Is geranium beneficial? How does the smell of fragrant pelargonium affect the human body?

Everyone knows grandma’s geranium, which constantly blooms and exudes a strong aroma. There are about 430 species of this plant. But not everyone is aware of its healing properties.

For the first time, geranium fell into the hands of breeders of the Royal Gardens of Great Britain in the 16th-17th centuries. It was brought by sailors from South Africa. Flowers began to be grown in gardens and parks. And then indoor varieties of this plant were developed. D. Tradescan was engaged in the selection of geraniums.

Homemade geranium has medicinal properties

We know from history that even Peter was the first to treat his sore leg with geranium. This plant helped him numb the pain. And the courtiers wore this flower as decoration. Magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages believed that it drove away evil spirits. They made amulets in which they placed geranium flowers. Nowadays, the oil of this fragrant flower is added to essential oils and used in aromatherapy.

Scientists have proven that geranium can even kill staphylococci and streptococci. Also, when indoors, geranium can purify the air of germs.

Medicinal properties of geranium

Geranium heals wounds

Rose geranium is used to treat wounds. It has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. The leaves of this plant are used for.

Geranium for insomnia

If you come up and breathe in the aroma of geranium, your well-being and mood improve. Geranium also helps get rid of insomnia. Geranium oil is rubbed into the temples to relieve headaches.

Geranium treats runny nose and otitis media

Freshly squeezed juice from geranium leaves treats otitis media and runny nose. Sometimes the juice is mixed with essential oils.

Geranium for hypertension

To lower blood pressure, take a decoction of geranium. You can also apply the leaves to your wrist.

Geranium for toothache

The leaf is applied to the painful tooth until the pain goes away.

Treatment with geranium - contraindications

But, despite all the healing properties of geranium, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. Children can only use it for external procedures. Elderly people and pregnant women should approach treatment with geranium preparations with caution. If you suffer from chronic diseases, it is worth consulting a doctor. Patients with stomach ulcers may also be harmed by this treatment.

Contraindications of geranium and signs

Indoor geranium - signs

In popular belief, geranium was believed to protect the house from snakes. The pink variety helps in love, the red variety improves health, and the white variety helps to conceive a child. Pink geranium flowers were placed in the closet to get rid of moths.

Geranium is also widely used in the production of cosmetic creams and oils. These are products for body, hair and facial skin care. Massage therapists use geranium oil.

And simply, being in the house, geraniums do not stand idle. It is believed that this protects the inhabitants of the house from the negative influence of ill-wishers and is the protector of your home.

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Geranium is one of the most popular indoor plants. The flower owes its fame to its beautiful appearance and easy care.

The benefits and harms of geranium have long been studied; many gardeners know about its properties. The plant contains medicinal essential oils, and the fragrant aroma of pelargonium repels insects.

Geranium not only has medicinal properties, but can also have a negative effect on human health. Therefore, before placing a plant on a windowsill in an apartment or house, much less using it for medical purposes, you need to study its features.

Properties of pelargonium

Geranium can be an annual or perennial plant, up to 50 cm high. Large and beautiful pelargonium flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Its leaves are large, they have a dark green color in the middle and white stripes along the edges. Their peculiarity is that they have a lemon, meadow and slightly mint aroma.

In addition to garden and ornamental varieties, there are types of pelargonium that grow wild. The plant can be found in the meadows of Europe, the Caucasus and the southern mountains.

The moisture requirement of geraniums is average. For normal growth, the flower requires constant loosening of the soil and regular watering.

The optimal types of soil for the plant are slightly acidic and neutral. The flower is resistant to low temperatures, but does not like stagnant water. With a lack of light, the color of pelargonium becomes faded.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of geranium are due to its rich composition. All parts of the plant have a healing effect:

  1. rhizomes – phenols;
  2. leaves – essential oil, phenolcarboxylic acids, pigments, vitamins, flavonoids, carbohydrates, ellagitannins.
  3. flowers - hemicellulose, phenolic compounds, starch and sucrose.

Medicinal qualities

Indoor geranium has a powerful antibacterial effect. This was confirmed by experiments during which a product contaminated with staphylococcus was dripped onto the leaves of the plant. After a while, it turned out that the flower cleared it of bacteria.

Everything in pelargonium is useful - stems, leaves and inflorescences. Its aroma also has healing properties, thanks to which the general condition of the body improves and insects are repelled.

Geranium is often used to treat colds and acute respiratory infections. The tincture or freshly squeezed juice of the plant will be changed when gargling and washing the nasal passages.

How is geranium useful for otitis media? For ear diseases, you just need to roll up a flower leaf and apply it to the inflamed auditory organ, which will destroy germs and relieve inflammation.

Pelargonium also relieves toothache. And thanks to its sedative and hemostatic properties, the flower helps get rid of migraines, fatigue, it relaxes the nervous system and relieves depression.

Also, the health benefits of geranium are as follows:

  • lowering sugar levels;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • speedy healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • softening dry calluses;
  • improvement in dysentery;
  • normalization of the intestines and stomach;
  • treatment of eye diseases (inflammation of the eyelids, cataracts);
  • removing salt from the body;
  • improvement of blood clotting;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes.

Pelargonium is beneficial for women as it eliminates signs of cellulite. Plant-based remedies treat infertility, thrush and improve mood.

Those who have geranium in their home should know that this plant removes toxins from the body and neutralizes the effects of snake venom. The flower also helps fight swelling and apathy.

Gynostemma quinquefolia, whose beneficial properties are the same as those of geranium, goes well with pelargonium. If you combine the use of these plants, the immunostimulating, antitoxic, tonic and regenerating effect is enhanced.

Especially useful is geranium essential oil, which may not smell very pleasant, but its healing properties make it possible to overcome this disadvantage. The product is used for cosmetic purposes and added to medicinal ointments. It is often used to treat nervous disorders and relieve pain symptoms.

Other indications for the use of geranium oil - the extract stabilizes hormonal levels and has a beneficial effect on the skin, promoting its healing, restoration, hydration and rejuvenation. During pregnancy, the oil is used as a prophylactic against stretch marks.

In an energetic sense, geranium is the guardian of the hearth; it harmonizes space and makes the atmosphere in the house calm. And popular beliefs say that the plant even scares away evil spirits.


If there are children in the house, then decorate its rooms with pots of geraniums with caution, observing the reaction of the child’s body. After all, the flower is an allergen, and preparations based on the plant when treating children under 12 years of age are allowed to be used only externally, since decoctions and infusions can harm the immature stomach and intestinal tract.

You also need to make sure that the plants are not eaten by pets, which can cause poisoning in them. Geranium thickens the blood, so if the viscosity of the biofluid is high or if you are taking medications that have a similar effect, geranium infusion and decoction are contraindicated.

The plant can lower blood pressure. Therefore, medications based on it can harm hypotensive patients.

Other contraindications to the use of pelargonium:

  1. intestinal atony;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. stomach ulcer;
  4. old age;
  5. tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  6. constipation

Infusion and decoction of geranium can be harmful in the presence of any chronic diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment, medical consultation is necessary.


To get rid of goiter, thrush and eliminate heart pain, it is recommended to use an alcohol tincture of geranium. To prepare it, the aromatic leaf of the plant (10 g) is poured with ethanol or vodka (100 ml) and left for 12 days in a dark place. The product is used for external and internal treatment.

You can buy geranium oil at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. For this purpose, crushed flowers and leaves are poured with alcohol in equal proportions. Fill a glass container halfway with the liquid, which is placed in a bright place for 15 days.

After a while, the container is filled to the top with vegetable oil and left to infuse in the sun for half a month. Afterwards, the product is filtered and stored in a closed jar.

There is another recipe for making geranium oil. 40 grams of crushed leaves are poured with a glass of olive oil. The product is infused in a dark glass container for 45 days.

To prepare a decoction of pelargonium, which can even dissolve kidney stones, you need to prepare 1 spoon of the plant's rhizomes. The raw materials are poured into a pan and 250 ml of cold water is poured.

The mixture is put on fire and boiled for about 10 minutes. The broth is infused for an hour and filtered. Before taking it, dilute it with water and drink it up to 4 times a day.

To eliminate pain due to gout, rheumatism and normalize intestinal function, use an infusion of pelargonium. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  • 15 g of dry and crushed geranium leaves are placed in a container and poured with 500 ml of boiled cooled water.
  • The mixture is infused for 8 hours.
  • The medicine is taken 10 ml every 120 minutes.

At the initial stage of cataracts, use pelargonium juice, which is instilled into the eyes, 1 drop every day. Also, such procedures will be useful for improving vision, for purulent and bacterial infections.

Mix everything and leave overnight. Inflamed eyelids are washed with honey water twice a day.

For neuralgia, 2-3 green pelargonium leaves are placed on linen cloth, which is bandaged to the affected area. The top is wrapped with a woolen scarf.

After 30 minutes, the old leaves are replaced with fresh ones. This procedure is carried out several times. Within 2-3 hours the pain should subside.

Pelargonium is often used to treat otodectosis (ear mites) in pets. And if you periodically rub your pet’s fur with a paste of plant leaves, it will always be smooth and silky.

Geranium is one of the most popular house plants. She won universal love among flower growers not only for her bright appearance and unpretentiousness. Indoor species have unique qualities that our grandmothers knew about. This article describes some of the beneficial properties of geranium.

In folk practice, there are many recipes based on various parts. But even just a flower growing in a room brings a lot of benefits to the room and its inhabitants.

Back in the middle of the last century, bright plants were kept on the windowsill in almost every home. Our grandmothers considered the flower a talisman for their home.

Geranium has the following properties:

  • purifies the room air, destroying harmful bacteria;
  • enhances the positive energy at home, extinguishes irritation and anger of family members, helps restore relationships between quarreling spouses, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to relax and promotes sound sleep;
  • indoor geranium has an antiviral effect, which is especially important during the cold and flu season;
  • the smell of geranium protects the house from unwanted insects. In the summer, in the house where these flowers are planted, you will not find either mosquitoes or annoying flies. In addition, you do not need to use additional anti-moth products. Many gardeners even plant outdoor varieties on the site to preserve the harvest from the invasion of garden pests.

Geranium – treatment of diseases

The list of diseases and ailments that geranium successfully copes with is huge. The plant is used both to treat mild colds and to combat intractable diagnoses.

All parts of the plant are used to prepare medicines. The leaves, roots and flowers contain a large amount of useful minerals, essential oils, vitamin C, carotene, and flavonoids. Thanks to this unique composition, geranium has antiviral, hemostatic, wound-healing, and antibacterial effects. Decoctions from the leaves have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, helping to cope with digestive disorders.

At the first sign of a cold, you can start preparing natural medicine. Gargling with a warm decoction of the leaves will relieve a sore throat. To do this, 25 g of leaves are boiled for several minutes in a liter of water, then filtered. Rinse is used several times a day at intervals of 3-4 hours. For a runny nose, place 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed plant juice into each nostril.

Geranium has proven itself well for ear pain. At the first symptoms of discomfort or pain, the leaf should be kneaded well with your fingers, rolled into a tube and placed in the ear. You can get rid of toothache in a similar way.

To improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure, a geranium leaf is applied for half an hour on the wrist of the left hand, in the place where the pulse is felt.

The juice of the plant can be used as a strong hemostatic agent. For uterine bleeding, you need to take 20-30 drops of fresh juice orally every 2 hours. A tampon soaked in juice will help with frequently recurring nosebleeds. It must be inserted into the nostril for 30-40 minutes each time blood begins to flow.

For cancer patients, it is recommended to use the decoction daily. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of crushed leaves, pour boiling water over it and leave to steep overnight. During the day, the decoction is often drunk in small sips. The product helps the body fight cancer cells, preventing the appearance of new ones.

An aromatic pillow with dry geranium leaves and flowers will help cope with insomnia. You can also add other herbs to the herb bag, such as hops, fern, lavender. A similar effect will be obtained if you drop 2-3 drops of essential oil on a napkin and place it near the bed.

Video “Geranium oil - composition, properties and treatment with geranium oil”

Contraindications to treatment with geranium

Like any medicine, geranium leaves can sometimes cause harm instead of the expected benefit. Contraindications to treatment are:

In the presence of chronic diseases of various organs, the attending physician must decide on the possibility of taking the decoction. He will compare the beneficial properties and contraindications and give appropriate recommendations.

Geranium and cosmetology

Geranium oil

Geranium is also widely used in the preparation of cosmetics.

An ice cube with geranium juice will help restore the elasticity and natural shine of the skin. This product is recommended for use by middle-aged women when age-related skin changes appear. Substances that contain plant juice stimulate cell renewal processes and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Young girls can use a decoction. This is especially true for those with oily skin. When chilled, this natural lotion copes well with pimples, blackheads, redness, helps narrow pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

A decoction of the leaves is also used to strengthen hair. To achieve results, you need to rinse your hair with it after each washing procedure.

If, after the described beneficial properties of geranium, there are still doubts whether it is needed, just look at the variety of varieties and types of the plant. Bright, showy flowers will be a wonderful decoration for your room. and if necessary, they can cure illnesses.

Geranium is not only a beautiful flower, but also a real storehouse of useful substances. That is why this plant is widely used in folk medicine. But, even if you just put pelargonium on the windowsill in your home, it will help in the treatment of certain diseases.

In this article we will look at the beneficial properties of this culture and how it can be used to treat various diseases. In addition, we will pay attention to contraindications to the use of geranium, so that the use of traditional medicine does not cause harm to health.

What does geranium look like?

The appearance of the flower is familiar to almost everyone, because in the past this plant was extremely popular (Figure 1). It was often grown at home, in schools, kindergartens and clinics. It was believed that pelargonium has a strong antimicrobial effect and can even prevent a flu epidemic. There is some truth in these words, since this plant really contains many substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Figure 1. Geranium and its healing properties

Externally, the culture resembles a small shrub with jagged leaves covered with small fibers. When you touch these fibers, the culture begins to emit a very characteristic aroma. Domestic species, as a rule, bloom with red inflorescences, but hybrids of other shades are also popular. In addition, there are varieties designed for growing in open ground or in hanging pots.

Composition of geranium

Pelargonium contains a huge amount of useful substances, which explains the popularity of this culture in folk medicine. Thus, it contains tannins, salts, starch and organic acids. The plant also contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, calcium and many essential oils. In addition, the composition includes a specific substance geranin, the properties of which have not yet been fully studied.

Most of the names of useful substances are incomprehensible to the average person, but scientists have already established that this plant can effectively fight many ailments. Thus, the young leaves of the plant help eliminate digestive problems, inflammation of the throat and nose, and the essential oil has a pronounced calming effect, helping to cope with depression and nervous breakdown. In addition, infusions from this plant help remove salts from the body and stop bleeding.

What diseases does geranium treat?

Ordinary home pelargonium can be called a real storehouse of healing substances. It can normalize blood pressure, improve blood flow and the functioning of the heart muscle. It also effectively relieves headaches and regulates the gastrointestinal tract (Figure 2).

But most often the culture is used to treat colds and inflammation of the throat, nose and ears. To get rid of a runny nose, just squeeze the juice from several leaves and drop it into your nose, and an infusion of the leaves can quickly relieve a sore throat.

Treatment of otitis media

People suffering from frequent otitis media will also benefit from regular homemade geranium. To quickly relieve ear pain, just pick a few young leaves, rinse them under a stream of water and insert them into the ear.

Tannins and beneficial microelements contained in the leaves will not only quickly relieve headaches, but also help relieve inflammation.

Benefits and harms

The beneficial substances that make up geranium are widely known for their beneficial effects on the body. They perfectly relieve pain and inflammation, are used as a preventative against colds, and also normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Figure 2. Benefits and harms of the plant

But this amazing plant also has some properties that can cause negative consequences for the body.

The harm of geranium is as follows:

  1. The plant is a strong allergen, and if individual intolerance is present, it can cause severe swelling.
  2. The substances that make up the flower strongly thicken the blood, so drugs based on them are not recommended for people with thrombophlebitis or other diseases associated with high blood viscosity.
  3. Products from this culture are contraindicated for the elderly, young children and pregnant women.

In general, we can conclude that this is indeed a very useful flower, but before taking any drugs based on it, you should definitely consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of individual intolerance.

Effect on the body

Not only geranium essential oil, but also the plant itself as a whole can have a positive or negative effect on the body. The most pronounced effect is observed for the circulatory and nervous systems.

For example, if you place this flower in the bedroom, a person will have a better rest at night and will not suffer from insomnia. In addition, essential oil can be used to scent rooms and as a preventative against colds. Infusions based on pelargonium strengthen the heart muscle, and you can quickly normalize blood pressure by simply applying a fresh leaf to your wrist.

Application in cosmetology

The amazing healing properties of pelargonium have found application not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also in cosmetology. For example, from this plant you can prepare a mask that effectively eliminates acne and acne.

To do this, you need to take two or three young leaves of the plant, mash them into a paste and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes and then washed off with warm water. But since geranium is considered a strong allergen, before using such a product you need to conduct an allergy test by smearing a small amount of the mixture on the skin on the bend of your elbow.

Geranium essential oil

Separately, mention should be made of the amazing properties of the essential oil of this culture. It is widely used in folk medicine to relieve migraines, eliminate menstrual pain and quickly heal wounds.

A few drops of essential oil added to washing water will help cleanse the skin thoroughly. In addition, it can be used in various homemade masks on its own, or in combination with other essential oils.

Benefits and harms in the home

Even if you are not going to prepare tinctures or decoctions from geranium, this culture can have a beneficial effect on your health if you simply place it in your home. The aroma of pelargonium will repel insects and clear the air of bacteria. In addition, the smell of the flower has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, calms the irritated nervous system, relieves headaches and insomnia.

However, if there are children in the house, you should be careful when decorating rooms with geraniums, as its smell can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that pets do not eat the leaves, as this can cause allergies in them.

Contraindications for use

Products based on this plant, like any other traditional medicine, have certain contraindications that must be taken into account before taking the drug. For example, such drugs should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, elderly people and young children. It should also be borne in mind that pelargonium can cause a serious allergic reaction, so before using any product based on it, it is necessary to check the body for the presence of individual intolerance.

Remedies from this flower are contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and low blood pressure, as well as for patients with thrombophlebitis or other diseases associated with high blood viscosity.

The author of the video will provide additional information about the beneficial properties of geranium.

Just recently, geraniums stood on the windowsill of almost every home. This unpretentious beauty has many types and will decorate any home. Recently, people have begun to doubt the effect of this plant on the body. Is it worth keeping geraniums, the benefits or harms of which are much debated, in the house? Let's take a closer look.

Is it possible to keep geraniums in the house?

The second name of the plant is pelargonium. Any plant affects a person in one way or another (well-being, psycho-emotional state). The younger generation doubts whether it is possible to keep geraniums at home. According to our grandmothers, it is not only possible, but necessary to have in every home. In order not to cause harm, it is necessary to take into account the properties of this flower. It is also necessary to monitor the reaction of household members to the plant. It can calm one person down, while another will suffer from a headache. Is it possible to keep a plant in the bedroom? Can. Moreover, it can get rid of mosquitoes and flies, which will ensure a restful sleep.

There are several signs regarding the plant. For example, if the geranium blooms with pink flowers, someone will soon fall in love or get married. If you are unable to conceive a child, a white flower should be placed by the bed. The red flower protects family relationships.

Important! It should be borne in mind that children are prohibited from using geranium-based folk remedies internally. In pediatrics, this plant is used only externally.

Knowledgeable people claim that geranium can cure many diseases, ranging from colds to pathologies of the nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular systems. The flowers, roots, and leaves of the plant are considered beneficial. Its benefits are due to its composition:

  • phenol;
  • sucrose;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oil;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates.

Essential oil is obtained from the plant. It is capable of:

  • fight stress and depression;
  • improve the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • treat eye inflammation;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • normalize reproductive function in men and women;
  • treat diseases of the ENT organs.

Geranium essential oil is recommended for use in aroma lamps during colds. They can be bought at pharmacies or esoteric stores. In addition, this procedure can improve sleep and calm the nerves. Geranium normalizes blood pressure and heart rate; it is used to treat colds, otitis media, radiculitis, headaches, toothaches, and purulent diseases.

It has a special impact on a person’s mental balance. In the house where this indoor flower grows, there is no depression or anxiety, it creates home comfort in an emotional sense. Household members are active and do not argue with each other.

Interesting! The plant cleans dirty air well, so it is necessary to have it in the apartment.

Medicinal properties of geranium

Why do you need geranium in the house? The plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • antiviral;
  • hemostatic;
  • pain reliever;
  • diuretic;
  • decongestant;
  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • astringent;
  • bactericidal.

Thus, it is clear that geranium is very beneficial for health.

Here are a few ways you can use the plant:

  1. For headaches, hypertension, insomnia or irritability, it is enough to stand next to the plant for about 10 minutes.
  2. During the flu, ARVI, you need to inhale geranium essential oil or pick a leaf, rub it in your hands and breathe in the aroma.
  3. To treat conjunctivitis, you need to wash your eyes. Boiled water with a few drops of freshly squeezed geranium juice is best. This procedure needs to be done in the morning.
  4. If wounds or ulcers appear on the body, a geranium leaf will also help. It needs to be kneaded well and applied to the damaged area. This method will help with a bleeding wound, it will also draw out pus and prevent infection.
  5. Many people are interested in the question, is it possible to eat geranium? Use a decoction of the leaves for intestinal infections, gastritis, colitis: 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 5 minutes. Next, you need to strain and add boiling water to the original volume. Take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.
  6. An infusion of the roots will help with high blood pressure. 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the ground root. Leave overnight, strain and add boiled water to obtain the original volume. You need to drink a glass of infusion per day. It should be divided into 4 parts and drunk before meals. It can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  7. For toothache, the leaf should be applied to the cheek of the aching tooth and held for several minutes. The pain will go away and the swelling will go away. For otitis media, the leaf should be slightly crushed, rolled up and placed in the ear.
  8. For radiculitis: mash the leaves together with the stem in a mortar. Apply to the sore spot for an hour. After time, rinse with warm water.
  9. For sore throat, tonsillitis and stomatitis, mouth rinsing will help. Brew 100 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water.
  10. Geranium oil helps fight cellulite. It is added to baths (after mixing in honey, salt or milk), a few drops are dripped into a portion of anti-cellulite cream or shower gel.

These are not all recipes. As you can see, the plant can cure a wide variety of diseases.

In addition to its positive effects, geranium has harmful properties, so there are some contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • old age;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, internal administration is possible only with the permission of a doctor;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases that cause increased blood viscosity;
  • internal use for young children.

Geranium for the home: good or bad? Of course, this plant has medicinal properties and can be recommended for home use. But for internal use, you should consult a specialist and pay attention to contraindications.



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