Sleeping positions and their meaning for married couples. Lie down in a pose: what does a pose in a dream tell about your partner?

The science of psychology studies how to determine a person’s character by gait, gestures, manner of speaking and the color of clothing. But all of the above can be completely controlled. Only in a dream we cannot control ourselves. Sleeping positions can reveal a lot about a person's personality, mood, current mental state, and even relationships with others.

What does the position in which you sleep say?

Sometimes a person’s sleep turns out to be so deep that the body switches to a rhythm of work close to comatose: breathing is almost inaudible, the heartbeat is slow, and the brain is resting. At this moment, those parts of it begin to work that determine the position of the body in sleep depending on the emotional state.

Fetal position

The sleeper lies on his side, turned away from the wall. Bent knees are pulled up to the chest, the body is shifted to the edge of the bed. Sometimes a pillow or the edge of a blanket is clamped between the legs. The individual feels insecure and unprotected. These are driven people who need care, a stronger partner.

"Prostrate" pose

The sleeper is stretched out on his stomach. Hands are thrown above the head. Legs are extended, feet slightly apart. Often sleeps in the center of the bed. The personality is very punctual and does not like when others are late. The person is obligatory, demanding of details, careful, precise. He is not afraid to set goals for himself and acts strictly according to plan. If any obstacles stand in the way, he will do everything possible to achieve his goal. His character is unbending.

"Royal" pose

The sleeper lies on his back face up. Legs and arms are extended along the body, slightly outstretched, relaxed. Can lie either in the center of the bed or diagonally. The position speaks of self-confidence, a sense of security, and leadership qualities.

Half-fetal position

This is the most common pose. The sleeper lies on his side, with his legs slightly bent towards his stomach. The body is relaxed. Such people are balanced, adequate, and sensible. Self-confidence and self-confidence allows you to steadfastly accept the blows of fate. They do not seek protection from society; they are capable, if necessary, of helping those in need.

Star pose

The person lies on his back or stomach. At the same time, his arms and legs are spread wide so that he seems to be trying to occupy as much of the bed as possible. The same thing often happens in life: he strives to prove himself in everything. A sense of self-worth is important to him; he often suffers from high self-esteem, under which various complexes can be hidden. He may exhibit assertive or even aggressive behavior.

Sometimes this position is a consequence of situational problems in life. For example, when someone puts too much pressure or tries to “get into his territory.” In this case, he wants to designate his own place in space. This pose can also manifest itself in situations when the sleeper feels an uplift of strength and feels successful.

"Soldier" pose

The sleeper lies on his back, as if with his arms stretched out at his sides. Characteristic of closed and withdrawn people. As a rule, he behaves silently and reservedly with others - he prefers actions to words. At the same time, he does not like fuss. He is distinguished by directness and rigidity. He places high demands on himself, as well as on those around him, and loves everything to be perfect.

Philosopher pose

A person sleeps on his back, as if with his arms bent at the elbows behind his head, which rests on his palms. It seems that he is solving some serious philosophical problem right now. This is not far from the truth: this position during sleep is typical of serious, thoughtful people who are prone to thinking about deep topics. They are somewhat slow in their actions. They often have some problems communicating with the opposite sex.

Cross pose

The body looks twisted: one arm is at the top, the other is at the bottom, one leg is straight at the hip but bent at the knee, the other is the other way around. A person becomes like a frozen runner who, while in the process, waves his arms and alternately throws out his legs. The pose is typical for disorganized individuals. They are always late and always forget something. Their discipline is lame. You cannot rely on them; such people do not finish what they start.

Heron pose

The arms are under the head, one leg is straightened, and the second is bent, adjacent to the first in a triangle. Such individuals are usually capricious and unpredictable. It all depends on their mood.

Log pose

The person lies on his side, and his arms are extended along the body. This means that he is usually good-natured and open. He loves to communicate with others - it gives him real pleasure. If his arms are extended forward, he is too trusting. Such people make decisions slowly, but if he has something in mind, he is unlikely to refuse it.

Position of arms and legs in sleep

If in a dream a person tries to hug the bed with both legs, or he has the habit of putting both legs (or one) under the mattress, this means that the sleeper resists changes in life and is quite conservative.

If he hangs his legs over the end or edge of the bed, then this, on the contrary, indicates a complete rejection of generally accepted norms.

Those who lack initiative, are weak-willed, and are unable to pull themselves together usually sleep with their ankles crossed.

If both legs are located exactly one above the other: the knees, hips and ankles of both legs of the sleeper are in contact with each other, then this person is presumably inclined towards comfort, avoids conflicts, and tries to meet the expectations of others as much as possible.

If a sleeper has the habit of holding on to something in a dream, then this indicates that he is annoying, dependent, and not independent. When a person sleeps on his back and rests his head on his palms, this is an intellectual person who earns his living by mental labor. People who sleep on their backs, with their arms fully extended upward, are inactive, weak-willed and passive in life.

During the night a person changes body position several times. Here you need to take into account that there are only two or three main positions in sleep. The remaining positions are assumed temporarily in order to lie down more comfortably. These are “intermediate poses.” And the main one remains the one in which the sleeper spends the most time.

Often a person sees himself not at all as he really is. For example, a girl is trying to develop leadership qualities in herself, and before falling asleep, she takes a royal pose. But in a dream he changes his body position depending on his true character and temperament.

Throughout life, a person changes the leading positions of sleep. It depends on the circumstances in life, the events that develop around. So, a big boss sleeps on his back all his life, being confident in himself, his strengths, and in the future. But the company is closed, and he has to look for a new position.

Often the job found turns out to be less prestigious and low-paid. As a result, the former boss's sleeping position changes. He subconsciously seeks support from others. The royal pose is no longer so comfortable for him. After some time, the person himself notices that he simply cannot fall asleep on his back, although he had never imagined any other position. Often the position in a dream changes at resorts, on vacation and other vacation spots.

Couple poses

No less important is to determine the meaning of which sleep positions prevail between the two spouses. People can talk as much as they want about good family relationships, but one look at a sleeping couple is often enough to get an objective picture of what is happening.

Hugs facing each other

This is the most emotional position, indicating the strong attachment of partners to each other. The couple lies facing each other, hugging tightly and pressing their bodies closely. In this case, the partners’ legs can be either straightened or intertwined (this indicates sexual interest in each other and a willingness to fight for their happiness). Very often, lovers and newlyweds who are overwhelmed with feelings sleep in this position. If a couple maintains this position for a long time, then we can talk about a strong relationship and trust. When hugging, facing each other, the heads of the partners are often at different levels. Whose head is located higher is the head of the family and the leader in the couple.

Hugs from behind

The sexiest sleeping position for partners. Here both sleepers are located on one side, pressed against each other, while stretching or slightly bending their legs at the knees. The partner who is behind usually hugs the companion with his arms.

The degree of emotional attachment can be assessed by the distance between the sleeping couple. The smaller it is, the stronger and more trusting the relationship is. The leader in a couple is the one who covers the partner’s back in a dream. As a rule, this is a man who, with his entire body position, declares his desire to take care of his partner.

If during sleep there is a very close hug on either side, this indicates a sense of ownership and a jealous nature of the one who hugs. It happens that the “leader” lightly touches the partner with his foot or hand. This gesture is explained by trust in the “follower”.

It’s a completely different matter if a couple sleeps on one side, but the partners are separated by a long distance. This indicates unresolved problems in relationships. Those who quarreled the day before or have long lost common ground with each other often sleep in this position. At the same time, the one who is ready to put up and make concessions sleeps facing his partner. The offended party turned its back.

Back to back

This position may also indicate a long-term conflict between partners, especially if the couple’s bodies do not touch in a dream. The position of the bodies “back to back” shows a complete lack of mutual understanding. These people's interest in each other is weakened and there is no sincerity in the relationship.

If partners sleep with their backs to each other, but at the same time touching their buttocks, this indicates that the couple consists of bright, extraordinary individuals who value relationships, but claim independence.

Various positions

If a man sleeps in the “royal pose”, hugging a woman, and she pressed her side to him, then the man is in charge in this couple. The woman’s entire body position shows submission and recognition of him as a leader. This is the most harmonious position in sleep. If a man lies on his back and a woman lies on her stomach, then she is much more emotionally attached to her partner than he is.

Dear friends, I propose to continue the conversation about night body language. In this article we will look at the most common positions when sleeping together. Their timely analysis will help to understand emerging problems and anticipate undesirable consequences.

A person’s behavior during sleep reflects his true attitude to the problem and to his partner long before it is realized in daytime.

According to the testimony of Samuel Dunkell, an outstanding scientist and psychoanalyst, he can tell us secrets about ourselves that we may not even be aware of.

And the whole point is that during sleep, our subconscious dominates the sleeping mind, which means we are open to expressing our emotions, problems, and internal conflicts. Such self-expression occurs through body movements, namely the postures that we, free from daytime self-control, take in sleep.

The movement of one person's body in a night theater can be called a monologue, a conversation with oneself. But if we share the “territory” of sleep with a loved one, our postures change and clearly reflect the daytime relationships in a couple: satisfaction and disappointment, joy and anxiety, cooling in the relationship.

In this case, factors influencing the nature of the postures should be taken into account: the presence of animals or children in the sleeping area, physical fatigue, resentment, quarrels or long separation.

Basic sleeping positions for lovers

Spoon pose- the most popular and most common among newly formed couples. The partners lie in the same direction, arranged one behind the other in a "half-fetal position", on the same side, with legs slightly bent or extended, like spoons in a box.

The partner lying behind usually wraps his arms around the one in front, expressing his feelings of tenderness or possession. Intertwined legs speak of the desire to merge as one, and those placed on top indicate the desire to possess and control.

The one who is behind, covering the back of the partner (usually a man), takes the leading role in the pair as a leader, caring for and caring for the “follower”. The tighter a man’s embrace, the more strongly his “paternal”, possessive, and sometimes jealous feelings are expressed.

Position from behind a woman indicates her protective or educational role in a couple, the desire to be closer to the man.

When the “spoons” (or one of them) get tired of lying in one position, they synchronously, without waking up, roll over to the other side, as if performing a graceful sleepy dance.

This position is the most comfortable for emotional and physical intimacy during sleep and often has erotic features. The quality of sexual harmony and openness in a couple is expressed in the positions of the arms and legs:

  • if the partner lying behind places his hand on the genitals of the one in front, this is a demonstration of intense sexual relations.
  • Touching the chest can express tenderness; touching the stomach can express the need for physical intimacy without sexual overtones.

And although this position is more typical for newlyweds, it can also be found among experienced spouses. If you sleep in the “Spoon” position, having overcome the 5-year marital milestone, this indicates that you have maintained a tender and sensual relationship.

Hug pose quite common among couples with intensely developing relationships who are overwhelmed with emotions. The lovers lie on their sides, face to face, hugging their arms and pressing their bodies. Intertwined legs speak of a desire to own and a willingness to surrender to each other. The bodies seem to be fused together and express extreme intimate openness.

The Embrace pose is extremely physically uncomfortable and difficult to maintain throughout the night. Therefore, over time, “hugs” give way to other positions in sleep. However, there are very rare exceptions.

In Samuel Dunkell's long-term practice, there was only one case when spouses who had been married for 40 years maintained strong intimacy and slept nightly facing each other and in their arms.

Couples who have experienced a long separation can return to this position, as well as during...

Back Hug Pose has several varieties. Usually the man is positioned on his back, and the woman on her stomach, back or side. She can turn her face or back to the man, her head is located on her partner’s arm or shoulder. He wraps his arm around the woman, pressing her to him.

In this position, a man shows his patronage, his desire to possess his beloved and protect her.

A woman’s body speaks of complete trust in her partner, recognition of him as a leader in the family, emotional dependence, she needs his care. If a lady's arms are extended upward in an embrace, she expresses her desire to possess her partner alone.

How we divide the territory of sleep

Usually, partners are well aware of each other’s favorite positions and change theirs in such a way that both are comfortable.

If the basic poses are the same, then problems may arise regarding which side of the bed to sleep on, which side, with an open view or a closed one. One of the two has to give in, sleep in the back, on the uncomfortable side and the “unloved” side of the bed.

Man takes up too much space in the bed,(on the stomach, back or side). Its dominance in the territory of sleep, as well as in the living space of the family, creates difficulties for the partner who is not ready to limit himself by showing feelings of subordination or nobility. Those who sleep in the “embryo”, on the contrary, can feel quite happy when their partner controls their bed and life.

The “royal” pose causes the most rejection. Those who don't sleep in it often feel irritated by seeing their partner sleeping in a majestic position at night. His overconfidence can cause a negative reaction.

How partners drift over the years

It turns out that we, like continents, drift apart from each other in bed during our life together. This is normal in a healthy marriage. Each of us expresses our individuality by returning to our favorite position and moving away from our partner. This mutual removal is a slow process.

A pattern has been noticed: The “Hug” pose of newlyweds is replaced after a couple of months or years by the “Spoon” pose, which gives a mutual sense of security and provides greater physical comfort. During the night, each partner will adopt their own individual sleeping position, but from time to time they will move closer together again.

In about five years, the “gap” between the “spoons” will begin to increase. In this case, physical contact will be maintained by touching.

After 10 years, the space of the bed increases, it becomes larger, and the partners sleep even further from each other, often turning their backs or taking their preferred sleeping position, which was abandoned in the first years of marriage due to its lack of intimacy.

After 15 years together Many couples come to the “Hollywood” bed: each has their own mattress, blanket and bedding set, and sometimes a separate bedroom, if living space allows. The contact becomes very conditional.

Why does the distance during sleep continuously increase over the years? It is important to understand that an increasing “gap” in bed does not necessarily reflect an emotional gap. Long-term coexistence taught partners to trust each other and not experience emotional discomfort during a physical “breakup” in a dream.

Emotional connection and physical connection are two different things. As an example, we can take a crowded elevator: there is maximum physical contact between people, and minimum emotional interaction. In the case of a long-term relationship in a couple, maximum emotional response and intimacy occur even if the partners spend nights in different rooms.

Particularly joyful moments for both can temporarily revive former passion and romantic feelings, forcing them into “hug” or “spoon” poses.

Touching in a dream

Moving away from each other with our bodies, we maintain emotional and physical contact with the help of our arms and legs. Even with the tip of your finger you can express your feelings.

Hand clasping can express the desire to possess, demandingness or aggression - the partner is literally held in the hands.

The hand is between the thighs or under the armpit of the partner- the need to “hang”, dependence, inability to exist independently.

Timid man may be afraid of seeming too assertive and will “unintentionally” touch not with his hands, but with other parts of the body: heels, knees, toes.

Buttock touching allow closer, but indirect and unfocused contact, which indicates mutual respect and independence in the couple.

Alarm Signals

Relationships in a couple are built on mutual love. When difficulties arise, friction, feelings go down, the dream picture will reflect the emerging alienation before it manifests itself in daytime relationships. The body in a dream can show all degrees of emotion - from mild irritation to open hatred if the conflict is in progress.

If your partner suddenly changes their sleep behavior and position, take the changes seriously.

If in the first months or years after marriage, the partner moves to the far corner of the bed. Weakened intimacy in a dream can be a signal of emotional split, weakening of love and mutual care. Normally, in the first years of a relationship, young couples should experience the highest need for physical and emotional intimacy.

The partner retreated to the edge of the bed and fenced himself off with a hostile hunched back- demonstration of angry denial, the partner cannot even stand the sight of another.

One of the partners slides down from the bed, as if freed from the marital bed like a crab.

There was a case in the practice of S. Dunkell: a man who liked to sleep on his stomach and noticed that he woke up every morning at the foot of the bed, hanging from it, only the upper part of his body remained in bed, came to him for consultation. In real life, he had constant conflicts with his wife, negative feelings towards her accumulated and found a way out in such unusual behavior in a dream.

Insomnia may be a result of tension in relationships. Partners do not feel sufficiently safe. One or both will lie awake for hours, haunted by thoughts of problems.

One of the partners, accustomed to sleeping together in the “spoon” position, suddenly began to refuse intimate positions and moved to the far corner of the bed, turning his back. This behavior indicates problems and alienation in the relationship. Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the conflict from becoming destructive.

Analyzing sleep positions and behavior allows you to better understand each other's needs and emotional needs. S. Dunkell advises:

When you wake up in the morning, pay attention not only to dreams, but also to the sleeping positions of the two of you, yours and your loved one’s, to the emotional sensations with which you woke up. All this is the best clue to solving vital problems, as well as the surest path to self-knowledge.

The body tells about you and others. Posture, gestures and postures always mean something, because with the help of these signals the body tries to give vent to the feelings that you are trying to suppress. Research has shown that every time a person tries to hide their emotions, their blood pressure increases.

As we learned in the previous chapter, every gesture and movement conveys precise information about how you feel, whether you want it to or not. Body language can enhance or weaken the meaning of a verbal message because a person's body reveals their true feelings.

Former President Nixon once unwittingly revealed his feelings by demonstrating to others that he felt awkward when asked difficult questions. He turned his whole body away from those who asked such questions, that is, he tried to distance himself, and as a result he lost confidence in himself. Watching Nixon, people realized that he had something to hide.

Several years ago I treated Marissa, a fifteen-year-old girl who made a very good impression on me. While interacting with her during class, I admired not only her intelligence, but also her excellent posture and leisurely hand movements, which clearly indicated that she had a developed sense of self-esteem.

However, everything changed as soon as her mother showed up to class with Marissa. It was as if the girl had been replaced. Her demeanor underwent a dramatic metamorphosis. She sat without raising her head and avoided meeting my or her mother's gaze. She kept her hands humbly folded in her lap.

I really sympathized with Marissa, immediately understanding what was happening. She was clearly under the influence of her formidable mother, in whose presence she wanted more than anything to become as inconspicuous as possible. She was clearly afraid of her mother and, yielding to her pressure, temporarily sacrificed her self-esteem.

When I told them about my observations, Marissa admitted that she always felt awkward in her mother’s presence. She had never been able to live up to her expectations, let alone earn her praise. Once she realized this, the relationship between mother and daughter improved and they finally learned to treat each other with respect.


When you like a person, you usually lean towards him. This is a sign that you are interested in both him and what he has to say. If the interest is extremely great, then you move your whole body forward while your legs remain in place. If a person sits leaning on his side, this means that he is showing you his friendly disposition. If a person is unpleasant, boring, or you feel awkward around them, you tend to lean back.

One day I had lunch with a friend who liked a man from our group. When he apologized and left the table, she began to pour out her feelings to me and finally asked if, in my opinion, she had any chance. I didn't want to disappoint her, so I told her how she could find out. I advised her to see how close he would sit to her and whether he would lean towards her.

The man soon returned, and my friend quickly received an answer to her question. Her chances were close to zero. He sat down and leaned back in his chair. When she reached out to touch his hand, he pulled back with obvious displeasure. He paid little attention to her, and when he spoke to her, he behaved stiffly and very formally. His behavior spoke for itself. He was in a serious relationship with another woman - he wasn't interested in my girlfriend, and he let her know that through his body language.


Just like animals, people have their own rules regarding their living space and their own territory. When one animal takes over the living space of another, it gets scared and may attack it. The same thing happens with people. Every culture has rules dictating how close one person can sit or stand from another. People from Latin America and the Middle East stand closer together than people from Western countries, who are not used to being crowded. But if a European or American visits another country, then getting to know the local customs and adhering to them will not be superfluous for him.

People who violate the boundaries of someone else's territory, no matter what their nationality, either love to show off and show strength, or they do not understand at all what they are doing. When someone comes very close to you and starts talking, you may not like it and you may not want to communicate. You will begin to back away and retreat until you simply apologize and run away. You may notice that you unconsciously crossed your arms in protest, tried to turn away, or pulled your head into your shoulders. You begin to shift from foot to foot, fidget, or try to change your position. There may also be a harsh note in your voice and you will ask the person to take a step back.

In some studies, experimenters deliberately approached people so close that they felt discomfort. In an effort to show that they had been disturbed, these people usually moved away abruptly.

Sometimes a person gets too close to you on purpose to make you feel insecure. Invading someone else's territory frightens those who own it, and they retreat, trying to figure out your intentions. If you stand too close, most people will be offended, and no matter what they say, they will never get rid of the negative emotions you caused.

If you get too close to a person, it will make him worry about whether his personal hygiene is in order, whether his breath is fresh, and whether he smells good. Or the person may not like the way you smell. However, your reaction to an invasion of your space may not be negative if you are glad to see the person so close.

It is important to note that a person who feels strong and confident usually takes up more space because he is not embarrassed to stretch his legs freely or place his arms comfortably. Well, a less confident person, as a rule, tucks his legs and presses his arms to his body, trying to assume a fetal position.

If a person is standing too far away

People who stand too far away appear arrogant, arrogant, or consider themselves superior to others. They are literally afraid to get too close to you. Perhaps they are sitting or standing so far away because they don't like you. They are annoyed by your conversation, smell or appearance. Often people who strive to physically distance themselves from others experience fear in their souls.

Copying movements

If you want to make sure that you seem attractive to someone, check to see if the person is following your movements. If one of you is copying elements of the other's body language (crossing your legs at the same time, resting your head on your hand, clasping your hands, etc.), chances are that one or both of you are in a lyrical mood. When a person imitates another, it indicates that he wants to be like him.

Rocking from heel to toe

These body movements signal that the person is feeling impatient or restless. Adults sway from heel to toe in moments of excitement, when they are embarrassed and want to calm down.

This behavior is not uncommon in children, especially those with autism: it is their way of cheering themselves up and restoring their peace of mind.

If adults behave this way, people around them don't like it because it distracts them. They cannot gather themselves and concentrate on what the person who is swaying is trying to tell them.


When people don't find a place for themselves, they thereby tell you a lot of information about themselves. They get nervous and then that's a sign that they don't want to be here anymore. They wring their hands or shift from foot to foot, which indicates agitation or irritation. When a person is uncomfortable, he constantly makes some kind of movement to feel better.

When people feel awkward, their temperature rises, they literally feel heat in their chest and they fiddle with their tie, trying to loosen the knot.

So when you see someone fidgeting, know that they are sending you a message that they are uncomfortable or that something is bothering them. Perhaps the person lied or wants to leave the people in whose company he is currently located.

Head tilt

A head tilted to the side signals that the person is interested and ready to listen to what you have to say. He's focused on your words and you've managed to capture his full attention.

Have you noticed that small children who have not yet learned to speak often keep their heads to the side when spoken to? This shows that they are listening carefully.

Sudden head movement

Having heard something they did not like, people often make a sharp movement of their head away from the speaker. Most likely, this is an unconscious reaction designed to create a barrier between a person and the source of discomfort.


People who constantly nod when you talk like to please everyone. They usually have a burning desire to be liked. Their manner seems to say: “I agree with everything you say, but you should love me for it.” As a rule, these are insecure people who are afraid of being rejected.

When a person shakes or turns their head, it means they are expressing doubt or disagreement with what has been said. He may shake his head, trying to analyze what was said and decide what position he should take in this case.

Head hanging low

Unless you are participating in a religious ceremony or were born in a country where it is customary to bow your head as a sign of respect, hanging your head low during a conversation indicates that the person is insecure, suffers from low self-esteem, is unhappy, or is experiencing depression.

The late Princess Diana had a habit of speaking with her head hung low. Initially, this could have been a sign of compliance, but since Diana did not change this manner later, it seems to me that this was a reflection of her difficult mental state and proof that Diana did not feel very confident in her role as princess.

Sharply tossed head

A sharply raised head signals an impending threat in the same way as a forward chin. This is a sign of aggressiveness and hostility, indicating that a person is ready to go to extremes to solve the problem facing him.

When a person shakes their head or throws it back, these movements usually convey contempt or arrogance.

Scratching your head

Unless a person has lice or some kind of skin disease, scratching the head means that he is embarrassed or unsure of something.

One day I was working with my music producer on a song I had written when I noticed that he was furiously scratching the back of his head. I asked if he had any doubts about the ending of the song. The producer answered in the affirmative and added that he wanted the song to have a different, more dramatic ending. Noticing that he was scratching his head, I guessed that the producer really didn’t like what we were doing. He decided that we should change the ending of the song, but he was afraid of offending me.

Or one more example. Let's say you ask someone a question, and the person starts scratching their head. He tells you that he did not understand your question or does not know how to answer it. It will be useful to repeat your question in a different form so that the person understands exactly what you are asking of him. By changing the wording of the question, you will also give the other person additional time to prepare an answer.


When people shrug, it means they are lying, insincere, or don't care. This can also be interpreted as “I don’t know,” “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t believe something.”

A person who lies usually shrugs his shoulders very quickly. In this case, it is done completely involuntarily and means something completely different than indifference or lack of interest. The person seems to be saying that he is not telling the truth. This quick shrug of the shoulders is an unconscious attempt to appear cool, calm and collected.

If a person raises his shoulders, but does not shrug them, but leaves them in this position, then he is demonstrating his defenselessness.

This movement was often made by Marilyn Monroe to emphasize her sexuality and willingness to communicate.

Night sleep restores strength after daytime wakefulness. A strong, healthy night's rest is necessary and should be regular. If a person is deliberately deprived of it, his health deteriorates sharply. Speech becomes uncertain, limbs tremble, and consciousness is lost. The result is death. This was well known in ancient times. No wonder one of the most sophisticated methods of torture was sleep deprivation.

You can live without it for only a few days, a maximum of a week. Without water and food a person will last longer. The Guinness Book of Records records a case where an Australian lived for 18 days.

Doctors believe that sleep is a natural psychophysical state of the body, when the brain continues its activity, and all reactions to external stimuli are slowed down. There are two phases of sleep - slow and fast, different in time and alternating cyclically.

Each cycle has 4 periods of slow (deep) sleep and one period of fast sleep. In the deep phase, activity noticeably decreases: breathing becomes loud and rare, movements slow down, and body temperature drops. At this time, significant changes occur: new cells and tissues are created and restored, energy accumulates in the body. That is why, when a person has had a good night's sleep, he feels a surge of fresh strength.

The REM sleep phase is also called paradoxical. The person is relaxed, constrained in his movements (only the pupils of the eyes move quickly under the eyelids), and the brain is working. Research has shown that the brain centers produce alpha waves, as they do during wakefulness. During this period, dreams are vivid; if the sleeper is awakened, he can tell his dreams in detail.

In the paradoxical stage, the information received during the day is organized and absorbed, and the energy accumulated during the slow period of “sleep creation” is distributed in the body. It is believed that REM sleep is much more important than slow sleep. Forced awakening at this time has an adverse effect on health.

The duration of normal healthy sleep varies at different ages. Children and teenagers need 10 hours of sleep to fully recover; adults under 64 years old need 8 hours; older people sleep somewhat less. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Unlike doctors, psychologists believe that a dream is on the verge of the real and the unreal. This is a transition to the unconscious, when the inner depths of one’s “I” are revealed, filled with unfulfilled desires, phobias and prohibitions, fantastically mixed with real life events. It is not for nothing that all nations have beliefs and legends associated with the interpretation of dreams.

In Ancient Greece they believed that dreams could be false and prophetic. The god of dreams Morpheus (son of the god of sleep Hypnos) had a double gate as a symbol. Some are for unrighteous, absurd dreams, and others are for true ones. It was believed that he took the form of a person whom he entered at night and could imitate his speech.

There are many dream books with “reliable” interpretations of dreams. For example, if you dreamed about an acquaintance, this could mean a pleasant meeting. A quarrel with him means trouble, but making friends with a new person means wealth.

This interpretation of dreams can be accepted with a smile. However, it is worth listening to psychologists how they interpret postures during sleep. Taken unconsciously during a night's rest, they tell a lot about a person and reveal his character.

Important to know! Sleeping positions depend on the conditions in which a person sleeps. They are often forced and therefore unnatural. They cannot be used to judge a person's character.

The importance of postures during sleep

The meaning of posture in a dream is important, as it allows you to understand the character of the sleeper. He involuntarily takes a position that corresponds to his personal qualities. Sigmund Freud and his followers also spoke about this. German psychoanalyst Samuel Dunkell in his book “Sleeping Postures. Night Body Language" made a detailed analysis of the various "figures" of a person in a dream and tried to connect them with character and actions.

In a dream, a person cannot be in one position all the time; he changes it up to 30 times a night. This is when a healthy person, illness or a stressful situation forces you to turn around in bed, take various even completely uncomfortable positions much more often. In this state, it is impossible to say what the sleep positions are talking about. Is it just about ill health?

A person has no more than 10 basic sleep positions; others only copy them with one nuance or another. All of them talk about the character of the individual, her relationship with the outside world. In some cases, they can even warn about a developing disease.

For example, if a person begins to sleep in the “royal” position with his hands behind his head, this may indicate heart problems. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

A person changes body positions several times during a night's rest, and to determine what sleep positions mean, you need to carefully study them all. If there are many of them, the more complex the character will be.

There are many different sleeping positions, but they all come down to ten basic ones, although there are quite exotic ones. The most common positions during sleep include:

  • Fetal position. The body is on its side and curled up at the top of the bed, facing away from the wall. The knees are bent and pulled up to the chin. Hands cover legs. This peculiar protective pose speaks of vulnerability, defenselessness and dependence. The individual is not able to independently resolve his life problems. This position of the body intuitively reminds of warmth and comfort, the safety of the fetus in the womb.
  • "Half-embryo" or regular. It differs from the “fetal” pose in that the legs are half bent without the desire to pull them up to the chin. Many people sleep this way. Moreover, right-handers “rent” the right side, and left-handers like to “track” the left. In this position, you sleep well and conveniently turn from side to side. The pose suggests that the person is completely self-sufficient, adapted to life and thinks sensibly.
  • "Royal" pose. When you sleep on your back with your arms along your body. The legs are extended and spread without tension. Characterizes people who were always the center of attention in childhood. Their character was strong, persistent, and purposeful. They can be rude and persistent in achieving their goals. Leaders in all endeavors, always confident in their abilities, punctual and reasonable, do not give in to anxiety, and feel protected. A variation is the “mountain” pose. When one or two legs are raised and bent at the knees, they seem to cover the intimate area. Characterizes a person with high self-esteem, picky about intimacy.
  • "Prostrate". On your stomach face down. The arms are above the head, the legs are extended and the feet are apart. The entire bed is completely covered by the body. This posture characterizes an easily vulnerable person who avoids accidents and surprises. Control, diligence and conscientiousness are the main character traits of such people who love to live in a predictable world.
  • "Star". The sleeper occupies the middle of the bed, with his face or the back of his head lying on the pillow. Arms spread wide. It seems that he has tightly grasped his personal territory and does not want to give it to anyone. Such a person is characterized in life as a person with high self-esteem, rude and domineering, although under the guise of assertiveness a vulnerable, complex soul may be hidden. Sometimes this is evidence of an ongoing problem. Let’s say someone is trying to invade privacy, “prohibited territory.” And in a dream, a person intuitively protects his independence and freedom. Another nuance is an unusual surge of strength, a feeling of success.
  • Soldier pose. Sleep on your back, arms along your outstretched legs. A kind of projection of a soldier on the parade ground, internally constrained, with a complex. Such a person is laconic and secretive. She is unhurried in her actions, straightforward to the point of harshness in her judgments, demanding of herself and others.
  • "Philosophical" pose. The head is on the pillow under the back of the head of the palm, the eyes are directed upward. Sleep on your back, but sometimes your body is on its side and your arms remain in the same position. The impression is that even in a sleepy state a person is solving some important problem. This posture is characteristic of prudent people who are inclined to make deep conclusions. They are practical and slow, they can be withdrawn and shy in communication.
  • "Cross". One arm is extended, the other is lowered, the legs are also in different positions, for example, the right one is bent and the left one is straightened. Similar to a runner rushing from the start. Psychoanalysts believe that this indicates carelessness. Such people are disorganized in life, always late, and because of this they have constant problems at work. They are not particularly relied upon in serious matters; they often give up their work without completing it.
  • Normal pose. When a person sleeps on their side, their legs are together and slightly bent, one arm is on the chest or extended along the leg, the other can be under the pillow. Even if they turn over to the other side in a dream, the configuration of the position remains the same. This is how most people sleep. The pose means openness, the ability to integrate into new living conditions, which indicates sociability, the ability to communicate, to be cheerful and spontaneous.
  • "Heron Bird". A variation of the normal pose on the side, but the bent leg forms a triangle, touching the straight leg of the other. This position in a dream characterizes capricious people, with an unstable, changeable mood, when apathy alternates with periods of activity. It is believed that “heron” affects sexuality. A bent leg on top means a weak sex drive, but if it is on the bottom, the passion does not “sleep.”
  • "Log". The body is on its side, and the arms are along straight legs. It means openness and good nature. The person is sociable and trusting. Finds new friends easily. He is assertive in solving his affairs and tries to complete them. If you get burned by your simple-heartedness, you can become a cynic and an egoist.
Sleep in a position that is comfortable for you and gives you maximum sleep enjoyment. The main thing is to get enough sleep. It is worth listening to the interpretation of body positions, but still this is not reliable scientific knowledge. Here the first marker is your personal feelings.

Important to know! The proverb says that “kings sleep on their backs, wise men on their sides, and rich people on their stomachs.” But you can sleep during the night alternately in these three positions. This does not guarantee that such a person lives like a king and is wise like Solomon.

What do sleep positions tell you?

Sleeping positions and character are closely interrelated; most of them are interpreted equally for the stronger and weaker sex. Let's say someone who sleeps on their back is considered a calm and balanced person, an optimist in life. But since there are still fundamental differences in male and female characters, they also affect some postures during sleep. Some are characteristic only of men, others are characteristic only of women.

Male sleep positions

Most young people sleep on their sides with different variations of arms and legs. However, there are certain dream positions for men that ladies definitely need to know in order to form the right impression of their chosen one. There are not so many of them, but they give a vivid description of the stronger sex.

The most significant of them will be:

  1. Crab pose. When a guy sleeps tensely, with clenched fists. This indicates aggression and anxiety. It is possible that there are troubles at work or in communication, for example, with friends. This affects us subconsciously during sleep. Here, only a heart-to-heart conversation with a lover of the “crab” pose will help you find a way out of the situation that is troubling him.
  2. Turtle position. A variation of the “fetal” pose with the only difference being that the head is pressed into the shoulders. This indicates anxiety and suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence. Such a man needs support and home comfort.
  3. Octopus pose. Sleep on your side or stomach, with a sheet between your legs, arms spread out, hands under the pillow. This position during sleep characterizes an extremely insecure person with low self-esteem. Easily vulnerable, sensitive to statements addressed to her. Such a person needs to be constantly reassured and told pleasant things.

Important to know! Sleeping positions can tell a lot about their owner. If you take them seriously, you can help your man overcome the problems that are troubling him.

Women's sleep positions

The postures of a woman in a dream are the same as those of a man; they speak of strong and weak character traits. However, there are several quite exotic ones, unique to the female sex and described by Dr. Samuel Dunkell in his book “Sleeping Postures. Night body language."

Let's look at these unusual female sleep positions. These are:

  • Gymnast pose. A woman sleeps half-sitting, placing a pillow under her back. The legs are raised and clasped by the arms, as if covering the intimate area. This uncomfortable sleeping position indicates problems with intimacy. She doesn’t want him and seems to be closing herself off from him.
  • "Lotus". Also a sedentary sleep, but the legs are folded in the lotus position, the head is bowed to the knees. The pose indicates an open character and defenselessness in the face of external circumstances. An intuitive desire to leave, to protect yourself from your problems.
  • Cat pose. Sleep on your back, legs extended. One hand, clenched into a fist, with a sheet wrapped around it, is pressed to the chest, the other is extended above the head, fingers open and half-bent. As if ready to bite into an invisible enemy. This unusual position speaks of anxiety and readiness to defend oneself even in a dream.
  • "Butterfly". It’s hard to sleep like this, but some exalted people love this position. When your stomach is on the sheet, your back is raised, your arms are out to the sides or extended above your head, and your legs are apart. A rather exotic pose, characterizes a creative nature, readiness for new meetings, and emphasizes sexual liberation.

Important to know! Unusual positions of women in a dream indicate privacy and reluctance to enter into intimate contact with men. But they can indicate that the personality is quite liberated and creative.

Joint postures while sleeping together

The sleeping positions of a couple can be different, but all can be called “poses of happiness.” Because they belong to two loving hearts, revealing their passionate love and craving for each other. There are plenty of options for sleeping together, but there are three main ones that most young couples strive for. When He and She, hugging, show their tenderness and desire to always be together.

For a couple, the most common sleep positions are:

  1. Double “half-fetus” (spoon position). When both are lying on their sides in the same direction, their legs are slightly bent. If intertwined, they emphasize the desire of those who love to be one and never separate. When his foot is on top, there is a willingness to dominate in the relationship. Hugs from the back - feels like a leader and protector. The tighter the hug, the stronger the feelings. She wraps her arms around him from behind - this is a desire to protect her man from trouble. The pose is considered erotic, an impulse towards sexual harmony. With age, feelings cool down, a man and a woman often turn their backs to each other or sleep completely separately.
  2. "Face to face". Both lie on their sides, pressed closely together. Legs and arms are intertwined, they literally breathe in each other's faces. An erotic pose speaks of the endless trust of partners. In this state, they often fall asleep after physical intimacy, but it is difficult to sleep all night like this, the position has to be changed. However, for many couples, it persists for a long time, which indicates that feelings have not cooled down.
  3. "Hug on the Back". The most comfortable for two, as it allows you to get a great night's sleep and does not cause any embarrassment. Has many options. The partner, as a rule, sleeps on his back, she in the same position or on her stomach, side. The head is on his chest or arm. He hugs her. The position means that the man in the couple is the leader and wants to possess and protect his girlfriend. She trusts him completely and agrees to his leadership. But if in an embrace her arms are stretched up, this means that she is jealous and will firmly defend her rights to him.

Important to know! For a couple, all sleep positions are good, but each person chooses the most suitable one for herself. One that corresponds to internal motives. The main thing here is that after a “close” sleep together, the two of you wake up well-rested and in a good mood. And not with the thought: “It’s heaven in the hut with my dear one, but I always want to sleep.”

What do postures say during sleep - look at the video:

Sleep positions are an indicator of the state of mind. It is not without reason that psychoanalysts began to study them in order to use them to explain the character of a person. However, it is worth remembering that all this does not have a strict scientific basis, but lies in an area that can be classified under the heading “this is interesting.” So sleep for your health in the position that you consider most comfortable for yourself. The main thing is to have healthy sleep.

Passionately in love - all this leaves its mark on the position in a dream. The surrounding circumstances can also tell you what postures mean during sleep: whether anyone else is sleeping in the room, for example, children or animals. Here are a few characteristic poses that will tell you about your relationship and how your partner feels about you.


This name is explained by the pose itself - when the couple’s bodies resemble two spoons folded into each other. Sleeping in an embrace with a partner - there are many options here. This option (a man hugs a woman from behind) means maximum intimacy. If a woman hugs a man in such a position, this indicates her leadership, albeit mutually respectful leadership. Love and tenderness, and complete trust - this is what the “spoon” pose is.


What does the sleep position say when a man lies on his back and a woman on his shoulder? About a man's serious ego, about his leadership and possessiveness. These qualities are only supported by the weaker half, who openly demonstrates this same weakness, a willingness to look at the world literally from the point of view of her man.


Almost like the “Male”, only in a more soulful pose. A man doesn’t just dominate - he hugs you tenderly; from this sleep position it follows that he wants to truly feel you next to him, hold you, protect and support you.


When sleeping with your partner, your backs are facing each other, but your bodies are still touching. As a rule, this position is typical for relationships with a decent amount of experience, and there is nothing alarming about it. They love you, they value you... It’s just that you have been together for a long time and in order to feel each other, you don’t have to be entwined in hugs all the time.

"My territory"

There are sleeping positions for couples that can hardly be called paired. If your partner “crawls” as far as possible to the other side of the bed, tries not to touch you and at the same time curls up, then it’s time to sound the alarm. This behavior indicates not just a lack of need for contact with you, but also hostility and even some kind of resentment that he harbors against you. What's the matter? Find out quickly, otherwise it will only get worse.


A variation of the previous pose, however, more radical. Your partner didn’t just crawl to the edge of the bed - he, having fallen asleep, continues to move in the opposite direction from you, risking falling onto the floor. The result of such a movement is when your partner wakes up in the morning with numb limbs that have been “hanging” in the air all night, falling outside the bed.


If your partner hugs you with his hand between his thighs or under his armpit, it means he needs you. And very strongly. It’s not a fact that you need it more than you need, but this is the very case when you can safely say to yourself: “I am responsible for those I have tamed.”




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