Basic recommendations for oral hygiene. Oral hygiene

Herbal ointments are easy to buy at the pharmacy; today there are drugs for treating the most various ailments. Ointment with sweet clover, hellebore, cream with horse chestnut, St. John's wort, calendula, ointment with cinquefoil and golden mustache are good by known means. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects and are used to treat boils, skin ulcers, abrasions, burns, inflammation and diaper rash on the skin. Other medicinal plants can improve blood circulation and remove salts from joints. Ointments are also used to soften the skin on the feet, get rid of calluses, corns, and hemorrhoids.

Stages of preparing homemade ointment

Do medicine You can also do it at home. Any ointment contains a fatty substance, it can be petroleum jelly, lanolin, but oil-based ointments penetrate best into the tissues - olive, butter, peach, and lard and beeswax. To prepare the ointment yourself, you need to mix the medicinal raw materials (fresh or dried) with oil. Melt fat base better in a water bath.

To make the product thicker and not spread over the skin, add beeswax based on 30-60 grams per cup. The wax also needs to be melted in a water bath and added to the finished ointment, mix well. It is best to check the consistency of the product on wax paper, drop a few drops, cool, and apply to the skin. If the product spreads easily and melts quickly, it is ready for use. For preservation, add a few drops of vitamin E. The prepared ointment should be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

For their preparation they are used the following herbs: chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula, comfrey, lavender, plantain, celandine. Pour the crushed raw materials into the jar up to half its volume, pour on top vegetable oil so that it covers the herbs. Close the lid and place in a sunny place for 2-4 weeks, shaking the jar daily. After this, strain the contents through cheesecloth.

Ointments are used to treat abscesses, calluses, hemorrhoids, warts, abrasions, insect bites, promote fast healing cracks and wounds, have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

If the product is intended for the treatment of diaper rash and skin rashes for a child, it is better to take one herb. For Suitable for adults collection of several medicinal plants.

For the treatment of sore joints

For salt deposits, arthritis, bone growths, heel spurs sweet clover, hop herb, and St. John's wort are used. The dried raw materials (2 tablespoons) are thoroughly ground to a powder, mixed with Vaseline or interior fat(50 g). Used for rubbing joints and in the form of compresses.

You can take one particular plant, for example, prepare an ointment only from birch buds. To do this you will need 800 grams of unsalted butter and 400 grams of birch buds. Place a 1 cm layer of butter on the bottom of a pan (ceramic, glass, enamel), sprinkle the kidneys on top with a layer of the same thickness, then put the butter again and birch buds, and so on, until the pan is filled to the top. Close the bowl with a lid and cover it with dough on top. Place in a low-heat oven to simmer for a day, strain while hot, squeeze out the buds through cheesecloth. Add 10 grams of camphor. Judging by the reviews, this homemade ointment Outperforms pharmaceutical drugs in effectiveness.

A contraindication for the use of herbal ointments is individual sensitivity or allergy to herbs.

The recommendations given in this material for use with therapeutic purpose some herbs and vegetables taken from the book " Medicinal plants in folk medicine”, compiled by A.P. Popov and published in the USSR in 1968, in Kyiv (Ukrainian SSR).

Species medicinal drugs from plants

Usually for internal, and sometimes for external use, they are made from plants. decoctions ..

Medicinal decoctions from plants at home

There are 2 types of decoctions:

  1. Infusions are when a plant is brewed in a certain proportion and drunk as tea. Do not boil, but insist on warm water in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Long-term infusion: the plant is first infused in cold water for 24 hours so that it releases the juice, then boil and, when cooled, drink.

The universal dose of herbs and plants is determined as follows:

20.0-200.0: this means that for 20 grams of a medicinal plant you need 200 ml of boiling water (or water). To make things easier to remember, this equates to 1 tablespoon per glass of liquid.

You can make smaller doses, keeping the proportion of 1 to 10.

Medicinal infusions from plants at home

In addition to decoctions, infusions are also made: the crushed plant is infused in cold water for 6-8 hours, and then the resulting infusion is filtered and drunk from a glass or clay container.

Do not confuse infusions with tinctures!

Medicinal tinctures from plants at home

To make tinctures, plants are infused in alcohol rather than water, as is the case with infusions.

The number 25.0 means that to prepare the tincture you need 25 grams of the plant per 100 ml of alcohol. When preparing tinctures at home, alcohol is often replaced with vodka, and they take 2 times more of it than pure alcohol. It is better, of course, to use pure alcohol. It is available for free sale.

Let's do medicinal tinctures at home

How to prepare tinctures at home, yourself

It is easy to make medicinal tinctures at home: the medicinal raw materials are infused for 8-10 days in a glass container, shaking occasionally.

Before infusing rhizomes, flowers, leaves or stems of plants, they need to be crushed. The finished tincture is filtered and poured into a tightly sealed container of suitable volume.

They are made by pounding plant material until it turns into flour. It is better to grind in a metal container.

Store ready medicinal powders in a well-sealed container, best consumed fresh.

Medicinal extracts from plants- their condensed decoctions.

How to prepare plant extract at home:

The broth is evaporated in a closed container. When preparing an extract from essential oils, the decoction is evaporated in a tightly closed container, preferably a pot with a tight-fitting lid, the edges of which are coated with dough so that the concentrated steam is preserved.

Most often, ointments are made on a fat basis, using rendered fat: it is easily absorbed by human skin. Can also be used butter(unsalted) or yellow Vaseline (sold in pharmacies).

How to make ointment at home:

Base - crushed powder from the plant, extract (condensed decoction), tincture or fresh juice. Powder is best, as it dissolves more easily in water.

How to cook: mix with the heated fat base until it hardens.

Preparation dosage: 1:4. That is, for 1 part of the plant you need 4 parts of the base.

Medicinal juices from plants at home (healing)

Fresh healing juices made from plants by direct pressing of plants. The dose of use is equal to the dose of tincture. You can store freshly squeezed juice for a long time by adding 20% ​​-40% alcohol to it.

📙 The recommendations given in this material on the use of certain herbs and vegetables for medicinal purposes are taken from the book “Medicinal Plants in Traditional Medicine” , compiled by A.P. Popov and released in the USSR in 1968, in Kyiv (Ukrainian SSR) and published in the book “ Useful Tips", published in Uzbekistan in 1979).

The video talks about what medicinal and useful plants grow in gardens and orchards, how to prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures from them

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Healthy teeth– this is actually rare. Almost every adult suffers from some type of oral problem. And, unfortunately, not everyone is in a hurry to seek help from a dentist. The most common problem of this kind is considered to be dental caries, the treatment of which at home let’s look now, as well as the reasons for its occurrence in a little more detail. We will also tell you on this page what should be the prevention of its occurrence by oral and dental hygiene and whether it is possible to treat caries with folk remedies.

By caries, doctors mean complex and slow tooth decay.

About why dental caries occurs (causes of occurrence)

It is believed that this is pathological condition can be caused by many disorders. Thus, dentists say that the tendency to tooth decay can be inherited. In addition, it depends on the parents chemical composition, as well as the structure of tooth tissues, and the characteristics of salivation.

provoke pathological processes may dietary habits. So if you consume significant amount sugars (sweets), most likely you will have to seek help from a dentist. The development of caries can also be triggered by insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, proteins, etc.

Experts have come to the conclusion that people with a predisposition to caries have more viscous saliva, which contains a changed ratio mineral salts.

Also, tooth decay can be caused by immune disorders. oral cavity. It may be weakened due to acute respiratory infections and ARVI, and due to other systemic diseases.

Of course, the development of caries can occur due to poor hygiene. If you don't brush your teeth twice a day, you'll likely need to see a doctor.

There is evidence that tooth decay can be triggered by certain characteristics of the profession. So people who work at chemical plants are forced to visit the dentist more often.

As practice shows, caries can also be caused by certain age characteristics. Baby teeth often suffer from destruction, but at the same time, such pathological processes should never be ignored. Correct and timely treatment, as well as proper oral care help prevent destruction permanent teeth.

Scientists also claim that the development of caries largely depends on the region of residence - on the fluoride content in drinking water. In addition, the likelihood of such a violation is also determined by gender, because tooth decay occurs more often in women than in men. After all, representatives of the fair sex more often suffer from a lack of calcium during pregnancy and breastfeeding, they also tend to have a special love for sweets.

About how caries is prevented and corrected (prevention and treatment)

Will oral and dental hygiene prevent dental caries?

In fact, proper care for teeth helps prevent the development of caries. All dentists advise their patients twice a day, using high-quality and. You should also use dental floss and antibacterial rinse for the oral cavity.

The duration of brushing your teeth should be at least two to three minutes. In this case, you need to make short movements with the brush in different directions: horizontal, vertical, and also circular. It is extremely important to ensure that the long bristles remove plaque from under the gum line as well as between the teeth. In order for the cleaning process to be as effective as possible, it is worth positioning the brush head at an angle of forty-five degrees. Experts advise cleaning not only your teeth, but also paying attention to your tongue, as germs also accumulate on it.

After each meal, you should rinse your mouth with water or a special mouthwash. And do not forget to thoroughly clean the interdental spaces with dental floss.

Also, to prevent tooth decay, you need to include apples and raw carrots in your diet. Such products will help clean your teeth from food debris no worse than a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Traditional treatment caries at home using folk remedies

It is absolutely impossible to cope with caries on your own. However, if the disease is at an early stage of its development, then folk remedies will help strengthen teeth and prevent further tooth decay.

Propolis is rightfully considered the most wonderful treatment for caries. This is an amazingly valuable beekeeping product, which is a source of a lot of healing substances. Specialists traditional medicine claim that propolis helps stop and even reverse destructive processes. You can simply chew it in your mouth. A weak solution you can rinse your mouth.

The use of honey and salt has a good effect. So you can combine two hundred grams of liquid honey with one hundred grams of salt. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the gums for five minutes in the morning and also in the evening. After this procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with slightly salted water.

To treat caries, traditional medicine experts advise rinsing your mouth with a warm decoction. A tablespoon of this herb should be brewed with two hundred milliliters of boiling water in accordance with the instructions. Use the strained medicine as often as possible.

For prevention, timely diagnosis and treatment of caries, it is worth visiting the dentist regularly - at least once every six months.


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After all, if a tooth hurts, it won’t go away on its own, and you can’t do without a visit to the dentist. But this state of affairs can be prevented if timely prevention. It plays an extremely important role in this (facts suggest that it can also prevent gums). But let’s look into the details on how to properly organize hygiene measures.

What causes dental problems?

Our teeth are in in good condition They do not have cavities or darkening, and their surface is covered with a protective film that is invisible to the eye. It is on this film that microbes and bacteria accumulate, gradually multiplying. This is how the color of the teeth changes, they become duller and darker. If plaque is not removed on time or is not done well enough, large number accumulated microorganisms can lead to disruption of the integrity of the tooth shell and the development of caries.

Another scenario could be the appearance of tartar. In this case, plaque accumulates at the base of the tooth, near the gum, and becomes very hard. It interferes with the normal blood supply to the gums, which leads to their inflammation and impaired teeth stability.

Oral hygiene will help solve them at their very beginning. Facts about correctness hygiene measures Every adult and child should know.

Basics of oral hygiene

It is not at all difficult to comply with the generally known ones. Here are the main ones:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day: in the morning after meals, in the evening before bed.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal, especially after sweets.
  • Change toothbrush And toothpaste once every six months.
  • Do not abuse sweet and carbonated drinks.
  • Do not chew nuts, seeds or hard caramel with your teeth.
  • Visit your dentist for a preventive examination at least twice a year.

This set of rules is familiar to everyone, but not everyone is in a hurry to follow them. And even if you completely comply with everything hygiene standards, sometimes this is not enough: the brush and paste cannot cope with plaque or cannot treat the entire oral cavity at the proper level. In this case, it will become mandatory to find out what it is - we will find out in more detail.

What are the benefits of professional hygiene?

Activities that will help cope with dental plaque and tartar are carried out by a dentist or more narrow specialist- hygienist. Similar procedures provide complete and accurate removal of plaque, which serves as an excellent prevention of problems with teeth and gums.

During a preliminary examination, the dentist can assess the condition of the patient’s oral cavity and determine how necessary professional oral hygiene is. The methods and means by which the procedure will be carried out, as well as its frequency, are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

After the procedure, the teeth look clean, shiny and healthy. It is almost impossible to achieve this effect on your own at home.

How is the procedure done?

Professional oral hygiene is a set of measures carried out by a dentist or hygienist, depending on the degree of neglect of the patient’s condition. Most often, the procedure is painless, but if you need to remove a large amount of tartar or it is located too close to the gums, the specialist may offer local anesthesia.

Cleaning from dental plaque occurs using special equipment in which water along with medicine is supplied under high pressure. This allows you to remove plaque in the most difficult to reach places.

After removing plaque and tartar, the surface of the teeth is ground, polished and coated. special composition, which has protective effect on tooth enamel.

Teeth may be overly sensitive after professional oral hygiene has been carried out: evidence suggests that some patients complain of painful sensations when brushing your teeth or eating cold food. But this phenomenon is temporary and disappears without a trace after a few days.

Prevention is better than cure!

Sometimes it is difficult to force yourself to go to the dentist even for a routine examination. But this is an unjustified fear! Regular examination allows you to identify problems with teeth and gums at the earliest early stages, which will significantly simplify and reduce the cost of treatment.

Do not forget that the best way to treat a disease is to prevent it. In the case of teeth, this is a timely and proper hygiene oral cavity. The facts cited by dentists indicate that people who regularly monitor their oral health are three times less likely to seek dental treatment. And this is a great reason to pay attention to constant hygiene procedures!

Take care of your teeth and gums, don’t be afraid of visiting dentists - an extra consultation, cleaning or preventive examination can help you avoid painful treatment or even save a tooth!


The literature review is devoted to issues of oral hygiene that affect human health, p. This article analyzed a lot of literature to study the relationship between hygiene and prevention dental diseases. To date this topic is very relevant, since the population does not attach of great importance hygiene as the prevention of oral diseases. The reason for this is a lack of information. The article contains basic information about scientific research in this area. IN review article Hygiene products are described, both basic and additional, and recommended rules for selection, personal and professional hygiene, the effectiveness of these procedures as a preventive measure for dental diseases. The mechanism of caries formation and its etiology are also described.

oral hygiene


hygiene products.

1. Gumilevsky B. Yu. et al. The relationship between immune inflammation and clinical manifestations galvanosis of the oral cavity // Fundamental research. – 2014. – No. 7-2.

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5. Manuilova E. V. et al. Use additional methods studies to assess the dynamics of treatment of chronic apical periodontitis // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2014. – No. 6.

6. Medvedeva E.A., Fedotova Yu.M., Zhidovinov A.V. Measures to prevent diseases of hard dental tissues in people living in areas radioactive contamination//International Journal of Applied and basic research. 2015. - No. 12-1. - P. 79-82.

7. Mikhalchenko D. V. et al. Social problems prevention of dental diseases among students //Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 5. - P. 474.

8. Mikhalchenko D.V. et al. Monitoring of local adaptive reactions in the treatment of patients with defects of craniofacial localization with removable dentures //Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 4.

9. Poroisky S.V. et al. On the issue of osseointegration of dental implants and methods of its stimulation // Bulletin of the Volgograd State University medical university. – 2015. – №. 3 (55).

10. Shemonaev V.I., Mikhalchenko D.V., Poroshin A.V., Velichko A.S., Zhidovinov A.V. The effectiveness of using Rus-Atlant burs when preparing teeth for metal-ceramic crowns//Volgograd scientific and medical journal. - 2013. - No. 1 (37). - pp. 45-46.


People's dental health is important issue modern society. At all times, dental health has been undeniably associated with oral hygiene; ancient healers argued that a person is healthy as long as his teeth are healthy.

Professional and individual oral hygiene is the main component of the prevention of dental diseases and the main indicator dental health population

Daily care for the oral cavity with specialized means hygiene products, such as toothbrushes, toothpastes, elixirs, rinses will help maintain oral health and prevent the development of diseases of hard tissues and periodontal tissues.

The purpose of our review is to study the relationship between oral hygiene and human health.


Prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases requires a clear understanding of the causes that cause these diseases and the factors contributing to their development.

Much literature suggests that dental plaque is one of the causes of dental caries. Initial caries lesions occur in places where favorable conditions for the accumulation of dental plaque (pits and fissures, on approximal surfaces and cervical areas). The cariogenic microflora of the oral cavity serves etiological factor occurrence of caries. And in order for such microflora to arise and the development of caries to begin, the presence of certain conditions must be present. These conditions can be factors such as the intake of easily fermentable carbohydrates, due to which dental plaque is formed. Caries forms if the process of demineralization prevails over remineralization. In this case, caries can develop with a low level of tooth enamel resistance.

The oral cavity is a unique ecosystem for a wide variety of microorganisms that form permanent microflora. Rich nutrient medium; constant humidity, optimal value pH and temperature create favorable conditions for the adhesion, colonization and reproduction of various microorganisms and, as a result, the development of various dental diseases. Therefore, one of the most effective and, at the same time, the simplest and most accessible measures to prevent them is proper and effective dental care. At the same time, carrying out preventive measures requires acceptance individual approach which takes into account all factors influencing the state of oral hygiene

However, only 9.27% ​​of the population brush their teeth more than once a day, and 11.3% of the population have no oral care at all. However, patients brush their teeth with basic means to personal hygiene oral cavity in an inappropriate manner, so complete mechanical removal of plaque is not carried out, despite the availability and effectiveness of this method.

In most cases, this is due to the fact that parents did not instill in their children basic skills and rules of personal hygiene. Also, another reason for the formation of attitudes towards oral hygiene is the level of education and social conditions. The population has no idea about oral hygiene as the main preventive and therapeutic action

According to data World Organization health (WHO) caries and periodontitis are global problem— Dentists are not able to provide treatment for billions of teeth affected by caries and its consequences. Prevention is the basis of effective healthcare when minimum costs give labor and funds maximum effect.

Prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa of known etiology consists in eliminating the causes of their occurrence. Yes, as a warning infectious diseases manifestations on the oral mucosa (syphilis, etc.), measures are necessary to prevent infection from entering the body. Prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa unknown etiology consists of carrying out measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the impact of risk factors, increasing the body’s resistance. For nonspecific prevention For diseases of the oral mucosa, health measures are important, including systematic hygiene and sonation of the oral cavity.

Preventive measures also include early detection diseases and timely treatment of patients. One of the most effective measures to prevent oral cancer is periodic preventive examinations followed by dispensary observation in case of detection chronic diseases oral mucosa.

An integral part of hygiene and prevention of various dental diseases is individual oral hygiene, which includes the patient’s careful and regular removal of dental plaque from the surfaces of the teeth and gums using various means.

Quality of teeth cleaning and, therefore, effectiveness preventive measures largely depends on the methods and hygiene products used.

Basic personal oral hygiene products:

  • toothpastes, gels, tooth powders;
  • toothbrushes.

The bristles should be neither too soft nor too hard. Currently, most manufacturers offer brushes in five categories from very soft to super hard. A toothbrush with medium-hard bristles is universal and suitable for most adults. On the one hand, it effectively cleans your teeth, and on the other, it does not irritate your gums. It is recommended to change your toothbrush every three to four months.

When choosing toothpaste important aspect is a composition that prevents the development of dental diseases, in particular caries and periodontal disease. It is also useful to use a paste with added extracts medicinal herbs which have a strengthening effect. But dentists advise against using various 3D or 4D whitening components special attention. They absolutely rightly claim that most of these technologies are purely marketing in nature. Regular brushing is much more effective for whiter teeth.

Additional oral hygiene products:

  • floss ( dental floss), toothpicks;
  • irrigators (hydromassagers
  • interdental stimulators
  • means for cleaning the tongue: scrapers, scraper brushes;
  • Mouth rinses, teeth whiteners;
  • powders for processing dentures.

Dental floss, which are used to clean specific tooth surfaces. These threads are made from artificial fibers or foam rubber.

The length of the thread is 30-40 cm. The threads are wound around the middle fingers and pulled thumb right and index finger left hand. In a taut state, the thread is inserted into the interdental space, pressed against the contact surfaces of the tooth and 6-7 movements are made in the anteroposterior or lower-upper direction. The thread must be advanced without much effort so as not to damage the gums. Threads impregnated with a 2% sodium fluoride solution are used to treat the lateral surfaces of teeth to prevent caries.

Algorithm for using dental floss:

Take a 30 cm thread, wind it around the middle fingers and pull it with the thumb of your right hand and the index finger of your left hand;

Insert the floss into the interdental space, pressing it against the side surface of the tooth; - perform 6-7 movements in the anteroposterior and lower-upper positions; - repeat this procedure in other interdental spaces;

Toothpicks. They are used to clean the gingival sulcus, interdental spaces and contact surfaces of the teeth. They can be wooden or plastic, flat, triangular and round. Use a toothpick in front of a mirror. In this case, the toothpick is placed in the center of the gingival groove at an angle of 45 degrees to the tooth surface and, pressing it against the enamel, is moved along the contact surface to the equator of the tooth. Algorithm for using toothpicks:

Place the toothpick at a 45 degree angle to the tooth;

Place the working part into the gingival sulcus;

Move the toothpick along the gingival groove, pressing it against the surface of the tooth, into the interdental space to the contact point;

Remove any remaining food;

Irrigators (hydromassagers). They are used to remove food debris and massage the gums. Recommended for preventive purposes, in the presence of risk factors for periodontal diseases. Irrigation can be carried out 2-3 times a day for 5-7 minutes after brushing your teeth;

Interdental stimulators(rubber and plastic) are used for additional cleaning of interdental spaces and gum massage. This hygiene product consists of shaped heads that end in a cone-shaped protrusion, freely penetrating between the teeth;

Dental elixirs. Dental elixirs are aqueous-alcoholic solutions containing antiseptic, deodorizing, and astringent agents.

Important and mandatory component Prevention of oral diseases is hygiene - individual and professional.

Professional oral hygiene is a regular set of measures carried out by a dental specialist (hygienist), aimed at preventing the development of caries and periodontal diseases and including professional teeth cleaning, controlled individual oral hygiene (assessment of the hygienic state of the oral cavity, dental education with the creation of motivation to comply with preventive procedures, selection individual methods and oral hygiene products, monitoring the effectiveness of hygienic measures), the use of mineralizing compounds and agents that reduce tooth sensitivity, sealing fissures.

In everyday life clinical practice For professional cleaning The electromechanical method is the most widely used method. Ultrasonic devices and sonic scalers are traditionally considered the main tools for removing dental plaque. They effectively remove dental plaque, but after completion of treatment they do not provide a perfectly smooth tooth surface. After removing dental plaque, the formation of “dental” plaque begins again on the surface of the tooth. Therefore, after removing dental plaque, it is necessary to grind and polish the surface of the hard tooth tissues.


As it turned out as a result of a survey study, the population does not attach special significance oral hygiene, and this is an important component of human health. Many people, even if they observe oral hygiene, make mistakes that lead to adverse consequences.

The main objectives of prevention are to eliminate the causes and conditions for the occurrence and development of diseases, as well as to increase the body’s resistance to the effects of unfavorable factors environment. The main goal individual prevention dental diseases is to improve the health of the population, through awareness of the role and significance hygiene procedures, increasing the level of dental knowledge, developing motivation to maintain dental health.

One of the main tasks of individual prevention of dental diseases is not to promote known generally accepted measures, without restrictions and additional recommendations, for all populations of the country as a whole, and the improvement of the country’s population, through improving the prevention system by individualizing preventive measures for each specific individual.

The relevance of preventive measures is also expressed in reducing the volume therapeutic measures and, as a consequence, material costs. This is confirmed by data according to which the cost preventive methods 20 times lower than the cost of treating already developed diseases.

Thus, after analyzing a large amount of scientific literature, we can conclude that oral hygiene is an important component of the prevention of dental diseases.

Bibliographic link

Nagaitseva E.A. ORAL HYGIENE AS PREVENTION OF DENTAL DISEASES. // International student scientific bulletin. – 2016. – № 2.;
URL: (access date: 03/01/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"



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