Sequence of teething in children. Prevention of caries

Teething in young children is not an easy process. Not every baby tolerates it easily, and parents have to face many difficulties. The child becomes capricious, refuses to eat and sleeps poorly. The gums become swollen and tender.

Sometimes teeth fall behind schedule, and the process is accompanied by high fever and indigestion. What to expect during the teething period and how to alleviate the child’s suffering?

The first signs of baby teeth erupting appear a month before a white border appears above the gum. Parents may notice that the baby's gums are swollen and darkened, and saliva begins to be released more actively.

During this period, children's mood deteriorates, they lose sleep and more often refuse to eat.

Teething in infants is accompanied by the following signs:

  1. . The temperature may rise to 39 degrees. You can give your child Paracetamol. If the high temperature lasts more than two days, the child must be seen immediately by a doctor.
  2. Wet cough. Saliva may accumulate in the throat, causing a rare wet cough. It intensifies in a supine position. This cough will go away on its own within 2-3 days.
  3. Digestive disorder. Excessive salivation in infants can lead to increased intestinal motility. As a result, watery diarrhea appears. After 2-3 days, the stool should return to normal.
  4. Runny nose. The nasal cavity begins to secrete more mucus, which causes a runny nose. The mucus is fluid and transparent and goes away on its own after 3–4 days. No treatment is required, but the baby's nose must be cleaned.
  5. The baby puts everything in his mouth. Teething in infants is accompanied by itching in the swollen gums. Trying to calm him down, the child begins to pull various objects into his mouth or even bites his fists. This is dangerous because the baby can even grab onto a dirty thing. The infection will quickly enter the irritated gum and inflammation may occur.

The order of teething in infants

Teething is an individual process. On average, the first teeth appear at 6 months. If this period is delayed, there is no need to panic - the delay may be caused by the characteristics of the baby’s body.

Inside the baby's jaw there are 20 primordial (baby) teeth and 16 permanent follicles. Teeth are cut first on the lower jaw, and a little later on the upper jaw. First, the incisors appear, then the small molars (chewing teeth), followed by the large molars.

Timing of baby teeth eruption

The process of teething begins at six months and is completed by 3 years. By this time, babies have 20 baby teeth.

The generally accepted cutting order looks like this:

Teething disorders

In some situations, teething in children occurs in violation of generally accepted deadlines and norms. This is not always a pathology and may be associated with the individual characteristics of the body. If any problems arise during teething, it is better to show the baby to a doctor.

Parents may face a number of problems:

  • delayed eruption: sometimes the reasons may be;
  • early eruption of baby teeth: indicates a disruption in the endocrine system;
  • violation of the order of eruption;
  • missing one or more teeth;
  • the appearance of a molar outside the dentition;
  • irregular shape or transparent enamel.

In rare cases, babies are born with teething. They will have to be removed: early appearance may interfere with breast latch. The baby will not be able to eat properly, and the feeding process will cause pain to the mother.

How to make the process easier?

Teething in children is stressful. The child does not understand what is happening to him and why his gums hurt and itch. Parents should treat this with understanding. The baby should be held and rocked as often as possible. If the baby does not refuse the breast, you need to apply it on demand. The whims will not last forever: they usually pass in 2-3 days.


During teething, the gums constantly itch, causing the child to need to chew something. Everything the baby can reach is used. Dusty toys will not bring any benefit, and a teether becomes a mother’s main assistant.

The second name for a teether is a rodent. The toy will not be able to speed up the process, but it will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Teethers are designed to massage the gums. They increase blood circulation, eliminate swelling and even relieve pain.

The range of rodents is huge, they differ both in age (from 3, 4 or 7 months), and in material (plastic, wood, latex, textile or silicone), shape, color and functionality. Experts recommend purchasing several different teethers so that your baby can independently choose the appropriate option.

A rattle rodent will help distract your child. Gum massage will be provided by a battery-powered teether - the vibration will turn on after the child bites the toy.

The pain-relieving rodent is also worth trying: it is filled with gel and water. Before use, the toy is placed in the refrigerator and then given to the baby.

Rodents do not require special care. Textiles must be washed regularly; the rest can simply be washed with warm running water and baby soap. Plastic and wooden teethers should not have cracks, otherwise bacteria will accumulate there.

Pain relieving gels and ointments

Special gels, drops and ointments help reduce swelling and get rid of pain. They reduce itching, heal minor injuries and disinfect the mucous membrane.

There is no universal remedy that will help all children: parents will have to select the drug themselves. Some products can be used from birth, others only after a year.

The following drops and gels are popular:

  • Kamistat Baby;
  • Kalgel;
  • Holisal;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Dentinox;
  • Dantinorm Baby;
  • Fenistil;
  • Parlazin.

Ointments and gels are applied precisely to the site of inflammation. The analgesic effect occurs within 5-10 minutes. The main disadvantage of the products is that they are quickly washed out by saliva. An exception is “Cholisal Gel” - its special structure allows it to stay on the mucous membrane longer, the analgesic effect lasts up to 3 hours.

Children's products have no side effects, the main thing is to carefully follow the instructions on the package.

Folk remedies

You can make teething easier for babies using folk remedies. But you should be careful with traditional medicine. Most products cannot be used until one year of age; they can be harmful to infants.

The following recipes are effective:

  1. Natural oils will help relieve gum pain. You need to mix clove oil with vegetable or olive oil (ratio 1.5:1), moisten a gauze pad with it and rub it into the swollen gum with light massage movements.
  2. Strong chamomile tea will help relieve swelling: older children can simply hold the liquid in their mouths; for infants, the product is applied to the gums pointwise.
  3. An infusion of lemon balm, lavender, catnip and chamomile can calm a child. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 10-20 minutes. Give the cooled broth a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

How to care for your first teeth?

Milky enamel is very fragile and develops quickly on its surface. The result is premature tooth loss and inflammation, which can go deep into the gums. As a rule, the eruption of molars begins no earlier than six years of age. If baby teeth fall out prematurely, the baby faces a malocclusion.

You need to take care of your child’s oral cavity even before the first teeth begin to appear. After each feeding, the mother should clean the baby's mouth of food particles. This can be done using a regular gauze swab or special baby wipes (Spiffies, “Toothpicks”).

Up to a year, the first baby teeth need to be brushed using a special finger brush. It is made of soft silicone and does not injure sensitive gums. There is no need for paste during this period; you need to rinse the brush with warm water after use.

After one year, the baby can already hold a baby brush on his own. It differs from an adult in the size of the handle and the area of ​​the cleaning surface: the soft bristles are designed for two teeth. The cleaning process should be carried out under parental supervision. They are the ones who should explain how to use a brush correctly and why it is necessary to spit out toothpaste.

Useful video about teething

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is considered one of the most significant stages in the development of a baby up to one year old. This usually happens when the child reaches six months of age. But in reality the boundaries can be much wider. For some babies this happens at three to four months, while for others it occurs no earlier than eight to ten months.

The earlier teeth erupt, the more carefully you need to care for them. Some children even have several teeth at birth.

Moreover, this process can provoke high fever, runny nose, drowsiness or indigestion. In such situations, it is recommended to seek medical advice.

Timing and order of appearance of baby teeth in children

On average, baby teeth appear at six months, but doctors say that this period can deviate in both directions. If the baby develops at an accelerated pace, the first tooth may appear at 3-4 months. At the same time, boys are slightly behind girls.

In any case, at 12 months each child has at least one tooth. This process is influenced by the following factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • rickets caused by calcium deficiency;
  • edentulous – the rudiments of teeth are missing;
  • hypothyroidism – deficiency of thyroid hormones;
  • the body's inability to absorb nutrients.

The order of eruption in infants may be different, as well as the period of appearance. But there are two basic rules that regulate the characteristics of growth:

  1. Pairing. Teeth with the same name erupt at approximately the same time. If the right incisor appears, then the left one will also erupt in the near future.
  2. Lower teeth. The typical pattern of teething is that the lower teeth appear first and only then the upper teeth. An exception may only apply to the lateral incisors - first they appear from above and then from below.

Although the eruption schedule is approximate, the standard scheme has the following sequence:

  • central incisors;
  • lateral incisors;
  • first molars;
  • fangs;
  • second molars.

To determine the timing of teething, there is a formula: M - 6 = K. Moreover, by M we mean the baby’s age in months, and K is the number of teeth. But this formula can only be used for baby teeth. After two years it becomes irrelevant.

Scheme of children's teeth eruption in the form of a table

Despite the fact that each baby’s body has its own characteristics, teething occurs according to a certain pattern. Teeth tend to erupt in pairs—for example, a pair of canines. The order of appearance of teeth in babies is presented in the table:

Stages and norms of eruption of permanent teeth

Permanent teeth begin to appear at the age of 6-7 years. First, baby teeth fall out of the mouth, after which permanent teeth begin to grow below. The central incisors are replaced first, followed by the molars.

At 9-10 years of age, permanent canines below and premolars appear. Each jaw should have four teeth. The eruption of the upper canines occurs at 11-12 years of age. During the same period, the second molars appear. At this stage, the dental arches are formed, as well as the height of the bite.

Only after many years can third molars appear, which are popularly called “wisdom teeth.” Some people do not have them, and this is considered a normal variant. Sometimes there is not enough space in the jaw for them to erupt, which leads to certain problems.

Teething problems in infants

Quite often the appearance of the first tooth is delayed. Sometimes the first teeth appear much earlier than the average. If this process is delayed by a couple of months, there is no need to worry - this is considered normal. This process is often influenced by diet, time of birth, and genetic predisposition.

If after a year the child has no teeth, it is better to consult a doctor. It is recommended to visit a dentist, pediatrician, or endocrinologist. This may indicate bone pathologies, metabolic disorders, or abnormalities in the endocrine system. It is also worth contacting an endocrinologist if teething occurs much earlier than expected - in 2-3 months.

The order of cutting is of no small importance. This process is sometimes influenced by hereditary factors, the course of childbirth, and bad habits of the mother. It is also worth considering chronic illnesses of parents and baby.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is impossible to influence the timing and order of the eruption process. Therefore, it is not recommended to worry too much if the time of appearance of the baby’s teeth differs from generally accepted norms. For more information about normal and pathological options, watch the video.

Photo: what gums look like when teething

Sometimes a couple of weeks before teeth appear, a lump appears on the gum, which is filled with liquid. This is not considered a pathology and has no connection with the inflammatory process. No intervention is required in this case. If the lump becomes large enough, you can make a small incision to get rid of the bloody fluid.

Teeth play a big role in a person’s life, because with their help he is able to grind food. The process of their growth is especially important for children; it is a new stage in the child’s development. Teething in babies and the pattern of their appearance are of interest to all young parents.

When do baby teeth form?

In the first months of pregnancy, the baby's future teeth begin to form. Around the 6th week, the dental plate is formed. After this (up to the 10th week), the set of baby teeth and even the enamel that covers them are finally modeled. At the 5th month, permanent teeth begin to form. This process continues until the child is five years old. During the second and third trimester, the process of mineralization occurs, so a pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her diet. It is important that calcium and fluoride are present in the menu. It is better to limit sweets, as they will not keep your teeth in good condition. During pregnancy, it is not only possible, but also necessary, you just need to warn the doctor about your situation.

Usually shown at 6 months of age. By this time, the child’s diet changes somewhat, and the first complementary foods are introduced.

But other dates of appearance are still possible, since the pattern of teething in a child is as individual as the indicators of height and weight. But if this process has not begun after 1 year, you should consult a specialist. The lower incisors (central) are the first to emerge. The top ones follow them. Next, the upper second incisors erupt. After some time, growth of the lower ones is observed. The scheme for the eruption of children's baby teeth in the following stages is as follows: upper molars (they are also called first molars), lower molars, canines (in the same sequence), and, finally, second molars (in this case, the lower ones should appear first).

Symptoms of tooth growth

First of all, mothers note the fact that the child becomes capricious and restless. Salivation becomes profuse. Appetite is often impaired, immunity is somewhat weakened, so during this period the child becomes vulnerable to many viruses. Subsequently, there is a runny nose, cough, and fever. Diarrhea may also occur. As a rule, all symptoms disappear with the appearance of babies (the scheme was described above); it can occur without all these unpleasant moments.


If the process of the appearance of new teeth has so far been relatively uncomplicated, then the eruption of incisors can bring serious pain.

The scheme assumes their appearance after 1.5 years. Their main feature is their location. Firstly, they sit quite deep in the gums, and the path of their advancement is correspondingly longer. The facial nerve is also located near them, and its irritation inevitably leads to excruciating pain that radiates to the head and eyes. The incisors are also characterized by the presence of a massive crown. In addition, the upper ones are slightly larger in terms of cutting edge parameters than the lower ones. All these features lead to children having poor sleep, poor appetite, and being irritable and restless.

How to help your child during this period

To somehow relieve the itching and pain, you can offer your baby special teethers. They are cooled in the refrigerator. This will help relieve inflammation and itching for a while. But you should pay special attention to the quality of the product: it is better to choose such devices without filler.

You can replace such toys with vegetables. A cold apple or carrot will do the job perfectly. The main thing that a mother should know is that the child does not understand that this condition is temporary. He is discouraged and confused. Therefore, the baby needs increased attention. During the day you need to try to distract him with games, a new book. In rare cases (before going to bed), you can use a special gel. It will relieve pain for a while (20-30 minutes). However, it should not be used often, since the composition usually contains lidocaine. It is important to wipe away saliva promptly, as it can irritate delicate skin. During this period, the baby’s stools usually have increased acidity, so untimely changing of the diaper can lead to severe irritation in the anal area. Moms should keep this under control. If trouble does occur, then sea buckthorn oil will help. Runny nose, fever, cough also need treatment.

Caring for baby teeth

A child's teething pattern implies the presence of 16 teeth at the age of two years. By the age of three, a full set of 20 teeth should grow. But you need to start caring for them as soon as the first one appears.

First, you can wipe your teeth with gauze wrapped around your finger. Now special attachments are sold for these purposes. After a year, it is worth buying a special toothbrush and teaching your child to use such a device. After two years, dentists recommend using children's teeth. It is also important to put a feasible load on the teeth. Food should be gradually presented in small pieces so that the child learns to chew it, and after 3 years it is worth giving up chopping food altogether. Sugar is the main enemy of children's teeth. Therefore, sweets and other sweets should be limited; it is better to offer the baby dried fruits. Raw vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of baby teeth. They additionally clean the surface of food debris and train chewing skills.

Replacing baby teeth with permanent teeth

This process occurs around the age of six. The permanent teeth seem to push out the milk teeth and at the same time take their place. The first to grow are the so-called “sixes” - the first molar. By this time, baby teeth may not fall out. The further pattern of teething in a child is similar, as in the case of milk teeth: the first to change are the incisors (central, and then the lateral), then the first premolars (“fours”) grow. And in this case, the fangs appear almost last. In place of the second primary molars, second premolars grow, and then second molars appear. The pattern of eruption of permanent teeth also includes third molars (or, but they may never appear. In general, the process of changing teeth lasts a considerable time and is completed at approximately 15 years. Often a situation arises when a baby tooth has not yet fallen out, but is already growing behind it permanent. In this case, you need to consult a dentist to avoid improper formation of the bite.

The appearance of baby teeth is one of the most popular topics discussed by young mothers. Although this process is completely natural, it often accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms and malaise crumbs.

The eruption of baby teeth in children occurs in a certain order and has its own patterns.

Eruption of baby teeth

What is the time frame for the eruption of baby teeth in children?

Typically, children's baby teeth begin to emerge at the age of six months. However, this process can begin either earlier or later. A child can be without them for up to a year, and this may be a variant of the norm. There are also cases where a newborn already had one or more teeth, but this happens extremely rarely.

The eruption of baby teeth in children ends at about two years of age.. By this age, the child has twenty of them. In general, the timing of eruption is purely individual and depends on many factors influencing the pregnant woman during gestation, as well as the child itself after birth. Such factors may be:

  • features of intrauterine development;
  • the climate in which mother and child live;
  • genetic characteristics (if the baby’s parents had teething characteristics, then with a high degree of probability they will also appear in the child);
  • features of the child’s constitution;
  • age of fontanel closure;
  • the state of health of the baby and the characteristics of its development.

IMPORTANT! Often, delayed eruption is associated with rickets and other diseases.

Teething schedule (deciduous teeth eruption chart)

A child’s teeth are formed during the prenatal period (approximately in the second month of pregnancy). And around the fifth month, a permanent set of eggs is formed.

The timing of the eruption of primary and permanent teeth is given in the Table.

Calendar for the eruption of baby and permanent teeth,
as well as the age of resorption of the roots of primary teeth and their loss
No. in order Name and place of localization Approximate age of appearance
Dairy Resorption of MZ roots Loss of MH Permanent
For dairy For permanent
1 1 Incisors – bottom center 6 – 7 months 5 years 6 – 8 years 6 – 7 years
2 4 Incisors – top center 8 – 9 months 5 years 6 - 8 years 7 – 8 years
3 6 Incisors – lateral on top 9 – 11 months 5 – 6 years 7 – 8 years 7 – 8 years
4 5 Incisors – lateral from below 11 – 13 months 5 – 6 years 7 – 8 years 8 – 9 years
5 3 Molars (first) – small on top (molars) 12 – 15 months 6 – 7 years 8 – 11 years 6 – 7 years
6 2 Molars (first) – small from below (molars) 12 – 15 months 6 - 7 years 8 – 11 years 6 – 7 years
7 10 Fangs - from above 16 – 18 months 7 – 8 years 9 – 12 years 11 - 12 years
8 7 Fangs - from below 18 - 20 months 7 – 8 years 9 – 12 years 9 - 10 years
9 13 Molars (second) – large below (molars) 24 – 30 months 7 – 8 years 10 – 13 years 11 – 13 years old
10 14 Molars (second) – large on top (molars) 24 - 30 months 7 – 8 years 10 – 13 years 12 – 13 years old
- 8 First premolars from above - 10 – 11 years
- 9 First premolars from below - 10 – 12 years
- 11 Second premolars from above - 10 – 12 years
- 12 Second premolars from below - 11 – 12 years old
- 15 Third molars – above and below - 17 – 21 years old

The order of eruption of baby teeth in children

Children's teeth erupt in almost the same sequence. The order in which baby teeth erupt is shown in the Table above. The teething sequence in children begins with the central incisors, with the lower ones appearing first, followed by the upper ones. Then the lateral incisors come out (first the upper ones, and then the lower ones). After them, the first molars, that is, the molars, become visible, then the upper and lower canines, and then the second molars (second molars). It is characteristic that all teeth, as a rule, appear in pairs.

BY THE WAY! The sequence in which permanent teeth appear is somewhat different. At the same time, their number becomes larger - instead of 20 there are already 32. Before being replaced by permanent ones, milk teeth fall out, after which the permanent ones begin to erupt.

Approximate timing and order of eruption of baby teeth

How can you tell if your baby is teething?

When a tooth appears on the surface of the gum, the baby usually begins to worry and be capricious, since the eruption of the tooth is accompanied by pain and discomfort. Parents can understand that the baby is about to get a new tooth by the following signs:

  • The child is constantly salivating (this is generally a common occurrence in infancy, but when teething, drooling increases significantly).
  • Due to constant salivation around the baby's mouth, irritation or rash may form.
  • The baby puts his hands, as well as all sorts of foreign objects, into his mouth, trying to chew everything, as his gums itch very much. You can help your child relieve itching and pain by offering him a chilled teether filled with water, as well as a piece of apple or cucumber. In this case, gum massage will also have a good calming effect. Nowadays, many special gels with an anesthetic effect are sold to relieve teething pain, but their use is a purely individual matter.

    ATTENTION! You can use gels and creams with an anesthetic to relieve pain from teething no more than six times a day, taking into account the mandatory break between applications of at least 3 hours.

  • Upon examination, it is clear that the gums are swollen and red.
  • When the tooth is ready to emerge from the gum, a noticeable hole forms in the gum.
  • There may be a slight runny nose or slight nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Body temperature may rise.

    IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that you need to reduce the temperature if it reaches 38 degrees. Young children can be given paracetamol or ibuprofen-based fever medication. For these purposes, liquid temperature-reducing products specially produced for children are usually used. Aspirin is contraindicated for children.

  • The child may refuse to eat due to discomfort in the gums. You should not force your baby to eat if he doesn’t want to. As a rule, appetite returns as soon as the tooth comes out.
  • There may be diarrhea and regurgitation. If your baby has stool more than four times a day and has acquired a watery consistency, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate an infection.
  • The baby may make a fuss because he feels unwell and has pain in his gums. In these cases, the child can be distracted by a new toy or teether. Teethers filled with water, cooled in the refrigerator (but not to the point of freezing), are very suitable for this purpose.

There is an opinion that when teething you should refuse vaccination, but this is incorrect. Teething is not a reason to avoid vaccinations.

Child brushes teeth for the first time

How to care for your baby's teeth and gums during teething?

Children, like adults, need oral care, teeth and gum care to prevent caries and other diseases in the future. It is necessary to clean your baby’s mouth even before teeth appear. For this purpose, take gauze and wipe it (you can moisten it with a soda solution) on the gums after each feeding.

When your first teeth appear, you can switch to your first toothbrush., - it is a silicone cap on the finger with bristles for cleaning. By about a year old, you can buy your child a regular toothbrush, but with soft bristles.


Children can use toothpaste when brushing from the age of three, when they learn to rinse their mouth. It is important for parents to show the skill of proper brushing of teeth by example to form a healthy habit in their child.

ATTENTION! Children's toothpaste must be free of fluoride, since its compounds are toxic to the child's body.

Children's teeth erupt in a certain sequence. The cutting starts from the center of the jaw and continues to the sides. The age at which this occurs varies from person to person, but there are general patterns. It is important to monitor the condition and well-being of the baby during this period, since he needs help and care. You should not introduce any new foods into your baby's diet if he or she is teething..

During teething, you should spend as much time as possible on the baby, carry him in your arms, hug him and soothe him, since the baby experiences pain and discomfort that he has not experienced before.

Teething in babies does not always go smoothly and unnoticed; sometimes at this time the baby experiences discomfort, pain, possible fever and even an upset stomach. That is why it is important to understand in time whether the child is sick or is teething, so as not to treat the baby for non-existent problems.

The main thing in the article

When does a baby's first teeth appear?

The first teeth to emerge in children are the lower central incisors. The norm is their appearance in the period from 6 months to 7-8 months. But, taking into account the developmental characteristics of each child, not everyone’s first pair of teeth appears precisely during this age period.

Some children's teeth begin to bother them already from the 3rd month of life, and completely erupt by 5 months. There are children whose incisors erupt closer to one year, and this does not mean that the child is behind in development - it speaks of his physiological characteristics. The fact is that a child’s first teeth are formed in the womb, but when they erupt is an individual question.

Factors influencing teething in a child

Teething can be affected by the course of pregnancy, since the baby’s teeth begin to develop as early as 8 weeks of pregnancy. A newborn already has 10 temporary and about 8 permanent teeth (follicles) that are at different stages of development.

What can affect the shift in the rate of teething?

  • Toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Different Rh factors in the child and mother.
  • Premature birth (prematurity).
  • Features of childbirth - possible injuries, cephalohematomas.
  • If the mother has serious illnesses, for example, a heart defect, or the pregnant woman has suffered toxoplasmosis.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections in a child under 1 year of age.
  • If the child was bottle-fed from the first days of birth.
  • Pneumonia at an early age in a child.

Interesting! According to statistics, boys teeth erupt later than girls; Children born to young parents erupt teeth later than children with older parents. It has also been proven that a woman’s first-born child develops faster than subsequent children, and in terms of teething as well.

Diagram and order of appearance of baby teeth in the table

Timing of baby teeth eruption: averages

  • The lower incisors erupt first; depending on physiological characteristics, this can happen from 5 to 8 months.
  • The upper central incisors begin their passage during the process of cutting through the lower ones, but appear later. Despite the fact that their appearance period is from 7 months to a year, they can begin to bother you much earlier.
  • The upper lateral incisors can appear as early as the 8th month of a child’s life, but most often erupt later - from about a year.
  • The lower lateral incisors follow the upper “brothers”; their appearance can be delayed until the age of 1 year 3 months.
  • First molars, both upper and lower, in most cases do not bother the child and parents may not immediately notice their appearance. They erupt on average up to 1.5 years, but in some cases this can take up to two years.
  • The fangs come out all at once, not ideally at the same time, but practically with a difference of 5 to 8 days. They erupt on average from 1.5 years to 2-2.5 years.
  • Second molars are the outermost and last teeth of the baby. Their appearance can be expected from 2 years to 3 years. Although there have been cases when second molars appeared even at one and a half years old.

When are baby teeth replaced by permanent teeth?

In the normal course of the process, the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones is not as painful for the child and difficult for his parents as the appearance of milk teeth. As mentioned earlier, a child is born with at least 8 buds (follicles) of permanent teeth at different stages of their development. As a child grows, permanent teeth actively develop and grow. Here's what it looks like at the skeletal level:

Replacement of teeth in children occurs by pushing out milk teeth by the active growth of permanent teeth.

The loss of baby teeth begins at the age of 6, but the resorption of their roots begins at the age of 5. That is, from the age of five, the central incisors (usually the lower ones) can begin to wobble. The replacement process lasts up to about 12 years, depending on the characteristics of the child’s body. Usually, in the order in which teeth erupt during infancy, they change (fall out) in the same order.

The order and timing of the appearance of permanent teeth in the table

In this picture you can clearly see which teeth are replaced by which ones. The main confusion usually occurs with the first and second primary molars, which are replaced by permanent premolars. In turn, permanent molars do not change and erupt once, so it is very important to monitor the eruption and replacement of teeth in a child, so as not to miss the appearance of caries or any disruption in this process.

What is considered a deviation in teething?

There are a number of deviations both in the eruption of baby teeth and in their replacement - with the eruption of permanent teeth.

  • Early eruption milk teeth. If the first teeth, namely the lower incisors, erupted too early, for example at 3-4 months, this does not necessarily indicate pathology. Many doctors believe that in such a situation it is necessary to understand whether this is a feature of the baby’s physiology, or whether it is associated with a previous illness or some kind of disorder in his body. At this age, nothing is done to the teeth, but you need to undergo an examination. But in a situation where a child is born with teeth already cut, they are pulled out with the consent of the mother. This is due to the fact that the baby can seriously damage the nipple when feeding, resulting in great damage to the mother’s health. The difficulty is that the removed milk teeth will not grow back, and their replacement with permanent teeth will only take 6 years!
  • Late teething does not always indicate pathology and disorders; doctors admit the possibility of the baby’s individual development. But only in cases where this happens within acceptable limits. Of course, if the incisors have not erupted until 1.5 years, this can be considered a pathology or deviation.
  • Order is broken teething . This is usually rare and is a consequence of something that happens during pregnancy. The situation is considered individually - the entire pregnancy history is studied in detail.

Irregularities during tooth replacement are easily determined using x-rays, and then a method for eliminating the deviations is decided. What are they?

  • Edentia indicates a missing tooth. This is quite rare and is detected as a result of an X-ray test. During the examination, it is determined whether there is a germ of a missing tooth and for what reasons it does not develop. Most often, the cause is a violation of the baby’s development in the womb, which can be a consequence of both internal and external factors.
  • Retention - when the tooth is present, but for some reason could not erupt in time. This may be the result of a lack of space in the dentition, which is most often associated with the displacement of neighboring teeth, possibly due to early decay or removal of a particular tooth. It can also be hindered by the inflammatory process in the root system of a baby tooth or the incorrect initial location of the rudiment.
  • Wrong direction permanent molars during eruption - requires immediate medical intervention, as it threatens inflammation and destruction of the adjacent tooth.
  • Eruption with hematoma , most often it resolves quickly and no problems arise. But there are cases when a hematoma quickly develops and grows, which must be eliminated immediately, since when it reaches a certain size, an internal fracture of the jaw is possible!

This list can be continued for a very long time, because how many people there are, so many teething features, some of which are deviations and require surgical intervention.

Early and late eruption of baby teeth in children: causes

To determine whether early or late teething is a deviation, there is a certain formula:

N (number of teeth erupted) = n (child’s age in months) - 4.

If the error is 2-3 months, then parents should not worry, perhaps this is just a physiological feature of development. When the difference is greater, this is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Early teething may be associated with diseases or disorders of the baby’s endocrine system, as well as with the characteristics of pregnancy.

Late teething is most often observed in children with gastrointestinal problems, genetic disorders and rickets. But there is no need to panic prematurely - consult a doctor.

Disturbance in the order of teeth eruption

Violations of the order of teething used to be rare and indicated deviations, but in our time, when children are greatly influenced by the environment and the quality of products (which are actively supplied with mother's milk), this occurs more often. And this does not always indicate disorders and deviations in the child’s development, but it is worth consulting a doctor.

Teething problems: what should parents do?

If parents notice that their child’s teeth are erupting incorrectly or at the wrong time, then you need to go for a consultation with an orthodontist, who will direct you to take a photo and determine the cause of the problem.

Parents cannot do anything on their own - only on the recommendations of a specialized doctor!

Parents may have to undergo a full examination of the child’s body, because abnormalities in teething are sometimes associated with problems and disorders in other organs. In any case, it is better for the child to quickly determine the deviation and its cause, since it is easier to deal with problems at the stage of their appearance.

Norms and timing of teething according to Komarovsky: video



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs