Reviews: School of Practical Investment. School of Practical Investment Fyodor Sidorov who is it

On the Internet today there are a huge number of trainers and investment coaches who organize their courses and share knowledge about where you can invest your earned money, create capital and never worry about money again.

Fedor Sidorov is a practicing investor with more than 5 years of experience. During his work, he created investment capital of more than $150,000. The main part of the portfolio is occupied by Russian and US market shares, bonds, and investments in ETF funds.

In addition to investing, Fedor shares his experience by conducting both paid and free training, in particular, such a popular course as the “Formula of Modern Investing.”

Website address
The school website is located at:

The essence of the project
All in one sentence - “Learning to invest correctly!”

Interview with Fedor Sidorov
Before writing the review, we contacted the founder of the school and interviewed him.

Before the interview itself, we decided to find real evidence of the effectiveness of Fedor’s courses and found many positive reviews on the website of the School of Practical Investment -

For those who are not convinced by the reviews on the site, we found quite detailed reviews on social networks - in the Modern Investor Blog -

- When did you start investing and how did you come to this?

I started investing in 2012. By this time, I already had an idea about investing from the books of the well-known Robert Kiyosaki. True, I did not take my first practical steps right away, because at first I did not understand how to apply Kiyosaki’s knowledge in modern reality.

How did you come to this? I realized that the prospect of working 8-9 hours a day for 35,000 rubles a month did not impress me much. And then I returned to the idea of ​​investing, began to take the first practical steps, read books, study, practice and hone my own strategy.

- And what is your strategy?

- The strategy is actually quite transparent.

It all starts with a goal. Try to answer these questions: Why do I need money? What do I want to spend it on? And then write down how much it is in money, how long it will take to earn it. This way the goals will become more tangible and understandable.

Secondly, I control my finances, maintain a personal budget and plan to achieve my goals. All this forms a certain discipline. By performing only these steps, you can significantly increase your capital, even without any investments, you can check it for the sake of experiment.

And of course, I invest every month, according to a certain system. That is, I don’t “invest and forget” or “invest to get rich quickly,” but I invest systematically and constantly. This allows capital to grow; there is no magic here.

- And where do you invest, if it’s not a secret?

- The main part of the portfolio consists of Russian and US market shares, bonds, ETF funds, some part of the capital works in cryptocurrency and other aggressive instruments.

- Do you publish a detailed portfolio somewhere?

- They ask. But I don’t publish my portfolio and I do it absolutely consciously. Yes, this may dispel anyone’s doubts that I understand the topic of the issue, but there is another side to the coin.

Not everyone, especially beginners, clearly understands that the investment portfolio changes over time: something works now, but it is far from certain that it will bring profitability in the future. And thoughtless copying of my investments, and suddenly some outdated data, can lead to disastrous consequences. That is why I try to show my competence, for example, through free training. And this, by the way, brings even more benefits to people, since the portfolio is only the tip, the basis, after all, is something else.

- Do you teach for free? Tell us more.

- Yes, we provide free training: open webinars, training videos, even entire trainings. By the way, this year we conducted two free two-week trainings on investing, large, detailed and without water.

People often write to me, especially during free webinars:“If you are so rich, then why would you teach someone for money? Teach us for free!”

This is what we teach. Moreover, I think it’s quite high quality. Yes, at open webinars I also talk about paid training, this is also of interest, but if you read reviews about free training, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of open courses. There are now more than 1,500 reviews on the blog about the free training “First Steps in Investing.”

- So, your free training lasts two weeks? How often do you organize such marathons?

- Yes, two weeks, this is indeed a training, since the webinars are held on a tight schedule - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. During these two weeks, I give the basis of my strategy, talk about how to effectively manage finances, provide special literature, and talk about the investments I work with. I answer participants’ questions in detail, give feedback on homework, in general, everything is for real :)

- What happens on the paid course then?

- You must understand that two weeks of free training is just the beginning of the journey. Our big course lasts three months, and there we already consider all investments in depth: Russian and US stocks, bonds, ETFs, cryptocurrency and others. We open an individual investment account, form a portfolio, invest, communicate.

In addition to me, there is a whole team of practitioners working on the course, I would even say investment professionals, who promptly answer all the questions that arise from the training participants and who were once trained by me. Therefore, no one is left behind, everyone learns and receives feedback.

During the course, we are all constantly in touch in closed chats. And after the course, we also meet in master groups for three months, discuss new tools, share good ideas, and, of course, I answer questions. This is a large, full-fledged program, in fact, for six months.

- Why do you conduct training at all if you make money from investments?

- Also a common question :)

Would you be able to just invest? In my opinion, it’s quite boring to live when all you do is monitor your investment portfolio several times a month. And it’s really interesting to do training: it’s the feedback from the students, new ideas, discussions, a look at investments from the outside.

Another reason is that it pains me to see how people lose their money on various fraudulent investment schemes; some lose tens of thousands of dollars before they come to me for training. It's really scary.

And if people “save” their capital from loss after a free course or webinar, then I really understand that training is a good thing.

And yes, I won’t hide, courses are a source of my additional income.

- Today there are a lot of investment training scams. Can you give me any advice on how to avoid getting caught in another divorce?

Yes, there is such a problem, especially in the topic of investing. I recommend paying attention to the purpose of the training: very often, investment training is carried out with the goal of later “investing” your money into some investment project. I recommend avoiding such courses, especially for beginners, since no one will tell you about the pitfalls, but rather the opposite - they will lead you to all the traps just to take your money.

In the case of the courses of the School of Practical Investment, our only goal is to teach you to invest on your own, so I do not give any referral links and do not call you to any companies.

- I even wanted to sign up for training with you) How can I get to the free training?

- We usually notify you about the start of free training. You can subscribe to my blog and follow the news:

- Thank you for your time! I wish you success!

The School of Practical Investment is a real project. The speaker, Fedor Sidorov, gives really high-quality training on investing in shares of Russian and US companies, bonds, ETFs, cryptocurrencies and other instruments and approaches the courses with full responsibility.

Passive income, when you have money in your hands regardless of whether you work or not, is probably everyone’s dream. There is no need to work “for someone else”, depend on the place of work, shake in public transport in the morning and count the remaining days until payday. Good passive income is something that can give you freedom. Absolute freedom when you don't depend on anything.

Do you want to go somewhere? No problem. Time and money allow, no need to ask anyone for time off. Don't want to work, but want to relax for a couple of months? This will not affect your financial situation in any way, since the money will still come in. It seems like these are dreams that cannot come true...

But that's not true. Investment activity is exactly what will help you receive passive income and turn your dreams into reality. To do this, it is not necessary to have available funds in the amount of several hundred thousand or millions of rubles. You can start with small sums of 5-15 thousand rubles, and gradually increase capital to the required amount, which will allow you to live comfortably and forget about your unloved job.

The School of Practical Investment by Fedor Sidorov will help you learn to understand all the nuances of investments, increase your income and avoid the risks of financial losses. What kind of school this is, what you can learn here and whether you should trust its founder, we will consider in detail in this review.

Who is Fedor Sidorov

Fedor Sidorov is a financial consultant and practicing investor with 4 years of experience working with various investment instruments and an investment capital of 10.4 million rubles. He is also a business coach, creator of the School of Practical Investment and author of practical courses on working with investments. Here are some facts from his biography:

    Born and raised in St. Petersburg, he studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 229, received two higher educations - in the areas of “Lifting and transport, construction and lifting machines and equipment” and “Industrial and civil construction”.

    He started working at the age of 16, combining it with his studies. After graduating from university, he was an engineer, first in a small organization, and then in the St. Petersburg Metro.

At some point, Fedor realized that the “standard” career path would not lead him to the dreams and goals he was striving for, so he tried himself in active sales, business, and then came to investing. Today, Fedor’s investment portfolio consists of shares of Russian and American companies, bonds, and investments in ETF funds.

Having achieved stable profits and honed his own investment strategies, Fedor Sidorov decided to start teaching others how to work with investment tools and create passive income. There are several reasons that led him to organize investment courses:

    I like to pass on knowledge about investing.

    It is painful to see how people lose their earned or borrowed funds in fraudulent projects.

    Fedor does not hide the fact that training is a source of his active income.

Review of Fedor Sidorov - should you trust him?

We are accustomed to the fact that many training courses are taught by impersonal characters who cannot be trusted. It often happens that only the name of the course is known, and who the author is is a mystery shrouded in darkness. It happens differently. The name of the author is known, but if you search for it, it turns out that the character is fictitious, and his photo was taken online from a stranger. There is no question of trust here. If the rate is bad, or even fraudulent, then you can’t count on a refund.

When studying Fedor Sidorov, there is no doubt about whether he is a real person. There is a live one VK page with many photos, there is YouTube channel, where videos with him and reviews about the School of Practical Investment are posted. In the footer of his official website you can find his registration details as an individual entrepreneur. The details of IP Sidorov Fedor Aleksandrovich, OGRNIP 313784701400311, INN 782608012807 completely coincide with the data of the tax inspectorate, which confirms that he conducts his activities in accordance with the law.

On the website in the “Documents” section there is documentation confirming the legitimate activities of IP Fedor Sidorov. There are also all the necessary attributes indicating that it operates on the Internet and provides its services in accordance with Russian legislation. This is an offer agreement that regulates the relationship between the author of the training course and its buyer, a return agreement, as well as a privacy policy and consent to the mailing list that govern the collection and storage of client data.

Also on the site there is an indication of the presence of a certificate of the electronic payment system Webmoney and a link where you can check it. Sidorov has a personal certificate since 2012, as well as a high BL - 157 (business level), confirming the activity of the wallet and the large turnover of financial resources on it. There are no complaints against him.

All of the above indicates that Fedor Sidorov works in the legal field, adheres to the laws of Russia and carries out lawful activities, unlike many “infogurus” who hide behind someone else’s guise and sell their pseudo-courses in circumvention of the laws.

Contents of the course on investments “Formula of modern investing”

At the School of Practical Investment, both free and more detailed paid materials are available for training. For those who just want to get acquainted with the investment direction, a free 5-day training is available, consisting of 5 video lessons and covering the main topics:

    Setting goals.

    Financial control.

    Types of investment instruments.

    Drawing up an investment portfolio.

The last lesson is devoted to the presentation of the in-depth course “The Formula of Modern Investing”.

Completing a free training will allow you to gain first knowledge about investments, as well as evaluate the presentation of the material and the competence of the author, decide whether this direction is suitable for you and whether you want to continue your studies.

The in-depth course “Formula of Modern Investment” is a step-by-step video training lasting 3 months, which covers all the main profitable investment tools, methods of analysis and working with them. It consists of 9 modules and includes more than 110 video lessons and 15 two-hour classes.

Module 1 is dedicated to assessing your financial condition, defining your financial goals and specifying the method for achieving them.

Module 2 touches on issues such as effective methods for increasing your active income.

Module 3 is built on the study of various investment instruments, determining their profitability and risks, and compiling an investment portfolio.

Module 4 teaches the correct selection of reliable brokerage platforms, studying the types of brokerage accounts, as well as opening your own account with brokers and mastering professional software for working with securities “Quik”.

Module 5 examines conservative investment vehicles such as bonds and ETFs, and teaches them how to select and select the most profitable and low-risk ones.

Module 6 is dedicated to moderate-risk investments in shares of Russian companies, as well as fundamental and technical analysis of the stock market and selection of shares for your investment portfolio.

Module 7 studies such areas as shares of American companies and the search for growing, high-income options.

Module 8 considers high-risk instruments – cryptocurrencies. The investor studies the cryptocurrency market, teaches how to conduct investment analysis, work with cryptocurrency exchanges, and create a long-term investment portfolio.

Module 9 helps to finally formulate your investment portfolio, as well as draw up a further plan for increasing its profitability.

For those who purchased an extended course package, additionally available Module 10 “Improving investment results and search criteria for highly profitable instruments”, which addresses important points such as:

    Stages of investor development.

    Types of traps and probable mistakes that can be made.

    Search for new highly profitable investment instruments.

In addition, for 2 months the student can participate in online master group classes, which are held twice a month and where you can ask any question you have and get an answer from a specialist.

In addition to the main course “Formula of Modern Investment”, students of the School receive several pleasant and useful bonuses:

    2 mini-courses on capital protection and developing an investor’s mindset, each lasting 2 hours.

    Training on the formation and development of useful financial habits.

    1 month of participation in a master group where you can ask your questions and get answers.

In his course “The Formula of Modern Investment” Fedor Sidorov touches on all the main investment instruments - from conservative and low-yielding ones, giving a profit of 10-20% per year and carrying low risks, to high-yield but risky ones, such as cryptocurrencies, the profitability of which reaches 200-500 % per annum.


In our review of, we want to emphasize that, unlike many authors of courses on the Internet, Fedor Sidorov conducts official and transparent business activities, is registered as an individual entrepreneur, complies with Russian legislation and pays taxes on his income. For his clients, this means that if the course and services do not correspond to the description and quality, they can request and receive a refund of their funds.

The author also provides a free introductory course covering the main aspects of the topic of investing, after studying which you can understand whether you like the presentation of the material, whether you are satisfied with the author and his knowledge, and whether you trust him as a professional. If everything meets your expectations, then you can sign up for a paid in-depth training course lasting 3 months.

In his video training “Formula of Modern Investment,” Sidorov touches on all the main aspects of investment activity, examines the main investment instruments and teaches how to build your portfolio based on their profitability and risks, as well as work on various brokerage platforms and use special software. His course covers both low-yield but stable instruments and high-risk but highly profitable instruments. After studying it, you will not be confused in investment terminology, you will be able to conduct fundamental and technical analysis.

However, you should understand that investing is a volatile area where you need to constantly analyze, learn the latest political and financial news, and sometimes listen to your intuition. This is passive income, but it still requires involvement and some time investment. Having compiled your investment portfolio once and not making any changes to it for months, you will not only not make a profit, but you can also lose a significant part of your capital.

27.06.2015 14:55:00

I thank you for the course. I have long known about the existence of PAMM accounts, but never dared to invest. There were fears that I would lose money, since Forex is considered a very risky market. The most important thing that this course gave me personally was that it pushed me to invest. And when I started investing, I began to become more interested in this topic, not only in the Forex market. I began to read more articles about this on various resources.
The primary knowledge required for successful investing is also definitely useful for me. So the main thing this course gave me was motivation. Without her, I would never have started. Thank you, Fedor!

17.12.2015 09:53:00

I have been investing for a little over a year. I have been interested in PAMM accounts and brokerage platforms for a long time. I didn’t intuitively want to lose money by investing. I understood that this type of investing requires knowledge. I was looking for where to get this knowledge. And in July of this year I completed training with Fedor Sidorov. During the period from August to November, I did not have a single unprofitable week in working with PAMM accounts. Average yield is 1.8 - 1.9% per week. Of course, training with Fedor was paid, and yet the money spent on training was returned after 4 weeks of smart investment. I understood that this training was an investment in the future. Fedor has the gift of competently, calmly and clearly conveying information to listeners. Thank you very much for the knowledge you have acquired, which allows you to make money on PAMM accounts.

27.07.2016 07:36:21

I would like to thank you very much for teaching me how to invest, you provide very useful and necessary information and explain everything in detail. I really liked your manner of presentation and endurance. Thanks to the course, I learned to choose worthy investment projects, and, most importantly, to sweep aside all sorts of dubious ones, which are the sea now...

Anna, Moscow

10.08.2016 01:07:00

Fedor is a good teacher, as he explains everything simply and clearly. I received a lot of valuable information and now I act more confidently. True, I can’t call the course ideal, since for me there were several digressions that were not relevant. But he is the best at Forex of all the ones I have watched. Thank you)

Sergey Ivanov

27.08.2016 09:38:00

I took the course because the offer to earn 1000 greenbacks a month was very tempting. And I didn’t regret it, because I realized that I shouldn’t strive for easy money, but I should use my head and invest wisely.
The course is for those who are ready to study and work to earn money... for me it’s something like that.

Anton, Tula

02.09.2016 23:19:00

Thank you very much, Fedor! Let's try everything in practice

Vadim from St. Petersburg

22.09.2016 13:55:00

After studying with Fedor, I realized that I need to be as interested in the topic of investing as possible in order to always be aware of the latest trends and events. You can really make money by investing, but to do this you need to use your brain and act.
Thank you, Fedor

Yuri Petrovich

30.09.2016 13:28:48

I thought for a long time whether to take the course or not. I looked at a lot of reviews that didn't help much. In the end, I decided that I wouldn’t lose money on a free lesson, so I registered.
In principle, I didn’t regret it. Fedor speaks very interestingly, I learned a lot of interesting things for myself
Thank you!

23.10.2016 12:25:39

A wonderful trainer, he explains everything clearly and clearly, answers every question. I like the classes in the master group, where after the course we analyze new investment tools - the support after the course is significant.
In general, I'm happy with everything and recommend it.
Thank you, Fedor!

29.10.2016 20:45:51

I still doubt it. I hope this is true.

18.04.2017 12:49:10

My review is for those who doubt whether it is worth going to study with Fedor Sidorov) I doubted for a long time “to go or not to go” - in the end, I signed up for the free master class and did not regret the time spent. Fedor makes you feel comfortable and gives information simply and clearly. I liked that he didn’t waste time with empty show-offs.
After subscribing, you receive quite a lot of letters, but it’s not scary, everyone does it - I treat this as a cost of free training (especially since I don’t really read mail).
I recommend everyone who, like me, constantly thinks and decides for a long time, watch the free mater class. It's better than reading reviews and looking for information on the net.

Bulakh Alexander

07.06.2017 23:05:37

I wanted to take a course at the School of Practical Investment, in particular with Fedor Sidorov. I almost agreed to the course, I didn’t find any bad reviews. The free master class explains everything clearly and clearly. As a result, everything is very beautifully written on the site, I’m not sure that the table of the best students is real (out of 14 participants I found only 3 on VK, only Natalya Velichko answered, and the answer was already ready with an appeal to buy her consultation), the reviews on the site also seem to be fake (people on VK are silent). If the course is so good and useful, I don’t think that the discounts would be so serious: from 30 thousand I’m discounting it to 10 thousand (after watching the master class). In general, it may not be a scam, but the approach is questionable.

08.06.2017 00:10:39

I’m going through training and I’m happy. Before that, I entered HYIPs and realized my mistakes. Fedor talks about many pitfalls and in great detail. Feedback is given by phone and website. Homework is checked. If you want to study, go for it!

25.08.2017 08:46:59

I'm afraid to connect.

18.10.2017 15:14:37

No matter how trite it may sound, I really regret that I purchased the course. I really regret that I purchased the course only this year, and not in 2012... although it most likely did not exist then. I had to step on all the rakes myself and it cost 8 times more than the full cost of the course, and it took just an indecent amount of time and the desire to invest anywhere almost disappeared... The course is very, very good for a correct and competent serious start. These are the necessary basics and a very good kick. You find out and do it right away. And if you do it correctly and consistently, your brain gets into the right position. That's the only way it should be. Many thanks to Fedor.

19.12.2017 02:27:21

Thanks to Fedor’s course, I took control of my finances, started doing my own monthly financial reporting, and within 6 months I closed my credit card, my installment plan, and paid off almost all my debts. Now I am in the black by an amount that is five times the cost of the course and I am very pleased. Fedor promised that the very first recommendations will lead to results. It is so indeed. Then everything depends on the ability to analyze and trust your inner instinct. Many thanks to Fedor for the knowledge gained!

23.11.2018 09:10:59

Many thanks to Fedor and his team for the professional training. The classes are truly captivating. I myself would have been walking towards the goal for a very long time and with great losses and would hardly have arrived at all. Now, although it’s the beginning of the journey, I can say that after the training and with such the team gained confidence. Fedor is a born teacher who knows how to explain exclusively on the topic and nothing superfluous. This is the most honest training that can really teach you to think, work, and get results from it. Once again, many thanks to Fedor and the team for communication, fast and competent answers. God bless you!


01.08.2019 10:17:16

Excellent 2 Week TRAINING for a beginner INVESTOR. I’ve been in the subject for almost 4 years and have already managed to hit the big time, but I don’t regret that I’ve been trained by Fedor three times already, starting in the summer of 2018. I have not yet amassed a HUGE CAPITAL, but everything is ahead and the main thing is to go towards my GOALS, despite obstacles and barriers. I recommend this MAN as a MENTOR for beginning INVESTORS. Save a lot of TIME and get some great INFORMATION to think about :)


My Best Wishes)))

29.08.2019 12:42:11

Hello! I would like to say a big thank you to Fedor and his team for the free training “First Steps in Investing.” Everything is very clear and accessible and specific! For those new to investing, this is simply a mind blower! I really liked it!

Fedor Sidorov is an investor, founder of an investment school, financial consultant, coach, and conducts investment training. Author of several courses and trainings on investments. He developed several investment strategies that allowed him to increase his capital to 15 million rubles. Over 4 thousand people have attended Fedor Sidorov’s investment school, and their captains have increased by a total of 35 million rubles.

City: St. Petersburg

  • About the Expert

Biography of Fyodor Sidorov

Fedor Sidorov is originally from St. Petersburg. By 2000, he completed the lyceum in the physics and mathematics class. After 6 years, he received a diploma upon completion of his studies at the St. Petersburg State Institute. The author's specialty was: “Construction and lifting machines, equipment.” After another 4 years, he graduated from the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in absentia.

Fyodor Sidorov who is this?

Now he is a wealthy investor who is also involved in teaching. Fyodor Sidorov himself considers the beginning of his path to success to be the day when he decided: “It’s not enough for me to be an ordinary hard worker who spends most of his life and health on something he doesn’t like.” Then he began to study various materials regarding business and made several attempts to open his own business. Unfortunately, these enterprises did not become successful.

Interesting fact: an investor spends no more than 2 hours a week on properly managing his wealth.

School of Practical Investment by Fyodor Sidorov

Many people know that becoming an investor requires, at a minimum, a strong desire, the necessary knowledge and consistent actions. You can't just get a solid capital and hope that it will grow on its own. Without the proper investor skills, your fortune will melt away before your eyes, as usually happens to everyone to whom big money falls “from the sky.” It was precisely so that a person could learn how to manage any capital that the school of Fedor Sidorov was created. According to the author, they teach here:

  • Time-tested methods and tactics, as well as from our own experience.
  • Author's investment strategies that bring from 25% to 40% per annum.
  • Creating passive income that solves 90% of all human problems.

Fedor Sidorov also runs his own YouTube channel and blog on the website. With their help, he also shares his knowledge of how to achieve financial results. For example, in one of his videos, he told how to draw up a financial plan for any person.

According to the author, only 3% of educated people plan their finances. Oddly enough, their income is on average 10 times higher than the income of those who do not. A personal financial plan is the first strategic step towards financial freedom. It has several characteristic features:

  • It reflects the current state of affairs. What free capital does a person have, what are his assets and liabilities? In other words, what sources of income and expenses does he have?
  • It necessarily contains the goals for which it was created and the most detailed plan for achieving them.
  • This is first and foremost a document. This means that it must be transferred to paper. Plans made in your head remain plans. The average period for which a financial plan is created is 5 years.

When drawing up a personal financial plan, you need to fix several points:

  1. Your desires and aspirations. As always, this is a very simple question with a very difficult answer. It is important that goals are specific and measurable. No “I want to become rich”, etc. The main problem of 97% of people is that they don’t know what they want. To the question: “What is the final financial goal of your life?” they'll just shrug their shoulders. Often the economic part of their life comes down to simply earning and spending money. You need to decide after how many years or at what age a person wants to stop working, where he will live, what he will drive, what his income will be, etc.
  2. Analysis of the current state. It is necessary to determine the funds and cash flows that he has. It’s worth keeping records of all income and main expense items for a couple of months. After such an experiment, it will become clear that 20-30% of money is spent on useless things that a person could easily do without. This is money that could be used as an investment. Just out of habit, our people are used to spending everything they earn, because they are not ready to trust the rest of their money to banks or anyone else. It is important to remember that “income equals expenses” and “income below expenses” schemes will never lead to success.

Another business coach, Fedor Sidorov, who calls himself a practicing investor, opened the School of Practical Investment (SPI) four years ago. Here you will supposedly be taught how to invest your free funds and get a considerable income from it. The training courses cost a lot, but during its operation this school allegedly taught more than three thousand people how to invest competently.

Website address

Technical support

The essence of the project
I don’t want to say right away that Sidorov Fedor is a swindler with a loose tongue who hangs noodles on the ears of gullible people. But this is exactly what the opinion is shaping up to be, and here’s why: if he has real knowledge of investing, then he won’t need this school. If a person has theoretical knowledge and practical skills, then he can invest his money, which will bring him huge profits. As this super-duper practicing investor writes on his website, his passive income is up to 7 thousand dollars a month. In total, he has a capital of 175 thousand dollars, so why does he need this school, where inexperienced students will blow his mind for 12.5 thousand rubles (that’s how much the course costs). Personally, I don’t believe that a person with an income of 420 thousand rubles a month would want to fool himself with teaching newcomers at the School of practical investment, who need to chew and explain everything. It seems to me that there are two reasons for opening a school:

− there is not enough real knowledge on investing, investments go bankrupt and therefore you have to pretend that you are a practicing investor, but in fact the main income comes from the investment school;
− this practicing investor’s income from investing is very small and he has to earn extra money by teaching.

As this super-duper investor writes on the School of practical investment website, his life has changed dramatically for the better since he started investing. He now has the opportunity to travel and can work from anywhere on the planet. He gained financial independence and family well-being. And all this with a capital of 175 thousand dollars - I can’t believe it. Now a good apartment, repairs and home furnishings will eat up all this capital. So this practicing investor needs to add a couple of zeros to his capital, otherwise people won’t believe about financial independence.

The essence of the scam
In general, situations with business coaches, which includes this practicing investor, are very humorous. They are described with the words “give me a hundred rubles, and I will teach you how to earn millions.” And the funniest thing in this situation is that many people fall for the beautiful words of these pseudo-trainers who fool their brains. Not one of them asked themselves the question: “why, if a person can earn these millions, he didn’t earn them, but is trying to sell air to us for 100 rubles.” The same situation is with this investor, supposedly practicing, if he can earn large sums on investments, why does he need this School of practical investment?

As written on the School of practical investment website, the founder of the investment school is a financial consultant, business coach and practicing investor. This man is the author of many strategies and techniques, thanks to which you can receive considerable dividends from your investments. And therefore, since he himself cannot make money by investing, he had to start training naive people who believe that for 12.5 thousand rubles they will be taught how to earn millions. What users can get for their money from this investing mega-guru is “powerful step-by-step online training on effective techniques for managing personal finances, investing in stocks, bonds, ETFs and cryptocurrencies.” The cost of these “most powerful” trainings is as follows:

Standard training - cost of monthly participation: 12,500 rubles.
Full cost of training for 3 months with a 10% discount: RUB 33,500.
Extended training - cost of monthly participation: 18,500 rubles.
Full cost of training for 3 months with a 10% discount: 49,500 rubles.

School of practical investment (SPI) is a common scam where they will fool you for your money. If there was real knowledge on investing, then this “practicing” investor had lived in the Bahamas for a long time and he did not need this school.



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