Regulations on foster family. The procedure for adopting a child from a maternity hospital or orphanage

How to adopt a child from a maternity hospital? More and more orphaned or abandoned children in our country are finding a new family. Children are taken into care, into foster families, and adopted. The greatest demand, especially among childless families, is for babies who have just been born. Parents wait for years to adopt a newborn, as the waiting list is huge and does not come quickly. But not everyone knows how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital, what are the requirements for documents and adoptive parents.

How to adopt a child from a maternity hospital

Quite often, unfortunately, young mothers in maternity hospitals abandon their newborn children. The reasons for refusals may be different:

  • early pregnancy, when the parents of a minor mother persuade her to leave the baby in the maternity hospital;
  • studying at a university when a mother prefers a career to the fate of her baby;
  • birth trauma or other pathology, as a result of which the child is born sick;
  • lack of funds or lack of housing;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction.

It is these children, the refuseniks, that new parents are waiting for. But before you become one, you need to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities to adopt a newborn baby from the maternity hospital.

If you are firmly convinced that you need a child from the maternity hospital whom you will make happy, then look for a guardianship authority or department in your city or region.

The statement you write there will be your first real step towards your child. In the application you will need to indicate your details, as well as describe what kind of child you want to take into your family: age, eye and hair color, etc.

There are requirements for adoptive parents that you must fully comply with, these are:

  • health. The guardianship authorities will receive a form on which you must undergo a medical examination. You should not have infectious diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, or chronic diseases.
  • income. The income for each member of your family must be higher than the cost of living established in your region.
  • living conditions. You will need to provide documents for the apartment or house where you are going to bring your baby. The guardianship authorities, after you collect all the papers and bring them to them, will come to you to inspect your home to make sure that the child will live in good conditions.
  • if the adoption is registered in the name of a wife, then the written consent of the husband is required, and vice versa.
  • you need to get a police certificate stating that you have no criminal record.
  • Preparation. You need to take courses for future adoptive parents. An exception can be made only for those who have already adopted children and have undergone mandatory training. You will be given a certificate of completion of the course.

All these documents for adoption will go to the table of the commission, which will decide your fate: whether you will be the parents of an adopted baby or not. You will be notified of the refusal within 5 days, but if after 5 days no news has been received, it means that your documents have been approved by the commission, and after 2 weeks you will be invited for permission.

And only after receiving the commission’s conclusion about your suitability to be adoptive parents, you will be in line for your baby. This is one of the disadvantages of infant adoption. There is no waiting list for children after one year of age.

The procedure for adopting a child from a maternity hospital

Let's start with the fact that it is almost impossible to receive a child directly from the maternity hospital. He is in the maternity hospital for several days, then he is transferred to a children's hospital. There he is thoroughly examined, and he spends some time in the department. Then he is transferred to the orphanage. At this time, the mother who abandoned the baby can still come to her senses and take the child, even if adoption documents have begun to be drawn up for him. And this is the second minus. In practice, this happens, although rarely.

And third: it takes time to prepare adoption documents for the court, then you need to wait for the court hearing, and wait 10 days before the decision comes into force. Adoption in our country is carried out only by court decision, and nothing else. Therefore, adoption from a maternity hospital is rather a myth. You can receive your baby when he is already 2-3 months old. Although anything can happen in life.

But let's return to the stages of adoption. Your turn, in the end, has come, you have collected all the documents again (!), again received permission from the guardianship authorities and met your future son or daughter, you liked the child, and what next?

Take care of checking your baby's health. Look at his medical record. Do all possible tests with your child, ultrasound, etc. They should do this for you for free. The child may have diseases that have not yet made themselves felt, but the results of the examination will show them. And if you do not want to connect your life with a sick child, or you do not have the means to treat him, then it is better to refuse immediately. Your permission will be valid for 3 months, during which time you will be able to find a healthy child. If you are satisfied with everything, inform the guardianship authorities about your choice and, together with them, go to submit documents to the court.

This time, the application you write must contain a request for adoption and the details of the baby that you want to assign to him. You can:

  • give him your last name and patronymic;
  • change name;
  • change the date and place of birth.

The latter is more important if you faked pregnancy in order to keep the adoption secret (Article 139 of the Family Code). The date can be changed by up to three months either way and is permitted upon adoption.

To maintain secrecy, the trial is held behind closed doors; in addition to the adoptive parents, the guardianship authorities and the prosecutor are present.

After the court establishes the adoption, you will receive an extract (after 10 days), and with it and your passports you will go to the registry office, where you will be issued a birth certificate for your child.

With the help of the guardianship authorities, you can agree that the child and mother are discharged from the maternity hospital on the appointed day, film all this on video for history and go home to raise your baby.

You can learn about how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital, a baby home or an orphanage, and the requirements for adoptive parents in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, articles 122-144.

In resolving psychological issues regarding the adoption and upbringing of a child, a systematic approach is the best. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that a person’s mental properties are given from birth and are not hereditary. That is, psychologically the child may be completely different from his parents. From this point of view, natural parents do not have any special advantages in relation to adoptive parents, in the sense that the psyche is not inherited.

Part one. How to take a child from an orphanage

Legislatively, the procedure for adopting children in Russia consists of five main steps:

    Come to the territorial Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship at your place of residence and write an application.

    Complete training at a foster parent school, which is conducted by training centers under the guardianship authorities. Training is compulsory and free. Here you will find many nuances on how to adopt a child from an orphanage.

    Collect the necessary documents. Their set depends on the chosen form of placing the child in a family. The list will be given to you by the guardianship department.

    Find your child.

    Register the child in your name.

Training at a foster parent school

Adopting children - where to start? From receiving information. The procedure for adopting a child from an orphanage and other information related to how to adopt a child from an orphanage can be found in special courses for adoptive parents.

The benefits of studying at a foster parent school cannot be overestimated. It does not oblige you to anything, and at the same time it reveals legal, general psychological, medical and other issues of adoptive parenthood. Students of the school get the opportunity to consider foster parenting from the inside in some detail. Understand what criteria and how to choose a child for adoption. Resolve my doubts: what if I take a child into care and fail?

The training is worth taking for anyone who is at least theoretically thinking about the topic of adopting a child. After training, you will either be confirmed in your desire to take a child, or you will understand that you shouldn’t do this yet - and that’s good! It is much worse when people understand this after they have already taken the child and return him to the orphanage. In this case, everyone experiences colossal trauma - both the failed parents and, most of all, the child. Before the introduction of foster care schools, the return rate of children was 50%. Now this figure is much lower. Training will help you figure out how firm and conscious your decision is to take your child from the orphanage.

Adoption of a child from an orphanage and other forms of family arrangement

The choice of the form of family placement for a child depends on your desires, capabilities and status of the child.

    Adoption of orphans: the child acquires all the rights of his own child - surname, heredity, etc. Adoption of a child is possible only if the child is an orphan, that is, has such an official status (when there are no parents or they are deprived of parental rights). Blood relatives after the adoption of a child do not have the right to communicate with him. Taking a child from an orphanage on this basis means being ready to fully accept him into the family - as if he were your own.

    Guardianship and trusteeship: The guardian becomes the legal representative of the child. He can receive a monthly child support allowance, which depends on the region and the child’s health condition. In addition to orphans, children whose parents are not deprived of parental rights, but cannot fulfill their parental responsibilities can also be taken into custody: in cases of serious illness and other reasons. The child is placed under guardianship for his maintenance, upbringing and education, and protection of his rights and interests. More information about how to become a guardian for a child from an orphanage can be found in the foster parent courses.

    Guardianship is established for children under 14 years of age. Guardianship – from 14 to 18 years.

    When registering guardianship, the child retains his last name, first name, patronymic, and the blood parents are not released from the obligation to participate in his maintenance. Guardianship authorities control the conditions of detention, upbringing and education of the child.

    Adoptive family: in fact, this is registration for work as a “foster parent”. Adoptive parents have certain rights and responsibilities, which are controlled by the guardianship authorities. In this case, the child must have orphan status.

    Guest family or mentoring: the child spends part of his time in the family. For example, weekends. Often used as a transitional form when future parents want to get to know their child better. This form helps the child to go beyond the boundaries created by the educational institution system, to experience how a family lives: to gain skills in housekeeping and communication with adults and other children in the family circle. Mentors help children with treatment, provision and choice of clothing, career guidance, and advice on what to do in certain situations.

    Patronage: is established over children without a specific status or if the child’s status does not allow him to be transferred for guardianship or adoption. Often used as a transitional form to guardianship and/or adoption of a child after the child receives the appropriate status. When a child is placed in foster care, he formally remains a child at the orphanage, but at the same time has the opportunity to be raised in a family. His new parents are trained by the foster care service and monitor the process of family placement and foster care.

    Family-type orphanage: usually created in the organizational and legal form of an educational institution. It differs in that it has more children than in foster families and the availability of benefits.

Differences in forms of family arrangement for children

Adoption of children, guardianship and trusteeship, foster family - all these forms of family placement of children put forward certain requirements for adoptive parents.

Adoption of orphans or a form of foster family is possible only if the children's parents are deprived of parental rights. Patronage and guest family allow you to take children with any status.

Foster family and foster care imply restrictions on the rights of educators in relation to children. Foster care limits these rights a little more than a foster family, but the contract in the case of foster care is more flexible and educators can take on exactly the responsibility for the child that a particular person can bear.

The set of documents also differs. It is most extensive and complex in the case of adoption of children in Russia. The simplest one is for a guest family.

It is best to choose the form of family arrangement that suits you after studying at a school for foster parents.

Part two. Adoption of children - the psychological side of foster parenting

In resolving psychological issues regarding the adoption and upbringing of a child, a systematic approach is the best. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that a person’s mental properties are given from birth and are not hereditary. That is, psychologically the child may be completely different from his parents. From this point of view, natural parents do not have any special advantages in relation to adoptive parents, in the sense that the psyche is not inherited. System-vector psychology distinguishes eight vectors of the psyche. In humans, they can be combined in any variation - from one to eight vectors at once. The vector set determines the innate desires and properties of the human psyche. That is, certain character traits are given to us from birth.

Systematic approach to the practice of adoptive parenting

When you think about the possibility of adopting a child, questions arise that are not related to the legal side of the matter, but which should be clarified no less carefully. System-vector psychology allows Understand the most frightening stereotypes of adoption:

  1. Bad genes. This stereotype is stronger than it seems. Adults become less tolerant of a child’s behavior when “bad” actions are explained by heredity. And they are less ready to establish an emotional connection with the child, because “heredity cannot be changed.” There is even an expression: “I would like to help an orphan, but I’m afraid to let a cuckoo bird into the house.” That is, many adoptive parents are afraid: what if they take a child in for upbringing - and he goes after his “unlucky” blood parents?

    Bad genes are a baseless myth. Many are afraid that the child will steal or lie. It doesn't depend on genes. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that for proper development, a child must have, which he receives from his mother. Often children in orphanages do not have it. Therefore, their psychological development may stop.

    P.S. How to choose a child for adoption

    When you collect all the necessary documents, the guardianship authority will issue a certificate stating that you can be a foster parent. By this point, you will already roughly understand what age, gender, and health status of the child you can accept into the family. With this certificate you go to any guardianship department in Russia. You can do several at once. You are writing a statement. You are shown a data bank with profiles of children in a given area.

    I do not recommend searching for children through a federal database with free access via the Internet, since its data is not always up-to-date, and the information is often outdated. This way you choose one or more children you want to meet. You receive permission to visit a specific child in an orphanage or orphanage and go to get acquainted.

    The procedure for adopting a child from an orphanage also presupposes certain rules for getting to know each other. You can only talk to one child at a time. It is impossible to see all the children at once. This is done so that not all children once again experience desperate hope. Because every child wants to see their dad or mom in every adult. If you have chosen someone, you can immediately register the child into your family or visit him at the orphanage for a while to get to know him better.

    The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Childhood is the most important time in the life of every person. It is at this time that the foundations of his character and attitude towards others are laid, many abilities are developed, and his perception of the world is formed. This completely depends on how the child’s childhood goes, how much he will be surrounded by the love and care of his parents, home comfort and warmth. Abandoned children are deprived of all these benefits.

Every year the number of adoptions in our country is growing steadily. Foster parents are most willing to adopt babies at the age of several months. Why does this happen? What are parents' motives for adoption? babies and what documents are required for this? What to expect in the future?

Motives for adoption

There are only two main reasons for adoption: the inability to have children of our own and a sincere desire to take care of a disadvantaged child.

In the first case, the initiator is most often a woman. She wants to realize herself to the fullest, surround the little man with care, raise him to be a full-fledged member of society, give him a part of her soul, give him affection. If there is mutual understanding and harmony in the family, the husband fully supports his wife, and ultimately they decide together to adopt a child from an orphanage.

However, it also happens that the baby re-finds his mother or father in an incomplete family. From a legal point of view, this is not prohibited, but these conditions create additional difficulties when going through the entire procedure.

The first case is the most favorable, judging by psychological standards. Often adopted children end up in families that already have their own child, and sometimes several. The main motivating factors here are a genuine desire to help the child, save him from loneliness and fear of life, and provide full protection and support.

Difficulties of adoption

Before adopting a child from an orphanage, it is important to remember that the entire procedure will take a very long time. for a long time. However, if the desire is truly sincere, then long deadlines, bureaucracy and numerous delays will in no case become an obstacle for future parents. All of the above is a real test of your readiness to love and accept your son or daughter for who they are, and not for any qualities.

An important factor is the ability to support a child. The financial side of the issue greatly influences how orphanages treat newly arrived parents. Adopting a child also means that the little person, in addition to love and care, must enjoy material benefits to the fullest, without feeling the need for anything.

Adoption of children under three years of age

You can practically adopt a baby. This is exactly what many adoptive parents do. The child has lived very little and, one might say, does not realize the full negativity of the current situation, which makes it possible in the future not to reveal the secret of adoption to him at all and to contribute as much as possible to the upbringing of the future member of society, as well as the formation of his character. It is from the age of 0 to 3-4 years that children are in the Baby House.

However, such adoption also has its pitfalls. In some cases, information about real parents, their biological data, age, social status is unavailable, as well as the conditions in which the child was born. In any case, before adopting a child from an orphanage, it is advisable to find out all the comprehensive information from the doctors and employees of the institution. It is also necessary that they provide information about the child’s maintenance and the state of his physical and psychological health.

Who can adopt a child?

After weighing all the pros and cons, there comes a time when future parents have the following questions: “Where to adopt a child and how to do it?”

Since children are one of the most vulnerable social segments of the population, not everyone can adopt them. The restrictions and requirements are quite strict, but this is caused only by the desire of the state to preserve the life and health of the baby.

Before adopting a child from an orphanage, determine whether your candidacy meets the following conditions:

You are fully capable;

You have no criminal convictions for serious crimes;

You have sufficient income to provide a living wage for each member of the future family;

You have a permanent place of residence that meets sanitary standards;

There are no serious illnesses that interfere with parental responsibilities.

Adoption procedure

To begin with, it is recommended to contact the district or city guardianship authorities. Employees will provide information about the stages of the adoption procedure, a list of required documents, and also provide information on orphanages. In principle, you can deal with the last point yourself by referring to reference books.

An optional but desirable item would be training in a special school for foster parents. There, the couple will be told about all the basics and nuances of adopting and raising an abandoned child, which will serve as good preparation.

The next step is submitting papers to the guardianship authorities at your place of residence. Upon completion of the submission of documents, a representative of the guardianship authorities will come to the spouses’ home within 15 days. He will evaluate the living conditions and also conduct a conversation regarding the exact reasons why the future parents wanted to adopt.

Next, the guardianship authorities issue a conclusion on permission to adopt. After this, you can start searching for the child and visiting orphanages. As soon as the baby is selected, the necessary documents are submitted to the orphanage, and the management provides information about the child. A meeting is scheduled between the future parents and the baby.

Based on the results of the meeting, the spouses make a decision on adoption, then write a corresponding application (with a package of documents attached) to the court. Within up to 2 months, the authorities must make a decision to approve the adoption. Or from refusal.

After receiving permission, the couple goes to the Orphanage, presents the court decision and personally takes the child home. The final stage is the registration of the fact of adoption in the registry office.

Required documents

Collecting the necessary certificates is a stage that everyone who decides to adopt a child has to go through. It is better to prepare documents in advance:

  1. Copies of spouses' passports.
  2. Marriage certificate.
  3. Medical health certificates.
  4. Pensioner's ID.
  5. Certificate from work about the amount of income.
  6. Certificate of ownership of housing or lease agreement.
  7. Certificate of registration.
  8. Autobiography of the spouses, relating to all aspects of life, including hobbies, education, work, bad habits, etc.
  9. Certificates of criminal record or lack thereof.

Benefits for adopted children

There are special government payments for adoptive parents, which, depending on different conditions, may have their own size and frequency:

  1. Maternity benefit from the date of adoption until the expiration of 70 days (more than 1 child - 110 days). The amount of average earnings for the last year, but not more than 52,000 rubles.
  2. One-time benefit at the time of adoption. Amounts to 8000 rubles. If the child is disabled, the amount increases to 100,000 rubles.
  3. Monthly up to 1.5 years. Amounts to 40% of the average income for the last year.
  4. Mothers who adopt two or more children before December 31, 2016 are provided with maternity capital. The basic part is 250,000 rubles.
  5. Additional subsidies and payments established by the legislation of the region at the place of residence of the adoptive family.


From the Baby House - a very long process that can last about 5-6 months. Therefore, very often adoptive parents are interested in whether it is possible to adopt a child faster? Experts answer that it is possible to speed up the process if you prepare all the necessary documents in advance and go through several steps of the procedure in parallel. You can also familiarize yourself with the deadlines and government regulations of each stage and track them in a timely manner.

It is important to keep in mind that all relatives of the adoptive family, without exception, must have a positive attitude towards the adoptee. Otherwise, the adaptation process may be greatly slowed down.

Another problem is the adoption of a baby that is absolutely healthy in all respects. There are a minority of such children, so the queue for them is correspondingly longer. In addition, no one can guarantee with one hundred percent certainty that even at a later age one will not suffer from various types of deviations.

It is worth remembering that if there are controversial situations regarding adoption, you can always file an appeal in court. Basically, such complaints concern insufficiently suitable living conditions for spouses (in the opinion of the guardianship authorities).


Adopting a baby is a very responsible step. A child is not a toy that you can throw away or give away when you get tired of it. Parents are fully responsible for the fate of the little man, raise him and help him in the development and formation of his personality. The decision to adopt is made once and for all, as if it were a child born to you personally.

Today, hundreds of programs focused on have been launched in Russia. Despite this, the number of children deprived of parental care is not falling. The way out of such a tragic situation could be foster family.

Concept of foster family

A foster family is an option for family placement of an orphan child or a child whose natural parents were. To form it, the territorial guardianship department creates an act and an agreement.

The status of a foster family is regulated by articles of the Family Code of the Russian Federation 152-155 (), and is accompanied by.

Formation of a foster family

Article 152 of the RF IC strictly defines the regulations according to which the care program is implemented. A foster family is formed on the basis agreements. This agreement is signed by the guardian parents and representatives of the child (guardianship authorities).

The contract specifies:

  1. Responsibilities of parents. Namely, to raise a child, to organize high-quality living conditions for him. Enjoy leisure time, respect, help the child adapt to life outside the orphanage.
  2. Responsibilities of guardianship authorities. The government agency is called upon to monitor the upbringing and maintenance of a child transferred under the foster care program. In this regard, the adoptive family has the right to payments in 2017: one-time benefit – 16,350.33 rubles(for each child), monthly payments (40% from the average salary of a parent for the last year), monthly payments to parents for each child under 10 years of age - 7,857.64 rubles who have reached the age of 10 8,756 rubles. Guardianship authorities also undertake to provide other social support to the family (the list of benefits is established individually depending on the capabilities of the region).
  3. Complete information about the child and his natural parents.
  4. Contract time.

Termination of a trusteeship agreement is a rare legal practice. But these situations happen. Such cases are regulated by law in Article 153 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

So, agreement the foster family is terminated if:

  1. Expired.
  2. Adoptive parents no longer want or cannot take care of the child - problems with health, financial support.
  3. The guardianship authorities reconsidered their decision and denied the parents custody. This happens if unfavorable living conditions for the child are noticed in the family.
  4. One of the parties to the agreement violated its terms.

Important: if a foster family is ready to take care of a frequently ill child, with developmental disabilities, or a disabled child, then the future place of residence must meet the vital needs of the foster child.

Custody always follows solely the interests of the child. Therefore, if the child has already reached the age of 10, no agreement will be signed without his consent. The interests of younger children are represented by guardianship authorities.

The procedure for forming a foster family

We will describe step by step how to take a child from an orphanage or orphanage and create a foster family:

  1. Submission of the mandatory list of documents to the territorial guardianship authority.
  2. Within 3 days, department employees will check the submitted documents, enter information into the database, and inspect the living conditions of the applicants.
  3. Waiting for a decision on appointing or not appointing an applicant as an adoptive parent takes about 10 days from the date of submission of documents.
  4. If the issue is resolved positively, the parents receive a referral to orphanages to get to know the child and his personal history. If necessary, the child may undergo additional medical diagnostics.
  5. If the outcome is positive, the parents write a statement of their intentions to take the child into the family.
  6. Preparation of an act on the transfer of a child to a new family.
  7. Signing the contract.
  8. Calculation of social benefits.

To begin the procedure for registering a foster family, you must contact the Office of Guardianship and Trusteeship at your place of residence.

List of documents

  • certificate from the place of work of future parents. It should indicate the position, average salary, and give a description;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documents for an apartment or house (in the possession of the parents);
  • a police certificate confirming no criminal record;
  • health certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • written consent of all members of the applicant's family.


Let's define the main points of the article:

  1. Adoptive parents– persons who are ready to help an orphan or a child whose parents have been deprived of parental rights in raising them.
  2. When accepting a child into the family, parents must understand that he will retain connections with his relatives and his last name.
  3. The process of registering an adoptive family is complex, but the requirements for parents are more flexible in contrast to the adoption procedure.
  4. Children who are in foster care and parents who take on their upbringing are entitled to financial assistance from the state in the form of benefits.
  5. Before starting the registration procedure, the family must evaluate its capabilities and not be guided only by material gain. Adoptive parents should become his helpers in life, role models.

The most popular question and answer regarding foster families

Question: My husband and I are foster parents for an abandoned child from the maternity hospital. What benefits are provided to adoptive families by law? Alina.

Answer: Alina, since the child was placed with a family from the maternity hospital and is abandoned, the number of benefits is significantly wider than with regular adoption. Firstly, all food (up to two years) and medicine (up to three years) are paid for by the state. With a court order, you have the right to receive a lump sum payment, as well as monthly child support.

At the same time, the child retains all rights: he receives housing (the right to housing for biological parents or a new one from the state), and studies for free in the same way as orphans. For a mother who does not work but is raising a child, these years are included in her pension period.

The children themselves receive a large number of one-time benefits at various stages of life: when getting a job, when changing educational institutions. All types of content are also saved.

Today, adoptive parents receive 40% from your weighted average earnings for the year, but not less 3 minimum wage, set for the region.

Reading time: 8 minutes

The number of couples who, for a variety of reasons, do not have children, increases every year. And I really want the house to be filled with children's laughter. The problem of a childless marriage can be resolved through the adoption procedure. How to adopt a child from an orphanage, so that he, even if genetically foreign, eventually becomes family and friends, bringing the joy of raising his own child into the life of the spouses.

Who can become an adoptive parent

Before placing a child in the hands of new parents, the state, in the role of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, must make sure that the foster family does not consist of people who have been convicted, have been deprived of paternal rights, are disabled, and will be able to provide the child with decent living and upbringing conditions . The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a list of persons who can act as an adoptive parent:

  1. According to the Civil Code, any mentally healthy citizens can become adoptive parents, provided they reach 21 years of age. The exception is for those who are already related to this child - then the requirements for the age of the adoptive parent may be lowered.
  2. Both a married couple who are officially married and people living together without registration can become a mother and father.
  3. Adoptive parents must be at least fifteen years older than the child.
  4. If only a husband or wife wants to adopt a child, the other parent must write a written consent certified by a notary.
  5. A single woman or a single man is allowed to adopt a baby. In this case, the single mother or father is subsequently assigned this status with corresponding benefits.

Can a single woman or man adopt a child?

In Russia, the adoption of a child by a single woman or man is not legally prohibited. But in practice, it is much more difficult for a single mother or a single man to become an official parent, even if they have a good job and a comfortable home - specialists from the guardianship authorities will look at such adoptive parents more carefully. The procedure for single people to assume parental rights is not fundamentally different from the standard procedure. Therefore, whether you are married or not does not really matter.

For whom is this not possible?

Not everyone is allowed to adopt a child, and the categories of these persons are strictly prescribed by law. If you cannot provide for a child, you have no home, you are in poor health, you have a criminal record, in all these cases the baby will suffer. According to the law, you cannot adopt children:

  1. Disabled people, both fully and partially recognized as incapable of work, as well as couples where one spouse is disabled.
  2. People undergoing treatment or registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist.
  3. People deprived of maternal or paternal rights.
  4. For those who have already officially adopted a child, but lost the right to do so due to their own fault.
  5. For those who do not have a residence permit or live in an apartment or house that does not meet sanitary requirements.
  6. Having low earnings, which makes it impossible to provide the child with at least a living wage.
  7. Same-sex married couple.
  8. If at least one future parent has a criminal record.

What does it take to adopt a child from an orphanage?

If you decide to adopt a child, remember that the adoption procedure is lengthy. After you have found the child, you will need to collect a package of all the necessary documents and submit them to the court to make a decision on adoption. Sometimes you may need the help of a lawyer.

You need to study Russian laws related to the adoption procedure. A candidate applying for the role of an adoptive parent, in addition to his rights and obligations, must study the powers of the guardianship authorities. The rules for adopting a baby, the addresses of orphanages, baby homes or maternity hospitals can be found in the department for adoption and protection of children's rights, as well as from representatives of district guardianship authorities (ROO). You can find information about orphans and refuseniks there, from representatives of the ROO.

Some trustee bodies and charitable institutions can post brief information about children, photos and videos of children online. Please note that such organizations can only give you information about children, but they do not have the right to act as intermediaries for their adoption. To avoid additional problems, contact government guardianship services exclusively. Carefully monitor how legal the adoption procedure is.

What documents are required

A special commission appointed by the guardianship authorities must review your documents and issue its conclusion no later than a month later. This conclusion will be needed when submitting to the judicial authorities to obtain permission to adopt. To obtain the right to adopt a child, you must submit an application to the regional guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of registration, accompanied by:

  1. A short autobiography.
  2. Medical certificate issued at the place of residence. The certificate must confirm that the spouses do not have diseases contraindicated for adoption. To do this, you will have to visit the AIDS center, tuberculosis, drug addiction, oncology, dermatovenerological and psychoneurological dispensaries. Certificates must be prepared on special forms issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  3. A copy of your marriage registration certificate, if available.
  4. Notarized consent that your wife or husband is not against adoption (if only one spouse is going to become the adoptive parent).
  5. A certificate from the place of work, or a certificate issued in form 2-NDFL. From it, the ROO will learn about your position and the amount of monthly payments. If candidates are entrepreneurs, then they must submit an income statement.
  6. At the place of registration of candidates, do not forget to take an extract from the personal account or house register. The statement must list the people living at this address. If the future parents are homeowners, then present a certificate for the apartment or house.
  7. A certificate obtained from the police about no criminal record.
  8. A positive reference issued at the place of work for both spouses.

Payments to families

Adoption is the legally preferred form of child placement today. Unlike children in care, an officially adopted child receives social and legal rights, including the right to inheritance, just like his own child. In addition to federal ones, adoptive families are entitled to regional payments and child benefits, which you need to find out about in your city. Adoptive parents are entitled to the following types of federal payments:

  1. One-time benefit. It is paid once when the adopted child is transferred to the parents. The initial indexed benefit amount is 8 thousand rubles.
  2. Maternity benefits (but if at the time of adoption your child was older than three months, you will not receive benefits).
  3. A monthly benefit paid based on the average earnings of the adoptive parent over the last 2 years. Paid until the child reaches one and a half years old.
  4. Maternity capital for one parent, in the presence of two or more children, both natural and adopted.
  5. A payment of 100 thousand rubles is also given for each child in the following cases:
  6. Disability of the adopted child.
  7. If at the time of adoption the child is over seven years old.
  8. When adopting children who are related by blood (who are brothers or sisters).

How to adopt a newborn from a maternity hospital

Adopting a baby directly from the hospital can be difficult. Many couples, for many reasons, want newborn babies; in order to adopt a refuser, they have to get on the waiting list, for which, in addition to contacting the ROO, it is necessary to submit an application about the desire to adopt an infant child.

It is best if you start looking for a refusenik yourself. Representatives of local guardianship and trusteeship authorities tell you that there are currently no conscientious objectors in the district maternity hospital? You have every right to apply to the guardianship of other districts with the conclusion issued to you. And if the search for the baby is successful, the maternity hospital offers you an abandoned baby, then the guardianship is obliged to give you all the necessary information about the baby. Then you go to meet a child who desperately needs a home and family.

Having decided to adopt a baby, you sign an application for adoption and, together with the guardianship authorities, submit an application to the judicial authorities to make a final decision. As soon as the court gives its permission, you can officially be considered the parents of the baby, and receive an official birth certificate and a note in the passport from the registry office.

Please note that it will not be possible to take a child who is only a few days old. Those who refuse are transferred to the children's hospital from the maternity hospital, where they undergo medical examination. The state is obliged to provide guardians and adoptive parents with maximum information about the health of the baby being transferred to the family - future parents must be notified if the child has Down syndrome or any other serious illness.

On average, medical examination takes one month, and if there are specific candidates for parents, it takes a little faster. Please note - a child who was kept in an orphanage is rarely healthy, but this can be corrected with proper care and love. It is more difficult to take a child under one year old than an older one. There is a queue for such kids, but there is always a chance.



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