Inguinal hernia in men: consequences after surgery. Diet after surgery to repair an inguinal hernia

The operation to repair an inguinal hernia is followed by a very long period of rehabilitation. The patient is in the hospital for 4-7 days, but he can return to normal life only 4-6 weeks after the operation. Proper nutrition plays an important role in the rehabilitation process.

You need to follow a diet not only after surgery, but also before it. Two days before surgery, you must avoid coffee and alcoholic beverages. On the day of the operation, you should not eat at all, and the last meal should take place no later than 8 pm the day before.

Food composition

On the first day after surgery, the diet should be strict: rice water, low-fat meat broth, fruit juice, berry or fruit jelly, fruit jelly, rosehip infusion. In the following days, you can include mashed fish or lean meat, pureed porridge, soft-boiled eggs, and cereal soup with vegetable broth in your diet.

After discharge from the hospital, the diet becomes less strict. It is aimed at ensuring recovery after surgery and preventing the recurrence of an inguinal hernia. Fatty, fried and spicy foods should be completely avoided; drinking alcohol and coffee is unacceptable.

For recovery, a large amount of protein is needed, so the patient’s diet must include fish, chicken fillet, lean meat, buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese and milk.

Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity can contribute to the recurrence of an inguinal hernia, so it is necessary to exclude foods that cause gas formation in the intestines. These include sweets, chocolate, fatty meat, lard, ham, loin, sour cream, butter, yogurt, apples.

You should limit your consumption of potatoes, rice and other foods containing carbohydrates.

Constipation also contributes to hernia recurrence. Raw grated beets, turnips, carrots, and unrefined olive oil will help prevent them.


Meals during the rehabilitation period should be regular. You should eat food at the same time, 4-5 times a day at regular intervals, in small portions. You should eat soup at least twice a day.

Overeating is unacceptable; it leads not only to an increase in internal pressure in the abdominal cavity, but also to the appearance of excess weight, which makes recovery difficult.

In the morning, immediately after sleep, you need to drink a glass of cold boiled water with the addition of one or two tablespoons of olive oil.

The duration of the diet is determined by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition. It is not recommended to stop following the diet on your own.

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, the main focus is on eliminating the causative factor of the disease - weak muscles through which the abdominal organs penetrate into the inguinal canal of a woman or man. The duration of rehabilitation directly depends on the chosen method of radical treatment and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Some patients do not feel pain after treatment and recover quickly without negative consequences, but most patients require long-term observation and prevention of complications over several months.

The patient stays on an outpatient basis for up to 10 days after surgery, during which time the doctor examines the abdominal cavity and inguinal canal, prescribes medications, selects optimal nutrition and therapeutic exercises.

The patient remains in bed for 5-10 days, avoids even light physical activity and eats mainly liquid food.

Rules for rehabilitation after treatment of inguinal hernia

The postoperative period in the case of laparoscopy is shortened, since a small suture is applied. The wound heals quickly and the patient is immediately discharged home. This takes no more than a week, on the 7th day the suture is removed, for some time the person may still experience pain and discomfort, but these are normal conditions in the period after hernia repair.

Late recovery period

Rehabilitation upon discharge home includes the following activities:

  1. In the first days, do not lift more than 2 kg, increase the load gradually, start gymnastics only after being prescribed by a doctor;
  2. Purchase and wear a support bandage while doing housework, walking, or if pain occurs;
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, but do not indulge in coffee and energy drinks;
  4. Change the bandage daily, if necessary, twice a day, so that it is always clean;
  5. Eat at least 4 times a day in small portions, excluding heavy foods that cause constipation and gas formation.

Sick leave lasts up to 2 months, but after 30 days the doctor may prescribe physical therapy.

Pain syndrome and its treatment

The first time after surgery for an inguinal hernia, you may experience pain and discomfort after eating and when coughing. Pain first appears after the first attempt to move independently and is localized in the suture area.

Causes of pain and heaviness after hernia repair:

  1. As a consequence of wound healing and increased tissue sensitivity after the incision;
  2. Postoperative swelling, problematic healing;
  3. Inflammation, excessive tissue trauma during surgery;
  4. Seams coming apart;
  5. Recurrence of a hernia.

During the postoperative period, the patient takes painkillers, but they do not guarantee the elimination of pain. If the patient's rehabilitation takes longer, specific symptoms appear, including pain, indicating the development of complications. In this case, antibiotics, vitamins, immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that improve regeneration are prescribed.

Postoperative complications

Common complications of inguinal hernia during the rehabilitation period:

  1. Wound suppuration: accompanied by pain, fever, discharge of purulent contents;
  2. Recurrence of the disease: recovery in the late period includes following a diet and wearing a bandage, but ignoring the rules often ends in re-protrusion of organs after inguinal hernia surgery;
  3. Hematoma and vascular damage: appear in case of improper application of a bandage, when squeezing the wound and using cold compresses. Such complications are eliminated by puncture;
  4. Hydrocele of the testicle is common when choosing hernioplasty. The disease is characterized by an enlargement of one or two testicles, the appearance of pain, heaviness when walking;
  5. Vein thrombosis and nerve damage: complications affect the sensation of the thighs and scrotal area, and are more common in older patients. Treatment includes the use of anticoagulants, fibrinolytics, thrombolytic and antiplatelet agents;
  6. Intestinal dysfunction is associated with incomplete treatment of the hernial sac. Digestive complications occur mainly when removing a sliding hernia;
  7. Infection and inflammation in wounds: recovery after treatment can be complicated by improper wound treatment, which leads to serious consequences. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed.

Despite the fact that recently most inguinal hernias are operated on using a minimally invasive laparoscopic method, the process of postoperative rehabilitation still requires close attention. In addition to the correct regimen and limitation of physical activity, the correct diet after inguinal hernia surgery in men is also important.

Proper nutrition on the day of surgery

To fully understand proper nutrition for an inguinal hernia, it is necessary to take into account what the hernia itself is. An inguinal hernia is a pathological protrusion of the large intestine into the inguinal canal. From the definition it becomes clear that the intestines are the first to suffer with this pathology, so the diet should be aimed at reducing the load on it.

Two to three weeks before surgery (if this is not an emergency), it is necessary to normalize intestinal motility. First of all, this concerns giving up flour and solid foods. It is better to give preference to porridge and liquid foods, and instead of complex carbohydrates, which are contained in baked goods, it is better to eat more vegetables and fruits.

If you are prone to constipation, tell your doctor. You may need to use laxatives for a short period of time.

On the day of surgery, it is recommended to drink only still water, at least 1.5-2 liters. It is more convenient for surgeons to operate on an empty bowel, which is easier to reduce, without the risk of emptying it in a sterile operating room. A cleansing enema is sometimes prescribed a few hours before surgery.

Nutrition in the early period after hernia repair

The diet in the first days after removal of an inguinal hernia is unlikely to please a gourmet. First of all, it is necessary to maintain normal intestinal function, so nutrition should be structured in such a way that fermentation and gas formation processes do not occur in the intestines. Since constipation in the early postoperative period can lead to complications, food is taken exclusively in liquid or semi-liquid form.

The entire diet must be divided into five meals a day. Energy value is approximately 1000 - 1500 kcal per day, with a gradual increase in subsequent days. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the same as for a healthy person.

Nutrition after surgery to remove an inguinal hernia in men is more limited on the first day after surgery due to anatomical features. The fact is that the spermatic cords pass through the inguinal canals of men, and the retraction of the intestine into the canal can lead to disruption of genitourinary function. Therefore, the diet for men includes a strict restriction of salt, and a urinary catheter is installed on the first day after surgery.

The intestine itself, as it moves along the inguinal canal, is compressed by the walls of the canal more and more, which increases the risk of intestinal obstruction and necrosis. It is for this reason that an inguinal hernia for men is a serious and dangerous pathology.

Along with the diet, it is necessary to maintain strict bed rest and reduce physical activity to a minimum. The treatment of the postoperative wound is carried out by the attending physician, so dressing is carried out at his discretion.

This is what an inguinal hernia requires: nutrition after surgery in the first days should be liquid, fractional (5 times a day), against the background of minimal physical activity and timely treatment of the postoperative wound

Prohibited foods after inguinal hernia removal

During the postoperative period, the following product groups are excluded:

  • any solid food (in the first 2-3 days after surgery);
  • fried and canned foods;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea;
  • flour, baked goods and sweets;
  • legumes, cabbage, zucchini, mushrooms, corn, dried apricots and plums;
  • pearl barley and wheat porridge;
  • alcohol.

Sample menu after removal of an inguinal hernia

After such a strict list of prohibited foods, it becomes unclear what you can eat at all. To understand this issue, we will give an example of a diet for the first few days of rehabilitation.

  • breakfast – thin rice porridge;
  • second breakfast - jelly;
  • lunch - broth with lean meat (without the meat itself);
  • afternoon snack - dried fruit compote;
  • dinner - thin rice porridge.

Rehabilitation after removal of an inguinal hernia

In addition to proper diet, other components of rehabilitation are also very important. Physical activity, especially on the groin area and anterior abdominal wall, should be avoided for a month. After a month, you need to begin a smooth rehabilitation of these areas with the help of physical therapy. Dosed exercises will help restore atrophied muscles to sufficient strength without the risk of relapse.

In addition, during the first month after hernia repair, it is necessary to regularly wear an inguinal bandage, which will support the problem area in a fixed position.


Inguinal hernia is a disease that is more common in men due to the anatomical features of the body. In addition to general rehabilitation procedures, diet is also important during the recovery period after surgery. Proper nutrition reduces the load on the intestines and thus minimizes the chance of recurrence of colon prolapse into the inguinal canal.

In modern medicine, there are many techniques that allow you to fight a wide variety of diseases, including inguinal hernia. At the moment, inguinal hernia in men is removed with minimal damage. Within a short time after the operation, the patient can move normally. In men, recovery after surgery occurs quite quickly. However, in order to avoid complications during the recovery period, you must adhere to all the recommendations given by the doctor.

How long does it take to recover after surgery for men?

Men who have had an inguinal hernia removed take varying amounts of time to recover. The recovery period after surgery in men depends primarily on the anesthesia chosen.

If local anesthesia was used, recovery after surgery will take much less time. If there are no complications, men are released from the hospital after a few hours. However, the patient will be required to visit the hospital for dressing changes, during which the doctor will monitor how the recovery is progressing and will be able to promptly determine the presence of complications.

If general anesthesia was required, the initial recovery after surgery may take 1-2 days. In most cases, men who have had an inguinal hernia removed are discharged from the hospital one day after the operation, if there is no severe pain or other complications.

The outpatient period after surgery is 1-2 weeks. During this time, a person should conserve energy, eat right and spend most of the time at rest. During this period, you must visit a doctor. If necessary, the doctor will be able to promptly change the course of treatment after surgery, see the presence of complications and respond to them correctly.

During recovery after surgery, you should avoid any physical activity. However, postponing them for too long is also not recommended. Experts recommend performing special strengthening exercises that will reduce the likelihood of complications and the return of an inguinal hernia in the future.

What complications can occur after surgery?

Any surgical operation inevitably leads to destruction of the integrity of connective tissues. The bodies of different men react differently to such penetration. For some, the recovery period after surgery takes very little time, and the person returns to normal activities without any complications. However, there are also patients who experience severe pain, various complications and other circumstances.

Complications after surgery can occur under the influence of various factors. For example, doctors do not recommend leading a completely passive lifestyle after surgery. However, along with this, excessive loads can lead to complications, including re-formation of a hernia. Your doctor will give you specific lifestyle recommendations after surgery.

To reduce the risk of complications, the doctor must know what diseases and operations the person has had in the past. When performing surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, the nerves running in the abdomen are damaged. In men, the risk of complications is especially high.

So, if the operation is performed by an inexperienced surgeon, then when opening the hernial sac he may make a mistake and damage the spermatic cord. Incorrect treatment of the hernial sac can lead to various intestinal disorders. In most cases, such disorders are observed in men with a sliding hernia.

If the surgeon applies too rough stitches, the hip joint may be damaged, which will also cause complications. Many men experience hydrocele of the ovary. This complication is determined visually. If the scrotum has increased in size, the operation is repeated. Dropsy is the most common complication after surgery.

The irresponsibility of the patient himself can lead to complications. If he does not follow the doctors’ recommendations, refuses to diet, begins to abuse alcohol and other harmful substances, and lifts weights - all this will definitely lead to various complications.

The most dangerous complication is the appearance of infection. In most cases, it appears due to the fault of the surgeon.

A hematoma may appear. To prevent this from happening, after the operation, ice is usually applied to the treated area and fixed with a weight for 2-3 hours.

After the operation, the patient must impeccably follow all recommendations given by the doctor in order to avoid complications and minimize the risk of re-protrusion of the inguinal hernia.

Features of the recovery period after surgery

The procedure for recovery after surgery, as already noted, very much depends on the anesthesia used. In most cases, the patient can move independently within 4-5 hours after surgery. Pain of varying intensity may be felt near the suture and in the abdomen. They pass quite quickly.

The operation is usually performed in the morning. The first dressing change is performed in the evening. There may be discharge, there is nothing to worry about. The dressings are changed every day during the outpatient period. If the pain intensifies and the suture begins to fester, dressings can be done for a longer period of time.

For about 15-20 days you should completely avoid any physical activity. During the recovery period after surgery, a person is prohibited from lifting weights weighing more than 5 kg.

Your doctor may recommend wearing a special bandage. However, nowadays they are used quite rarely, because Modern surgical methods make it possible to ensure reliable fixation of the site of hernia formation using special mesh implants. Such a bandage will be useful only at first, until the pain goes away, and when you resume physical activity.

After the operation, the patient will have to adhere to a special diet. The diet is designed in such a way that a person does not have diarrhea and constipation.

A proper diet will help avoid the development of complications after the procedure, and rehabilitation in general will be easier. During the recovery period, it is best to consume exclusively liquid foods, slowly, in moderate portions. You need to eat regularly, at least 4 times a day.

After surgery, you need to eat protein-rich foods. This is the most important “building material” of the human body, which will allow you to recover as soon as possible. Protein is found in large quantities in foods such as:

  • low-fat cottage cheese and milk;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • chicken meat;
  • eggs;
  • fish.

Some foods may be excluded from the diet because... they disrupt the normal functioning of the intestines and contribute to gas formation.

Foods that can worsen a person’s condition, disrupt intestinal function, cause constipation, diarrhea, and increased gas formation should be excluded from the diet. For example, it is not recommended to eat sweets, fruits, dairy products and yoghurts. Your doctor will prescribe a specific diet. It must be strictly followed to avoid unwanted complications.

During recovery after surgery, you need to forget about alcohol and cigarettes. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink tea or chicory. It is undesirable to eat sour vegetables, fruits and berries. Carbonated drinks also remain prohibited during this period.

Physical activity during the recovery period

For 10-20 days after surgery, you should avoid any physical activity if possible. If the pain at the site of inguinal hernia removal intensifies, it is necessary to spend as much time as possible at rest.

After 2 weeks of inguinal hernia repair, the patient can begin to carefully and gradually return physical activity to their life, but heavy lifting should be avoided for about 6 months.

If these recommendations are not followed, the hernia may return. However, doctors also do not recommend spending time in bed all the time. As soon as the pain goes away and the person begins to feel the return of strength, you can begin to walk a little and do light exercise.

A set of exercises for recovery after surgery

Although vigorous physical activity during the recovery period is contraindicated, it is also impossible to completely abandon movement. Light morning exercises or a set of special rehabilitation exercises to simulate the muscles of the groin area and abdomen will help the body return to tone in the shortest possible time.

There are quite a lot of such exercises, here are the most common ones:

Place a mat on the floor and lie on your back. Place your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs about 45 degrees and begin to do the scissors exercise, alternately crossing your legs. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. In the same position, you can perform the “bicycle” exercise. Bend your knees and make movements as if you were pedaling.

Get on all fours, bend your elbows, knees and lean on them. Lift each leg up alternately.

Lie on your side, extend your arm forward, place it on your head. Don't bend your legs. Try lifting one straight leg up, do a few reps and switch sides.

Sit down and put your leg forward. Bend your knee and rest your hands on it. Do a few slow body sways and switch legs.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and begin squatting. You don't have to do full squats. Go down as far as you feel comfortable. After this, you can do a few push-ups. If regular push-ups are too difficult for you, try leaning on your knees.

These exercises should be performed regularly, while monitoring your well-being. You should not feel discomfort or pain. The number of approaches and repetitions should be increased daily. As you feel better, you can include additional exercises in the complex.

Before attempting any exercise, consult your physician. There is no need to try to do the whole complex at once; do not overload your body, because... this may lead to complications. As a rule, doctors recommend starting such therapeutic exercises no earlier than 3 weeks after surgery. Listen to your feelings and you will understand everything yourself. Good luck with your recovery and stay healthy!

Inguinal hernia surgery in men carries certain risks. Various complications are possible due to the fault of the doctor or the patient himself. To prevent the latter, the patient must follow the specialist’s recommendations during the recovery period, the duration of which depends on various factors. For successful tissue healing and to prevent recurrence of the hernia, the patient should maintain physical rest, engage in moderate physical therapy, follow diet and hygiene.

Recovery duration

The main determining factor in the duration of recovery after removal of an inguinal hernia in men is the type of surgical intervention. Surgical interventions are divided into open access and those performed using a laparoscope. Depending on the method of access, the type of anesthesia and the size of the incision for performing surgical procedures are selected.

The time spent in hospital during the postoperative period directly depends on them. During open surgical operations, the patient is discharged within 3-5 days, and when performing a laparoscopic puncture, treatment in a hospital setting requires no more than 2-3 days.

In both cases, the duration of an outpatient stay, that is, periodic observation by a surgeon, is about 1-2 weeks. After this, the patient returns to his normal life.

Postoperative recovery may be increased by several factors. These include:

  • elderly age of the patient;
  • the occurrence of postoperative complications;
  • general chronic diseases that do not allow the operated tissue to heal as soon as possible.

In such cases, rehabilitation can last up to 8 weeks. Moreover, even the most favorable course of recovery requires at least 6 months to completely strengthen the tissue in the area of ​​postoperative sutures. Therefore, during such a period, patients must comply with a number of conditions and rules - restrictions on physical activity, etc.

Possible complications

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, men are at risk of experiencing negative consequences. Complications can be caused by the individual characteristics of the patient, a surgeon’s error, or non-compliance with the rules and conditions of recovery.

Medical errors are considered iatrogenic factors. These include:

  1. 1. Violation of the integrity of the spermatic cord. If the hernia is excised carelessly and the hernial sac is removed, there is a risk of damage to the testes. This is fraught with weakening of male potency, disruption of hormonal balance and sperm production, which can subsequently lead to testicular atrophy and infertility.
  2. 2. Infection in a wound is a very dangerous complication, as it poses a threat of sepsis. To prevent the latter in such cases, the patient requires a course of antibiotics.
  3. 3. Damage to the intestine during surgical procedures.
  4. 4. Bleeding.

Other possible complications:

  1. 1. Dropsy of the testicles in men. Divided into unilateral and bilateral. The main sign of pathology is an increase in the size of the affected testicle. To eliminate this complication, surgery is required.
  2. 2. Thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg. This consequence after surgery is usually observed in older men and sedentary patients. It is characterized by pain in the calf muscles and rapid fatigue of the legs. It is prevented with anticoagulants or thrombolytics.
  3. 3. Testicular swelling. A common phenomenon after surgery that can resolve on its own. Accompanied by pain in the testicular area.
  4. 4. Recurrence of inguinal hernia. If the patient violates the rehabilitation regime, there is a risk of repeated hernial bulge.
  5. 5. Infection in the postoperative suture.
  6. 6. Formation of hematoma. To prevent swelling at the access site, apply cold (ice).

Often, a violation of the physical activity regime, combined with unacceptable physical activity, becomes the cause of divergence of the postoperative suture, the occurrence of hematomas and the reappearance of the hernia.

Features of rehabilitation

The progress of recovery after removal of an inguinal hernia depends on the type of anesthesia. In most cases, the patient is able to move independently 4-5 hours after surgery. At this time, he may feel pain of varying intensity in the area of ​​the suture and abdomen. They usually go away pretty quickly.

Surgery is usually performed in the morning. The first dressing (change of bandage) is scheduled for the evening of the same day. During the procedure, discharge may appear, which is not dangerous. Subsequently, the bandage is changed every day on an outpatient basis. If the pain intensifies and the suture becomes suppurated, dressings can be performed for a long time.

For 2-3 weeks the patient is prohibited from any physical activity. During the entire recovery period, you should not lift loads heavier than 5 kg. Intimacy is prohibited in the first 2 weeks. However, if a man has inadequate physical fitness, diabetes, repeated hernia surgery or other gastrointestinal diseases, then a taboo on sexual intercourse is imposed for 3-4 months.

On the doctor's recommendation, the patient can wear a special bandage. Its use is becoming less and less common, since modern surgical methods make it possible to securely secure the site of a bulging hernia using mesh implants. Therefore, the bandage is used only for the first time, until the pain completely passes and it is allowed to resume physical activity.

Mesh implant

To ensure optimal recovery during the rehabilitation period, the patient may be recommended therapeutic exercises. It is also important to adhere to a special diet during this period, designed so that the person undergoing surgery does not have diarrhea or constipation.


The type of anesthesia affects the first recovery period, including food intake. If local anesthesia was used, the patient is allowed to drink water 3-4 hours after the operation. During general anesthesia, fluid intake is allowed only a few hours after full awakening. If you eat too early, there is a risk of provoking an attack of nausea or vomiting, which is caused by the use of painkillers. Therefore, permission to eat food is given by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition.

Basic rules of nutrition after removal of an inguinal hernia in men:

  1. 1. Small portions, number of meals per day - up to 4-6.
  2. 2. In the first days, only liquid food is allowed. The diet is expanding gradually.
  3. 3. Food must contain sufficient amounts of protein, vitamins and fiber. These components are necessary for the speedy restoration of the operated tissue and ensuring normal intestinal function.
  4. 4. Dishes should be prepared by boiling or stewing.
  5. 5. You need to completely give up alcohol and, if possible, cigarettes. If you cannot stop smoking, you should limit the number of smoking breaks as much as possible.
  6. The diet should not contain:
    • fresh sour vegetables and fruits;
    • flour;
    • sweet;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • kefir, yogurt;
    • strong tea and coffee.

The main dishes in the diet are lean fish and meat (turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit), low-fat cottage cheese, milk, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Gradually, stewed vegetables without spices, boiled eggs or as part of a steam omelet, and baked apples are added to them.

The main task of the diet, in addition to providing tissues with nutrients, is regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, diarrhea and bloating. This prevents trauma to the postoperative suture due to high intra-abdominal pressure.

Exercise therapy

During the rehabilitation period, ordinary physical activity is prohibited, especially if the man was intensively involved in the gym or active sports before the operation. Physical therapy exercises are used to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles and groin area. At first they are performed in a special bandage.

Basic exercises:

  1. 1. Stand on your feet, placing them shoulder-width apart. Perform slow, partial squats while maintaining a comfortable state.
  2. 2. Lie on your back, having previously spread a mat, place your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs 45 degrees and perform the exercise with alternating crossed legs. The number of repetitions increases gradually. Another exercise is performed from the same position. Raise your legs 45 degrees, bend them at the knees and perform movements reminiscent of pedaling a bicycle.
  3. 3. Sit on the floor, straightening one leg, bend the other at the knee and rest it on your full foot. Lean it against your bent leg and perform slow rocking back and forth, up to 5 times. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.
  4. 4. Lie on your right side, extending your right arm and placing it under your head, stretch both legs. Raise your left leg at a slow pace, up to 5 times. Then roll over to the other side and repeat the movements.
  5. 5. Get on all fours with emphasis on your elbows, alternately, slowly raise your legs, bent at the knee, up. Perform the exercise up to 5 times for each leg.
  6. 6. Do push-ups from the floor, focusing on your knees and maintaining comfort.

Exercises should not cause pain or burning in the groin. At first, you should perform them in small repetitions, gradually increasing from 1-2 times.

The set of classes and the scheme for their implementation should be selected by the attending physician. The first exercises should be performed under his supervision.


The bandage is indicated for use after removal of an inguinal hernia in weakened and elderly patients who are overweight. It is necessary if a mesh implant was not installed during surgery, which protects against relapse. Wearing a brace early in recovery is beneficial for all patients.

Useful qualities of the bandage:

  • reduces muscle strain;
  • prevents increased pressure in the area of ​​the postoperative wound and its traumatization;
  • ensures fast and complete healing of the suture.

It is indicated for short-term wear. The bandage is used only during activity (walking, getting out of bed). It is necessary to use it during dosed physical activity (PT) in order to avoid an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

There are right-sided, left-sided and bilateral bandages. For men, special products are made that have seals at the level of the opening of the inguinal canal. Put on the device while lying down, before getting out of bed.

The bandage should not be worn for a long time, as this will impair blood circulation in the lower abdomen and groin. In addition, the condition of the muscle frame may deteriorate and the likelihood of hernia recurrence may increase.


If a minimally invasive technique was used to remove an inguinal hernia, the patient is sent home before the sutures are removed. Proper care of the operated area is required at home. Do not wet the wound (shower, bath, swim in the pool).

The bandage is applied until the stitches are removed or the self-absorbable threads disappear, which are changed daily. If the sutures are made of silk threads, they are removed on the 8th day. For disinfection, iodine or brilliant green is used. If skin irritation occurs, use zinc paste to treat the seams.

The body must be kept clean, so underwear is changed every day. The patient also needs to monitor sweating. To do this, you should maintain a comfortable temperature at the place of stay during the rehabilitation period. If a man carefully follows all these recommendations, then his recovery after surgery is successful, without complications.



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