After otoplasty - rehabilitation and ear care. Otoplasty, postoperative period Period of complete recovery after otoplasty

Otoplasty is the restoration of the auricle after injury or due to congenital pathology. Restoration involves correction of the deformed shape. Sometimes surgery is performed only out of an individual desire to change the shape of the ears. Otoplasty includes surgery and a recovery period.

The operation to restore the shape of the ears is not considered difficult, does not last long and does not require long-term hospitalization for the patient. Rehabilitation after otoplasty involves a set of measures and norms of behavior for the person being operated on. The measures and time of postoperative rehabilitation differ from other types of plastic surgery.

Features of rehabilitation and its duration

The result of surgical intervention to change the shape of the ear depends not only on the surgical technique, but also on strict adherence to the rules of postoperative rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a step-by-step physiological process, resulting in complete restoration of the ear tissues.

The stages of this type of rehabilitation include:

  • Alteration– has a second name “destruction”. The period includes the destruction of cells and tissue at the site of the surgical incision.
  • Exudation– the stage of formation of tissue edema, which occurs as a result of destruction in the previous period. In the resulting intercellular space, fluid is released.
  • Proliferation– the beginning of cell division and tissue regeneration. First of all, connective tissue cells are replaced, which later form a scar.
  • Resorption– the last stage – the severity of the connective scar decreases, and is subsequently replaced by epithelial cells.

The presented periods follow each other in turn, promoting the restoration of damaged areas as a result of otoplasty. Rehabilitation lasts until the scar is completely reabsorbed - about six weeks.

The performed otoplasty, the rehabilitation period after which is aimed at reducing postoperative discomfort, eliminating complications, stimulating rapid tissue regeneration and increasing the aesthetic result of plastic surgery, makes it possible to correct a mistake of nature or restore the shape of the ears after injury.

Rehabilitation in the early postoperative period

Otoplasty is considered the safest operation among all plastic corrections. Already on the second day after it, if there are no complications, the patient goes home and only goes for dressings every 2-3 days.

He is given sick leave and prescribed bed rest, excluding all physical activity. Only after two weeks you can go to work, but you cannot engage in physical labor or sports.

Recovery after changing the shape of the ears is divided into two periods: early and late. Each of them is characterized by its own measures aimed at eliminating the consequences after surgery. In the early period after surgery, everything is aimed at performing the following activities:

  1. Preventive actions against infection of the surgical incision - use aseptic dressings. Among other things, they protect against mechanical influences and subsequent displacement of ear tissue. Procedures involving dressing are done once daily with a change of bandage soaked in an antiseptic. Antiseptics include Furacilin or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Elimination painful syndrome - painkillers are used (nimesil, ketanov).
  3. Elimination swelling– Compression bandages are used for this. They are applied by the surgeon to avoid tissue displacement. The bandage is applied to the ears, pressing them tightly to the head.
  4. Prevention of occurrence bleeding– they may appear as a result of vascular damage that occurred during the operation. To relieve them, gauze napkins are used and a tight bandage is performed.
  5. Acceleration regeneration tissues - during the dressing, an ointment is applied to the suture that improves cell regeneration (Levomekol).
  6. Removal seams- occurs if the wound was sutured with silk threads. This occurs 5-7 days after the defect is eliminated. If catgut was used to stitch the wound, it will dissolve on its own.

This period lasts 7-10 days, and it is during this period that, if these measures are not followed, bleeding may occur, sutures may come apart or cut through, and purulent inflammation of the wound may develop. You can avoid such complications if you strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Rehabilitation in the late postoperative period

The postoperative period following the early period involves the implementation of measures and recommendations that help reduce the negative impact of the external environment on the ears and stimulate the healing process.

  1. Compliance diets, aimed at consuming foods with large amounts of protein and vitamins. Here you can highlight lean meat and vegetables that are easily digestible by the body.
  2. Volume reduction harmful food, including smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods.
  3. Refusal alcohol and other bad habits, since they are considered toxic and interfere with cell renewal and scar resorption.
  4. Complete ban on some species sports and actions, as well as partial limitation of physical activity - this is necessary to prevent tissue displacement and opening of postoperative sutures.
  5. Maintaining optimal indoor conditions temperature regime - favorable for a good regeneration process so that it happens faster. This optimal temperature is 18-20 degrees Celsius. Limiting visits to baths and saunas, since high temperature and high humidity contribute to the divergence of the edges of the postoperative wound.
  6. Avoid exposure ultraviolet rays, because solar radiation promotes the denaturation of proteins, which gradually leads to poor healing of the postoperative suture.
  7. Washing The scalp should be carried out with extreme caution, avoiding contact of detergents with the wound, so that chemical irritation of the epithelial cells does not occur at the site of the resulting scar.

This rehabilitation period lasts one month, it is worth following all the proposed recommendations.

During the rehabilitation period, you should pay attention to some subtleties of its course, which affect the quality of scar healing and the effectiveness of the entire operation.

Such subtleties include:

  1. Bleeding– occur as a result of damage to a large vessel during rehabilitation procedures, and are often observed at the beginning of the entire postoperative period. To prevent this from happening, tight bandages are made. Sometimes napkins impregnated with a hemostatic agent are used to promote the formation of a blood clot and stop the release of blood.
  2. Bandage- made from a characteristic cotton-gauze napkin. The blank is placed on the operated ear. Such a bandage protects against mechanical injury to the wound and infection, and gives shape to the auricle. The bandage is fixed with a special mesh bandage, shaped like a stocking or adhesive plaster.
  3. Hygiene scalp - within 3 days after surgery, this procedure is not allowed at all; for up to 10 days, you should wash your hair with warm water without using detergents. Until the end of the rehabilitation period, it is allowed to wash your hair using baby shampoo; they do not have an irritating effect on the skin.

This will avoid complications that arise in the early postoperative period. In addition, the skin of the ears may lose sensitivity, but you should not be afraid of this - everything will return to normal very quickly.

The return of sensitivity is accompanied by “goose bumps” - this is a rather unpleasant, but not painful sensation that does not last long. Patients' fears about hearing loss or decrease after otoplasty are unjustified.

The operation does not affect the inside of the ears. Often after surgery, bruises appear on the face - this is natural, since the tissues not only of the ear are affected, but also the neighboring ones. There is no need to be afraid of them, because within two weeks all the bruises and swelling will disappear and not a trace will remain of them.

Ointments, medications and compression bandage

Typically, complications after otoplasty occur in the early postoperative period. These include pain, swelling and bruising. Doctors use all measures to eliminate these manifestations, which depends more on the person being operated on, his compliance with all the advice of specialists and the individual characteristics of his body.

Prevention of complications begins immediately after the end of the operation and consists of putting a postoperative compression bandage on the head. It tightly covers the circumference of the head and fixes the ears. The cosmetic effect of the operation depends on the correct application and use of this dressing.

The bandage keeps the ears in the correct position until the wound heals, preventing the tissue from moving. In addition, it protects against bruises during sleep and at home, and also prevents swelling and hematoma that form at the site of the surgical suture from spreading.

A compression bandage is made from a simple or elastic bandage. But modern manufacturers have developed a special bandage - it looks like a tennis player’s bandage, but has an adhesive tape that can adjust the fastener and give the product any shape and any size. You need to use a bandage or bandage for 7 to 14 days - the time depends on how the recovery period goes.

The first postoperative dressing is carried out within 24 hours. This is done for early diagnosis of hematomas. The napkin on the wound is replaced with a new one, since the old one is saturated with blood by that time.

The napkin is lubricated with wound-healing ointment: erythromycin, gentamicin or tetracycline. The next dressing and examination is carried out on days 3-4, and after 8 days a third dressing is done.

Then the ends of the absorbable thread fall off or the sutures are removed if silk threads were used for the suture. It is allowed to wear the bandage only at night, so as not to accidentally twist the ear.

Pain after surgery is quite common - this is the most common complication after otoplasty. Severe pain near the ears in the first two days indicates a lot of pressure from the bandage on the ears or the formation of a hematoma. If severe pain appears after a few days, this indicates the presence of inflammation.

If pain occurs periodically, this is due to the regeneration of the branches of the greater auricular nerve or other nerves that were transected during surgery. To relieve the patient from discomfort and pain, immediately after the operation, a solution of Marcaine with Adrenaline is injected around the auricle.

The patient is prescribed medications to relieve pain and accelerate healing and tissue restoration. For each patient, medications are prescribed individually, based on the characteristics of the operation and the person being operated on, and possible allergic reactions. To speed up recovery, the following are prescribed:

  • analgesics in tablets of non-narcotic action;
  • antibiotics wide spectrum of action;
  • external means in the form ointments, gels and creams.

Use antibiotics for 5–7 days. All drugs act comprehensively and promote rapid healing of sutures without inflammatory processes. Usually, to relieve pain, the doctor prescribes Nimesulide or Ketanol - they are most effective in this case.

Homeopathic preparations “Arnica” and “Trumeel” have shown themselves to be effective, both in the form of tablets and ointments. They must be used in the first two weeks to relieve swelling and eliminate bruises.

A week before surgery and two weeks after it, you should drink Ascorutin to reduce the fragility and permeability of blood vessels. The rehabilitation period and how long the ears take to heal after otoplasty will depend on the implementation of all recommendations and prescriptions.


In order for the wound healing process after surgery to proceed without complications, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. But in addition to the doctor’s advice, there are a number of prohibitions, compliance with which guarantees the successful completion of the operation and the recovery process.

The following factors are strictly prohibited:

  1. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Eating pickles, marinades, as well as fatty, hot and spicy foods.
  3. Some types of classes sports, which involve contact with an opponent and the possibility of injury to the ears (boxing, wrestling).
  4. Walking on beach or in a solarium, exposure to direct sunlight should be limited.
  5. Application shampoos and other detergents for washing your hair, you can only use baby shampoo.
  6. Removal bandages, stitches and peeling off crusts from the scar yourself.

In addition, wearing glasses is prohibited for two months. Women are not recommended to wear earrings or other jewelry on their ears.

The rehabilitation period for eliminating defects in the ears does not last that long, so you need to be patient and endure all these inconveniences and discomfort in order to achieve the desired result from the operation without bad consequences.

Full recovery occurs only after six months, then all restrictions are lifted if the correction of the auricles was carried out efficiently.

During the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery on the ears, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors at all stages. This will speed up wound healing and overall recovery after surgical repair. Such advice includes the following suggestions:

  1. Must use ointment to accelerate tissue regeneration with each dressing, applying it to the scar (Levomekol).
  2. Do not use any detergents hair washing products, except shampoos for children.
  3. Protect with bandage ears from mechanical injury and from exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. Eat rich proteins and vitamins with food, do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. If there is no bandage, wear a mesh one stocking, specially made for fixing the headband.
  6. To prevent swelling from developing, you need to sleep with elevated head.

Otoplasty is an operation that is performed at any age, but children can only have it after they reach 6 years of age. The recovery period for children, adults and the elderly will differ in duration and the possibility of complications.

Children tolerate surgery much easier than adults and elderly patients, because they have soft cartilage, and the sutures heal very quickly if all doctors’ recommendations are followed. In older people, metabolic processes occur more slowly and they require the use of physiotherapeutic procedures to speed up healing.

If the temperature rises after surgery in the first days, then taking antipyretic drugs is recommended only until it reaches 38 degrees; other indicators are considered normal. Painkillers are taken if there is pain, but not more than one every four hours.

If the pain lasts continuously and is felt in one place, then you need to consult a doctor - this may indicate the development of inflammation. Sports and physical activity are allowed two months after surgery. Not only should you not heat the wound, but hypothermia is also undesirable for it.

If otoplasty is performed, rehabilitation lasts at least 6 weeks and only after that you can see the result of the correction of the ears. It will tentatively become visible two weeks after the bruises and swelling disappear. By following exactly all the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period, you can achieve excellent results in eliminating the ear defect.

No less important after an operation called “otoplasty” is the postoperative period. The patient should be especially careful at this time and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, unwanted complications may develop.

Pain, swelling, hematoma formation are what often complicate otoplasty. The postoperative period is different for each patient and depends not only on wound care, but also on the body’s regenerative forces and the state of the immune system.

In this article, we will look at the features of the recovery period after otoplasty, we will tell you how long it usually takes for the ears to heal, and what consequences, other than swelling, may develop.

Recovery after otoplasty

Recovery after otoplasty takes different times for each patient. On average, it takes about 30 days for cartilage to heal completely. A quick and effective recovery after otoplasty is only possible with strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

In the postoperative period, the patient is advised to avoid excessive physical activity, strain on the ears, and in the first weeks should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. You should also not wash your hair for two to three days after surgery.

The dressing is especially important in the postoperative period. It should be worn for 5-7 days. Every 2-3 days the doctor changes the dressing. After removing the bandage, the patient is recommended to wear a special compression bandage at night (for 30 days), which will help consolidate the results of the operation and protect the ears from damage during sleep. After how long the sutures are removed can only be determined by the attending physician; judging by reviews, the sutures are removed in most patients on approximately 7-14 days.

Antibiotics, which are prescribed for 5-7 days, will help speed up recovery after otoplasty and prevent infection. It is also advisable to use local products (gels, ointments) with regenerating properties. Will provide quick recovery and healthy, full sleep, rest, rational, fortified nutrition.

How long does it take for ears to heal after otoplasty?

The most concerning question for patients is how long does it take for ears to heal after otoplasty? The healing process occurs differently for everyone - for some: for some, healing is faster, for some, the process of recovery and elimination of consequences takes longer. It takes 7 to 14 weeks for the wound to heal at the incision site, and complete restoration of the cartilage may even take a month or more. The final result of otoplasty is noticeable only after six months.

You can find out approximately how long it takes for ears to heal after otoplasty by reading reviews from patients, or from the doctor who performed the operation and is monitoring the course of the postoperative period.

Possible consequences of otoplasty

Is otoplasty dangerous? Consequences, as with any other surgical intervention, cannot be excluded. The most common consequences of otoplasty, based on patient reviews, are pain, swelling, hematoma formation, and infection.

With a normal course of the postoperative period and proper wound care, these consequences of otoplasty (pain, swelling) disappear within two weeks. However, another outcome is also possible. Often, if the patient does not comply with the doctor’s recommendations, the wound becomes infected. This can lead to the development of perichondritis and suppurative chondritis.

Hematoma is also a serious consequence of an operation called otoplasty. Its consequences can sometimes be disastrous. The hematoma, putting pressure on the tissues, leads to their atrophy and then necrosis. Necrotic tissue is not viable and can be surgically removed.

Otoplasty: swelling and other complications

Complications are something that both patients and surgeons fear after any operation, and otoplasty is no exception. Complications after it are divided into early and late.

Otoplasty, complications in the early postoperative period

So, the most common early complications of an operation such as otoplasty:

  1. Swelling – often decreases a few days after surgery. It can last from two weeks to a month and a half after otoplasty was performed. Edema is the body's physiological response to tissue injury and should not be a cause for concern unless it increases.
  2. Decreased sensitivity can be observed up to two months after surgery.
  3. Pain is associated with tissue injury; often the most asked question is: “How long will it hurt?” An unpleasant complication occurs no longer than three days and is relieved with painkillers.
  4. Hematoma is a dangerous complication of otoplasty, as it can lead to tissue necrosis. If a hematoma forms, it is opened, after which the wound is washed, a bandage is reapplied and a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
  5. Infection is accompanied by pain, redness, and purulent discharge from the wound. Eliminated with antibiotic therapy.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Maceration of the epithelium - occurs due to a too tight bandage.

Otoplasty, complications in the late postoperative period

Late consequences include the cutting of sutures, distortion of the ear, the formation of keloid scars, and asymmetry of the ears.

So, the possible and most common complications can be after otoplasty surgery: swelling, pain and hematomas. But the development of complications and how long the recovery and healing period will last depends directly on the state of health and compliance with the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

A bandage after otoplasty is an indispensable attribute of the rehabilitation period after ear surgery. Thanks to a special bandage, stitches heal faster, swelling and bruising subsides. There are different types of fixation bandages. How to choose? How much will it cost?

Read in this article

Why do you need a bandage after otoplasty?

The main function of the bandage is to securely fix the ears after surgery and protect them from damage. It is important to keep the new one the shape of the shells, to prevent the appearance of scars or scars in the seam area. It is necessary to wear a bandage for the following purposes:

  • preventing the inflammatory process;
  • maintaining the result of plastic surgery;
  • relieving postoperative swelling;
  • accelerating tissue regeneration;
  • protect ears from damage and infection;
  • eliminating bruises.

The bandage fixes cotton swabs soaked in special oil. It is important to choose the right size so that the material does not squeeze your head. To achieve the desired result, you must strictly follow all recommendations during the rehabilitation period. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • You can't wash your hair. The product may get into an open wound; you need to wait for the doctor's permission. If necessary, use dry shampoo.
  • You should sleep on your back. Incorrect position during rest involuntarily distorts the shape. To do this, it is recommended to slightly raise the head of the bed.
  • Wear the bandage at night. This measure prevents your hands from accidentally touching the damaged areas.
  • Limit physical activity. Excessive pressure should not be allowed for six months.
  • Put the glasses aside. The arches can cause infections when they get into an open wound.

Types of compression bandages for ears

There are several types of dressings that are used at different stages of the recovery process. The following types are distinguished:

  • open compression bandage on the ears;
  • mask.


The standard elastic version is recommended to be worn immediately after surgery. During this period, it is important to take care of the hygiene and condition of wounds in the ear area. A special fabric is impregnated with an antibacterial solution and protects wounds from infection. Elastic material does not put excessive pressure on the head and protects against mechanical damage. The advantages of this type are the following:

  • head mobility is maintained;
  • not hot;
  • The fabric allows air to pass through well.
Compression bandage for ears after otoplasty


The closed headband secures the new shape of the ears tightly thanks to the Velcro around the neck. During sleep, the mask protects against accidental head movements. The hypoallergenic material does not cause irritation, the light structure of the fibers has a deodorizing effect. However, there is one drawback - in the summer, wearing a mask is very hot. This may negatively affect the regeneration process.

Bandage-mask for ears after otoplasty

When to put on the device

Can I use an elastic bandage?

Quite often the question arises about the possibility of replacing a bandage with a simple elastic bandage, which is found in every home. This is highly discouraged for several reasons:

  • No fasteners. The special bandage has Velcro for fixing it on the head. Often the bandage is not wrapped tightly enough or too loosely. The stable position of the ears is not maintained.
  • The skin doesn't breathe. It will take a significant amount of material to wrap your head. As a result, the closed surface will be poorly ventilated, which may affect the regeneration process.
  • Not entirely practical. A special bandage will look much better on your head than a regular bandage.
  • Not very convenient. It is quite difficult to guess the required tension and size of the material to provide sufficient comfort.

To learn how to properly apply a gauze bandage to your ears after otoplasty, watch this video:

Bandage after otoplasty on the head

On the 3rd - 4th day after removing the bandage, you can put on a special bandage. The material is treated with a silver solution, which promotes active healing. The structure of the fabric allows the skin to breathe freely. It is recommended to purchase two pieces, as you will have to change them regularly. The bandage should be loose so as not to feel pain. The size is adjustable to suit individual needs.

How long to wear the ear bandage

For the first six days after surgery, it is mandatory to wear a compression bandage. It is fixed around special patches or soaked in solution

Sutures after otoplasty

gauze. Within two weeks, examination and dressing are carried out. The stages are as follows:

  • The first one is put on a day after otoplasty. Analysis of the results obtained allows us to foresee possible complications.
  • The second dressing is after 8 days. The special suture material dissolves or is removed by the surgeon.

It is forbidden to carry out such manipulations yourself. After just a week, you are allowed to wear the bandage only before bed. This must be done within one month to avoid damaging the seams. After six months, complete restoration of cartilage occurs. During this period, you should limit physical activity and wear a bandage to avoid any damage.

Where to buy a bandage and bandage

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy. The average price for a bandage is 1000 - 1500 rubles. Various colors allow you to choose the appropriate option for daily wear. It is recommended to pay attention to the size before purchasing. The fabric should fit loosely on your head. Excessive pressure causes pain and bleeding in the suture area.

Possible complications

Swelling after surgery

In such situations, the following complications are possible:

  • asymmetrical ear shape;
  • suppuration of damaged tissue;
  • inflammation, redness and infection;
  • scars and scars.

Minor bruising is considered normal in the area of ​​surgery.

Such symptoms disappear on their own within one month.

The correct choice of elastic bandage guarantees the achievement of the desired result. You can purchase different types at a low price at a pharmacy or any sports store. Thanks to the fixation of the ears, a beautiful shape is maintained, the healing process is accelerated, and the risk of complications is reduced. Within a year, the positive results of otoplasty will be noticeable with the help of a bandage.

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If you have congenital protruding ears, surgery will help correct everything. Many stars have been able to use plastic surgery to eliminate protruding ears, and an example of the work is a photo of them before and after.

Otoplasty literally means “ear reshaping” and in most cases this procedure is used to correct excessively protruding ears.

Abnormally protruding ears occur in approximately 5% of the population.

Protruding or protruding ears can cause psychological trauma to the patient due to unpleasant comments. The ideal age for correcting this defect is between five and seven years old, because at this age the ears are already fully formed and have an adult size, and also to prevent stressful situations for children who often face ridicule.

Otoplasty can help men, women and children of all ages overcome the embarrassment and frustration caused by irregularly shaped or protruding ears.

Otoplasty is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures for children. The surgeon's ultimate goal is to create a natural, proportional and symmetrical appearance of the ears.

Ears may appear enlarged due to the following factors:

  • the ear cartilage is formed without bending close to the upper edge,
  • an excessive amount of cartilage forms in the middle of the ear,
  • the angle between the ear is greater than normal.

Progress of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is usually performed on both ears, but sometimes people have only one protruding ear that undergoes correction. Surgery on both ears can take approximately 120 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, with additional intravenous sedation. For children, general anesthesia is used.

Otoplasty is performed by refining or thinning the cartilage structure of the ear. Surgical incisions are usually placed behind the ear in the natural crease (where the ear meets the head) and therefore scars from this procedure are usually not visible.

The technique varies depending on the problem that needs correction, and is usually a combination of cartilage resection and removal of excess soft tissue behind the ear. In most cases, surgery involves placing permanent sutures to position the ear closer to the head. After surgical cartilage correction, the skin at the back of the ear is secured in place using surgical sutures and then maintained in its new position using carefully applied pressure (bandage, compression bandage). If non-absorbable materials are used, sutures are usually removed 5-7 days after surgery.

Postoperative stage

During the postoperative phase of otoplasty, it is important to follow all instructions from the surgeon. Otoplasty is often performed on young children, so parents and caregivers play an important role in providing postoperative care. In general, the postoperative period for ear surgery is 7-10 days and includes normal recovery. Complications are rare.


Postoperative dressing is a very important part of surgery. After the procedure, the bandage compresses the surgical area and should remain in place for 48 hours. It will help maintain the new position of the ear in the immediate postoperative period, but mainly helps prevent the accumulation of blood (hematoma). You cannot manipulate the bandage yourself, even if there is slight bleeding (which is normal and should not frighten the patient).

It is important to monitor children after ear surgery to ensure that the bandage remains in place for the first 24 hours. The dressing is changed on the second and fourth days after surgery.

The dressing remains on the treated areas for the first five to seven days of the postoperative period. It is important not to move the bandage as this may increase the risk of infection and other complications. After removing the bandage, it is recommended to wear a compression bandage (elastic bandage) at night for 30 days. This will provide protection for your ears while you sleep to prevent them from shifting when moving. A compression bandage is needed to complete the healing of the cartilage.


In the postoperative period, the patient may experience mild pain. The pain is usually very minor. However, if the patient is hypersensitive to pain, the use of analgesics is recommended.

Ear sensitivity is a normal post-operative symptom that subsides quickly.

Patients typically describe feeling "pain and discomfort" rather than experiencing specific pain. These symptoms usually improve quickly after the surgical dressing is removed.

Swelling and bruising

During the first 2-3 weeks, noticeable swelling is observed. Bruises (bruises on the skin) may resolve spontaneously or require surgical drainage. It is important to remember that the body needs time to recover from surgical trauma. Your surgeon may recommend arnica ointments and medications to help relieve swelling and bruising post-oplasty. In some cases, the temperature may rise slightly over the course of two to three days.

Bleeding and bruising are rare. Sometimes slight bleeding may occur and, as a result, a hematoma forms between the cartilage and the skin, which quickly resolves on its own.

Patients are advised to stand as upright as possible during the early stages of recovery to allow residual swelling and bruising to resolve more quickly. After surgery, you should not take aspirin or medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen, as they have an anticoagulant effect.


It is important for patients to pay close attention to personal hygiene during the early postoperative period. You can take a bath 48 hours after the procedure, but you should not get the bandage wet.

After suture removal (7-14 days after surgery), patients are advised to gently shower and wash their hair daily to keep the wound healing area as clean as possible. It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water and mild shampoo (for example, baby shampoo). To dry your hair, use a soft towel, blotting it with gentle movements.

After the procedure, patients may be prescribed a week's course of antibiotics to minimize infections.

Chemical hair treatment (coloring, perm) is not recommended for several weeks after surgery, and only after consultation with a doctor. The earrings can be worn two weeks after surgery.

Sleep and rest

In the early postoperative period, the patient needs to sleep and rest as much as possible.

Young children should be kept at a low level of activity for the first few weeks after surgery.

During sleep, the patient's head should be supported by two or three pillows to keep the head elevated at 45 degrees relative to the horizontal position. It is also advisable to use two pillows on each side to avoid turning on your side during the night, which can cause harm to the operated area. The ideal position is on your back, with your head and body slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

Physical activity

The behavior of cartilage after remodeling is difficult to predict in the early postoperative period.

In the first 7 days, it is necessary to exclude any activity, exercise, or sport that can raise blood pressure and cause swelling.

To minimize injury, contact sports should be avoided. After two weeks, you can resume sports activities, but with caution so as not to subject your ears to excessive stress and possible injury.

Contact sports may be allowed after six weeks postoperatively. After a month, the patient can return to his normal physical activities, including gymnastics, swimming, etc.

Sun and warmth

The operated areas are sensitive to light for the first few weeks after surgery. Exposure to the sun is allowed only after 30 days. Until then, short walks in the sun are allowed, with the mandatory use of sunscreen. It is recommended to wear sunglasses for a month. Avoid extreme heat (eg, sauna, solarium). The skin is still sensitive and such exposure can cause 3rd degree burns.


Otoplasty scars are usually not noticeable because they are hidden in the groove behind the ear. In case of development of pathological scars (keloids), doctors practice local corticosteroid therapy and the use of silicone patches.

Possible risks and complications

Complications can occur with any operation. Cosmetic surgery is usually performed voluntarily on healthy patients. Complications after otoplasty are rare.

Complications that occur in the postoperative period may include wound dehiscence, infections, partial or complete necrosis of the skin of the ears, and large hematomas requiring drainage.

Due to the nature of otoplasty, some of the nerves that provide sensation to the ear will be shortened, and the ear may lose some sensation. Most sensation will return, but some parts of the ear may remain numb. Changes in sensation and numbness in the ears are a common side effect up to 12 months after surgery.

Ear cartilage has “memory,” which means that the cartilage tends to return to its original shape.

After any otoplasty, it is possible for the ears to return to a protruding or protruding state.

Rare infections can be successfully treated with antibiotics.


One week after surgery, initial aesthetic improvements in the shape and position of the ear can be assessed. After removing the bandage, patients immediately notice an improvement. Results will continue to improve over the next six weeks as residual swelling subsides, although the healing process is not yet complete.

I knew that the operation would happen, it was just a matter of time.

Unfortunately, in my youth, my parents did not have the funds for such an operation and fed me with their sweet speeches like “you are so beautiful,” “don’t pay attention to what others say,” “your ears are very cute.”

Like any “Cheburashka”, I went through all the circles of hell and torment with hairstyles at events, because our entire caste of eared people knows that our hairstyles are limited and there are only 3 types - loose hair, loose curled hair, and pinned hair. I’ll even say that at the age of 17 I tried superglue, all sorts of double-sided tape, corrector suction cups. Thank God, all this is a nightmare in the distant past, but I wanted to be beautiful!

And living on the seashore, every trip to the sea was hard labor for me, I had to constantly lie and repeat to my comrades that my ear was sick, don’t even think about splashing and getting your hair wet, God forbid it gets into your ear, etc.

To go to the beach, I had to stand for an hour with a hairdryer to add volume to my hair, putting it together like going to a party. It was very tiring.

Turning away from the wind, writing something, constantly adjusting the overhanging hair over the notebook, the constant worry of “has my ear popped out?”

Being at the age of 25, I weighed everything, thought it over and seriously thought about the operation, but going to the clinic I decided only at 27 years old with the question of price.

Everyday life consumed money and time, I wanted a plasma over the fireplace, I wanted to visit Italy, I needed to replace windows, everything was as usual, the operation was postponed, priorities were placed against the materially tangible and before my eyes.

And at Christmas, drawing up another plan for expenses and desires for the near future, my husband casually reminded me - but you’ve wanted ears for so long, let’s make carpets into carpets, and the ears will stay with you forever, are they yours, or have you already changed your mind?

And then I caught fire, completely and irrevocably). After 3 days, I already had a consultation with a leading surgeon (private). I was scheduled for tests and the cost of the operation was calculated.

500 euros surgery \ 30 euros anesthesia \ 30 euros overnight stay in the clinic

Additional expenses: dressings 100 hryvnia per dressing (~ 300 Russian rubles)


The next morning I passed all the tests at SmartLab, except for HIV and fluorography, which had to be done at the clinic. I would like to clarify that the HIV test can be done within 10 days.

SmartLab cost me 2000 hryvnia (~ 6000 Russian rubles)

Polyclinic - conditionally free (I still stuck fifty dollars there so that they could do everything that was needed without going to a therapist and without a referral) ~ 100 UAH (~ 300 Russian rubles)

On the 17th, with all the tests in hand, I was waiting for the HIV result...

On January 27, with a full package of tests, I contacted the surgeon and I was scheduled for surgery on February 1)

Day X!

They altered my ears, modeling a new ear shape.

Thank God I didn’t spare money for a private clinic and ward!

Everything is clean, tidy, the rooms are bright and with all the amenities (showers, TVs, air conditioners, heated beds and quick call buttons for medical workers), almost a resort.

I signed the contract, I was tested for anesthesia, photographed, given a special hairstyle, and 15 minutes later I was already in the operating room.

They injected 6 injections into the ear, poked it with a needle, to see if I could feel it or not, and it started)

After 15 minutes, I began to pound with fear, I understood that I didn’t want to be long-eared anymore, and at the same time, the realization that nothing could be returned, a bit of self-pity or something.. I cried)

They quickly brought me a pill and a glass with a straw, I drank it and the operation continued. For the rest of the OP I was half asleep and calm.

Wooden ears and the sound of cutting cardboard in my head, something like that, I only saw how bloody napkins were changed. The operation lasted about 40 minutes, after which I was taken on a gurney to my room.

All rewound, with a funny hairstyle, in hospital pajamas, I was driving along the corridor with a smile with all 32 teeth)

After a couple of hours I couldn’t stand it and whined to my husband that I wanted to go home)

There was no bleeding, no negative consequences after anesthesia, and we were allowed to go home.

Brief diary:

1 day- I was already at home in the evening and switched off immediately. The night was terrible! Everything hurts, it freezes, I take painkillers every 4-6 hours.

Day 2- Dressing in the clinic. The pain begins to subside, but I am constantly tired, I only wake up to drink tea and do the bathroom chores.

Day 3- I don’t feel pain. It is very difficult to sleep on your back! I take painkillers and it’s already starting to itch.

4 day- Everything itches (I don’t touch it again, I gently sniffle with a cotton swab for the ears.

5 day- Second dressing change in the clinic. Everything itches. The gauze supporting the shape of the auricle was removed. They prescribed self-care at home (Lioton 1000 for resolving hematomas and alcohol for wiping stitches.) Finally I looked at my ears, they’re great! Even in blue they are gorgeous!

10 day- There is no pain at all, I haven’t taken painkillers for the second day. I wear a bandage around the clock, but I can now afford to take it off for an hour or two a day. I found a position to sleep without touching my ears. The first day I got enough sleep! My ears gain sensitivity, I feel the touch of my fingers, muffled, but still, there is no feeling that my ears are not mine.

Day 11- Wash your hair! True, with 4 hands, I had to really dodge so as not to wet the seams, my husband coped with the task). Blissful feeling! Nothing hurts, the bruises are going away.

Last visit to the clinic, conclusion and discharge. The ears are pink, insensitive, sensitivity is restored in up to 3 months. I don’t wear a headband during the day, only at night, I boldly pin my hair up in a high ponytail. They told me to clean the seams with alcohol for another week. The stitches will not be removed, the medical thread will dissolve on its own within 3 weeks, they are no longer even visible.

21 days- I put on earrings. All the threads have fallen out of the seams, my ears itch))) I still manage with cotton swabs. I can already calmly go out into the street with new hairstyles. Unusual sensations, +100 to confidence.

30 day- I’m still trying to sleep with the bandage on, but apparently I take it off myself in my sleep. I've been sleeping normally on my ears for just a couple of days. The seams have turned pink and are no longer noticeable unless you look at them. The sensitivity of the ears returns, there is no feeling of a foreign object instead of the original ears. It’s a little unpleasant when touched, not painful, just unpleasant, but every day it gets easier.

On the 5th day, hematoma-absorbing cream Lyoton 1000 + alcohol was prescribed for the suture line. Alcohol 2 times a day, Lyoton 3 times a day.

Lyoton 1000 itself does not like it when one layer is applied to another, I was afraid to wash off the old layer with water and use Miramistin to wash the ears (we never touch the seams, only with alcohol).

Apply Lyoton with massage movements until absorbed (in the first days it is not very pleasant, the ears are wooden and ache).

You shouldn’t lubricate it with a triple layer so that it is absorbed, much less put gauze pads on the wet gel, which are left after the dressing, oh how painful it is to tear it off from your ears later!

When the bandage begins to press, release the earlobes and adjust the elastic bandage so that it is comfortable. It is not necessary that your head be wrapped like a suicide bomber, because the purpose of the bandage is to reduce the possibility of mechanical damage and only then maintain the cartilage.

Don't wash your hair! Don't reinvent the wheel, strictly follow your surgeon's instructions! They said not to wash for 10 days, that means no washing. God forbid the chemical gets into the stitches or the swollen ear, the consequences are unpredictable.

Well, don’t be afraid of the first 7 days of ear color, this is a palette of purple and green-blue tones)

Price of drugs:

Lyoton 1000 - 120 hryvnia

Miramistin was left over from guests from Russia, the price on the package is 273 Russian rubles

Nimesil - 10 hryvnia 1 sachet (it took 10 sachets for 8 days)

Ketanov - 40 hryvnia plate (it took 8 tablets for 8 days)

Cost Sheet:

Surgery + Ward + Anesthesia = 17,600 UAH

SmartLab analyzes = 2,000 UAH

Dressings (3 times) = 300 UAH

Self-care products = ~ 400 UAH.

Total: 20,300 UAH

If you are concerned about the issue of ears - Do, do and do again! The main thing is to contact a good surgeon; do not skimp on your health and beauty.

Yes, this is not a trip to a massage therapist, it is painful in places and you will have to be patient, but the result will save you from your complexes forever.

I'm very pleased.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs