The singer is disabled. The Most Famous Disabled People of the World: People with Limited or Unlimited Capabilities? We would like to say a few words about those for whom physical limitations did not become an obstacle to fulfilling their dreams, about famous people with disabilities and

"El Patron" was the boss of the most powerful drug cartel the world has ever seen. In 1989, according to Forbes magazine, he took 7th place in the ranking richest people planet, with a personal fortune of $25 billion.

However, for such fabulous money, the drug king’s family also paid a considerable price: his wife remained a widow, and their two children lost loving father at the ages of 15 and 8 years. And, despite the fact that Escobar was killed in December 1993, they are still paying with a powerful emotional burden and constant threats from people who directly or indirectly suffered at the hands of the notorious drug lord.

In addition, they lost almost all the money, which was confiscated and handed over to the Colombian authorities.

Family curse

A few months after Escobar's death, due to constant persecution and persecution, his widow and children were forced to flee Colombia, first to Mozambique, then to many other countries, whose governments one after another refused to grant them political asylum. Everything except .

It's been 24 years since the bloody drug lord's family fled their home country. What happened with them since then? Who is Escobar's family today?

Wife: Maria Victoria Eneo Viejo

In 1974, when Escobar was 24, he began dating a 13-year-old Maria Victoria Eneo Viejo(Spanish: Maria Victoria Henao Vellejo). Her family did not approve of their relationship and the couple fled to the city of Palmyra, and in March 1976 they got married.

Throughout his life, Escobar had huge amount extramarital affairs, but, despite all her husband’s adventures, Maria Victoria supported him in everything, staying with him until the very last day his life. No one really knew about their relationship, but there was speculation that she was simply carried away by luxury.

Having fled to Argentina, the widow changed her name to Maria Isabel Santos Caballero(Spanish: Maria Isabel Santos Caballero). Together with their children, they lived the quiet life of an average family in a small apartment. This quiet life lasted only 5 years.

In 2000, Maria Isabel and her son were arrested on charges of falsification of documents, conspiracy and illegal money laundering. Allegedly, Escobar's wife received part of the money he earned from former members.

They were imprisoned in Argentina for 15 months (remarkably, they spent longer in prison than Pablo himself ever did), but were later released on the basis of insufficient evidence. A whole team of lawyers tried to incriminate them with many crimes, including drug trafficking, but in the end, due to lack of facts, they were forced to retreat.

Son: Juan Pablo Escobar Eneo

He inherited not only his father’s surname and first name, but also similar facial features. Enough dangerous combination when trying to start life from scratch. Fleeing with his family to Argentina, he became known as Juan Sebastian Marroquin Santos(Spanish: Juan Sebastian Marroquín Santos), but this did not help him hide his true identity from the eyes of the unwanted public for long.

Juan was born in 1977 in Medellin. He loved his father very much, in general, the two were always very close, but by nature he was a pacifist and never agreed with the cruelty and violence that Escobar professed. Until he was 12-13 years old, he had no idea what his father was doing.

Exactly according to telephone conversation between father and son on that fateful December evening, US and Colombian special agents figured out the location of Escobar’s hideout. Neglecting caution, father and son remained on the line for almost 5 minutes. In this conversation, the drug lord told Juan that he would surrender to the police for his sake.

Having moved to Argentina, the young man entered school, dreaming of becoming an architect. He enjoyed new life, measured and free, where there is no shooting and constant fear. But, hiding and living a lie, he could never feel happy. None of his friends and classmates knew who Juan Marroquin really was, for him this was a great relief, but at the same time he felt guilty.

In 2009, in collaboration with Moroccan, as well as his mother and two victims of cartel terror, he was released documentary called " My Father's Sins"(Spanish: "Pecados de mi padre"). In this work, Juan addressed the victims of Pablo Escobar and the entire Colombian people to ask for forgiveness for the actions of his father.

Currently lives in Buenos Aires with his wife and daughter.

Daughter: Manuela Escobar Eneo

The daughter of the “Cocaine King” remained a more mysterious figure than her brother and mother. In contrast, Manuela has completely evaded the public eye. Today almost nothing is known about her, only what she was like as a child before Escobar's death.

She was born on October 6, 1984 in Brownsville (USA, Texas), i.e. I lost my father at the age of 8. According to the recollections of people close to the family, all this short time Manuela grew up as a very spoiled child, the center of attention, her father’s little princess.

One day she wanted a unicorn, Escobar bought a horse and ordered a cardboard cone in the shape of a horn to be stapled to her head. Also, wings were sewn to the horse's back, as a result of which it died from infection in the blood.

After his death, Manuela got used to a life full of dangers and instability. At age 10, she moved with her family to Buenos Aires and changed her name to Juana Manuela Marroquin Santos(Spanish: Juana Manuela Marroquin Santos).

Since then, she has completely closed herself off from the public, pretending to be someone else. Since 2000 (when her mother and brother were arrested) practically nothing is known about her. We can only assume that 31-year-old Manuela Marroquín still lives in Buenos Aires, perhaps with a different name.


Father– Abel de Jesus Escobar Echeverri (Spanish: Abel de Jesus Escobar Echeverri), died in 2001 from pneumonia;

Mother– Hermilda Gaviria (Spanish: Hermilda Gaviria), died in 2006 at the age of 90, from diabetes.

The most successful terrorist in human history was born into the family of a simple farmer Abel de Jesus Escobar and a teacher. junior classes Ermilda Gaviria. The family had 7 children, the third of whom was Pablo. Their maternal grandfather Roberto Gaviria (Spanish: Roberto Gaviria Cobaleda) was a famous whiskey smuggler during Prohibition.

Brothers and sisters

Older brother: Roberto Escobar (Spanish)Robert Escobar Gaviria)

Born on January 11, 1947 in Rio Negro (Spanish: Rio Negro), Colombia. He was interested in studying chemistry and engineering and was actively involved in cycling. By the age of 18, he became a professional cyclist, winner of numerous national and international awards, and later coach of the Colombian youth cycling team. Eventually, he was drawn into a criminal lifestyle by his younger brother. He was Escobar’s “right hand”, and the chief accountant of the Medellin Cartel, bore the nickname El Osito.

Shortly before Pablo's death, he was imprisoned for 11 years in a maximum security colony. Having deep knowledge of the financial component of the cartel, in prison Roberto wrote the book “ The Accountant's Story: The Cruel World of the Medellin Cartel"(English: "The Accountant's Story: Inside the Violent World of the Medellín Cartel"), in which he spoke about the internal affairs of the drug empire.

In 1993, 16 days after the murder of his brother, while in prison, having received an anonymous explosive letter, he became blind in one eye and partially lost his hearing.

Since his release from prison in 2003, he has directed the Pablo Escobar Museum, which is located in the former estate of the drug lord Naples (Spanish: Nápoles).

According to Sebastian Marroquín, after Pablo Escobar's death, Roberto immediately betrayed the family by making a deal with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to lie about his brother.

Less is known about the others:

  • older sister: Gloria Inés Escobar Gaviria (Spanish: Gloria Inés Escobar Gaviria);
  • younger brother: Argemiro Escobar Gaviria (Spanish: Argemiro Escobar Gaviria);
  • younger sister: Alba Marina Escobar Gaviria (Spanish: Alba Marina Escobar Gaviria);
  • younger sister: Luz Maria Escobar Gaviria (Spanish: Luz María Escobar Gaviria);
  • youngest brother: Luis Fernando Escobar Gaviria (Spanish: Luis Fernando Escobar Gaviria) (born in 1958 and died at the age of 19 in 1977).

For each of your reposts - thank you very much! Gracias!

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December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Unfortunately, in our country it is customary to ignore disabled people and even pretend that they do not exist at all. Seeing the rare disabled person who dares to leave the house, many shyly look away. The fact that these people can be full-fledged members of society is still out of the question. However, we really hope that this shameful situation for society will begin to change. Today we want to start small and invite you not to take your eyes off, but to look at people with disabilities and learn the stories of their lives, the usefulness of which many people with “unlimited” physical capabilities can envy.

Nick Vujicic was born with Tetra-Amelia syndrome - a rare hereditary disease, leading to the absence of four limbs. At the age of 10, he tried to drown himself in a bathtub so as not to cause any more inconvenience to his loved ones. Now Nick is one of the most famous and popular motivational speakers in the world, has a beautiful wife and son. And by its very existence it gives hope for a “normal” life to thousands of people.

17-year-old Kerry Brown is a carrier of Down syndrome. Not so long ago, thanks to the active support of my friends and the Internet, she became a model one of the American manufacturers of youth clothing. Kerry began posting photos of herself wearing Wet Seal clothing on her page on social network, which became so popular that she was invited to become the face of the brand.

This true love story flew around the Internet a year ago. A veteran of the war in Afghanistan lost all his limbs after being blown up by a bomb, but miraculously survived. Upon returning home, his 23-year-old fiancée Kelly not only did not leave her beloved, but also helped him literally “get back on his feet,” even though he no longer has legs.

The little resident of the Irkutsk orphanage Tanya Kirillova was lucky - at 13 months she was born without small children. tibia and foot bones, was adopted by an American family. This is how Jessica Long appeared, a famous swimmer, winner of 12 Paralympic gold medals and world record holder among athletes without legs.

New Zealander Mark Inglis in 2006 conquered Everest, having lost both legs twenty years earlier. The climber froze them off in one of the previous expeditions, but did not give up his dream of Everest and climbed to the top, which is difficult even for “ordinary” people.

6. Tatiana McFadden

Tatyana is another American disabled athlete with paralysis lower limbs Russian origin. She is a multiple winner of women's wheelchair races, including the 2013 Boston Marathon. Now Tatyana really wants to go to the Paralympic Games in Sochi, and for this she specially mastered a completely new sport for herself - cross-country skiing and biathlon.

7. Lizzie Velasquez

One not-so-wonderful day, Lizzie saw a video posted on the Internet entitled “The most terrible woman in the world” with many views and corresponding comments. It's easy to guess that the video showed... Lizzie herself, who was born with a rare syndrome, because of which she completely lacks adipose tissue. Lizzie’s first impulse was to rush into an unequal “battle” with the commentators and answer them everything she thought about them. But instead, she pulled herself together and proved to the whole world that you don’t have to be beautiful to inspire people. She has already published two books and is a successful motivational speaker.

Of course, there are not seven of them. There are many more such people who have an incredible will to live and are capable of infecting others with it. And there are even more people around us who really need to be finally noticed, and when they are noticed, they do not turn away with horror or disgust, but try to help and support.

Society is accustomed to the fact that disabled people are described in the media as weak, helpless people who require pity. But real examples are physically limited people who have achieved incredible success, indicate a completely opposite result. Today, a disabled person who has achieved success is a real hero. Not only does he not need help, but he himself can provide it to many who want it.

Even for ordinary person achieving success in a particular field of activity can be quite difficult. And a disabled person, despite the inadequate attitude of some people around him, as well as incomplete physical abilities, to achieve a goal similar to a healthy person, must make twice or even three times as much effort. But it's worth it, after crossing all life's obstacles, these people will become a good example and will be able to motivate absolutely everyone. To better understand the scale of the greatness of these, it is worth remembering some of them.

Nick Vujicic

Born on December 4, 1982 in a family of emigrants from Serbia. Has a rare genetic disease– tetraamelia. This disabled person is deprived by nature of both arms and legs. Nick's only limb is one small foot, 10–15 cm, with two toes that are fused together. All the parents could do to help their child was to persuade the doctors to perform an operation on him to separate the fused fingers. To a little boy such surgical intervention it was enough, and as a result he achieved great success in life.

First, through incredible efforts, he learned to type, and then he began to write motivational letters, which were extremely popular not only among sick people, but also among healthy people. Worried about his appearance, this strong-willed disabled person mastered the principles of positive psychology. He concluded that all complexes and fears occur solely because of negative thoughts . By clearing your mind, you can completely change everything in your life.

Today, Nick Vujicic works as a motivational speaker, invited to speak on all continents. Mostly his performances are listened to by disabled people and people who, for certain reasons, have lost the meaning in life. In addition to success, the courageous disabled person has other joys in life - a beautiful wife and an absolutely healthy son.

Anna McDonald

British writer, born 1952. Unlike Nick, Anna did not even receive parental support as a child. Due to the careless handling of the mother, literally a few days after birth, the baby suffered a head injury. Because of her, the disabled girl became intellectually disabled. Noticing the growing mental retardation child, her family gave her to an orphanage. In this institution, the girl noticed that she was different from healthy people and immediately began to actively work on herself. The task ahead was difficult, because even the teachers did not help her. Having found the alphabet on the shelves, the girl spent months studying the meaning of one letter. Having learned to read, Anna did not miss a single book that fell into her hands.

Having literally formed within herself the talent of a writer through enormous labor, she has already young girl wrote a memoir called Anna's Exit, describing her many struggles as she grew older. The memoirs achieved worldwide recognition and were later filmed. As a result, the disabled woman became a welcome guest on foreign channels and significantly improved her financial condition. After this, Anna MacDonald wrote a large number of books, got married successfully, and began active charitable work with people who also have certain physical and mental disabilities. The writer says about her activities:

“Of course, all disabled people can find their calling in life, for this they only need help to gain faith in themselves”

Christy Brown

This Irish artist became the hero of the biographical film "My left leg”, which soon after the film adaptation received an Oscar statuette. Christie is an unusual invalid, he was born mentally handicapped, and the only thing he could move was his left leg. Relatives, and especially the boy’s mother, surrounded him full of love and attention. The boy was often read fairy tales, explained the necessity of each action, and told about what was happening. Such regular work made it possible to achieve significant success in the development of the child - the disabled person became much more intelligent.

One day, Christy's little sister accidentally dropped the chalk, and the five-year-old boy, with incredible effort, picked it up and began to move it across the floor. Noticing new skills, the disabled person was immediately sent by his parents to writing and drawing lessons. Ten years later, Christy Brown achieved incredible heights - his wonderful paintings, filled with talent, were actively bought up by art connoisseurs, and interesting, instructive and motivational articles were published in the most popular newspapers in Ireland. This disabled person could control only one leg, and even then, his left one, and became a role model even for outstanding contemporary artists. This case, in addition to the power of working on oneself, also testifies to the importance of family. Disabled people should be surrounded with love and attention from childhood, and a child who has physical or mental disabilities should be developed as much as possible, spending all his free time on it.

Oscar Pistorius

Without legs, Oscar Pistorius achieved outstanding success in sports. The young man was disabled from birth, but this did not stop him from achieving his goal - to move. Through incredible work, Oscar became a track and field runner, who was even allowed to compete with completely physically capable opponents.

Now Pistorius is actively promoting sports around the world, supporting people with disabilities in their desire to engage in physical competitions, and organizing various programs in this direction. In fact, he has become the most successful disabled athlete who constantly confirms that physical problems cannot be a hindrance on the way to the desired goal.

If you give up and don’t have the strength to conquer the next peak, remember the historical figures and contemporaries with physical disability mi, famous throughout the world. It’s hard to call them disabled. People with disabilities who achieve success set an example for all of us with courage, resilience, heroism and determination.

World famous personalities

The numerous stories of people with disabilities are surprising and inspiring. Individuals who have achieved success are often known throughout the world: books are written about them, films are made about them. The German musician and composer, a representative of the Viennese school, Ludwig van Beethoven, is no exception. Already famous, he began to lose his hearing. In 1802, the man became completely deaf. Despite the tragic circumstances, it was from this period of time that Beethoven began to create masterpieces. After becoming disabled, he wrote most of his sonatas, as well as the “Eroica Symphony”, “Solemn Mass”, the opera “Fidelio” and the vocal cycle “To a Distant Beloved”.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga is another historical figure who deserves respect and admiration. At the age of 12, the girl was caught in a sand hurricane and went blind. At the same time, the so-called third eye opened inside her - all seeing eye. She began to look into the future, predicting the fate of people. Vanga attracted attention for her activities during World War II. Then a rumor spread through the villages that she was able to determine whether a warrior died on the battlefield or not, where the missing person was located and whether there was any hope of finding him.

People during World War II

In addition to Vanga, during the German occupation there were other people with disabilities who achieved success. In Russia and beyond its borders, everyone knows the brave pilot Alexey Petrovich Maresyev. During the battle, his plane was shot down, and he himself was seriously wounded. For a long time got to his own, lost his legs due to developing gangrene, but despite this, he managed to convince the medical board that he was able to fly even with prosthetics. The brave pilot shot down many more enemy ships, constantly took part in military battles and returned home as a hero. After the war, he constantly traveled to the cities of the USSR and everywhere defended the rights of people with disabilities. His biography formed the basis of “The Tale of a Real Man.”

Another key figure of World War II is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The thirty-second president of the United States was also disabled. Long before this, he contracted polio and was left paralyzed. The treatment did not produce positive results. But Roosevelt did not lose heart: he worked actively and achieved amazing success in politics and in the diplomatic field. Important pages of world history are associated with his name: the participation of the United States in the anti-Hitler coalition and the normalization of relations between the American country and the Soviet Union.

Russian heroes

The list of celebrated individuals includes other people with disabilities who have achieved success. From Russia, we first know Mikhail Suvorov, a writer and teacher who lived in the second half of the 20th century. When he was 13 years old, he lost his sight from a shell explosion. This did not stop him from becoming the author of sixteen collections of poetry, many of which received wide recognition and were set to music. Suvorov also taught at a school for the blind. Before his death, he was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

But Valery Andreevich Fefelov worked in a different field. He not only fought for the rights of the disabled, but was also an active participant in the Soviet Union. Before that, he worked as an electrician: he fell from a height and broke his spine, remaining confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. It was on this simple device that he traveled across the expanses huge country, calling on people to help, if possible, the organization he created - the All-Union Society of Disabled People. The activities of the dissident were considered anti-Soviet by the USSR authorities and he and his family were expelled from the country. The refugees received political asylum in the German Federal Republic.

Famous musicians

People with disabilities who have achieved success with their own creative abilities, on everyone's lips. First, there is the blind musician Ray Charles, who lived for 74 years and died in 2004. This man can rightfully be called a legend: he is the author of 70 studio albums recorded in the style of jazz and blues. He became blind at the age of seven due to sudden onset glaucoma. The illness did not become an obstacle to his musical abilities. Ray Charles received 12 Grammy awards and was celebrated in numerous venues. Frank Sinatra himself called Charles “a genius of show business,” and the famous Rolling Stone magazine included his name in the top ten of its “List of Immortals.”

Secondly, the world knows another blind musician. This is Stevie Wonder. The creative personality had a tremendous influence on the development of vocal art in the 20th century. He became the founder of the R'n'B style and classic soul. Steve went blind immediately after birth. Despite his physical handicap, he ranks second among pop performers in terms of the number of Grammy statuettes received. The musician has been awarded this award 25 times - not only for career success, but also for life achievements.

Popular athletes

People with disabilities who have achieved success in sports deserve special respect. There are a lot of them, but first of all I would like to mention Eric Weihenmayer, who, being blind, was the first in the world to climb to the top of the formidable and mighty Everest. The climber became blind at the age of 13, but managed to complete his studies, obtain a profession and a sports rank. Eric's adventures during his famous mountain conquest were made into a feature film called "Touch the Top of the World." By the way, Everest is not the only achievement of a man. He managed to climb seven of the most dangerous peaks in the world, including Elbrus and Kilimanjaro.

Another world famous personality is Oscar Pistorius. Having become disabled almost from the first days of his life, in the future he managed to change the idea of modern sports. The man, having no legs below the knee, competed on an equal footing with healthy athletes-runners, and achieved enormous success and numerous victories. Oscar is a symbol of people with disabilities and an example that disability is not an obstacle to a normal life, including playing sports. Pistorius is an active participant in the program to support citizens with physical disabilities and the main promoter of active sports among this category of people.

Strong women

Don't forget that people with disabilities who are successful in their careers are not exclusively members of the stronger sex. There are a lot of women among them - for example, Esther Verger. Our contemporary - a Dutch tennis player - is considered the greatest in this sport. At the age of 9, due to unsuccessful spinal cord surgery, she sat in a wheelchair and managed to turn tennis on its head. In our time, the woman is a winner of the Grand Slam and other tournaments, a four-time Olympic champion, and she has become a leader in world competitions seven times. Since 2003, she has not suffered a single defeat, winning 240 sets in a row.

Helen Adams Keller is another name to be proud of. The woman was blind and deaf-mute, but, having mastered sign functions, mastered correct movements larynx and lips, she entered higher education educational institution and graduated with honors. The American became a famous writer who, on the pages of her books, talked about herself and people like her. Her story formed the basis of William Gibson's play The Miracle Worker.

Actresses and dancers

People with disabilities who have achieved success are in the public eye. Photos of the most beautiful women Tabloids often love to print: among such talented and beautiful ladies it is worth noting. In 1914, the French actress had her leg amputated, but she continued to appear on the theater stage. The last time grateful viewers saw her on stage was in 1922: at the age of 80, she played a role in the play “The Lady of the Camellias.” Many prominent artists called Sarah an example of excellence, courage and

Other famous woman, who captivated the public with her thirst for life and creativity, is Lina Po, ballerina and dancer. Her real name is Polina Gorenshtein. In 1934, after suffering encephalitis, she was left blind and partially paralyzed. Lina could no longer perform, but she did not lose heart - the woman learned to sculpt. She was accepted into the Union of Soviet Artists, and the woman’s works were constantly exhibited at the most famous exhibitions in the country. The main collection of her sculptures is now in the museum of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.


People with disabilities who have achieved success have not only lived in modern times. Among them are many historical figures - for example, the writer Miguel Cervantes, who lived and worked in the 17th century. The author of the world-famous novel about the adventures of Don Quixote not only spent time writing stories, he was also a member of the military service in the navy. In 1571, taking part in the Battle of Lepanto, he was seriously wounded - he lost his arm. Subsequently, Cervantes liked to repeat that disability became a powerful impetus for the further development and improvement of his talent.

John Pulitzer is another person who has become famous throughout the world. The man became blind at the age of 40, but after the tragedy he began to work even more. IN modern world he is known to us as a successful writer, journalist, and publisher. He is called the founder of the “yellow press”. After his death, John bequeathed the $2 million he had earned. Most of this amount went to opening High school journalism. The rest of the money was used to establish a prize for correspondents, which has been awarded since 1917.


Among this category there are also people with disabilities who have achieved success in life. Just look at the famous English physicist Stephen William Hawking, the author of the theory of primordial black holes. Scientist is sick amyotrophic sclerosis, which first deprived him of the ability to move and then to speak. Despite this, Hawking is actively working: he controls a wheelchair and a special computer using the fingers of his right hand - the only movable part of his body. He now occupies a high position that three centuries ago belonged to Isaac Newton: he is a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

It is worth noting Louis Braille, a French teacher of typhology. As a little boy, he injured his eyes with a knife, after which he lost the ability to see forever. To help himself and other blind people, he created a special raised dot font for the blind. It is still used today all over the world. Based on the same principles, the scientist came up with special notes for the blind, which made it possible for blind people to practice music.


People with disabilities who have achieved success in our time and in past centuries can become an example for each of us. Their life, work, activity is a huge feat. Agree how difficult it is sometimes to overcome obstacles on the path to your dreams. Now imagine that their barriers are broader, deeper and more insurmountable. Despite the difficulties, they managed to pull themselves together, gather their will into a fist and begin to take active action.

It is simply unrealistic to list all worthy personalities in one article. People with disabilities who have achieved success make up an entire army of citizens: each of them demonstrates their courage and strength. Among them are the famous artist Chris Brown, who has only one limb, the writer Anna MacDonald, who is diagnosed with intellectual disability, as well as TV presenter Jerry Jewell, poet Chris Nolan and screenwriter Chris Foncheka (all three have childhood illnesses). cerebral palsy) and so on. What can we say about the many athletes without legs and arms who take active participation in competitions. The stories of these people should become a standard for each of us, a symbol of courage and determination. And when you give up and it seems that the whole world is against you, remember these heroes and move on towards your dream.

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To become the best in your field, to live in harmony with yourself - it is generally believed that only the “darlings of fate” can do this: the lucky, the brave, the strong. But there are people who achieve significant results, despite the fact that life has not always been kind to them. We dedicate this presentation to those who persistently strive to achieve their goals, overcoming limitations and circumstances. Those who know that they can achieve a lot. To those who achieve. And also to those who help people with disabilities believe in themselves and make their dreams come true.

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The word "disabled" translated from Latin language means "powerless". A disabled person is a person whose capabilities are limited due to his physical, mental or intellectual disabilities. The word “disabled” is perceived as offensive by some people, which is why the term “person with disabilities” is now more often used. Our society strives to ensure that disabled people are more involved in public life, therefore it organizes many rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities.

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People with disabilities are people with physical disabilities, BUT this does not prevent them from being successful in life!

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Ludwig van Beethoven - the great German composer, conductor and pianist of the 28th century. In 1796, already a famous composer, Beethoven began to lose his hearing: he developed tinitis - inflammation inner ear. By 1802, Beethoven was completely deaf, but it was from this time that the composer began to create his most famous works.

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Louis Braille, teacher, creator of the Braille alphabet (1809 - 1852) Due to an absurd accident, he lost his sight and created the alphabet for the blind. At the age of three, Louis injured his eye with a knife, which caused inflammation of the eyes and left him blind. In 1829, Louis Braille developed the embossed dot font for the blind, Braille, which is still used throughout the world. In addition to letters and numbers, based on the same principles, he developed writing notes for the blind and taught them music. Braille, now used to transmit knowledge in all areas of human activity, is equally accessible to scientists and ordinary people.

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Sarah Bernhardt, actress French actress Sarah Bernhardt at the beginning of the 20th century was called “the most famous actress in history.” Sarah achieved success on the stages of Europe, and then triumphantly toured in America. Her repertoire consisted mainly of serious dramatic roles, which is why the actress received the nickname “Divine Sarah.” However, in 1905, during a tour in Rio de Janeiro, Bernard severely injured her right leg, which had to be amputated in 1915. But “The Divine Sarah” did not give up her stage activities: during the First World War she performed at the front and was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor.

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Nikolai Ostrovsky, writer Nikolai Ostrovsky managed to change many professions. But most importantly, he wrote the novel “How the Steel Was Tempered.” Already in his youth, “ossification” of the spine occurred, and at the age of 36 the writer became blind and paralyzed. He no longer got out of bed, but continued to write a book, dictating its text to his assistant.

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of the United States In 1921, Roosevelt became seriously ill with polio and was confined to wheelchair until the end of his days, but this did not prevent him from being elected to the presidency of the United States four times - an unprecedented case in American history! Some of the most significant pages in history are associated with his name foreign policy and US diplomacy, in particular, the establishment and normalization of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and US participation in the anti-Hitler coalition.

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Alexey Petrovich Maresyev Hero Soviet Union, pilot Legendary pilot of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. On April 4, 1942, in a battle with the Germans, Alexey Maresyev’s plane was shot down, and Alexey himself was seriously wounded. For eighteen days, the pilot, wounded in the legs, crawled his way to the front line. At the hospital, both legs were amputated. But after being discharged from the hospital, he sat at the controls of the plane again. In total, during the war he made 86 combat missions and shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four before being wounded and seven after being wounded. Maresyev became the prototype of the hero of Boris Polevoy's story "The Tale of a Real Man."

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Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, scientist, creator of the space rocket “The main motive of my life: to do something useful for people, to advance humanity at least a little forward.” At the age of nine, after sledding, Kostya Tsiolkovsky caught a cold. The temperature has risen. The doctor called diagnosed it as scarlet fever. He was ill for a long time and seriously, but survived. However, the disease resulted in partial deafness. A Russian scientist who worked in the fields of aeronautics, aerodynamics and astronautics, rocket inventor and space explorer, Tsiolkovsky was the first to develop a model of a rocket capable of flying into space. True, during his lifetime he was not able to observe its launch.

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Stephen Hawking, scientist "I am free in my thoughts" Laureate Nobel Prize. World-class physicist and mathematician, considered the second greatest scientist of the 20th century after Einstein. Almost completely paralyzed. Only the fingers of his right hand move, with which he controls his moving chair and a special computer that speaks for him. He is alive and continues his research, has visited space, appears in scientific programs and TV series, films.

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Vanga, fortune teller One of the famous blind people is the clairvoyant Vanga. At the age of 12, she lost her sight due to a hurricane that threw her hundreds of meters. They found her only in the evening with her eyes filled with sand. During the Second World War, Vanga determined the location of missing people, whether they were alive or not, and predicted the future not only individuals, but also to entire parties and even countries.

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Pablo Pineda, writer, actor Worst Enemy children with Down syndrome - silence" Spaniard Pablo Pineda is the first person in Europe with Down syndrome to receive higher education. In March 2009, Pineda passed educational practice in Cordoba and is preparing for exams for the right to teach. Recently the feature film “Me Too” starring Pablo Pineda was released. At the San Sebastian Film Festival he was awarded the Silver Shell for Best Actor.

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Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego, writer “I am a hero. I simply have no other choice.” Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego is widely known as the author of the autobiographical work “White on Black,” which was awarded the Booker Open Russia literary prize in 2003 for the best novel in Russian. Ruben Gallego wrote this book with one finger because he has been almost completely paralyzed since birth.

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Valentin Ivanovich Dikul, circus performer, creator of medical centers While performing a trick in the circus, he fell from a great height. The doctors’ verdict was merciless: “a spinal fracture and a traumatic brain injury. Will never walk again." Dikul created his own restoration method, discovered medical center under your own name. Later, under his leadership, clinics appeared throughout Russia and abroad, which helped people with similar injuries to the spine and limbs.

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Diana Gurtskaya, singer, pianist At first, Diana sang only for her family and classmates at a boarding school for blind children. Little Diana managed to convince the music school teachers that she could learn to play the piano and graduated from school with success. Her sensual style of performance created a real sensation in the hall of the Tbilisi Philharmonic. Now she famous singer our stage.

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Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev is a Russian artist, master of portrait painting, graphics, caricature. I knew a lot of interesting, talented and good people. But if I have ever seen a truly great spirit in a person, it is in Kustodiev.” This is what Fyodor Chaliapin wrote about this painter. At the age of 31, Kustodiev developed spinal tuberculosis, which resulted in complete paralysis of the legs, and from that moment the artist was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. But he continued to paint.

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Veronica Skugina, actress My coach is life It happens that she is rushing through the streets of St. Petersburg on business, and she is stopped: “Oh, we saw the film in which you played! Please give me an autograph." At this moment, those who were nearby look at him with even greater curiosity. beautiful girl no legs on a cart. Veronica never refuses an autograph, gives a charming smile and rolls on. But I don’t want to let this girl go. And I want to speed up my step to the beat of her nimble cart and chat. About the weather, about the last movie you saw, about music, about a new book.

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Eric Weihenmayer, mountaineer The world's first climber to reach the summit of Everest while blind. Eric Weihenmayer lost his sight when he was 13 years old. However, he completed his studies, and then became a teacher himself high school, then a wrestling coach and world-class athlete. Director Peter Winter made a live-action television film about Weihenmayer's journey, "Touch the Top of the World." In addition to Everest, Weihenmayer has conquered the seven highest mountain peaks in the world, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus.

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Marlee Matlin, actress American actress Marlee Matlin became the first and only deaf actress to receive an Oscar - for best female role in the film "Children of a Lesser God". Her subsequent work in film and television earned her a Golden Globe Award and two more nominations, as well as four Emmy nominations. For her career achievements, Matlin was awarded her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

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Nick Vujicic, speaker Has a rare genetic disease - tetra-amelia. This disabled person is deprived by nature of both arms and legs. Nick’s only limb is one small foot 10–15 cm with two fingers, with which he learned to type with incredible effort, and then began to write motivational articles that were extremely popular not only among sick people, but also among healthy people. Worried about his appearance, this strong-willed disabled person mastered the principles of positive psychology. He came to the conclusion that all complexes and fears occur solely due to negative thoughts. By changing their course, you can completely change everything in life. Today, Nick Vujicic works as a motivational speaker, invited to speak on all continents. Mostly his performances are listened to by disabled people and people who, for certain reasons, have lost the meaning in life. In addition to success, the courageous disabled person has other joys in life - a beautiful wife and an absolutely healthy son.

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Michael Kreuzer - mime Yomi It is very important not to isolate yourself. Find the strength to move forward and reveal your talent. The unique actor Michael Kreuzer, better known as mime Yomi, lost his hearing in childhood after suffering from meningitis. But this did not stop him from making a brilliant career on stage. Michael studied with the legendary Parisian mime Marcel Marceau, and he was his only deaf student. Thanks to his virtuoso pantomimes, Yomi gained worldwide fame. Now Yomi performs at the best venues in the world with solo programs.

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Anna MacDonald, writer British writer Anna MacDonald did not even receive parental support as a child. Due to the careless handling of the mother, literally a few days after birth, the baby suffered a head injury. Because of her, the disabled girl became intellectually disabled. Noticing the child’s growing mental retardation, her family sent her to an orphanage. In this institution, the girl noticed that she was different from healthy people and immediately began to actively work on herself. The task ahead was difficult, because even the teachers did not help her. Having found the alphabet on the shelves, the girl spent months studying the meaning of one letter. Having learned to read, Anna did not miss a single book that fell into her hands. Having literally developed her talent as a writer with great effort, the already young girl wrote a memoir called “Anna’s Exit,” describing her many difficulties on the path to growing up. The memoirs achieved worldwide recognition and were later filmed. As a result, the disabled woman became a welcome guest on foreign channels and significantly improved her financial condition. After this, Anna MacDonald wrote a large number of books, got married successfully, and began active charitable work with people who also have certain physical and mental disabilities. The writer says about her work: “Of course, all disabled people can find their calling in life, for this they only need help to gain faith in themselves.”



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs