General rules of scenar therapy. Experience in using scenar therapy to treat various diseases


It doesn't hurt.

The analgesic effect appears before all others. Under the influence of the device, the body produces more substances that have an analgesic effect. Therefore, the device can be used for pain of any origin: injuries, diseases, inflammatory processes.

From serious illnesses to banal bruises.

From school course biology, you probably remember that the vessels contain smooth muscles and are supplied with two types of nerves: vasoconstrictor and vasodilator. Nerve impulses Vasoconstrictor nerves cause smooth muscles to contract and reduce the lumen of the arteries. This leads to a decrease in blood circulation and, in some cases, a complete cessation of blood flow. Nerve impulses from the vasodilator nerves, on the contrary, lead to an increase in the lumen of blood vessels and increase blood flow. With the help of the SCENAR device, the regulation of the lumens of blood vessels is restored. Therefore, the use of the device is indicated for such diseases as: myocardial infarction, violation cerebral circulation, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis. The device allows you to successfully quickly eliminate swelling, contusions and bruises. In addition, with the help of the device, spasm is relieved not only from the muscles of the blood vessels, but also from the skeletal ones. Therefore, the device is successfully used for muscle diseases, posture disorders, scoliosis, and osteochondrosis. Can be used for swelling of the limbs and insect bites. The result may appear 5-10 minutes after the start of the session.


Under the influence of the device, blood circulation improves. Which in turn helps to wash away the bacteria that caused the inflammation with blood. This mechanism of action of the device allows you to either prevent the inflammatory process from developing if the device is used at the very beginning, or all its stages will pass much faster. Therefore, the device is also used for general inflammatory processes. and with boils, carbuncles, and festering wounds.
Against allergies.
Of course, this is not a cure, but it significantly alleviates the condition of those who are susceptible to the “disease of the century.” Under the influence of the device, the body activates the production of substances that reduce increased sensitivity to some food products and to other substances. This allows SCENAR to be used for allergic diseases.

AND " ambulance"and a first aid kit.

The device is a kind of ambulance. Injuries, bleeding that do not require a tourniquet, fresh wounds. In addition, it will help with long-term healing trophic ulcers ah soft tissues, stomach ulcers and duodenum. Also, the device is used for shock, loss of consciousness, and fainting.


The device helps normalize protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism substances. Therefore, it is used for diseases associated with metabolic disorders. For example, for obesity, joint diseases and others. The action of the device helps to normalize weakened immunity and increase the body’s defense against external invasion. Under the influence of the device, the activity of the glands is normalized internal secretion. Therefore, the device can be used for diseases associated with disorders of the glands (gynecology). Women might be interested cosmetic effect, which manifests itself due to improved blood supply to the skin and normalization of the functioning of the endocrine glands. SCENAR also helps improve general health, improves mood, increases performance.


The first samples of devices appeared in the late 70s - early 80s of the last century. The testing gave unexpectedly positive results, later called the SCENAR effect. This fact, as well as the emergence of the first active supporters of SCENAR therapy, served as an impetus for the serial production and modification of devices.
In the mid-80s, the SCENAR-033 model appeared. The developer of SCENAR devices - OKB "RITM" was rapidly moving forward. In 1985-87, the development of the 032 device was completed and, already in 1991, serial production of this model began. The 032 differed from its predecessor in design. But this device did not fully meet the requirements of users. In the new SCENAR-035, the pulse parameters have been modified and changed, and solar power cells have been replaced with galvanic batteries.
At the end of 1996, the development of the SCENAR-97 device was completed. On the basis of this model SCENAR-97.1 and SCENAR-97.4 were developed.
Since 1998, devices of an export version have appeared. SCENAR therapy is attracting increased interest abroad. In 1999 they began active sale. Under license, serial production is being established in the Netherlands, certified in Europe.
In the mid-90s, diagnostic complexes were developed that made it possible to select the most successful areas for exposure to SCENAR - these are “Rista EPD” and “Ristochka”, and in 2003. “Rista-mini” appeared, which allows diagnostics to be carried out at home.
SCENAR-97.0 is the first device for mass use. It was released in 1998. In the same year, the SCENAR-97.4+ device and the SCENAR-97.7 hardware-computer complex were released. In 1999, the multi-channel device 97.6-SCENAR-stationary was released. And then in 2000, SCENAR 97.5 and 97.R (speech) devices appeared for people with low vision.
In 2004, the developers of OKB RITM pleased SCENAR therapists with a new development - the SCENAR NT device.
Engineers of KB "RITM" pleased SCENAR therapists with a new development - these are SCENAR NT devices for professional use. New samples of devices for home use CHENS-SCENAR basic, later 01 and 02 go into mass production in 2002-2003, and immediately gain great popularity among users, as they are convenient and easy to use

How the device works:

A person constantly regulates physiological processes in accordance with his own needs and changes environment. These important properties organism are called self-regulation processes. Information from internal organs and from external environment delivered to the central nervous system in the form of electrical impulses (signals) - this is nervous regulation. And in the form chemicals humoral regulation. These two methods of transmitting information are closely related. But the main role in this process belongs to the nervous system.
Nervous regulation ensures the rapid transmission of information from organs and tissues to the central nervous system. The information received is deciphered, remembered and transmitted to the executive areas of the brain, from here the command goes along the pathways to the corresponding organ, its function is normalized and all changes, thanks to biological feedback, are transmitted to the central nervous system.
The body is a system open to the external environment. The interaction of the body with the external environment occurs according to the principle of reflex. The central nervous system receives information from the skin, the information is processed in the executive areas of the brain and enters the corresponding organs, which in turn transmit information about changes in their work using the principle of biofeedback to the central nervous system and to the corresponding areas of the skin. The skin is a complex sensory organ. During the development of the embryo, it originates from the same part as the nervous system. The structure of the skin contains nerve endings, influencing which we, through the nervous system, depending on the point on the skin, turn to a specific organ. These areas on the skin are reflexogenic zones. According to the instructions for the device, when it comes into contact with the skin, it generates impulses similar to the electrical impulses of the nervous system and acts on the body according to the principle of biological feedback.

Differences between SCENAR devices for home use and other electrotherapeutic devices.

Let's look at the technical characteristics of home appliances.

All home use devices have high-speed feedback and absolutely accurate dosage. And also:
1. Speed ​​diagnostic mode skin reaction signal passage. Over twenty-five years of practice in improving devices, this type of diagnosis has proven to be the most accurate and simplest for determining information content, zone priority and finding optimal zones during treatment.
2. Mode - Amplitude modulation - this stimulating impulse provides a regulatory effect on the body, which helps the latter quickly connect humoral (hormonal) and immune mechanism and the regime also helps to strengthen contractile function muscle tissue.
2. The selected form of the electrical impulse and the physiological nature of the supplied impulses are easily perceived by the body. A variable, (dynamic) information signal does not cause cells to become accustomed to SCENAR effects. High-amplitude, low-frequency impact that can excite, without damaging, all types of nerve fibers of the human body.
3. Connector for remote electrodes:
a) Point electrode. (to influence acupuncture points). In diagnostic mode, the device itself will tell you the most active points.

B) Facial electrode. A SCENAR therapy session is carried out on various areas body, moving to the face, it is more advisable to use a facial electrode.

B) Comb electrode. There are universal areas of influence, in particular, the scalp, which contains many receptor formations. For a number of diseases, additional treatment of this zone enhances the SCENAR effect. The comb electrode is also used in the treatment of pets.

All electrodes can be used in diagnostic mode.

4. Convenient individual adjustment of the signal energy power level for people with any degree of skin sensitivity (260 levels).

5. Power supply charge timer. (if the battery is low you will hear a beep)

6. Voltage source 9 V.

7. The electrodes built into the housing have a flat shape.
Many years of practice have shown that the use of built-in flat electrodes is more effective than convex electrodes when working in diagnostic mode and in cosmetology for smoothing wrinkles. All sixth generation SCENAR devices are equipped with built-in FLAT electrodes.

8. Reliability controller - protects the device from possible overloads and short circuits of the electrodes.
9 Manual setting of SCENAR pulse.
All home appliances have a different number of modes.


This device has 2 frequency ranges: 60 and 90 Hz.
2 operating modes:

1. Diagnostic and treatment mode with amplitude modulation F2.
This mode allows you to find the optimal zone for exposure and receiving maximum effect. Treatment in this mode is carried out automatically.
The device selects the time of exposure to the zone itself. The additional use of amplitude modulation makes it possible to improve blood circulation, and, consequently, tissue nutrition due to additional effects on muscles.
2. Constant treatment regimen F1.
This mode affects an existing problem area. when there is a specific complaint. Used to achieve maximum and quick effect, i.e. This is emergency mode.


This device supports 4 operating modes:
1. Mode D is diagnostic and treatment. Performs the same function as the F2 mode in the TENS 02 device, but without automatically turning on the amplitude modulation mode. This made it possible to significantly clarify the diagnostic function of the device.
2. AM mode separately enables amplitude modulation mode. It can be used either separately or together with D mode.
3. FM mode, sweeping frequency. This mode is used when finding the best impact zones; it includes the entire set of frequencies, and the device itself finds the best frequency of impact on the found zone.
4. The constant, therapeutic mode works like the F1 mode in the TENS 02 device, with the ability to simultaneously turn on the FM and AM modes.


This device has all of the above capabilities, but its main difference is the ability to enable a fixed frequency mode from 14Hz.60Hz.90Hz.320Hz.

Service life 10 years. Warranty period 1 year.

Instructions for use

1.Apparatuses and their controls.

Appearance The “CHENS-02-SCENAR” device is shown in Figure No. 1.

On the top panel of the device there is: LED (1) “^”. When the device is turned on, the LED light comes on.
LED (2) “F1”. When the device is turned on in constant mode, the “F1” light comes on and goes off. The frequency of exposure in this mode is 90 Hz.
LED (3) “F2”. When the individually dosed mode with amplitude modulation 1:3 is turned on, the “F2” LED lights up. Impact frequency 60 Hz.
The LED (4) lights up when the dose is completed.

You can determine the operating power of the device by the number of LEDs that light up when turned on.
Button (6) “ ” is used to turn the electrical stimulator on and off.
Button (7) “ ” to switch exposure modes (F1, F2).
Button (8) “+” to increase the power of the device.
Button (9) “-“ to reduce the power of the device.

There is a battery compartment cover on the bottom panel of the case. (10).
(11). Built-in flat electrode.
(12). On the right side there is a socket for connecting external electrodes.

Basic appearance of the “CHENS-SCENAR” device

On the top panel of the device there is: LED No. 1 “ ”. When the device is turned on, the LED light comes on.

LED No. 4 – to indicate the end of the dosage regimen.

Button No. 8 “+” – to increase the power of the device and fix the inclusion of the selected mode.
Button No. 9 “- “ – to reduce the power of the device and turn off the selected mode.

To turn off the “D” mode, press button No. 7 “ ” and while LED No. 3 “D” is on, press button No. 9 “ ” to turn it off.
LED No. 2 “Am”. In this device, amplitude modulation is separated into a separate mode. To turn on amplitude modulation, you need to press button No. 7 “ ” until LED No. 2 “Am” turns on, while LED No. 2 “Am” is on (3 seconds), press button No. 8 “+” to turn on this mode and button No. 9 “- » to turn off.
To turn on the “Fm” mode, you must press button No. 7 “ ” until LED No. 5 “Fm” turns on. While LED No. 5 “Fm” is on (3 seconds), press button No. 8 “+” to turn on this mode and button No. 9 “- ” to turn it off.
Button No. 7 “ ” is used to select modes, and buttons No. 8 and 9 “+; -" to turn the selected mode on and off. The end of the mode selection is indicated by a sound signal and the LED turning off. After this, buttons 8;9 “+;-” perform the function of selecting the power of the device.

Appearance of the device “CHENS-01-SCENAR”

On the top panel of the device there is: LED No. 1 “ ” when the device is turned on, the LED light comes on.
LED No. 3 “D” – for turning on the diagnostic mode and dosed exposure.
LED No. 2 “Am” – to turn on the amplitude modulation mode.
LED No. 5 “Fm” – switching on the operating mode with swinging frequency.
LED No. 4 “F” – to turn on the mode for selecting the frequency of exposure.
Button No. 6 “ ” – serves to turn the electrical stimulator on and off.
Button No. 7 “ ” – to switch exposure modes (D. Am. Fm)
Button No. 8 “+” – to increase the power of the device and fix the inclusion of the selected mode.
Button No. 9 “-” – to reduce the power of the device and disable the selected mode.
When all modes are turned off in this device, the constant exposure mode is automatically activated.
On the bottom panel of the case there is: a battery compartment cover (10).
Built-in flat electrode (11)
Right side socket for connecting electrodes (12)

LED No. 3 “D”. When turning on or off the dosed mode, you must press button No. 7 “ ” and switch to mode “D” while LED No. 3 “D” is on (the LED lights for 3 seconds) press button No. 8 “+” to turn on the dosed mode.
To turn off the “D” mode, press button No. 7 “ ” and while LED No. 3 “D” is on, press button No. 9 “ - ” to turn it off.
LED No. 2 “Am”. In this device, amplitude modulation is separated into a separate mode. To turn on amplitude modulation, you need to press button No. 7 “ ” until LED No. 2 “Am” turns on, while LED No. 2 “Am” is on (3 seconds), press button No. 8 “+” to turn on this mode and button No. 9 “ - » to turn off.
LED No. 5 “Fm” – indicates the activation of the “swinging frequency” mode.
To turn on the “Fm” mode, you must press button No. 7 “ ” until LED No. 5 “Fm” turns on. While LED No. 5 “Fm” is on (3 seconds), press button No. 8 “+” to turn on this mode and button No. 9 “-” to turn it off.

To select the frequency of exposure, you must press button No. 7 " " Before LED No. 4 "F" turns on, while LED No. 4 is on, press button No. 8 "+" You can select the maximum mode of exposure with a frequency of 350 Hz. In this case, LED No. 1 “ ” will change its brightness. Bright LED light - high frequency.
By pressing button No. 9 “-” the low frequency 15 Hz. In this case, LED No. 1 “ ” will blink.
This model can operate in the following frequency range: 15 Hz; 60 Hz; 90Hz; 350 Hz.
The frequency of 60 Hz is set by two presses of button No. 9 “-” from the high frequency. And with one press of button No. 8 “+” from low frequency.
The frequency of 90 Hz is set by one press of button No. 9 “-” from a high frequency and two presses of button No. 8 “+” from a low frequency.
Button No. 7 “ ” is used to select modes, and buttons No. 8 and 9 “+;-” are used to turn on and off the selected mode. The end of the mode selection is indicated by a sound signal and the LED turning off. After this, buttons 8;9 “+;-“ perform the function of selecting the power of the device.
It is advisable to start operating the device by turning off all previously enabled modes. To do this, use button No. 7 to cycle through all modes, turning them off one by one with button No. 9. Then you dial the desired combination of modes and start working.
When operating in “D” mode, all LEDs light up and a sound signal indicates the dose has been completed.
If beeps appear when you turn on the device, you should change the power source.
The operating power of the devices is visible when turned on. The higher the power, the more LEDs light up.



In accordance with the recommendations below, when working on zones, the following can be installed:
- comfortable mode of exposure (the patient feels a slight tingling and vibration); - impact at the level pain threshold(the patient’s sensations are at the limit of tolerable);
- the impact is intense (the patient’s sensations are between the comfortable and pain threshold);
- the effect is weak (the patient does not feel or almost does not feel a tingling sensation). In children, especially younger age, start working with minimum power, increasing it to a comfortable level in the absence of appropriate reactions and changes in condition.


The zone can be worked in an objectively dosed or subjectively dosed mode. We must place the device near the selected zone and increase the amplitude until a comfortable tingling sensation occurs. Thus, we choose the amplitude with which we will work in this zone.
The rule of “Homogeneous environment”. When working on any section, you need to work it with the same selected amplitude and frequency. It is advisable to move the device at the same speed if we work in a subjectively dosed mode. Place the device with the entire surface of the electrode. If these rules are not followed, the homogeneity of the medium will change, and we will incorrectly select the most active zone.


Subjective-dosed mode (or constant mode) is a mode with diagnostics turned off (D). We work at the same speed, pressing on the skin so that a skin roll does not form in front of the device. Work is carried out continuously in all directions.

First direction: top to bottom, left to right vertically. At the same time, we fill the entire zone with movements. The second action is to move from right to left and from bottom to top horizontally. The third step is to go from left to right and top to bottom horizontally. The fourth action is from bottom to top and from right to left vertically. Thus, we work the zone in all directions.
But that's only part of the job. Working on a zone in this way, we look for various signs of the body’s response to the SCENAR’s work. And these manifestations are called signs of “small asymmetry”. So what are these signs?
1. Changing the sound of the device. If we pass the device over the skin in any area of ​​the selected zone, the device emits a certain sound. But at some point in this area the sound may disappear. This place will be asymmetrical in relation to the entire cultivated area. Consequently, this place is different from everything else; it requires additional development. Or the device is “silent” throughout the entire treated area, and only in one area does sound appear. This place is also asymmetrical and requires additional development.
2. “Sticking” of the device. It can also be in any part of the selected zone and depends on the movement of the device. For example: from left to right - there is no sticking, from right to left - there is sticking. In this case, we work on the sticking zone until this effect completely disappears in the direction in which it appeared.
3. Redness or paleness of skin areas. For example: when treating the skin surface, the entire area turned red, and pale spots appeared against this background. Or vice versa: the skin of the entire area is pale with red spots. In this case, you should select the smallest spot and treat this area additionally.
4. The appearance of pain. Although the SCENAR operating mode selected initially is comfortable, when the device is passed over a selected area of ​​the skin surface, signs and symptoms may appear in some place. painful sensations. This location of pain is asymmetrical to everything else and requires additional treatment.
5. Migration of pain. When you work on a painful area, the pain may move and you must “follow” it.


Individually dosed mode is a mode with diagnostics enabled (D+).
We work on selected areas, moving the device on the skin surfaces in a certain direction: from top to bottom and from left to right.
Diagnostics of the individually dosed regimen is carried out according to the indication.
1. The speed of the primary reaction is taken into account. The faster the initial reaction, the better the area for further processing. How to determine this? In diagnostic mode (D+), when placed on the skin, the first indicator under the letter D or F2 lights up and immediately goes out. The time between the first and second turning on of the first indicator is the reaction speed. And the faster the second switching occurs, the better the zone for processing, since the reaction here is faster. Thus, working on the skin surface in a certain area, you can see the most active points, where it is best to “deliver a dose.”
2. Second way to choose optimal location for exposure is setting doses (turning on all four indicators on the device) throughout the entire zone. The area where the dose occurs most quickly is the most active area, the best for work, which is a zone of low asymmetry.

10.2.1. Methods for finding the optimal point for impact

First way. We put doses everywhere. We put three additional doses on the “fastest” dose. We do it this way: put the device on - wait for all four indicators and sound to turn on - remove the device - immediately put it back on - wait for the same effect - put it away again - and put it on again - dose again - and remove it completely.
Second way. We monitor the speed at which the indicators turn on, i.e. how quickly they light up. We monitor the speed of turning on, turning off and turning on the first indicator (response speed), and how many indicators turn on simultaneously when turned on again. The faster and larger, the more active the zone.


The most important thing is the body’s “referral” to this place. You can stay in the mode in which you worked. For example: in constant. Having found the active point, you must work in it in all directions (up-down, left-right) until the manifestation changes: there was sticking - it’s gone; there was redness - it turned pale. You can switch to an individually dosed regimen and “set” the dose. At the most active dose, you can repeat the dose regimen three more times. What does it mean? There is an asymmetrical zone in which we deliver several doses, and a place where the dose was received the fastest. This place is the most “active” and suitable for repeating doses. If the device model allows the use of a different mode of influence, for example: sweeping frequency and amplitude, then this should be used for greatest effect impact. If during the procedure you are working on several zones, and different asymmetries are identified in them, the most pronounced asymmetry should be highlighted with additional influence. Example: in the individually dosed mode, we obtained the most active point with a quick reaction, in which we delivered three doses, and worked on the second zone, in which a point with a similar reaction was identified, in which we also delivered three additional doses. But when working out the first zone, the body responded with a vegetative reaction (sweating, drowsiness, etc.), or the speed of dosing was much faster than in the second case, then the first zone is the most active, it needs to be isolated again additionally, that is, processed again in a different mode (sweeping frequency, amplitude).
So: why do we look for signs of small asymmetry in any area we are working on? The main task is not to work out the zone, but to identify signs of small asymmetry and work on them. It is easier for the central nervous system to receive a signal from a small area of ​​the skin surface than from large area. The SCENAR procedure is that in certain areas we look for the body's response to our influence and work with the most susceptible zone, which the body itself suggested.
The rule "From the most to the least." From a larger treatment area to a small area or from several doses to the most active dose. The entire SCENAR therapy technology is built on the principle of “from more to less.”


The first approach is the so-called general impact zones. These are the zones that appeared in the practice of SCENAR therapy. For any disease, for any condition of the body, you can only work for them and you will always get good result. Working out of common areas is practically carried out at every procedure, depending on complaints, diseases and their manifestations. Common zones are a “three-track, six-point” technique cervical-collar area, palm technique and belly technique.
The second approach is work at the segmental level, that is, work in the projection of the diseased organ, in the projection of the complaint and on the segment of the spine that is “responsible” for the diseased organ.
The third approach is working along the meridians with diagnostics according to Nakatani.
The fourth approach is the zones responsible for any organs and systems. It (the approach) is described in the instructions for using SCENAR devices.


The first route starts from under the seventh cervical vertebra to the gluteal fold and continues from the end of the scalp to the seventh cervical vertebra.
Above the seventh cervical vertebra is the last placement of the first route. The seventh cervical vertebra is not taken for processing. Because the projection of the seventh cervical vertebra is a completely different active zone, and the connection of the two active zones may have an incorrect effect on the selection of zones of small asymmetry. That is, the activity of one zone will extinguish the activity of another, and we will not see the dynamics of responses or we will see insignificant dynamics.
The first route is taken along the spinous processes, joint to joint, placing the electrode in diagnostic mode (D), and if the spine is curved, then we continue moving in exactly the same way as the vertebrae are located.
The second route is the path on the paravertebral lines. From under the seventh cervical vertebra on the left side, moving one electrode distance away from the spinous process, we make the first placement in diagnostic mode (D).
The second placement will be on the right side of the spinous process, also moving one electrode away. The next one is on the left, then again on the right, and in this zigzag we reach the gluteal fold on the right side and move to the neck on the left side.
Then we place it on the right side of the neck, and, if the length of the neck allows, we do one or two placements on both sides, but the last placement will always be on the right side. If only one and a half electrodes are placed (short neck), then we make the first placements by capturing the scalp, so that the second placements lie exactly above the seventh cervical vertebra, since we must show the body where the route ends.
So, the first route goes along the spinous processes of the spine and ends above the seventh cervical vertebra (last setting).
The second route ends on the right side of the neck and also above the seventh cervical vertebra.
You can also work out routes in constant mode, moving the device first in the center, along the spinous processes, and then on the left and right sides, leaving a gap of one electrode.
The third route is six exit points trigeminal nerve on the face. We begin working from right to left, from bottom to top, that is, from the right side of the chin (first position), the left side of the chin (second position), the nasolabial fold on the right - the third position, on the left - the fourth, the fifth position near the bridge of the nose above right eyebrow, sixth - similarly above the left. And it will be the final one.
Addition. How to find the seventh cervical vertebra? You need to tilt your head forward. The vertebra that stands out the most will be the seventh cervical. For convenience, you can mark it with a felt-tip pen at the top and bottom. It is best to perform the procedure on the spine while sitting, since in this case the spine is under load. The lying procedure is performed for patients in in serious condition, and standing, although there is a load on the spine, the procedure is not performed, as there is a danger of dizziness. Necessary correct location electrode. The electrode has rectangular shape, and the longer side of this rectangle should be parallel to the spine.
Our task in developing the “three paths, six points” technique is to find the most optimal point in each route (either with a quick initial reaction, or with a quick dose), and on each route additional development of these zones. As you walk the route, you can mark the active spot with a felt-tip pen. After this, the point marked on each route is stimulated with an additional three settings before the dose; the point that worked out the fastest in time is the most active (most asymmetrical). Consequently, we work on it further, changing modes in order to “show” the body the most active place. If the device has a swinging frequency and amplitude, then turn on these modes and set it at this point for one minute. In constant mode, using the “three tracks, six points” technique, we also look for signs of minor asymmetry (sticking, redness, etc.) and work on them. If there are several active points on one route in an individually dosed mode, and it’s hard for us to choose which one is better, then we take the top one. It is better to start working on “three tracks, six points”, waiting for a dose everywhere, and then put an additional dose on the “fastest” dose. The dose regimen is already a healing process, and additionally found zones are its intensification.


The cervical-collar zone technique includes: a) the cervical-collar zone itself, b) the forehead, c) the projection of the adrenal glands. Here you can work in an individually dosed mode. We do 12 positions on the neck on the left and then on the right side. We start from the scalp on the left, retreating one centimeter from the spinous processes, placing 12 doses.
We look for active points on the left and right sides, put three doses on them, and additionally influence the most active of the two. Let's move on to the forehead. Having retreated one electrode from the middle of the forehead, we make three positions on the right to the temple, determine the active point, and also determine the active point on the left. Additionally, we work out the found active points with up to three doses and act on the most active one again.


Drawn while standing, performed lying down. Right hand The patient is placed on the lower abdomen pubic bone, mark it with a felt-tip pen on all sides - this is the first zone. Left hand we place it behind the back, place it at the beginning of the gluteal fold and also outline it. This is the second zone. The third zone is the placement of the device on the seventh cervical vertebra and the jugular notch.
The number of settings of the device depends on the size of the palm. If this is a child's hand, then there will be three or four of them, they will be located in one row. If this is the hand of an adult, then there may be twelve settings or more. From top to bottom, these same zones are worked out in a constant mode general vector. Minor asymmetry is identified and worked on additionally.


The abdomen is divided into four parts, with the navel in the center. We turn on the individually dosed mode and do one set in each of the squares.
Pay attention to the speed of the reaction and the speed at which the dose appears. The square where the reaction speed is greater and the dose appears faster is the best for testing. We work out this square according to the general vector, find the most active zone and bring it to three doses. After this, we work out the diagonally opposite square. We find the active zone in it, work out up to three doses, compare two zones - the first and second square, and additionally influence the best one.
When working in a subjectively dosed (constant) mode, you can first find the most active square in an individually dosed mode, and then work it out in a subjectively dosed mode according to the general vector.
We find signs of small asymmetry and work on them additionally. If the reaction rate and dose are the same in two squares, then according to the general vector, the square that was first in the setting will be the main one.
In a subjectively dosed (constant) mode, you can work on either the top two or bottom two squares, left or right squares. It depends on both the disease and the sensation. Example: if there is pain in epigastric region(stomach), then we can take the two upper squares; if there are gynecological problems, prostatitis, then we can take the two lower squares, etc. You can alternate the squares: in one procedure - the upper one, in another procedure - the lower one, etc. Practice General areas are carried out in almost every procedure, depending on complaints, diseases and their manifestations. In order to speed up finding the optimal point in an individually dosed mode, you can look at the speed of the first indicator in the diagnostic mode (D) and work out to the dose those points on the route at which the speed of the secondary activation of the first indicator will be faster. Bring these points to a dose, and put three doses on the “fastest” one. A subjectively dosed (constant) regimen is a mode of influence on acute processes. If the body quickly responds to the SCENAR signal, we will immediately see the dynamics and result of the treatment. An individually dosed regimen is a regimen that lasts longer during the procedure, with a clearer identification of areas of small asymmetry and is more suitable for chronic diseases.


1. Working on a complaint.
2. “Three tracks, six points”
3. Exit to the “horizontal”.
First rule. If the patient answers the question “Where does it hurt?”, we immediately begin working with the area that he shows. If the patient shows many areas of pain, this rule does not apply. Only one zone, and no matter how many times we ask, the patient will always point to the same place, with the same hand, with the same finger, making the same body movements. This may happen before or during the procedure. The first rule cannot be ignored. If we miss this complaint, then the recovery process may be delayed, since the body told us that we should work here and now, but we missed it. It may take a long time before the body gives us this hint a second time.
Work according to the first rule in a subjectively dosed (constant) mode. We work on the found point or zone in the general vector, look for signs of small asymmetry, and then horizontally work on the entire zone up to the spine. If asymmetry is not detected, then you can work on the opposite side, located horizontally relative to the site of the complaint. The work continues until dynamics appear or until the pain decreases. If the pain has decreased slightly, then you can do a circle “according to Revenko”. We place the device at the site of the complaint in a subjectively dosed (constant) mode, hold it for 30 seconds, then move it horizontally to the spine and hold it for 30 seconds on the spinous process. Next, from the spinous process we lead in the direction of the pain in a circle, holding it at the location of the pain for 30 seconds.
When working in an individually dosed mode, when we are looking for active points using the first indicator and do not set doses everywhere along the route, then regardless of the activity indicator of the last point according to the indicator, we are required to put a dose on it.
Second rule. "Three lanes, six points." It was described in detail earlier. If there is no first rule, then it is better to start the first procedure with the second rule. Our further work will depend on the active zones found on the spine. Example: if active points and zones are located on the left side, it is easier to identify asymmetries on the left; if they are located below, then on the left and below. For treatment the next day you need to take the left leg, the lower back on the left side, the lower left square of the abdomen.
Third rule. "Exit to the horizontal." Passing the first path along the spinous processes at the most active point (or points), you can go to the “horizontal”, that is, draw a circle from the left side of the spine to the right in a constant mode, or look for the most active points in an individually dosed mode, drawing the same in a manner around the circumference of the body.
If the “horizontal” falls into the projection of the arms or legs, then we must go over the entire surface of one and the other arm or leg. If the spine is strongly curved, and one shoulder is significantly higher or lower than the other, then the “horizontal” in this case will be higher than the shoulder on one side and lower on the other.
Fourth rule. The last setting in an individually dosed mode in the selected zone is always before the dose. Thus, we show the body the size of the zone in which we are working and fulfill the rule of environmental homogeneity (if there were doses on active points along the route, then the last setting is also done before the dose, if doses were placed everywhere along the route, then the condition of environmental homogeneity is fulfilled automatically). In general areas, the last points on the “three paths, six points” are: along the first route - the last position on the spinous process of the spine; on the second path - on the right side above the seventh cervical vertebra. On six points on the face, the last position is on the left. Technique of the cervical-collar zone: twelfth placements on the left and right directly on the cervical-collar zone. The third placement is on the forehead on the left and right and the right placement is on the adrenal gland. Palm technique: last anterior placement, final posterior placement, and jugular notch. Abdominal technique: latest performances on selected squares.
The last setting of the route is indicated by a dot in brackets - (.).
If we choose the route ourselves, then in any case the last performance is practiced until the dose.


You can work zonally, based on meridian diagnostics. In particular, according to the Nakatani method, adapted for SCENAR therapy. Traditionally, the Nakatani technique is used in acupuncture as aid to identify biologically active points. In SCENAR therapy, when diagnosing using the Nakatani method, zones with a cluster of active points are determined. Diagnostics is carried out using devices (RISTA-EPD, RISTA-EPD-mini, RISTA-EPDm). How is the treatment carried out? Using these devices, we measure the electrical conductivity of the skin at strictly defined points according to this technique, and, depending on the increased or decreased electrical conductivity, a recipe is created for the impact of the SCENAR device on certain areas. Based on this recipe, we begin to work out the zones according to the numbers indicated in the figure.


1.You can process each of the zones in all directions from left to right and from top to bottom.
2. You can work on these zones, relying on the patient’s sensations that arise during the increase in amplitude. When placing SCENAR on areas located on the fingers, with increasing amplitude, a feeling of tissue expansion may occur. With this feeling, we linger on the point for 30 seconds. When working on the limbs in active zones, with increasing amplitude, a tingling sensation appears up towards the body or down towards the fingers.
When placed on the body, there is a feeling of the impulse penetrating deeper. We do not increase the amplitude on the face and work on the active zone in a comfortable mode.


Bring each active point to a dose and add three additional doses to the most active point. If there are several meridians, we compare the active points in each meridian, and additionally influence the most active one.


The projection of the diseased organ is worked out and connected to the spine.
We constantly work along the general vector, working out the signs of minor asymmetry, then we connect the projection of the diseased organ with the spine from the organ side. You can also work on an asymmetrical section. of this body. There is another processing method. We place the device above the projection of the diseased organ for one setting for 30 seconds, then move the device down and stop behind the projection of the diseased organ for 30 seconds.
In an individually dosed mode, you can deliver doses throughout the entire projection of the diseased organ, and additionally influence the most active point. Or put doses in those places where turning on the first light bulb twice will be faster; we additionally influence the most active point. In the same way we work from the projection of the diseased organ to the spine.
During each procedure, we work according to the rules of SCENAR therapy, on segments, on general areas of influence, and we are always looking for and waiting for the body’s response.

The human body, despite unfavorable environmental factors and the “modern” lifestyle of most people, has enormous capabilities for self-defense and self-regulation. Unfortunately, our medicine often fights the symptoms of the disease, rather than using the potential of the body itself. Scientists and doctors around the world are conducting active research in this direction. And here, the most promising methods are those based on energy-informational influence.

One of best representatives These methods are SCENAR - therapy based on devices of the SCENAR family (self-controlling energy-neuro-adaptive regulator). These devices are developed and manufactured by the Taganrog Center system diagnostics and functional biocorrection at OKB "Rhythm". The device has a certificate of conformity and a license from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. He passed the tests: Central Institute Traumatology, Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery named after. Veltishchev, in the 7th military hospital at the Moscow Academy. THEM. Sechenov, at the Institute of Reflexology.

The know-how of therapy lies in innovative technology treatment methods and the principle of biofeedback (the parameters of the supplied special electrical impulse depend on the body’s response). New generation devices (digital) allow functional diagnostics of organs and body systems, which allows for more efficient use of the body’s capabilities during treatment. This is in accordance with the principles and methods of traditional oriental medicine.

Applicable as independent method and combines well with other treatment methods. There are practically no contraindications for use; their scope of application ranges from banal bruises to serious illnesses, and at any stage of development.

The methodological feature of the therapy is the movement of a working device over the patient’s skin and activation of zones, usually associated with a cluster of nerve endings. These are projection zones, reflex-segmental zones, zones along the energy channels of Zhen-Jiu therapy, special SCENAR zones.


1. The device sends a powerful high-amplitude e/impulse, with characteristics as close as possible to biogenic signals (neuroimpulse), but without damaging effects due to its short duration. In this case, most nerve fibers are excited (including thin C-fibers). This leads to the release of neurotransmitters, or, in a broad sense, regulatory peptides (endorphins, vasopressin, angiotensin, bradykinin, etc.), which, together with others humoral factors, launch and implement therapy according to the programs embedded in the body.

2. The presence of biological feedback. Each subsequent impulse differs from the previous one, depending on the change in electrocutaneous impedance (the latest generation devices record up to 4 types of skin impedance). This leads to the absence or significant reduction of addiction and provides an individually optimal effect on the patient.

3.Neutralization possible effect accommodation (a feature of the shape of the influencing signal).

Functional restoration, as a rule, proceeds ahead of the dynamics of anatomical, morphological and clinical laboratory parameters. It is the normalization of functions that is the main indicator of the effectiveness of treatment for a specialist. The devices allow you to effectively assess the functional state of organs and systems, which during treatment helps to quickly compensate for impaired functions. This echoes the principles and methods of traditional Eastern medicine, where function is more important than morphology.


Quick effects (in the first procedure) and significant acceleration of healing;
- significant improvement general condition with an increase in the body's adaptive capabilities;
- normalization of impaired functions;
- anti-inflammatory;
- analgesic;
- decongestant;
- antiallergic;
- vascular-hematopoietic-normalizing;
- endocrine-immune response of the body;
- normalization of metabolic processes.

All these effects were monitored and confirmed by laboratory and instrumental examination methods. SCENAR therapy is well known and used in England, Germany, USA, Canada, etc. It is significant that the production of these devices has been established in the Netherlands.


  • Nervous system diseases:

Neuritis, neuralgia
- myositis
- radiculitis
- spinal osteochondrosis

  • Diseases of the ENT organs:

-sinusitis, frontal sinusitis
- otitis media, hearing loss

  • Respiratory diseases:

acute respiratory infections
-rhinitis (including allergic)
-bronchial asthma

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

Gastritis, peptic ulcer
-pancreatitis, hepato-cholecystitis
-enteritis, colitis
Diseases of the circulatory system:
- consequences of strokes

  • Diseases of the genitourinary area:

Pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, enuresis
- adnexitis, endometritis
-cervical erosion
-painful menstruation
-recovery reproductive function after an abortion

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:


  • Surgical diseases:

Accelerating recovery after surgery.
- postoperative complications (infiltrates, lymphadenitis, etc.)
-phantom pain

SCENAR - this abbreviation stands for as follows: self-controlled energy-neuro-adaptive regulator. This difficult-to-pronounce name SCENAR reflects the principles of its effects on the human body and, in general, the treatment itself without medications.

Like many non-traditional healing methods, SCENAR therapy is based on the principles alternative treatment without the use of chemical medications. The action of the SCENAR device is similar to the action of bioresonance therapy devices.

How does the SCENAR therapy device work?

The SCENAR therapy device regulates the functions of the body by sending electrical impulses to the skin, similar to signals from the human nervous system. Then the device monitors the body’s reaction to the impulses and changes them so as to cause the most active reaction and achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

Each new impulse is different from the previous one, and this contributes to intensive self-healing of the body.

Impulses from the SCENAR device are transmitted even to the thinnest nerve fibers. All fibers contain special substances, neuropeptides, which are intermediaries in impulse transmission. They are considered strong regulators of all biological functions of the body: they influence painful sensations, memory state and blood pressure, perception new information, body temperature, sexual activity, appetite, etc.

SCENAR therapy and its features

A big advantage when using SCENAR therapy is that the device is harmless to the human body: its impulses are similar to those in the fibers of nervous tissue, and the effect is so insignificant that it cannot cause damage to the treated skin surface. In addition, the patient is not exposed to heat, which is especially important when treating patients with oncological problems(SCENAR action cannot provoke a disease crisis).

Another feature of the therapy under consideration is the presence of positive side effects and the ability to regulate all life processes in general. For example, when treating gastritis with SCENAR, you can simultaneously get rid of infertility. The most common side effects are the cure of chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, and normalization of metabolism.

Possible use complex therapy using other techniques.

Indications for the use of SCENAR therapy

Since SCENAR therapy is actually a universal regulator of the functions of the human body, the scope of such therapy is very wide. With its help, you can influence the immune system, cure and control many diseases, weaken their symptoms, accelerate the course of the disease (if necessary), and also restore impaired functions various systems organs. The results of using SCENAR are the normalization of blood circulation, nervous and immune systems, regulation of metabolism and restoration physiological functions body.

Side effects from the use of SCENAR therapy are absent.

SCENAR therapy is used to treat:

Nervous system - disorders of blood circulation in the brain, functions of the spine and sensory organs, epilepsy, radiculitis, Parkinson's disease, nervous system disorders, dystonia;

Cardiovascular system- hypertension and hypotension, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, trophic ulcers, varicose veins veins, endarteritis, blood circulation disorders;

Musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, violation of the integrity of bones, muscles and ligaments;

Respiratory system - ARVI, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia; pleurisy, bronchial asthma;

Digestive system- gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, enteritis, esophagitis;

Genitourinary system - nephritis, urethritis, cystitis, enuresis, abnormal development of organs in children, disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, toxicosis during pregnancy.

With the help of SCENAR the following diseases are treated:

Eye - myopia, strabismus, retinal diseases;

Teeth - periodontal disease, toothache, "complications with dental treatment;

Skin - eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, burns and frostbite, rheumatism, allergies (including psoriasis);

Relieve pain of various origins;

Increases immunity.

In addition, SCENAR therapy is used as an additional effect on the body during complex treatment orthopedic diseases, various injuries, infections.

New method healing is even used in cosmetology: with its help they do a facelift without surgical intervention and micromassage, and also accelerate recovery processes after plastic surgery.

Contraindications to SCENAR therapy

However, there are contraindications to the use of the device. SCENAR treatment cannot be used for acute mental illness, alcohol intoxication (it may intensify).

Its exposure should be avoided:

If there is individual intolerance (such cases have not yet been identified);

If the patient has a pacemaker (possible disruption of its operation); if not delivered accurate diagnosis(the device may subsequently interfere with its placement, as the patient’s condition changes).

Application of SCENAR therapy in medicine

SCENAR therapy is very convenient to use. Therefore, it is now widespread throughout the world and is popular among many doctors. There are still few doctors in Russia who have adopted this method of treatment, and the devices themselves. However, people who are not experts in the use of SCENAR can already use a device designed specifically for them. This version of the device is very easy to use and can become part of your home or car first aid kit. It runs on a charged battery, which lasts for 10-15 hours.

Using the SCENAR device, you can quickly and efficiently provide first aid. This is done by medical specialists who have studied the method of using therapy. Others can use the device for treatment various diseases, following the instructions. Positive effect is usually achieved after 7 - 8 sessions, and in some cases even after the 1st procedure.

Today SCENAR therapy is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health, and SCENAR devices practical application and most importantly, they have passed official certification. This device is now used by thousands of doctors around the world. The effect he produces is often compared to the work of a tuner: he quickly and skillfully sets up all systems human body to perform its functions, i.e., it is not the disease that is affected, but the person. And the result exceeds all expectations.

SCENAR therapy is new approach to study the possibilities of treating the human body. SCENAR treatment in medicine arose at the intersection of 2 different cultures and combines eastern wisdom and latest developments Western scientists in the field of electronic technologies. This method was founded in 1986, although developments have been carried out since the 1960s, during the era of space exploration. Creating conditions that allowed cosmonauts to fly safely pushed Soviet scientists to create new treatment methods. The developers worked for more than 20 years, the first experiments and research were carried out in the strictest secrecy. Now closed developments are already used in medicine and are actively practiced to treat patients.

Design of the SCENAR therapy device

Initially, SCENAR arose in the form of replacing a person (massage therapist) with a device. As you know, massage is carried out as a result of pressing on especially important energy points bodies that, as a result of exposure to them, contribute to the launch of certain mechanisms in the human body. Stimulating important “points” is an integral part of the treatment process.

The SCENAR device, unlike a person, is capable of detecting the slightest changes, i.e., signals from the body that it sends in response to pressure on these points. In eastern countries, the so-called “contact massage” is practiced, which is carried out in certain zones and points of the body. The device really not only passes all these points, but also maintains “feedback”, which helps to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment.

The SCENAR therapy device is designed in such a way that its output signal carries the response “information” that it receives from the human skin as a result of interaction with the device. The change in output signal varies depending on the results of pressure applied to the skin.

This device is used for various diseases. It weighs no more than 300 g. When used, it is able to detect painful changes in the body. Externally, the device is very similar to a television remote control.

SCENAR must interact with the diseased organ by applying the device to this place. In this case, external impulses become “information” that is read from the surface of the patient’s skin. The signals are processed by the device and then returned to the affected area (organ) in a modified form. There is a so-called “dialogue” connection between the device and the patient. At the same time, the frequency of transmission (return) of impulses to the patient increases. Treatment SCENAR “distinguishes” and records signals emanating from the patient. His response impulses can be aimed at curing the patient.

Advantages of the SCENAR technique

Many doctors who use SCENAR therapy in their practice report the following data. The device is capable of completely curing more than 60-65% of diseases, whereas in official medicine this figure is only 32-33% of similar diseases. At the same time, the most high performance doctors have achieved success in treatment genitourinary system, various eye diseases.

SCENAR therapy device, according to data various studies, can also be effective in cases of mastitis (in folk medicine this disease is called breastfeeding), prostatitis (inflammation prostate gland), as well as diseases of the female genital area, in particular inflammation of the appendages.

According to various studies, SCENAR is a device that is safe in its performance. The device operates almost silently, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation in the affected area.

In any case, before starting SCENAR therapy, you must undergo thorough examination and get advice from a specialist doctor.

Continuing the topic of means and methods of treatment not with drugs, but with the help of devices, I wanted to tell you my impressions and leave my review about a device that is used in the field of physiotherapy for the purpose of curing and diagnosing various diseases of various severity and types. As I said in my previous reviews, I have an extremely negative attitude towards such devices that have little to do with diagnostics and are expensive, but nevertheless, I always try to objectively evaluate each product or device. On the Internet you can come across advertisements for such devices, and it will not necessarily be only Scenar. Scenar itself is presented in the form of a remote control device with a black and white screen, on which, when using the device, several indicators are displayed, they are a kind of indicators of the state or level of health. If you trust the manufacturer’s words, the device operates at a certain frequency, at a frequency of 70 kilohertz, and is a kind of sine wave. In other words, the impulse has an irritating effect on nerve endings and fibers, without damaging them, thus stimulating the development of a response - response impulses. Also, according to the manufacturer, we can read that the electric pulse, due to its different amplitude, affects nerve fiber, thereby ensuring the production of neuropeptides, which, like most people who remember biology well from school, stand out among others due to the time of their existence, and they stimulate the body to resist external aggressive factors and contribute to a speedy recovery of the body.

Use at home

Like other devices of this class, the SCENAR is no different in terms of use at home. You can carry the SCENAR with you, which I note as a plus. As for what the device treats from those listed by the manufacturer, I was most confused by diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Yes, the manufacturer and sales companies explain this by the fact that our body consists mainly of water, which is polar, and the impulses that come from the device help improve the functioning of damaged organs, where there is heterogeneous structures molecules (in areas of irritation or damage), normalize the condition of the organ and help bring the diseased organ back to normal. It sounds cool, of course, but on the other hand it’s suspicious. I have already talked about magic pills and the placebo effect - when a patient pays crazy money for a drug or device, but the therapy does not give positive result- the same placebo effect occurs, a person begins to convince himself that he paid for an effective and necessary thing, thereby motivating and setting his body up for recovery. It's about the same system here. A person who bought a device for a lot of money simply cannot afford the pleasure of staying sick. Self-hypnosis and a little physiotherapy.

Personal use

Although I do not welcome such alternative methods of treatment, this device was somehow certified by the Ministry of Health, so it easily fell into my mother’s hands straight from the counter. I want to say that I resisted for a long time, but my mother insisted on her way - it was not in vain that she spent so much money on this. Yes, indeed, I had a question - how can this device cure my diseased pancreas? Using the same impulses? I doubt. Using this device for two weeks I felt only relief. pain symptoms, but I couldn’t wait for their absence.

Video review



Before starting treatment using SCENAR devices, you should carefully analyze your condition and sensations, determine which of the existing diseases, disorders, injuries creates the greatest discomfort and reduces the quality of life. The therapeutic effect is directed at it.

Attention! When treating chronic diseases that are not currently exacerbating, treatment begins with general areas of treatment. Then the symmetrical side is processed, and only after this can treatment of the diseased organ begin.

If it is possible to identify one and only one place where pain is felt, then you should act according to the “Work on a complaint” rule.

If the pain is not localized or several foci of pain are identified, the procedure begins with practicing the general “Three paths, six points” technique.

Using an individually dosed regimen

Individually dosed regimen- this is a mode that takes longer to carry out procedures, but provides a clearer identification of active zones. It is preferably used to treat chronic diseases and conditions.

When working in individually dosed mode, the electrode cannot be moved across the skin. The device is moved from place to place, at each setting, waiting for the dose to be fully worked out (indicated sound signal and turning on all LEDs). The device determines the duration of exposure in a given location independently. When covering an area of ​​skin, the device is moved from top to bottom and from left to right.

Those areas where the dose is processed most quickly or where secondary symptoms are observed will be active.

If you need to treat a large area in an individually dosed mode, you can speed up finding the optimal point by working in the diagnostic mode - monitor only the first indicator and work through to the dose those points at which it turns on the fastest.

To the zone where dose administration took the longest short period time, you need to act additionally (setting up to three doses in a row, or setting the device in a constant mode or a swinging frequency mode for one minute).

It is easier for the central nervous system to receive a signal from a small area of ​​the skin surface than from a large area. The device itself finds areas that respond better to SCENAR - the impact is carried out in the most susceptible zone, which is suggested by the body itself.

Using a subjectively dosed (constant) regimen

Subjectively dosed (constant) regimen- this is a mode usually used to treat severe complaints, acute processes, and injuries. In this mode, the diagnostic, amplitude modulation and frequency sweep functions are disabled.

When operating in constant mode, the SCENAR device is moved over the surface of the skin, smoothly and evenly, lightly pressing on the skin to full contact with the electrode, but there MUST NOT be a fold of skin in front of the device.

The first direction is from top to bottom, from left to right vertically. At the same time, we cover the entire selected area with movements.

The second direction is from right to left and from bottom to top horizontally.

The third direction is from left to right and from top to bottom horizontally.

The fourth direction is from bottom to top and from right to left vertically.

Thus, the impact zone is processed in all directions.

Treatment of the area is not limited to mechanical movement of the device over the skin. During work, it is necessary to look for and analyze secondary signs of the body’s reaction to the operation of the SCENAR device.


Impact energy.

Device impact energy is the power that increases when you press the (+) button and decreases when you press the (-) button. Device power in different zones skin surface is selected according to subjective sensations. There are four degrees of impact:

  1. Weak effect (tingling is not felt or almost not felt).
  2. Comfortable mode of exposure (a slight tingling and vibration is felt).
  3. Intense impact (sensation between comfortable and pain threshold).
  4. Subcomfortable mode of exposure, at the level of the pain threshold (sensations at the limit of tolerable).

U different patients, V various parts body, with various states The body perceives the impulses of the device differently.

Therefore, before starting work, you should place the device on the area where the skin is thinner and more sensitive, and increase the power until a comfortable tingling sensation is achieved, if you work in a comfortable mode. In order to carry out intense effects, you should add a little power.

You should start working on the chest or back, choosing the amplitude on the side surface of the body, where the skin is more sensitive.

To work on the face, you need to select the amplitude on the side surface of the neck. To work on the limbs, the amplitude is selected at internal surfaces joints.

It is not advisable to change the selected power parameters while processing the zone

For children, especially very young children, work should start at minimum power. In the absence negative reaction You can increase the power to a comfortable level.

In old age, with chronic processes, the power of exposure is comfortable.

Acute complaints are processed between a comfortable and pain threshold.

Emergency conditions are at the level of the pain threshold.

Work on mucous membranes (for example, on the tongue) - without a tingling sensation.

Primary and secondary signs

Essence healing process consists in identifying and processing the places of manifestation of primary and secondary signs. The effectiveness of treatment increases with correct definition places of influence.

Primary signs - complaints of pain, itching, loss of sensitivity and other discomfort.

Primary signs may also be wounds, scars, changes in skin color, trophic disorders that appeared before the start of SCENAR treatment.

Secondary signs - these are manifestations detected already in the process of SCENAR - influence.

Secondary signs can be physiological, expressed on the patient’s body in the form of changes in skin color (redness or pallor), the appearance or migration of pain, sensation of insensitive areas, itching after SCENAR exposure. They can appear in both the treated and untreated areas.

Secondary symptoms can also appear as effects of working with the SCENAR device. In constant mode, a sign may be the disappearance or change of sound when moving the electrode over the skin, places where the electrode is difficult to move. In an individually dosed regimen, the secondary symptom is different speed turning on the LEDs (dosage testing).

An example is the processing of liver projections with zones of different activity. The darker the zone, the faster the dose is processed or the stronger the secondary symptoms appear. Additional processing is performed on the darkest area.

Active section rule

When the most active area is found (the area where secondary symptoms are most pronounced or where the dose is processed most quickly), it is processed additionally by administering one to three full doses in an individually dosed mode, or by setting the device for 30 seconds - 1 minute in a constant mode.

General response to SCENAR influence

During or shortly after a SCENAR therapy session, you may experience unexpected drowsiness or, conversely, a surge of energy. There may be a feeling of heat and sweating.

The manifestation of a general response during the exposure means that the session should be completed, since a change in the body’s energy balance has already been achieved, and the body should be given time to implement the changes triggered by the exposure.


In order to avoid changes in the electrical properties of the skin, it is not recommended to wash, shave, or treat the areas intended for treatment with medications or cosmetics for 2 hours before the planned SCENAR exposure.


If possible, clearly indicate “Where does it hurt?”, work begins with an area symmetrical to this zone. Direct treatment of the sore area may lead to some increased pain at the beginning of treatment, and to prevent this, work begins on the other side. As clearly as possible, using a centimeter and marking with a felt-tip pen, you should measure the distance from the sore spot to the spine and mark a symmetrical area on the other side.

If many areas with pain are identified, this rule does not apply. Work begins with common areas, After their processing, the impact on the most painful one begins.

If the complaint is missed and treatment of other areas is started, the recovery process may be delayed. Through pain, the body itself draws attention to the place where it needs to work. The improvement achieved by treating common areas can blur and hide the symptoms of the disease. It may take a long time before the body gives such an accurate hint a second time.

In the case when the place of pain is precisely localized, if you can point to this point with one finger, then in an individually dosed mode on symmetrical point the full dose is given. Full doses are then placed closely above, below, to the left and to the right of this point. The place where the dose was completed the fastest is additionally treated with three doses in a row.

After this, doses are placed along the entire horizontal line from this point to the spine without gaps. The final placement is made on the spinous process of the corresponding vertebra.

If secondary signs appear, their places should be processed in a constant mode, with the swing frequency mode turned on (if available in this device model).

If the entire sequence described above does not provide pain relief, treatment begins in the same order of the most painful area.

In the case where the pain site is defined as a large area, the size of a palm or more, the area symmetrical to it is treated continuously, in all directions, as described above. The location where the secondary symptom appears is processed additionally. Doses are given from this place to the spine, or this area is additionally treated on a continuous basis.

If this does not provide pain relief, treatment begins in the same order of the most painful area.

Dealing with multiple complaints always starts with general areas of influence (see. general techniques). After completing the work on the general areas and identified secondary signs, you need to evaluate the sensations again.

If pain is felt in only one place, then it is processed according to the complaint procedure.

If pain is felt in several places, then the most painful area is selected and also treated according to the method of working on the complaint.


"Three tracks, six points"

This is the main method of SCENAR therapy of general action, which has a therapeutic and preventive effect on all organs and parts of the body, since the treatment is ganglia peripheral and autonomic nervous system.

By placing the device joint to joint in an individually dosed mode, at a comfortable power and standard frequency (60-90 Hz), three paths along the spine are first worked out, in the order of numbers in the figure.

You can also work out the tracks in a constant mode, moving the device first in the center, along the spinous processes, and then on the left and right sides with a gap of one electrode.

It is preferable to perform the procedure on the spine while sitting, since in this case the spine has a load.

To find the seventh cervical vertebra, you need to tilt your head forward. The vertebra that will protrude the most is the seventh cervical vertebra. For convenience, you can mark it with a felt-tip pen at the top and bottom.

If the spine has a curvature, then the paths should follow the shape of the spine, and not be directed vertically in a straight line.

In addition, it is necessary to correctly position the electrode of the device. The electrode is rectangular in shape and the longer side of this rectangle should be parallel to the spine.

1.First track runs from the seventh cervical vertebra to the gluteal fold and then continues from the edge of the scalp to the seventh cervical vertebra. The last placement is made over the seventh cervical vertebra.

The area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra itself belongs to other SCENAR therapy methods; in this case, its treatment is not carried out so as not to distort the body’s responses.

2. Second and third tracks placed at a distance the width of the electrode on both sides of the midline of the spine. The first position is made on the left, then on the right, and so on according to the diagram.

The last placements are made on the neck above the seventh vertebra. If two full settings do not fit to the edge of the scalp, you can start on the scalp so that the second settings are exactly above the seventh cervical vertebra.

Six points are practiced on the face, at six exit points of the branches of the trigeminal nerve. These points are worked from right to left, from bottom to top, that is, on the right side of the chin (first setting), left side of the chin (second setting), nasolabial fold on the right - third setting, on the left - fourth, fifth setting near the bridge of the nose above the right eyebrow, sixth and last - similarly above the left.

The goal when practicing the “three tracks, six points” technique- this is finding the most optimal point in each track (either with the quickest manifestation of secondary symptoms, or with the fastest dose), and then additionally working on these zones. Active areas found on the tracks can be marked with a felt-tip pen.

After this, the most active point found on each track is stimulated with three additional applications until the full dose is reached. The point that was worked out faster in time is the most active, and it needs to be worked out additionally with a change of mode. If the device has a sweeping frequency mode, then the point is processed by turning on this mode for one minute.

If several active points are detected on one track, where the dose is processed in a short, approximately equal time, the highest one should be selected for further processing.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs