release carbon dioxide. It can be seen that when fermentation is completed and the wort self-clarifies - the remains of yeast and other components settle to the bottom. Has two disadvantages: fragility and dependence on ambient temperature. Compared to plastic, glass does not retain heat well. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate it and handle it with care.
  3. Aluminum milk flask. These have been used for brewing since Soviet times. Convenient in terms of stability and strength. Cover the lid without clamping - carbon dioxide comes out, and while fermentation is in progress, foreign microorganisms will not get inside.

Attention. Carbon dioxide does not allow oxygen into the liquid, which is necessary for the development of pathogenic microflora.

However, aluminum is a treacherous material. It easily reacts with aggressive substances, which include and. When oxidized, it releases harmful compounds. Therefore, it is better to refuse an aluminum flask.

Reference. Stainless steel milk flasks are sold, and they are safe for storing wort.

  1. Stainless steel fermentation tank- out of competition. If you decide to purchase an industrially produced container, you will get an excellent assistant to the distiller. Made of food grade stainless steel, equipped with a faucet for draining the mash. Located just above the bottom, it allows you to drain the mash, leaving sediment at the bottom. In addition, the kit includes a water seal.

If you have not yet acquired such a container, adapt it to it. stainless steel still. The tight closure and the ability to install a water seal (glove) make it suitable for fermentation. Just don’t forget to strain the mash before putting it on distillation and washing the still.

Inverting granulated sugar

There will be supporters of making mash with granulated sugar dissolved in it. However, it is wrong to consider this approach correct. In order for yeast to quickly convert sugar into alcohol, it must first break it down into glucose and fructose, since the sucrose molecule (crystalline sugar) consists of remnants of simple sugar molecules.

Carry out this splitting yourself. This process is called hydrolysis. Decomposition occurs under the influence of acid and high temperature.

Attention. Thanks to inversion, the mash ripens a couple of days earlier. Less fusel oils are fermented in it, and moonshine is obtained without fusel aroma and taste.


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 27-36 g of citric acid (based on 9-12 g per kilogram of sugar).

Select a pan so that the syrup in it takes up no more than 2/3 of the volume. Heat water and add sugar. Boil for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add citric acid.

Important. Add citric acid a little at a time. If you add it all at once, a lot of foam will form and the liquid will run out of the pan.

Now cover the pan with a lid and let the syrup invert for an hour or two. There should be no boiling. Sufficient temperature is 80-90°C.

Water preparation

For brewing, use raw water of medium hardness. Suitable:

  • purified bottled;
  • passed through a household filter;
  • spring;
  • settled water supply to ventilate chlorine.

Note. You should not boil water because this deprives it of oxygen, which is necessary to support fermentation and the microorganisms that feed the yeast. This water is “dead”, just like distilled water.

Yeast selection

Two types of alcoholic yeast are considered most suitable for fermenting with sugar: pressed and dry. It’s impossible to say for sure which ones are better; everyone likes their own look.

Attention. Add raw yeast, of which you are sure of its quality, directly into the wort, kneading thoroughly and mixing with the liquid.

Be sure to melt (activate) the dry ones first: add a pinch of sugar and a cup of warm water (28-30°C), wait until they form a foamy cap.

Baker's yeast is also acceptable. But you can take them if there are no alcohol ones. They leave a yeasty taste in the finished product. Please note that for baker's yeast, the hydromodulus is 1 to 5 (1 kg of sugar and 5 liters of water), since they die at a mash strength of 12°.

Stages of wort production and preparation proportions

To get the maximum possible amount of moonshine (for sugar mash this is 1.2 liters per kilogram of sugar), you must adhere to the rules for setting up the wort. Creating conditions for fermentation is equally important. Yeast likes silence, warmth and darkness. Technology:

  1. Heat the prepared water to 28-30°C.
  2. Add inverted sugar syrup or sugar that has cooled to the same temperature. Stir until dissolved.
  3. Add activated yeast.
  4. Place the fermentation container on a warm base to prevent cold from the floor.
  5. If the room is cool, place it closer to the heat source (radiator, stove). Wrap it up so that the heat generated during fermentation is not lost.
  6. Maintain the room temperature at 22-28°C.

Important. For fermentation, it is extremely important that there are no sudden changes in temperature. Theoretically, yeast works at 18-30°C, but if it is 18°C ​​at night and below 30°C during the day, then the mash may turn sour.

And about proportions. Calculate the ratio between sugar and water in the wort. Here are the acceptable indicators:

  1. 1 to 5. More often used when using baker's yeast. The advantage is fast fermentation, the disadvantage is the need for a large fermentation tank.
  2. 1 to 4. Popular among moonshine connoisseurs. Suitable for alcoholic yeast. Braga takes up less space. If fermentation is delayed compared to the 1:5 hydromodule, it is for a couple of days, no more.
  3. 1 to 3. Not used too often if space is being saved or there is no suitable fermentation container. But since the wort has a high sugar density, alcohol Turbo yeast is needed to process it into alcohol.

Why do hydromodules require different yeasts? The reason is that they have different persistence in an alcoholic environment. Bakeries stop functioning when the wort reaches 12°C; for alcohol, the limit is 16-18° (see instructions on the package); alcohol Turbos are capable of increasing the strength of the mash to 20°.

Note. For every kilogram of sugar you need 100 g of raw or 20-25 g of dry yeast.

Features of sugar mash

It’s not enough to forget about it before the date indicated in the recipe. It takes knowledge and some effort.

Fermentation phase

Violent fermentation at the first stage is considered the norm. For this reason, never fill the fermentation container with the lid on. The maximum permissible is ¾, although 2/3 is better. If you use a water seal, it gurgles intensely. The glove inflates. If it inflates too much, pierce 1-2 more holes with a needle.

As the mash matures, the foam subsides and the gurgling becomes less frequent. Under normal conditions, fermentation lasts 3-7 days.

Rules for determining readiness

It is important to correctly determine the moment the mash is ready.

An unfermented mash will give a lower distillate yield, since not all sugars are converted into alcohol. If it sits too long, it may turn sour, especially if it is supplied without a water seal. Determine readiness by the following signs:

  • The gurgling of the water seal stopped completely, and the glove hung on the container.
  • The foam has subsided.
  • The mash tastes bitter, without the slightest sweetness.
  • A lit match brought to the surface of the wort continues to burn.
  • Clearing of the liquid is noticeable - the yeast settles, the wort becomes transparent.

Don't just use one method. Better use everything to be sure.


Yeast residues (including micro-suspensions) lead to burning and the appearance of an unpleasant odor and taste in the moonshine. Therefore, before distillation, lighten the mash. It is better to use it for this purpose (this material is cat litter without additives). Grind in a coffee grinder, soak until kefir is thick and then add to the mash.

Lightening occurs within a few hours. Then remove the mash from the sediment through a tube and distill. The norm is 1 heaped tablespoon per 10 liters of mash.

Proper distillation

If you want to have a quality product on the table, and not stinking moonshine, you will have to do it. Distill for the first time without dividing into fractions. Secondarily - taking the first drops - dangerous to the health of the head - into a separate bowl (30-60 ml from each kg of sugar in the mash).

Then drive the body of moonshine until the strength in the stream drops to 40°. All that is distilled further are tails filled with fusel oils.

Pros and cons of mash with sugar and yeast

The main advantages of sugar mash are that it is affordable: buying raw materials is not a problem, and you don’t have to bother with it. With proper distillation, you will get relatively pure moonshine without a pungent odor.

A little about the pitfalls.

Sugar mash often lacks nutrients, causing the yeast to become inactive. In this case, add rather than increase the amount of yeast.

An excess of yeast leads to the fact that it can be felt in the finished product, spoiling the taste. Use as a top dressing:

  • A piece of bread. Crumble and throw into the mash.

The purpose of this article is to briefly introduce novice moonshiners to the main processes that take place in sugar mash. Talk about the influence of various factors on the final result. We hope that after reading the material, when creating your recipe for sugar mash, you will act consciously, and not by touch.


Why do some produce barely 500 ml/kg of alcohol, while others, for no apparent reason, easily reach 650 ml/kg? Why does it happen that the mash is ready in 3-4 days, and sometimes it ferments for weeks?

To begin with, it is worth saying that sugar mash for still distillation and for a continuous mash column are two big differences. If with still distillation the goal is to obtain mash of maximum strength, then for NBK the goal is the maximum yield of alcohol per kilogram of sugar with a minimum fermentation time. For still distillation, these factors are also important, but they fade into the background when we begin to count losses.

Our compatriots enjoy making moonshine at home, as a result of which the question becomes quite logical. How to make mash for further distillation of moonshine? In fact, everything is simple, the mash is made from sugar and yeast. Below we will look at the main aspects, namely fermentation temperature, preparing mash from sugar and yeast, proportions and other important nuances.

Making mash for moonshine from sugar and yeast - preparation

To get 1-1.1 liters. final mash with a strength of about 40 degrees, you need to take 1 kg. granulated sugar.

No. 1. Dishes

Before you put out the mash of sugar and yeast, take care of the necessary utensils. When choosing, pay attention to the volume; the mash does not occupy the entire cavity, but only 75% of the container. If you fill the fermentation vat to a larger volume, then the foam cap will extend beyond the boundaries of the vessel.

No. 2. Material

The ideal vessel material for making mash is glass. These can be bottles or jars that you have on hand. Stainless steel, food-grade plastic, aluminum pan, etc. are also suitable. Try to choose a container that is equipped with a drain tap. This will make your task easier.

No. 3. Sterilization of containers

Be sure to sterilize the container by rinsing with boiling water and washing with soda. In the future, it is necessary to thoroughly dry all the equipment so that not a drop of moisture remains. If the mash turns sour, the moonshine will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

No. 4. Water

The taste of the final drink and the absence of unexpected results depend on the water. Therefore, use bottled or spring water (ideal). It is allowed to prepare the brew using running tap water, but it must be left for two days without a lid. Now the hydromodule (proportions of sugar and water in the wort) is 4 liters. 1 kg of water is required. granulated sugar.

Choosing yeast for mash

Since you can make mash for moonshine using a traditional recipe from sugar, water and yeast, important attention is paid to the choice of the last component.

Buy alcohol yeast, read the instructions on the back of the package. It indicates the ratio of sugar and yeast for mash. The main disadvantage of such products is their rarity and pricing.

If you can’t find alcohol ones, buy powdered (dry) ones. Then the proportions will be as follows: per 1 kg. granulated sugar is allocated 20 grams. dry yeast.

Pressed ones can also be used, for 1 kg. sugar is 100 grams. such yeast.

Mash recipe for moonshine made from sugar and yeast: “a classic of the genre”

With the traditional recipe you will get about 5.5 liters. purified moonshine when the second fractional distillation is carried out. The alcohol content is 45 degrees.

  • water - 20 l.
  • granulated sugar - 5 kg.
  • dry yeast - 100 gr.

Before you properly make mash for moonshine, study the step-by-step instructions for preparing the “potion” from sugar and yeast.

Stage No. 1. Cooking the wort

1. Place the fermentation container on a stool to improve heat transfer. Pour water preheated to 28 degrees into the bowl, add granulated sugar in the amount according to the recipe. Start stirring until the granules dissolve. If you have a saccharometer, use it to measure the sugar concentration in the wort (a good indicator is 18-22%). If it is not there, skip this step and move on.

2. Now activate the yeast in a separate bowl. To do this, pour 0.3 liters into a bowl. water, warming it up to 28 degrees. Add 30 gr. granulated sugar, knead. Add dry yeast and leave for a quarter of an hour. When they rise, pour them into a fermentation container. If foaming is strong, you can reduce it by adding Saf-moment yeast in an amount of 11 grams. If you decide to use compressed yeast, you need to take it in an amount of 0.5 kg.

3. In order for the yeast to work at full strength, it is advisable to “feed” it. An optional, but highly desirable point. From top dressing you can choose raspberries, grapes, strawberries (20 berries for the entire specified volume of mash). Brown bread (1/2 loaf) is also suitable.

4. We continue to tell you how to make mash for moonshine. When cooking with sugar and yeast, it is not necessary to use a water seal. Just screw the lid loosely or, if the neck is small, cover it with 3-5 layers of gauze.

Stage No. 2. Fermentation

1. In order for the wort to ferment properly, it is very important to ensure the correct temperature. The optimal indicator is considered to be within 27-30 degrees. Do not exceed the temperature under any circumstances, otherwise the yeast will disappear and fermentation will stop.

2. Not everyone has the ability to maintain the specified mode, so use an aquarium heater; they are available from 50 Watts and above. You need 20 liters of mash. A device with a power of about 50 watts is enough if the wort is in a warm room.

3. A positive feature of such a device is the stability of heating. It is enough to set the heater to 28 degrees and immerse it in the wort, then connect it to the network.

4. Many people are interested in how long the mash ferments with sugar and yeast. If all conditions are met, this process takes 1-2 weeks. It is imperative to stir the mash 1-2 times a day to eliminate carbon dioxide.

Stage No. 3. Determination of readiness

In the question of how to make mash for moonshine, it is very important to determine its readiness in a timely manner. In a recipe made from sugar and yeast, the following conditions must be met.

1. Carbon dioxide has stopped coming out, the water seal does not bubble. There are no bubbles on the surface of the brew. You need to light a match and hold it over the mash. If the light does not go out, it means that carbon dioxide is no longer being released.

2. When ready, the mash will exfoliate, becoming lighter in color at the top. In this case, the yeast sinks to the bottom, forming sediment.

3. Another important condition that indicates readiness is taste. The mash becomes bitter and the sweetness is lost. The finished mash smells like alcohol.

4. To be sure that fermentation is complete, you need to use a saccharometer. After fermentation of the wort, the device will show the value “0”.

Stage No. 4. Cleaning and clarification of mash

1. This stage is carried out to improve the taste of moonshine. To remove the remaining carbon dioxide, place the mash on the stove and heat it to 55 degrees.

2. To lighten the mash, leave it for 2 days at a temperature from -5 to +5. You will see that the yeast has formed a sediment. All that remains is to drain the composition from the sediment using a thin silicone hose.

3. Braga can be clarified and cleaned with bentonite. It refers to a completely natural composition, that is, white clay. Buy Pi-Pi-Bent products, add 3 tbsp. l. for 20 l. mash and wait a day. After this period, remove the final product from the sediment using a hose.

Now you know exactly how to make mash for moonshine. According to the recipe described above, it is prepared from sugar and yeast, which is considered a classic. So feel free to follow the instructions and everything will work out!



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