Original autumn ball at school. Scenario for the evening “autumn ball” - Scenario

The traditional autumn ball at school originally belonged to seasonal matinees, which are organized for children starting from kindergarten. At first, these holidays were organized precisely to give children the opportunity to show their happy parents what they had learned: poems, songs, some simple dances.

The autumn ball in elementary school is very similar to such a simple demonstration of abilities, however, even in this case, such pleasant traditions as wonderful dance evenings are already beginning to be laid. When developing scenarios for such a holiday, it is extremely important not to discourage children from taking part in such events at all, and a great responsibility falls on the teacher. It is no secret that the autumn ball at school, like other special events, usually involves the most talented of the students. These are the ones who can be entrusted with performances: recitation of poems, songs and other spectacular performances. However, a high level of educational talent is the ability to distribute responsibilities at a holiday in such a way that all children are occupied in accordance with their talents. As you know, every child has his own talents, and the task of educators and teachers is to discover and develop them. It is with this task in mind that the scenario for the autumn ball at school is created; all students in the class take part in preparing the holiday.

It would be right to give children the opportunity to express their thoughts about the autumn ball; sometimes they are capable of unique ideas. Amazing poetic talents are emerging among schoolchildren; some create beautiful compositions from fallen leaves. It would be nice to organize an exhibition of artwork, a literary competition and other events: an autumn ball at school can become an amazing and even large-scale event in its own way, causing a lot of positive emotions. Invited guests can include both parents of students and representatives of local administration and the press.

In high school, a dance evening becomes an important part of the ball. In addition to the formal program and demonstration of talents, students should have the opportunity to have fun, and a disco becomes an excellent addition to the celebration. At the same time, the autumn ball at school can be considered a kind of prom rehearsal, albeit with much more modest expenses and a smaller scope. But there is an excellent opportunity to coincide with ballroom dancing training, a graduation rehearsal and congratulations to the teaching staff on

It’s nice if students show genuine enthusiasm and look forward to the autumn ball as a wonderful opportunity to relax and have fun. Otherwise, this may indicate a lack of team cohesion. This is not necessarily the fault of the class teacher, and the students can hardly be considered to blame either. Disunity and demonstrative denial of collective aspirations, unfortunately, are a sign of our time. However, even an extremely unfriendly class can be approached. There is no need to imagine the autumn ball as an important duty that students will have to fulfill against their desire. Pressure will bring nothing but active confrontation. If some students categorically do not want to take part, it makes sense to offer an alternative with the most acceptable features of a classical ball. For example, an autumn fair, a sports festival or an educational trip. If desired, any scenario can be supplemented with dance elements, because by and large the main feature of the autumn ball is ballroom dancing, and everything else is a cultural program, for the sake of which the celebration is started.

Municipal state educational institution

Filippenkovskaya basic secondary school

Prepared by the teacher

MCOU Filippenkovskaya secondary school

Gaidukova Valentina Alekseevna

Presenter 1: Good evening, invited guests of our autumn ball. Yes, you read that right, the very invited autumn ball will open in a few moments.

Presenter 2 : We invite you all to take part in our unusual program.

Presenter 1 : keeping old traditions, we solemnly open our festive autumn ball.

Presenter 2. Now let's take an oath for the participants of the Autumn Ball. All (3 -4) We swear!

Presenter 1. Having fun from the heart!

All: We swear!

Presenter 2. Dance until you drop!

All: We swear!

Presenter 1. Laugh and joke!

All: We swear!

Presenter 2. Participate and win in all competitions.

All: We swear!

Presenter 1.Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Presenter 2: allow me, a beautiful lady, to say these beautiful words:

Autumn brings us to your ball

Today I invited

So that no one is late,

Autumn asked.

And here we are

The hall sparkles

Faces are warmed with warmth, the time has come

We'll get spinning in the dance.

A waltz sounds. A dance is performed.

Presenter 1: But where is autumn?

What if she forgot the way to us?

She may be the one with the affairs,

I hesitated a little

Let's call Autumn;

Let's all say together:

“We, Autumn, are waiting for you at the ball!”

(Music sounds, Autumn appears)

Autumn: Good evening, my friends!

Are you tired of waiting for me?

The summer was hot - for a long time the power did not yield,

But everything comes in time -

I arrived at the door!

I am golden autumn,

My bow to you, friends!

I've been dreaming for a long time

I'm talking about meeting you.

Number art.sam. poem. Kersten “September” is read by 5th grade student Androsova V.

Presenter 2 : In a golden dress

Autumn has come to our hall,

Like a beautiful queen -

Opens the ball.

And it appears like magic

Autumn colors and outfits are magic.

Autumn: Me: Autumn, Prom Queen,

I called you all here

So that you can dance here,

And everyone praised me

For my generosity, my beauty,

Thank you to everyone who came.

Presenter 1. And now we are opening the competition program.

1 competition - literary. Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you will name their authors. The one who guesses gets a prize.

1.Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air

Invigorates tired forces,

The ice is fragile on the icy river,

It lies like melting sugar.

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade.

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet. (N. Nekrasov).

2. There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev).

3. The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious autumn

She exposed herself with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin).

4. Autumn. Covers our entire poor garden,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind,

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys

Brushes of bright red withering mountain ash. (L. Tolstoy)

Guys, we continue to have fun with you, dance, sing, and participate in competitions.

(The music “Byaki - Buki” sounds; Baba Yaga and Kikimora come out)

Baba Yaga : Are you going to have some fun?

Well, it’s not like that!

I'm a great craftswoman

I'll make a mess here.

Kikimora: Ugh, nasty kids!

Both girls and boys

And you are their educators!

You won't see a holiday,

Like your big ears.

Baba Yaga: If you want a holiday,

They owe us a whole basin

Sweet waffles, chocolate,

Apples, pears, and marmalade.

Kikimora : In general, all your own sweets,

And cutlets and omelettes

You must bring it to us!

Autumn: Oh, you harmful granny, your leg is boney!

We don't agree with you

We won't give away sweets

We are ready to compete -

Come out if you want to fight!

Baba Yaga : hee - hee - hee, ha - ha - ha!

I'm a weak grandmother...

I see you are a bully

Just a little bit - you're immediately in a fight

Baba Yaga and Kikimora together:forgive us guys

We won't spoil the holiday.

Autumn: Guys and invited guests will we forgive Baba Yaga and Kikimora? (sorry)

Kikimora: Now we are friends and to make our friendship stronger, we will have fun together. And now we invite you to dance with us. Everyone dances! (dance)

Presenter 2. It’s time to take a break from dancing. For this we have a competition. You all probably love apples. I hope our participants do too.

Competition “Who can eat the apples the fastest?” 2 participants are invited. (Apples on a plate - the task of the participants is to eat the apple without hands).

Presenter 1. Well, anyone else who still has enthusiasm and a cheerful mood is again invited to participate in the competition.

Everyone knows how tasty and healthy potatoes are. Very often we all have to both plant it and clean it up. I invite the next 2 participants to harvest. (a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and blindfolded participants must quickly collect the crop in a bucket in 1 minute, whoever collects the most

Presenter 2. “Autumn Riddles” Competition

  1. She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves./autumn/
  2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles / wind /
  3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they won’t build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I /autumn/
  4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black/leaf/
  5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in summer /chanterelles/
  6. They ask me and wait for me, but when I come, they hide/rain/
  7. Under the ground the bird made a kublo and laid eggs/potatoes/
  8. There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes \mushroom/

Presenter 1. Let me ask you a question: “What would you prefer to wear to the autumn ball this season? Famous fashion designers have decided to help you.

Here not in dreams, but in reality

I decided to help you “model house”

To understand an important issue,

What to wear this season.

Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and school students are invited to comment on the costumes themselves. (8th grade, 9th grade, 5th grade)

Presenter 2. Now we’ll play,

We always recognize our umbrella

Let five girls come out

And, of course, five guys.

“Find your umbrella” (boys in their circle dance around their umbrella, the music turns off, everyone disperses with their eyes closed in different directions, the umbrellas are moved to other places, the music turns on, you must quickly stand up to your umbrella, the one who gathers at his umbrella the fastest wins) .

Presenter 1.Name the names of songs associated with autumn and sing at least 4 lines.

Beans of two colors (mix and ask players to separate by color). Who is faster.

Sweets in flour.

Presenter: They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather...

Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

Presenter: Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the autumn ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once.

Song: "Yellow leaves" everyone sings.

Autumn. I am grateful to everyone who was at my ball!

For visiting the holiday

Goodbye See you again!

Presenter. Happy holiday! Happy golden autumn!

Our evening continues with an autumn disco.

School years are a wonderful time of textbooks and notebooks, lessons and recess, friendship and light conflicts, first love and bright extracurricular holidays that remain in memory for a lifetime. One of them is the Autumn Ball at school. To make such an event truly unforgettable, the organizers have to work hard on a script for grades 5-7 and high school students, concert numbers for elementary schools, greetings from the king and queen, ballroom dancing, and a wall newspaper with an announcement article. It is very important to think through all the details and little things, but it is even more important to preserve the spirit and atmosphere of the real autumn season. The stage of the assembly hall, the hall and even the corridors should remind schoolchildren of the upcoming event with their yellow-purple decorations and decorations.

Funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for grades 5-8

There is not a single school in the entire post-Soviet space that does not celebrate the autumn holiday. Some people call it the Autumn Ball, others call it the Harvest Festival. And despite the fact that the names of the event are different, its content is the same for everyone. The cycle consists of a school fair, a wall newspaper and poster competition, a classroom decoration competition and a final festive concert. The latter can be school-wide or individual for primary school, grades 5-7 and high school students. Be that as it may, staging a traditional Autumn Ball at school requires the preparation of a high-quality script and all the elements related to it.

So, for students in grades 5-7, a funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school is more suitable than a lyrical one. Due to their age, teenagers are more interested in laughing at funny jokes and entertaining holiday spectators with humorous scenes than in touching on deep emotions inspired by the autumn mood. Unlike high school students, students in grades 5-7 of the school are quite naive and spontaneous, which should not be forgotten when drawing up a script for the autumn ball.

What to consider when coming up with a scenario for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-8

All rooms must comply with the following rules:

  1. Safety. Competitions, skits and productions must be safe for participants, spectators and guests. Launching fireworks or performing tricks with knives and darts by yourself is not permitted.
  2. Relevance. The selected numbers in the scenario for the Autumn Ball at school must correspond to the time, place and age of the students.
  3. No insults. You cannot use offensive parodies of teachers, principals, and staff for the Autumn Ball or any other school holiday. If the names in the selected scenes coincide with the initials of real teachers, it is better to replace them.
  4. No ambiguity. When writing a funny script for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 at school, remember the rules of decency. Literally everything, including outfits and musical accompaniment, should be restrained and devoid of ambiguous hints.

Ideas for competitions and skits for the scenario of the Autumn Ball for middle school

Of course, you can’t do without choosing the king and queen of the ball. This tradition will never end. But what about other program numbers? In order for the script to be truly funny, competitions and skits must be fun, lively, and humorous. For example:

  • Autumn leaf fall. Competition for boys and girls in grades 5-7. The stage is divided into two parts by a rope or a cord stretched between the chairs. The same number of prepared bright leaves is laid out on both halves. When the whistle blows, two teams on both sides of the barricade throw their leaves to the other half. The team with the fewest sheets left on its half will win.
  • Theatrical. A competition similar to forfeits. Several participants are asked to draw a leaf from the task of depicting some scene (related to the autumn season). Options: a hedgehog collects mushrooms, a bear is preparing for hibernation, a crane says goodbye before flying away. Watching such a spectacle will be at least fun.
  • Round dance. Autumn Ball game for the little ones. The presenter prepares masks or signs in advance with images of different vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, cucumber, etc.) and distributes them to those wishing to participate before the start of the competition. Then they turn on the music and the presenter reads the verse in a perky voice:

We'll go to the garden and start a round dance.

We will sing and dance and gather the harvest.

You little onion, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, carrot, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, potato, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, cabbage, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, cucumber, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, tomato, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, beetroot, don’t yawn, quickly get up for the round dance!....

The less free space left on the stage, the funnier the “vegetable” round dance will look.

  • turnip. Funny scene with active gestures. The presenter calls several participants, one for each role in the fairy tale “Turnip”. Then he gives the task to each character to make a certain gesture when he hears the name of his hero. For example: grandmother - crouches, grandfather - claps, granddaughter - stomps her feet, Zhuchka - whistles, etc. The presenter begins to quickly read the fairy tale out loud, and the participants in the skit begin to respond to their names with hidden gestures. The participants have fun, the spectators have fun!

Funny modern scenario for high school students for the Autumn Ball at school

Autumn is a wonderful time. Clear skies, warm weather, the quiet rustle of dry leaves, peace of mind - such delights inspire romance and peace in everyone except teachers. At this time, teachers are working painstakingly to create a beautiful scenario for the Autumn Ball at the school for high school students. The process is quite labor-intensive, and to appreciate the scale of the event you need to see it with your own eyes at least once in your life.

How to come up with a scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for high school students

A beautiful scenario for high school students for the Autumn Ball consists of a set of mandatory points:

  • interesting idea
  • ceremonial entry
  • best vocal and theatrical performances
  • games and competitions
  • choosing a king and queen
  • lyrical waltz
  • beautiful ending
  • constant musical accompaniment
  • suitable lighting
  • thematic decoration of the stage and hall

Only with a harmonious combination of all of the above will the holiday at school turn out to be bright and memorable.

Modern script for high school students - “We’re making a movie about autumn”

An interesting idea for a script for the Autumn Ball at school - making a film about first love. Each participant in the program will receive their role according to the script. Some will become a director, some will be a cameraman. The rest will portray current characters - a random couple, their friends, etc. During the filming of the film, event participants will hold competitions, sing, read poetry, dance and act out skits.

Script for high school students - "TV studio "Autumn Evening!"

Script for the Autumn Ball for high school students - "Strings of Autumn"

A lyrical scenario that resembles a real ball more than others. It features instrumental melodies and autumnal poems from many of the school's writers, features a delightful King and Queen waltz, and even makes the presenters look like real-life Oscar characters. The event, in a subtle and sincere atmosphere, excludes funny skits and humorous competitions, but welcomes any romantic dramatizations, creative numbers, serious songs with deep meaning, and performances with classical musical instruments. In such a holiday, the main role is assigned to the hero of the occasion - Autumn, as well as to the king and queen of the ball.

Greetings to the Autumn Ball at school in verse

While preparing the ideal scenario for the Autumn Ball for high school students or grades 5-7, organizers often forget about a beautiful formal greeting. But in vain! The opening speech of the hosts at the celebration sets the tone for the event and creates the appropriate atmosphere. A solemn greeting in verse for the Autumn Ball at school should not be too long. Otherwise, the audience will get bored. A few lyrical quatrains are enough to sincerely congratulate all schoolchildren and teachers on the autumn holiday.

Autumn leaf, ticket to the ball,

A golden carriage is flying...

And the Prince was almost late,

And a flock of cranes took off.

And the neckline is slightly open,

A mountain ash leaf got stuck there...

Everyone is rushing towards their dreams,

Everyone is rushing to the ancient ball...

The harpsichord does not stop,

The leaves are flying to Chopin's waltz,

The sunflower hung over the tyn,

He definitely dreams of going to the ball.

And circling in the gold of foliage,

Until dawn in a whirlwind of leaf fall...

White waltz with Prince Charming,

I don't need more happiness.

August is leaving. Everything is ready for the ball.

Everyone is on parade. From head to toe.

And here she is! A little late...

Scarves fly from yellow leaves...

The wind will spin her in a Viennese waltz,

In a cape the color of red wine.

The leaves will whisper in your ear: “Stay...

Winter is very cold with me."

There is a secret hidden in her autumn eyes.

Leaving all the answers for later,

I'll get to this ball by chance...

In an airy raincoat, with a blue umbrella.

But the rain treated me so kindly,

Lifting the wet veil...

And flew through the city streets

Summer's carriage, driving off into the distance...

The autumn day is so bright and radiant,

He spent spring and summer in a den...

And like a letter, a maple leaf flies,

And in it I read that rain is on the way.

And the park is ready. He waited for the guests for a long time.

Almost completely undressed from the breeze.

And so sad. It's the rainy season.

Queen Autumn came to her domain.

Dance for high school students at the Autumn Ball. video

In order for the name “Autumn Ball” to be fully justified, the event program will have to include several vocal performances with theme songs. They will come in very handy and will perfectly complement the seasonal atmosphere of the holiday. For the Autumn Ball, you can choose any suitable composition by a popular artist or remake an already known song, textually linking it to your class or school. The most common variants of autumn songs:

  • "Yellow Leaves" Tea for two
  • "Autumn" DDT
  • "The Rustle of Leaves" Katya Lel
  • "What is autumn" DDT
  • "Leaves are falling" Alexander Buinov
  • "Autumn" Lyceum
  • "It's Autumn Time" Pilot
  • "The summer rains have ceased to be noisy" Shura
  • "In the Last Autumn" DDT
  • "Autumn Radio" Dmitry Malikov

Of course, no ball is complete without a dance part. This is an integral element of the program, giving it a deep autumn mood. In fact, dances can be very different: lyrical and fiery, sad and cheerful. But the presence of symbolic attributes in costumes, makeup and surroundings is necessary. These could be hanging golden balloons under the stage arch, fallen leaves on the girls’ dance dresses, flexible branches of autumn trees or crimson tinsel as attributes played out.

The dances of elegant high school girls in outfits decorated with yellowed leaves look amazing at the autumn ball. They involuntarily create the effect of magical leaf fall in the middle of the school assembly hall. To complete the picture, dances for high school students at the Autumn Ball can be diversified with musical competitions, exciting skits and pantomimes accompanied by classical instrumental melodies.

DIY wall newspaper and article for the Autumn Ball at school

Regardless of where the Autumn Ball is held - at school or university - there will always be many who are willing to participate in the creation of a thematic wall newspaper. The main condition of the creative process is the use of natural materials (autumn leaves, acorns and nuts, rowan branches and late flowers), as well as various “seasonal” elements

It’s difficult to even list the possible options for wall newspapers for the Autumn Ball at school:

  • printed, drawn or combined,
  • black and white or colorful,
  • with illustrations or pasted compositions,
  • with a beautiful feature article or a short congratulatory slogan.

Regardless of the chosen style of design and content, the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball at school will definitely turn out to be successful. After all, everything made by children’s hands carries a warm and sincere message. The article in the wall newspaper for the autumn ball deserves special attention. Often editors prefer prose text to the rhymed lines of famous poets. This way you can independently compose a beautiful, inspiring congratulation or invitation to an upcoming special event. A high-quality article for the autumn ball can become a kind of announcement of the school holiday scenario, and the wall newspaper itself can become an intriguing and promising poster.

The autumn ball at school is an important and long-awaited event for primary school students, senior schoolchildren and teachers. This means literally everything: from the script for high school students and grades 5-7 to dance, music and wall newspapers, must be perfectly thought out and prepared!

Semyonova L. N.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Arborskaya general education" basic school"

Golden Autumn Festival.

(Scenario for holding a holiday among students in grades 5-9

in the form of KVN).


The hall is decorated with colorful leaves, panels of leaves and flowers, and rowan tassels.

Homework:1. Team greetings

2.Ode to your favorite vegetable.

3.Artistic number.

4. Autumn bouquet competition

Two presenters, Autumn, 3 teams.

1 presenter. Sad October holds out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of fog:

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn cold has arrived - the road is freezing.

….And the pond has already frozen…

...2nd leader. It’s autumn outside the windows now... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it’s the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, it’s the beginning of studies in school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And popular wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs know no fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

All presenters . We are opening our festive Autumn Ball. (You can sing a song about autumn)

Presenter 2: Cheerful hostess

Goes to the new residents

fine autumn

To villages and villages.

Ved.1: Came at dawn

I didn’t sit down for a moment,

I looked around -

And get down to business right away.

Ved.2: Viburnum with rowan

Colored thickly

On strong teeth

The cabbage creaked.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

Are you glad to meet me

Do you like the forest outfit?

I came to your party

Sing and have fun

And I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends.

Now we will play KVN with you, and I will see how friendly, skillful, and resourceful you are. And you will be (to the leaders) my assistants. Our respected, competent jury will evaluate you.

Presentation of the jury members.

I'm waiting for the teams' greetings

Do they know how to greet me?

Greetings from the teams.

1 competition - literary. Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you name their authors. Let's start with the elders

9 classes a) Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air

Invigorates tired forces,

Fragile ice on the icy river,

It lies like melting sugar.

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet faded,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

(N. Nekrasov)

7 club ) Available in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant.

(F. Tyutchev)

5 classes c) The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.

(A. Pushkin)

Who's faster d) Autumn. It showers our entire poor garden,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind,

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys

Clusters of bright red withering rowan trees.

(L. Tolstoy)

Ved.1 You surprise, Autumn

Painted foliage:

Orange and yellow

Any leaf is yours.

Autumn: Yes, that's right. Therefore, I would like to know if you know the names of trees by their leaves.

Competition 2. Guess the trees from the leaves and write their names next to the leaves.

In the meantime, let's play with the fans


1. Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves.(autumn).

2. He waved his sleeve and bent down all the trees. (wind).

3 Every year they come to visit us: one is pockmarked, the other is young,

4 The third jumps, the fourth cries. (seasons)

5 . Dry - wedge, wet - damn. (umbrella).

Leaflets with names of jury trees

Presenter 2. Hurry up! Hurry up!

And treat yourself to a salad!

It is cooked with onion

With tomato, with cucumber!

Ved.1 Look from the garden

Nature has prepared

Lots of delicious vegetables

For soups, borscht and cabbage soup

Competition 3. “Ode to an autumn vegetable”

Autumn: Through fields, gardens and villages,

Across the country from edge to edge

Tanned and cheerful

The new harvest is coming.

Competition 4 “Plant and harvest potatoes.”(One plants, the other collects; instead of potatoes, you can use rag balls)

Competition 5 “Eat an Apple”(Who will eat the apple faster)

Competition 6 The game is being played"Puddles and galoshes"

Competition 7 Poems in the Mari language about autumn

In the meantime, the jury is evaluating our autumn bouquets

Game with fans

The head is big, only the neck is thin (pumpkin)

The peas have dried out in the hot sun and burst from the pods.

Burgundy, pot-bellied, like barrels,

They sit alone in the ground.


Sundress on sundress,

A dress on a dress.

How are you going to undress?

You'll cry your fill.


Unsightly, gnarly,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

“Well, crumbly, delicious!”


Who knows poems about autumn?(Competition for fans)

Checking verses

Ved.1 And now I’ll tell you a riddle

Who can guess faster?

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -

Adults and children know -

We grow on stumps in the forest

Like freckles on the nose (Honey mushrooms)

Now let's pick mushrooms

Competition7. Mushrooms ( One finds a mushroom, the other takes it, instead of mushrooms, circles from logs are used.

Competition 8 Musical (German Stepanovich plays teams will guess 2 songs each)

Competition 9. Artistic performance from each team.

1 presenter. They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

2 presenter . Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once. See you again!

Summing up, word from the jury. Presentation of prizes.).

Autumn: - Now the time has come to part. I had a lot of fun with you. You all showed ingenuity and resourcefulness. You told me a lot of interesting things about me.

Goodbye guys!

Presenters The holiday continues

Disco is announced!


Performance of the 7th grade team at the Autumn Festival.

1. Team introduction

Team : Autumn leaves.

Motto: Leaves are falling and rustling

And they hurry, hurry, hurry.

The leaves in the sky are spinning,

We found ourselves in this room.

The main thing is to be together!

Our song:

We can't live in this world,

We can't live in this world

No loss, no loss.

It seemed that summer would not pass.

It seemed that summer would not pass

And now..and now...

Yellow leaves

They're circling over the city

Quiet rustling

They fall under our feet

And you can’t hide from autumn, you can’t hide

The leaves are yellow, tell me

What are you dreaming about?

2.Ode to a vegetable

- Our words of praise are addressed to cabbage

Cabbage wild growing was known several thousand years BC. Now there are hundreds of varieties of cabbage, and among them the most common is white cabbage. Cabbage leaves contain volatile antibiotics, enzymes, protein, sugars, amino acids, magnesium, phosphorus. The presence of ascorbigen in cabbage allows vitamins to be stably preserved throughout the year, without fear of crushing the leaves and their processing. Cabbage juice has an anti-ulcer effect and promotes scarring of ulcers. In terms of dietary and medicinal properties, cabbage is one of the first among vegetables.

Many different dishes can be prepared from cabbage. These include a variety of salads, and first courses - borscht and cabbage soup, stewed cabbage, sauerkraut. You can’t cook cabbage rolls without cabbage. Cabbage also makes delicious fillings.

(Cabbage dishes for jury evaluation)

3. Ditties about cabbage.

There is cabbage on the table

Oh, what a beauty.

They offered Irina food

Oh, what a laugh.

Eat, eat, don't be shy

Here is our cabbage salad.

Lots of different vitamins

Oxalate is expelled.

We are all dear and loving,

I wish my teeth were sharper.

No, not your eaters

We cabbages are tough.

There weren't many of us

Help me sing the chorus

Help me sing the chorus-

We should praise cabbage.

We sang ditties for you:

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

For you to clap.

All: Every vegetable is needed

Every vegetable is important.

Eat more vegetables

Delicious cabbage soup.

Autumn holiday school. Scenario

Goals: organize leisure time for children; develop their creative abilities.

Design: dry maple leaves, balls, bouquets of autumn flowers.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part

Presenter 1.

Autumn is knocking on our doors

Dressed in gold.

Throws a handful of leaves into the window

And it will cry with rain.

The song by Yu. Shevchuk “What is autumn?” is performed.

What is autumn? This is the sky

Crying sky underfoot

Birds with clouds scatter in puddles.

Autumn, I haven’t been with you for a long time.

Autumn, ships are burning in the sky,

Autumn, I would like to get away from the earth

Autumn, dark distance.

What is autumn? These are stones

Loyalty over the blackening Neva.

Autumn again reminded the soul of the most important thing,

Autumn, I am again deprived of peace.

Autumn, ships are burning in the sky,

Autumn, I would like to get away from the earth

Where sadness drowns in the sea -

Autumn, dark distance.

What is autumn? It's the wind

Plays with torn chains again.

Autumn, will we crawl, will we reach the answer,

What will happen to the homeland and to us?

Autumn, will we crawl, will we reach the dawn,

Autumn, what will happen to us tomorrow?

II. Game "Autumn Volleyball"

A rope is pulled between two chairs. The teams take opposite sides. They are given an equal number of autumn leaves - 15-20 pieces. Leaves are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to throw their leaves to the opponents' side within 1 minute. The team with the fewest leaves wins.

III. Musical break

Presenter 2. Bravo! This is leaf fall! Simply pleasing to the eye! Everyone has a good fall, especially the harvest! We bring to your attention a hymn to the garden - zucchini ditties. Ditties are performed.

Put your ears on top of your heads,

Listen carefully.

Zucchini ditties

We'll sing great.

In the garden for harvest day

Miracle slides appeared.

This has grown into a large vegetable!

You can't lift it, you need help!

I look at my kindergarten:

There it turns yellow under the leaves

And lay down on his side

Yellow-bellied zucchini.

I go out to the garden,

There's a whole platoon of marrows there.

I'll collect them in a basket,

Let them have time at the window.

Like in our garden

The boys have grown up

Juicy and large,

So round!

In the garden near the river

The zucchini grew

Just like piglets.

But where are the spots?

I'll have it soon

Holiday - birthday!

Mom will cook for me

Zucchini jam.

Oh, I didn’t gasp, I didn’t stomp. I ate a lot of zucchini, but I didn’t burst.

IV. Game "Obstacles"

The facilitator asks the participant to do the following:

Walk along the rope lying on the floor;

Step over the clock;

Climb under the rope held by the leaders;

Walk around the chair.

Then the player is blindfolded and asked to repeat these actions. At this time, all obstacles are removed and the player walks through the empty hall. The guys egg him on with their remarks.

V. Dance competition - 1

Presenter 1.

Late autumn. The whole sky is in tears.

The cold wind sings in the wires.

And, setting off on the last flight,

The leaves dance the autumn foxtrot.

All participants dance with an apple. Each pair receives an apple, which is pressed between their foreheads. You cannot hold the apple with your hands. Slow music plays and the couples begin to dance. After some time, the task becomes more complicated because you have to dance blindfolded and to a fast melody. The pair that holds the apple the longest wins.

VI. Congratulations to autumn birthday people

Presenter 1. I ask those born in September, October and November to come here. A gift has been prepared for you, autumn birthday people.

They bring in a black box, pretending that it is heavy.

Presenter 2. This treasure will go to the one who guesses what is in the box. You can ask any questions to which I will answer “yes” or “no.” I promise you won't be disappointed.

Black box raffle. You can put a maple leaf, a soft toy, an apple, a zucchini, etc. in the box.


Born in autumn. Congratulation.

September suddenly breathed a cold breath,

I slightly touched the yellowness of the birch foliage,

But this house is joyful and happy:

The stork brought you to your mother in the fall...

And on your birthday the air is fresh and clean,

The day is transparent, the distance is a little golden,

A yellowed leaf fell from the aspen tree,

Stuck to the glass like a round medal.

Your holiday smells like ripe watermelon,

Starched tablecloths rustle,

Have you been up since this morning?

But for some reason my gaze becomes a little moist.

Now it's time to accept congratulations,

Listen to toasts and accept flowers.

Love and happiness, light and goodness,

Health, dreams come true!

VII. Dance competition - 2


If suddenly autumn comes

And he will throw a leaf into your hands,

So there's no point in standing -

Come dance with us!

Dance-game with an autumn leaf to the song of the Lyceum group “Autumn, autumn, well, let’s ask the leaves...”. The leaf is passed into the hands of the dancers, and the one who receives it goes out into the circle and dances.

VIII. Competition "Dress a Friend"

Leading. It's starting to get colder, my friends! We need to dress warmer. I see that among you there are individuals dressed out of season.

One girl and one boy form a team of four people. The players come up with a team name. Then, in 1 minute, the members of each team must put as many of their things on the captain as possible.

Leading. You have real friends! They are not sorry to give you their most valuable things! A concert number is performed for the most united and generous team.

The song “Boston Waltz” by A. Rosenbaum is performed.

On a carpet of yellow leaves in a simple dress

From wind-swept crepe de Chine

The autumn waltz-Boston danced in the gateway.

A warm day has flown away,

And the saxophone sang hoarsely.

And people came to us from all over the area,

And birds flew from all the surrounding roofs,

To the golden dancer, flapping his wings...

How long ago, how long ago, music sounded there.

How often do I dream

That amazing dream

In which autumn dances the Boston waltz for us.

There the leaves are falling down,

Plates spinning disk:

“Don’t go, stay with me, you are my whim!”

Drunk with pleasure, forgetting about the years,

An old house, long in love with its youth,

I swayed all the walls, opened the windows,

And to all those who lived in it,

He gave this miracle.

And when the sounds died down in the darkness of the night -

Everything has its end, its beginning, -

Feeling sad, autumn shed a little rain...

Oh, what a pity this waltz

It felt so good.

IX. Relay "Drivers"

Two young men are given children's cars on a string. The participants' task is to cover the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knock them down. The winner of the auto racing receives a poetic gift (“Golden Autumn” by B. Pasternak).


Autumn. Fairytale palace

Open for everyone to review.

Clearings of forest roads,

Looking into the lakes.

Like at a painting exhibition:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, ash, aspen

Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden gold hoop -

Like a crown on a newlywed.

The face of a birch tree under a veil



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