RDW CV and RDW SD in a blood test - interpretation and norm. What does rdw mean in a blood test?

When health does not allow one to enjoy life, and the first alarming symptoms appear, a sane person immediately turns to doctors for help. The first doctor is a therapist. It is he who assesses the general condition, makes the first conclusions, appointments, and examinations. The latter includes a general blood test. A small procedure will help give an idea of ​​what is happening to a person. Cholesterol, sugar, leukocytes are indicators known to most. Abbreviation rdw in blood test - what is it? Naturally, the doctor will explain everything, but the incomprehensible Latin symbols - rdwsd and rdwcv - make you nervous and worried.

In order not to panic in vain, not to torment yourself with fears and horrors, you should broaden your horizons. First, it’s worth reading correctly: many people, out of fright, may miss a small letter, reading instead of the unknown rdw the known indicator RW. Sexually transmitted diseases have a completely different direction. The rdw indicator in a blood test characterizes the quality of red cells, their shape, size. For those who do not know about red blood cells and their role in the body, a short educational program is offered, after reading which the question will no longer arise: rdw in a blood test - what is it?

Blood is a real chemical broth, but the main “residents” and “hard workers” are leukocytes and erythrocytes. Leukocytes can be compared to the body's guard. They are the ones who fight viruses, bacteria and other nasty things that try to destroy a person. White blood cells are very important; a sharp increase or decrease in their number indicates danger, a threat to health. Red blood cells are also an important link. Red cells transport important oxygen throughout the body. In fact, they are responsible for the fact that people breathe, move, and live.

The slightest deterioration in health, weakness, dizziness may indicate a change in the body, and a blood test will help you find out. Ideally, all components should not go much beyond the general framework, with the exception of pregnant women. There must be a certain level of leukocytes, sugar, cholesterol, red blood cells. The last indicator is very important. The cells must be correct, oval in shape, fulfill their main task, and have the correct size. It is the rdw indicator that indicates a change in red plaques, or more precisely, the distribution of red blood cells by volume. The normal size of an ideal cell is 7 – 9 microns. Discs damaged by the disease change shape, become larger or smaller, and accordingly, it turns out that the relative width of the distribution of red blood cells over the volume is increased.

What does it mean? An ideal red blood cell is born in the bone marrow, grows, and does its job. In due time he dies in the liver. A red cell lives 60–80 days. Throughout her life she works, carries oxygen, works hard. A damaged disk, modified, small, large - this is already a low-quality red blood cell. He cannot fulfill his duties, and accordingly, his lifespan is reduced, and this leads to a sharp decrease or, conversely, an increase in red cells. Accordingly, if the width of the distribution of red blood cells is increased, this indicates a serious threat to health.

Where to look for the reasons for changes in the blood base? The answer is banal - good nutrition is the key to health, because the composition of the cell depends on the vitamins, microelements, and minerals it receives. Bad habits also leave their negative mark: this is how low-quality blood cells are produced. Regular consumption of alcohol, or more precisely, ethyl alcohol, which is part of any fiery product, at the genetic level changes not only the distribution of red blood cells over blood volume. This is why there is a high rate of childhood congenital anomaly. Pregnant women who regularly consume alcohol, drugs, and nicotine have a high risk of giving birth to a defective child.

Going deeper into medicine

The therapist, seeing some deviations, will definitely make you do an RDW blood test. If the red blood cells begin to change in volume, then this indicates the beginning of anisocytosis. This disease has 4 stages:

  1. The first degree will show a small number of changed cells - up to 50%, the lower figure - 24 - 25%.
  2. The second stage is characterized by an increase in the number of changed structures to 69–70%.
  3. The penultimate stage - the cells are changed by more than three quarters.
  4. The last level of the disease shows that there are no normal cells in the body.

The rdw blood clinic will show what stage the patient is at. The anisotropy coefficient of red blood cells shows the number of unequal red disks; in fact, the analysis sorts cells by size. There is also an indicator rdwsd, which indicates the difference in red blood cells, that is, it finds the enlarged and smallest discs, shows the heterogeneity and size of the cell. The second type - rdwcv blood test - is an indicator of the distribution of red blood cells by volume.

The erythrocyte distribution index will help detect various anemias, oncology, and inflammation. If the rdw in the blood test is low, what should you pay attention to? The reasons may be:

  1. The body lacks fluid.
  2. Hemoglobin is greatly reduced.
  3. The discs themselves change, which indicates oncology.

If rdw in a blood test is elevated, then you should pay attention to nutrition, vitamins, and metabolism. An increased width of distribution of erythrocytes indicates macroanacitosis. This is the phenomenon of red disks enlarged in volume. They owe their breadth to:

  • vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • diseases or tumors of the bone marrow;
  • developing anemia;
  • alcoholism;
  • pregnancy.

If rdw is elevated in pregnant women, then expectant mothers should pay special attention to their diet: low hemoglobin leads to anemia and increases the risk of congenital diseases in the future baby. In women, macroanacitosis can cause serious deviations in reproductive function, so those planning a family must do rdw in a general blood test before the perfect moment arrives.

If the baby has an increased rdw value, then perhaps this is the beginning of erythremia. A heart study should be performed; there is a possibility of developing blood diseases and dehydration of the small body. Children are not characterized by a high CV in a blood test, but parents should be aware that a low RDW in the blood indicates anemia. Taking a blood test before breakfast in the morning will help detect the early development of the disease. The rate of red blood cells in a child’s blood before reaching the first year of his life should not increase from 11.6 to 14.8%. This level is normal for a healthy child. An increase in the rdw indicator or a decrease in it indicates a high level of risk of developing the disease; it is necessary to undergo examination.

The normal distribution of red blood cells by volume in an adult should be 11.5 – 14.6%. In an adult, the level of distribution of red blood cells is reduced due to the small size of red cells; accordingly, the altered discs cannot cope with the function of transporting oxygen throughout the organs, they die, and new red blood cells do not have time to be born in their place. Oxygen starvation of all organs appears. Values ​​above the norm mean that the person is leading an incorrect lifestyle. An increased content of red cells also indicates the onset of liver disease, because this is where the blood disks end their journey.

Decoding rdw and further actions

It’s clear what rdw is, all that remains is to figure out how to decipher the analysis. For children, there are the same indicators, and for newborn babies they change greatly during the first year of their life. With age, the level decreases slightly. Taking vitamins can increase a minor deviation, because it is poor nutrition that therapists are primarily guilty of when examining people who lead a normal, healthy lifestyle. If the level rises sharply over a short period, cancer should be blamed. Only it can change the composition of the blood so much in a short period. The spread of viruses and infections also affects the composition of the blood, so it is best to get tested after recovery.

Normal rdw is 11 – 14.7%. Among representatives of the fair sex, indicators above the upper criterion indicate metabolic disorders; low levels of red blood cells are characterized by weakness, dizziness, and nausea. If the tests show slight deviations, do not be upset or run to the hospital. The first rule of health is proper nutrition; the entire state of the body depends on it. The introduction of black bread, broccoli, spinach, and greens into the diet will replenish the missing amount of vitamins, thereby changing red blood cells. The second law is the exclusion of alcoholic beverages, a ban on nicotine, it is alcohol that destroys the red discs, causing irreversible damage. If the indicators differ greatly from the norm, you should undergo a series of appointments, tests, and examinations.

Aug 24

The width of the distribution of red blood cells is increased - what is it?

When donating blood for general analysis in clinics, people know approximately that laboratory assistants, in the process of research, determine the number of certain cells or blood cells in the body of the person being examined. To be more precise, 50-60% of blood is liquid plasma, and platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes are suspended formed elements, which respectively account for 40 to 50% of the total blood composition.

As for red blood cells, these red cells are:

  • regulate acid-base balance;
  • adsorb lipids and amino acids from plasma;
  • maintain isotonia;
  • carry oxygen to tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to the lungs from tissues.

Therefore, it is clear that a violation of the number of red blood cells in the blood leads to various kinds of diseases in humans.

The main component of the red blood cell is hemoglobin, a special respiratory pigment.

General blood analysis

Thus, when a general blood test is taken from a patient, the total number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration are checked, among other things.

  • An increased content of red blood cells leads to blockage of capillaries;
  • A low number of red cells will lead to oxygen starvation.

In this case, it is customary to distinguish the following erythrocyte indices:

  • Average erythrocyte volume—MCV;
  • The average hemoglobin content in one red blood cell is MCH;
  • Average hemoglobin concentration – MCHC.

These parameters are determined by a special device - a hematology analyzer. It also shows another blood parameter - red blood cell distribution width - RDW.
The width of the distribution of red blood cells is measured as a percentage and the norm is considered to be from 11.5 to 14.5.

More about RDW

So, it happens that the width of the distribution of erythrocytes is increased or, on the contrary, almost zero. This means that the red blood cells present in the blood are too different from each other in size, and in the zero variant they are almost the same. In the first case, there is anisocytosis, which, by the way, does not have an independent character, i.e. necessarily caused by some reason. A decrease in the size of red blood cells is a slow process of blood formation and the appearance of degenerative red cells. And an increase in size is manifested by an indicator of their increased production. And so, when there are too many micro- and macroelectrocytes in the blood, the body sounds the alarm.

Diagnosis of diseases

Most often, the doctor diagnoses such a patient with anemia. In this case, microanisocytosis appears due to hypochromic anemia, and macro-pernicious anemia. But in both cases the width of the distribution of red blood cells is increased. And both options require long-term treatment, as a result of which new, normal blood cells are formed. By the way, there are a number of other diseases in which anisocytosis is observed. If this is microcytosis, then the following are possible:

  • Thalassemia;
  • Lead poisoning;
  • Microspherocytosis.

If this is macrocytosis, then the following cannot be excluded:

  • Diffuse liver damage;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Folate deficiency anemia.

In any case, the final, only correct diagnosis will be made by a specialist, and therefore a visit to the doctor is simply necessary. Because a competent doctor can make the correct conclusion based on tests. More than once we watched as a young mother ran down the corridor in panicked horror with test results in her hands and wailed, not even suspecting that some parameters in a child’s blood tests were even higher than those of an adult.

It is interesting that the red blood cells of newborns are larger in size than those of their parents.

During the study, various components of the blood are determined, or rather, their quantity.

Red blood cells are blood cells whose task is to:

  • maintaining acid-base balance;
  • removal of various amino acids from plasma;
  • isotonic support;
  • oxygen saturation;
  • removal of carbon dioxide from cells and tissues of the body.

It is quite clear that disturbances in the quantitative content of red blood cells of various etiologies lead to various diseases of the human body as a whole. The main component of a red blood cell is hemoglobin.

Blood analysis

When testing blood in laboratory conditions, regardless of its purpose, the first step is to study the level of leukocytes, as well as hemoglobin saturation:

  • with an increased content of leukocytes, blockage of small vessels may occur,
  • If there are insufficient numbers of red blood cells, oxygen starvation may occur.

When analyzing, concepts such as the average volume of erythrocytes, hemoglobin content in one erythrocyte, and hemoglobin concentration are distinguished. Also an important indicator is the width of the distribution of red blood cells, whether it is increased.

Increased distribution width of red blood cells

The width of the distribution in a healthy person is equal to 11.5 to 14.5 percent. When this indicator increases, that is, when the distribution width increases, the red blood cells differ greatly from each other in size. The increased size of red blood cells shortens their lifespan, which of course negatively affects the total number of red blood cells in the blood.

As is known, with a fairly large destruction of red blood cells, as a result of which a large amount of iron and the yellow pigment bilirubin are formed in the blood, which enters the liver for further processing. The liver, under this load, cannot fully cope with the processing of iron, which also has an adverse effect on human health. Also, the width of the distribution of red blood cells, when increased, affects the work of the spleen, leading it to increase in size, due to the fact that the spleen removes “non-working” red blood cells from the body and releases new ones into the blood.

This increased functionality of the spleen can affect the organs nearby. Due to a significant increase, the latter can crush the stomach and intestines. With pressure on the lung, the development of various types of upper respiratory tract diseases is also possible.

With an increased distribution width of erythrocytes, one can, first of all, judge a disease called “iron deficiency anemia.” This disease is the most common among anemias. At different stages, the width of the distribution of erythrocytes is not increased equally. In the initial stages of the disease, the density indicator may be normal, but the hemoglobin content may be reduced.

As the disease progresses, the width of the distribution of red blood cells increases, that is, individual red blood cells increase in size. On the contrary, the hemoglobin content in red blood cells decreases, sometimes to a critical level. Treatment of this type of anemia primarily consists of normalizing hemoglobin levels and its characteristics. Treatment mainly occurs through medication using drugs with a high iron content.

As the width of the distribution of red blood cells increases, heterogeneity of red blood cells is often noticed, that is, red blood cells that differ greatly in size are observed in the blood. Also, the reasons for the increase in the width of the distribution of erythrocytes can be various kinds of chronic liver diseases, lack of vitamin B12, various types of neoplasms, cancer and other diseases.

Symptoms of increased red blood cell distribution width

When increased red blood cell distribution width develops, a variety of manifestations may occur.

For example, since in this case there is a significant effect on the liver and spleen, yellowing of the skin and an increase in body temperature may appear. As with any disease, sweating, loss of strength, drowsiness and fatigue are manifested. On the part of the human nervous system, both excitation and, conversely, more renounced states are possible. In any case, the symptoms cannot be specifically described, since changes in red blood cells affect many organs.

Consequently, a violation of the width of the distribution of erythrocytes can lead to diseases of varying nature and severity, since the human body is a rather complex system, with a number of interconnected organs and systems. Abnormal functioning of one of them can lead to a malfunction of the body as a whole.

Red blood cell distribution width (RDW index): what is it, normal, increased and decreased

To determine different populations of red blood cells, an indicator (erythrocyte index) is used - the width of the distribution of erythrocytes - RDW or the degree of anisocytosis of erythrocytes, which is included in the list of all components of the general blood test (CBC), that is, this parameter, as a rule, is not assigned independently and not tested in the laboratory.

So what does a red blood cell index like RDW mean, what information does it provide to specialists and what is it used for?

Distribution of red blood cells by volume

If you examine the red blood cells present in the blood of a patient suffering from a certain hematological pathology under a microscope, you will find that the red blood cells (Er) are not all the same in volume. Among all the anucleate biconcave forms, there may be cells that differ significantly in size from normal red blood cells:

  • Large cells are macrocytes;
  • Just giants - megalocites;
  • Lilliputian cells called microcytes.

And here you don’t have to be a specialist in this field to understand that red blood elements that have changed their volume will not be able to fully perform their physiological functions (transfer of oxygen and nutrients, regulation of water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance, participation in blood clotting, etc. .), which, naturally, will affect the overall health of the body.

Meanwhile, one should not attach too much importance if ugly forms are present in single copies; it is another matter if they claim an equal position with normal red blood cells. In order to find out how many bizarrely shaped red blood cells are in the general population, characteristic of a particular type of anemia, the width of the distribution of red blood cells (red blood cell index RDW) is calculated.

Many laboratory diagnosticians and hematologists take RDW as the coefficient of variation, indicating how much the mean red blood cell volume (MCV) deviates from the generally accepted norm, and calculate it using the formula:

where SD denotes the standard deviation of the average volume of red blood cells, and the MCV index corresponds to their average volume.

Can you always trust the norm?

The range of normal values ​​for the distribution of red blood cells by volume varies from 11.5 to 14.5% (in children under six months of age, the norm is, in general, noticeably different and ranges from 14% to 18.7%, although from 6 months the values ​​of the indicator are already begin to strive for the adult norm).

An increased RDW in a blood test indicates the degree of heterogeneity (heterogeneity) of the red cell populations in the blood or indicates the presence of multiple populations of blood cells in the sample, as occurs, for example, after a recent blood transfusion.

It is unlikely that the term “reduced RDW value” can be used when calculating the width of the distribution of erythrocytes, since this option reflects the norm, and therefore cannot be taken as a laboratory indicator characterizing some phenomenon unusual for these blood elements. The fewer unnatural forms (due to an increase or decrease in volume) of red blood cells in the blood, the more representatives of the population for this characteristic are within the normal digital values. And yet, if this happens (RDW - reduced), then most likely the analyzer made a mistake and in order to correct this mistake, the patient will have to provide a finger for a puncture again, and the laboratory staff will have to calibrate the device.

In addition, it should be taken into account that RDW, which is within the normal range, is not always proof of complete health, because in some cases the indicator of erythrocyte volume distribution is not increased, and clinical manifestations and laboratory tests confirm the presence of the disease (anemia).

Increased RDW ratio

An increased index is a quite suitable indicator even for the differential diagnosis of certain types of anemia; it allows one to distinguish between the following forms:

  1. Megaloblastic and macrocytic, a typical representative is B12/folate/deficiency anemia. In the blood test: hyperchromia, average Er volume - above 160 fL, cell diameter more than 12 microns, RDW - increased (anisocytosis), different shape of erythrocytes (poikilocytosis);
  2. Normocytic: aplastic anemia, as well as anemia caused by chronic pathology (tuberculosis, pyelonephritis, collagenosis, liver disease), malignant process or caused by dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  3. Microcytic (iron deficiency anemia, in the blood test: hypochromia, anisocytosis towards microcytosis).

True, in such cases, in addition to RDW, diagnosis is also based on another erythrocyte index - MCV, which characterizes the red blood cell as a normocyte (at 80 x / l - 100 x / l or 80 - 100 femtoliters), microcyte (at - below 80 fl), macrocyte (if the average volume is more than 100 fl).

In addition, when testing blood samples to calculate the values ​​of erythrocyte indices (including RDW), it is very important to compare the results obtained with a histogram of erythrocytes, which, after completing its work, is usually produced by modern hematological systems with software.

Thus, an increased RDW with mean erythrocyte volume (MCV) values ​​above 100 fL may indicate the following pathological conditions:

  • IDA (iron deficiency anemia) is the most common anemic condition (IDA accounts for up to 80% of the entire group of diseases of this kind)
  • Sideroblastic anemia (heterogeneous group of hypochromic microcytic anemias);
  • Macrocytic and megaloblastic anemia;
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes, which are a hematological pathology that unites a group of heterogeneous diseases with characteristic signs of a decrease in the number of individual populations of blood cellular elements (cytopenia) and a clonal disorder of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow (dysplasia). Myelodysplastic syndrome has a high risk of transformation into a malignant process;
  • Bone marrow metaplasia;
  • Metastases of malignant tumors to the bone marrow.

Obviously, for a certain range of pathological conditions, calculating the width of the distribution of erythrocytes has a very important diagnostic value.

Why is RDW a new indicator for patients?

Previously, until automated hematological systems entered the daily life of laboratory services, the degree of anisocytosis was determined visually by viewing a smear using optical equipment. And the red blood cell distribution width was not called RDW and was not calculated by a device designed for automatic hematological analysis. The calculation was made using a different method - using the Price-Jones curve, which, as it later turned out, did not coincide with the erythrocytometric curves performed by a “smart” machine with maximum accuracy, but it took a lot of effort and time from doctors and laboratory technicians to conduct the study. Now, having placed a sample in a “smart” device, no one asks him one question - to work only on a separate test. The analyzer will simply calculate everything that is provided for by the program and included in it, which is why patients began to see new indicators that were not there at all when processing samples manually.

And such studies were previously of interest mainly to hematologists to clarify the nature of anemia, who, if necessary, contacted the laboratory with a note in the direction: to conduct a morphological study of red blood cells, calculate and present graphically (erythrocytometric Price-Jones curve) the ratio of the number of red cells with different diameters. Of course, not all blood samples were subjected to such testing, but only samples taken from specific patients. Now, in principle, nothing has changed; a separate circle of specialists will most likely be interested in this indicator. Well, since RDW is present in the blood test, then patients have the right to ask questions.

Currently, the calculation of RDW in blood analysis is successfully performed by an automatic hematology analyzer, which quietly, quickly and efficiently solves the problem. And makes RDW to everyone.

The relative width of the distribution of erythrocytes by volume is increased or decreased

As a result of blood sampling, in order to exclude a particular disease in a person, doctors carry out the necessary research in laboratory conditions to identify pathologies in the collected plasma and its constituent cellular elements in the form of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. The described elements to perform their normal function are determined by typical sizes, volumes (CV) and shapes. Therefore, any change in these indicators can affect the vital activity and active functioning of cells and ultimately lead to various changes in homeostasis. Therefore, to be able to correctly evaluate the cells being described, an indicator was developed in the form of a certain index indicating the width of the distribution of red blood cells (rdw).

Using such an erythrocyte index, it is possible to determine in the hematopoietic system the presence of red blood cells of different volumes, their distribution and the scale of differences between the largest and smallest elements described. Often, the so-called blood cells have a homogeneous structure and a designated single volume, but over time or as a result of the emergence of certain pathologies in a person, some discrepancies may be observed between the cells.

Moreover, in nature there are diseases that can be detected at an early stage of their manifestation only through a blood test for the width of the distribution of erythrocytes - RDW CV.

What determines the width of the distribution of red blood cells

And so the term described is determined by a certain index, the use of which allows doctors to obtain information about the actual distribution of blood cells of various volumes and shapes. That is, when decoding this index, you can obtain information about the percentage of red blood cells in the hematopoietic system - the size and volume of these cells, which can be increased or decreased.

To fill existing blood cells with oxygen, blood particles need to have a secure passage even into the smallest vessels of the human body. That is why, both physiologically and in size, the described bodies must fit the so-called vascular openings.

If excessively large or very small described elements are formed in the hematopoietic system, this leads to all sorts of changes in the described structural units of the human body. As a result, a person needs to designate the cellular component of plasma by using an indicator in the form of RDW CV.

How is the study carried out and what is the norm for the width of the distribution of red blood cells?

Blood for the calculated distribution of the described cells is taken for research in view of:

  • Planned analysis;
  • Necessary diagnosis of certain pathological phenomena;
  • Surgical intervention in the human body;
  • The origin of the various etiologies of anemia.

It is precisely the last described pathological conditions that are a frequently encountered indicator indicating the need for certain blood tests. Moreover, the most modern methods of collecting blood from a person make it possible to carry out any examination of the hematopoietic system quite quickly and with high quality, giving a correct assessment of the condition of the red blood cells themselves.

The results of the tests will be negative if the described indicators are normal, and positive if the RDW level is high. And only with a repeated examination will the physician be able to explain to the patient the pattern and reasons for this increase, since it is impossible to establish a reliable diagnosis using a single blood sample. For example, after any operation, the described index is usually due to an increased level of RDW.

Blood for testing can be taken from a vein in an adult patient, or from a finger in children. When taking the test itself, the recommended last meal should be taken 7-8 hours before the test itself.

To determine the norm of the indicator, the following are taken into account: age, gender and certain physiological processes occurring in the human body. For infants aged 0 to one year, the determining value of the norm can be considered an indicator ranging from 11.5 to 18.7%.

After the first year of life, the digital value of the index begins to approach the norm from 11.5 to 14.5%. For representatives of the fairer sex, the upper indicator can shift and reach a digital value of 15.5%, as a result of hormonal changes in the body:

  • During pregnancy;
  • During lactation;
  • When using contraceptive means;
  • In view of the onset of menopause.

Important! Blood sampling should be done on an empty stomach. Before the study, you cannot use any medications internally.

In the process of in-depth study of the characteristics of the distribution index of the described cells, it is customary to consider the following two values ​​in the form:

  • RDW (SD) is an indicator that determines the standard type of deviation from the norm, determined by femtoliters and indications of the quantitative difference between large and small cells;
  • RDW (SV) - indicates the existing differences in the volumetric value of the described elements and the established average indicators. It is revealed by the percentage correlation of cells that have succumbed to deformation to the mass of all red blood cells.

Reasons for the increase

The described coefficient of blood cells is higher than normal with an increase in the percentage correlation between small and enlarged cells, in relation to the described elements having sufficient volume. Due to the so-called redistribution of iron-containing protein, which is the basis of blood cells, the smallest number of them in the body begins to be synthesized, which subsequently leads to the manifestation of various anemias, to anisocytosis - when the main part of the cells have characteristic differences from each other.

According to the above, the main feature of such bodies is their sufficient size, as well as the period of life. As a result of their death, a decent amount of bilirubin is released, which has a very bad effect on all organs of the human body.

The coefficient that distributes blood cells by volume can be high, since there are:

  • Lack of components in the body such as iron, folic acid, vitamins belonging to group “B”. Such a condition may, not without reason, give a chance for the development of a disease such as anisocytosis, in which an increase in this index of elements of the hematopoietic system occurs;
  • Oncological diseases leading to the formation of red blood cells of various sizes and volumes in the hematopoietic system;
  • Intoxication with chemical elements in the form of heavy metals (such as lead).

All of the above signs of disease should be stopped with the use of professional therapy. Otherwise, they will seriously harm the body and lead to death.

Reasons for the decrease in the indicator

When RDW - CV is below normal, the existing elements of the hematopoietic system are indicated by the same sizes without any differences in cell volume. When the volume indicator under consideration is reduced, doctors most often diagnose a condition in the form of microcytosis, in which the elements present in the blood, indicated by small sizes, cannot fully saturate the tissues of the human body with oxygen.

Also, when the indicator decreases, a disease accompanied by the unification of the main blood elements of small sizes often occurs, along with a reduced RDW rate in the form of thalassemia. Which refers to diseases of a hereditary nature, and manifests itself as disturbances in the processes of synthesis of iron-containing protein chains, with reduced activation in relation to oxygen. In light of this, plasma is no longer able to participate in the process of gas exchange in a normal and adequate manner, which ultimately leads to a change in the functioning of existing organs in humans.

This disease is also characterized by changes in the morphological properties of blood cells, with inhibition of their growth and decreased activity. The clinical picture of this disease is caused by the deformation of the human skull, the growth of organs such as the liver and spleen, as well as the icteric color of the skin.

Also, with a reduced ratio of such blood cells, a disease called microspheracytosis, which is a hereditary disease, can develop. When such a disease appears in the hematopoietic system, there is an increase in the small size, a certain shape of red blood cells, along with a decrease in the RDW coefficient, due to their insufficient vital activity. As a result, intravascular cell death occurs and so-called hemolysis develops.

In this condition, a person feels weakness, anemia, and jaundice characteristic of this condition, along with changes in the activity of all organs of the human body.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from doctors and, for your own safety, conduct a complete examination of the entire body. Only in this way can you protect yourself, thereby preventing one or another possible already emerging disease.

Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) norm (table). Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is increased or decreased - what does this mean?

Red blood cell distribution width or RDW, as this indicator is usually indicated in tests, allows you to estimate not only the number of red blood cells in the blood, but also the range of their distribution, as well as their size. From the biggest to the smallest and how different they are from each other. As a rule, identical blood cells are approximately equal in volume. And red blood cells are no exception. However, some pathologies upset this balance, and a discrepancy may appear between them, sometimes quite significant. Using the red blood cell distribution width index, or RDW, some diseases can be detected at their earliest stages, when there are no other signs yet.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells, which are the basis of blood. They contain hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body, maintain the acid-base balance of the blood, remove carbon dioxide from cells and perform other important functions. That is why special attention is paid to red blood cells when analyzing blood - they are studied and compared using several different indices. In particular, the width of the distribution of red blood cells is measured using a special hematological device that captures the impulses that red blood cells transmit. The stronger these impulses, the larger the red blood cells and vice versa. The measurement result is recorded as a percentage or in femtoliters - fl.

Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is normal. Explanation of the result (table)

The test for the width of distribution of red blood cells is a mandatory component of a clinical blood test. This index is necessary in order to correctly interpret the results of the study and be able to diagnose anemia in a timely manner, while simultaneously differentiating between them. The distribution width of erythrocytes - RDW - is necessarily compared with their average volume - MCV, since it can often be within the established norm, while the erythrocytes themselves turn out to be too large or, conversely, too small, which in itself indicates the presence of pathology .

Blood is taken from a vein in adults and from a finger in children. In some cases, a hematological smear is used, but this test often produces incorrect results.

Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is the norm for ordinary people and pregnant women:

If the red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is increased - what does it mean?

If the width of the distribution of red blood cells exceeds 14.5%, this indicates that the sizes of red blood cells differ significantly from each other. There may be several options here. First of all, as already mentioned, it is also necessary to estimate the average volume of erythrocytes MCV, that is, the size of the average space occupied by each individual erythrocyte. If this indicator is also too high, then this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • liver diseases – this organ is responsible for removing harmful toxins from the body, at the same time it synthesizes important chemical compounds and performs various other functions,
  • hemolytic anemia is a pathological condition in which red blood cells are destroyed much earlier than their normal lifespan,
  • deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid.

If the RDW index is increased and the MCV index is decreased, then the reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:

  • iron deficiency anemia – due to iron deficiency, the body produces insufficient hemoglobin,
  • Thalassemia is a blood disease in which the synthesis of elements necessary for the production of hemoglobin is disrupted. In this case, the red blood cells fragment (break down into smaller parts), which leads to a decrease in their average size, while the width of the red blood cell distribution remains high.

If the RDW index is elevated, but the MCV remains within the normal range, then this may indicate a deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12. Or – about the initial stage of iron deficiency anemia.

An increased level of erythrocyte distribution width indicates that the lifespan of erythrocytes is shortened, they are destroyed, and excess bilirubin and iron are released into the blood. This overloads the liver and prevents it from performing its basic functions, and also leads to an enlargement of the spleen, which has to work in emergency mode to utilize the remnants of destroyed red blood cells. This often leads to damage to the organs closest to it - the intestines and stomach. Due to problems with the liver and spleen, patients with increased levels of red blood cell distribution often have an unhealthy yellowish skin tone.

If the red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is reduced - what does this mean?

If the red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is below 10.2%, this indicates that the red blood cells do not differ significantly in size from each other. Here are two main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • macrocytic anemia is a blood disease in which there is a deficiency of red blood cells. They are synthesized, but their sizes are too large,
  • Microcytosis anemia is a blood disorder in which only abnormally small red blood cells are produced.

In both cases, red blood cells are almost the same size, which leads to low RDW values.

Other reasons why the distribution width of red blood cells decreases:

  • oncological diseases,
  • myelosis or lymphoma,
  • destruction of red blood cells or their damage and release of hemoglobin,
  • deficiency of certain vitamins in the body,
  • iron deficiency,
  • massive blood loss.

However, it must be said that such a situation is quite rare and, as a rule, is the result of a laboratory error.

The erythrocyte distribution index is reduced: what does this mean and what to do? Reduced RDW: pathology and norm

Red blood cell distribution index (RDW) is a very important factor during a complete blood count. This indicator demonstrates the size and shape of red blood cells.

Red blood cells perform the transport function, thereby assisting in the penetration of oxygen into all tissues and organs and at the same time taking away toxins and carbon dioxide accumulated in the cells. In their normal state, red blood cells are approximately the same size, which allows them to quickly stick together, forming blood clots.

The indicator of red blood cells in the blood may reflect the presence of pathological processes in the body, especially if the sizes of these cells vary significantly. Next, we will talk about in what situations the erythrocyte distribution index decreases, how this manifests itself and what it indicates.

Reduced RDW: norm and pathology

A person in good health has red blood cells of the same shape, density and color. In case of deviation, especially in the presence of autoimmune diseases or oncology, the failure occurs at the level of microcells, when young cells do not receive a certain number of components, which, in fact, inhibits their performance. Thus, anemia occurs - a pathology during which the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen, in other words, the metabolic function in red blood cells is disrupted.

What does RDW mean in a blood test?

During a general blood test, the erythrocyte distribution index is determined. If the presence of a specific disease is suspected, a blood test is prescribed to determine only this indicator.

Most often, the width of the distribution of red blood cells by volume is determined together with the MCV indicator. This is the average volume of red blood cells. This happens because these indices (in quantity and volume) are closely related to each other and help in determining the type of anemia.

It happens that the erythrocyte distribution index is reduced. What does it mean? The thing is that for a qualitative judgment about the state of red blood cells, not only their concentration in the blood is important, but also their shape. An increased distribution of red blood cells is observed in 1 of the cases, but if the RDW index is reduced, which is much less common, we are talking about the presence of serious problems in the human body.

A blood test to determine the erythrocyte distribution index can be carried out both during medical examinations (routinely) and as prescribed, if there are suspicions of any abnormalities in the hematopoietic function. The analysis is required before surgery, during pregnancy and in childhood.

Why is it necessary to do an RDW analysis?

It was already mentioned above that the index of distribution of red blood cells in the blood makes it possible to conduct a qualitative assessment of the composition of red blood cells, taking into account their size.

But why is this necessary? The thing is that these cells are very similar to each other, which gives them the opportunity to replace each other or form blastulas. An increase in cell size entails an increased need for nutrition and, in addition, this means that their life expectancy is reduced. All this directly affects the overall indicator of red blood cells in the blood and the human condition.

When a large number of red blood cells die, iron is released and more bilirubin becomes available, which puts increased stress on the liver, and as a result, it cannot process these substances.

The RDW index is directly related to the pathological process, during which the dimensions of erythrocytes change (anisocytosis). This condition is a complex chemical process that causes all blood cells to suffer.

How is it calculated?

The RDW indicator is calculated as a percentage, the norm of which is considered to be the limit from 11.5 to 14.8. The red blood cell distribution index is determined using a mathematical equation that represents the ratio of modified red blood cells to their total mass.

Nowadays, laboratories use computer technologies that make it possible to calculate the percentage of deviation from the established norm. The calculation results are presented in the form of a histogram depicting a curve that indicates probable changes in the dimensions of red blood cells.

Normal indicators

The norms of the erythrocyte distribution index depend on gender, age and the presence of certain conditions that occur in the human body. For children under one year of age, the normal rate is 11.5-18.7%. At one year of age and older, the values ​​tend to the generally accepted norm of 11.5-14.5%.

For the female half of humanity, the upper limit shifts to 15.5%, since their hormonal levels change too often: during pregnancy, lactation, taking oral contraceptives, menopause.

For analysis, blood is taken on an empty stomach in the morning (before 9 am). It is very important that before this procedure the person does not take any medications and is in a balanced internal state.

Raising RDW

The RDW level can be elevated in some situations. The most common cause of this pathology is iron deficiency anemia. The indicator can change at different stages of pathology development, which is clearly reflected in the histogram of red blood cells:

  • The initial stage of anemia development is characterized by normal indices, but hemoglobin will be greatly reduced. This is the result of healthy functioning of the spinal cord.
  • The next stage of development in the histogram will show an increase in RDW. When there are problems with hemoglobin, indicators such as the average concentration and content of hemoglobin in a blood cell and the average volume of red cells decrease.

When treating IDA, it is necessary to normalize the level of concentration of iron-containing protein and its characteristics in the human blood.

What do the reduced numbers mean?

Patients often ask what this means: “red blood cell distribution index is reduced.” Since the erythrocyte distribution index cannot be assessed without a volume indicator, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the options for underestimated indicators and their relationship:

  1. RDW is low and MCV is below average - indicating problems with the spleen and liver.
  2. RDW is lowered, and MCV is higher than the normal level - indicates the presence of oncological pathologies, mainly the development of metastases in the bone marrow.

The fact that the erythrocyte distribution index RDW sd is reduced, from a biological point of view, cannot, in principle, be observed. For this reason, most often the patient is offered to donate blood again, observing the following conditions:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol for 24 hours before blood sampling;
  • do not take any medications before the analysis;
  • Avoid eating smoked and salty foods the day before.

In the case when the erythrocyte distribution index RDW sd is indeed reduced, which is necessarily confirmed by deviations from the norm in the MCV indicator, then this indicates the occurrence of certain pathologies. These include:

  • Hypochromic microcytic anemia - sometimes also called anemia. A condition in which irregularly shaped red blood cells die because they have no biological value in the body.
  • Malignant tumors - usually in this case we are talking about mastopathy, bone marrow and lung cancer.
  • Hemolysis of red blood cells is a process during which red blood cells die without reaching their target. As a result, active hemoglobin is released.


So, the erythrocyte distribution index is reduced - what does this mean? There are several reasons that can reduce the RDW indicator:

  • Acute blood loss due to injuries and pathological bleeding.
  • Frequent operations.
  • A metabolic disorder during which the food consumed is not completely digested.
  • Hormonal imbalance, which most often occurs in women.
  • Deficiency of B vitamins and iron in the body.
  • Blood diseases characterized by rapid destructive processes.

What measures to take?

What to do when the red blood cell distribution index is low?

A highly qualified doctor during a consultation will most likely ask the patient to take the test again, because the RDW indicator is almost never underestimated. Because this suggests that all cells are ideal in their parameters, but this cannot happen in principle. If the indicator is confirmed by repeated analysis, then a full examination of the body’s condition is carried out, paying special attention to oncological examinations.

Preventive measures

You can prevent a reduced RDW by following these simple rules:

  • The diet should be balanced, which includes plenty of fresh fruits, lean meats and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to breathe fresh air as often as possible.
  • An active lifestyle will help prevent a decrease in the RDW index.
  • It is very important not to skip routine medical examinations, during which most often serious deviations from the norm are detected that do not have external symptoms.

As a result, we learned that the red blood cell distribution index reflects their dimensions relative to each other and makes it possible to learn about their biological value. A decrease in RDW is very rare, but if the erythrocyte distribution index is decreased, this means that various pathologies may be present.

The index is calculated based on the results of a general blood test, but can only be fully valid in conjunction with the MCV indicator, since they are closely interrelated.

I continue to introduce you to the decoding of abbreviations that can be seen in the analysis form that is issued by the hemolytic analyzer. In this post we will talk about such an indicator as RDW in a blood test,or the width of the distribution of red blood cells, which is determined by most modern instruments. This is one of the erythrocyte indices, among which should also be mentioned , .

The RDW index reflects the heterogeneity of red blood cells, is a measure of the dissimilarity of the red blood cell population by volume, and indicates variations in red blood cell volume. The coefficient is used as an auxiliary criterion for diagnosing anemia.

RDW SD and RDW CV: decoding, norm, differences

With the decoding of RDW in the blood test, the situation has become a little clearer, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are two RDW measures. These are RDW-CV and RDW-SD - they both determine the variability of red blood cells in size.

The first index is deciphered as the relative width of the distribution of red blood cells by volume (coefficient of variation). RDW-CV in a blood test is influenced by MCV, with fluctuations in which there will be a tendency to increase the described indicator. To make it clearer, look at the calculation formula:


Here SD acts as the standard mean square deviation of the red blood cell volume from the average number. The RDW-CV index indicates how much red cell volume differs from the average. It is measured as a percentage, normally it amounts to 11,5%-14,5% , which indicates the existence of a homogeneous population of cells (normo-, micro- or macrocytes).

The erythrocyte coefficient RDW-SD in a blood test is deciphered as the relative width of the distribution of erythrocytes by volume (standard deviation). It shows how different these cells are in size and volume, that is, what the difference is between a tiny red blood cell and a very large one. This calculated indicator is not subject to MCV; it is measured in femtoliters (fl). His norm is 42±5 fl.

If we consider the differences in these two versions of RDW, then it should be said that RDW-SD is considered a more accurate index in the presence of a small population of macrocytes (red blood cells with a diameter greater than 7.9 microns) or microcytes (diameter

RDW in blood test is increased

An increase in RDW by more than 15% indicates the presence of cells of heterogeneous volume (micro-, normo-, macro- and schizocytes). The higher the score, the greater the discrepancy in the size of red cells. This phenomenon is called anisocytosis. The width of the distribution of red blood cells above normal can be the result of many reasons, which include:

  • microcytic anemia;
  • blood transfusions;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • oncopathologies with metastases to the bone marrow;
  • folic acid deficiency;
  • alcoholism;
  • myelodysplastic syndrome.

An increased width of distribution of erythrocytes is also observed in chronic liver damage (against the background of normal MCV), lead poisoning, Alzheimer's disease, microspherocytosis, hemoglobinopathies, bone marrow metaplasia, as well as in cardiovascular diseases.

RDW in blood test is reduced

If in the analysis the width of the distribution of red blood cells is below normal, then this fact indicates the need to retake the tests. Because the analyzer shows either an overestimated value or a normal value. In principle, the width of the distribution of red blood cells cannot be reduced, and such a result is not diagnostically valuable.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that perform an important function: they supply tissues with oxygen. Red blood cell distribution width is the change in red blood cell size. External factors can influence cell volume. But basically the changes occur as a result of a failure in the “assembly” of hemoglobin.

When taking a general blood test, the percentage of red blood cells is calculated. And the distribution of red blood cells by volume rdw cv is a value that shows how red blood cells vary in size. This value is measured as a percentage. The normal value ranges from 11.5 to 14.8.

Detection occurs through calculations of the distribution width of red blood cells. If the rdw cv indicator is somewhat underestimated, then the cells practically do not differ in volume. But if this indicator is increased, then the cells have both large and small sizes.

Increasing the width of red blood cell distribution

What happens when the red blood cell distribution width is increased. Cells that are increased in size do not live long. This in itself has a bad effect on the total number of red blood cells. With a large number of destroyed cells, a lot of iron is formed, which subsequently enters the liver for processing. This means that the load on the liver increases and it begins to work poorly.

Also, when the relative width of the distribution of red blood cells by volume is increased, the spleen increases in size. This happens because the spleen gets rid of waste cells and independently replenishes the blood with new ones. The load on this organ is colossal. All nearby tissues and organs can also be damaged. Namely, there is pressure on the intestines and stomach. But if the lungs are affected, then problems with the functioning of the respiratory tract may arise.

The reasons why the distribution of red blood cells by volume is increased:

  • chronic liver diseases;
  • lack of vitamin B12;
  • cancers, neoplasms.


  • yellow skin color;
  • elevated temperature;
  • prostration;
  • increased sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • change of mood.

A common cause of cell enlargement is liver disease. What does it come from?

  • excessive salt intake;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overweight;
  • infectious diseases;
  • toxins.
When there is an increase in the distribution of the width of red blood cells, a disease such as iron deficiency anemia occurs.

When the disease appears, the red blood cell count does not remain in place. Changes occur in the first and subsequent stages. For example, at the beginning, the width indicator may be normal, but hemoglobin may be greatly reduced, even reaching critical values. Of course, the very first thing you need to do is bring it to . This can be achieved by containing a sufficiently large amount of iron.

An increased content of red blood cells can be absolute and relative.

Absolute erythrocytosis manifests itself in the following diseases:

  • Vaquez's disease, or chronic leukemia.
  • Secondary erythrocytosis, which manifests itself in the form of hypoxia. Occurs as a result of oxygen starvation due to congenital heart disease, elevated levels of certain hormones and kidney and liver cancer.

Relative erythrocytosis is a pathological condition that occurs due to:

  • dehydration;
  • stress;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse.

Reducing distribution width

A situation may arise when tests show that the width of the distribution of red blood cells by volume is below normal. This happens much less often than increasing the width.

  • large blood loss;
  • iron deficiency;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • destruction of red blood cells.

The distribution of red blood cells by volume may be reduced due to the occurrence of:

  • malignant tumors;
  • leukemia, myeloma;
  • hemolysis.

When conducting research on the analyzer, you will see either an increase in the width of the distribution of red blood cells or the norm. This is due to the fact that very rarely the width of the distribution of erythrocytes is reduced. For a more accurate result, the doctor will ask you to donate blood again.

In order to prevent the occurrence of anemia, you need to listen to your body and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the first signs of unwellness appear, you should consult a doctor. There is such a thing as the average width of the distribution of red blood cells. It shows to what extent it varies. After passing the tests, you can find out this figure.

Violation of the width leads to various serious diseases, which become more complicated as they progress. After all, if one important element of the body malfunctions, this can lead to a malfunction of the entire system.



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