Psoriasis: what you can and cannot eat. The essence of the treatment method

  • 1 The role of nutrition in psoriasis
  • 2 General rules of diet for illness
  • 3 Description and principles of diets for illness
  • 4 Sample menu for patients with psoriasis
  • 5 Recipes for dishes that are useful for illness
  • 6 Summing up

Diet for psoriasis plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease. By eating according to the recommendations of specialists, you will be able to clear your skin of psoriatic rashes and get rid of other painful symptoms in 10–14 days, as well as extend the period of remission.

The role of nutrition in psoriasis

The key goals of a diet for illness are:

  • restoration of metabolism;
  • normalization of redox reactions;
  • increasing immunity;
  • restoration of functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removal of toxic substances from tissues;
  • reduction in the frequency and severity of exacerbations;
  • reduction of skin rashes.

The therapeutic diet is effective for any type of skin disease. However, the diet should be selected individually, assessing how the disease progresses. Only a doctor can prescribe a therapeutic diet.

General rules of diet for illness

  • eat small (150–200 g) portions, have 3 main meals and 1–2 snacks;
  • eat unsalted food;
  • focus on products of plant origin;
  • refuse food that contains a lot of quickly digestible proteins and fats;
  • exclude all products with synthesized additives;
  • make porridge, fermented milk products, and plant foods the basis of your diet;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • drink 2 to 3 liters of liquid per day;
  • show high physical activity;
  • develop a bowel movement routine and avoid constipation.

Table: what you can eat with psoriasis

Acceptable foods for illness should maintain the body’s normal pH level and be hypoallergenic.

Table of products allowed for psoriasis:

Category Species
Meat Rabbit, beef (without fat), chicken and turkey without skin.
Fish Halibut, sorog, cod, herring, pollock, mullet, hake. All types of shellfish and crayfish.
Vegetables Pumpkin, carrots, rhubarb, broccoli, cucumbers (not overripe), beets, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, celery root, green beans (all in small quantities). Fresh greens. A small amount of baked potatoes is allowed.
Fruits and berries Ripe fruits. Apples - exclusively baked.
Dried fruits Any up to 10 pcs. per day.
Dairy products Milk (rarely mare's, goat's), cottage cheese, yogurt, low-fat kefir, shubat, unsalted cheeses.
Cereals Hercules, buckwheat, millet, rice (preferably brown), corn grits.
Bakery products Bran bread, whole grain bread.
Pasta Made from durum wheat.
Eggs Exclusively hard-boiled.
Oils Vegetable. Exclusively as a topping for ready-made dishes.
Drinks Teas of all kinds without additives, vegetable juices (rarely), fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes (unsweetened), chicory.

Table: Fully or partially restricted products

A list of what you should not eat if you have psoriasis is presented in the following food table:

Category Species
Meat High-calorie species, lard, skin, offal. Broths.
Fish Fat. Fish broths.
Vegetables Sour vegetables, as well as tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants.
Mushrooms Prohibited.
Fruits and berries Sour types, citrus fruits.
Nuts Prohibited because they are a strong allergen.
Dairy products Containing a high percentage of fat.
Bakery products Baking.
Eggs Fried, boiled “in a bag” and soft-boiled.
Oils Creamy.
Sweets Prohibited.
Drinks Coffee, strong tea, sparkling water, alcohol, store-bought nectars.
Other products Smoked meats, spicy foods, snacks, seasonings, mayonnaise, canned food, vinegar, convenience foods, “fast” food.

Description and principles of diets for illness

The most famous and effective for psoriasis are the diets of the Russian doctor S. M. Ogneva and the American doctor D. Pegano. The methods differ in some respects, but their principles are the same.

Pegano diet for psoriasis

The technique of this specialist is based on an important rule: the diet should be based on 70% alkali-forming components and 30% acid-forming ones. According to an American doctor, by alkalizing the body, it will be possible to quite quickly cleanse the affected areas of the body from rashes and peeling.

The Pegano diet contains 5 stages:

  1. Cleansing tissues with apples and drinking plenty of fluids. At this stage, you should give cleansing enemas and take enterosorbents. Lasts 4–5 days.
  2. Elimination of imbalance of acid and alkali. Introduction of a large amount of alkali-forming foods into the diet (long-term diet).
  3. Gymnastics (especially for all parts of the back).
  4. Wellness treatments: sauna (steaming for no more than 5 minutes), baths with aromatic oils and medicinal herbs, cleansing and toning the skin, nourishing masks, relaxing massage (without touching inflamed areas).
  5. Restoring the functioning of the nervous system. Strengthening psycho-emotional health.

Diet of Svetlana Ognevaya

The Ognevoy diet is based on the same principle: compiling a diet of 80% alkalizing foods and 20% acidifying foods.

  • eat food in small portions;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce the time spent under ultraviolet rays;
  • arrange 1 fasting day weekly (only drinking is allowed).

Sample menu for patients with psoriasis

It is easy to adjust the therapeutic diet based on the following example. The weight of any portion should not exceed 200 g.

Day 1:

  • breakfast (20–30 minutes after waking up): medium-ground wheat porridge, half a pear;
  • lunch: 100 g figs;
  • lunch: soup with zucchini, white beans and baby spinach, appetizer of sprouted wheat sprouts and grated carrots, pollock from a steamer;
  • snack: banana;
  • dinner: chicken with pineapples, cucumber and herb salad with natural yogurt.

Day 2:

  • breakfast: porridge with rice and pumpkin;
  • lunch: 2 hard-boiled quail eggs;
  • lunch: beetroot soup, halibut quenelles;
  • snack: 3 apricots;
  • dinner: boiled cauliflower, a piece of grilled beef.

Day 3:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole, unleavened cheese;
  • lunch: 4 pieces of melon;
  • lunch: vegetarian borscht, chicken breast meatballs;
  • snack: 200 g green grapes;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with raisins.

Day 4:

  • breakfast: wheat porridge, bread;
  • lunch: mango;
  • lunch: milk noodle soup, steamed flounder, spinach puree;
  • snack: baked apple;
  • dinner: cottage cheese dessert with berry sauce.

Day 5:

  • breakfast: rolled oats porridge with dried apricots;
  • lunch: pear;
  • lunch: zucchini soup, pilaf with turkey;
  • snack: egg;
  • dinner: baked rabbit leg, cabbage and cucumber salad;

Day 6:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and carrot casserole,
  • lunch: sliced ​​\u200b\u200bof permitted fruits;
  • lunch: cereal soup with egg, cod baked with vegetables;
  • snack: 3 pieces of melon;
  • dinner: milk soup with pasta.

Day 7:

  • breakfast: corn porridge, 2 multigrain breads;
  • lunch: bread with avocado paste;
  • lunch: vitamin salad, turkey neck soup with oatmeal;
  • snack: banana;
  • dinner: steamed cauliflower omelette, low-fat milk yoghurt.

Recipes for dishes that are useful for illness

Rice porridge with pumpkin:

  1. 120 g of rice are washed and filled with water for 2 hours.
  2. 500 g of pumpkin is peeled, cut into small strips, soaked in water and placed on medium heat.
  3. When the vegetable softens, add 0.5 liters of milk, prepared rice, a pinch of salt and 1 g of vanillin.
  4. After 15 minutes, add a handful of black raisins to the porridge.
  5. The dish is brought to readiness for another 15 minutes.

Curd dessert:

  1. 1 kg of cottage cheese is scrolled in a meat grinder, or it can be passed through a grater.
  2. Beat 3 eggs with 40 g of sugar.
  3. All components are mixed, 150 g of semolina and 2 drops of vanilla essence are added.
  4. The mass is mixed with a mixer at low speed.
  5. The curd base is transferred to a form covered with parchment.
  6. The dessert is baked in an oven preheated to 170°C for 35 minutes.
  7. The casserole is removed from the pan only after it has cooled.

Vegetable soup:

  1. 2 young zucchini, peeled and cut into cubes.
  2. Roughly chop 300 g of broccoli florets and 1 carrot.
  3. Pour vegetables into boiling water (1 liter), add 5 g of ginger powder, and boil for 25 minutes.
  4. The resulting broth is poured into a clean container. The boiled vegetables are chopped in a food processor and returned to the broth.
  5. The soup is salted and seasoned with chopped parsley.
  6. The dish is allowed to brew in a closed pan for 30 minutes, then poured into plates.

Let's sum it up

Diet should become an integral element of complex therapy for psoriasis. The menu should be composed of dishes that are useful for dermatosis for a normal ratio of acid and alkali in the body. To speed up recovery, in addition to following a diet, it is important to exercise physical activity, avoid nervous shock and undergo medical examinations in a timely manner.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis involves creating a diet that includes healthy foods and vitamin complexes. At the same time, the nutrition table for psoriasis plays an important role in creating a menu and choosing products.

All nutrition for psoriasis should be limited to ensuring that the body receives substances with valuable properties. The most important thing is to know what you can eat with psoriasis, and what you should avoid.

Psoriasis is a disease that occurs essentially the same in both men and women. Therefore, nutrition for men is no different from nutrition for women with psoriasis.

A diet for psoriasis patients limits the accumulation of acidity in the body, thereby protecting against unwanted weakening of the immune system.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis

In order to “moisturize” the skin from the inside, you need to switch to proper nutrition for psoriasis and consume only healthy foods and vitamins.
So, how to eat properly with psoriasis, and what healthy foods are recommended for the body:

  1. Honey and psoriasis. Honey contains vitamins that are so necessary for the body. Just don’t get carried away, a teaspoon a day is enough.
  2. Raw food diet and psoriasis. A great way to lightly relieve the body by eating only vegetables and fruits.
  3. Fish oil for psoriasis. The richest product in B vitamins, fish oil is an excellent substitute for tableted vitamins.
  4. Pumpkin for psoriasis. Pumpkin porridge is an excellent solution for breakfast and dinner; it contains a supply of essential vitamins and minerals.
  5. Olive oil for psoriasis. This is the only oil that is recommended for consumption by those suffering from psoriasis; it is also healthy and is great for dressing salads.
  6. Fish for psoriasis. It is worth noting that fish, the No. 1 product on the menu for psoriasis, is rich in essential healthy fats.
  7. Ginger for psoriasis. Ginger root contains a complex of vitamins and microelements and is useful in small quantities for psoriasis. Ginger is usually used as a seasoning for dishes, and is also used to make tea.

How to eat with psoriasis

But it’s better to avoid regular fats. To do this, try to eat foods that are steamed, boiled or stewed. Give preference to fermented milk products and greens. Salads dressed with olive oil and healthy foods for psoriasis containing lecithin are great options for your diet.

Don't forget about fasting days. An excellent option would be 1-2 days of fasting, they are especially important during periods of exacerbation, but you should not get carried away with fasting for psoriasis, this can only aggravate the situation.

If we list all the components, what can you eat if you have psoriasis– the menu will not seem dull and monotonous, since such a varied diet for psoriasis is rich and quite high in calories. You can eat steamed, baked and boiled anything you want, excluding what you can’t eat with psoriasis - undesirable ingredients in dishes. Vegetable oils, fish diet, liver and buckwheat are desirable.

Nutrition for psoriasis should not be ignored or left unattended. Therefore, careful control of dishes that include prohibited foods for psoriasis is a mandatory procedure.

What not to eat if you have psoriasis

Under no circumstances should you eat fried or smoked foods if you have psoriasis. It is undesirable if food often contains meat, canned ingredients with the presence of dyes and additives.

Prohibited foods for psoriasis this includes lard, chocolate, spices, coffee and sweets. A small amount of hot spices, pickles, tomatoes and strawberries in the diet for psoriasis also protects health well.

Menu for psoriasis for a week

The main thing in nutrition for psoriasis is to eat little by little, without overeating, 4-5 times a day. Here's an example menu for psoriasis for a week:

  • For breakfast, cook porridge in water; you can add fruit or cottage cheese with yogurt to it. For drinks, green or herbal tea is perfect.
  • Second breakfast can consist of salad and baked apple with honey or just sugar. Honey and psoriasis can only exist together in small doses, unless of course you are allergic to it.
  • Dinner. Vegetarian or chicken soup, boiled chicken breast and compote.
  • For dinner, you can make a vegetable salad and cook fish in the oven.
  • Don't forget to take and drink a glass of water between meals.

When creating a menu for the week for psoriasis, do not forget to do fasting days, for example, it could be Friday. On this day you can only eat apples, other vegetables or kefir.

Nutrition table for psoriasis

Many scientists have proven that proper nutrition can ease the course and eliminate the manifestations of the disease in women and men. The diet for psoriasis is based on excluding foods that are allergens from the diet. Tables of permitted and prohibited products can help you understand the menu.

What not to eat if you have psoriasis

A diet to get rid of a disease involves eliminating foods that cause oxidation in the body. Prohibited foods for psoriasis of the scalp and other types of disease - table:

Product group

Prohibited foods for psoriasis




strong tea




fatty parts of beef


smoked meats

meat sauces

Dairy products

hard cheeses with high fat content



processed cheeses



canned food

smoked and fatty fish

Spices and seasonings


spicy seasonings

white flour bread

rich pastries

What can you eat if you have psoriasis?

When fighting a disease, give preference to foods that reduce the load on the digestive system and normalize metabolism. Foods that can be eaten with psoriasis are listed in the table:

Product group

Name of products approved for psoriasis

greens (dill, parsley, onion feathers)

cabbage (sometimes you can have sauerkraut)

Fruits and berries





low-fat kefir

light cheese varieties

low-fat cottage cheese

goat's milk (uncommon)


whole grain pasta

Meat and fish


lean fish

boiled eggs

the tea is not strong

juices from permitted fruits and vegetables without sugar

Pegano diet for psoriasis

An effective method of treating the disease was developed by the American doctor John Pegano. It is based on strict adherence to the balance of acids and alkalis in food. The Pegano diet for psoriasis is a set of measures for the consistent cleansing and healing of the entire body. The nutritional system helps create flora in the intestines that is unsuitable for the life of harmful organisms, cleanses and prevents the deposition of waste and toxins in the body. The balance, how to eat for psoriasis according to John Pegano, is the following ratio: 70% alkalis, 30% acids.

For the treatment method to work effectively, follow a specific plan established by the doctor. Stages of the John Pegano diet for psoriasis - table:

Psoriasis treatment stage

Ongoing processes

How to implement



Activation of gastrointestinal cleansing.

A diet that includes many types of fruits.

Diet only based on apples or citrus fruits.

Taking enterosorbents, glycothymoline, intestinal colon therapy.

Throughout the diet

Specialized Nutrition Principles

Protection of the intestines from the penetration of harmful substances in psoriasis.

Improving the functioning of joints.

Stopping the accumulation of slag.

Improving immunity.

Create a diet that is balanced in acid-base composition.

Perform bowel movements 1-2 times daily.


Physical activity

Preventive measures to prevent disorders in the functioning of the spine in psoriasis.

Do exercises for the spine.



Restoration and cleansing of the epidermis.

Removing toxins from the body.

Periodically take a steam bath, visit a bathhouse or sauna.

For life

Set up for success

Prevention of stress in psoriasis.

Timely rest.

Relaxing treatments.


Fire diet for psoriasis

Dermatologist Svetlana Ogneva has created an effective method for treating psoriasis, based on revising the usual diet. The main principle of the diet is the balance of food according to the acid-base indicator. The share of alkali-forming foods should be 80% of the daily diet of a person suffering from this disease. The Fire diet for psoriasis helps improve immunity, heal joints and skin, and remove toxins from the body.

The diet for psoriasis of the scalp or other type of disease is based on the following basic principles of treatment:

  • When the disease is at an acute stage, it is recommended to exclude carbohydrates and proteins from the menu for 30 days.
  • Fried and smoked foods should be completely banned. Diet dishes should be stewed, baked, boiled or steamed.
  • Fasting days should be spent on cottage cheese, kefir, apples or vegetables once a week.
  • Taking lecithin in granules will help maintain the necessary balance in your diet.
  • It is necessary to prohibit fasting. It is necessary to consume foods allowed for psoriasis, adhering to fractional meals.
  • You should drink about 8 glasses of pure water per day during the diet.
  • Salt restriction is recommended.
  • A complete ban on smoking and drinking alcohol is recommended for psoriasis.

Diet for psoriasis - a table of foods that are allowed and prohibited to eat:

Product groups

Allowed for psoriasis

Prohibited for psoriasis





Several times a week:




semi-finished products

Fruits and berries





apple without peel





Twice a week:

any dried fish


rolls, sushi



whole grain pasta

legumes (peas, beans)

mineral water

fresh juice from permitted vegetables and fruits

carbonated drinks


Bread and crispbreads

whole grains

corn and rye flour

unleavened shortbread

white wheat bread



other confectionery products

butter 20 g per day



high fat foods


vegetable oils

seeds (1 tablespoon each):


Nutrition for psoriasis for every day

When creating a daily menu for psoriasis of the scalp or other areas, you should rely on important diet principles:

  • the products consumed must be hypoallergenic;
  • sweets, marinades and smoked foods are excluded;
  • Diet for psoriasis every day requires reducing salt intake;
  • Food containing preservatives and emulsifiers should be prohibited;
  • the main product for eczema and psoriasis should be fiber, which is found in its pure form in raw or frozen vegetables;
  • give preference during the diet to cereals (for example, buckwheat);
  • sometimes you can allow yourself mushrooms and nuts for psoriasis;
  • Be sure to consume low-fat dairy products as part of your diet.

The large number of banned foods does not affect the variety of dishes you can prepare. The table will help you create a suitable menu for each meal:


Suitable foods for psoriasis patients

Porridge on the water

Cottage cheese with yogurt

Green or herbal tea

Sandwich made from whole grain bread and cheese

Soup with vegetable or light poultry broth

Dietary boiled or baked meat

Fresh vegetable salad

Steamed poultry or fish cutlets

Fruit or vegetable juices

Fruits (apples, bananas)

Kefir or low fat yogurt

Fruit or vegetable salad

Porridge on the water

Steam cutlets

Herbal teas

Stewed vegetables

Lean fish or meat

Diet for psoriasis for a week

The basis of the diet for psoriasis for a week is a menu in the form of a table. It is formed in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of disturbances in the processes of protein and fat metabolism. You can build the right diet based on a detailed table of the approximate diet:

Days of the week


Cottage cheese with raisins or dried apricots,

chamomile tea.

Vegetable puree soup,

stewed rabbit,

weak tea.

Yogurt or kefir.

Baked fish,

cabbage salad,

Buckwheat porridge,

green tea.

Cabbage soup

fresh vegetable salad,

Baked chicken breast,

whole grain pasta,

herbal tea.

Barley porridge,

fruit juice.

Cream soup,

steamed turkey cutlets,

cabbage salad,

black or green tea.

A few apples or bananas.

Vinaigrette without potatoes,

fruit drink or compote.

Sea fish soup,

fresh vegetable salad,

meat baked in the oven,

Fruit salad,

Vegetable stew

herbal tea.

Hard boiled egg

Vegetarian soup,

vegetable salad,


steamed cutlets,

Sandwich with cheese,

any allowed fruit.

Light broth soup

vegetable salad,

steamed fish cutlets.

Fruit smoothie.

Stuffed zucchini

tea with chamomile.


Buckwheat or rice porridge,

Chicken broth,

vegetable salad,

boiled lean meat,

fruit juice.

Fruits (several pieces).

Stewed zucchini,

steam fish,

rosehip tea.

Video: diet for patients with psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis is a long and complex process, the most important aspects of which are treatment experience, long-term observation of patients and the correct choice of methods and means of therapy. You should always remember that the main thing in the treatment of this unpredictable disease is “noli nocere” (do no harm). In many ways, the treatment of psoriasis depends on the patient himself, on his awareness of this disease, mental state, mood, and optimism.

Make sure that it really is psoriasis (if the rash appears for the first time). Remember what circumstances and events preceded the appearance of the rash. These can be stressful situations, any intoxication - drug, alcohol, food, etc., prolonged hypothermia, infectious diseases and vaccinations, skin trauma (including perm, hair coloring), etc. Subsequently, if possible, eliminate the influence of these factors on your body.

It is forbidden

    Get sick. Do not allow acute infectious diseases to become chronic.

    Drink, smoke. Remember that alcohol and smoking tend to make it difficult psoriasis treatment and cause its aggravation.

    "Cleanse yourself." The recently popular “cleansing” of the body can also act as provoking factors. Don't get carried away with fasting.

    Abuse ultraviolet light. Many patients go to the sea to get rid of the disease with thalassotherapy and heliotherapy (sea and sun), but soon they are convinced that the disease is progressing again and comes with renewed vigor, making itself felt again - the sun has a detrimental effect on the patient, it “drives” psoriasis even deeper into the body, and after some time the opposite happens, so it is better to take sea and sun baths after autumn-winter treatment and prevention by summer.

    There is everything. Successful treatment of psoriasis largely depends on compliance with the dietary regimen, which for this disease must be physiologically complete in terms of energy value, fat and carbohydrate content. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, honey, whole milk and foods containing red pigment (tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, etc.). After the plaques disappear, during the period of remission, do not abuse these products; it is advisable to sharply limit sour, spicy and fatty foods, smoked foods, and sweets.

If possible, eliminate foods that cause allergic reactions or limit their consumption. Increase the number of meals, but at the same time reduce its daily volume. Eat dishes boiled, baked, stewed.

Successful treatment of psoriasis largely depends on the exclusion of spicy foods, spices and spicy vegetables, seasonings (mustard, mayonnaise, etc.), smoked products, strong meat, fish and mushroom broths and sauces. Significantly reduce your consumption of table salt and salty foods.

With intensive progression of the process, fasting days and a sharp limitation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages are necessary. Reduce your consumption of sugar-containing foods to a minimum.

Treatment of psoriasis is usually complex and is carried out taking into account many factors that contribute to the development or exacerbation of the disease, as well as compliance with certain nutritional rules.


    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of vegetable oils, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The intake of PUFAs in sufficient quantities is very important for psoriasis, since they form biologically active substances in the body (including tissue hormones prostaglandins, which act as regulators of biological processes), have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin (as they are part of the composition of cell membranes) and the walls of blood vessels, regulate metabolism (in particular, fat metabolism in the liver, the exchange of a number of vitamins).

    Fiber. This group of patients has a need to periodically support the cleansing function of the liver and its participation in lipid metabolism. Regular bowel movements are of great importance. If you are prone to constipation, your diet includes foods high in dietary fiber and dishes with a “laxative” effect (salads with vegetable oil, vinaigrette, etc.). In addition, dietary fiber has other important properties: it affects metabolism and maintains the balance of minerals in the body. The diet should be enriched with products that normalize lipid metabolism (buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, etc.).

    Vitamins. Treatment of psoriasis is more successful when close attention is paid to the intake of vitamins that belong to the group of antioxidants that support healthy skin and nails. They help neutralize free radicals that damage the skin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and are important for the synthesis of collagen and elastin (components of connective tissue). A complex of B vitamins, involved in all cellular processes, also helps maintain healthy skin. In addition, B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is important for this disease. Typical for psoriasis is increased proliferation of skin cells and their incomplete maturation. It has been discovered that the cells of the upper layer of the skin (keratinocytes) are highly sensitive to vitamin O. Currently, in practical medicine, preparations with vitamin O are successfully used, which, acting through receptors on keratinocytes, lead to increased differentiation and thus try to normalize development epidermis.

When creating a diet, it is important to remember to include in your diet foods rich in vitamins: E (vegetable oils), C (rose hips, bell peppers, currants), A beta-carotene (liver, butter, bell peppers), O (fish products), B (beef liver, buckwheat), as well as bioflavonoids (currants).

    Calcium. The diet must be enriched with foods that are sources of calcium (cottage cheese, fermented milk products, etc.), which have an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

    Zinc. In case of psoriasis, it is important to take into account the intake of zinc from food, which determines the production of protein necessary for wound healing, increased immunity and antioxidant protection.

Psoriasis is a dermatological disease that is accompanied by rashes and peeling of the skin. So far, scientists and doctors do not know the exact reasons for its development. There is an assumption that it is provoked and not caused by infectious agents. Psoriasis can begin to manifest itself at any age, from birth to old age, but is more often observed among young people. According to some statistics, for the first time such a diagnosis is most often made to people under the age of 20 and is observed in 4% of the world's population.

This disease requires systematic treatment, which must be comprehensive and comprehensive. During therapy, the patient should pay attention to such an important aspect as, since taking certain products can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. In this article, we will introduce you to 6 foods that cannot be consumed if you have this disease, or you need to sharply limit their consumption.


Spices increase skin itching in people suffering from psoriasis.

Taking spices always causes increased blood circulation, which causes additional irritation on the skin. This effect is caused by the essential oils and aromatic components that make up the seasonings found in our kitchens. In addition to additional skin irritation, spices cause the appearance of pain, which brings additional discomfort to the patient and depresses the nervous system and psyche.

The following spices are considered the most aggressive for patients with psoriasis:

  • paprika;
  • carnation;
  • pepper;
  • nutmeg.

The diet may include in limited quantities spices that are less dangerous for psoriasis, which consist of the roots or leaves of plants. These include:

  • garlic;
  • horseradish.

Products with high levels of gluten

According to medical research, 4% of patients with (gluten intolerance) also suffer from psoriasis. Gluten (or gluten) can cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin, which is why people with psoriasis should avoid eating foods that contain high levels of this substance.

Products with high levels of gluten include:

  • rye;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • semolina;
  • oats;
  • bakery products;
  • confectionery;
  • yoghurts;
  • ice cream;
  • chocolate;
  • condensed milk;
  • powdered milk.

High calorie food

Eating high-calorie foods leads to development. And according to research by American scientists, patients with psoriasis, suffering from excess weight and taking successful measures to reduce it, achieve better results in the treatment of the dermatological disease we are considering. This is why many doctors recommend their patients follow a low-calorie diet. At the same time, foods that contribute to the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or allergic reactions should not be introduced into the diet, since they can also cause a relapse of psoriasis.

Caffeinated Products

Drinking coffee can cause an exacerbation of psoriasis.

Caffeine causes blood to thicken, and this process makes it difficult to remove toxic products from the body. Such reactions not only negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, but also lead to an exacerbation of psoriasis, since the skin is sensitive to the processes occurring in organs and tissues.

Products that contain caffeine include:

  • black tea;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate.


Alcoholic drinks can provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases and cause blood flow to the skin. These processes are undesirable for psoriasis, because they cause its relapse. Particularly dangerous alcoholic products for this dermatological disease are drinks containing grapes. During the fermentation of this berry, many allergenic aromatic compounds appear. They can cause additional skin irritation and worsen psoriasis.

In addition to the effects described above, alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the liver, which is a “filter” of the blood. As a result of such a detrimental effect on this organ, more toxins accumulate in the body, provoking a worsening of the symptoms of psoriasis.

Full fat milk

Whole milk contains a large amount of saturated fats, which can cause the development of inflammatory and, in some cases, allergic reactions. They, in turn, can provoke an exacerbation of psoriasis.

In addition to whole milk, other dairy products with a high percentage of fat should be excluded from the diet:

  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • hard cheeses;
  • ice cream, etc.

Which doctor should I contact?

In this article, we introduced you to just some of the foods that are best not to eat if you have psoriasis. During the period of exacerbation and treatment of this disease, the patient is recommended to exclude all citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, coffee and chocolate from the diet. In addition, the list of products recommended for exclusion may depend on the severity of psoriasis and general health. That is why it is better to clarify the list of products excluded and limited in the diet of a patient with this disease from a nutritionist or dermatologist.



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