Impurities in feces: types, causes and treatment methods. White mucus in stool: symptoms and danger signs, possible diseases

The color of stool can vary and can be brown, light brown, or yellow-brown. The consistency may change when eating certain foods or after taking medications. In more serious cases, this is a sign of the development of some kind.

Particles of mucus are definitely present in the stool. If a person is healthy, then these whitish discharges in the stool may not be noticed. White veins may indicate the development of certain abnormalities and pathologies. These secretions consist of leukocytes and epithelial cells.

The appearance of white veins may be associated with eating large quantities of bananas, oatmeal, and cottage cheese.In infants, this may be due to the immaturity of the fermentation system. If the white grains look like cottage cheese or sour milk, then this is a sign that the baby is overeating. The remains of undigested food are passed out along with the feces.White lumps without any impurities may indicate lactose intolerance.

In adults, white streaks and mucus enveloping the stool indicate damage to the distal parts - and constipation is often observed.

If mucous discharge is observed along with small white grains, this indicates pathology and.

Possible diseases that are caused by white plaque in the stool:

  • Intestinal candidiasis
  • Perirectal fistula
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Colitis

With intestinal candidiasis, white spots are an accumulation of fungi.Whitish dots in combination with mucus can be observed with mucous colitis or while taking antibacterial drugs.In many cases, dead worms - pinworms - can be mistaken for white veins.

Signs of streaks in stool

White streaks in stool are a sign of intestinal infection or helminthic infestation

White spots in the stool that resemble grains, lumps or grains are the remains of undigested food. If a person feels well and there are no other signs, then treatment is not required in this case.

If white veins are associated with a fungal disease, then the patient may feel discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen, the consistency of the stool changes, diarrhea appears, and health worsens.

Also, against the background of changes in stool, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Slight increase in body temperature
  • Light yellow diarrhea

When a helminthic infestation appears, the child becomes restless and capricious, and sleep is intermittent. If a child has mucus, foam and impurities in the stool along with white lumps, then you need to contact a pediatrician.

If there is an infection in the body, the child looks unhealthy. At the same time, the complexion changes, during defecation the baby bends his legs and cries. With symptoms of an intestinal infection, the child is hospitalized in a hospital.


To identify the inflammatory process and determine the cause of the whitish inclusions, instrumental testing is performed.

The patient must pass and where an increase can be detected.Stool examination is of great importance in children, which is divided into several groups: macroscopic, microscopic, bacteriological and chemical.

Or a general stool analysis allows you to determine the condition of the digestive system, large and small intestines.

After receiving the results, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the analysis, as this directly affects the result:

  • Before collecting stool, you should urinate and perform hygiene procedures. The perineal area should be wiped well so that urine and water do not get into the stool. After all, all this can lead to an erroneous result.
  • To collect feces, you can purchase a special container at the pharmacy. It must be clean and dry. Place cling film over the toilet seat and after defecation, collect the feces in a prepared container.
  • The amount of material collected for research should be 5 g. It should be delivered to the laboratory within two hours. It is not recommended to store feces for a long time.
  • If the feces were collected in the evening, then the container with the contents must be placed in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Treatment: basic drugs

Depending on the cause of this symptom, treatment is prescribed:

  • If the presence of white spots in the stool is associated with a fungal infection, then antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed, which include substances such as Clotrimazole and Fluconazole. In addition, the doctor will make an appointment medicines against intestinal dysbiosis.
  • If the white lumps in the stool are worms, then anthelmintic drugs are used for treatment. To avoid possible infection with worms, the hygiene of the infant should be improved. It is important to iron the baby’s underwear on both sides, after each bowel movement, wash the bottom with soap and lubricate it with baby cream.
  • If a baby has white lumps due to lactose intolerance, the doctor will prescribe lactose-free formulas and recommend products that reduce the amount of this enzyme in mother's milk.
  • To restore normal function, drugs are used to eliminate the inflammatory process. For mucous colitis, antiseptics are used to improve the patient's condition. To normalize the enzyme environment of the intestinal mucosa, drugs such as Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim, etc. are used.
  • During treatment, the patient must comply. The diet should contain a large amount of fiber: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, bran, etc. For a while, you should limit the consumption of butter, strong tea, coffee, and carbonated water.

Useful video - Intestinal dysbiosis.

Of course, not everyone scrupulously analyzes their excrement. And the design of current toilets is not conducive to such research. However, the appearance of uncharacteristic impurities and inclusions in the stool may be the first “alarm signal” indicating the emergence of serious problems in the body. Some of them are a good reason to go to the clinic and get examined.

Usually our feces are a fairly homogeneous mass. The appearance of impurities or foreign inclusions in it may be due to both the nature of the diet and the development of diseases. Any sane person should be wary of the following visible signs in fecal matter:

  • blood;
  • pus;
  • mucus;
  • food leftovers;
  • foreign inclusions.


Finding blood in feces is always a serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention. It can be a manifestation (often the first):

  • inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis);
  • large benign neoplasms (for example, polyps);
  • and anus (fissures, ulcers, hemorrhoids, proctitis, etc.)
  • ischemic colitis (caused by pathology of the vessels feeding the intestines);
  • intestinal angiodysplasia;
  • blood coagulation pathology;
  • infectious damage to the intestine (for example, dysentery, amoebiasis, intestinal tuberculosis, etc.);
  • drug damage to the intestine (due to taking antipyretics, etc.);
  • helminthic diseases (ascariasis, trichocephalosis, etc.).

The amount of blood can vary: from barely noticeable streaks to several glasses. Sometimes, instead of stool, when the patient has a bowel movement, only blood or blood with mucus comes out. The color of the blood reflects the location of the source of blood loss. Scarlet fresh blood is characteristic of a “low” location (anus, rectum, sigmoid colon or descending colon). Often it is located on top of the feces. Dark blood (especially if mixed with fecal matter) or blood clots indicate a “high” localization, that is, the pathological process is in the right side of the colon or small intestine.


An admixture of greenish or yellowish pus in excrement is always a sign of a serious inflammatory process. It appears when:

  • infectious colitis;
  • proctitis;
  • autoimmune inflammatory processes in the colon (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's colitis);
  • diverticulitis;
  • breakthrough of abscesses into the intestine;
  • disintegration of a malignant tumor (this happens in advanced stages of the disease).

Therefore, pus in the stool is also considered an alarming signal. Self-medication for these diseases is ineffective and can result in dire consequences.


A healthy intestine always contains cells that produce mucus. It is necessary for the timely passage of feces through the intestines. Therefore, a small amount of clear mucus in feces can be found normally. In addition, small specks or lumps of mucus are common in the stool of breastfed infants. They are associated with excessive fat content in mother's milk, which the still weak digestive enzymes of the child's body are not able to cope with. However, a large amount of mucus and its yellowish or brownish color are often manifestations of:

  • increased intestinal motility;
  • infectious diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.);
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines of non-infectious origin (diverticulitis, etc.);
  • helminthic diseases;
  • neoplasms;

In addition, mucus can be a companion and harbinger of exacerbation of chronic autoimmune intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis).

Leftover food

Some types of food cannot be completely digested, so the presence of seeds, poppy seeds, bones, fragments of thick skin, veins and cartilage of meat, and fish bones should not be a cause for concern. Digestive enzymes are not able to cope with such coarse fiber and connective tissue.

You should be wary if there are traces of meat, eggs, cottage cheese, or fat in the stool. Their presence reflects a severe deficiency in the formation of enzymes necessary for digestion. This happens when:

  • widespread and severe;
  • inhibition of the production of pancreatic juice (a consequence of pancreatitis or removal of a part);
  • intestinal enzyme deficiency.

Also, food residues in feces are observed with accelerated intestinal motility ().

Foreign inclusions

Sometimes, when examining feces, you can see round or oblong white or light yellow dense inclusions in them. These can be fragments of worms (tapeworms) or the worms themselves (pinworms, whipworms, roundworms, etc.). It is highly advisable to collect such stool with all foreign bodies and take it to the laboratory of an infectious disease clinic. After all, treatment largely depends not only on the very fact of presence, but also on the type of worms detected.

Films in the stool can appear with serious damage to the intestine: pseudomembranous colitis associated with antibiotic treatment. Sometimes suspicious patients mistake dense lumps of mucus for films or worms. In addition, in some cases, excrement may contain remains of drug shells (usually granular) or the drugs themselves (for example, grains of activated carbon).

Thus, the appearance of certain impurities in fecal matter should alert patients. Most of these inclusions require a comprehensive examination and active medical action.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have impurities in your stool, contact your gastroenterologist. If this is not possible, the primary diagnosis will be carried out by a general practitioner or family doctor. After clarifying the diagnosis, the patient may be scheduled for an examination by a proctologist, oncologist, surgeon, hematologist, or infectious disease specialist. For diagnosis, the qualifications of the endoscopist and the equipment he uses are very important.

Video version of the article:

When black spots appear in the stool of an adult or child, a reasonable question arises: is it not the pathology of the internal organs that caused such a strange phenomenon? You need to find out what it is immediately.

Reasons for appearance

A person's normal bowel movements will vary depending on age and diet. Its color ranges from light yellow to dark brown, and all this is normal if there are no impurities in the stool. Stool with white or dark spots is cause for concern, but you shouldn’t panic right away.

There are two main groups of reasons that cause dark spots in the stool of any person:

  1. Natural causes, which are not a pathology of the body and do not require specific treatment with medications. Black grains in feces will not constantly bother a person, but will only appear from time to time depending on the factors that provoke them. The inclusions in stool are usually not large in size and may look like sand, peas, small sticks or veins. The stool remains of normal consistency (loose stool is typical for a child, and dense stool is typical for adults). The poop should be brown or yellowish, and black grains will only occasionally stand out against this background. This category includes the use of certain foods and medications.
  2. Pathological causes resulting from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed as black grains of various sizes in the stool. Dark-colored balls can be of very different sizes, even almost completely littering the feces. The poop itself may be light, green, red or black. All this indicates a malfunction of the body, and treatment should begin immediately. The consistency of stool in pathology can be unpredictable - diarrhea will be accompanied by very liquid or watery stool, and constipation may look like a hard fecal lump with small black pebbles in the form of inclusions. Pathological causes of the appearance of black spots in stool include bleeding, infectious diseases, and enzyme pathologies.

Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of stool with black spots in more detail.

Photo of a chair with black splashes:


Black grains in the stool are very noticeable in infants, since the stool itself is yellow and similar changes are very frightening to parents. If small specks of black or dark brown color begin to appear in the baby’s poop, do not immediately sound the alarm.

It is necessary to remember whether the baby has consumed the following products:

  • Banana- is not completely digested in the child’s intestines and is excreted along with the feces as black threads.
  • Persimmon– comes out with feces as small black grains of sand, as it is poorly digested by the child’s body.
  • Small grains from kiwi may also not be digested and leave the body in its original form.

Feces with black dots in adults and children can also be caused by eating raspberries, currants, and grapes. Black grains like poppy seeds will be found in a person’s stool after eating food and will immediately disappear.

Eating pears and apples leads to the same effect as when bananas are included in the diet - feces with black streaks appear.

If a person loves seeds, but does not clean them well and eats them with the husks, then black-speckled feces will be constantly observed every time he goes to the toilet “for the most part.”

Eating blood products (sausage, heart, liver, stomach) may cause the stool to become very dark in color, or may result in red-streaked stools or black pieces of digested meat.

There is no need to worry about black spots in stool if a person’s diet is “teeming” with the above-mentioned foods. If a problem bothers a person and I would like to make sure that the reason is purely food-related, then it is worth changing the menu for a few days. The disappearance of black dots in the stool will prove the correct theory.

Taking medications

Black streaks, small crumbs, or pebbles in dark-colored stool may result from taking certain medications. The instructions for use of medicines always indicate such a side effect as black staining of stool. People taking these drugs should not be surprised that even if the stool is completely black, after the end of the course of treatment everything will return to normal.

Drugs that change the color of stool include:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Bismuth containing preparations.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Certain antibacterial drugs.

If, after stopping the medications, black spots in the stool continue to bother a person, then you should consult a specialist to find out why the problem has not disappeared.

Bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract

Minor bleeding in the stomach or small intestine may appear as black spots in the stool.

In addition to such a minor symptom, a person will have other signs of the disease, which will help to make a diagnosis:

  • Weakness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Pallor.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea after eating.
  • Frequent dizziness.

If the bleeding intensifies, this can seriously affect a person’s health, so this pathology cannot be ignored; you should immediately contact the hospital for help before it is too late.

Infectious diseases

Bacteria and viruses that affect the intestines and even the entire gastrointestinal tract can cause not only black sand in the stool, but also cause other unpleasant symptoms:

  • Change in color of stool – , yellow, .
  • Change in stool consistency - watery, foamy, liquid, mushy.
  • The appearance of an uncharacteristic fetid odor.
  • Abdominal pain that occurs.
  • Bloating.
  • Nausea and vomiting (with black stool, vomit resembles coffee grounds).

Problems with enzyme production

The liver, gallbladder and pancreas are responsible for producing enzymes for proper digestion.

Hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis - these diseases can lead to improper supply of enzymes (excess or lack) and then black spots will begin to appear in a person’s stool.

Also, a gray coating may appear on the stool, which will indicate a serious disease of the pancreas. The consistency and color of the feces may change in total. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to absolutely all the symptoms that bother a person, in addition to blackheads, so that you can make a presumptive diagnosis and confirm it laboratory or instrumentally.

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How to make a diagnosis?

It is always better to entrust the diagnosis to a specialist, especially if the person is sure that the problem does not lie in nutrition or medications.

The doctor’s action algorithm will be as follows:

  • Collecting anamnesis and clarifying all disturbing symptoms.
  • Conducting laboratory diagnostics (stool testing for coprogram and occult blood, if it is not visible in the stool).
  • Conducting instrumental diagnostics (colonoscopy or x-ray) – carried out if intestinal bleeding is suspected in order to establish and remove the source of blood loss.
  • Treatment will be based on the cause of blackheads in human feces. Also an important point will be the age of the patient - for young children, many treatments are often not applicable and you will have to look for other ways to solve the problem.

    The main principles of treatment will be:

  1. Establishing a diagnosis with the exact cause of the disease.
  2. Selection of drugs for symptomatic treatment (analgesics, laxatives, fortifications).
  3. Selection of etiotropic agents to eliminate the cause of the appearance of black spots (antibacterial, antiviral, vasoconstrictor).
  4. The use of supportive and auxiliary therapy (probiotics, enzymes, immunostimulants).
  5. Prescribing a specific diet, if necessary, is at least not the first period of recovery after illness.


Black spots in the stool can be the first symptom of a serious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. You should always immediately discard the most banal and safe reasons, and if they are not suitable, then go for a diagnosis. There is no need to wait for new symptoms; the prognosis of any disease primarily depends on the speed of diagnosis, and the latest diagnostic methods make it possible to identify the cause of any illness at very early stages.

Normal stool color from yellow-brown to dark brown, closer to black. The color is determined by digested bile and food debris consumed within 3 days.

Frequent possible stool abnormalities: white or black grains in stool , black stool and others.

Let's take it in order.

  1. Black color of stool

1.1. Normal stool color is black when eating beets, grapes, prunes.

1.2. Possible black color of stool when taking medications: iron supplements, multivitamins, activated carbon.

1.3. Possible black stool in pathology: for gastrointestinal bleeding. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

  1. Stool with black specks

2.1. Black spots in stool – these are partially undigested food fragments (bones, seeds, medicines). If found black specks in baby's stool, then we remember what the child ate in 3 days. Grains in the stool of an adult have the same reasons as in a child: they ate something and it was not digested.

2.2. Inclusions in stool that look like black threads (black threads in stool) - These are fibers from bananas.

  1. Black loose stools (black diarrhea)

3.1. Black liquid stool– more often this is a manifestation of internal bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or intestines, against the background of ulcers, cancer, polyps or varicose veins of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the digestive tract, blood is processed by enzymes and microflora. This causes the blood to change color to black. In case of internal bleeding, in addition to black loose stools, other clinical manifestations are also characteristic: weakness, pallor, dizziness, anemia.

  1. In patients with epilepsy while taking anticonvulsants , which can cause side effects in the form of thrombocytopenia; a rare and severe complication may be gastric or intestinal bleeding, which manifests itself liquid black stool or the appearance black grains in stool.

Most often, in patients with epilepsy when taking antiepileptic drugs, such a severe complication as bleeding occurs under the following conditions:

4.1. If these patients have hereditary predisposition to hematological disorders.

4.2. If there is a concomitant pathology in the form peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

4.3. When treating concomitant pathologies with drugs with similar side effects ( for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: indomethacin, aspirin).

When in the stool of black granules in patients with epilepsy You should urgently contact a therapist and epileptologist (article:) for a possible change in antiepileptic therapy.

  1. May meet white streaks in the stool of adults or children.

White streaks in stool caused by inflammation in any of the departments in the intestines. The reason is infectious microflora, candidiasis, intestinal dysbiosis. Candida fungus forms on the surface of the intestinal mucosa cheesy white coating , which ends up in the feces. You need to consult a gastroenterologist.

6. White grains in feces (granules, blotches, inclusions).

6.1. – usually these are particles of undigested food. White spots in stool may consist of fragments of plant food (grains, seeds, peel). If white inclusions in stool no need for therapy.

6.2. In patients with epilepsy while taking depakina chronosphere White granules are found in the stool.

This is due to the fact that in this form of release depakine is located on the surface of small paraffin granules of white or light yellow color.

How to take Depakine Chronosphere?

Recommended to take depakine chronosphere with food. The most suitable products for this are: yogurt, fruit puree, porridge at room temperature (not hot), and juice. Pour the powder from a paper bag, similar to a packet of salt, into a small amount of yogurt; mix with a spoon; We eat the contents without chewing.

Entering the gastrointestinal tract along with food, depakine is gradually released from the surface of paraffin granules and enters the blood. This creates a constant therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood, without a sharp increase or decrease in the content of depakine in the blood. A stable, sufficient concentration of antiepileptic drugs is the key to the success of epilepsy treatment.

After passing through the gastrointestinal tract white paraffin granules are excreted unchanged in the stool. These ones white grains and are found in feces, and patients assume that depakine is not absorbed. But that's not true! Depakine was just absorbed from the intestines and entered the blood, and this is how it should be in these cases.

From letters from patients with epilepsy:

“We switched the child to Depakine Chronosphere, but we have problems with stool - I noticed these very white granules in the child’s stool, there are a lot of them. I can’t understand, it turns out that depakine is not absorbed? Or do we need a special one?”

Or from the complaints of parents of patients with epilepsy at an appointment:

“We tried to give Depakine Chronosphere, but the drug did not work for us!

- What do you mean, Depakin didn’t go? How did this manifest itself?

- It is not digested, it is all comes out in the stool as a white powder . We foundThere are white specks in the baby's stool in large quantities. We don't know now.

- But that’s how it should be! Depakine is absorbed, and only white paraffin granules are found in the feces, on the surface of which depakine was applied.

- So, does that mean we should continue taking Depakine Chronosphere?

- Certainly!"

So, from the article we learned that black or white specks may be found in the stool. This may be the remains of undigested food or a manifestation of diseases, including stomach or intestinal bleeding. If white granules appear in patients taking Depakine Chronosphere, do not worry - this is how it should be.

White lumps in a baby's stool make inexperienced parents panic. However, in some cases the phenomenon can be considered the norm. Let's figure out why white grains appear in a newborn's stool, and when you should consult a doctor about the problem.

Causes of white spots in stool

Small white lumps that resemble grains of cottage cheese in appearance are a signal of problems in the digestive system. They may be accompanied by restlessness and crying of the child. But don't worry too much! It is worth remembering that a child is born with a “sterile” gastrointestinal tract, so the appearance of digestive problems in the first three to four months of life is in most cases the norm.

When to see a doctor

First of all, you need to determine the reason for their appearance. If the child behaves normally, then there is no need to worry too much. After two to three days, all symptoms should go away. It’s another matter if after a few days the symptoms do not go away. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Remember that an increase in white lumps may be a consequence of dysbiosis.

If the pediatrician, after you took the tests, confirmed your guess and this is indeed dysbacteriosis, then treatment should be started immediately. In most cases, certain medications are prescribed to help relieve the problem. Attention! In this case, you should not select the drug yourself. Remember that most medications intended to treat dysbiosis are not suitable for infants.

Therefore, going to the doctor is mandatory:

  • It is recommended to delay the introduction of complementary foods;
  • Mom must adjust her own menu if she resorts to breastfeeding. Down with fried and fatty foods, alcohol;
  • It is recommended to feed the baby more often, but in a reduced volume, since the cause of the pathology may be banal overeating;
  • If nausea and vomiting or diarrhea are observed, immediately call a doctor or ambulance.

The same applies to the selection of soothing herbal infusions and decoctions. Remember that you cannot know all the indications and contraindications for using a particular plant. And you still don’t have information about how your baby will tolerate this decoction, whether he has allergies. Therefore, treatment options for such diseases associated with the digestive tract should be discussed with your doctor.

White lumps in stool: prevention of occurrence

First of all, it is worth noting that the appearance of white streaks, inclusions or lumps in the stool of both an infant and an adult appears due to a disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to prevent such diseases.

Regarding the appearance of white streaks, inclusions and lumps in a child’s stool, the following rules must be followed:

Don’t forget about the features of complementary feeding. To prevent white lumps from appearing in your baby's stool, we recommend that you pay attention to the dosage when introducing complementary foods. If you buy a new formula, you need to introduce it into your baby’s diet little by little. After all, not all formulas are suitable for your baby.

Also, when introducing complementary foods for infants, it is advisable to give it to the child at the end of feeding. This way you mix your usual diet with a new one and the likelihood of a negative reaction from the digestive system is minimized. Remember that your baby needs a period of at least one week to get used to a new type of food.

And one more rule for introducing complementary foods: no more than one product can be introduced into the diet at a time. If we neglect this rule, then disturbances in the intestinal microflora, the appearance of mucus with white grains is a normal situation. In addition, an allergic reaction may develop.

As you can see, the appearance of white lumps or streaks in the stool of a newborn baby may not always mean the presence of a serious disease. Remember that most often such a reaction in a baby is caused by an incorrect nutrition system. Therefore, before you panic, it’s better to check whether you are doing everything correctly and whether your baby is overeating. It is also not recommended to break the diet for young mothers.

Remember, everything you eat will enter the baby’s body and cause a negative reaction. Therefore, follow all feeding rules and don’t get sick! Health to you and your baby!

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