Rules of the subtle world: what is possible and what is not. How to tune in to astral travel

Once upon a time, most people associated astral travel only with science fiction films and books, but in lately these seem to be secret knowledge became available. The most famous astral travelers are shamans who explore other worlds and receive the knowledge they need from there. According to esotericists, absolutely anyone can go to the astral plane.

Difference between astral travel and sleep

There is only one way to get to the astral world - through sleep. In reality, sleep and astral travel are similar in many ways, but astral travel is a fully conscious dream when physical body shares with the mental, spiritual shell, but the mind does not sleep, as during ordinary sleep. The separation of the physical body from the spiritual occurs for every person every day; for this you just need to fall asleep. Scientists have proven that when falling asleep, the mental body separates and is located exactly in the same position as the physical body, but about half a meter above the person.

Therefore, the main difference between ordinary sleep and immersion in the astral plane is manifested in the control of all actions by the mind spiritual body, at normal sleep the brain is resting and the most surprising thing that can happen is dreams, most often dictated to us by the subconscious.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner. What you need to know

Anyone who is little familiar with astral travel should not rush to move on to practice; first of all, it is worth paying attention to the many nuances of entering the astral plane in order to protect yourself, as still a beginner in this practice, from dangerous consequences. Knowledge of such basic principles of astrotravel as:

  • Sleep control. It is to begin to distinguish and highlight the exact moment when you fall asleep.
  • Development of visualization skills. It is necessary for at least a week to train the idea of ​​how immersion into the astral plane has already occurred.
  • Self-confidence. It is extremely important to be mentally prepared to enter the astral plane.
  • Calm. Often beginners have a fear of not returning from the astral plane, so you should remain calm and understand that at any moment, as soon as you want to return, you can do so.

A beginner should remember that rarely does anyone manage to plunge into another world the first few times. Therefore, you should not be upset if nothing worked out and you, for example, just fell asleep. It is important not to stop practicing, but to move slowly towards your goal - an exciting astro journey.

Why are techniques needed to enter the astral plane?

Absolutely all techniques for entering the astral plane are created in order to correctly target the brain for the upcoming journey. The fact is that when a practitioner performs these simple techniques, he automatically disconnects from the outside world and turns off internal monologue. Also, these techniques allow you to “swing” the body and trigger the vibrations necessary for astral practice.

By the way, masters of astrotravel rarely use preliminary techniques, because... their body has already mastered the technique of entering the astral plane to the point of automaticity, but beginners in this matter are recommended to start with the techniques.

Methods and techniques for immersion in the astral plane

There are many ways to enter the astral plane, for this reason, a beginner in the practice of astral travel should, after trying several techniques for immersion, choose the most convenient one for himself and practice it daily, this is how the ability to enter the astral plane develops.

Enough in a known way immersion into the astral plane is the so-called vortex method. The essence of this method is to comply with a special vegetarian diet, as well as abstaining from drinking coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes for at least two weeks.

Next, you should take a sitting position (make sure that your back is straight and the energy flows unhindered), without crossing your arms and legs. Also a well-known practitioner of astral travel, Minnie Keeler, recommends having a glass nearby. clean water, which, according to her, will protect you during practice from evil spirits living in the astral plane.

After completing several breathing cycles, you should imagine that you are in the center of a large cone. With the help of consciousness, you should rise to the top of the cone, then imagine yourself inside the vortex movement, while identifying yourself with the top of the cone. This visualization should be repeated until the shell of the cone bursts and you find yourself outside with the help of a vortex.

It should be noted that the vortex method is best suited for those who have a well-developed visualization practice, since with its help it helps to transfer attention from the body to the mind. This method also has other options:

  • You are in a barrel that is gradually filled with water; when the water fills the barrel, you should find a hole in the side of it and go through it to the astral plane.
  • You are sitting on a carpet through which steam is passing, imagine that you are this very steam and are rising up, leaving the body.

Technique for a beginner

One of the simplest ways for beginners is to remember about 10 basic objects in one of the rooms of your apartment, the smell of the room, the lighting and the general environment. Then, having already left the room, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself again in this room. If all the information about the room was collected correctly, then it will be possible to present it without much difficulty. In the future, traveling along already familiar routes mentally, you can develop more and more the ability of astral exit.

Hypnotic way

With the help of hypnosis, you can go to the astral plane for those for whom the visualization method or other methods of visiting the astral plane are very difficult. Such immunity occurs in cases where a person’s consciousness is closed or inhibited. The hypnotic method allows, bypassing the impact on a person’s consciousness and mind, to work with his subconscious.

There are two options for this technique:

  • the practitioner of astral projection himself enters a trance using the technique of self-hypnosis;
  • A specialist has a hypnotic effect on the subconscious.

It is worth noting that several self-hypnosis techniques have been identified, many of them are described in some detail in the specialized literature and do not pose a serious danger to the practitioner.

"Swing" method

This method of traveling to the astral plane, like the “Swing”, is an imaginary swing. There are no restrictions on its use and, accordingly, everyone can use it. The essence this method is that by accepting comfortable position and closing your eyes, you need to imagine how warmth spreads throughout your body and how sun rays“caress” the body. Next, you need to imagine that you are riding on a swing, which gradually accelerates and lifts you into the very sky, you should not be afraid, but you need to fly away from the swing. In the first sessions, it is recommended to land close to your body; as you progress in this technique, you can go on a “journey” to any place you want, but you should always start moving from the body.

"Swing" method

Through astral contact

One of the safe techniques is considered to be accessing another reality with the help of astral contact or, in other words, a mentor. But you should take the choice of a practice partner quite seriously, because... the main burden lies on him, not on you. It is the teacher who will help you plunge into the astral plane and, if necessary, help you return, completely controlling your stay outside the body. In addition, among astrotravelers there are stories about how dishonest mentors, during the journey of the mental body, inserted another soul into the physical body, leaving the practitioner outside the threshold of the real world.

Alice Bailey method

Alice Bailey's method is to move consciousness into the head before going to sleep, but in no case should you lose control of consciousness, as when falling asleep normally. We must strive to ensure that consciousness remains active - this is very important for entering the astral plane. By developing the ability to relax and gradually shift consciousness from the whole body to the head, you can learn to control yourself when entering the astral world. But unfortunately this method You can’t call it fast-acting, and mastering astral travel with its help will take a very long time.

Method from Kate Harari

Kate Harari's method is not the easiest method of preparing for entering the astral plane. According to this method, your task is to choose the room in the apartment that you love most. After the choice is made, you also need to find a pleasant place for you outside the apartment or house - on the street. You should spend 10-15 minutes in this place, standing there for eyes closed and absorbing the atmosphere of this place. Then, while still outside, you need to take a deep breath and imagine that you are on a comfortable sofa or chair. As you experience this, you should slowly open your eyes and imagine that everything you see around you is a consequence of your experience outside the body journey. Through inhalation, you should take a good look at the surrounding area and gradually begin to move to the room in the house that you have chosen for practice. Since, in your opinion, you are now receiving your first out-of-body experience, it is better to avoid communicating with people so as not to disrupt the chain of work with consciousness that is important for this method. Then, after you spend 10-15 minutes in the apartment, you should return outside, close your eyes and, taking a deep breath, imagine that you are currently indoors, on your sofa or chair. After this, you need to open your eyes and return to the apartment. Having found a comfortable position, relax and remember that place on fresh air where you just were. Try to remember how you felt on the street, how you felt, imagining that you were sitting on the sofa. Next, through inhalation, you should imagine that you were again indoors and try to imagine what you felt when you stood on the street and imagined that your physical body was already at home.

Even though this technique at first glance it may seem confusing, but it’s worth understanding it, because the technique that forms its basis is best able to prepare for entering the astral plane.

"Matema Shinto" - a pair outing

The “Couples Exit” technique is based on the fact that two people who practice lucid dreaming and feel each other non-verbally use access to astral projection to convey some important information. To do this, it is necessary, while already outside the body, to meet in one designated place, and, after taking exactly 60 steps, knock on the door that appears nearby. When it is opened, you should convey the information and go back exactly 60 steps. Such a session, of course, requires training, but in the case when entering the astral plane occurs in a couple, there is a good opportunity to have support from a close friend while practicing out-of-body practices.

Meditation for ejecting the astral body from the shell

One of the main tools for preparing for entering the astral plane is meditation. Moreover, according to practicing astrologers, to practice it it is better to take sitting position and in it “launch” relaxation of the whole body, based on the following algorithm of actions:

  • relax your arms and legs;
  • transfer the relaxation to the muscles of the body;
  • the face relaxes;
  • the body becomes soft like plasticine, and the work of consciousness is suspended (for better work you can concentrate on breathing).

There is also a version that a good step for entering the astral plane is the well-known “Shavasana” - one of the relaxing yoga asanas. The main difference between this meditation is that the body is ejected from a lying position, and not from a sitting position, as mentioned above.

What can you see when entering the astral plane?

For people not involved in astral flights, there is a standard description of such a place as the astral and it is often compared with the stories of people who have experienced clinical death. Indeed, those who practice astral access first of all see a certain corridor or deep tunnel, rotating and glowing.

In general, a trip to the astral world is a trip to exactly the same place as reality. This means that in the astral plane you should not expect to meet characters from science fiction films or any fictional creatures. There exists here high probability to meet only those who have long gone into another world, or those with whom you have not had a meeting for a very long time, but these people are significant to you - the fact is that in astral space there is no concept of time to which we are accustomed.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane?

While on the astral plane, you can track how your presence here differs from your existence in reality. According to the testimony of practicing astrologers, the astral world provides additional, limitless capabilities to the body, such as passing through walls, the ability to fly, understand the language of animals and plants, and much more. In general, the presence of such possibilities is explained by the fact that any action in astral projection is carried out with the help of thoughts, and the abilities of our mind, as we know, are limitless.

As for the sensations of oneself, a person, being in the astral plane, recognizes his mental body as a ball or some kind of transparent figure; as he develops in the practice of entering the astral plane, a person can begin to see himself in a normal image.

When you enter the astral world for the first time, you can feel calm and relaxed throughout your whole body, lightness and a feeling as if you are floating in the air. By the way, the first exit from the body should not exceed the limit of 5 minutes, and it is also not recommended to move far from the body.

Terrible dangers lurk in the astral plane

When practicing exits to the astral plane, especially if you do not follow the rules and “walk” quite far from the body, you can run into some troubles, which then have consequences in reality. The astral world initially belongs to spirits and ghosts, and each of them has their own intentions, not always good. Thus, going into the astral plane without protection, there is always a risk:

  • do not return to the ordinary world, stuck in the astral;
  • bring with you from the astral world negative entities, as a result of which there is a possibility of acquiring mental illness, popularly called “obsession.”

In order to avoid getting into such situations, it is recommended to carefully study the literature on this topic and follow the rules that do not allow you to “travel” outside the home and, if you do long sessions, then secure yourself using the technique of entering the astral plane as a couple.

Rules that will save you from death in the astral plane

Before you start practicing astral travel, you should ask yourself the question “Why do I need this?” Having studied sufficient quantity information on this topic, and without losing the desire to practice lucid dreaming, you should devote quite a lot of attention to protecting yourself during sessions. Certainly, best protection is a prayer and pectoral cross, which create a kind of shield at the mental level. If you do not belong to the Christian religion, then you can use any other symbols of faith, the main thing is the light energy that arises around you from such means of protection.

Astral projection- this is an exit from the physical body in the astral (energy) body into the astral world (astral plane).

The astral body is the etheric double of the physical body., possessing a more subtle organization and the possibility of existing in another dimension, he does not feel pain and is not susceptible to physical ailments. In its normal state, the astral double is one with the physical body. Disconnection occurs due to a strong specific change in the state of the bioenergetics of the body.

We all unknowingly leave our physical body during natural process sleep. The astral body hangs above the physical at a height of approximately 25-30 centimeters, repeating the position of the sleeper.

If you try to become aware of yourself during sleep, you can try to control it by experiencing lucid dreams. However, in this case it is impossible to return to the physical world and act in it in the astral body.

In astral projection, separated from the physical body, without falling into sleep, you can remain in the physical world, but you will see this world completely differently.

The connecting link between the astral body and the physical body is the so-called " silver cord". It is described as a ray of light starting in the forehead of the physical body and ending in the navel of the astral body. The silver cord is elastic and can stretch almost indefinitely. After death, the silver cord breaks and astral body leaves physical shell.

Before going on astral flight, several conditions must be met. To begin with, clearly formulate your goal: where you want to go or who you want to see. Aimless wanderings in the astral weaken concentration, and a person falls asleep, and when there is a goal, the concentration of consciousness is maintained at the required level, thanks to which all actions are conscious.

You also need to learn to turn off your internal dialogue. In this case, stopping thoughts occurs not through the effort of the mind, but by shifting the focus of consciousness from thinking to internal sensations. To exit, you need to remove fixation from the physical body and feel your astral body.

There are many methods of entering the astral plane using trance. After relaxation, it is necessary to ensure that the body falls into sleep, while the mind remains alert and concentrated. If you manage to maintain this state for some time, you will feel like " slip out"or something" pushes out"you from the body into space. At this moment you will find yourself in some specific place or in emptiness - this will be astral projection. After this, you will begin your journey in the astral world.

Out-of-body experiences go back millennia! People who since ancient times have mastered the practice of leaving the physical body to explore the subtle worlds and receive knowledge and power from there are shamans. Shamanic journey begins with rhythmic beats on a drum or tambourine. Some modern methods Shamanic techniques for entering trance are used to enter the astral plane.

The ability to astral travel will make you look at the world completely differently - new horizons of the universe will open up before you. The astral plane provides opportunities that are not available to you in the ordinary world: flight, passing through walls, developing and using paranormal psychic abilities, and much more.

Movement in the astral plane is ensured by the power of thought, not muscles. By an effort of will, you can force yourself to float above the surface, moving short distances at the speed of walking or running. However, flying is more interesting for travel. Once you learn to fly, you can go anywhere. For example, visit various countries or go to the Moon, Mars, Venus, to any place in the Universe, or you can travel in time - to the past or the future. Almost everything is allowed in astral travel.

Your movements may also be beyond your control. Among experienced astral travelers there is a concept " wind of the future" - a magnetic force or maybe even some kind of creature that snatches you from your journey and pulls you with it to another place and time, where you observe a scene from the future or a vision symbolizing some hidden meaning.

Return to own body from a long journey and not to get lost in astral space and time helps " silver cord", always maintaining a connection between the astral and physical bodies.

Experienced travelers warn that the selfish and base purposes of astral exits entail severe consequences and attract to themselves infernal creatures, which abound in the astral world.

There are many unmanifested physically beings in the astral plane. different levels energy. Based on the quality of energy, the upper and lower astral are distinguished.

People with heavy energy of the astral body, prone to aggression, dissatisfied, angry, or simply disrespectful of the world around them, fall into the lower astral plane. It's a kind of Hell they live there energy vampires and all kinds of evil spirits. Those returning from the lower astral plane tell nightmares about bullying, fights, intimidation; often after such a journey they feel tired and exhausted.

Spiritually developed people, whose astral body contains high-frequency energies, fall into the upper astral, a semblance of Paradise - a magnificent world, with beautiful forms, friendly creatures, from which they return in a state of joy and pleasure.

In the upper astral you need to look for Spiritual Teachers, they help in development, give new information, show events of the past and future. Having become comfortable in the upper astral plane, you can choose a Mentor who will give you knowledge and experience, mainly related to energy parameters, properties, energy accumulation, interaction with space, elements, forces of nature, egregors.

Just as exciting as flying is your ability to create miracles - any possibility you can imagine is easily realized! Clairvoyance, reading thoughts, moving objects with the power of the mind and viewing your past and future lives - all these abilities will open up to you outside physical world. But what is most surprising is that over time unusual abilities, which you possess on the astral plane, begin to penetrate into ordinary life!

Also in the astral world there are many energetic opportunities for developing chakras and renewing energy.

Astral travel is a bridge between the ordinary world and the world subtle matters. Exit to the astral plane reveals to a person the secrets of the world order and the immortality of the soul, gives the opportunity to develop abilities and superpowers on the way to personality harmonization!

Good afternoon, all readers. I haven't posted interesting lucid dreams on the site for some time. The fact is that I haven’t dreamed of anything particularly exorbitant or large-scale. last days, and I post dreams of average meaning on the forum in a dream diary. But I had several out-of-body travels in the astral plane. Since I rarely describe my exits into the astral plane, I decided to pamper my readers and compile several such exits over the past two weeks into one material.

I have already written in materials scattered throughout the site about how I see the astral world, but perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to repeat myself. So, my out-of-body experience began quite a long time ago. I was about fourteen years old when I woke up one day in a state of some kind of night demon syndrome, or Kanashibari, as they say in Japan. The body was paralyzed, but I clearly saw thick darkness pouring in through the window, becoming the silhouette of a black man.

Then a growling clot of darkness attacked me and began to gnaw in the area chest, plunging his mouth into my body. I finally woke up and the ghost dissipated, but I had pain in the area of ​​my heart for about three more days, or rather it was not pain, but a kind of prickly emptiness that was present in the center of my chest. Then visual and auditory hallucinations and the first attacks from the body began.

First experience of entering the astral plane

In the earliest exits, I simply broke out of my body and hovered above it, unable to move or think. Then I began to capture part of my consciousness into this world and I began to have a desire to move around. It was only possible to float in space, without controlling the direction, and sometimes I saw the bed on which my body lay. This world is not quite like ours.

It is dark here, but at the same time all objects emit a kind of dark glow, which is why you can distinguish the contours of objects, walls and the distance to them. Also sometimes there are gray, blue and purple shades of light. When entering the astral plane during the day, everything is brighter, but also not quite similar to our world. This is how I perceive this experience visually. Subsequently, I was able to move in space in jerks and usually did not go outside the room or apartment, since there was a subconscious fear of meeting some kind of astral predator, like the dark silhouette that attacked me earlier.

Astral body or projection

Soon I acquired some kind of gray semblance of a body in this world and could move more freely. The movements were still given through force, as if you were up to your head in water and physically felt the space.

Years passed and, leaving my body once again, I saw next to the bed a black growling creature (an astral predator), quite scary in appearance. It rushed towards me and hit me with its clawed hand in the chest area, plunging its hand there. I woke up and again felt the familiar pain or emptiness in my chest.

When I entered the astral plane the next time, I was shocked by my new form. I was like that night demon that rushed at me. I heard a terrible growl from myself, and my limbs were covered in a thick fog with purple streaks. There were terrible claws on my hands, but I really liked this body. I stopped being afraid of new encounters in the astral plane, and now it was much easier to move, I was filled with strength. In this form, I began to leave my apartment and wander further, breaking through the walls and soaring in the endless darkness, traveling along the borders of transcendental reality.

Time passed, exits into the astral plane continued, but the new body did not disappear. One day I again saw a growling dark creature at my bed and, without waiting for its attack, I attacked myself and began to beat with its claws, causing it to growl hoarsely. I woke up happy, because I was no longer afraid of this experience. I was scary in that face, but one day I crossed the boundaries of what was permitted and tried the taste of human fear in the form of a night demon, which I wrote about in the material:

Since then, there have been no new exits to the astral plane, and I understand that I was limited in my movements by certain informational entities with whom I have been friends for a long time in lucid dreams, so that I, albeit accidentally, would not harm people.

Then, out of body travel continued, but alas, I now did not have my wonderful demonic body. Or rather, my body was a black silhouette, but the claws and ominous fog, as well as the feeling of power, evaporated. The astral world again became a heavy expanse of water, and my movements in it slowed down significantly compared to previous experiences.

The astral world and its inhabitants

It so happened that my girlfriend had family problems and we haven’t seen each other in person for about half a year (only visits to short time). I had two options with her, and one after the next departure, so I decided to mention this point.

Olya and I slept in the same bed, and then I left my physical body, discovering that I no longer possessed a demonic form. I didn’t want to leave the apartment, because there could be astral predators there, and in this state I’m weak. I wandered around the apartment, saw Olya’s and my bodies on the bed, and returned to my normal state, waking up for a short time.

Then they asked us to accommodate a traveler in our house for a while, and I did not refuse. The girl lay down in another part of the room in the sleeping bag given to her. And then I left my body in the middle of the night, and a certain dark and eerie silhouette floated at the foot of the bed. I immediately thought it was an enemy and, rushing forward, struck the silhouette several times. The movements were like going through water, but I managed to knock this creature to the floor. Then he woke up again for a short time, and when he fell asleep, he saw the same silhouette at the other end of the room. I soared above the bed and again attacked the silhouette, striking, but then I was electrocuted. This is not an enemy at all, but the astral body of our guest, who was lying on the floor nearby...

He approached and tried to make some contact with her. I touched the dark silhouette with my hand and it was like a telepathic connection. I had access to her personality imprint, and she, as I understood, had mine. I’ll say right away that I didn’t like the creature, it was too young and pompous. Having interrupted the connection, I returned to my body and fell asleep normally.

In the morning, of course, I was interested in asking the guest directly about the events of the night, but this would be tantamount to saying “You know, I’m a schizophrenic...” So I carefully, with the air of a hospitable host, asked her about how she slept. Then she shuddered and she said that she remembered everything poorly, since she usually does not pay attention to dreams. But it was as if some demons or ghosts were beating her at night, and then she felt some kind of divine enlightenment and seemed to understand a lot after coming into contact with a mysterious spirit. I did not tell her that I beat her because of my animal fear of astral predators, but I mentioned that today I had an astral exit from my body and it was as if I saw her silhouette in the room. The girl said she didn’t remember well, but this could have happened.

Then the traveler left, and a little later my Olya left, so I was left alone at home again. After that, I once again went into the astral plane for a short time and already remembered that I shouldn’t rush at just anyone without thoroughly understanding it first. I wandered around the apartment, but did not meet anyone and returned to my physical body.

But today there was another interesting astral experience. First, I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to go to the restroom. I got up and tried to turn on the light in the bathroom, but there was no electricity. Then I realized that I was dreaming and did not control the sleep process. Eat lucid dreams, where you control the situation, and there are those where the situation is controlled by information entities. I decided that it was better to return to bed before creatures appeared that I, like the light, could not control. It was dark, and I prefer to deal with information entities in the morning or in other worlds. Returned to bed and then woke up again. In the old fashioned way, I bit my hand and realized that I didn’t seem to be sleeping anymore. I went and drank some water and went to the restroom.

Went to bed and woke up again. The room glowed with a darkish light and I realized that I was in an astral state. I stood up in bed, leaving my physical body through great effort, and tried to make a leap through space, as I usually do in good shape. It didn’t work out, the space was heavy, and I didn’t have enough free energy to take on a more menacing appearance than a simple dark silhouette and move freely. I jumped out of bed, collapsing on the floor and tried to call on the nearest creatures with a request to help me get used to this world, saying:

- Is there anyone nearby? I need to learn how to move around here...

The words came very hard and sank in space, as if in water. I remembered that in my demonic form I was aggressive in this world towards any scary-looking creatures, and given that everything here is scary by our earthly standards, I had to learn restraint and calm. I got up from the floor and it was difficult to move through the heavy space. In case of meeting aggressive creatures, I decided that it would be a good idea to practice my movements. I tried to punch in the air. It seems not bad, but the chances against a real aggressor are minimal. Having assessed the situation, I was inclined to not go far from the body lying in the bed, so as not to run into an astral predator, because I didn’t have much strength now and my usual demonic body was absent.

With each such outing, my consciousness became more collected and now I understood perfectly well that when meeting any monster, I need to behave very calmly. In addition to predators, there are also simple wanderers who are probably afraid of everything, and my simple dark silhouette without claws and other demonic attributes can scare them. What can we say about blows to someone else’s astral body, especially when your own has great strength. It was necessary to re-adapt to the weak form, from which I had already become unaccustomed to in the several years since I became demonic. Ehh... where is my former menacing appearance, but I had to get used to it.

I realized that most likely I was deprived of my powers on purpose, so that in this environment I would learn not to harm random creatures. This world is completely different from ours and everything here is quite creepy, so from human ideas about good and evil appearance creatures should have been abandoned. Here everything is different and a seemingly formidable demon can turn out to be a kind spirit.

I tried to make a leap in space and managed to fly over the bed, only to collapse on the floor again from lack of energy. In general, it was a matter of luck and I would meet a predator, my chances of overpowering him or escaping were low, now I understood that. There were no evil creatures in the room, but suddenly I felt that I was not alone here. I looked around the entire space, but there was no one visible inside the apartment, and I didn’t want to look for adventures outside the walls right now.

I approached the bed on which my physical body lay and put my hand under the hanging blanket to lift it. The hand rested against something shaggy and cold. A terrible growl was heard and I quickly retreated. A huge clawed paw peeked out from under the bed and darted back. I listened to reason and realized that despite the terrifying appearance, the creature did not wish me harm, otherwise it would have already rushed to attack. Most likely, it is much stronger and more intelligent than me and understands that with its creepy appearance it can frighten a person to horror.

Then, realizing that I had almost no fear of the unknown, I put my hand under the bed again, where I felt a shaggy body. Suddenly something huge and terrible burst out from there. It was a terrible-looking, three-meter creature. Big body, in some places covered with fur, and in others with snake scales with clawed paws. The creature's head resembled that of a dog, with an impressive, toothy jaw. It was a monster white and it reminded me very much ancient deity from the Toltec cult named Quetzalcoatl. In any case, some similarity with the surviving engravings and images of the divine serpent was observed.

It stood in full height above the bed with my physical body and looked at my astral form with eyes full of wisdom, while emitting a slight growl. He looked more majestic than terrible. Remembering that the creature that has the most terrible appearance here may turn out to be quite good-natured, I was not afraid, but instead realized that this creature was guarding my body, being under the bed, and then I told him:

- Thank you for protecting...

Immediately I saw that the creature seemed to nod approvingly and, emitting a quiet roar, like a snake, darted back under the bed and became quiet there, and then it threw me back to the physical body. So I woke up in the middle of the night and immediately wrote down all the events so as not to forget. I think today's experience has taught me a lot. In particular, I lost my fear of terrible-looking creatures of the astral plane, and the absence of fear is much more important than the presence of a formidable and strong body.

The astral world is completely different from ours, and in order to live in it without causing harm to anyone, we first need to reconsider value judgments based on the form of the creatures we meet. The ideas imposed from childhood that a scary-looking demon is always evil, and a white angel with wings is always good, can have bad consequences here.

There are thousands of reports of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) from people of all ages and backgrounds. Such experiences played important role in shamanic rituals and esoteric schools of many previous cultures. Occult literature is replete with unprovable claims to knowledge of the essential nature of the world, supposedly obtained from visitors from "higher planes." Certain examples of such literature are in fact of some interest, providing an opportunity to take a broader look at the phenomenon of OBEs. A typical “occult” description of astral travel is given by Ramacharka:

A person can isolate his own (from the physical - approx.) and travel in it to any point on earth, while experienced occultists, in the presence of favorable circumstances, are able to do this at will. Other people do it by accident (without even suspecting that these are trips, and later remembering them as special and incredibly vivid dreams); many people, making astral travel while the body is immersed in sleep, unconsciously establish an astral connection with persons whose interests are related to their interests. With the help of such unconscious contact we sometimes obtain a significant amount of information on a subject that interests us.

Conscious and voluntary acquisition of knowledge in this way is possible only for those who have already advanced quite far along the path of spiritual development. An experienced occultist simply puts himself in the proper mental state, and then wishes to be in some specific place - and with the speed of light or even greater, his astral body ends up where he was sent. The beginning occultist, of course, does not have the same degree of control over his astral body and controls it with less knowledge and less dexterity. The connection between the astral and physical body is maintained with the help of an astral thread, reminiscent of silk, connecting them. When this thread is broken for some reason, the astral body loses the opportunity to return to the physical body, as a result of which the latter dies.

Probably the best way to explain in general outline What this means to the reader is to describe to him an imaginary journey that he could take into this world accompanied by a guide, an experienced occultist. Now we will take you on an astral journey using your imagination; However, you must remember that in reality for this kind of trip you should have enough high level spiritual development, because otherwise no guide will be able to take you any far - unless by making heroic efforts, which he, most likely, will not do unless absolutely necessary. So, are you ready for such a journey? Your guide is next to you.

To the Astral World with a Guide

You're immersed in special condition, called the “state of silence,” and suddenly you feel that you have left the physical body and are in the astral body. You stand near your physical body and see how it sleeps on the bed; at the same time, you realize that you are connected to him by a bright, cobweb-like silver thread. You also feel the presence of a guide who will accompany you on your journey. He has also left the physical body and is in his astral form, which has the appearance of a human figure with somewhat vague outlines - a figure through which it is possible to see through and which can, if desired, penetrate solid objects, walls, etc. Your guide takes you by the hand, says: “Let’s go,” and at the same moment you feel that you have left the room and, like a summer cloud, are flying high above the city. You have a fear of falling, and as soon as the thought of falling enters your mind, you immediately feel that you are starting to fall. “Try to think that you cannot fall, that you are lighter than air, and you will actually become so.” Following his advice, you are delighted to discover that you are able to float in the air, move at will in any direction.

You see huge clouds of thoughts rising above the city, like clouds of smoke, floating across the sky and falling here and there to the ground. In some places you also see cleaner and clearer clouds, which, when in contact with dark clouds, have the ability to dispel them. Here and there you see bright and thin lines of light, like electric sparks, quickly flying through space. Your guide tells you that these are telepathic messages sent from one mind to another, and that they glow due to the Prana with which every thought is charged.

Descending to the ground, you see that all people are enveloped in a kind of colored iridescent egg-shaped cloud. This is their aura, which reflects their thoughts and prevailing mental state, and the color of the aura depends on the nature of the thought. Some people are surrounded by a beautiful aura, while others seem to be shrouded in a black, smoky cloud in which lightning bolts of red fire flash. Some auras are painful for you to look at, to such an extent they create a repulsive, rude impression. Obviously, by no longer being in a physical body, you see things that you normally cannot see and feel things that you normally do not feel. But do not waste time on these observations, your travel time is limited and the guide is calling you further.

But your movement does not consist of changing places: everything around you changes, as in a panorama. Now you no longer see the physical world with its astral phenomena, but seem to find yourself in a new world filled with strange shapes. You see astral “shells” floating around - abandoned astral bodies of those who threw them off, moving to higher planes. These are astral corpses: you are, as it were, in an astral cemetery. The sight is not pleasant, and you hurry with your guide to move on.

In order to leave this second threshold of the true Astral World, the guide advises you to weaken your mental dependence on your body - to think that you, your true Self, are absolutely independent of the astral body and can do without it in the same way as now you can do without the physical body. Having carried out his advice, you, to your surprise, leave the astral body, leaving it in the world of shells, remaining, however, still connected with it with the help of a silken thread, just as, on the other hand, the astral body continues to remain connected with the physical body, which by this moment you have almost completely forgotten, but with which you are still connected by these almost invisible bonds.

You continue your journey in a new body, or rather, now your clothing is a deeper veil, because it all looks as if you, one after another, threw off the clothes from the unchanged SELF, which continues to remain yourself - and you smile, remembering, that at one time you called the astral body and even the physical body “yourself.” The plane of “astral shells” is left behind, and you seem to enter a huge room filled with sleeping forms. Everything is motionless here, only the shadows of creatures who descended to this plane from the higher spheres to help their younger brothers move. When at times one of the sleepers begins to show signs of awakening, one of the assistants immediately hugs him and, as it were, dissolves with him in some other plane.

But the most amazing phenomenon that can be observed in this area is that as the sleeping person awakens, his astral body gradually separates from him (just as your physical body and then the astral body left you earlier) and passes into the area “shells”, where it slowly decomposes, breaking down into its constituent elements. Such an astral shell, shed by the awakened soul, is not connected with the physical body, since the latter has long “died” and been buried; It is also not connected with the soul, because the latter got rid of it completely and went to higher spheres. In your case, the situation is different: you only temporarily left your astral shell in the “hallway” and, returning from Astral world, use it again.

The scene changes again and you find yourself in the realm of awakened souls. You notice that as the awakening souls go higher and higher, they lose one by one the coverings of their mental bodies (as they are called higher forms covers in which the soul is clothed). You also notice that as you move to higher and higher planes, your own form becomes more and more subtle, and as you return to the lower planes it becomes coarser and denser, although it still does not reach the density of the astral body you left, and, of course, remains infinitely more subtle than the physical body.

You will also notice that on some plane the process of awakening each individual soul is completed. Your guide will explain to you that which plane this will happen on is determined by the level of spiritual development the soul has achieved in its past lives (because it has visited earth many times), and that it is up to it to rise above the plane to which it belongs. almost impossible. On the other hand, souls who belong to higher planes are free to visit lower planes. This law of the Astral World is not arbitrary; this is a law “common to all nature...”

This description is very reminiscent of other stories coming from sources as diverse as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the evidence of Plato's Er, Dante's Divine Comedy and the works of Swedenborg.
Of course, not everyone who leaves their body is able to travel to empyrean heights, if such exist. Often, involuntary exits from the body can occur under the influence of hypnosis, deep relaxation, anesthesia, stress, drug use, and also as a result of accidents. Below we give a typical example of a “reluctant exit” experienced by one 70-year-old man from Wisconsin:

Leaving the body “involuntarily”

“One winter day he harnessed the team and went to the village to get firewood. He returned, sitting on top of a loaded sleigh. Light snow was falling. Suddenly, a hunter passing by the road shot at a rabbit. The horses gave way, jerking the sleigh, and the man flew to the ground upside down. He said that after the blow he immediately got up and saw another “himself” lying lifeless by the road with his face in the snow. He saw the snow falling, the steam rising from the horses, and the hunter running towards him. It was all very clear; but what surprised him infinitely was that there were two of them, because at that moment he thought that he was observing what was happening from another physical body.

When the hunter approached, everything seemed to be shrouded in haze. The next moment he discovered that he was lying on the ground and that the hunter was trying to bring him back to life. Everything he saw from his astral body was so real that he could not believe that his second body was not physical. He even tried to find his footprints in the snow in the place from which he observed the whole picture.”

Leaving the body in a dream

Most often occurs in a dream. The case below is a classic example of an OBE of this kind. It was reported in 1863 by Mr. Wilmot of Bridgeport, Connecticut:
“I was on my way from Liverpool to New York on the steamer City of Limerick... On the evening of the second day... a terrible storm began, which lasted for 9 days... On the night of the 8th day... I enjoyed my first refreshing sleep. In the morning I had a dream that the cabin door opened and my wife, who remained in the USA, came in; she was wearing a nightgown. On entering, she seemed to notice that I was not the only occupant of the cabin; After hesitating a little at the door, she walked towards me, leaned over and kissed me, and then slowly left.

When I woke up, I was surprised to see that my traveling companion, leaning on his elbow, was looking intently at me. “Well, you must be a pretty little thing,” he finally said, “since a lady visits you in this way and in this form.” I demanded an explanation from him... and he told me what he saw as he lay awake on his bed. All this exactly coincided with my dream...

The day after my arrival, I went to Watertown, Connecticut, where my wife and children ... were visiting her parents. Almost her first question after we were left alone was the following: “Did you feel that I came to you last Thursday?” “But this could not be,” I objected. “What do you mean?” Then she said that after learning about the weather forecast... she became very worried about me. That night she could not sleep for a long time; she thought about me all the time, and at about four o’clock in the morning it seemed to her that she had gone to visit me... In the end she came... to my cabin. “Tell me, in all steamship cabins the upper bunk protrudes above the lower one, like in the one I saw? - she said. “The man lying on the top bunk looked straight at me, and for a moment I was afraid to go in, but then I went in, bent down, hugged you and kissed you, and then walked away.”... The description of the ship given by my wife coincided in all details, although she never saw him."

To find out what is hidden from other people and just have an unforgettable experience? There are several special techniques , which explain how to get into this dimension, and how everything works existing worlds. By following one of these techniques, you can learn not only in theory, but also in practice, how to enter the astral plane and how to behave correctly in this parallel world so that your journey is not only interesting, but also safe.

Before you make your first trip to a parallel world, you should know that you can do this almost every night. Science has proven the existence of special astral dreams. It is generally accepted that during such dreams our subtle astral essence can travel through different worlds and dimensions. Such a journey most often occurs unconsciously for a person, since the reason for entering the astral plane during dreams remains unknown. However, this exit may be quite deliberate.

The same as in the cases with lucid dreams, a person’s subconscious output into parallel world may become more frequent after reading literature relevant to this topic. For those people who want to go to the astral plane at will, and not when your subconscious wants it, there are special techniques and rules.

In another dimension, it is necessary to comply with norms of behavior for your own safety. The consequences of neglecting such rules can be heavy losses energy, nightmares, the presence of entities and even the appearance of a poltergeist in your apartment.

It is not recommended to engage in astral practice during a strong thunderstorm or any other natural disaster. A thunderstorm or storm can seriously affect the astral plane. In addition, lightning can cause harm to both the physical and astral bodies. If, nevertheless, access to the astral plane is necessary during a thunderstorm for some reason, at least avoid places where lightning can strike while in another world.

During times of ill health or illness You can study the theory of travel in parallel dimensions, but applying knowledge in practice is not recommended. First you need to deal with physiological problems. When you feel unwell, your astral body is much weaker than usual.

Each person has a natural defense against the entities that inhabit other worlds, however, during illness this defense will practically not work. It is for this same reason that it is extremely undesirable to enter the astral plane if you have experienced severe emotional shock or are under stress. It is also undesirable to practice immediately after a quarrel or conflict. Balanced and calm state body and soul is best suited for this activity.

How to enter the astral plane - rules

It is undesirable to enter the astral plane in a room where there is someone besides you. Turn off all phones and TV and ask your household members to try not to disturb you. Nothing should distract you from trying to leave your body.. It is necessary that clothes be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials.

In some cases it is recommended the day before the astral journey, follow a vegetarian diet. However, this rule is strictly individual character. If the absence in the diet meat dishes has a good effect on the results, diet is necessary. If there is no particular relationship between the result and diet, fasting is unlikely to help you.

It is worth separately touching on the topic of body position. First of all, you should be comfortable. Nothing should distract you from trying to leave the earth's shell. You should not cross your arms or legs, as this interferes with magical work, especially in its first attempts. Lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair are best suited for the first exit to the astral plane. In the future, you may find a more comfortable position for yourself, but a beginner should start with standard poses.

How to leave the body

The first stage of leaving the body- this is cessation internal dialogue and complete relaxation. There are several methods of such relaxation, choose the one that suits you. Individual approach it is also required to stop the internal dialogue. Before starting practice, set yourself the intention that you will leave your physical body and go to the astral plane. It is also best to formulate the purpose of the trip in advance, otherwise, from an overabundance of first impressions, you will simply forget about it.

For the first time, it is highly not recommended to leave the apartment or room. This world is worth exploring gradually, and with gaining experience everything else will come. Also, you should not experiment with the magic circle that you will see near your physical body. After all, even the ball that you yourself create for your protection can prevent an inexperienced traveler from exploring this world.

The main obstacle for beginners who have just learned to enter the astral plane - this is fear or other vivid emotions. As a rule, such a journey ends precisely here, and the astral shell very quickly returns to the physical body. You can learn to control your emotions only with experience. The whole point is that the physical shell constantly attracts the astral body back to itself, and fear or any bright emotion is perceived as danger and the journey is interrupted.

If you are unable to enter the astral plane yet, do not be discouraged. Not everyone is able to learn to leave their body the first time. Some people can master the out-of-body practice in a few days, while for others it won’t take a whole year. Practice every day and one day you will be able to get into the astral dimension and see the entities that live there.

What to do on astral travel

So, you finally managed to leave the physical shell for the first time and you found yourself in the astral dimension. Whole new world is waiting for you. However, do not rush to immediately investigate what you see. The astral plane is not nearly as safe as one might think. First, you will have to get used to it a little and understand what it is and how to behave in it.

What should a person do who finds himself in another world for the first time? First, try moving around your apartment or room using different ways. You may be able to walk through walls or fly through the air, not everyone can do this, but in this dimension everything is possible. If you decide to leave your room or apartment, you just have to think about it. In your mind, increase the distance from your physical body, first by a few meters and then move further and further away. So you leave the room with your physical shell, go beyond the threshold of the apartment, go down the stairs, leave the entrance, walk along an empty street, and so on. However, learn to soberly assess any situation based on your travel experience.

To return back to the physical body, it will take less than a second. Just tell yourself to do this and you will be instantly transported back. Sometimes even a random thought about your shell can instantly interrupt your journey. You should not be afraid that you will not be able to leave the astral plane. It is much more difficult to stay in it than to leave it.

When you first exit the astral plane, you are unlikely to stumble upon other inhabitants of this world. However, over time, you will begin to meet different entities in it: light, dark and neutral. Behave politely when meeting them and try to say hello to everyone you see. Most spirits will not touch you unless you provoke them yourself. However, some entities may want to drink your energy. Don't panic, you are much stronger than them and are able to fight back. IN as a last resort just escape from the spirit back into your body.


  • if a thunderstorm is already underway or just approaching. Any weather disasters create an obstacle when entering the astral plane;
  • in case of acute illness or feeling unwell;
  • after a quarrel or conflict with a person, when you feel severe stress, as well as with severe fatigue.
  • silence and complete loneliness, all phones should be turned off, and nothing should distract you from trying to leave the physical shell;
  • following a vegetarian diet the day before practice;
  • clothing should be loose and comfortable;
  • the pose should be as comfortable as possible;
  • set yourself the attitude: “What will you do when you enter the astral plane?”;
  • formulate the purpose of the trip so as not to forget about it. For example, fly around the apartment.

There are several effective techniques , which will allow you to get into a parallel dimension. Not everyone manages to get into the astral plane the first time, but traveling through this amazing world can give you truly unforgettable emotions. Remember that this is far from safe place and one must observe certain rules and norms of behavior inherent in this world. And if you do all of the above, you will probably experience only positive emotions.



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