Proper diet for health and well-being. Strictly prohibited! Our body is a reflection of what we eat

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Sometimes “micro changes” that we don’t even consider to be changes can do more for us than radical solutions. It’s just that the likelihood that these tiny changes will become an integral part of our lives is much higher than the promise to quit smoking once and for all, overeating at night or sitting in front of the computer in the evenings. If the proposed ideas do not suit you, you are free to come up with something else. There is only one condition: a new action, if it involves repetition, should take no more than two minutes of your time. Otherwise, our unconscious will regard the change as global, which means it will resist it.

Sleep with an open window

Even in the center of a metropolis, the air outside is usually much cleaner than indoors. Especially at night when traffic is less intense. Leaving the windows closed means breathing stagnant, polluted air all night. clear head, fresh complexion, more energy - you will notice these changes the very next day. Don't forget to use earplugs and a sleep mask to ensure deep and truly restorative sleep.

Change household chemicals

Organic household chemicals based on natural acids will improve the atmosphere in the house. Instead of synthetic fragrances, aromas will be carried throughout living spaces essential oils. And the amount of chemicals the body encounters will be greatly reduced. Changes can start with bath and dishwashing products, as well as washing powder for bed linen. After all, our body comes into contact with sheets and blankets for many hours every day.

Clean your tongue in the morning

Language is a report card about the state of our body. It can be used to judge the state of health. Normally it is pink, smooth, soft, not too thick and not too thin. If there is a thick coating on it or there are teeth marks on the sides, then you should lighten your menu for a while, since the digestive system cannot cope. It’s easy to check: every time the next morning after a heavy late dinner, the picture is the same. Plaque is toxins that the body managed to remove overnight. Therefore, it is useful to make it a rule to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. A brush is not suitable for this, but an ordinary teaspoon is fine. Move it with the edge from the root to the tip of the tongue.

Start your day with water

When you get out of bed, first go to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and only then to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, drink a large glass warm water. This “awakens” the digestive system, stimulating bowel cleansing. If you have not done this before, you will not see the effect immediately, but after a few days. Also, make sure you have water nearby throughout the day. Let the bottle always be on your desk, in the cup holder of your car, or in your bag. Gradually this will significantly improve your well-being and appearance. The complexion will become more even, sebum secretion will be normalized, signs of swelling will disappear or will appear much less frequently, digestion and other vital processes will be normalized.

Hang the horizontal bar

And hang on it whenever you need to relieve tension. Stretch your arms, straighten your shoulders and concentrate on the stretching of your muscles - this will help relax your mind. Perform the exercise for 30 seconds to two minutes. Gradually, you will begin to notice that heat flows to your muscles. This is normal: this is how the body gets rid of muscle blocks and toxins.

Fruit in a dish instead of candy

When laying out your purchases, immediately wash your vegetables and fruits. Let them, and not sweets or pastries, take up space in the dish that is always on the table. Having clean radishes or carrots on hand makes it easier to make more healthy choice, thinking about what to eat. And what you want to eat less of, put it in closed packages and put them in the top drawers of the closet. The less these products come across your eyes, the less often you remember about them.

Get a massage for stress

This exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system and relieves stress instantly. You can do it anywhere, even in public transport and at work. Tap your fingers throughout the exercise right hand along the left hand, into the hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger.

  1. Close your eyes. Open them three times, about a second apart, each time looking straight ahead. Close your eyes.
  2. Open your eyes, looking at the lower right corner. Without closing your eyelids, move your gaze to the lower left corner, and then draw a circle with your eyes. First clockwise, then counterclockwise. Close your eyes.
  3. Open your eyes, looking up. Without closing your eyelids, look down. Close your eyes.

To check how relaxing this simple and unusual exercise is, take a test. Before performing it, stand with your arms extended to the sides and turn back as far as possible through left side, then through the right one. The pelvis remains in place. Remember where your palm was pointing. Do the same after completing the exercise. And be surprised at the difference.

Recommendations were prepared with the help of psychologist and wellness coach Nadya Andreeva and a doctor holistic medicine Nish Joshi, author of The Detox Method. Practices of holistic medicine" (AST, 2015).

Firstly, it should be noted that the diet should contain quite a lot of fiber. Be sure to eat about 400 g of fruits and at least as many vegetables a day. Please pay attention special attention products that contain large quantities of vitamin C, thanks to which our cells are renewed, the aging process slows down, and the immune system is strengthened.

Record holders for vitamin C content are: kiwi, tomatoes, parsley, any citrus fruits, cranberries and many other products.

Secondly, it should be recalled drinking regime. Often, the body does not receive required quantity fluid begins to “rebel”, and the first signal may be dizziness, headache, weakness and even rapid weight loss. Therefore, it is important for each person to know how much liquid he needs to drink per day, and calculating the approximate amount is very simple - multiply your weight in kilograms by 30 and find out how many grams of liquid your body needs. This means not only water, but also tea, coffee, compote, fruit juices which you drink during the day.

Thirdly, it is necessary to remind you about limiting salt. Salt can not only retain water in the body and thus create swelling, but also lead to increased blood pressure. The daily salt requirement for humans is 4-6 g.

And now it's time to find out approximate menu for a week, so as not only to replenish your strength and again feel cheerful and energized, but also to lose a few extra pounds.


Breakfast: oatmeal 150 g, apple, coffee

Lunch: 100 g boiled rice, steamed chicken fillet, vegetable salad

Snack: orange, 30 g almonds

Dinner: a serving of vegetable soup, 200 g of yogurt


Breakfast: whole grain toast with a small piece of ham and herbs, banana, coffee

Lunch: vegetable stew with beef, orange

Snack: 50 g prunes or dried apricots

Dinner: fish baked in foil with vegetable salad


Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, tomato, slice rye bread, coffee

Lunch: 150 g buckwheat, beef liver, cabbage and carrot salad

Snack: 2 apples

Dinner: Caesar salad


Breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese, orange, coffee

Lunch: chicken cutlet, 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes, vegetable salad

Snack: Bowl of fruit salad

Dinner: 200 g stewed beef, 150 g boiled cauliflower or broccoli


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 30 g cheese, tomato, coffee

Lunch: 200 g boiled beef tongue, 150 g boiled rice, boiled beet salad

Snack: Peach, yogurt

Dinner: 2 stuffed peppers, vegetable salad


Breakfast: spinach and 2 eggs omelette, whole grain toast, apple, coffee

Lunch: vegetable casserole with chicken fillet, orange

Snack: 40 g nuts or dried fruits

Dinner: cabbage soup cooked with chicken, a piece of rye bread


Breakfast: 2 cheesecakes, 20 g sour cream, any fruit

Lunch: 200 g stewed chicken hearts, small jacket potatoes, vegetable salad

Snack: 250 g berries

Dinner: 200 g steamed fish, 130 g vinaigrette

Any problems with well-being affect our quality of life. No one can be their most productive, happy, and cheerful self when they are in pain. But, as you know, our well-being is a mirror reflection of our health. Therefore, in order to feel good, you need to take care, first of all, of your health. In this article we will look at 12 tips that will help you feel good.

1. Water will help you maintain your well-being at a decent level. If you experience a lack of fluid, first of all, blood viscosity will increase, and at the same time blood circulation will deteriorate. This will lead to oxygen starvation, will make you weak, lethargic, drowsy. Therefore, carry a water bottle with you everywhere and don’t forget to replenish it, especially if it’s hot outside.

2. Try to gradually reduce your salt intake. The fact is that salt promotes fluid retention in the body, which is why it does not have time to cleanse itself in a timely manner. If you constantly consume a lot of salt, then over time you may need to detoxify in a hospital, not to mention the fact that this is a huge burden on the kidneys. The accumulation of toxins leads to poor health, increased irritability, drowsiness.

3. Many doctors still claim that the sun is extremely harmful and dangerous for our health, but in fact, it is impossible to live without it. The results show this latest research which prove positive influence sunlight on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, in case of moderate contact. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive energy and health from this heavenly body. Besides wellness, sun rays will also provide you with in a great mood and a beautiful tan.

4. Balanced diet- this is the most best diet in the world. Which you can only imagine. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, a meat eater or a fruit supporter, in any case, you can properly plan your diet to get required quantity proteins, fats and carbohydrates, seasoned with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other vital components.

5. Don’t blame yourself for wanting to sleep or increased drowsiness during the day. You have nothing to do with it, and your laziness is also not a reason for self-condemnation. Your body simply needs to recover, and there is no way without it. Moreover, he needs to do this regularly, that is, daily. Healthy sleep should be moderately long, deep and strong. Therefore, create all the conditions for yourself and find opportunities to get enough sleep if you want to feel good.

6. Very often you can hear the statement that all diseases are caused by nerves. This is partly true. Every stress does not pass without leaving a trace on our body. After suffering strong stressful situations, you will feel exhausted, exhausted and empty. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to manage stress in your life.

7. One of the most common reasons feeling unwell - reduced level hemoglobin in the blood. Determining this is quite simple - you just need to pass general analysis blood. If the deficiency is serious, the doctor will prescribe treatment, and if not, you can restore the blood composition with food. Liver, hematogen, vitamin C (citruses, apples, berries), beef - all this should be included in your diet to prevent anemia.

8. We all know from childhood that movement is life. But over the years, for some reason, many people are less and less active. Due to lack of movement, many problems overtake our body, and all because muscle contractions are the only “pump” for lymph, which is a “tool” of the immune system. Move more and you are guaranteed to feel good!

9. An equally important component of good health are positive emotions. Laughter prolongs life, and it's true. Despair, resentment and others destructive feelings have a detrimental effect on our well-being and health. But there is good news - we ourselves have the right to decide what emotions our lives will be filled with to a greater extent.

10. It is worth limiting your sugar intake, especially in the afternoon. It is "energy" for our nervous system, and therefore, overconsumption sugar depletes the brain, in addition, it is a burden on the digestive organs.

11. Take care to strengthen your immune system. Do hardening - it's not difficult. Good for starters contrast shower, walking barefoot. When you feel ready, you can roll out naked in the snow. It is also useful to use antibiotics as little as possible and antivirals. Nature has given us a lot natural medicines- use them. Honey, raspberries, lemons, herbs are safe, and in most cases no less effective.

12. Use the experience of your ancestors for your health and well-being. Not since yesterday, the bathhouse has been used to cleanse the body, prevent diseases, and improve health. A weekly visit to the sauna will give you back your energy and joy of life!

We all think about our diet sooner or later: problems with weight, skin, and health in general force us to open our refrigerator and skeptically examine its contents. We ask ourselves the questions “what to exclude from the diet?” and “how can I start eating right?”, we are looking for our way to a healthy and beautiful body.

Meanwhile, healthy and proper nutrition is not a strict debilitating diet, not a mockery of the body and not depriving it of joys, it is just a series of rules, if followed, you can radically change yourself and find new ones. good habits, beautiful figure and significantly prolong life.

Our body is a reflection of what we eat

It's no secret that obesity has become a huge problem. modern people– we move less, consume less large number fatty foods, high-calorie sauces, sweets. There are endless temptations everywhere, and manufacturers compete to see who can offer the next super product that no consumer can resist. The result of this race can be observed on the streets of any metropolis - according to statistics, almost every second resident of developed countries has overweight. Obesity, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of many diseases is directly proportional to the amount excess weight. Diabetes, heart problems, gastrointestinal tract, with reproductive function- this is only a small part possible diseases arising from non-compliance with the diet.

The good news is that recent years caring for the condition of your body has begun to become fashionable: more and more calls to engage in sports are being heard from the state, public organizations, organic and dietary products, the press disseminates advice on how to eat healthy.

The basics of healthy eating, or how to eat healthy

When creating a healthy eating menu, there are several things to keep in mind: general rules: firstly, you need to eat often and in small portions. It’s most convenient to get yourself a small plate that can hold a handful-sized portion. No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy diet involves 5-6 meals per day. It is also good to accustom yourself to eat at the same time - this will stabilize the functioning of the stomach and will promote weight loss.

Second important rule– remember about calories. There is no need to scrupulously calculate them throughout your life every time you eat; just watch your diet for a week or two, and the habit of automatically “estimating” the calorie content of food will appear by itself. Everyone has their own calorie intake; you can find it out, for example, by using a special calculator that is easy to find on the Internet. For example, a 30-year-old woman weighing 70 kg with a height of 170 cm and little physical activity needs about 2000 kcal per day. To lose weight, you need to consume 80% of calories from the norm, that is, in our example, about 1600 kcal per day. Additionally, there is no point in cutting down your diet - the body will simply slow down its metabolism, and such a diet does more harm than good.

Rule three - we maintain a balance between “income” and “expenses”, that is, the energy that is spent by the body on basic metabolism, work, sports, and calorie intake. Food includes four main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber - all of which are necessary for our body. The only question is which of them (fats and carbohydrates are different), in what quantities and proportions to consume. Approximate recommended values ​​are 60 g fat, 75 g protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 30 g fiber. The fourth rule is to drink water. Often we don’t want to eat, our body simply mistakes a lack of fluid for hunger and forces us to eat something that we really don’t need. One and a half or more liters of clean drinking water will help get rid of pseudo-hunger, make the skin more elastic, improve general condition body, speed up the metabolic process.

And the fifth rule is to choose products wisely. Read labels, composition and calorie content of products, exclude fast food, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, and dyes from your diet. You must know what you eat, and then the path to beauty and health will become quick and enjoyable.

Healthy food

We will try to answer eternal question“What to eat to lose weight?” The main thing when creating a menu for a healthy diet is maintaining a balance between expenses and consumed products.

So, you definitely need to include in your healthy diet every day:

  • cereals, in the form of porridges and muesli, rich slow carbohydrates, which will provide our body with energy;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots) provide the body dietary fiber– fiber;
  • legumes are a rich source vegetable protein, especially necessary for those who rarely or do not eat meat at all;
  • nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, microelements;
  • fermented milk products: natural yoghurts(no added sugar), kefir, low-fat cottage cheese provide calcium and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sea ​​fish contains protein and essential fatty acids omega-3;
  • fruits and berries are a storehouse of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
  • lean meat - chicken breast, rabbit, beef are a source of protein.

Healthy products should not contain preservatives, artificial colors, palm oil. It’s better to limit pickles – you can treat yourself to them from time to time, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

If you have a problem with excess weight, then you should give up sugar altogether, even if you have a sweet tooth and cannot live without a cup of sweet coffee in the morning - sweeteners will solve this problem. Don't be afraid of them, quality substitutes for natural basis harmless, contain virtually no calories and taste good.

Strictly prohibited!

We've decided on healthy foods, let's look at the list of foods that are incompatible with in a healthy way life and proper nutrition:

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. They do not quench thirst, irritate the gastric mucosa, and, as a rule, contain a monstrous amount of sugar - about 20 g in each glass, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives.
  • Deep fried food. French fries, chips, crackers and anything that is fried in large amounts of oil should be eliminated from the diet. Carcinogens, no useful substances and fat is not what a healthy body needs.
  • Burgers, hot dogs. All such dishes contain a mixture of white bread, fatty sauces, meat of unknown origin, appetite-stimulating seasonings and large quantity salt. What do we get as a result? A real calorie “bomb” that instantly turns into folds on the body and does not carry any nutritional value.
  • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. Firstly, they completely hide the natural taste of food under spices and additives, forcing you to eat more, and secondly, almost all mayonnaise sauces from the store are almost pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other harmful substances.
  • Sausages, frankfurters and semi-finished meat products. There is hardly any need for any explanation at this point - just read the product label. And this is only official data! Remember that under the “pork, beef” items in the composition, skin, cartilage, and fat are most often hidden, which you would hardly eat if they were not so skillfully processed and beautifully packaged.
  • Energy drinks. Contain loading dose caffeine combined with sugar and increased acidity, plus preservatives, dyes and many other ingredients that should be avoided.
  • Lunches instant cooking. Noodles, mashed potatoes and similar mixtures, which just need to be poured with boiling water, instead nutrients contain large amounts of carbohydrates, salt, spices, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.
  • Floury and sweet. Yes, yes, our favorite sweets are some of the most dangerous products. The problem is not only the high calorie content: the combination of flour, sweet and fatty foods multiplies the harm several times and instantly affects the figure.
  • Packaged juices. Vitamins and other beneficial substances almost completely disappear during processing. What benefit can there be from a concentrate diluted with water and flavored with a fair amount of sugar?
  • Alcohol. Enough has already been said about its harm to the body; we will only note once again that alcohol contains calories, increases appetite, interferes with the absorption of nutrients, and if not observed minimum doses– slowly destroys the body, because ethanol is a cellular poison.

The transition to a balanced, healthy diet will not be a burden if you follow simple recommendations.

First of all, don't starve yourself. If you feel discomfort, eat an apple, some nuts, dried fruits or muesli.

Secondly, drink a lot and choose healthy drinks. Chicory is good for weight loss - it suppresses hunger due to the large amount of fiber in its composition and has a beneficial effect on the body. Also useful green tea, especially with ginger.

Diversify your diet! The more different healthy foods you consume, the more your body receives various microelements, vitamins, and amino acids.

If you really want something forbidden, eat it for breakfast. Of course it's better to refuse harmful products at all, but at first it helps to think that sometimes you can still pamper yourself.

The fewer unnatural ingredients in food, the better. Do you want to eat? healthy products– it’s better to choose a piece of meat instead of sausage, fresh vegetables instead of canned ones, muesli instead of buns.

Creating a “Healthy Eating” Menu

How to start eating right? First of all, you need to find out how many calories your body needs. Let's say it's 2000 kcal daily. In order to lose weight, you need to consume 1600 kcal per day, distributing it over 5-6 meals.

So let's make up healthy menu daily meals:

Breakfast. Should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, it can include:

  • oatmeal, muesli or grain bread;
  • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or a piece of cheese.

Second meal– light snack between breakfast and lunch:

  • any fruit weighing approximately 100-200 grams, or some nuts, dried fruits;
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner should be the largest meal of the day:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat or brown rice, pasta made from durum flour. You can add carrots, onions, peppers to the dish;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • Salad from fresh vegetables, seasoned with yoghurt, a small amount soy sauce or flaxseed, olive oil.

Afternoon snack, between lunch and dinner - one more easy reception food:

  • A small piece of fruit or a glass of freshly squeezed juice, preferably from vegetables.

Dinner– light and tasty:

  • 100-200 grams of lean beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, fish or legumes;
  • Salad made from cabbage, carrots and other fiber-rich vegetables.

And finally, a couple of hours before bed:

  • A glass of kefir, chicory or drinking unsweetened yogurt.

Throughout the day, you can drink unlimited quantities of water, green tea and chicory drinks with natural extracts of rose hips, ginger or ginseng.

Portion sizes are approximate and will depend on individual parameters - daily norm calories, weight loss rate and others individual factors. In any case, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

The brain and endocrine system are responsible for a person’s mood. It is the endocrine system, whose functions are regulated by the nervous system, that has a direct influence on mood.

For example, neurotransmitters produced by it such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are responsible for improving emotional well-being. These neurotransmitters are also actively produced when a person falls in love or experiences happiness - they act as a catalyst.

Is it possible to somehow stimulate the production of these neurotransmitters through diet? In other words, will it be possible to improve your mood by including in your diet menu certain products food? According to research, it really is possible.

Scientists have even compiled a list of products that help eliminate depression and increase mental performance And physical activity. We will share this list with you in this article.

Recall that we previously looked at .

Top 12 Antidepressant Products

It’s worth clarifying right away that the functionality of the brain and endocrine system It depends not only on the diet, but also on how a person consumes foods. What do you mean? Essentially, you need to eat often, but in small portions.

Chocolate also contains theobormin and flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect (preventing oxidation nerve cells and their destruction) and also eliminate the feeling of stress.

Dark chocolate is considered more useful and effective for improving mood - it contains higher cocoa powder content and averages from 50 to 75%. In dairy, for comparison, it is about 25 - 40%.

2. Bananas

Bananas contain harman - this component enhances the feeling of euphoria.

Also in this fruit high content of vitamin B 6, which is used by the pituitary gland in the production of hormones.

It is worth noting that B vitamins have a stronger effect on mood in women than in men.

6. Nuts

Walnuts and pistachios are considered the most. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, B vitamins, tryptophan and selenium. True, their content is several times lower than in fatty fish.

To improve your mood, it is useful to regularly consume nuts in small quantities (optimally - from 50 grams per day). And the same tryptophan, for example, can accumulate in the body and be used only when necessary. So, including nuts in your diet is one of the most simple options prevention of depression.

7. Cheese

Cheese, and many others lactic acid products With high content lactobacilli, contain tyramine, trictanin and phenylethylamine. Doctors often call them “anti-stress” amino acids., as they improve the absorption of nutritional components by brain cells.

And to receive maximum effect It is recommended to combine cheese with chocolate in the diet - the sensitivity of nerve cells to endorphins increases exponentially, which will help overcome even the most persistent depression.

8. Greens

In almost every greenery contains folate, which acts on the body in a similar way to omega-3 fatty acids.

But folate is only found in plant food. Its highest content is in dill and parsley. To varying degrees, folates are found in all greens.

9. Coffee

Caffeine, a substance that affects the brain, helps improve mood. acts as a neurostimulant. This effect lasts about 3 – 5 hours.

Caffeine not only increases the sensitivity of nerve cells to the same endorphins, but also accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates - this helps the brain quickly get energy. It is not for nothing that coffee is considered the best and tones the body.

11. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge

They contain a lot complex carbohydrates, which are not absorbed by the human body immediately, throughout daylight hours, thereby providing the body and brain with energy. Nervous system, according to doctors, uses about 30% of all the energy that the body receives from carbohydrates.

And these cereals also contain a large amount of indigestible fiber - it comprehensively improves functionality digestive system and allows you to get from food more nutrients.

12. Eggs

They contain vitamin A, magnesium, tryptophan and carotenes, which, although indirectly, affect a person’s mood.

It’s just worth clarifying that only fresh eggs “work”, since after heat treatment The lion's share of carotenes and tryptophan break down into derivative elements.

Quail eggs are more beneficial for a person’s mood. Moreover, using them in fresh It is impossible to get salmonellosis - this infection is simply unable to penetrate through the pores of the shell quail egg. But these bacteria easily penetrate through a chicken shell.

What foods should you avoid?

It is worth considering that there are some that can worsen your mood. They just interfere with the production of endorphins, and also take a high proportion of energy for their digestion and subsequent absorption.

Doctors highlight following products, which should be avoided if possible to avoid depression:

  1. Sweet soda. Cola, lemonade and other similar drinks contain large amounts of phenylalanine - the manufacturer even warns against this on the label. And this substance is known to suppress the production of serotonin. Soda will not worsen your mood, but it will interfere with the feeling of euphoria.
  2. Fast food. Theoretically, this includes all foods with high calorie content and high content fat All of them create a huge burden on gastrointestinal tract. Enormous amounts of energy are used to assimilate them. This is why after a heavy snack a person feels tired and finds it difficult to concentrate - this is a lack of energy for the brain.
  3. Margarine. This includes all foods high in trans fats, which simply destroy the structure of serotonin when they enter the blood. Another fun fact– trans fats are not absorbed by the body in any way and come out almost unchanged. But at the same time, they still go through the digestive process, that is, taking away energy.
  4. Flavor enhancers. This may include various kinds chips, salty straws, crackers and other snacks. Flavor enhancers suppress the production of serotonin and also slow down the course of metabolic intercellular processes in the brain. That is, they inhibit the process of division and restoration of nerve cells.
  5. Sweet breakfasts. This is a kind of cereal, muesli and other dishes based on corn grits and a whole list of sweeteners. They suppress the production of endorphins.

Another nuance that doctors often pay attention to. You should avoid eating a lot of sweets. Sharp jump blood sugar levels are a kind of “stress” for the brain, which at this moment tries to normalize the concentration of carbohydrates by producing insulin.

But after this, the sugar level drops quickly (since desserts contain mainly simple carbohydrates- they are absorbed instantly), reaching a level of 3 mmol/l - this is below nominal, which is also perceived by the body as stress. How to eat sweets correctly? In small portions, no more than 10 - 15 grams. But you can eat often - even 5 times a day.

Now we invite you to watch the video:


In summary, diet directly affects a person’s mood. This is due to the fact that some products affect the performance hormonal system- they are responsible for the production of endorphins (a group of hormones that affect mood and emotional well-being).

But there is food that does the opposite - it worsens your mood, as it suppresses the production of serotonin, and at the same time takes away the lion's share of energy. The presence of the latter in the diet should be limited and preference given healthy eating, which will provide you with a great mood!



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