Self-sufficiency self-sufficient. Self-sufficient person and self-sufficiency

Good afternoon, dear blog readers!

In my opinion, a person’s self-sufficiency is a certain foundation, a cornerstone from which the formation of a happy and harmonious existence of an individual begins. But it is very important not to confuse this concept with pride and selfishness, which are so often disguised as self-sufficiency.

So what is self-sufficiency?

In short, this is the state of existence when a person is enough of himself.

Each of us is born in this world, which means, one way or another, integrated into society. Self-sufficiency is by no means isolation, loneliness or another form of seclusion from the social world. Rather, it is the ability to cope on your own in any situation, as well as the absence of dependencies. Independence is synonymous with self-sufficiency.

Some psychologists divide self-sufficiency into several areas:

  • Social– a person has managed to find his place in life, he is successful in the labor sphere, financially independent, interacts well with society, and stands firmly on his feet.
  • Economic- a person is able to take care of himself in everyday affairs, he is quite capable of living alone, without needing outside help.
  • Psychological– a person does not need approval, advice or the company of other people, knows how to make decisions independently, act alone, and is not afraid to be alone with himself.

I believe that dividing self-sufficiency into certain levels or spheres is fundamentally wrong. There are a huge number of successful business and financially independent people. At the same time, some are terrified of loneliness, others drown in their pride, considering themselves superior to others, and others never find satisfaction in anything, despite the fact that they have achieved wealth and have all the benefits of civilization. Can such people be called self-sufficient, despite the fact that they stand firmly on their feet in the social environment? No and no again.

The same applies to the economic sphere - there are a lot of people who live alone in their own apartments and can cook their own soup, wash their clothes, iron them, go grocery shopping, etc. But at the same time, they are also deeply unhappy and cannot confidently say, that you are happy with your life.

The psychological definition of self-sufficiency is much closer to the truth. Everything else is just the predominance of certain qualities in a person, more related to physical independence.

What is self-sufficiency in a deeper sense?

Self-sufficiency is by no means determined by financial status, position in society, the ability to tie your own shoelaces and other external factors. This is, first of all, the ability to accept yourself as you are. Lack of struggle with oneself is the main sign of self-sufficiency. If a person does not fight with himself, he will not fight with the world. He knows how to accept everything as it is, without trying to change it to suit his own, or rather, to please his Ego.

Imagine that you are very rich. Money is not a bad thing, everyone wants to have a lot of money and there is nothing bad about it. So, let’s say you need to visit another city, say, to attend an important conference. You call the best hotel to book a room, but it turns out that there are no vacancies for that day. You get upset and call a worse hotel, but there are no free rooms there either.

The city is small and there is only one cheap third-rate hotel, where the most basic rooms with old furniture, worn carpets and long-uncleaned windows. How will you feel? Anger, disappointment, hopelessness, just frustration, dislike for bad service, would you consider such a number unworthy of yourself? Any negative feeling that such a situation may cause in you is a manifestation of your selfishness and conceit.

But think about it, even in the cheapest hotel you remain yourself! In an expensive room, it’s you too. You are with money, and you are without money. You are in a bed with snow-white new linens, and you are also in a bed with worn sheets. It turns out that the environment is important to you, since you react so sharply to it, you are dependent on it! And this can no longer be considered self-sufficiency. To you not enough to be yourself, you need what you think is a worthy environment, “scenery” for your life.

There is nothing wrong with striving for the best, surrounding yourself with beautiful things, allowing yourself expensive entertainment and excellent service. But your attitude to all this is important. If it affects you, you are not self-sufficient, you are a “thermometer” that only reflects the temperature level outside. If you influence your surroundings and know how to remain yourself in any situation, you are a “thermostat” that sets the temperature of the environment.

Self-sufficiency is minimal dependence on external circumstances, external will, surrounding people and situations.

A self-sufficient person, if he loves, does not try to change his partner to suit his preferences. He knows how to accept people as they are, because he has learned to accept himself as such. He is not afraid of loneliness, because he will always find something to do with himself. He understands well that, in essence, we are all alone. We come into this world alone and leave it alone. Life gives us extraordinary opportunities and meetings with other people. A self-sufficient person perceives this as a gift and uses it carefully, enjoys it, learns, and does not demand from the world as a matter of course to provide him with certain conditions for happiness, constantly blaming fate for once again giving him the wrong thing.

When a self-sufficient person faces anger, criticism, evil, insults, he does not feel the need to enter into conflicts and prove anything to his accuser. Rather, he will even be grateful to him and take a closer look at himself, perhaps there really is something to work on in his personality.

What do most of the people around you do? They are actively participating in the global “battle for life.” They fight for their importance, your dignity, my importance, spending a colossal share of their vitality, energy, and potential on this. Significance inevitably breeds dependence and minimizes self-sufficiency.

A self-sufficient person is more like a spectator of life's scenes, and not a participant in these merciless bloody battles. It is impossible to hurt, hurt or offend him, because he does not consider himself more important than anyone else. It is impossible to manipulate him - he has no fears or addictions. He is not a slave to his desires.

Of course, this does not mean that he has no aspirations, desires, intentions, dreams and that he is boring and passive. Such a person may have many desires and aspirations. But if such an individual does not succeed in something, he does not blame the circumstances and those around him, but simply begins to do something else.

He is flexible and plastic, he is not afraid of losing something, because he feels enough potential in himself to find everything he needs. He takes full responsibility for his life. Even in the most difficult situations, he looks for solutions within himself. He does not blame others for his problems and does not believe that they owe him anything or owe him anything. At any time and at any moment, he feels that in him enough potential for the implementation of certain goals, desires, aspirations.

What do many of us do when we need to achieve a goal? They sit and complain that they don’t have enough of this and that. If it were this or that, it would be easier to implement our plans. But the conditions are not the same, and the weather is not the same, and the people around are not the same. And when the goal is not realized, there is always something to justify it: the conditions did not allow us to achieve what we wanted, everything around is to blame! Sound familiar? Don't be afraid to say yes. Awareness of the problem is already a step towards solving it.

The absence of envy and self-interest are other important features of self-sufficiency.

A self-sufficient person is alien to such feelings as envy, gloating, rancor, vindictiveness, and the desire to prove something to another. This is absolute harmony with yourself and the world around you. Victory over your Ego. Such a person does not try to change the world; he changes himself if he feels discomfort about something.

When a financially wealthy person who has achieved a certain success and position in society calls himself self-sufficient, this is nothing more than an ode to his selfishness and pride. A truly self-sufficient person, in general, does not need to tell anyone about this and assert himself in this way. Usually such people cause interest, misunderstanding and even disapproval among others.

Living in society you cannot be absolutely independent. We all interact with the laws of the country in which we live, society, and social services. We need the services of the same doctors, teachers, sellers, etc. Therefore, it cannot be said that self-sufficiency is, in general, a complete absence of dependence in the world. Rather, it is the absence of painful attachments, dependence on other people’s opinions, and approval.

A self-sufficient person never stops in his development and is always open to new knowledge and growth. He denies absolutely nothing and allows everything to be as it is.

It is possible and necessary to develop self-sufficiency. And believe me, you already have enough strength and energy for this.

I would be very interested to know what you think about self-sufficiency, whether you agree with its definition as described above or whether you have a different opinion, share it in the comments. Perhaps your thoughts will help expand this topic even deeper.

Sooner or later in every person’s life there comes a time when it’s time to think about one’s independence. Many people dream of becoming independent and self-sufficient people. Isn't it great to be the master of your life? Self-sufficiency is not just the ability to independently satisfy one's material needs, but also the ability to live without close contact with people.

The physical side of self-sufficiency

If you have firmly decided to become a self-sufficient person, then the first thing you have to do is achieve complete independence in everyday matters. That is, you need to learn to live without outside help. The first thing you need for this is the ability to earn a living. Housing, food, various household goods are things that modern people cannot do without. But meeting minimal needs can hardly be called self-sufficiency, because there are many other needs that require financial investments. A person is not a robot; he needs many things that are not necessary to maintain life.

Therefore, material self-sufficiency is not only the ability to maintain one’s life without the help of outsiders, but also the ability to satisfy other material needs and constantly improve one’s life.

Internal self-sufficiency

Material self-sufficiency is only the very beginning of the journey; it is much more difficult to overcome dependence on human company. Having spent their entire lives among people, constantly communicating and interacting with them, many cannot imagine their future lives without this. What kind of self-sufficiency can we talk about if you cannot spend a single day alone?

Usually those individuals who have all sorts of interesting hobbies or hobbies do not need people. They are not bored spending time alone with themselves. Such people do not seek human company, but do not avoid it either.

Inner peace and independence can give a deep sense of self-sufficiency. Independence from other people's opinions and how other people evaluate you allows you to look at the world in a new way, to break out of the captivity of conventions and social games. At the same time, it is worth understanding that a self-sufficient person does not become a recluse, he, like others, communicates with people and fulfills his social function, but easily endures loneliness and is accustomed to relying only on himself in everything.

The Pros of Self-Sufficiency

Self-sufficiency definitely gives many advantages to its adherents, endowing them with qualities that contribute to a harmonious and happy life. The ability to provide yourself with everything you need, the ability to make independent decisions and your own view of the world, unclouded by other people’s opinions, are just some of the advantages of self-sufficiency.

But if you take a closer look at a self-sufficient person, it becomes clear that there are many more advantages. Erudition and perseverance, the habit of relying only on oneself, the ability to earn money and improve one’s life, the desire to develop and become better - all these are also signs of self-sufficiency. However, not everything is as good as it seems: in addition to the obvious benefits, self-sufficiency, or the desire for it, can also have a negative effect.

Cons of self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency is good when a person develops it harmoniously within himself, finding a compromise between his desires and capabilities. Many call self-sufficiency a painful renunciation of one's desires or habits. In this case, the need remains, but the person, through an effort of will, deprives himself of the opportunity to satisfy it.

He begins to convince himself that he does not need it, continuing to constantly mentally return to what was lost. It is difficult to call such a state self-sufficiency.

Self-sufficiency is the gradual getting rid of unnecessary things, and not recognizing as unnecessary what you cannot achieve. Many, having experienced unsuccessful relationships, begin to convince themselves that they do not need other people, suffering more and more from loneliness and depression. This path does not lead to independence and prosperity, but to a gradual immersion in a viscous quagmire of dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life. A self-sufficient person is not lonely even when alone.

Bad habits

Giving up bad habits is an important step towards self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency is out of the question if you constantly want to light a cigarette or take another dose of a drug. Of course, not all habits are bad, some are just pleasant or even useful. But some of them cause significant harm to health and at the same time hit hard on your pocket.

Therefore, if you want to gain self-sufficiency and independence, then it’s time to highlight the most harmful habits and begin their systematic eradication. The main thing in this matter is not to go to extremes, destroying all your habits and desires. This will only bring sadness and dissatisfaction.

Self-sufficiency and others

Oddly enough, when communicating with a self-sufficient person, people more often experience negative emotions than positive ones. There are many reasons for this. For example, envy: most people give themselves into voluntary slavery, obeying social principles and the habit of going with the flow. For them, self-sufficiency is something forbidden, obscene, because they have not given themselves a single chance to get it. Therefore, an independent, independent person causes irritation and dissatisfaction in such subjects.

Also, a self-sufficient person is unpleasant to society because standard social levers of pressure do not apply to him. It is difficult to somehow manage a person who does not need anything from you, which causes discomfort in people who are accustomed to dependent, standard individuals.


Not the most obvious principle of self-sufficiency is constant development. If a person, having reached a certain level of well-being, stops moving forward, he can hardly be called self-sufficient. Even if you have everything you need for a comfortable life, you can always find some element of your life that needs improvement. And internal development is truly limitless!

The constant desire to improve your personality, acquire new skills and sharpen old ones, the desire to continuously improve your life - all this is an integral part of self-sufficiency.

Surely many have met people who, having decided that they had achieved everything they wanted, tried to relax calmly and enjoy their achievements. Such people often begin to experience health problems, boredom begins to overcome their minds, while illnesses consume their bodies. But not only does health refuse to cooperate with a person who has decided to rest on his laurels, things will also begin to fall apart and decline. Therefore, it is important to remember that movement is life, without the desire for perfection, even the most self-sufficient person will sooner or later return to a pitiful, dependent state.

Is it difficult to become self-sufficient?

The path is long and difficult, at the end of which self-sufficiency awaits you. Defining goals and guidelines for the near future is the first thing you need to do when you set foot on this winding path. You should not immediately set global and impossible goals, this will only bring disappointment and despondency. It is best to solve small, rewarding tasks that will eventually lead you to complete independence and self-reliance. This way you can track your progress, moving step by step towards your goal.

You need to be prepared for the fact that old attachments and habits will not want to go away without a fight. Change is always hard, but it is even harder to feel the need for change. In any case, anyone who decides to achieve self-sufficiency will face many difficulties, but the result of these efforts will exceed any expectations.

Only we ourselves know what is best for us. We intuitively feel when we are betraying ourselves and our values, but sometimes we are afraid to say so and defend our opinion, our vision of the situation, our decisions. Sometimes we are so afraid of losing something - a man, a job, the approval of others that we are ready to betray ourselves. First in small things, then in more important matters. It takes inner strength and courage to speak up about what is important to you. And be prepared for the fact that if a person is not ready to hear and accept your values, then he may leave. However, the paradox is that it is honesty with yourself and with others that creates closer and more sincere relationships.

My mood and condition do not depend on others

Our integrity is also reflected in how we react to the moods and actions of other people. Including the beloved man. If any criticism and missed calls make you depressed, then this indicates that you do not feel in harmony with yourself. What hurts us most is that which resonates with our prohibitions to act in this way or, conversely, with our non-acceptance of these qualities in ourselves. Therefore, before you reproach others or shed tears, figure it out with yourself: why you react this way. What's your pet peeve that you keep getting stepped on? Only what we allow to happen happens to us. Once we understand ourselves, everything begins to change in amazing ways. The more independent we become, the less we are provoked and irritated.

I do what I like

When a woman does what she loves, she is inspired, passionate, and full of energy. It is the energy that overwhelms us that is the magnet that attracts attention to us. Those around us, especially men, feel our passion. Any man is excited by a woman who has a favorite thing to do. Her eyes are burning, she is overwhelmed with passion for life, her thoughts are not only occupied with him. And this is again about the courage to be yourself and follow your desires. And if your favorite activity also provides excellent income, then the man understands that you choose him not because you are chasing his money, but because you are interested in him as a person.

I have my own interests, hobbies, things that I am not ready to give up for a man

There is such a beautiful metaphor: when two drops merge into one, they dissolve into each other and lose themselves, and when two lit candles begin to burn together, the flame becomes larger, but each of them can carry its own light. Our passion for our favorite hobbies, sports, and personal development allows us to maintain individuality and uniqueness without becoming a shadow of a man, but on the contrary, opening up new facets of life for him. It is important to find a balance: not to give up everything for a man and not to give up a man for everything. The famous psychologist, coach and writer Marilyn Atkinson says that a couple should spend 12 hours a week together, and the rest of the time can be devoted to something else. And then your life will be full and rich, and not boring and monotonous.

I have my own social circle, friends and fans

Communication with other people inspires and develops, giving us the opportunity to take a fresh look at ourselves and the world. And if a woman isolates herself in a small family world or the world of a relationship with a man, then at some point she falls into the trap of the same type of thoughts and reactions. She becomes predictable, dependent and boring. A circle of friends and fans keeps your perception fresh, the exchange of new information, knowledge, as well as the feeling that you are interesting to many people, including men. It is important that you only communicate and flirt with other men, but in no case cheat on your loved one, as this destroys intimacy. The interest of other men keeps not only you, but also your man in good shape, who understands that he is in a competitive struggle, and it is not a fact that the palm will always remain with him. This gives the relationship a slight unpredictability and at the same time makes it stronger.

I don't reveal all my secrets and problems

The ability to keep something silent also increases interest and desire to get to know you more deeply. When a woman shares too openly the details of her life - her pains and problems, the flair of mystery and romanticism is lost. At such moments, a man begins to feel like a pathologist, in front of whom all his insides are being turned out. It is not surprising that after this not only sexual attraction disappears, but also simply the desire to communicate. The feeling that there is a stranger next to you, even if you have been living with him for twenty years, does not allow you to let go. And the very thought that you have little secrets excites and excites.

I do not allow myself to be neglected, humiliated and disrespected

Sometimes we confuse acceptance with connivance. Acceptance is when we understand that everyone has their own path and their own manifestations, we respect a person on a deep level, but at the same time we do not allow him to violate our boundaries. Clear rules about what is acceptable to you and what you will never tolerate make people listen to you and respect your values. It is important to talk about this and agree, without blaming, but firmly declaring your position and principles, feelings and expectations on issues that are really important to you.

I am well-groomed, well dressed, educated

A self-sufficient woman knows her worth and invests time and money in herself. How we treat ourselves, how much we value ourselves, determines how others treat us and value us. When a woman forgets about herself, does not develop, does not pamper herself with beautiful clothes and self-care, men - and everyone around her - regard this as her disrespect for herself and allow her to be treated the same way. But the point is not what men think and how they perceive us, but the fact that self-love fills us with energy, inspiration and joy!

I don't throw tantrums for any reason

Wise and self-sufficient women are characterized by composure and the ability to control their emotions. This does not mean that she is always smooth and calm. She can throw a tantrum when she is absolutely calm inside and remain outwardly calm when a storm of emotions is raging inside. It is this contrast that gives it piquancy, and the relationship - sharpness. But her performances are precisely controlled and thoughtful, and this is what gives them such power and makes them memorable. When a woman is hysterical too often, this only speaks of her lack of self-confidence and inner promiscuity.

I choose the best and don't settle for less.

A self-sufficient woman can allow herself to be herself, defend her principles, do what she loves, communicate and live a full life without getting hung up on a man and at the same time always find time for him and give him love without demanding anything in return. But at the same time, she can allow herself to choose the best man for herself, realizing her strengths and accepting her shortcomings, and knowing “that it is better to be alone than to be with just anyone.” And loneliness does not make her unhappy, but on the contrary, it allows her to remain in harmony with herself, without wasting herself on unnecessary relationships, meetings and affairs. By choosing the best, you become stronger.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Here we are talking about how to find a second one, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, what to do, and so on. But many of these questions simply would not arise for us if we were completely harmonious and self-sufficient individuals. What is self-sufficiency and how does it affect our lives? Let's figure it out.

What kind of person is self-sufficient?

Let's start with a definition. To be self-sufficient means to be at peace with yourself and experience a sense of security, inner completeness and stability. If you look very superficially, self-sufficiency is similar to correct self-esteem, that is, assessing yourself as a decent and worthy person. But still, self-sufficiency is a deeper, more fundamental sense of integrity.

Its main features:

  1. People with developed self-sufficiency are not too concerned about other people's opinions of themselves. Resentment does not affect them as much because they have a deep-rooted sense of self-worth. Conversely, praise and blame do not affect them too much, so they will never become too intoxicated with their sense of self-importance.
  2. A self-sufficient person has a strong internal locus of control. That is, he (or she - depending on whether we are talking about a man or a woman; for convenience, I will use only the pronoun “he”, meaning people of both sexes) has the opportunity - and desire - to determine his own way, make your own decisions. He trusts his intuition and is willing to go his own way, even if it means going against society's expectations and facing misunderstanding and ridicule because of it.
  3. A self-sufficient person does not need expensive things to confirm his status. If he buys some thing, it means that he needs this thing to satisfy his needs, and not in order to be “no worse than others.”
  4. A self-sufficient person likes to be alone with himself. He can be very sociable, and generally the life of the party, but he loves solitude no less. Left in silence, he does not rush to fill the resulting void with a TV or smartphone.

Egocentrism or self-sufficiency?

Some people become so self-sufficient and self-absorbed that they behave selfishly, without considering the needs of other people. Let me re-emphasize that being self-sufficient does not mean you have to act cold and distant.

Research shows that people who suffer from diabetes are less likely to empathize and help others because they are too preoccupied with their own feelings. Self-sufficient people, on the contrary, are less concerned about worries and fears, they are able to communicate with other people, and are more likely to respond to their misfortune.

What factors determine the level of self-sufficiency?

Childhood experience. Abuse and psychological trauma in early childhood have a negative impact on developing self-sufficiency.

Observations show that older people are more self-sufficient than younger people. In young people a sense of identity is in the process of formation, and therefore still very fragile. That is why they often join “bad companies” or follow fashion - this gives them a sense of community with others, and, accordingly, a feeling of security and fulfillment.

How to become self-sufficient?

When we are self-sufficient, we are happy. It reigns in relationships because we can be equal partners with our loved one, and not experience unhealthy or codependency.

Being an integral person, we set a good example for the child of the right relationship with himself and the world around him.

How to develop self-sufficiency?

  1. The easiest way to start is with the economic aspect. The minimum is to learn to take care of yourself. That is, don’t expect someone to cook for you, do the laundry, find a lost sock, call a plumber, choose the model of the sofa and the brand of shampoo. Ideally, fully support yourself financially.
  2. Next, you should learn to make independent decisions. Yes, you can listen to the advice of others (solicited and unsolicited) and take them into account. But you still have to make the final decision yourself, based on your own interests, and not on whether everyone around you, including Aunt Masha’s poodle, will approve or disapprove of such an act.
  3. Avoid sick attachments. Even if you have a baby in your arms, you should not live only by him and his needs. And in relationships between adults this should not happen at all.
  4. Become interesting to yourself. Someone's desire to fill themselves with another person or a continuous stream of information via TV or social media suggests that they are empty and bored with themselves. To become interesting to yourself and others, you need to constantly and continuously develop. Read, study, think, analyze, compare, compose, draw conclusions.

So, being self-sufficient does not at all mean being a hermit, a complete egoist or an insensitive blockhead. Vice versa. Even in the Gospel it was said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” That is, only by becoming an integral and harmonious person can we find harmony with the world around us, give love and care to our loved ones, but at the same time not smother them with excessive affection.

Be happy, grow and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates! Share this article with your friends, they will thank you!

These days, a lot of talk is about self-development and personal growth. Publications devoted to these topics are regularly published, and everyone is invited to thematic trainings. You can often hear the definition of self-sufficiency. The media and advertising claim that this quality must be developed in yourself, and only it will make you happy. But before we believe all these statements, let's try to understand who he is, a self-sufficient person? This is a complex and multifaceted concept; we will try to understand all its aspects.

Such different self-sufficiency

The term we are interested in is used in a variety of fields. In a general sense, a self-sufficient person is one who is not afraid of loneliness and does not depend on the people around him. In the household sphere, this term can be used to define the ability to provide oneself with everything necessary independently. In other words, we are talking about financial independence and the ability to organize one’s own life on one’s own. In psychology, self-sufficiency refers to independence from others. This is not about refusing to communicate. Self-sufficient people know how to communicate and enjoy interacting with people around them. But at the same time, they are not bored alone, alone with themselves. And if they wish, they are able to do without meeting friends and communicating in any form for quite a long time. In socionics there is another interesting definition of self-sufficiency - this is a state of prosperity and success when a person feels inner harmony and easily achieves his goals.

Good or bad?

All of the above qualities of self-sufficient people are positive and positive. But be careful: social phobia is often confused with self-sufficiency. We are talking about a state when a person is afraid to become attached to other people. Often this fear is caused by psychological trauma received in the past. Fear of attachments is a normal condition in the first months after a difficult separation from a romantic partner or betrayal of a friend. But if it persists for a long time, we can talk about social phobia. Remember, a self-sufficient person will not purposefully avoid communication; he is not afraid of ending relationships with other people.

Psychological self-sufficiency in detail

At the psychological level, self-sufficiency is characterized by self-confidence and the ability to make decisions. Such people may ask for advice, but more often they do it purely out of interest. The real and only correct decision for them was made long ago. A self-sufficient person is one who does not depend on the opinions of others. Such people do not follow fashion; they choose things and hobbies that are interesting only to them. At the same time, it is impossible to offend them with a negative assessment from the outside. A self-sufficient person always knows what he wants and does not give up his ideas and aspirations because of the disapproval of others or external circumstances.

Signs of self-sufficiency

The ability to enjoy yourself and your life is another facet of self-sufficiency. Such people do not need a lot of money or any other special conditions to become happy. Do you think your opponent is too angry and cynical? Congratulations, this is a self-sufficient person. “Which one is this?” - you ask. The answer is simple: the one who in any situation will say exactly what he thinks. He will never embellish the bitter truth, but he will always help with advice. Such people have many good qualities. They don't often make promises, but they always keep them and never break them. It is almost impossible to offend a self-sufficient person. Such people feel their strength and some superiority over others. Therefore, they care little about the opinions of others and the manifestation of aggression or rudeness.

We already know what a self-sufficient person means. However, we often consider those who work hard to create such a reputation for themselves to be successful and smart. So, an important difference between self-sufficient people and those who try to appear so is modesty. People of this type are proud of themselves and feel important and successful, but they do not need similar evaluation from others.

How to recognize a self-sufficient person in a crowd?

It is always more convenient to learn something if you have a positive example before your eyes. Do you doubt whether there are self-sufficient people in your environment? Recognizing them among others is not so difficult. Self-sufficiency completely frees you from the need for the approval of others. People with this quality do not strive to please anyone and be pleasant. They are calm and satisfied with themselves, and all the features of their own character and shortcomings are known to them.

Another distinctive feature is a realistic assessment of oneself and one’s own life. A self-sufficient person is one who lives here and now, avoiding unnecessary illusions. The simplest test of self-sufficiency: ask your interlocutor if he is happy. Self-sufficiency allows you to find inner harmony and live life to the fullest. And this does not mean that there are no plans for the future and goals. Self-sufficient people know how to be happy, even without achieving their maximum and continuing to strive to fulfill their dreams. To be fair, it is worth noting that their success is largely the result of painstaking work, rather than fleeting luck or luck.

From an ordinary person to a self-sufficient person

After reading the first part of the article, you can come to the conclusion that self-sufficient people are special, akin to aliens. In fact, we are talking about a combination of personal qualities and way of thinking. Anyone can become self-sufficient if they want; people more often reach this state in adulthood. Already in high school and higher educational institutions, young people prefer to be divided into certain groups. Usually these are not just friendly companies, but some kind of informal interest groups. However, after some time, such associations and subcultures become boring, and a person goes to look for new like-minded people. At this time, new interests and preferences may appear. Our hero does not yet know what a self-sufficient person means, but he is already looking more and more like him. And so, having gained wisdom, learned not to depend on others and received the necessary knowledge, an individual can easily find his place in life.

Of course, we looked at an exaggerated and simple example of the formation of self-sufficiency. In practice, this process does not always work this way.

How to become a self-sufficient person and find happiness?

Anyone can achieve self-sufficiency. Start by determining the degree of your dependence on society. Try spending the day alone. Let this be your day off, turn off all means of communication and give up virtual communication. What will you do, will you be bored or calm and interesting? There is another interesting psychological game. Just imagine that you have to leave tomorrow for another country or another city. How prepared are you for this event, and are you waiting for it with trepidation and excitement or outright fear, because all the familiar people and things will remain in your homeland?

Secrets of developing self-sufficiency

In order to become a self-sufficient person, you need to learn to respect and value yourself. Work on your self-esteem, try to perceive all failures neutrally and praise yourself for all successes. Trust yourself, remember that this is only your life, and no one but you knows what to do with it. Don't try to live up to other people's expectations if it conflicts with your desires and goals. And most importantly, do not be afraid of anything: neither possible difficulties, nor public condemnation. Do only what you like and is useful for you, and you will feel much better.

So we figured out how to become a self-sufficient person. We hope these tips will help you become more successful and happier.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs