Simple techniques for painting Easter eggs. Painting a wooden egg “Golden patterns”

Very beautiful Easter eggs can be obtained by painting with hot wax. Under the definition hot wax This refers to ordinary wax crayons, which can be purchased at a stationery store. To paint Easter eggs, wax crayons (can be replaced with beeswax or paraffin candles tinted with food coloring) are melted and placed in a small metal container, which is heated to a temperature of 65°C. Wax painting is used mainly for pre-painted eggs, which looks more impressive.

Before you start painting the Easter egg, you need to paint it in any traditional way known to you, of which there are quite a lot. Eggs are colored in onion skins, food coloring, beets, and so on. In order for the egg to color well and evenly, it must first be washed well and degreased. Vinegar is usually used for degreasing; eggs are wiped with a piece of gauze or a cloth soaked in vinegar - using the food coloring method. When coloring with a decoction of onion peels, you can add vinegar while boiling the eggs - 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and a pinch of salt per liter of water.

Copper wire is used to paint Easter eggs with wax (in the absence of copper wire, you can use a long needle, crochet hook, or awl). You can take a round wooden stick and insert a copper wire into it, leaving a copper tip about 2 cm long. The thinner the tip, the finer lines you can draw on the egg. Copper is used for painting with hot wax, since due to its properties it retains temperature for a long time, wax on copper wire does not harden quickly and you can draw quite long lines.

Work process

Wax or wax crayons (you can also use ordinary colorless paraffin candles) are melted in a small metal container (you can take a tablespoon) over a flame (over a burning candle, burner or in a water bath on the stove), heated to a temperature of 65 ° C (do not bring until the wax boils), we maintain the temperature of a certain color of wax throughout the painting.

Use a copper tip to attach a small amount of wax and paint the egg by placing dots or drawing lines. The combination of lines and dots makes it possible to create a variety of patterns.

The egg, chicken or goose, during painting must be at least room temperature, not cold!, since our wax is hot and can harden immediately after it hits the egg. As for the wax, it should not be too hot or cold during painting. To achieve a satisfactory result, use one egg for testing to understand what wax temperature is best for painting with a particular pattern. If you want to paint an egg with different colors of wax, then do not paint it with all the colors of the rainbow at once. First paint the entire egg with one color, then wipe the egg with a dry cloth, which will remove any excess wax, if any. Then you can move on to using a different color of wax.

After painting with hot wax is completed, for a better effect, Easter eggs are greased with fat or sunflower oil, which gives them shine.

To paint an Easter egg, you can use the templates below, or you can come up with something of your own. Experiment and you will succeed! See also.

If everything described above is not entirely clear, I suggest watching this video clip in which a Czech craftswoman paints an Easter egg with hot wax. Video clip without comments, which are not needed at all. The main thing is to see it once and everything will immediately become clear)

And now I propose to look through beautiful ideas for painting Easter eggs that can inspire creativity,

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Why are eggs painted for Easter?


One of the explanations, quite logical and practical, interprets it like this:- during the 40-day fast, when eggs cannot be eaten, the chickens did not stop laying eggs, and the owners boiled the eggs so that they would not spoil. Boiled eggs were colored so that they could be more easily distinguished from fresh ones.

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Another, more poetic version of why eggs are colored tells the following story:. The first Easter egg was presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius. After the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, she came to the Roman emperor with the words: “Christ is Risen!” In those days it was impossible to come empty-handed, so she brought him an egg as a gift. However, Tiberius did not believe her words, objecting that no one can be resurrected, just as a white egg cannot turn red. As soon as the last word left his lips, the egg really took on a scarlet color.

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Since then, the tradition of painting eggs has emerged.

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Originally the color was only red, symbolizing the blood of Christ, while the egg itself was a symbol of rebirth. However, later they began to be painted in other colors and chicken eggs were replaced with wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.



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What types of egg painting are there?

There are several different ways to paint Easter eggs. Each type of Easter egg painting has its own name.

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Easter eggs

- These are eggs painted with beeswax and paints that are given to each other for Easter.

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Pysanky is one of the most difficult ways to color eggs. Patterns are drawn on a raw, cold egg using hot wax using a steel feather. Having made a pattern, the egg is dipped into diluted cold paint, starting with the lightest one, wiped and a new pattern is made with wax and again dipped in another paint. When all the patterns have been drawn, you need to carefully “stop” the wax from the egg over the flame of a gas burner or over a candle. As the wax melts, it should be wiped off with a soft piece of paper or cloth.








- a hard-boiled egg, painted one color without patterns.

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Basically, paints are made for Easter, and games are also played with them. Among the Slavs, rolling paints on the first grass is a magical action, calling mother earth to fertility.


Krashenki - from the word paint. You can color eggs in different ways.
Some housewives boil eggs hard and then immerse them in a solution of warm water for 10-15 minutes. with food coloring, which can be bought in the store.
Other housewives love to paint eggs in a decoction of onion peels. To do this, place raw eggs in a saucepan with water, add onion peels and cook for 15-20 minutes until the eggs acquire the desired color.


Previously, eggs were painted in a special way:


they were wrapped in dry leaves of oak, birch, and nettle, tied with thread and boiled. The result was beautiful “marbled” eggs.

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- an egg with a plain background on which spots, stripes, and specks are applied with hot wax.

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Ancient specks could be based on no more than three color combinations.


Krapanki - from the Ukrainian word “to drip”, that is, to cover with drops. First, the egg is painted with one color, then, when it dries and cools, drops of hot wax are applied to it. Once the wax has cooled, the egg is placed in a solution of a different color. After the paint has dried, the egg is dipped into hot water. The wax melts and a very funny egg comes out. The wax can be carefully scraped off.







Rubbish (shkrabanka)

- a monochromatic egg on which the pattern is scratched with a metal tip.

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Usually, scrap jars are painted with natural dyes, since food dyes smear very much when scratched.


For drape, it is better to take brown eggs. The shell of such eggs is stronger than that of white eggs.

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First, the eggs are boiled, then painted some darker color, and then dried. The pattern is applied to the shell with a sharp object - a knife, an awl, scissors, a thick needle, a stationery knife. But before scratching the pattern, it must be applied to the egg with a sharp pencil.



During operation, the egg is held in the left hand, and a sharp object in the right. The openwork pattern on the drape looks good on brown or other dark paint.


The pattern on the drapanka can be anything, unlike the pysanka, with its strictly traditional geometric patterns.

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Using the edge of a stationery knife, scratch the contours of the design. To create shades inside the contours, we draw the pattern not with the tip, but with the entire surface of the knife blade. Erase the pencil sketch with an eraser. The drawing is ready. For shine, you can wipe the egg with a cotton swab and a drop of oil.

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- an egg painted with an invented pattern.

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They do not carry any symbolic meaning and can be painted with paint (not wax). In addition to patterns, the paintings often contain plot pictures and landscapes.

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- eggs carved from wood and stone, made from porcelain and clay, were made in Rus' back in the 13th century.

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Later, eggs began to be decorated with beads, lace, knitting, etc. The most famous “eggs” in the world were made by the imperial jeweler Carl Faberge.

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Now I will introduce you to a list of natural egg dyes that allow you to achieve different colors and shades.

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1. Yellow-brown “Onion”


This method of coloring eggs using improvised means is perhaps the most common. To use it in practice you will need to get peel from at least 10 onions(for coloring a dozen eggs).


Many vegetable departments in stores come to help housewives in finding the “cherished ingredient” on Easter Eve, offering to purchase peels packaged in small plastic bags.

  1. Chop the onion “clothes” you have stored and fill them with a liter of water.
  2. The resulting mixture should be boiled for 30-40 minutes, after which the colored boiling water must be strained to remove the husks.
  3. Immerse the boiled eggs in the boiling strained mixture and cook them for about 5-7 minutes. The time will depend on what color you want to achieve.

2. Red, festive


To give eggs a particularly elegant red hue, you will need ordinary beets. Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater. You don’t have to cook anything: just squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp and keep the boiled eggs in it.

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3. Yellow, sunny

Boiled turmeric (saffron) will help you in just a few minutes to color the shell of the main symbol of Easter a cheerful yellow color. Prepare a decoction of this oriental seasoning, strain it and cook the eggs in the remaining water for 5-8 minutes.

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4. Green means life


To give boiled eggs a life-affirming green hue, you will need a solution of brilliant green familiar to everyone from childhood.


The excellent coloring properties of brilliant green hardly require additional advertising. Dilute the required amount of the drug in boiled, but not boiling (40-50°C) water and place boiled eggs there for a few minutes.

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5. Sky blue


Surprisingly, the blue tint of eggshells has been given to eggshells since ancient times using red cabbage. Place finely shredded cabbage in an enamel or glass bowl. Pour the improvised “salad” with a mixture of water and vinegar (2 tablespoons per 200 grams of water), let the resulting mixture sit for 5-8 minutes and strain. Place already boiled eggs in the resulting liquid and hold until the desired shade is achieved.

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6. Purple or orange


These colors can be obtained by mixing red dye with blue or yellow.

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Now you know how environmentally friendly and completely harmless natural dyes can help color Easter eggs. Take care of your health and enjoy the pre-holiday activities with your family.

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In the old days, eggs Easter not only painted, hence the name krashenka, but also skillfully painted with wax (pysanky). To write correctly Easter eggs There are some secrets that we will talk about.

1. Blown eggs are used for decorations. This means that you need to very carefully pierce the raw egg with the tip of a needle or awl, making two small holes opposite each other. Through one of the holes you need to blow the contents into a plate, and both yolks and whites are quite suitable for preparing Easter dishes.
2. For painting, you can use a variety of materials, including acrylic paints, gouache, and multi-colored markers. You can apply the tone with a cotton swab or a piece of sponge, and the pattern with a semi-dry brush.

3. Eggs can also be decorated with beads and beads; this is quite easy to do if you use tweezers and PVA glue.

At the same time, there are certain rules for painting eggs that should not be violated. On the egg, all drawings should be arranged according to the clearest possible pattern. This is due to the fact that the egg contains the structure of the Universe, therefore the drawing cannot be modified.

The pine tree written on the pysanka is a symbol of health.
Black color is a symbol of grief. A very bright pattern was necessarily applied to the black testicles, which symbolized the diversity of life. Easter eggs were painted on a cherry background for children.

The dove on the pysanka is a symbol of the soul.
The mesh symbolizes fate.
White color is the beginning of all beginnings, that is, fate being built in the sky.
The yellow mesh symbolizes the sun and the destiny that is being built here.
The oak tree is a symbol of strength.
The dots symbolize fertility.
Cream is a symbol of love.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry also symbolizes fertility; mother.
Flowers are a symbol of girlhood.
Krashenki - from the word paint.

Color Easter eggs it can be done in different ways. You can hard boil the eggs, then immerse them in a solution of warm water for 10-15 minutes, to which food coloring has been added. It is sold in any store. You can also color eggs in a decoction of onion skins. To do this, you need to take raw eggs, place them in a saucepan with water, add onion skins and cook for approximately 15-20 minutes until the eggs become the desired color.
Previously, eggs were painted in a special way; they were wrapped in dry leaves of birch, oak, and nettle, tied with threads and boiled. The results were very beautiful, unusual “marble” eggs.


To create a drape, it is better to use eggs with a brown tint, as their shells are stronger than those of white eggs. First, the eggs must be boiled, then painted in the desired color, and dried. The pattern is applied to the shell with a sharp object, for example, an awl, a knife, or a thick needle. But before scratching out a beautiful pattern, it is applied to the egg with a pencil. The openwork pattern on the drape looks great on dark brown or other dark-colored paint.


Krapanki - from the Ukrainian word “to drip”, which means to cover with drops. First you need paint the egg one color, and when it dries and cools, apply drops of hot wax to it. When the wax has cooled, the eggs should be placed in a solution of a different color. When the paint dries, the egg must be placed in hot water. The wax will melt and you will get some really fun eggs.

Easter eggs

Pysanky is the whole art of painting Easter eggs. To paint a pysanka, elements of animal and plant patterns, as well as geometric shapes, are used. Pysanka write on a raw chicken egg. Moreover, there are laws here - every line is an arc that forms ovals and circles. By crossing, they seem to divide the surface of the egg into fields, which are called the baptismal shirt of the Easter egg. An interesting fact is that in the old days it was possible to paint Easter eggs with the first strike of the bell.

Each color of the pattern was necessarily protected with wax. By the end of the work, the eggs resembled gloomy black koloboks, but as soon as they were dipped into hot water or brought to the fire, the wax began to melt, and PYSANKA how the sun is born from the blackness of the night.

Nowadays, the art of painting Easter eggs is being revived - new artists are appearing, forgotten techniques are being restored.

Happy and bright Easter to you!!!

Eggs painted in one color are called krashenka, and eggs painted with ornaments or plot patterns are called pysanka. Classic pysanka is a complex way of painting Easter eggs, which uses wax, steel feathers or hooks, and special paints. But along with traditional methods of coloring, there are a large number of simpler and more original methods for painting an egg. Even kids can paint Easter eggs with watercolors, gouache or markers. You can also use watercolor pencils, corrector, felt-tip pens, gel pens and other standard writing instruments. Painting and painting eggs for the main Christian holiday, Easter, is a long-standing tradition. One of the legend versions says that when Saint Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius and told about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the emperor did not believe it and said that it was as impossible as the fact that a chicken egg would turn red. At the same moment, the chicken egg he was holding in his hands turned red, confirming the news of Mary Magdalene. Other versions date the origin of the tradition back to pre-Christian times.

Painting Easter eggs with watercolors

An easy way to make unique and colorful Easter eggs with your own hands is to paint Easter eggs with watercolors, combined with watercolor pencils. Keep in mind that this is not a permanent dye, but it is an easy, affordable and fun decorating method, and you can create a real watercolor painting effect right on the shell.

The saturation of the pattern depends on the degree of dilution of the paint with water. You can first cover the entire surface of the egg with a light layer of watercolor, and then, while the paint is still wet, add more concentrated and saturated spots.

The core of watercolor pencils consists of pressed watercolors, which allows them to be dissolved with water. In other words, we draw as if with colored pencils, and then we go over the image with a damp brush or cotton wool and get a watercolor drawing. In this case, you can use a watercolor pencil to paint on the still wet surface of the egg. The effect is as if the pencil is melting. As a result, soft and slightly blurred lines perfectly depict details.

Painting Easter eggs with gouache

But this wonderful painting of Easter eggs can be done with gouache, acrylic paint and permanent markers!

Painting Easter eggs with a marker

Stylish black and white Easter eggs - forget about paints and different materials! Just a black permanent marker and your imagination!

Painting Easter eggs with a gel pen

Fine drawing with gel pen:

Painting Easter eggs with fingers and sticks

Doodles, dots, spots, stains made by the fingers of children's hands!

Easter eggs from Kinder Surprise

You can use markers and felt-tip pens to paint plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise. Interestingly, the child can then combine the halves of the egg himself, creating a new Easter egg each time.

Easter has its own customs and traditions, one of which is the painting of eggs. The article will be useful for both adults and children. Easter eggs are a symbol of the great holiday. Housewives treat coloring eggs with trepidation, and many strive to come up with new patterns.

The tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter

There are several versions of the origin of such a tradition.

Version 1.

When Jesus was resurrected, Mary Magdalene came to the emperor with the news. Since such a trip required a gift, she took a white egg with her. She told the emperor “Christ is Risen.” The emperor did not believe such news and said that it was as implausible as an egg turning red. And miraculously the egg immediately turned red.

Version 2.

Chickens laid eggs non-stop during Lent. The owners were afraid that they would spoil. Therefore, we decided to paint fresh eggs red.

Version 3.

When Jesus was a baby, colored eggs were a source of entertainment for him.

Which eggs should I paint for Easter?

It is customary to paint at Easter chicken eggs: Neither color nor size are important.

IMPORTANT: To ensure even coloring, wash the eggs thoroughly with vinegar and soap. Otherwise the paint will not apply evenly.

What colors are eggs painted for Easter?

Previously, eggs were only painted red.

Now for Easter you can find a wide variety of egg coloring options:

  • painting in one color: yellow, green, blue, orange. In fact, the color can be whatever is closest to your soul.
  • painting in several colors: many patterns, designs

How to dye eggs red?

Color eggs traditionally red will help:

  • Food colors
  • Onion peel
  • Beet. Boil the egg along with the whole beets. Cook until you get the desired color. You can simply grate a boiled egg with beet broth or grated beets

How to color eggs with onion skins?

  • Take a pan filled to the top with onion skins
  • Fill with water not to the very edge
  • Let it cook for 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the desired paint color
  • Let the infusion cool
  • Place the eggs in their shells and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling.
  • Cook until you see the desired color

IMPORTANT: The eggs must be completely submerged in water. Turn them over to ensure even coloring.

Food coloring for Easter eggs

Eggs can be colored with natural and non-natural food dyes.

WITH unnatural dyes everything is clear: you go to the store, buy food coloring of the desired color, dilute the dye in water, put an egg in the water with the dye until you get the desired color.

IMPORTANT: Coloring with such dyes usually gives a more uniform color. But this makes it feel unnatural.

WITH natural dye the question is more complicated. Many natural dyes can be used depending on the desired color of the final egg.


Turmeric will help color an egg yellow. Painting technique:

  • Add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. turmeric, 1 tbsp. table vinegar
  • Place eggs in water
  • Cook until done


The pink color of the eggs will be given by cranberry juice, in which the boiled eggs will lie until the desired color is obtained.

Dark brown color.

Boil eggs in strong black tea.


Red cabbage will help you get the blue color:

  • Finely chop 2 heads of cabbage
  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan
  • Add 6 tbsp to the water. table vinegar
  • Fill the cabbage
  • Leave to infuse overnight, stirring first
  • In the morning, add boiled eggs to the infusion until the desired color is obtained.

Easter egg painting

Painting eggs will look equally good on both pre-painted eggs and natural-colored eggs.

Painting with permanent marker.

A simple way to paint Easter eggs for those who know how to draw.

Painting with paints.

For painting you only need paints and brush thin. You can use the simplest acrylic paints.

IMPORTANT: Using this method, you can decorate the egg with your child and paint it to your liking.

Painting with powdered sugar.

  • Prepare powdered sugar
  • Add as much water as needed until you get a thick, homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the pattern with a pastry syringe filled with sugar mixture.
  • Let the egg dry

Wax painting.

  • To paint with wax you will need wax pencils or wax paints.
  • Select the tool you will use to paint: knitting needle, needle, awl, copper wire

IMPORTANT: Copper wire will keep the wax hot for a long time, which will allow you to draw more lines at a time

  • Heat the wax to 65 C
  • Dip the tool in wax and apply the design

If you do not have the makings of an artist or cannot come up with the desired pattern, use stencils.

  • Print the stencil
  • Select paints and apply them to a sponge or brush
  • Place the stencil on the egg
  • Blot with a sponge or brush over the stencil
  • Remove the stencil and dry the egg

How else can you paint eggs for Easter?

Colored floss threads.

Wrap the egg completely with different colored floss threads and hard boil the egg.

Beautiful napkins.

  • Buy beautiful napkins with a pattern suitable for the holiday
  • Cut out the elements you want to transfer to the egg
  • Prepare gelatin according to package instructions
  • Dissolve the gelatin granules by heating it
  • Apply the cut out pattern to the boiled egg
  • Using a brush, brush the prepared gelatin over the top.
  • Align the pattern from the center to the edges


  • Cut out figures, stripes, patterns from paper
  • Attach paper of your choice to the egg
  • Wrap the egg tightly with nylon or gauze
  • Dip in desired dye. If necessary, cook in dye.
  • Wait until the egg is completely dry
  • Removing the paper


  • Cut a piece of silk in the desired color
  • Wrap an egg in it
  • Wrap gauze or nylon on top and secure
  • Pour water and 3 tbsp into a saucepan. vinegar
  • Boil the wrapped eggs in water with vinegar for 20 minutes after boiling.

  • Roll a wet egg in rice
  • Wrap with gauze
  • Dip in dye
  • After staining, open the gauze and let dry

Marble effect.

First way.

  • Choose two dyes that match in color (preferably light and dark)
  • Paint an egg in one of them
  • Pour the second into a bowl and add a few tbsp. vegetable oil (depending on the volume of water)
  • Mix water with oil
  • Dip the egg completely into the water once so as to catch as many fat bubbles in the water as possible.
  • Blot with a napkin
  • Let dry



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