Pets Inform - Dogue de Bordeaux - Puppy in the house - Basics of raising a puppy. Raising and training Dogue de Bordeaux Features of feeding the dog king

The Dogue de Bordeaux is an intelligent dog with rational behavior. But it must be raised correctly from childhood, because, despite its many advantages, the Dogue de Bordeaux is still inclined to sit on your bed, steal a tasty morsel from the table, and be capricious when it comes to food. In addition, he does not respond to commands instantly, like some other dog breeds. He will fulfill your request, as if weighing all the pros and cons, and sometimes he is downright stubborn. Therefore, when training the Dogue de Bordeaux, it is necessary to be persistent.

Even the earliest age is not a limitation in raising a Dogue de Bordeaux puppy. Even as a child, he must be taught to treat people with trust. To do this, you need to pick him up and caress him from time to time. However, you should not allow this to be done by strangers who do not know how to properly handle a dog.

Dogue de Bordeaux puppies are most obedient at three weeks of age. If you start training them now, you can achieve amazing results. Training must be continued constantly, because... training started early but stopped is quickly forgotten as more and more new stimuli appear with age.

A Bordeaux puppy must learn from childhood the dominant role of the owner, otherwise in adolescence, realizing his strength, he can (especially a male) cause a lot of trouble to the owner.

The fifth, seventh and ninth weeks are considered favorable for parenting. At this time, it is easy to teach the puppy the commands “place”, “lie down”, “sit”, “come to me”, “stand”, as well as teach him to walk on a leash.

It is necessary to wean the puppy from jumping on its owner. What's funny when you're a puppy won't make you happy when your huge dog jumps on your chest, especially in the slush.

Wean your Bordeaux puppy from being annoying and demanding constant attention. Anything you don't like about your dog should be stopped once and for all. Allowing concessions will easily erase all previous efforts at education.

Train and train your puppy while playing. The Dogue de Bordeaux does not like rude orders or harsh shouts. But he is happy to carry out the command when he realizes that it gives pleasure to the owner, who praises and encourages the dog.

You should not be angry with the Dogue de Bordeaux if he does not immediately comply or does not understand your request. A distressed dog will become confused and perform even worse. This applies to both small puppies and teenage puppies. Sharp shouts frighten the dog. She will stop trusting and become afraid of you. It’s better to limit yourself to a short reprimand, and then reassure your pet and repeat your plan. Be sure to ensure that the command is followed, even if the dog is distracted. The success of training is consistency and perseverance.

We must not forget that Molossians are a breed of late development, and their musculoskeletal system finishes forming by 2.5-3 years of the animal’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to remember for owners of young dogs that physical activity during the intensive period of growth of their pet, i.e. from 7 to 12 months, is extremely undesirable, since increased loads (carrying heavy loads, towing loaded sleds and skiers, when the dog is carrying the owner, long-term walking) can not only cause acute damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the limbs, but also cause irreversible changes in the skeletal system of a growing organism. Loads can be given only after one and a half years.

Dogues de Bordeaux are very smart. In the process of communicating with the dog, she will quickly understand your requirements and will try to fulfill them herself. Your job is to encourage desirable actions and discourage undesirable ones. What is desirable and what is not - each owner decides for himself. You should never force a dog to do anything against its will, otherwise you will achieve the exact opposite of what you expected. If you need the dog to do something that it does not want to do at the moment, you must do it in such a way that it itself wants to fulfill your requirement. There are different ways to achieve these goals - rewards with treats, an unscheduled walk, playing with a ball, etc.

In communicating with dogs, the Dogue de Bordeaux puppy learns social behavior: learns to defend itself and attack, etc. School behavior develops up to 8-9 months.

A dog that has not communicated with its fellow dogs at this age does not understand their posture and facial expressions, and reacts inappropriately to the behavior of other dogs.

The more diverse your pet’s life experiences, the more different situations he encounters, the more adapted he is to the social environment around him and the less vulnerable.

A dog isolated from the outside world grows up unpredictable and uncontrollable in situations unfamiliar to it.

It is very difficult to restrain a Dogue de Bordeaux that has not been trained to walk correctly on a leash since childhood. After all, a tearing Dogue de Bordeaux has incredible strength and can drop you. All attempts to pull you on a leash must be strictly suppressed. A Dogue de Bordeaux that sees an opponent and breaks from its leash must be strictly reined in and even punished. Otherwise, it’s not you who will walk your dog, but she who will walk you, at her own discretion.

If a Dogue de Bordeaux has shown aggression (for example, towards other dogs), it is forbidden to calm it down by stroking it. He will take this as encouragement and will be even more eager to fight. It’s better to sternly shout at him and pull him back. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

The Dogue de Bordeaux has absolutely no fear of cars, especially if its owner is a car enthusiast. When walking, avoid proximity to the roadway and, if necessary, take your dog on a leash. Teach your dog to unquestioningly respond to the command “stand”, “come to me”, “car” - any that will teach it to refuse further movement towards danger. At the beginning of training, use a leash, teaching the animal to move forward only when given permission.
The Dogue de Bordeaux, like any dog, has a hunter's instinct, causing it to rush after a fast-moving object, be it a cat, a child or a dog. And, although he is not an aggressor and will not bite either a child or an adult during a walk, nevertheless, with his impressive size and terrifying appearance, he can very frighten an ignorant person. To avoid future troubles, learn to distract the puppy towards you, for example, by calling him or running away from him.

As a result, it is necessary to achieve such behavior that your Dogue de Bordeaux will mind its own business while walking, being indifferent to others.

An adult Dogue de Bordeaux living in an apartment should be walked at least three times a day. And during weekends or vacations, it is advisable to give him longer walks. This is especially true for dogs older than three years, since at this age the Dogue de Bordeaux rarely plays and gets fat, which leads to metabolic disorders. For dogs with a loose constitution, this means early old age and death.

Having such qualities as a strong constitution and simultaneous elegance, proud disposition and calmness, the Great Dane is rightfully considered the Apollo in the canine world. And this name fully justifies itself in its description. There is a version that it was the ancestors of these dogs who performed on the battlefield in Ancient Rome. But doesn’t this harm modern representatives of the breed from living among people? Let's find out about this together, and photos and videos will help us understand the beauty of these pets.



The Great Dane in the form that we know today is the result of long-term selection by passionate lovers of this breed. By its origin, it has numerous roots with other breeds of large dogs, the ancestors of which are the ancient Tibetan guard dogs. Many cynological works have been written about the origin of the breed, based on archaeological and historical facts.

According to dog experts, this dog was brought to Europe by nomadic Asian tribes during their migrations and conquests of lands. However, at that time, Great Danes were not the same as we know them today. Their evolution and history continued for many years. Some scientists believe that these dogs received their more modern appearance after crossing with a greyhound. However, not everyone supports this opinion, arguing that their ancestors are large hunting dogs used in hunting wild boars.

For a long time, these dogs developed in different European countries and had different names. But closer to the 19th century in Germany they were identified as a separate breed. But even this is not the end of the story of their formation, since in subsequent years a number of different transformations were noted. This breed flourished most in the 20s of the 20th century. Then this dog became a kind of standard of German severity and beauty.

The biggest fan of Great Danes was the famous German Chancellor Otto Bismarck. They say that such a dog named Tiras slept at his bedside and accompanied him to important meetings. That is why later the breed began to personify the ideology and mentality of the country, and on many monuments Otto Bismarck is depicted with Great Danes.

Description of the breed

The Great Dane is the largest breed in the world. This is the largest dog in the world that has been included in the Guinness Book of Records more than once. First it was Giant George, whose weight was 111 kg and height at the withers - 110 cm. His successor, nicknamed Zeus, was even larger, his height at the withers was 111 cm. Unfortunately, George died in 2013, and Zeus a year later . We suggest you watch a video about this dog.


Size and build

First of all, it is worth saying that the Great Dane is a very large, but athletically built, even slightly lean dog. The minimum height at the withers, according to the standard description, for males is 80 cm, for females – 72 cm. It is desirable that these figures are not much higher, but higher. The head of Great Danes is oblong, narrow and well defined. An important feature is that the muzzle should be full, and the upper lip should be large and hanging down.

The body shape should be close to square, the chest should be well developed, the stomach should be lean, and the croup should be slightly sloping. The neck is long, dry, smoothly merging into the shoulders and withers. The limbs are straight, muscular and strong. The tail is slightly raised and of medium length. The eyes are dark with an intelligent and lively expression. Ears, if cropped, are raised up; if not, then they are lowered.

Coat color and length

The coat of Great Danes is very short, but it is thick in nature and fits tightly to the body. The coat color is more familiar to many with spotted or marbled. But according to their color, Great Danes are divided into five types.

Consists of bright black stripes set on a golden brown background
GingerYellow-golden color with a black mask on the head and no spots
Black lacquered
Has a steel-blue color
Marble or Harlequin
Snow-white background with black spots of different sizes

The merle color is considered the most beautiful, which is why such puppies are quite expensive. The most available colors are black and blue. However, it was the black and blue mastiffs that were Otto Bismarck's favorite.

There is also a gray marble color (controversial in terms of the standard) and raincoat.

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Pros and cons of the breed

It is quite difficult to talk about the pros and cons of this breed, since each person has different needs and sympathies. Some people like blue dogs, others like marbled dogs. However, an undeniable advantage is the character and disposition of this large animal. Perhaps, as many reviews say, most lovers of the breed first fall in love with the internal makeup of this dog. And only then only in their noble, majestic appearance.

For those who want to see a real watchman and security guard nearby, the size of the dog is a plus. For others, enormous height and weight is a disadvantage. The intelligence and intelligence of dogs can also be considered a plus. Great Danes learn very quickly with the right approach and even without specialized training can become an excellent companion and devoted family pet. But how they live in an ordinary apartment, look at the video.

The Great Dane is a non-fussy dog; it tries to rest and lie down more in the house, therefore, as a rule, it never annoys with its presence. The dog especially loves to be with his family. Of course, it’s very good if you live in a country house and have a large yard. But even residents of apartment buildings, with appropriate walking and physical activity of the dog, do not know the problems in keeping Great Danes. The dog does not take up much space, so it feels great even in a small apartment; Great Danes are also neat and careful.


An important point in keeping Great Danes is the nature of their nutrition. The health and proper development of such a large dog depends on what and how to feed. The diet should be balanced, and it doesn’t matter whether you feed your dog homemade or commercially prepared food. The main thing is to have the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The basis of the menu for an adult Great Dane can be rice, boiled meat and vegetables.

Despite its weight, such a dog does not need a lot of food, especially meat. The ideal norm per day is 700-800 grams. It is advisable to feed twice – morning and evening. The serving size is based on the weight, age and physiological characteristics of the animal. Only the puppy will have to be fed heavily, as they grow very quickly.

The biggest Great Dane Zeus


As reviews say, a Great Dane can instill fear and mistrust in a person by its very appearance. However, in reality, these dogs are extremely intelligent, reserved and delicate in nature. Owners of the breed know that behind their regal grandeur lies kindness, affection and sensitivity. We can say with complete confidence that the Great Dane embodies the entire set of qualities that a person values ​​in his dog. And, above all, it is loyalty and reliability.

The Great Dane has excellent watchdog qualities and an innate instinct to protect humans. With such a dog you can always be sure of your safety. Their aggression can be directed solely due to the protection and protection of the owner. You can leave your child with such a dog without fear, since Great Danes are very delicate and careful with children.

Education and training

Of course, something like the Great Dane must be trained from a very early age. But it will take you little effort if you approach the process correctly and intelligently. Firstly, you need to talk and communicate a lot with the puppy; you need to pronounce all your commands and actions. Secondly, you cannot use force and rigidity. Great Dane puppies are not only smart, they also have a huge sense of self-esteem. You can even say that you need to raise them like children, that is, never lower their self-esteem and never make “stupid” puppies out of them.

All you need to do when training a Great Dane is to allow him to reach his natural potential. Representatives of the breed, as reviews from owners say, are naturally excellent companions. It is necessary to educate, starting from two months, when the final stage of the formation of the psyche and character begins.

Raising a Great Dane puppy is very difficult, as the dog is heavy and may have problems with the formation of its limbs. During the growth period, a balanced diet, vitamins, glucosamine and chondroitin are required. Moderate exercise during puppyhood.

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Video “About the Great Dane”

Blue or black, marbled or red - no matter what dog you choose, it will not leave you indifferent. Want to know more why? Then watch this video.

Representatives of the Great Dane breed are absolutely unique animals. Despite their gigantic size, they have an incredibly kind heart. That is why beautiful dogs are often called “gentle giants.” Pets also have other names: “dog kings”, “beauty deities”. Of course, all of them are given to dogs for a reason. Great Danes are truly amazingly beautiful, strong and well developed physically. In addition, funny giants are often called the largest lap dogs in the world.

Little Great Dane puppies touch and delight with their clumsiness. They are incredibly cute and funny, reminiscent of animated plush toys. At first, I can’t even believe that the kids will grow into huge, strong dogs. However, literally after 3-5 months the owner begins to notice that the apartment is becoming too small for the pet. The pet constantly knocks over kitchen utensils, furniture, and flowers. And if he chooses to sleep on the owner’s sofa, then it will be completely impossible to drive away the rapidly growing dog. However, all these inconveniences seem trivial, because with a sweet puppy, real happiness will appear in your home.

History of the formation of the breed

The Great Dane dog breed has become widespread relatively recently. But its history goes back to the distant past. There are several main versions of where these giants came from. Some experts are of the opinion that the ancestors of modern dogs were Tibetan guard dogs. However, there are very few supporters of this option.

Another version is considered more common. According to it, the first representatives of the Great Dane breed were brought to the territory of European countries by ancient nomadic tribes. This option seems more likely, since at that time active trade cooperation between Europeans and nomads developed.

There is a third hypothesis, which is considered the main one. It indicates that Great Danes are descendants of Molossians crossed with English hunting dogs. As a result of such an experiment, amazing specimens familiar to us today appeared. At the initial stages, the animals had many names: Old German Mastiff, Bullenbeiser, Great Dane. The pets received the latter name despite the fact that they had nothing in common with Denmark.

Confirmation that the latest version of the origin of pets is the most probable are numerous historical monuments: paintings, stories and other written sources. Dogs that look incredibly similar to modern Great Danes begin to appear in creative works around the 13th century AD. German breeders became particularly interested in the amazing animals. At the beginning of the 19th century, they separated the dogs into a separate breed, which they called Great Danes.

In the first half of the 20th century, animals gained enormous popularity in Europe and its surroundings. Numerous nurseries and clubs for breed lovers were created. Everything was going very well until the war broke out. She caused irreparable damage to the gene pool of beautiful giants. Dogs died en masse at the front and died of hunger. Fortunately, after the end of hostilities, caring people were found who took up the task of restoring this dog breed. The specialists worked long and hard. Finally, in the 60s of the last century, amazing animals were returned.

Today the breed is no less popular than in the last century. There are plenty of worthy representatives of the species. Great Dane kennels are actively working. There are quite a lot of them not only abroad, but also in our country. In Russia, dogs gained particular popularity in the early 90s. In those days, dogs were not only faithful pets, but also a symbol of the high status of their owners. Now the popularity of animals has decreased somewhat, but there are no problems with buying a cute pet. The price of dogs is relatively low. And their boundless love and devotion more than pays off the investment.

Description of the breed standard

There is an official Great Dane standard that all members of the breed must meet. It describes the external characteristics that the animal must meet. If a Great Dane does not correspond to the description of the breed, the individual is considered not purebred.

  1. It’s not for nothing that dogs are called giants - they are really very tall. In males, the height at the withers reaches 80-90 cm. In females - 72-84 cm.
  2. Of course, giants also have significant weight. Some males reach 90 kg, but this is the exception rather than the rule. The average weight for males is 80 kg. In females it is slightly smaller.
  3. The Great Dane's head is compact in size and has a dry constitution. The forehead is widened, the cheekbones stand out clearly.
  4. The pets' muzzle has a rectangular shape; it's pretty deep.
  5. The eyes are small, slightly slanted, and most representatives of the breed have dark irises. Only the Great Dane can have light or multi-colored eyes.
  6. Compared to small eyes, the nose seems quite large. It, like the lips, should be painted a dark color. The only exceptions are representatives of the harlequin species. They are allowed to have light spots.
  7. The ears are pointed and slightly drooping. To ensure that they stand straight, docking is carried out even in puppyhood.
  8. The skeleton of pets is incredibly powerful and strong. The head is set on a powerful neck, which smoothly turns into strong withers. The loin is rather short. The croup appears small in comparison with the chest.
  9. The legs are powerful and strong, especially the hind legs. The muscles of pets are very developed. Animals are capable of developing great speed when running, but in real life they practically do not use this skill.
  10. The dogs' tail is saber-shaped. It is quite thick at the base and gradually becomes sharper towards the end.

Smart and noble animals look aristocratic and elegant. They have great potential for physical activity. If you work with your dog regularly, he will definitely open up. Natural grace, majestic appearance, ideal forms - all these qualities in a dog are in perfect harmony with a balanced character. Despite his calm temperament, the dog can hardly be called timid. Treats strangers with reasonable distrust.

What colors are recognized as the standard?

Pets have short fur and are very easy to care for. With proper care, the hairline pleases the eye with beauty, thickness and shine. The standard specifies not only the external characteristics of the breed, but also possible colors:

  • brindle suggests the presence of frequent dark stripes;
  • fawn varies from bright red to light sand;
  • black (or charcoal) is considered a classic option for Great Danes;
  • marble is distinguished by the presence of small specks throughout the body;
  • blue may include steel or gray shades;
  • The harlequin has a white coat with asymmetrical dark markings.

A Great Dane whose breed characteristics do not meet the above requirements is unsuitable for breeding and cannot take part in exhibitions. However, this does not mean that it is not worth buying. The internal qualities of a pet do not depend on appearance. Even a non-purebred individual will become a reliable and loyal friend. In addition, such an animal costs less.

Main character traits of Great Danes

The Great Dane is a breed that charms and makes you fall in love at first sight. Unique animals conquer people's hearts with their beautiful character traits:

  1. Courage. Brave dogs are ready to stand up for their master. If the enemy attacks, they will fight to the last. In this regard, Great Danes cope well with the role of watchdogs. And even if they bark quietly, uninvited guests are afraid of their mere sight.
  2. Energy. Pets are an inexhaustible source of energy and good mood. They will happily run after a stick or frisbee. It must be remembered that the active entertainment of giants is not always safe: they are capable of knocking down anyone who stands in the way.
  3. Tenderness. Despite its harsh appearance, the Great Dane is an affectionate and loving pet. He adores all members of his family and easily finds contact even with small children.
  4. Excellent memory. Pets remember commands well and carry them out successfully. But the owner will have to be periodically reminded about who is in charge in the pair.
  5. Moderate independence. In situations where it is necessary to make an independent decision, the dog acts decisively. As a rule, she makes the right choice.
  6. High adaptability. The dog easily adapts to changing conditions. For example, if you decide to move your pet to a country house for a few months, he will quickly accept the new circumstances.
  7. Sociability. A pet experiences an increased need for communication. He will not impose himself when the owner is not in a good mood. However, the rest of the time it requires attention. It is important for a pet to feel like a full part of the family.
  8. Insight. The Great Dane is a dog that easily calculates the intentions of others. If a person comes with good, then the animal reciprocates. With evil people, it builds an appropriate line of behavior.

Many experts believe that the temperament of a Great Dane largely depends on its color. For example, black dogs are calmer. Fawn are much more active and mobile.

Great Danes have a rather calm and predictable character.

Early socialization is important for Great Dane puppies. Only in this case will the owner be able to raise a stable, kind, self-confident pet. Owners need to understand that animals need to devote quite a lot of time. If you cannot provide the animal with proper attention, it is better to refuse the purchase.

How to train animals?

The Great Dane is quite easy to train. Representatives of this breed have high intelligence, balance and a calm temperament. However, you should approach raising a pet with maximum responsibility. It's hard to imagine what could happen if this giant grows uncontrollable.

You need to start training immediately after the Great Dane puppy appears in the house and gets used to it a little. If you do not have experience communicating with representatives of the breed, it is better to entrust the education to a professional. This does not mean at all that you can hand your pet over to a dog handler for a few hours and go off to do your own thing. The owner must be present at the classes and give commands independently. Otherwise there will be no point.

During the training process, you should communicate with your Great Dane in as calm a tone as possible. You should not be cruel, scold or punish your pet. Dogs are great at picking up on their owner's mood. They will easily understand whether the owner is happy with their behavior or not. The main thing in the training process is to achieve complete obedience from the dog. Only in this case will the animal meekly obey the owner both on the street and at home.

At 2–3 months, the puppy should know its name and only stay close to its owner during walks.

If you notice that the dog has found something on the ground and is eating, you need to immediately remove the prohibited item from the mouth and lightly scold the puppy. If this is not done, this behavior will become a habit, which is very dangerous for the health of the animal. A 4-5 month old baby should know the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “give paw”, “place”. It will be good if he learns to bring objects to his owner. After a correctly executed command, the pet needs to be pampered with a treat, verbally praised, or simply stroked affectionately. If the dog did not complete the task, you need to scold him a little and tell him in an angry voice that he did something bad. Hitting a pet is strictly prohibited.

Each command must be repeated at least 5 times. Otherwise, the pet is unlikely to perceive it.

As the animal grows, the number of commands must be increased.

How to care for Great Danes?

Caring for a pet will not take much time and effort from the owner. No special difficulties are expected either. The main thing is not to neglect your pet, to carry out all the necessary procedures efficiently and on time.

  1. The animal's fur needs special care. If the care is correct, it will be smooth, silky and shiny. Great Danes have very short hair and moderate shedding. Therefore, there will be no problems with combing and cleaning the wool. Once every few days, it is recommended to brush the dog with a special brush along the body. Dry shampoo is ideal for “washing”. Of course, you can also perform soap procedures. However, they are less desirable, since bathing such a giant is not an easy task. Regular shampoo can be difficult to completely rinse off, which has a negative impact on the fur.
  2. Great Danes require regular nail trimming. If this procedure is not carried out in a timely manner, too long nails will cause serious discomfort and may even interfere with the dog’s movements. For cutting, it is best to use special clippers, which can be purchased at any pet store. Claws should be trimmed with the utmost care. There is a risk of damage to blood vessels, which leads to bleeding.
  3. Don't forget about proper oral hygiene. The animal's teeth need to be brushed regularly, even if the dog often eats special bones from the veins. For the procedure you need to purchase a special brush and paste.
  4. Great Dane ears also need care. They need to be periodically cleaned of dirt using special lotions and cotton swabs. You can also use tea tree oil for cleansing. It reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes.
  5. Eyes are one of the most important indicators of a dog's well-being. They need to be monitored especially carefully. Minor discharge that appears exclusively in the morning is not a cause for concern. However, if they become stronger or acquire a yellowish color, which indicates pus, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is recommended to wipe the eyes daily with a cotton swab dipped in a special cleanser. It is sold at a veterinary pharmacy.

With proper care, your beloved pet will delight you with its beautiful appearance and excellent health.

How should you feed your Great Dane?

The Great Dane has impressive dimensions. It is not at all surprising that such a pet eats a lot. From the moment an animal appears in your home, keep an eye on what it eats. A proper diet is especially important in the 1st year of a pet’s life, when all its organs and systems are being formed. If a dog is deficient in vitamins and microelements, this immediately affects its appearance. The coat becomes dull, paws may become abnormally sized, and teeth become less strong.

How many times a day you need to feed your dog depends on its age.

  1. Puppies 1.5–2 months old eat 6 times a day. They should be fed every 3 hours.
  2. For dogs over 3 months old, the number of feedings is reduced to 5. Portions must be increased.
  3. At the age of 4–5 months, the pet is fed 4 times a day.
  4. At six months the dog should eat three times a day.
  5. Individuals who have celebrated their first birthday switch to two meals a day.

After the pet has eaten, the bowl must be removed. This should be done even if there is food left in it. But the animal should always have access to clean, fresh water.

The Great Dane eats well both dry food and natural food.

If you choose the second option, make sure that only healthy foods are present in your pet’s diet.

Smoked, salty, sweet, and fatty foods should be excluded from your pet’s menu. It’s not scary if the dog ate a prohibited product once. But regularly eating the wrong foods can cause serious harm to your health. Do not forget that you need to feed the animal only warm food. Hot and too cold foods are harmful to the stomach.

Great Danes are amazing dogs: selfless, loving, gentle. Even though dogs require a lot of attention and special care, you will never regret having a cute friend.

You have a beautiful, playful and inquisitive Great Dane puppy at home, which you can’t wait to tame, take care of, and understand his character. The main components of proper education of a Great Dane are love and firmness.

Raising a Great Dane

In order for a puppy to grow up to be a friendly and kind dog, he needs to be raised with affection and attention. This breed, at first glance, gives the impression of a formidable, wild dog, but with proper upbringing, the dog will only be intimidating on the outside, but on the inside, it will reverently love its owner. Raising a Great Dane puppy should always be aimed at making the dog social, teaching it to communicate friendly with other dogs and correctly perceive the company of strangers. The most crucial period in training occurs between 8 and 16 weeks of a dog’s life. At this time, puppies learn to feel like they belong in a pack. The future character of the dog depends on how fruitful the Great Dane’s communication with other animals is. It is believed that when raising a wrestling dog during this period, it is necessary to separate the puppy from its brothers, raising it using aggressive methods. By clearly showing a puppy what a trusting relationship, playful games and sensitivity are, you can suppress the qualities of a fighter in a dog, making it domesticated. Pet your Great Dane more often, then he will not be afraid of you and will become an excellent guard. Make friends with your dog and she will respond to you with devotion. Bordeaux monkeys learn lessons quickly, they are smart and inquisitive. Most often, this breed is used to protect homes, land holdings and the owner himself. These dogs have active protective functions, they are fearless and have high physical abilities. Raising a Great Dane puppy requires enormous effort from the owner if he just wants to get himself a favorite animal. Of course, cottage owners often equip dog kennels and put them on a chain, rejoicing that they have a reliable guard, but even in this case, minimal training of the Great Dane is required.

Great Dane training

It is produced at a very early age so that the owner can model the character of the animal for himself. Therefore, you need to start raising and training a Great Dane from childhood. To begin with, the preparatory stage of training, carried out in a playful manner, is quite enough. At this time, the Great Dane learns to understand its place in the world and in the life of its owners. When the puppy reaches the age of six months, you can begin a course of training aimed at instilling obedience. For many dogs, this age is considered critical, but for the Dogue de Bordeaux this is normal, since the dog develops later. Training a Great Dane puppy provides for compliance with basic behavioral habits when handling this specific type of dog. The Dogue de Bordeaux is so smart that it is not worth putting it on the same level as other representatives of the dog family. The mental organization of your pet is too deep; he feels a person very well. The method of punishment is not applicable for dogs; you can easily come to an agreement with them without the use of force. Breeders who are not experienced in raising Dogues de Bordeaux are often at a loss when answering the question: how to train a Great Dane. Someone will say that this dog is too smart to be trained, and he will be only partly right. It is necessary to teach your dog discipline in any case. The main thing in training a Great Dane is to be demanding. Sometimes the Dogue de Bordeaux can be stubborn, in which case encouragement will help convince the dog to follow the command. Reward your Great Dane for correctly executed commands. At training a Great Dane at home The dog will learn to perform commands such as “sit”, “come”, “place” very quickly; the main thing is that it is necessary to occasionally repeat the training on already learned commands, cementing in the dog’s memory the pleasant associations of a correctly executed command and the following treat.

Great Dane. Video

A huge dog with a kind temperament, calm disposition and fairly developed intelligence. Quite often he is called the “king of dogs” because of their incredible beauty and luxury, which is so inherent to him. As you know, the Great Dane is a descendant of the old German Mastiff. There is also plenty of evidence that dogs similar to the Great Dane lived in ancient Rome, Egypt and China.

The breed, bred 400 years ago, has remained virtually unchanged, only becoming more majestic and brighter. Great Danes were originally considered a hunting breed and were used to protect estates from large animals. In recent years, this breed has completely lost its aggression, and now its purpose is only to be a true loyal friend for its owner.

Great Dane intelligence

The Great Dane is a very smart and sensible dog, who also has good manners. The excellent memory of such dogs greatly facilitates the process of education and training. They can make their own decisions and joyfully perceive any learning process.

Another remarkable feature of the Great Dane is its well-developed intuition. From the first seconds, he understands the essence of the person standing in front of him, good or evil, child or adult. Having carefully studied its opponent, the dog carefully builds a manner of behavior with him. In a word, Great Danes adapt quite well to new circumstances and everyday life and are not afraid of society. An even character, without showing nervousness, will never allow instincts to come to the fore.

Temperament of Great Danes

The Great Dane has excellent sociable qualities and behaves superbly in any environment. Large dimensions and a slightly stern, concentrated look generally cause caution, but this is in vain, because there is simply no kinder and more affectionate companion among dogs.

Aggression is unusual for this breed of dog. An adult dog does not waste his energy; his movements are always deliberate, precise and graceful. In situations of confrontation with real danger, they act without delay, firmly and without showing unnecessary emotions. He is extremely uncomfortable with importunity, so it is not recommended to pester him too much. Great Danes are incredibly sociable and love to be with their family.

At an early age, hyperactivity and disobedience may occur, which goes away with age and becomes controllable. Socialization lessons will benefit them, they will be able to master any situation and grow up confident.

Socialization of Great Danes

This breed of dog is sociable and unique, but the manifestation of its best qualities mainly occurs within the family circle. They get along well with children and can make wonderful nannies. They simply love to look after the kids, play with them and even help with household chores. Good trusting relationships with children are due to the patient nature of the Great Dane, his wisdom and attentiveness.

They treat strangers with caution, but to a reasonable extent. They will not rush at a person just because they don’t like him. But in the case of criminals, you cannot find a more dangerous enemy. If socialization courses were completed at an early age, then he behaves quite reasonably with other animals. Conflict situations are possible only with male dogs, where most likely there is a struggle for leadership.

Great Dane training

Discipline, calmness and obedience are the main qualities of the Great Dane, which allow the learning process to become not only easy, but also interesting. A dog can become not only a good, devoted family friend, but also an excellent protector, provided that the owner takes the time to raise him. With a lack of upbringing, they can turn into practically uncontrollable giants who will not be so easy to retrain.



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