Why is my forearm numb? Why does my left hand go numb?

Unpleasant numbness in the hands and subsequent goosebumps is a feeling almost all of us have experienced. Some felt it after a long sleep, others - after being in one position for many hours. This should not be a cause for concern if it only happens occasionally and feeling in the hands returns quickly. If numbness in your hands bothers you too often or you can’t get rid of it, you need to consult a specialist, it can be dangerous.

Numbness of hands - causes

Numbness of the hands can occur spontaneously or develop gradually, each time increasing and acquiring additional symptoms. Among the most common causes of this phenomenon are the following:

1. Osteochondrosis

Compression of blood vessels and nerve roots in this disease impairs blood circulation. Loss of sensitivity in the hands is caused by the cervical type of the disease; numbness is observed already at its first stage. Bone growths that appear on the second only aggravate the problem. At the beginning of the disease, only the fingers become numb; the hand itself becomes powerless and loses the ability to compress normally. To get rid of numbness in the hands, it is necessary to restore normal blood circulation.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

The carpal (carpal) tunnel runs from the forearm to the hand and contains the median nerve and flexor tendons. The first sign of the disease is numbness of the fingers - the thumb, index, middle and half of the ring fingers “submit” to the median nerve. Various reasons that cause a decrease in the lumen of the canal and compression of the nerve provoke the appearance of SCS. As the disease progresses, numbness spreads to the entire hand, and pain occurs along the median nerve. Numbness in the hands deprives the patient of a restful sleep - he rubs his hands all night to get rid of the unpleasant sensation. As the disease progresses, the thumb muscle gradually atrophies, making it impossible to grasp or hold anything with the affected hand. Computer gamers, active needlewomen-knitters, musicians and drivers, draftsmen and artists are susceptible to the disease.

3. Raynaud's disease

The disease is characterized by a pathological disruption of the activity of arterioles (small arteries). Located in the fingers of the limbs, they spasm, causing a feeling of coldness and numbness. The spasm, which lasts several minutes or even hours, causes a change in skin color - from pale to bluish. Pain occurs rarely, but numbness, tingling and burning are almost always observed. Particularly prolonged spasms, often repeated, can lead to irreversible skin changes and the appearance of ulcers. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are most susceptible to the disease - chilly, white fingers can be the result of constantly washing dishes with cold water or ignoring the wearing of gloves in winter.

4. Uncomfortable sleeping position

Numbness of the hands associated with an uncomfortable position during sleep is quite common. As a rule, the unpleasant sensation goes away soon after waking up. To do this, just move your hand, restoring normal blood circulation. If a positive effect is not achieved, you should consult a doctor.

Interesting fact! Many experts are very familiar with the “wedding night symptom.” The head of a loved one on the shoulder of her chosen one can disrupt his blood flow and lead to numbness in his hand. The situation is aggravated by drinking alcohol, which reduces the threshold of sensitivity, and the married couple sleeps in this position for a long time. In some cases, it is no longer possible to restore the functioning of the nerves.

Numbness of the left hand

Sometimes numbness in the hands appears only on one side, which is an important evidence for the doctor when making a diagnosis. If your left hand is constantly numb, this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

- Coronary heart disease - numbness of the left arm is caused by one of the forms of its manifestation - angina pectoris. Sensitivity, along with unpleasant sensations in the chest, is lost in the shoulder, forearm and hand. Do a small test - if numbness appears after any physical activity and disappears without a trace at rest, most likely this is a sign of angina pectoris.

- Myocardial infarction - sometimes numbness of the left hand is the very first sign of a terrible condition. During a heart attack, numbness is accompanied by pain, does not disappear at rest and is not relieved by nitroglycerin, unlike angina pectoris.

- Stroke - numbness of the left hand in this case signals damage to the right hemisphere of the brain. Associated symptoms include a combination of impaired function of the left leg and left arm, problems with speech and vision. With micro-strokes, the signs are not so pronounced and may disappear after taking medications. However, the danger remains, so if the above manifestations occur, you must inform your doctor about them.

- Atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the left arm, leads to impotence and numbness of the left arm. A confirming factor for the presence of the disease is an increase in symptoms when the arm is raised.

In addition, numbness of the left hand, as well as numbness of the right hand, can be caused by:

— osteochondrosis;

- wearing a heavy backpack or bag on one shoulder;

- tight clothes;

- prolonged action requiring the hand to be raised;

- inflammation of the brachial nerve;

- work at the computer;

- vitamin B12 deficiency.

Treatment of numbness in the left hand should only be carried out in a hospital. Do not neglect the doctor's prescriptions, the consequences can be very dire.

Numbness of the right hand

In addition to general causes, numbness of the right hand can be caused by the development of multiple sclerosis, a pre-stroke condition, or a shoulder injury. Unpleasant sensations in a dream can signal incorrect functioning of internal organs, congestion and adhesions, the consequences of pneumonia and the presence of uterine fibroids. An urgent consultation with a doctor will help to reliably identify the cause and take the necessary measures.

Numbness of hands - diagnosis

Even if the unpleasant signs of poor circulation and numbness in the hands have disappeared, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor. Modern research methods make it possible to effectively diagnose the disease that causes numbness in the hands. First of all, the doctor confirms or denies the presence of osteochondrosis, as the most common cause. X-rays and nuclear magnetic resonance scanning will accurately determine the presence of bone growths, a decrease in the intervertebral cervical disc, and sometimes prolapse of the disc nucleus or the presence of an intervertebral hernia.

The neurologist prescribes an examination of brain activity, the functioning of the nervous system, and the condition of blood vessels. Usually, for this they undergo an ultrasound examination, rheoencephalography and tomography, and a blood test for cholesterol. Together with examination and history taking, the results of the examination allow us to make the correct diagnosis. There is no single method for getting rid of numbness in the hands; first of all, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it.

Numbness of hands - treatment

Depending on the established diagnosis, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. Most often, along with medications, the following are used:

— physical therapy — electrophoresis, laser, microcurrent, ultrasound. The procedures help to activate peripheral blood circulation, improve tissue nutrition in the area of ​​numbness of the hands, influence the pathology with drugs, and provide a biostimulating effect;

— therapeutic exercises — special exercises help develop joints and muscles and strengthen them. As a result of physical activity, tissue trophism significantly improves;

— manual influence — helps to remove inflammation syndromes, improves blood flow, relieves spasms;

- reflexology (acupuncture) - restores the activity of the nervous system and improves the innervation of the limbs.

Numbness of hands - treatment with folk remedies

If numbness in the hands is not associated with serious diseases, simple tips and secrets of traditional medicine will help get rid of it:

- moderate physical activity in the form of morning exercises, long walks improve blood circulation. A simple exercise can help with numbness in your hands: while lying on the sofa, raise your hands up and actively shake them. After a short rest, clench your fists; you can do this at any convenient time;

- contrast baths help a lot; your hands should be in each of the vessels five times;

— immersing your hands in a bowl of hot water, press as hard as possible with each finger on its bottom;

- a glass of ordinary warm water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, perfectly strengthens blood vessels;

— they say that a woolen thread tied around the wrist helps get rid of frequent numbness in the hands.

- take one kilogram of celery and parsley, add two lemons and 250 g of honey. Using a blender or meat grinder, make a homogeneous mixture and eat 2-3 tablespoons of time-tested medicine on an empty stomach in the morning;

— warm pumpkin porridge compresses eliminate numbness in the hands and improve blood circulation;

- Crushed eggshells help older people get rid of numbness in their hands. A teaspoon of powder is added to food or simply washed down with a glass of warm water;

- numbness with severe pain is relieved by compresses and baths from the following mixture: 2 liters of milk, 1 liter of water, 600 grams of salt and 50 grams of honey. Heat to 60 degrees. It is necessary to do 15 procedures;

— Pour 1/3 cup of flax seed into a liter of water and bring to a boil. Simmer the mixture on the lowest heat for two hours. Leave and strain. The resulting “jelly” is enough for 5 days, drink a third of a glass before meals in the morning and evening, the course is two weeks. After three months, repeat the course of treatment.

Numbness of hands - prevention

To ensure that numbness in your hands never bothers you with its not-so-comfortable manifestations, you should take care of your health and avoid risk factors:

- dress according to the weather, do not ignore gloves in slushy and frosty weather;

- give up smoking and alcohol - apart from problems, they will not give you anything. You should also refrain from eating too spicy and salty foods; diversify your menu with vegetables and fruits;

— if you are a fan of computer games or your profession involves long periods of sitting and uncomfortable body positions, take regular breaks and use them to perform simple exercises;

- walk more, relax, engage in accessible sports.

Do not ignore numbness in your hands, and if you have additional serious symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.

There is hardly a person who has never experienced the feeling of numbness in his hand in his life. This can happen during sleep, when the hand has been lying in an uncomfortable position for a long time, or during wakefulness, if the shoulder or elbow has been in a clamped state for a long time. But, unfortunately, a hand can go numb for other reasons that require treatment both at home and with the help of medications. What is the cause of numbness? What provokes this very unpleasant condition? Let's figure it out.

If your hands often go numb and hurt, this is a reason to see a doctor. It is necessary to undergo an examination and be sure to identify the cause of the problem. The hand can go numb for many reasons.

First aid

If the sensitivity of your hand has sharply decreased, it is recommended to try to clench and unclench your fist several times, shake your hand, and twirl your hand.

Then rub the numb area in the direction from the hand to the shoulder. Rubbing should be done with a fist or bent fingers of the second hand. If you have an applicator nearby, apply it to the numb area.

Contrasting hand baths will also help restore sensitivity. You need to pour warm, almost hot water into one container, and cold water into the second. Place your hands alternately in each container for a few minutes.

Causes of hand numbness:

  • high blood pressure
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • consequences of ischemic stroke
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetic neuropathy
  • malignant and benign brain tumors
  • injuries

Why does my left hand feel numb?

High blood pressure. With high blood pressure, the left hand or individual fingers usually go numb. This usually happens in the evening before bed. At first there is a feeling of heaviness in the hand, it seems to “ache”, it is impossible to find a comfortable place for it. It seems that all this comes from insomnia. In fact, high blood pressure is to blame. High blood pressure is a consequence of vasoconstriction, which causes poor blood supply, which leads to an unpleasant syndrome. But in this case, the hand sends a signal to the body about more serious problems that may arise due to the lack of proper treatment. If you do not reduce your blood pressure and maintain it at normal levels, a stroke or heart attack may occur.

Take the time to get out of bed and measure your blood pressure, and then take the right medicine. Usually after 20 minutes the hand stops going numb and the insomnia subsides. Of course, this is not all treatment. You will have to do cleansing of blood vessels, proper nutrition, and massage.

The left hand may become numb when coronary heart disease. Pain in the sternum and numbness of the left arm are a formidable sign. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance.

If the little finger or ring finger on the left hand goes numb, this may be a harbinger ischemic cerebral hemorrhage. In this case, an urgent consultation with a cardiologist is required.

The left hand can also go numb due to:

  • spinal pathologies
  • atherosclerosis
  • thrombosis
  • pre-infarction state

If your left arm goes numb upward from the hand, with rapidly growing severe pain, immediately call an ambulance. The reason may be arterial thrombosis. Delay in such a situation may cost the patient the loss of his arm.

When numbness occurs, it is important not to miss the symptom of paresthesia that occurs due to compression of the nerve by the tumor. In this case, with serious damage to the nerve fibers, trophic disorders appear in the form of blue skin and loss of sensitivity.

Why can my right hand go numb?

The right hand goes numb most often in older people due to impaired blood flow:

  • pinched nerves (cervical osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, pathology in the cartilage disc)
  • damage to the elbow joint (swelling, redness of the skin tissue)
  • neuralgia of the shoulder joint (numbness, pain in the joint, weakness and flabbiness of the muscles)

Hands go numb due to poor circulation, leading to vascular damage, and a lack of vitamin B12, which is involved in the metabolic process of nerve fibers.

Stressful situations cause nervous tension, anxiety, and irritation. Excitation is transmitted by the nervous system to all organs. , sometimes abdominal pain and numbness in the arms or legs. In this situation, it is very important to calm down in time and prevent neurosis from developing. You should drink a glass of clean water, breathe fresh air, take a motherwort or valerian tablet.

Tight, uncomfortable clothing, standing for long periods of time, or carrying a heavy bag on your shoulder or bent arm can also cause hand numbness.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

The hands of musicians, people working at computers, and drivers often go numb. In advanced cases, carpal tunnel syndrome may develop. Due to compression of the median nerve, which is located between the bones and tendons of the wrist muscles, the thumb begins to go numb. Changing activities helps to get rid of this condition. In advanced cases, necrosis of the muscles of the thumb may occur and the inability to bend it at the joint.

To prevent the syndrome, one should not forget about breaks during the working day and changes in activities. Measures aimed at improving blood circulation are good prevention of the disease. Don't forget about gymnastics and massage. Massage with a manual massager of the shoulder girdle and elbow joint should be carried out daily. If it was not possible to avoid the occurrence of the disease when severe pain occurs that does not go away after various manipulations and taking medications, it is necessary to resort to surgery, which will help free the pinched nerve and relieve unpleasant painful symptoms.


You can check the condition of your wrists yourself. Take the test. Bring your hands together with the backs of your hands and extend your arms forward, pointing your elbows in different directions and bending your wrists at right angles. If you feel pain, take care of your health!

Degenerative changes in the cervical spine

Hands or fingers go numb in the morning or when staying in the same sitting position for a long time due to degenerative changes in the cervical spine. In this case, an uncomfortable position of the head or overstrain of the neck muscles leads to pinching of the spinal column nerves by the spinal discs. Numbness can even radiate to the shoulder.

A special orthopedic pillow that has a special shape, follows the curves of the neck and shoulders and supports the cervical spine, ensuring its constant natural position, can help in such a situation.

Special gymnastics and massage are also indicated in this case. It is necessary to monitor your posture, try not to gain excess weight, and avoid salty and smoked foods that cause salt deposits.

Drinking spicy, salty foods, strong tea or coffee, or alcohol before bed can cause numbness in your hands.

If your hands often go numb at night, there is a feeling of heaviness in them, this indicates cardiac pathologies, problems of the musculoskeletal system, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hormonal imbalance, and vitamin deficiency.


During pregnancy, women often experience cramping pain in their fingers, a feeling of pressure, and numbness in the wrists and palms. This happens from overvoltage. It is advisable to regularly massage in areas of numbness, follow a salt-free diet to avoid severe swelling, and move more.

Urgent Care

If your hand goes numb for no apparent reason, the numbness is accompanied by pain, vomiting, dizziness - call an ambulance immediately!

How to treat numbness in hands and fingers

It will not be possible to carry out any serious treatment for numbness at home - you will still have to consult a doctor for advice and examination. Everything we can do to alleviate the situation was described above - massage, drinking water, fresh air, weight loss, salt-free diet, orthopedic pillow, movement. To this you can add taking vitamins or foods rich in vitamins A, B12, niacin and.

Tibetan garlic tincture according to Bolotov

3 cups of chopped garlic and 1 cup of granulated sugar are added to 3 liters of whey. Stir, add 1 spoon of sour cream for fermentation and leave to ferment for 2 months, stirring once a day. The resulting mass is drunk 50 ml before meals 3 times a day. For a course of treatment for numbness in the hands, you should drink 9 liters of tincture - this is about 2 months.

This is a very strong “medicine” that cleanses all blood vessels in the human body, and if the cause of numbness was clogged blood vessels, then you will no longer remember the problem.

Beetroot decoction for cleansing blood vessels

Take the red beet tops and stuff them into a large saucepan. Fill with water so that it just covers the tops, put on the fire and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then wrap the pan and place it in a warm place to steep for 4 hours. After straining, drink half a glass of the decoction 4 times a day before meals.

Balm “Youth”

It is very quick and easy to prepare. This Tibetan recipe for cleansing blood vessels will require 500 grams of peeled garlic, 2 medium lemons with peel and 500 grams of quality honey. Grind the garlic and lemons and mix with honey. The balm is ready for use. Eat 1 teaspoon 3 times a day between meals until all is gone. After a month's break, the course of treatment for hand numbness can be repeated.


But what to do if numbness in your hands occurs occasionally at night? For this, in folk medicine there is a very simple method of getting rid of it, but according to the reviews of people who have tried it, it is very effective and efficient. Take a small potato, the size of your palm so that it fits in it, but your fingertips do not touch each other. Wash it thoroughly, take it in your numb hand and go to sleep. It is clear that potatoes will fall out during sleep, so everyone tries to adapt as best they can to prevent this from happening - you can put a sock or a stretchable glove on your palm.

The idea is that during sleep, the potato presses on one point in the center of the palm, which in Chinese medicine is called lao gong, which is associated with the cervical and brachial canals. Massaging this point during sleep activates electrical impulses that improve blood circulation throughout the arm, palm and fingers. Just a few nights with potatoes will normalize the condition and your hands will stop cramping at night.


Normal blood circulation is one of the main factors in maintaining health. Improving blood circulation is facilitated by following the rules of proper nutrition (refusal of salty, smoked foods, store-bought sausages), adherence to the drinking regime, daily exercises and massage.

Clothing should not be tight.

Do not carry heavy bags on your shoulder or bent arm.

One of the most common phenomena among adults is... It occurs as a result of compression of the artery, due to which blood stops penetrating into the tissues and nourishing them.

This phenomenon can be considered normal when it occurs rarely and disappears fairly quickly. But what to do if your left hand periodically goes numb? In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. After all, the frequent occurrence of discomfort in the left upper limb may indicate the development of serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

How does numbness manifest?

Characteristic symptoms of numbness in the hands are discomfort in the hand, forearm and elbow area. In this case, there may be tingling of the skin and a feeling that goosebumps are crawling on them. In this case, a person’s sensitivity threshold for a numb hand decreases or a feeling of coldness and sometimes pain occurs. When the appearance of this symptom is associated with pathological processes, quite often the skin at this moment acquires a bluish tint. In medicine, this phenomenon is called paresthesia.

Numbness can occur for two reasons. Either you have pathologies, or your nerve endings are compressed during incorrect body position (while sleeping, working at the computer, etc.). In this case, the cause of the unpleasant sensation in the left hand may be a consequence of poor circulation or muscle strain, and not the development of pathological processes.

It is worth noting that quite often this symptom worries people who have vascular disorders. With such pathologies, soft tissues and internal organs (including the heart) cease to receive oxygen in the required quantity, which leads to numbness in the left hand. In no case should such a reason be left without proper attention, as it can provoke the development of myocardial infarction or stroke.

Quite often, numbness of the left hand is associated with the development of degenerative processes in the tissues of the spine (osteochondrosis, etc.).

Non-pathological causes of numbness in the left arm

Why does my left hand go numb? In fact, there are many reasons why this symptom may occur, and they may not be related to pathologies at all.

So, we have already said above that the main cause of numbness in the limbs is compression of the arteries. This can happen as a result of the following factors:

  • wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes;
  • prolonged strength physical activity;
  • professional activities related to handicrafts;
  • long work at the computer;
  • uncomfortable bed;
  • incorrect positioning of the body during sleep;
  • prolonged placement of the hands above the level of the heart.

As a rule, when exposed to all these factors, the hand goes numb periodically and in most cases immediately after waking up. Coping with the manifestations of this disease is very simple. To do this, you can use special exercises, rubbing or massage. When the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the hand is not associated with pathologies, they disappear within 10-15 minutes after waking up or rubbing.

But it is also worth understanding that there are also pathological factors that can lead to numbness of the left hand. If you cannot eliminate an unpleasant symptom within an hour, you have discomfort in the heart area, breathing has become irregular and difficult, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. After all, these symptoms may indicate heart failure. And if a person is not provided with professional help in a timely manner, he may die.

If you notice the appearance of this symptom too often, you cannot ignore it. Since this may indicate the development of serious pathological processes and you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that numbness of the left arm is quite often associated with the development of angina. In this case, unpleasant sensations are observed not only in the hand, but also in the shoulder and forearm. Also, the main symptoms of this disease are: difficulty breathing, chest discomfort. They can be eliminated by using nitroglycerin.

The left limb may also become numb with the development of myocardial infarction. In this case, such a symptom is the main sign of the disease. At the same time, it is not possible to relieve the unpleasant sensation with conventional medications (for example, nitroglycerin). To prevent further development of myocardial infarction and eliminate death, the patient requires urgent hospitalization.

Atherosclerosis can also cause numbness in the left limb. As a result of its development, a narrowing of the arteries occurs, which provide oxygen and nutrition to the heart. It is for this reason that this symptom occurs. In this case, atherosclerosis, just like myocardial infarction, no longer manifests itself with any signs.

It is also worth noting that numbness in the left hand may be associated with the development of a cerebral stroke. However, in this case, other symptoms also occur - numbness of the left lower limb, impaired vision and speech. At the first signs of this pathology, the patient must be urgently hospitalized so that he can receive qualified help. Otherwise, death is possible.

Osteochondrosis can also cause periodic numbness in the left hand. In this case, a person may experience symptoms such as weakness, pain and decreased sensitivity. However, they can be observed not only in the hand, but also on the outside of the forearm and shoulder.

Another reason for numbness in the left limb is a pre-infarction condition. It is a consequence of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. If you have previously received such diagnoses, then if you experience numbness in your hand, you should immediately consult a doctor. The main symptom of a pre-infarction condition is numbness of the little finger on the left hand.

The occurrence of blood clots in blood vessels can also cause this symptom. It usually appears suddenly, and with thrombosis there is often swelling of the soft tissues and severe pain, which tends to increase even in a state of complete rest.

It is worth noting that frequent nervous strain can also cause numbness in the left limb. This is due to the fact that during stress, nerve endings are pinched. As a result, blood circulation is impaired and numbness of the limbs is observed.

All these diseases have one main symptom - numbness of the left hand. All of them are quite serious and can greatly threaten human life. Therefore, in order to avoid sad consequences, you should not be negligent about your health. As soon as you begin to notice this symptom, immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist or neurologist.

Specialists will prescribe you a series of examinations that will help determine the exact cause of numbness in your hands. After which you will be able to prescribe a course of treatment, which you must undergo.

Causes of numbness in the fingers of the left hand

If numbness of the left hand cannot always indicate the development of pathologies, then the occurrence of this symptom in the little finger or ring finger indicates serious disorders.

We have already said above that numbness of the little finger is the main sign of a pre-infarction condition. If no pathological processes of the cardiovascular system have been identified, then the manifestation of such a symptom may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A and B in the body, which are actively involved in the construction of the sheath of nerve endings. With their deficiency, the membrane is damaged, and the nerve endings become less sensitive, as a result of which the fingers begin to go numb.

If observed, this may indicate the presence of dysfunction of the intervertebral discs. In this case, it is also possible to experience pain in the shoulder and forearm, as well as weakness, which does not allow normal use of the arm. Quite often, this condition occurs after spinal injuries or surgery.

Treatment for numbness in the left hand

What to do if your left hand goes numb? This symptom should be addressed only after the cause of its occurrence has been identified. Most often, after complete recovery, numbness in the left hand goes away on its own and no longer bothers the person. And for this you need to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination.

At home, you can only make some efforts to make the numbness of the limb go away much faster. To do this, you can do the following:

  • lie on your back, straighten your legs;
  • raise your hands up and start shaking them;
  • then clench and unclench your fists until the unpleasant sensation disappears.

You can also cope with the manifestations of this symptom using a contrast shower. Pour water of different temperatures into two basins (one hot, the other cold) and begin to lower your hands into them alternately, holding each one in the water for 2-4 minutes.

Remember that numbness in the left hand is a sign of many serious diseases. Therefore, self-medication is highly undesirable, as this can lead to serious health complications.

Video about what makes your hands go numb

Complaints that the shoulder is being taken away can be made by patients with a huge number of diseases of the cervical spine and large joints of the upper shoulder girdle. Both the structural tissues of the spinal column and the cartilaginous fibers of the synovial membranes of the articular planes of the humeral and glenohumeral joints can be affected. Serious pathological changes in the muscles, ligaments and articular capsules (bursae) are not uncommon.

All these lesions lead to disruption of nerve fiber conduction. It is the disruption of innervation that causes the feeling of numbness and the fact that the shoulder is being taken away. In this material, we suggest you learn about all the potential reasons why a shoulder is removed and what diseases can manifest as a similar clinical symptom.

Reasons why the right and left arm is taken away from the shoulder

A feeling of numbness in the shoulder joint itself is a common sign of cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the patient experiences severe muscle tension in the collar area. We will talk in more detail about the unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the shoulder joint itself below. In the meantime, let's look at the reasons why the arm is taken away from the shoulder - what diseases can cause a similar condition.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that nerves are responsible for sensitivity and ensuring motor activity of all tissues of the upper and lower extremities. They literally permeate all soft tissues. Some of them are responsible for collecting data (sensitivity), and the second half are responsible for transmitting a nerve impulse to implement a response.

This is how the process of innervation of the upper limb looks schematically:

  • between the cervical vertebrae, two pairs of radicular spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord, responsible for the innervation of the left and right arms;
  • on each side the anterior (motor) and posterior (sensory) root nerve extends to the upper limb;
  • in the first case, the bundle consists of efferent (carrying signals from the cerebral brain centers to muscle fibers), and in the second case, of afferent (carrying signals from soft tissues to the structures of the central nervous system) axons;
  • after leaving the spinal system, these two radicular nerves are directed to the shoulder joint of the bones;
  • then, as the shoulder joint passes, it splits into separate branches responsible for the innervation of different muscle groups;
  • the next branching occurs at the level of the elbow joint and in the wrist area;
  • the radicular nerves finally split in the palm area;
  • afferent axons carry signals about contact with the environment;
  • After processing them, the brain structures send back signals to the muscles about the need to contract or relax.

If the nerve fiber is damaged at the level of the cervical spine, then the left arm is removed from the shoulder (or right) and this condition is accompanied by characteristic shooting pain in the neck and collar area. If compression occurs in the shoulder joint, the right arm is removed from the shoulder (or the left), but pain does not occur.

The following diseases of the musculoskeletal system can contribute to this:

  • cervical osteochondrosis and its complications (protrusion and herniation of the intervertebral disc);
  • instability of the position of the cervical vertebral bodies (spondylolisthesis, causing periodic compression of the radicular nerves of the afferent group);
  • spondyloarthrosis and uncovertebral arthrosis;
  • sprains and tears of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus of the shoulder joint and the glenohumeral joint of the bones;
  • deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint;
  • tendovaginitis, bursitis, inflammatory reactions in the biceps and triceps;
  • tunnel syndromes (with an ascending type of innervation disorder).

All these diseases require qualified medical care. You can schedule a free initial consultation at our manual therapy clinic. We see doctors with the highest medical qualifications. A free appointment guarantees an examination, diagnosis and full information about future treatment options.

The reason why the left or right shoulder is taken away

More often, the right shoulder is taken away from people engaged in physical labor associated with a prolonged position of the upper limb in an elevated position. Disruption of the blood supply to tissues, prolonged unnatural load on the planes of the bones that make up the shoulder joint, compression of the bundle of innervation axons passing here - all this leads to a gradual disruption of innervation.

Over time, it worsens and a chain reaction process starts:

  1. deterioration of trophism due to a decrease in the level of arterial blood supply starts the process of nerve fiber degeneration;
  2. disruption of the innervation of the muscular wall of blood vessels disrupts the rhythm of their contractile activity, which contributes to stagnant reactions;
  3. a secondary trophic disorder against the background of venous blood stagnation triggers the process of muscle fiber atrophy of all muscle groups of the upper limb.

The longer the reason for the loss of the right shoulder lasts, the higher the chances of developing a persistent occupational disease of the musculoskeletal system. Fruit pickers, painters and plasterers, builders and representatives of other professions with high loads on the shoulder joint suffer from severe forms of bursitis and tenosynovitis of the shoulder.

The reasons why the left shoulder is taken away may be similar to those described above. But only if the left limb is the working one. In all other situations, the left shoulder is taken away under the influence of other factors.

It is important to understand that this symptom can manifest as unstable angina and developing acute myocardial infarction. Therefore, if your left shoulder is taken away and there is severe pain behind the sternum, immediately call an ambulance team. The patient needs to immediately undergo an ECG examination and relieve spasm of the coronary vessels.

Other pathologies that lead to the feeling that the shoulder is being taken away may include:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow;
  • tenosynovitis of the glenohumeral joint;
  • sprains and tears of ligaments and muscles of the upper limb;
  • tumor and inflammatory processes;
  • curvature of the spinal column with compression of the radicular nerves;
  • rheumatoid connective tissue diseases.

To exclude all possible diseases, a full examination is required. It includes x-rays of the cervical spine, shoulder joint, and the bones that make up it. If the clinical picture is not understood, CT or MRI may also be recommended. Arthroscopy is an invasive method of examination and is used in exceptional cases only in specialized surgical hospitals using anesthesia.

Why is the left or right arm taken away from the shoulder to the hand?

If the right arm is removed from the shoulder to the hand, then this indicates total compression of the posterior root nerve with the afferent structure in the projection of the cervical spine or at the level of the shoulder joint. In this case, the sensitivity of all soft tissues of the upper limb is impaired.

If the left arm is removed from the shoulder to the hand, then any doctor first excludes the possibility of the presence of heart pathology (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, circulatory failure, dilatation of the left ventricle of the myocardium). Therefore, ECG is an integral part of the examination. If the cardiogram excludes the presence of myocardial pathology, then an X-ray of the cervical and thoracic spine and shoulder joint is prescribed. MRI techniques are required to examine the soft tissues of the shoulder and glenohumeral joint.

An experienced manual therapy specialist, due to his excellent knowledge of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and the passage of innervation pathways, will be able to determine the location of the pathological change during palpation. In all cases of manual examination by our doctors, the diagnoses they make are always confirmed by subsequent X-ray images. Therefore, you can sign up for a free initial consultation. During the appointment, an examination will be carried out and a diagnosis will be made. And after receiving this important information, the doctor will be able to tell you how to get rid of the feeling that the left or right shoulder and arm up to the hand are being taken away.

Why is the right and left arm taken away from the shoulder to the elbow?

Another common clinical symptom is that the arm is taken away from the shoulder to the elbow, and here it is important to understand a different, ascending path of damage to the nerve fiber. It is important to know that with compression or inflammation of the nerve above, in the projection of the cervical spine or shoulder joint, loss of areas of innervation is impossible. In this case, all innervation along the entire length of the nerve fiber is completely absent. And if a sensitivity disorder is present in a delimited area, you need to look for the cause below.

The most rational explanation for why the right arm is taken away from the shoulder is that the person has a severe form of carpal or carpal tunnel syndrome. Moreover, the nerve is pinched to such an extent that the compensatory inflammatory reaction begins to spread upward, damaging the entire structure to the point of ulnar clefting. If in this case timely treatment is not started, then in the near future the patient will experience a feeling of numbness of the entire upper limb.

Now let’s figure out why the left arm is taken away from the shoulder, what diseases can contribute to this. Here, cervical osteochondrosis and its consequences come to the fore. But in the absence of severe pain in the collar area, such a pathology should be excluded and a deeper examination of the shoulder joint itself should be carried out. In modern young people, it is not uncommon to have a curvature of the spinal column with a violation of the anatomical structure of the glenohumeral and humeral articulation of the bones. Poor posture leads to deformation of these joints. The shoulders seem to move forward. And this situation disrupts the passage of innervation axons. There is a disturbance in sensitivity and motor activity.

What to do if your arm has become detached from your shoulder

The first thing to do if your arm has become detached from your shoulder is to seek medical help. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Remember that the longer the disruption of innervation is observed, the more severe the consequences will be. In the future, it will be quite difficult to restore the lost innervation.

You can contact our manual therapy clinic. During a free consultation, the doctor will make a diagnosis and talk about how treatment can be carried out.

We use only safe and effective manual techniques. With the help of massage and osteopathy, kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises, reflexology and traction, we can quickly (in 1-2 sessions) eliminate compression damage to the nerve. This will lead to the patient experiencing a feeling of relief from all symptoms and regaining lost functions of the upper limb.

Loss of sensitivity in the right hand, which is accompanied by a feeling of numbness, goosebumps and pins and needles on the skin, is familiar to many. In medicine, this phenomenon is called paresthesia. Numbness of the right upper limb is more common than the left. The fact is that a person’s right hand is a working one and its muscles are constantly under tension.

Unfortunately, people often do not attach importance to this symptom. Because they don’t know for what reasons this happens and what consequences may occur. Let's try to figure out why right hand goes numb?

The right hand goes numb: the causes of this symptom

It is worth noting that paresthesia of the right hand is not an independent disease. This is a separate symptom that occurs due to various reasons.

Paresthesia, depending on the causes, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Temporary or passing. They arise as a result of an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, household and work factors (impact, compression). If the provoking factor is excluded, the paresthesia goes away.
  2. Chronic. Associated with chronic diseases that a person suffers from. In this case, the feeling of numbness torments often and for a long time, and can progress.

Causes of temporary paresthesia of the right upper limb

  • Deterioration of blood flow and innervation. This happens when a person wears very tight clothes, bracelets and rings that are not the right size, and stays in one position for a long time. It often happens that the right hand goes numb during sleep. This happens due to an incorrect sleeping position, an uncomfortable bed or pillow.
  • Keeping your hand in the cold for a long time. This leads to narrowing of the arteries and, as a result, the limb goes numb.
  • Frequent and prolonged carrying of heavy objects, heavy bags and backpacks.
  • The hand remains above the level of the heart for a long time. This happens when work involves raising your hands.
  • The influence of harmful factors associated with an unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, poor diet, lack of sleep.
  • Constant physical strain on the hand (working with a computer).

As you can see, temporary numbness of the right upper limb is often associated with muscle overstrain, the reason for this is the more frequent use of it at work. This is a temporary condition and can be easily dealt with.

It is necessary to change the position of the hand from time to time, do simple exercises, light massage, avoid wearing tight clothes, sleep on a comfortable pillow and bed, follow a work schedule (set aside 10-15 minutes for rest every hour).

Causes of chronic paresthesia of the right hand

  • Injury to the shoulder or elbow joint on the right. At the same time, my right hand hurts and goes numb. Swelling of the limb may develop.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The most common cause of hand numbness. As a result of this disease, the roots coming from the upper limb are pinched (radicular sensitivity disorder). In this case, the numbness has the appearance of stripes or stripes. The person will usually show numbness extending down the arm.
  • Right scalene muscle syndrome. The muscle compresses the subclavian artery and the roots of the brachial plexus. For this reason, the right hand goes numb and pain occurs.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Intervertebral disc herniation. A serious disease in which the nerve roots are irritated. The result is paresthesia and pain in the arm. Numbness in the hands of the right hand often occurs.
  • Cerebral blood flow disorders. This condition can be suspected when a person has hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. This condition may be pre-stroke.
  • Long-term increase in blood cholesterol. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, thereby complicating the movement of blood through them.
  • Hypertension, often complicated by hypertensive crises.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. Occurs when the median nerve is compressed in the wrist area. This syndrome can be caused by similar hand movements (working on a computer, pianists).
  • Raynaud's syndrome. Arterial circulation in the small vessels of the limb is disrupted. The cause of this syndrome is considered to be a hereditary predisposition.
  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus). The sensory impairment occurs as a “glove” type, that is, the right hand goes numb.
  • Polyneuropathies caused by a lack of vitamin B (beriberi). As a result, the fingers on the right hand often go numb.
  • Incipient multiple sclerosis. In this case, paresis and paralysis are added to the disturbance of sensitivity.
  • Frequent and prolonged stress and depression.
  • The presence of adhesions and stagnant processes also lead to impaired blood flow. As a result of these reasons, the right hand goes numb at night. This can happen after pneumonia or uterine fibroids.

These are not all the diseases and syndromes when the right hand goes numb; the list could go on for a long time. In any case, if you are concerned about frequent or constant numbness in your hand, you should consult a doctor.

When to sound the alarm

If your right hand goes numb systematically or it bothers you constantly, you should definitely consult a doctor. There are times when it is necessary to seek medical help urgently.

These include:

  • Numbness of the limb with loss of coordination of movements
  • Constant numbness of the hand with increasing pain syndrome
  • Numbness of the hand, accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness
  • Numbness of the upper extremities combined with speech impairment
  • Decreased sensitivity to temperature

Pay attention! All of the above symptoms may indicate serious conditions that threaten human health and life.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to subsequently treat it and its consequences. To do this, it is necessary to do prevention: adhere to a healthy lifestyle, maintain proper nutrition, and be less nervous.

If suspicious symptoms appear, consult a doctor promptly. Only a specialist can find the cause and prescribe adequate treatment.



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