Copious, liquid, clear, odorless discharge. Copious (strong) discharge in women: causes, norm and pathology

From the onset of puberty, girls begin to experience vaginal discharge. This is natural and indicates that changes are occurring in the body, due to which the ovaries and uterus develop and begin to function. There are certain signs that allow you to understand whether the organs of the reproductive system are functioning normally or whether there are any problems. A pathology is, for example, the presence of a color or a strong odor in the discharge. The reasons why heavy discharge appears are often questionable. Sometimes only a detailed examination will help you figure it out.


Causes and signs of normal leucorrhoea

Normal mucous secretions are formed as a result of constant renewal of epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of organs. Mucus is produced by the glands of the cervix; waste products of microorganisms that make up the vaginal microflora and other physiological fluids are added to it. Their consistency and volume depend on the characteristics of the body, age, and physiological state of the woman.

The difference between normal discharge and pathological discharge is that it does not cause discomfort and has no odor. They are transparent or white, with a faint yellowish or creamy tint. Ovulation discharge may contain minor traces of blood.

The appearance of heavy discharge is normal in the following cases:

  1. Girls begin puberty. This occurs around 11-14 years of age. 1-1.5 years before this, mucous white discharge appears, which indicates hormonal changes in the body. Glands that produce secretory fluid begin to function in the cervix. The hormonal background does not form immediately. Processes in the organs of the reproductive system also proceed unevenly, and the volume of mucus produced fluctuates. A girl’s discharge during this period can be either small in volume or copious.
  2. The moment of ovulation, the release of a mature egg from the protective shell (follicle), is approaching. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Heavy discharge facilitates the passage of sperm into the uterus to fertilize the egg.
  3. The second half of the cycle ends. At this time, the main role is played by progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy after conception. Thanks to its effect, the glands of the cervix begin to intensively produce jelly-like mucus, which is necessary to facilitate the penetration of the embryo into the uterus and its attachment to the wall. If conception does not occur, then menstruation begins. Therefore, an increase in the volume of mucus before menstruation should not be a cause for concern if it is white (maybe slightly creamy) in color and does not have an unpleasant odor.
  4. Leucorrhoea worsens with sexual excitement.
  5. The cause of watery discharge in a woman is pregnancy;
  6. Menstruation may be heavy. They are normal if their volume does not exceed 80-100 ml and stop after a maximum of 5 days.

Video: Normal and abnormal vaginal discharge

Pathological discharge and its signs

Pathological leucorrhoea can be a manifestation of diseases of the genitourinary system associated with infection and the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms. The cause of many diseases of the uterus and appendages is hormonal imbalance. It occurs in the body due to disruption of the endocrine system, the use of hormonal drugs, and violations of physiological norms.

Diseases can be the consequences of abortion, childbirth, or surgery on the reproductive organs. If heavy discharge occurs due to illness, it usually has an unpleasant odor, a foamy or cheesy consistency, yellow or green color, and contains blood impurities. They cause redness and swelling of the skin in the external genitalia and perineum. Typically, this causes burning and itching in the vagina, increased urination, and all this is accompanied by pain in the bladder.

Diseases that cause excessive leucorrhoea

Pathological discharge occurs as a result of disruption of the glands that produce mucus, cell death, damage to blood and lymphatic vessels, and the formation of pus. The danger is that inflammation quickly spreads in the genitals.

Inflammatory diseases

Copious discharge occurs during inflammatory processes in the following organs:

  1. Colpitis (in the vaginal mucosa). The cause of the disease may be a disturbance in the composition of the microflora and the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci). Failure to comply with hygiene rules and frequent douching contribute to the growth of the number of harmful microbes against the background of the death of beneficial bacteria. Depending on the degree of tissue damage, a woman experiences intense liquid or thick purulent discharge with a foul odor.
  2. Cervicitis (in the flat and columnar epithelium of the cervix). Leucorrhoea may have a pinkish color due to the ingress of blood from damaged small vessels. This is especially noticeable after sexual intercourse. Before and after menstruation, the discharge becomes dark brown.
  3. Endometritis (in the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity - endometrium). Due to damage to endometrial vessels, clots of coagulated blood appear in the discharge. Brown discharge may appear 2 days before your period.
  4. Salpingitis (in the fallopian tubes). In the acute phase of the inflammatory process, the leucorrhoea is watery, has a green tint, and a foul odor.
  5. Oophoritis (in the ovaries). Acute inflammation is accompanied by copious, foul-smelling yellow discharge mixed with pus and blood.

Inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries lead to women experiencing pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, increased temperature, and lead to menstrual irregularities. They often cause infertility or complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Sexually transmitted diseases

They are characterized by abundant watery purulent discharge with a specific odor. They cause burning and itching in the vagina. Urination becomes painful. Pain appears in the lower abdomen. Often such diseases occur in combination, masking each other. This makes them difficult to treat.

Warning: Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases will be effective only when both sexual partners are treated at the same time.

Trichomoniasis. The discharge in this disease is foamy, intense, and has a strong, unpleasant odor. Color – gray, with a yellow tint.

Chlamydia. Mucopurulent discharge with a foul odor is observed. Often in the initial stage it proceeds secretly. But even in the absence of symptoms, the likelihood of infection is high.

Gonorrhea. Gonococci affect the cylindrical epithelium located in the uterus, as well as the bladder and rectum, causing the appearance of cystitis and proctitis. A purulent, profuse yellow discharge appears. Pain in the lower abdomen and symptoms of damage to other pelvic organs occur. You may experience heavy bleeding between periods.

Video: Discharge in women with trichomoniasis

Non-inflammatory infectious diseases

Bacterial vaginosis. The death of beneficial lactobacilli causes increased proliferation of opportunistic bacteria that live in the body without showing anything until they find favorable conditions. The cause may be hormonal disorders, diseases of the genital organs, radiation therapy, use of antibiotics and other factors. A characteristic sign of dysbacteriosis is profuse discharge that irritates the skin of the external genitalia. They are gray in color and smell like rotting fish.

In the treatment of vaginosis, it is important to restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the mucous membranes of the woman’s genital organs. To do this, doctors prescribe not only medications, but also products to normalize the vaginal microflora. Multi-Gyn ActiGel, which contains a complex of biologically active polysaccharides, which is obtained from a gel-like extract of aloe leaves, has proven itself well. It prevents pathogens from gaining a foothold on the genital mucosa and neutralizes them, thereby helping to restore healthy vaginal microflora.

Candidiasis– a fungal disease known as thrush. It is characterized by copious milky-white, cheesy discharge with a sour odor, causing severe itching and burning in the vulva area.

Video: Discharge from gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis)

How to determine the cause of pathological discharge

Based on the nature of the discharge, one can make an assumption about a possible pathology:

  • white curdled leucorrhoea with a sour smell occurs with candidiasis;
  • gray with a fishy smell, transparent, watery - with bacterial vaginosis;
  • yellow – for trichomoniasis;
  • bloody may appear in the presence of an intrauterine device, as well as endometriosis, erosion or cervical cancer;
  • purulent - occur during sexually transmitted infections.

If a woman has suspicious, heavy discharge, she should undergo an examination and take a smear for microflora analysis. A general blood test will confirm the presence of an inflammatory process. Special blood tests (PCR, ELISA) can detect hidden infections. Ultrasound, colposcopy and x-rays are used to detect pathological changes in organ tissue.

Warning: Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. You can’t delay time and fight illnesses with home remedies. Diseases can become chronic and dangerous.

Features of leucorrhoea during pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur as the body prepares for childbirth. The walls of the uterus and vagina become softer and more elastic, and more mucus is produced to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Therefore, an increase in the volume of white, almost transparent discharge is normal. At the beginning of pregnancy they are thicker, and from the 2nd trimester they become more and more thin. In the last weeks, amniotic fluid may begin to leak, which indicates that labor is approaching.

In addition to normal liquid discharge, pregnant women may also experience pathological discharge, which is dangerous to ignore. These include symptoms of thrush, vaginal dysbiosis, inflammatory diseases, and sexually transmitted infections. The doctor prescribes safe medications in order to save the woman from such pathologies and prevent infection of the fetus.

Bloody discharge occurs with erosion of the cervix. They may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy if they are accompanied by pain on one side of the abdomen (where the fetus is implanted). Such discharge appears when the placenta is separated or there is a threat of miscarriage. To maintain pregnancy, bed rest and timely treatment are necessary.

After childbirth, a woman experiences lochia, a discharge associated with cleansing the uterus. In the first days they are intense, reminiscent of heavy periods with remnants of the placenta and epithelium. Gradually their volume decreases, leaving only yellowish mucus. After 1.5 months, the discharge takes on its normal appearance.

There is probably no woman or girl who would not be concerned about the problem of her vaginal discharge. This issue becomes especially important after the start of sexual activity, since vaginal discharge can serve as a symptom of the disease. As a rule, normal discharge is colorless and odorless, and is not accompanied by itching or other unpleasant sensations. Their number normally varies quite widely, increasing during the period of ovulation or during sexual arousal. But the appearance of purulent, foamy or curdled discharge from the vagina and cervix should be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Watery discharge in women without odor

The norm for a healthy vagina and uterus is watery discharge in women that is odorless and colorless. They also indicate sexual health. Vaginal discharge should include:

  • transparent, consistency – mucous or jelly-like;
  • odorless or with a light and rather pleasant odor;
  • do not cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • not accompanied by pain, fever, or discomfort.<

The amount of daily watery discharge in women that is odorless and colorless is normally about 0.5 grams. Of course, this is an average amount, which differs quite greatly within individual characteristics.

White vaginal discharge in women without odor

White, odorless vaginal discharge in women is also quite normal. They appear in the process of cleansing the cavity of dead epithelial cells and infectious agents. Their consistency and quantity varies depending on the phase of the cycle, just as in the case of clear discharge.

What does excessive mucus secretion in women mean?

Copious, odorless, watery discharge in women is usually observed in the first months of pregnancy or during ovulation. These days, the amount of mucus discharge increases - this is due to physiological changes in the body characteristic of these conditions.

If the discharge is accompanied by the smell of rotten fish, this may be a sign of bacterial vaginosis. At the beginning of the disease, they remain quite liquid, but if left untreated, the leucorrhoea thickens and acquires an unpleasant greenish-yellow tint.

Excessive mucus secretion in women can be a sign of inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In this case, the abdominal section of the tube becomes blocked due to the narrowing of the canal, serous fluid accumulates in it, which then spills into the uterine cavity, and from there into the vagina. If left untreated, this vaginal discharge also becomes thick over time and contains an admixture of pus.

When does a strong smell of discharge appear in women?

The appearance of an unpleasant odor is a clear sign of an infection. The rapid growth of microorganisms is accompanied by the release of gases, the smell of which resembles the “aroma” of rotten fish. At the same time, as a rule, a feeling of itching or burning appears in the vagina, since the waste products of microbes irritate the mucous membranes. The pungent odor of discharge in women is always associated with poor microflora and the development of an infectious process. It is impossible to cure it on your own, since the risk of the infection becoming chronic is too high.

Liquid white discharge with a sour odor in women

Liquid white discharge with a sour odor in women, especially during pregnancy, should also be a cause for concern. They most often indicate the development of thrush or another fungal disease. The characteristic smell of sour milk and white color are their main features. Treatment, as a rule, takes no more than two to three days, but only a doctor should prescribe it.

The slightly acidic environment of the vagina and its natural microflora prevent the development of pathogens that enter there from the outside. The mucus in the cervix serves as protection against infection spreading further into the uterus and ovaries. In a healthy woman, the removal of mucus to the outside is a normal physiological phenomenon. Its appearance only changes in different phases of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, it is normal for a woman to have watery discharge. But sometimes they are caused by serious diseases, the success of treatment of which depends on timely diagnosis.


What can cause natural fluid discharge in women?

The consistency and volume of discharge varies depending on the stage of the cycle. The density of mucus produced by the glands of the cervix depends on the ratio of female sex hormones that ensure the production and maturation of eggs. Immediately after the end of menstruation, a “dry” period begins. The estrogen content is minimal, the mucous plug is the densest, and there is almost no discharge.

As estrogen levels rise and the egg matures, the discharge becomes more watery, and by the time you ovulate, the discharge has the consistency of egg white. The lowest density is observed within a few days after ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the protective bladder). The liquid consistency of the medium ensures the free passage of sperm towards the egg, as well as its further movement into the uterus. In this phase, the content of estrogen decreases, the main role is played by progesterone, the function of which is to provide conditions for the further development of the embryo.

To better secure the fertilized egg in the uterus, its epithelial layer swells and loosens. At the same time, the fluid content in the tissues increases. All this leads to the appearance of transparent liquid discharge from the genitals in a woman. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the mucus begins to thicken. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (epithelial layer) is rejected, menstruation occurs, and a new cycle begins.

Thus, the appearance of liquid, odorless, water-like discharge closer to the middle and in the second half of the cycle is a physiological norm. In this case, the woman does not experience any unpleasant sensations.

Liquid, water-like discharge may also appear in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during sexual intercourse (due to an increase in the volume of natural lubrication during sexual arousal);
  • as a result of frequent changes of sexual partners (due to changes in the vaginal microflora);
  • with hormonal changes, which may be caused by a lack of regular sexual activity, pregnancy protection, as well as the use of hormone-containing drugs and antibiotics;
  • due to stress, climate change, affecting biochemical processes in a woman’s body, including the production of hormones.

Video: What role does clear discharge play before menstruation?

Watery discharge during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. This prevents the maturation of new eggs and keeps the embryo firmly in the uterus. Therefore, there is usually no watery discharge.

At 12-13 weeks, the concentration of estrogen begins to increase, ensuring the creation of new fetal cells and preparing the woman’s body for childbirth (the condition of the cervical tissue changes, the mucous plug liquefies). The appearance of watery discharge in women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is natural if it is colorless, odorless, and not accompanied by burning or itching.

At the end of pregnancy, thin, water-like discharge appears due to mucus mixing with urine. The uterus and fetus put pressure on the bladder, causing it to not close completely.

When watery discharge during pregnancy is a sign of pathology

Dangerous symptoms in women are:

  • the appearance of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor (putrid, sour or fishy);
  • green, yellow, gray color (indicates the presence of bacteria);
  • brown or red discharge (signs of internal bleeding);
  • irritation and itching of the skin in the perineum, burning sensation in the vagina;
  • foamy or other unusual discharge structure;
  • increase in temperature;

These signs may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes and infection with sexually transmitted infections. There is a threat of miscarriage or complications during childbirth, and there is a high probability of infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

Addition: If a woman does not have all these ominous signs, but the discharge, like water, has a yellow color and a sweetish smell, this may indicate fluid leakage from the amniotic sac. This condition is dangerous in the middle of pregnancy, causing premature birth and fetal death. At the very end of pregnancy, leakage indicates the onset of labor.

What diseases cause fluid discharge in women?

The cause of watery discharge can be inflammation and infection of the genital tract, uterus and appendages.

Salpingo-oophoritis– inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, damage, engorgement and scarring of the mucous membrane occurs, and tissue swelling occurs. There is a narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, a violation of their patency. It becomes difficult to capture eggs and move them through the tubes to the uterus. The fluid released in areas of inflammation accumulates in the uterine cavity and comes out in the form of copious mucous secretions.

If the inflammation is not treated, it becomes chronic, and the discharge thickens and acquires a green-yellow color due to the admixture of pus.

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis). This disease is associated with the proliferation of pathogenic gardnerella microbes in the vagina due to disruption of the natural microflora. The cause of the disorder may be improper douching, changing sexual partners (unprotected sex), using inappropriate contraceptives, or using antibiotics.

Inflammation subsequently spreads to the uterus and appendages. A characteristic sign of gardnerellosis is watery, often yellow discharge with a fishy odor.

Note: Gardnerella is normally always present in moderate quantities in women. Dysbacteriosis contributes to their increased reproduction.

Candidiasis (thrush)- fungal infection of the vagina. The proliferation of fungi present in the microflora occurs due to dysbacteriosis. In this case, vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) or vulvovaginitis (simultaneous damage to the external part of the genital organs) occurs. In this case, a woman’s discharge may have a cheesy appearance and a sour smell. There is a strong burning sensation, swelling of the genital organs, and general weakness. Urination becomes painful and frequent.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of thrush

Cervical erosion. The causes of erosion are varied: inflammatory and infectious diseases, trauma to the cervix during abortion and childbirth. Mucous liquid discharge may contain blood. In the advanced stage they become mucopurulent.

Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix, often accompanying erosion. There is a great danger of infection spreading along the ascending path into the uterus and appendages.

Cervical cancer. Copious discharge, liquid like water, appears due to the fact that lymph leaks through damaged tissue.

Endometritis- pathology associated with excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus, its spread into the tubes and even into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, processes associated with the functioning of the ovaries and the production of hormones are disrupted. Watery discharge has streaks of blood and an unpleasant odor. They intensify before menstruation and appear immediately after them.

Sexually transmitted diseases(infectious agents are transmitted sexually). These include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and others. The discharge in the initial stage is abundant, watery, with an unpleasant odor. The consequences in women are extensive inflammatory processes with severe complications. Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time.

Video: Diseases that cause pathological vaginal discharge

Watery discharge in women, like water, is a natural result of the functioning of the excretory system. Most women consult a doctor with this symptom. But it does not always indicate pathological processes.

Functions of the excretory system

The process of functioning of the glandular structures of the reproductive system plays an important role in reproduction.

A woman's vaginal fluid performs a number of functions:

  • cleansing organs of old epithelium;
  • protection against inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • maintaining natural Ph balance;
  • moisturizing the vagina during sexual intercourse;
  • participation in metabolic processes.

Doctors say that a healthy woman should have discharge throughout her entire cycle. Their structure and volume change depending on hormonal surges. In the first half of the cycle, vaginal secretion is much thinner than in the second. On certain days of the cycle, liquid leucorrhoea indicates an increase in fertility levels.

When analyzing the functioning of a woman’s excretory system, the following data is taken into account:

  • state of the endocrine system;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • presence or absence of a sexual partner;
  • age;
  • past pregnancies and abortions;
  • use of contraceptive methods.

The optimal volume of natural vaginal discharge is no more than 20 ml.

Physiological causes of the symptom

Watery, odorless discharge in women is absolutely normal. But they should not be excessively abundant and include foreign impurities.

The physiological causes of liquid vaginal secretion are as follows:

  • ovulation period;
  • sexual arousal;
  • the process of puberty;
  • climatic period.

The consistency of vaginal secretion directly depends on the level of hormones. Their fluctuations are typical during the maturation of the genital organs, during pregnancy and menopause. The discharge varies on different days of the menstrual cycle. They can become liquid after menstruation. This is due to the effects of estrogen. Thanks to them, the follicles increase in size, the endometrium prepares for implantation.

These days are considered fertile. The likelihood of becoming pregnant during sexual contact during this period increases. Liquid leucorrhoea provides a favorable environment for the advancement of sperm.

Liquid secretion during ovulation occurs as a result of follicle rupture. The egg in the follicle is surrounded by fluid. The larger the follicle, the more fluid coming out of the vagina a woman notices. With double ovulation, vaginal mucus becomes abundant. It may contain bloody inclusions. Typically, such discharge lasts from 2 to 4 days.

During pregnancy, leucorrhoea becomes thinner in the third trimester. In the absence of an unpleasant odor and discomfort, they are considered the limit of the norm. Blood indicates placental abruption. In this case, hospitalization is necessary.

Immediately before the onset of labor, a watery secretion accompanies the passage of the plug. This phenomenon indicates the body’s readiness for delivery.

Pathological causes

Heavy discharge lasting more than 5 days is not normal. What it could be will help determine the accompanying symptoms and a comprehensive examination. An increased amount of vaginal fluid with an odor indicates the development of an infection.

Copious white discharge before menstruation does not always indicate a disorder. They can be caused by an increase in progesterone. Sometimes this phenomenon accompanies a developing pregnancy.

Pathological causes of an increase in the volume of fluid from the vagina include:

  • colpitis;
  • erosion;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • endometritis.

If atypical secretion is detected, it is advisable to consult a doctor. A routine chairside examination will not be enough. It is necessary to undergo tests and visit an ultrasound room.

Color Analysis

When a woman evaluates vaginal secretion, attention is paid to its color and volume. Sometimes the watery secretion changes color when it dries on underwear. Most often yellow spots appear. They may also indicate an inflammatory process. Its source is often gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

Brown spots in the vaginal secretion indicate bleeding. Heading towards the exit from the vagina, she manages to curl up. This affects its color. This pathology is typical for erosion, physical damage to organs, fibroids and polyps.

When to sound the alarm

Clear vaginal fluid in itself is not considered a pathology. Warning symptoms include the following:

  • itching and watery discharge;
  • burning;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • foamy vaginal secretion;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • pus;
  • watery secretion with an unpleasant odor;

Particular vigilance is required during pregnancy. The listed symptoms detected during pregnancy can have an extremely adverse effect on its development.

The danger of sexually transmitted diseases lies in the suppression of reproductive function.

Diagnosis and treatment

To assess the nature of the secretory function, it is not recommended to independently palpate the internal area of ​​the vagina. There is a possibility of infection. The inspection is carried out by a qualified specialist in his office.

A sample of biological fluid is taken for testing. A detailed survey is also conducted. The woman should be informed about the regularity of her menstrual cycle and the symptoms associated with the discharge.

If the smear is clean, hormone tests are prescribed. Additionally, ultrasound monitoring is performed. Treatment is prescribed only after diagnosis. For infectious diseases, ointments or suppositories are prescribed. During therapy, sexual activity is temporarily suspended. Preventive treatment measures are also carried out by the partner.

If the microflora is disturbed, agents are prescribed to restore it. Watery discharge during ovulation and during pregnancy does not require treatment. Deviations of the endocrine system are treated with hormonal drugs.


Following preventive principles will help you avoid problems with the reproductive system. These include regular visits to the gynecologist, compliance with hygiene rules and clean sexual contacts. At the slightest suspicion of pathology, it is advisable to contact an antenatal clinic.

3 days before ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes very abundant and watery, which is the norm, not a pathology.

Sexual arousal

Some women may experience heavy, watery vaginal discharge immediately after sexual intercourse. This is a variant of the norm and indicates a high surge in hormones and sexual arousal against this background. A woman may produce discharge, similar in consistency to water, for several hours and even days after sexual intercourse.

Pathological causes of watery vaginal discharge

The causes of vaginal discharge, which do not have a pathological picture, were discussed above. That is, they are caused by completely natural physiological processes in a woman’s body.

Also, we have already said that if a woman’s discharge of a watery consistency lasts more than 5 days, then in this case she needs to visit a gynecologist.

Inflammatory process in the body

If the vaginal discharge is watery and very abundant, then this may indicate an acute inflammatory process. In particular, the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the uterine mucosa may be susceptible to an inflammatory or infectious process.

In this case, the watery discharge will become yellowish within a few days, sometimes mixed with pus or blood. Painful vaginal discharge changes its odor (becomes foul-smelling), as well as color and consistency.

It is important to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in time and stop it. This can only be done if you consult a gynecologist.



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