Why have periods become scanty and short?

Scanty menstruation (hypomenorrhea) is understood as a disorder of the menstrual cycle, which is characterized by scanty menstrual bleeding with blood loss below the physiological norm (less than 50 ml).

This condition is often accompanied by a decrease in the duration of menstruation (oligomenorrhea) or precedes amenorrhea (the complete absence of menstruation).

Hypomenorrhea can be a manifestation of various physiological conditions (perimenopause or the formation of menstrual function) or various pathological conditions of the female genital organs.


The development of scanty menstruation during the reproductive period is based on dysfunction of the ovaries or pituitary gland, which directly regulate menstrual function. Also, hypomenorrhea can be caused by inferiority of the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus) due to various intrauterine manipulations (abortion, frequent curettage) or inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis).

Violation of the cyclic secretion (production) of hormones leads to insufficiency of the circulatory system in the uterus and defective changes in the endometrium during menstruation. As a result, scanty periods are observed.

Among the reasons that directly trigger the development of hypomenorrhea are the following:

  • significant loss of body weight as a result of dieting, exhaustion, anorexia;
  • anemia, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders;
  • stress, overload, neuropsychic diseases;
  • genitourinary tract surgery, trauma;
  • partial surgical removal of the uterus, underdevelopment of the female genital organs;
  • incorrectly selected and used hormonal contraceptives;
  • lactation period;
  • various endocrine diseases;
  • infectious diseases, including damage to the genital organs by tuberculosis;
  • exposure to occupational hazards (radioactive radiation, chemicals);
  • intoxication.

With hypomenorrhea, menstrual flow takes the form of drops or traces of dark brown or light colored blood.

The duration of menstruation in this condition can either be maintained or shortened against the background of a normal menstrual cycle, consisting of two phases.

Scanty periods and delayed menstruation may be accompanied by headaches, nausea, lower back pain, chest tightness, constipation or various dyspeptic symptoms (impaired digestion processes).

Menstruation itself may not be accompanied by spastic contractions of the uterus and severe pain. In some cases, nosebleeds are observed that accompany each menstruation. Scanty periods are usually characterized by a decrease in estrogen secretion, and, as a result, a decrease in reproductive function and libido.

In rare cases, hypomenorrhea occurs almost painlessly and unnoticed by the woman, without causing any symptoms of anxiety.

Scanty periods during puberty (formation of menstrual function) or premenopause (decay of menstrual function) indicate functional changes natural to the body and are not signs of a pathological condition. But, in the reproductive phase, hypomenorrhea and other symptoms of hypomenstrual syndrome indicate serious disorders in the reproductive or other body systems. To find out the reasons for scanty periods, a thorough, comprehensive study is necessary.

Early scanty periods

This condition can be observed in several cases: during the formation of menstrual function, pregnancy. In the first case, hypomenorrhea is a physiological condition, and therefore does not lead to the development of serious consequences. However, scanty periods can be accompanied by the appearance of a variety of symptoms and their severity. Pain in the abdomen, chest, and sacral region may be observed.

Also characteristic is the presence of scanty discharge of predominantly yellow or light brown color (below the physiological norm). Over time, this condition passes and menstrual function normalizes. During pregnancy, scanty periods may appear due to disruption of endocrine regulation (impaired production of pituitary or ovarian hormones).

This condition requires appropriate hormonal correction. At the same time, it is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture (pain, intoxication phenomena, if the cause is inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, constipation and dyspepsia).

First scanty periods

The first scanty periods can appear not only during the formation of menstrual function, but also during the reproductive period, as well as during premenopause. The determining role is played by factors that contribute to the development of this condition (hormonal disorders, inflammatory changes, injuries, stressful conditions, anemia, etc.).

For example, in the presence of inflammatory diseases, scanty periods of a light color with an increased number of pathological elements (leukocytes) will be observed, in case of injuries - dark brown (due to the presence of destroyed red blood cells). Determining the cause of hypomenorrhea will help indicate the characteristics of the discharge, which guarantees the correct diagnosis.

Long, scanty periods

The presence of long, scanty periods in a woman indicates the development of a serious pathological condition in the genital area (mainly the uterus) or a violation of the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle.

A menstrual disorder in which menstrual bleeding does not exceed more than 72 hours.

Such conditions include endometriosis (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus), vitamin deficiencies, endocrine diseases, and metabolic disorders. In this case, timely consultation with a doctor is extremely necessary, because the earlier the pathology is detected, the greater the chance of preventing dangerous complications in the form of amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) and the development of infertility.

Scanty periods after childbirth

It is quite common to experience scanty periods after childbirth. This condition can be called physiological, since at this time the woman’s body has not yet fully adapted to changes in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, and the hormonal background is still oriented towards the child and the mother.

This condition usually goes away on its own within a couple of weeks.

However, if the opposite situation is observed and long, scanty periods are observed, this indicates the addition of complications after childbirth in the form of inflammatory, infectious diseases, as well as disorders of the secretion of pituitary hormones.

Sometimes scanty periods can be the result of stress during childbirth or breastfeeding. Treatment for this condition, as in other cases, should include remedies that eliminate the cause, and then the main symptoms.

Scanty periods after curettage

After curettage, in some cases, scanty periods may be observed. If they have an unpleasant odor and are dark in color, this is an alarming signal, especially if menstruation occurs against the background of poor general health, pain in the lower abdomen, and elevated temperature.

The cause of this condition may be a violation of the curettage technique, while several particles of the fetal membrane may remain in the uterine cavity. An unpleasant odor may also indicate the presence of an infectious process. In almost all such cases, repeated curettage is required.

Brown discharge during scanty periods

This symptom of hypomenorrhea is observed quite often. Brown discharge indicates disturbances in the reproductive system. In frequent cases, the cause of this symptom is inflammation of the endometrium (chronic endometritis).

This condition, in turn, can be caused by various intrauterine interventions, postpartum or post-abortion endometritis, and infectious diseases. The discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Brown or dark bloody discharge may also be a sign of endometriosis of the uterus or cervix. In this case, pain does not appear.

Endometrial hyperplasia may also be accompanied by the appearance of this pathological sign. This disease can cause disruption of any type of metabolism, disruption of hormonal regulation, and diseases of the genital organs.

Often, the use of hormonal contraceptives can cause brown discharge after menstruation. In the first months, such changes are considered normal, but if such phenomena last more than two months, then it is necessary to replace contraceptives.

Scanty periods during pregnancy

Many people believe that you shouldn't have periods during pregnancy. This is not entirely correct. In the first month of pregnancy, menstruation may occur.

This fact is explained by the fact that after the fertilization process, the fertilized egg does not have time to reach the desired place in such a short time, and no serious changes in hormonal levels have occurred.

From the second month of pregnancy, all hormones begin to work normally, pregnancy develops, and menstruation should not normally occur during pregnancy.

Menstruation that occurs in the first month of pregnancy is not menstruation. Bloody discharge is not as heavy as regular periods. There are several reasons for such phenomena.

The appearance of blood from the vagina may indicate detachment of the fertilized egg. If this process is insignificant, then the body copes on its own and does not allow the fertilized egg to leave the uterus.

In some cases, spotting may indicate spontaneous abortion has begun. A miscarriage can be recognized by red bleeding with nagging pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy or cramping pain with the remains of the fertilized egg in the second trimester.

The cause of scanty periods during pregnancy may also be insufficient secretion of the hormone progesterone or excess production of androgens. In rare cases, a similar symptom can be caused by the presence of a heart defect in the fetus or an ectopic pregnancy.


To identify the causes of scanty periods and assess the degree of potential danger to the body, a woman should consult a gynecologist.
The examination scheme includes:

  1. a thorough examination of the medical history (collection of complaints, assessment of possible factors, connections with other diseases);
  2. full gynecological examination;
  3. cytology tests from the genital tract;
  4. culture for bacteria;
  5. PCR diagnostics of sexually transmitted infections;
  6. determination of sex hormones in urine and blood;
  7. assessment of basal temperature;
  8. Ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus;
  9. pathological examination and endometrial biopsy.


Treatment of scanty periods (hypomenorrhea) depends on the results obtained during diagnosis. In the event that this condition is caused by disorders of nutrition, psycho-emotional balance, or physical activity, therapeutic measures are aimed at their correction. According to indications, vitamin complexes, specific antimicrobial agents and hormonal drugs are used.

In the treatment of scanty periods, the leading measures are general strengthening measures and treatment of the underlying disease. In the treatment of hypomenorrhea, excellent results are obtained by the use of homeopathic remedies, the effect of which is practically no different from that of one’s own hormones.

Accompanying scanty periods with depression, apathy, general weakness, frigidity, and headaches requires the use of psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic treatment aimed at eliminating all functional disorders. During the periods of premenopause and lactation, special therapy for scanty periods is not required.

Menstrual flow is a good indicator of a woman's current health. The reasons for scanty periods can be either natural or indicate the occurrence of a disorder. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but a woman can make a primary diagnosis with the help of the following article. Because not in all situations a small amount of blood suggests pathology.

Definition of hypomenorrhea

Hypomenorrhea is one of the menstrual cycle disorders, manifested in an insufficient amount of discharge that does not correspond to the usual physiological norm of a woman.

Deviation can occur at any age: from the formation of a cycle to the decline of reproductive function. In most cases, the phenomenon is short-term (one month) and should not cause concern.

Possible additional symptoms with scanty periods:

  • dizziness, migraine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • nosebleeds;
  • apathy;
  • poor appetite;
  • general weakness.

But often menstrual flow is painless and is not accompanied by additional discomfort. Therefore, women do not pay attention to the small amount of blood on the pad.

Sometimes under stress. Read about the reasons for this violation in one of our articles.

How to understand if there is a problem

Each body is individual, so all women have their own monthly bleeding rates. And this volume should be in the range of 50-150 ml based on information from the Great Medical Encyclopedia.

But modern practice shows that individual variation must be taken into account, where in some women a discharge of 40 ml or 250 ml is considered normal. This can only be confirmed through systematic observation by a doctor, when the patient has no complaints and tests confirm her health.

It is also quite difficult to measure menstruation. Therefore, women constantly ask their gynecologists which periods are considered scanty. The minimum threshold is 50 ml, and anything less only suggests, but does not confirm, hypomenorrhea.

You can make calculations using tampons:

  • number of drops of hygiene product;
  • duration of menstruation;
  • number of tampons per day.

It's better to look at everything with an example. The monthly discharge lasts 4 days, the girl uses mini tampons (6-9 ml). According to the advice of gynecologists, the product should not be in the vagina for more than 5 hours.

You need approximately 3 or 4 pieces per day. If the tampon does not get completely wet within the specified time, then multiply 6 ml by 16, and if it is completely filled, then take 9 ml. As a result of calculations, it is clear that in this case, over the entire period of bleeding, the patient loses approximately from 96 to 144 ml.

You can also use spacers for control. A daily journal is suitable for this. If within an hour it is practically not wet, then one should suspect a deviation.

Effect of age

When there are very few periods, this can be considered a physiological norm. But only in the following situations:

  • puberty (from approximately 11 to 19 years);
  • premenopausal period, early menopause (30 years).

After menarche, girls often experience unstable discharge. The problem has several manifestations:

  • minor bleeding during a normal cycle;
  • rare menstruation with an interval of more than 35 days;
  • short regul();
  • painful beginning of the cycle;
  • frequent delays (bleeding only a few times a year).

This is not a deviation at the beginning of the cycle. This can take from 12 months to three years. If the problem persists beyond this period, it requires investigation. The doctor will help you understand what caused the scarcity of discharge and will also prescribe appropriate treatment.

After 40 years, the causes of scanty periods are associated with the premenopausal period. The first symptoms may appear at 35–45 years of age, when the reproductive system gradually declines. The following signs will help identify this period:

  • hot flashes of varying intensity;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • increased sweating;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • sleep problems;
  • decreased performance;
  • dryness of the genitals;
  • pain in joints, stomach.

This is a difficult time for the female body, so it is necessary to pay special attention to health. Hypomenorrhea may be hiding a more serious disease.

When scanty menstruation is not dangerous

The reason for light periods may be due to the following factors:

Postpartum recovery

After childbirth, stabilization of the previous cycle depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding or not. During lactation, hormonal levels are restored more slowly, so normal menstruation may begin after a year or two. Usually the cycle normalizes 2-4 months after stopping breastfeeding.


Some characteristics of the body are inherited from grandmother and mother, including scanty bleeding. They occur throughout reproductive age and do not cause much discomfort.

The egg does not mature

Sometimes there are anovulatory cycles. Against this background, delays are often observed, after which scanty bleeding begins. This is completely harmless to health if it occurs only a couple of times a year.

Reception OK

Oral contraceptives can block ovulation or deplete the endometrial structure. Therefore, a small amount is the norm until your own hormonal balance is completely restored.

External factors

When answering the question why there is scanty menstruation, doctors first evaluate the relatively harmless causes of the failure. Menstrual irregularities may be associated with the following external circumstances:

  • stress, emotional overstrain;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • excessive exercise;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • sudden climate change;
  • bad habits;
  • consequence of surgery.

There is no need to treat such phenomena; it is enough to change your lifestyle, get more rest, and improve your diet. In rare cases, sedatives are required if the patient cannot cope with the psycho-emotional stress. Over time, menstrual flow becomes stable and corresponds to normal volume.

When scanty periods indicate pathology

It is important to explain the unusual nature of bleeding immediately after the first symptoms. Even a slight change in the cycle in the form of long, scanty periods may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  • excessive thinness or obesity;
  • abnormalities of the genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • presence of infection;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • problems with the ovaries;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • pathologies of the uterus and its parts;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • consequences of abortion;
  • anemia, problems with immunity;
  • infantilism of the genital organs;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system;
  • intoxication of the body, consequences of harmful radiation;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • diabetes mellitus

Due to the large number of possible causes of the disorder, you cannot select medications on your own. The same rule applies to traditional medicine, which can only temporarily eliminate the problem.

Ectopic pregnancy

Very scanty and dark periods may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. And the girls note that it’s not exactly menstruation, but discharge that can be confused with monthly bleeding due to hypomenorrhea:

  • small amount of blood;
  • dark brown shade;
  • long lasting character.

It is extremely important to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy early. If a woman does not go to the hospital for a long time, then the risk of rupture of the fallopian tubes, peritonitis and bleeding into the abdominal cavity increases.

Diagnosis and treatment

When your periods are scanty and, moreover, little, you need to visit the following specialists:

  • gynecologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • vascular surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

The examination may include the following activities:

  • gynecological examination;
  • urine and blood analysis (general);
  • hormone tests (prescribed by a doctor);
  • transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound;
  • flora smear;
  • folliculometry;
  • bacterial culture;
  • endometrial biopsy.

Most often, it is enough to contact a gynecologist and donate blood, urine, and smears. If no serious violations were found at this stage, the specialist will advise improving your lifestyle and diet. In the opposite situation, the doctor, based on the examination results, will make additional diagnostics to make an accurate diagnosis and select therapy.

Discharge color

Scanty and long brown periods can have several causes:

  • weak uterine tone;
  • prolonged depression;
  • severe stress;
  • trauma to the reproductive system;
  • consequences of abortion, surgery;
  • improper functioning of the pituitary gland and ovaries.

If the marks on the pad are lighter than usual (pink), then this discharge is not associated with menstruation and may occur due to a delay.

Medicines for scanty menstruation

They are selected based on examination and established diagnosis. You need to understand that there is no specific remedy for the treatment of scanty periods, the use of which increases their volume. Therefore, first, the root causes are eliminated, which is why monthly bleeding has decreased.
This may include progesterone-based hormone maintenance therapy:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston;

Follow the link to find out how to take it.
You cannot take hormones on your own. An incorrect regimen or increasing the dose against the background of an inaccurate diagnosis aggravates the situation. undergo changes - brown discharge of a spotting nature or with clots appears.

It also helps with the scarcity of discharge.

For problems with the thyroid gland:

  • Endorm;
  • Iodomarin.

To eliminate inflammatory processes:

  • Metronidazole (not an antibiotic);
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cefatoxime;
  • Ceftriaxone.

As an additional treatment, when little blood is released and menstruation is poor, the gynecologist may prescribe homeopathic remedies:

  • Remens;
  • Dysmenorm;
  • Feminalgin.

This is just a sample list. The medications described above can be taken only after the permission of the attending physician. If you do this at home yourself, the risk of complications and additional failures almost always increases.

Traditional medicine

Sometimes you can do without medications, but provided there is no inflammatory process or pathology of the pelvic organs or thyroid gland. Tinctures will also help get rid of the problem if the cause is a minor malfunction or external factors (stress, physical activity).

The following recipes will help to enhance menstruation:

  1. Parsley and rue. Mix herbs in a 2:1 ratio to get 1 tbsp. l. Add 200 ml boiling water. Let the broth infuse for several hours. For treatment, it is enough to divide the resulting liquid three times, drinking it all in one day.
  2. Sagebrush. After taking it, your periods should increase and the pain should disappear. You need to take 2.5 tablespoons of dry plant per glass of boiling water. The daily dose is 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Verbena. The decoction is prepared on the basis of 1 tbsp. l. herbs poured into a glass of boiling water. Can be consumed at any time throughout the day.

Without proper treatment, light menstruation develops into a delay or only goes away for a while.

Medicinal herbs should be used sparingly. Many plants can provoke severe bleeding, as they are most often used for delays.

Menstrual irregularities that occur in women sometimes occur for a number of natural reasons. However, they are often signs of the development of gynecological diseases or other pathologies. Deviations from the norm are not always given due attention, especially if there is no pain or other disturbing symptoms. Such disorders include scanty brown periods, which are observed in women of different age categories. Often such deviations do not pose any danger, but, unfortunately, there are also difficult situations.


What do you mean by scanty periods?

Normally, during menstruation, throughout all the “critical” days, a woman loses 50-100 ml of blood. Menstruation, in which the total volume is less than 50 ml, is considered scanty. This deviation is called hypomenorrhea. The duration of menstruation may be normal (3-5 days), but quite often menstruation is small in volume and lasts only 1-2 days (oligomenorrhea is observed). The opposite situation is also possible, in which spotting brown menstrual bleeding continues to appear for 8-10 days.

The duration of the cycle can be normal (21-35 days), but sometimes hypomenorrhea is combined with opsomenorrhea, when menstruation occurs with an interval of more than 35 days. Scanty brown periods can be either a primary deviation (they are like this from the very beginning of puberty) or secondary (deviations appear after normal menstruation). Often this condition precedes the complete disappearance of menstruation (the onset of amenorrhea).

Women may also experience other brown vaginal discharge, which is usually called intermenstrual discharge. Their presence is not related to the processes of the cycle. Weak brown discharge may appear, for example, as a result of damage to blood vessels located in the tissues of the genital organs. It is also possible that blood may be present in the leucorrhoea after gynecological procedures (colposcopy, curettage, etc.), after IVF. Any bleeding during the postmenopausal period is not considered to be menstruation.

Causes of scanty brown menstruation

The course of the cycle and the nature of menstruation depend on the functioning of the pituitary gland, ovaries and other organs of the endocrine system. Deviations can occur due to pathologies (for example, traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism) and disruption of the production of relevant hormones. The exception is situations in which these deviations are physiological. They may be associated with age-related changes (the onset of puberty, the approach of menopause) or factors such as pregnancy, postpartum recovery of the body.

Common reasons

The most common reasons for menstruation to be spotty and brown in color are:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • congenital defects in the formation of the genital organs or structural pathologies resulting from trauma or surgery;
  • a sharp pathological decrease in body weight due to fasting, switching to a “strict” diet;
  • lack of vitamins in the body or anemia (lack of iron in the blood);
  • metabolic disorders due to poor nutrition, as well as as a result of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • physical fatigue, stressful lifestyle;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system, mental illness;
  • use of hormonal medications and contraceptives;
  • damage to the body by infections;
  • exposure to toxins, radiation.

Hypomenorrhea can also be hereditary or related to the constitutional characteristics of a woman.

Note: Often, infantile, naturally very thin women have scanty periods. Often, there is a decrease in libido.

Video: Reasons for bleeding instead of menstruation, what to do to restore health

Female diseases in which scanty periods are observed

Spotting menstruation with brown discharge may indicate the development of diseases in a woman, leading to pathological changes in the tissues of the reproductive organs or hormonal disorders.

Inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity (endometritis) or in the ovaries (oophoritis). Inflammation occurs due to the penetration of infectious agents (including sexually transmitted ones) into the organs. Symptoms of inflammatory diseases usually include yellow, profuse discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning in the vagina.

Endometrial hypoplasia. Thinning of the endometrium can occur due to hormonal imbalances, impaired blood supply, and cleaning of the uterine cavity. With this pathology, a woman's menstruation is scanty and abnormally short. If the pathology is primary, then the girl has weakly expressed secondary sexual characteristics. She may have a narrow pelvis, barely noticeable mammary glands, and lack of hair in the pubic area and under the arms. With secondary hypoplasia, a woman’s sex drive weakens and she is unable to experience orgasm. Pregnancy either does not occur or ends in miscarriage.

Polycystic ovary syndrome. The formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries leads to disruption of their function and is accompanied by hyperandrogenism (excessive levels of male sex hormones in the blood against the background of weak estrogen production). The discharge can be spotting or dripping and is brown in color. The pain of menstruation increases. Due to hyperandrogenism, a woman's body hair grows according to the male pattern.

Features of menstruation in teenagers

The appearance of brown spotting in adolescents is a consequence of the fact that active hormonal changes have begun in the body, but the ratio of sex hormones has not yet stabilized. The small volume of menstrual flow is explained by insufficient estrogen production and immaturity of the ovaries.

Menstruation during the first 1.5-2 years may come rarely, irregularly, alternating with intermediate bleeding. It is necessary to consult a doctor if deviations affect the girl’s well-being, if periods do not return to normal by about 16 years of age.

Hypomenorrhea in pregnant women

Sometimes during the first few months of pregnancy, on the days when menstruation would usually come, women experience spotting brown discharge. Considering them as menstruation and not feeling any changes in well-being, the woman has no idea about her condition. However, in this case we are talking, rather, about menstrual-like bleeding. The reason for their appearance is insufficient production of progesterone in the ovaries after fertilization of the egg. In this case, the body reacts slowly to changes in condition or there is a deficiency of the corpus luteum.

In some cases, this phenomenon is not dangerous; hormonal levels are restored without any intervention. But, mistaking regular brown discharge for menstruation, a woman runs the risk of not noticing the development of such serious pathologies as ectopic pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of light spotting and other unusual symptoms after a delay in menstruation.

Warning: A woman who has had unprotected sexual intercourse should be alarmed by a sudden change in the nature of her periods. If your menstrual flow suddenly becomes spotting, you must first check for pregnancy.

Scanty brown menstruation after childbirth, abortion, curettage

After childbirth, deviations are explained by the fact that hormonal levels, which have changed significantly during pregnancy, are not restored immediately. The duration of the transition period depends on the presence of complications during pregnancy, during and after childbirth, as well as on whether the woman is breastfeeding. Normally, the nature of menstruation is usually restored after the end of lactation. Minor changes are possible, such as a decrease or increase in the pain of menstruation, lengthening or shortening the cycle (within acceptable limits).

After abortions and gynecological operations, brown periods may appear due to disruption of the formation of the endometrium (if it is too thin). The reason for this is the formation of scars in the uterine cavity, uneven growth of the endometrium, and damage to the basal layer of the mucosa. It is from the basal cells that the surface layer of the endometrium is formed, the rejection of which leads to menstruation. In addition, such interventions are associated with hormonal imbalance in the body.

Menstruation during menopause

The reason for the appearance of scanty brownish periods during menopause is another hormonal change, an age-related decrease in estrogen production. A feature of menstruation during this period is its irregularity and gradual lengthening of the cycle. Weak menstruation, brown in color, is a harbinger of the onset of menopause. Any bleeding that appears 1 year or later after the complete cessation of menstruation is considered pathological. To find out the cause of their appearance, an urgent examination is required.

The nature of menstruation when using contraceptives

After removal of the intrauterine device, it often takes 1-3 months to restore normal hormonal levels and normalize the cycle. During this period, menstruation may come with a great delay, and discharge appears in the form of a brown smear.

Menstruation sometimes becomes scanty when using oral contraceptives. The hormonal substances they contain cause a shift in the balance of estrogen and progesterone. If the menstrual flow is brown, weak, and some other unpleasant symptoms are detected (for example, acne appears on the face), you need to change the product after consulting your doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • if your periods are brown in color or are too short or, conversely, their end is delayed by more than 8 days, and the changes have occurred for no apparent reason;
  • the pain of menstruation increases;
  • in addition to scanty periods, there are other signs of deteriorating health;
  • infertility is observed or the pregnancy cannot be maintained;
  • spotting or heavy bleeding appears on any days of the cycle;
  • there are suspicions of infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • lack of confidence in the correct choice of contraceptives;
  • there is a delay in menstruation.

To exclude the presence of a normal or pathological pregnancy, to diagnose diseases, the doctor prescribes an examination. A gynecological examination is performed, and smears are taken to test for infections. Blood tests are done for leukocytes, hemoglobin, and hormones. The condition of the uterus and ovaries is examined using various instrumental and hardware methods. In the absence of gynecological diseases, a neurologist is involved in the examination, X-rays of the skull, MRI of the brain and other studies are performed.

If it turns out that there are no pathologies in the body, and scanty menstruation is of a physiological nature, treatment is not required.

To eliminate diseases, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out using antimicrobial agents, and hormonal levels are restored. Vitamins are prescribed and nutritional correction is carried out. The neurologist recommends the use of physiotherapeutic procedures (aromatherapy, herbal medicine, acupressure) to strengthen the nervous system.

Video: Causes and elimination of hypomenorrhea

Brown periods are a cause for concern. Menstruation is a process that occurs in a woman’s body from the moment of puberty. Monitoring your cycle and regularly visiting a gynecologist is the responsibility of any girl.

The time when menstruation begins is completely different for everyone. Most often this happens from 11 to 15 years. But sometimes a girl’s body matures earlier, this is not a violation. Menstruation may also begin later.

Norm and deviation

If maturation does not begin before the age of 18, this may be a sign of abnormalities in the girl’s body.
Irregularity of menstruation or menstruation is also a signal of problems that have arisen. The normal duration of the menstrual cycle is up to 21 days. There are cases when the duration is up to 35 days, but no more than this time.

After the start of the first menstruation, the body can adapt within 2-3 years, when the woman begins to form a regular cycle.

Possible deviations can be judged if certain features appear that have not previously arisen during the cycle. Brown menstruation may indicate disorders of the female body.

Brown period

You should not ignore the situation when the following violations are observed:

  • constant failures in cycle time;
  • frequent occurrence of blood clots;
  • pungent, unpleasant odor.

Disorders can be divided into 2 types: brown spotting and instead of menstruation.


In 1 day, a woman should secrete up to 50 ml of menstrual fluid. When violations occur, a smudge appears and the proper amount is not released.

It is worth paying attention to the symptoms that arise:

  • headaches;
  • sharp pain in the genital area;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • back pain;
  • nausea.

Serious abnormalities in the female body are sometimes associated with these symptoms:

  • The occurrence of pregnancy, as well as ectopic pregnancy.
  • Improper functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland.
  • Improper functioning of the endometrium. Often associated with the consequences of abortion, the development of the inflammatory process. Sometimes occurs with tuberculosis of the genital organs.
  • Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives.
  • In case of injuries to the female genital organs, as well as during surgical intervention.
  • Depression, frequent nervous breakdowns, depressed state, throughout the entire cycle.
  • Sudden weight changes, up or down.
  • Heavy physical activity, overexertion during sports.
  • Hormonal imbalance due to endocrine system disorders.

The appearance of these symptoms is the answer to the question of why periods are brown.

If there is scanty discharge

Hypomenorrhea - is divided into primary and secondary forms:

  1. In the primary form, scanty discharge occurs from the very beginning of menstruation. This is associated with underdeveloped genital organs and congenital disorders in the reproductive system.
  2. In the secondary form, menstruation is brown, not abundant, and begins at a certain moment. This was not observed before the violations occurred.

This may be the cause of deviations:

  • genetic predisposition: when relatives had similar disorders;
  • infectious processes occurring in the genital organs: with the appearance of uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, etc.;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

Sometimes these disorders occur in patients with anemia, when moving to another country with different climatic conditions, as well as due to vitamin deficiency.

On the first day of the cycle

Some girls wonder: why are periods brown at the beginning of the cycle, what does this mean? On the first day of the cycle, brown discharge is allowed to appear, but if everything does not return to normal over the following days, it is necessary to identify the cause of the deviations.

With or without scent

Menstrual discharge has a red color and a sour smell. usually appear in the last days before the end of menstruation, and the amount of fluid released also decreases. Therefore, the appearance of a brown smear is quite possible, but lasting no more than 1-2 days.

If an unpleasant, pungent odor appears, you should urgently seek advice from a gynecologist.

Main causes of violation

A woman may experience disturbances due to which the menstrual cycle cannot normalize. This may be due to both congenital pathologies and acquired, various sexually transmitted infections, and taking medications.

Hormonal disorders

Disturbances are observed during endometrial rejection. Due to abnormalities, the menstrual fluid coagulates and clots begin to appear.

Hormonal imbalances also occur due to improper metabolism. Women who constantly follow various types of diets often encounter this problem.


Brown discharge during pregnancy can cause miscarriage due to placental abruption. Bloody, scarlet-colored discharge is a sign.

In some cases, there are brown colored periods after a scanty period. This drug is used both during pregnancy planning and in the early stages when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Taking contraceptives

Sometimes women experience menstrual irregularities due to the use of oral and vaginal contraceptives. This happens especially often after taking fast-acting contraceptives.

If deviations occur while taking the medications, you must stop taking them and choose another method of contraception.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes, as a result of which dark brown periods appear, occur when infected with sexually transmitted diseases. After treatment of the infection, the inflammatory process begins to decrease.

Seeing a doctor

If obvious abnormalities in the functioning of the reproductive system occur, when brown periods suddenly begin, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. At an early stage, you can successfully carry out a course of treatment and get rid of infectious diseases.


It is necessary to take a blood test and take a smear for analysis. After which an additional examination is carried out:

  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • exclude diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Tomography will help identify the presence of tumors at various stages.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes further treatment.


After conducting an examination, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. If the cause of brown discharge is a disease of the endocrine system, the patient is referred to an endocrinologist. If there are a number of psychological problems, they are sent to a psychotherapist.

In case of hormonal abnormalities, a course of medications is prescribed. During the treatment period, the woman is prescribed a certain diet that must be followed.

Prevention measures

For preventive measures, every woman should regularly visit a gynecologist. Even if the condition is not suspicious, some inflammatory processes can occur unnoticed.

Many women are faced with a condition such as scanty brown periods, the causes of which are almost always associated with the development of a particular disease. Very often, a change in the shade of menstrual blood is a serious reason for panic.

Normally, menstruation should be either completely painless or with mild discomfort. Menstruation should occur no more than five days once a month. The duration of the cycle is 21-35 days. The volume of discharge, if a woman has no pathologies, does not exceed 150 milliliters.

In girls of puberty, sexual function is still quite poorly established. Against this background, disruptions in ovulation are often observed, so many young ladies notice that their menstrual blood has acquired a faint brown or red tint. This condition is considered normal and does not require treatment.

But if brownish periods have been present for two years or more, the girl needs to visit a gynecologist.

Another factor that provokes the release of scanty periods with a brownish tint is menopause. This is explained by a decrease in reproductive function. Most often this is the condition.

Main provoking factors

There are several reasons why women develop scanty skin. The change in the shade of menstruation depends on the following factors:

  • age;
  • presence or absence of sexual activity;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted pathologies or inflammatory processes;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stress;
  • bearing a fetus.

Carrying a child

During pregnancy, many women call menstruation with a brownish tint “spotting.” The cause of scanty menstruation may be an ectopic pregnancy. If the discharge is close to yellow in color, this may indicate a possible miscarriage. Another reason for this condition is frozen pregnancy.

Time after childbirth

After delivery of the pregnancy, the menstrual cycle usually stabilizes. But many young mothers experience changes in the nature of their periods. If before conception their color was red and their volume did not exceed 150 milliliters, then after the release of the burden the discharge became scanty and brownish. This is not an anomaly, but visiting a gynecologist to possibly identify inflammatory diseases would not be superfluous.

Use of contraceptives

Young ladies often have brown periods after pregnancy. If there are no serious violations, the woman’s condition can be normalized with the help of medications prescribed by the doctor.

But when women develop endometrial atrophy while using contraceptives, it is recommended to stop taking the medication. This condition should be suspected if pathological discharge is present for three to four courses.

Other factors

Surgical removal of an unwanted pregnancy, or laparoscopy of a cyst can cause scanty brownish periods. If an unpleasant odor appears and your body temperature rises, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Sometimes the reason that menstruation becomes scanty and takes on a brown tint is overeating, undereating or chronic lack of sleep. Excessive physical activity can also play a negative role.

In addition, the cause of brown discharge can be a genetic factor. If a woman’s mother or grandmother had this symptom, then most likely she will also have it.

How to recognize pathology

You should sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • the menstrual cycle has increased or decreased;
  • there was an unpleasant smell of discharge;
  • pain developed in the thoracic or lumbar region.

If there are symptoms such as pain during evacuation of feces, burning in the genitals, as well as pain during sex, the development of a sexually transmitted disease can be suspected. Most often, representatives of the fair sex are diagnosed with gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

How you can help

In order to establish why they began to stand out, doctors resort to the following methods:

  • studying the patient’s basal temperature chart;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive system, kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • blood test;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to detect tumors of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • diagnosis of the thyroid gland.

If a specialist identifies the presence of diseases, he refers the woman for examination to an endocrinologist, psychotherapist or immunologist. If a specific shade of menstruation was caused by a hormonal imbalance, the woman is prescribed the use of drugs containing progestogen components. In addition, it is recommended to take combination medications. If the pathology was provoked by stress, the woman is prescribed sedatives.

Diet is of great importance. Young ladies with irregular menstrual cycles need to eat as many protein-rich foods as possible. Particular emphasis should be placed on the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Preventive requirements

Women who have very severe symptoms need to adhere to preventive recommendations. They are as follows:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • timely visit to the gynecologist;
  • use of reliable contraceptives;
  • refusal of low-quality underwear;
  • timely replacement of hygiene products;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle.

Do not use unnatural products when washing. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is prohibited.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the exact cause of the change in the color of menstruation. Considering that the main provoking factor may be a dangerous disease affecting the reproductive organs, you should immediately seek help from a good specialist. Before going to the gynecologist, you must carefully record all alarming signs and save the used pad.



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