Well, how to stop these bubbles from blowing. Herpes during pregnancy: simple (on the lips) and genital

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Herpes is a viral disease that causes damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, eyes, and nose. The disease is characterized by massive rashes in the form of blisters filled with liquid. Herpes is accompanied by itching, burning, and inflammation of the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

  • Read the review of Papinol for and boosting immunity

How Elena, 33 years old, cured herpes with immunoglobulin

My husband and I both had genital herpes. A very unpleasant disease. Not only were the rashes constant, but the general malaise also bothered me. For me, herpes appeared regularly once a month, for my husband a little less often - once every two to three months. Sometimes the temperature even rose during an exacerbation.

We tried to be treated with different pills and ointments, but to no avail. Even sex became no longer a joy. The problem became more acute when we decided to have a child. We read a lot of information on the Internet about how dangerous the presence of herpes in parents is for the unborn child. We had to come close to solving this pressing issue.

We went to the Herpetic Center in Moscow. Here we offer several options for how to treat herpes. We decided on immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulins are antibodies produced by human lymphocytes. As the doctor explained to us, they selectively bind to certain antigens (herpes virus, in our case) and neutralize them. Immunoglobulins are obtained from human blood plasma. It is pre-enriched with antibodies.

The doctor also told us the benefits of treatment with immunoglobulins. They affect not just the rash, but the very cause of the disease - the virus. They have a powerful antiviral effect. And most importantly, they restore damaged fibers of the nervous system that were affected by strains of herpes. Thus, although the virus remains in the blood (it is completely impossible to get rid of it), it becomes very weak and loses all its viability. At least for a long time. Immunoglobulins increase immunity, which means they prevent the herpes virus from developing.

We underwent a course of immunoglobulin treatment - we were given injections for a month. Almost a year has passed since then. During this time, neither my husband nor I developed herpes. This is an excellent result, since previously he climbed regularly. In addition, our overall immunity has increased, we have practically stopped getting sick, and we feel more energetic and alert. Now we are seriously planning a child.

History of treatment of herpes with Acyclovir Vladislava, 26 years old

Several years ago I suffered greatly from herpes. An ex-girlfriend gave it to me. Painful ulcers appeared regularly on the genitals. Every month they gave me no rest. I had sex life from time to time - I felt enormous discomfort and pain from time to time.

Three years after the infection, I finally decided to go to the doctor with my problem. Yes, I should have contacted you right away. But, to be honest, I had a complex. By all the signs I understood that it was herpes, so I knew that the disease was not fatal. But in the end, I was so sick of this sore that I overstepped my modesty.

I told everything to the doctor. By the way, he said that I shouldn’t be making complexes - almost 90% of the world’s inhabitants suffer from herpes, and many come to him with this very disease. In general, for people like him, this is a common thing.

The doctor prescribed me treatment for herpes with Acyclovir. This is an antiviral drug that must be taken in a course to achieve lasting results. I was prescribed a course for five days. During this time, I had to take five Acyclovir 200 mg tablets every five hours every day.

Since then I have practically stopped getting herpes. Sometimes it happens once a year that she breaks out, but not at all like before. Just one or two small sores.

By the way, I would like to note the fact that the medicine was brought to me from Germany. My father worked there, and he sent high-quality drugs. This is very important, because many in our country complain that they cannot be cured with Acyclovir. At first I was surprised, because I managed to completely suppress herpes with this particular drug. And then one doctor friend said that in Russia you may not be able to get high-quality Acyclovir; a lot of counterfeit pharmaceutical products are hitting the shelves. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, check the authenticity of the medicine or buy from trusted places.

In addition to treatment, it is very important to maintain your immune system in good shape. For example, I completely eliminated alcohol from my life. Every morning on an empty stomach I drink water with lemon juice. I squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink it. Sometimes I use any fruit juice instead of water. This simple remedy perfectly strengthens the immune system.

Of course, I take vitamin supplements and exercise. Good, restful sleep is also very important for strong immunity. You need to sleep at least 7-9 hours a day. If the immune system is in order, then herpes will rarely bother you.

Life story of treatment of herpes with antiviral drugs Daria, 31 years old

At the very beginning of the relationship, my boyfriend told me that he had genital herpes. But I loved him very much, besides, we had protected sex, and I was not afraid for my health. Moreover, he never had any external symptoms.

Our relationship became more trusting, and we decided to give up condoms and experiment with hormonal contraceptives. Then I realized that I could get herpes from him. But he said that he practically never gets rashes; he can live with this sore, they say, it’s the same as a rash on the lips. In general, I wasn’t worried about this at all.

This went on for several months. And then I got a cold. I had a fever, a runny nose, a cough - the whole bunch. I came to my senses for about a week, and then suddenly my temperature rose again to 38 degrees, I felt unwell again, and had muscle aches. I immediately thought that the untreated ARVI was making itself felt. But after a couple of days, the lymph nodes in my groin became inflamed and small itchy blisters appeared in the area of ​​the labia minora. This is where I started to panic.

Out of fear, I went online to look for a description of the symptoms and methods of treating this infection. She diagnosed herself with genital herpes. Judging by the herpes cases I found and described, it is not difficult to treat the disease. I came to the conclusion that it is enough to increase immunity. This can be achieved by drinking immunomodulators and antiviral drugs.

I immediately rushed to the pharmacy to buy all the antiviral drugs I knew - Acyclovir, Amiksin, Panavir, etc. Fear, as you know, has big eyes, so I started taking pills indiscriminately. Of course, it was worth reading at least the instructions for these medications first, but I was so scared that I thought - the more, the better.

I just didn't feel any better. I took pills for five days and came to disappointing conclusions - they didn’t help me. I had to stop my treatment for herpes at home and see a doctor. I was lucky to find a good gynecologist. She calmed me down and convinced me that I did the right thing in turning to her in the end.

The gynecologist explained to me that I had chosen the wrong treatment regimen. And this, in turn, could lead to frequent relapses of herpes. And relapses sometimes cause serious complications on the central nervous system and affect the brain. In addition, the herpes virus often causes cervical cancer. In general, a terrible picture. If I had known what my carelessness would lead to, I would certainly have used only condoms with my partner. In addition, after the doctor’s story, I swore not to self-medicate.

I passed all the tests. Unfortunately, my preliminary diagnosis was confirmed. I had the herpes virus in my blood. The doctor prescribed me to take Famciclovir at a dosage of 250 mg. This is an effective antiviral remedy for herpes. I drank it three times a day for a week.

After the course of treatment, I completely forgot about genital herpes. It's been a year now that he hasn't bothered me. It is a pity that a remedy has not yet been created that would completely destroy it in the blood, but since it is impossible to get rid of it completely, then at least the symptoms no longer appear.

How Anna, 23 years old, treated herpes with ozone therapy

Herpes on my lips tormented me from the age of 14. I remember how I went to the sea with my parents, my face was badly burned, and the next day rashes appeared on my lips. And since then, herpes has been my life companion. As soon as you get too cold or nervous, catch a cold or get sunburned, it immediately appears.

I was treated with whatever I could - ointments, tablets. I went to see an immunologist. He prescribed many medications, but they did not give any results. Then I tried traditional treatment for herpes. Also no effect.

I would have lived with this nasty thing if my friend hadn’t advised me to go to the ozone therapy center. Her mother worked there, so she wouldn’t give bad advice. In general, I decided to undergo the procedure.

Initially, I thought that the site of the rash would be treated directly with ozone. But it turned out that the effect should be on the entire body and the immune system as a whole. Thus, the immune system will be activated and the herpes virus will be suppressed by the body’s own forces.

First of all, they did all the tests, an immunogram, and checked my thyroid gland so that there were no contraindications for ozone treatment. In the end, I was prescribed six procedures.

Before starting the course, I read reviews on the Internet about the treatment of herpes with ozone. It seems that everyone remained alive and even praised the procedures. In general, I decided too.

The first procedure lasted fifteen minutes. They inserted a needle into my vein and took some blood. This blood was enriched with ozone and injected back into my vein. That's all. All my fears and concerns about ozone therapy were in vain. It's not painful or scary at all.

Then I completed the entire course and was very pleased. Literally after the first procedure, my health improved significantly. Herpes no longer appeared on the lips. Now I intend to undergo preventive ozone therapy procedures once a year. They strengthen the immune system perfectly, and I have hardly been sick since I took the first course.

A story about the treatment of herpes with folk remedies by Alina, 25 years old

I have had sores on my lips for as long as I can remember - since early childhood. Sometimes it even rashes in the nose, on the mucous membrane. Ulcers appear quite often - once every six months, consistently. I am not a follower of classical medicine and believe that all medicines should be sought in the surrounding nature.

For myself, I have chosen several methods of treating herpes with folk remedies. I’m sharing them, maybe they will help someone else:

  • Kalanchoe juice. As soon as my lips begin to tingle, I apply cut Kalanchoe leaves to future areas of the rash. The sap of the plant dries out the area and transfers the disease from the active phase to the passive phase. That is, herpes doesn’t even have time to pop up.
  • Fir oil. At the same stage, when your lips just begin to tingle and burn, you can use fir oil. Even if bubbles have already appeared, you can lubricate them with oil, and they will quickly disappear and will not get wet.
  • Gum resin. In order to obtain it, you should take a sheet of thick, high-quality paper (not newsprint or uncoated). You need to set it on fire over a plate and wait until it burns completely. There will be a yellow resin residue at the bottom of the dish. This is gum resin. It can be used to lubricate diseased areas of the skin or mucous membranes.
I use these proven treatment methods when one is more convenient. The most important thing is not to miss the moment when herpes is about to appear and “strangle” it in the bud.

How to treat herpes - watch the video:

How to live with genital herpes? This is a question that plagues many people who have encountered this infection. The fact is that no modern means can guarantee a complete cure for such a pathology. The realization that you can infect your partner becomes an obsessive thought that disrupts your entire normal way of life. The problem is indeed very complex, but there are no hopeless situations.

The essence of pathology

Genital herpes is an infectious disease that is initially localized on the skin and mucous membranes in the genital area.

The pathology is deservedly classified as a sexually transmitted disease, because it is unprotected sex with an infected partner that becomes the main method of infection.

The main disease is herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Statistics indicate that women are affected significantly more often than men, with peak infections occurring between the ages of 19 and 30 years.

One of the features of HSV is that the initial manifestation of the lesion is found at the site of the initial introduction of the pathogen into the body. That is why the genitals and nearby areas (perineum, anus, thighs) are the first to suffer. The disease begins with a sensation of burning, itching, redness and swelling in the area. A characteristic sign is the appearance of bubbles with cloudy liquid, which, after rupture, form painful ulcers. Other symptoms include the following: fever, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, general weakness, muscle pain and headache.

The main danger of the disease is that the infection has a tendency to spread throughout the body. If no therapeutic measures are taken or the immune defense is low, different systems may be affected: nerve cells, eyes, respiratory organs and even the brain. Blood clotting may be seriously impaired.

What is the main problem of pathology? Currently, there are no drugs that can completely destroy the herpes virus. It has a unique property: when exposed to medications, it penetrates into nerve cells and goes into a latent state. In this case it is impossible to get it. An infected person, given the manifestations of the disease, seems to be cured, but in fact the infection remains in the body for life.

  1. The infected person does not feel the disease, but at the same time he is a carrier of HSV, capable of infecting others.
  2. When favorable conditions appear, the “dormant” virus is activated and causes an exacerbation of herpes.

In other words, the pathology in question is incurable, but living with genital herpes is not a death sentence, but certain standards of behavior that must be taken into account. You live with a constant infection, but there is practically no danger of dying, and you need to learn to cope with other problems.

Psychological aspect

The first most powerful impact on a person of being told that he is infected with herpes is psychological. Knowing that the disease is incurable, the patient panics, believing that normal life is over.

In fact, herpes does not mean loneliness; it is not a terrible or fatal pathology. It is at the diagnostic stage that a specialist must help a sick person cope with stress and teach him to live a normal life even with herpes.

What are your main fears? First of all, a lesion in the intimate area causes shame, which leads to a delay in visiting a doctor. The victim begins to frantically look for a way out of the situation, experiencing stress, which provokes an exacerbation of the disease. It is important to overcome yourself and consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear. Only proper professional treatment guarantees elimination of the acute phase of the disease.

The next problem is the fear of relapses of exacerbation. This condition is dangerous because the body produces certain hormones that can negatively affect the immune system, which accelerates the relapse of the disease. In order for such fears to occur to a person as rarely as possible, it is necessary to take medications prescribed by a doctor, which should develop confidence in controlling the process.

A very common phobia is the fear of infecting a loved one through sexual contact. This is a dangerous psychological effect that can affect the ability to have sex. Psychologists recommend not hiding the disease from a loved one, but telling him everything. Only together, realizing the degree of danger, do they resolve the issue of sexual intimacy. Sex is unacceptable in the acute phase, even with barrier contraceptives. During the period of remission, sexual contact is allowed, but only with the use of a condom.

Sexual problems

You can live with herpes without paying attention to this circumstance. However, in this case, other people who become infected during sex will suffer. Sexual life is an important aspect of human existence, and therefore it requires special adjustments in the presence of illness. If you have rashes, you should completely avoid sex.

During the period of exacerbation, the bubbles concentrate not only on the genital organ, but also in nearby areas (perineum, thighs). Any mechanical impact can destroy the bubbles, and the liquid from them with a high content of virus spreads throughout the body of the partner and the skin of the carrier himself. In such cases, infection is inevitable with any protection. After treatment, HSV goes into a latent state, and the symptoms of the disease disappear. At this stage, sexual intercourse is acceptable using a condom, but even in such circumstances there is no guarantee that infection will be avoided. That is why it is important that the partner is aware of the existing risk and makes a decision consciously.

The issue of conception is complicated. The infection can penetrate the placenta with subsequent damage to the baby's nervous system. The greatest risk of harm to the fetus exists in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when internal organs are actively forming. There is a high probability of infection during childbirth. An affected child may experience complications in the eyes and cardiovascular system. Even deaths in newborns have been recorded. This indicates a very high risk of pregnancy for an infected woman.

What to do

What should be done so that life with herpes does not seem like a nightmare? First of all, at the first signs of illness, you need to consult a doctor, and it’s also a good idea to visit a psychotherapist who will help alleviate psychological stress.

To ensure a normal life with herpes, it is recommended to take the following steps:

Herpes is not a death sentence that leads to loneliness. The herpes virus cannot be completely defeated, but driving it very far away, and so that it cannot manifest itself in any way, is quite possible.

Correct behavior will minimize relapses of exacerbation, and a full life depends on the infected person himself and his psychological balance.

Internal herpes is one of the worst viral diseases that people have to face. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from doctors at the clinic.

Under no circumstances should delays be allowed, as the infection spreads quickly and leads to dire consequences. If you don’t want to personally become acquainted with the danger, it is better to study the disease well.

Herpes of internal organs in different types

With herpes of internal organs, it is not always possible to recognize the presence of the virus in a timely manner. A correct diagnosis requires a complete examination, which will provide accurate information about the patient’s condition. The latest techniques are now being used to quickly identify violations and reduce the risk of spread.

Although when considering the symptoms, the difference should be noted when it comes into contact with a person.

  • Esophagus;
  • Lungs;
  • Liver;
  • Other types.

The symptoms absolutely indicate herpes of internal organs. Doctors quickly recognize the disease, since its manifestation is difficult to confuse with something else.

Today, there are proven examination methods that guarantee confirmation of suspicions. So you need to look at each type in detail to know when to go to the hospital


Internal herpes often appears in the esophagus. Many patients have to face this problem, which is why all the symptoms were carefully studied. They must be known to the person who may encounter the virus at any time.

  • Pain in the chest area;
  • Pain while swallowing;
  • Difficulty swallowing food;
  • Dramatic weight loss.

Internal herpes and its symptoms develop quickly in the esophagus. It spreads over the surface, gradually disrupting the patient’s normal functioning.

He has to constantly feel pain, and eating becomes an unbearable process. This problem does not disappear over time; in such cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

Herpes develops easily within the body. The mucous membrane of the esophagus in a short time becomes covered with small ulcers, causing terrible pain.

Over time, liquid food becomes the only nutrition, and other options bring unbearable sensations. Accordingly, a person begins to lose weight at a fantastic rate, and the necessary help can only be obtained after hospitalization.


Symptoms of herpes in the body do not often affect the lungs. This type of pneumonia remains one of the rarest viral diseases, but it also needs to be taken into account when considering possible troubles.

When a person has to deal with such a problem, treatment takes a lot of time. The main mistake is incorrect judgment of manifestations, and at the same time untimely seeking medical help.

What symptoms should you look for?

  • Sharp cough;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Regular shortness of breath;
  • Pain in the chest area;
  • Weakness and fatigue.

The symptoms and treatment of internal herpes when the lungs are infected are constantly being studied by specialists. Doctors rarely encounter such a disease, so it is difficult for them to draw conclusions.

Although there are proven methods, they are used only after a complete examination, which makes it possible to discard other diagnoses.

When the lungs are affected, herpes inside the body produces symptoms similar to traditional pneumonia. This greatly complicates the work of doctors. They have to take additional tests so as not to confuse the treatment.

The difference remains significant, because the virus leads to partial destruction and gradual infection of the alveoli. After which the manifestations change slightly, showing a different clinical picture.


Herpes on internal organs shows symptoms similar to other diseases. This makes testing difficult, especially when the infection concerns the liver.

In such a situation, the patient is faced with unpleasant sensations that arise involuntarily or persist constantly. Medical practice has made it possible to highlight several of the most revealing moments.

  • Increased body temperature;
  • Increased bilirubin content;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent migraines;
  • Communication is poor.

Herpes inside a person can infect the liver. In this case, the sensations become unambiguous, so the patient must independently understand that he requires urgent hospitalization. The consequences are not so terrible, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus at home.

Liver herpes, symptoms appear due to an enlarged lining. The deformity causes pain and suffering for a person, which should force him to see a doctor.

If this is not done, the disease will continue to progress, under certain conditions spreading to other organs.

Why is internal herpes dangerous?

When wondering whether herpes can affect internal organs, people often don't believe the answer. They are accustomed to considering the virus to be only small sores that form on visible mucous membranes. This is a serious mistake that does not allow you to correctly recognize the true danger of infection.

The virus easily penetrates the human body. So, herpes in the lungs appears during breathing, so it is impossible to stop it without special protective equipment. This marks the first danger, which is the ease of infection.

Yes, once confronted with the virus, the patient quickly recognizes the nature of his sensations, but he still will not be able to describe them.

The third danger is the difficulty of eliminating. Treatment of herpes internally is carried out through medications, but they are not sufficiently effective.

In such cases, the main question is focused on the state of the human immune system. It must protect the body in order to prevent the ulcers from spreading over a large area.

How to protect yourself from getting infected by a virus?

What is internal herpes? A virus that enters the body through several different routes. No one wants to face it, but there are no 100% remedies. Even individual bandages will not stop the spread of the disease, so doctors advise paying attention to another point.

Treatment of internal herpes is a complex and unpleasant process. After hospitalization, the patient will be faced with various procedures and tests, after which an accurate diagnosis will be made and a course of medication will be selected.

It is much more practical to protect yourself from danger in advance. The main secret of this is that it is guaranteed to exclude the penetration of microbes.

How to treat internal herpes? Contact a specialist, since it is almost impossible to cope with the virus at home. The virus remains one of the worst, which is directly related to the similarity of symptoms.

This fact does not allow the fight against the disease to be started in a timely manner, and after some time the area of ​​infection becomes significant.

- Andrey Evgenievich, how does herpes manifest itself?

In two forms: typical and atypical. A typical one is a blistering rash: first itching, redness, a feeling of discomfort, then a bubble appears at the site of the redness, it opens and a crust forms. This applies to the pubis and the skin of the scalp of the genitals. Sometimes the virus is located on the mucous membrane. There it rarely comes to a bubble. Most often this is redness and immediate erosion.

Memo 1. A self-respecting person checks his health at least once a year. If you are going to have sexual intercourse with a new partner, then you need to go and find out your status - get smears and blood tests to know what infections you are carrying. If antibodies to the virus are detected, do not panic. It must be remembered that the mucous membrane is rich in microorganisms and viruses. Having antibodies to herpes, you have the right to release viruses onto the mucous membrane asymptomatically. It's not a crime. The main thing is that these antibodies are normal.
2. If a girl has contact for the first time in her life and she knows that her boyfriend has already had sexual experience, then it is better to ask him to wear protective equipment.
3. If you have an exacerbation of a herpes infection, your sexual partner should know about it.
In order not to succumb to the panic caused by a number of commercial clinics that post scary tales about herpes on their websites, contact the “Man and Herpes” school for advice. It operates at the Institute of Immunology (Moscow, Kashirskoye Shosse, 24, building 2). The school motto is: “Forewarned is forearmed.” Not only those who are sick come here, but also those who want to know the truth. Lectures are free. They usually start at 18.00 and take place every three months. Topics are posted on our institute’s website www.inim.ru or on the website www.herpes.ru

- What other diseases can it be confused with? Is it similar to syphilis, for example?

No, syphilis never hurts - that’s its downside. Herpes always has painful manifestations, for example, painful urination. Urine gets on the inflamed mucous membrane, and a burning sensation occurs. Typical herpes cannot be confused with anything. In the atypical form, when there is no actual vesicle, but simply swelling, redness, cracking, herpes can be confused with bacterial infections. Therefore, the criterion for diagnosis is a smear for herpes. Often, a woman does not pay attention to the discomfort and goes to the doctor only when the symptoms begin to recur every three to four months. Gradually, the virus begins to suppress the immune system, and then exacerbations occur once a month. Most often, relapses are associated with the menstrual period: against the background of hormonal changes, the immune system weakens slightly, so the virus immediately raises its head and begins to take over the body.

- How is it transmitted?

By contact. If a man or woman has a herpes infection in the acute phase (rash on the genitals), then this place is the source of infection. Contact with it can cause not just the entry of the virus into the body, but disease, because the concentration of the virus in this focus is very high. The immune system is unable to cope with this legion. If there are no rashes and antibodies are present, then the person has the right to secrete minimal concentrations of the virus onto the mucous membranes, but such concentrations are safe for the normal immune system of his partner. During exacerbation of herpetic infection, intimate contact is prohibited. Moreover, the contacts may be different. A virgin was once brought to us with an exacerbation of genital herpes. After a long conversation with the patient, we finally found out that she initially had herpes on her lips. Not knowing the basic basics of sanitary hygiene, she touched the rash on her lip, then scratched her groin and thus transferred the virus to her genitals. Or another option: the mother kisses the child. Why does the baby develop antibodies to herpes, but there have never been any manifestations of the virus? Because the mother, having a virus in her body, undoubtedly periodically releases a minimal amount of viruses onto the mucous membrane. If the child’s immune system is functioning normally, the infection reaching him is captured and controlled: some of the viruses die, some remain.

- Is it possible to catch herpes through everyday life - through shared towels, toilet bowls, dishes?

Herpes is not a very persistent virus, so contact and household transmission is not common. By collecting medical histories of women and men with genital herpes, we come to the conclusion that the onset of infection has always been facilitated by contact with an infected partner. A rare case when a virus took over and appeared in the body out of the blue. This requires certain conditions, and first of all close contact. The virus is neurotropic, that is, it has an affinity for nervous tissue, and if you kissed or interacted closely with a person who secretes herpes in saliva, even just sneezing next to you, then you receive a dose of the virus. Herpes takes root inside you, but you may never get sick.
It is a myth that herpes is deadly and cannot be defeated. Almost 100% of the population is infected with it. In order to determine whether you have herpes or not, you need to donate blood for protective cells - antibodies to herpes. If they are discovered, great. This means that the body has encountered this infection, the virus has settled in it, but does not manifest itself, because the immune system has established reliable control.

Educational program Translated from ancient Greek, “herpes” means “to crawl.” This disease really has a “creeping” nature of the lesion.
The first description of herpetic symptoms was made by the Roman physician Herodotus in the 5th century BC.
The Roman Emperor Tiberius took the first effective anti-epidemic measures to combat herpes 2000 years ago. He banned senators from kissing in public in the Senate.
In 1736, a detailed description of genital herpes was given by the physician-physician of King Louis XV, the physician-philosopher Jean Astruc.
In France, herpes was called “the disease of the French kings”: Louis XIV and his grandson Louis XV suffered from genital herpes. At the same time, Louis XIV, who was not distinguished by strict morals, presented vials of unknown origin to almost all the ladies of the court.

- What is the provoking factor?

Wrong lifestyle: didn’t sleep enough, didn’t rest enough, got nervous, broke the diet, overate or drank too much. And also hypothermia, colds, jet lag, stress. Abortion is also a psychologically and physiologically traumatic factor. Many people are mistaken in believing that pregnancy leads to a weakened immune system. Of course, some of its links are suppressed so that fetal rejection does not occur, but most of the mechanisms are activated, because the mother needs to ensure both her life and the life of the child.

- What is included in a comprehensive diagnosis?

Examination, smear and blood test. A smear shows the presence of the virus. A blood test checks for the presence of antibodies. There is no virus in the blood; they look for it in a smear. It is advisable to take an immunogram if the frequency of exacerbations is more than six times a year, and these six times herpes occurred without obvious provoking factors. This indicates that there is some kind of malfunction in the immune system.

- The immunomodulators Panavir and Amiksin are now being actively promoted as effective means for self-medication. Reception schemes are posted on the Internet. What could such initiative lead to?

The schemes prescribed in the standards are not always effective. These are good drugs in the treatment of infections, including herpes viral infections, but only their correct administration can lead to healing. It is immunologists who know how to select individual doses. In general, treatment of herpes infection always requires personalized regimens. Even dietary supplements, including vitamins, should be prescribed by specialists, and even more so immune medications.

- In Soviet times, the Puchner vaccine was used against herpes. One injection – and six months free from infection. Why isn't it used today?

This vaccine still exists. But if everything had been so good with her, then there would not have been a massive prevalence of herpes. And is it necessary to get vaccinated if the virus is already in the body and there are antibodies to it? But if, suppose, the immune system works normally, but a woman has relapses every month, then the immune system does not see the enemy. The fact is that the herpes virus sometimes puts on an invisibility cap and penetrates undetected between immune cells, causing exacerbations with impunity. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to add a little activity to the immune system, either with immune drugs or a vaccine (by adding new doses of antigen). That's the point of vaccination.

- What is suppressive therapy? Does it allow you to be cured or only suppresses the decomposition of the virus?

What do you mean by the word “cure”? Absence of exacerbations or elimination of the virus from the body? If you have had herpes, no one guarantees that you will not get it again. The virus cannot be removed from the body. But a combination of antiviral and immune drugs can help the immune system put up a reliable barrier against infection. Suppressive therapy is therapy with antiviral drugs (these are groups of acyclic nucleazides that interrupt the virus propagation chain). Each patient is assigned his own regimen and course. The duration of medication use is from a month to a year. Suppressive therapy does not allow herpes to come out. During the treatment process, the immune system gradually returns to a state of normality, and then we also gradually - according to an individual scheme! - We cancel antiviral drugs. Sometimes it happens that suppressive therapy was prescribed for three months, the person was treated, but it was canceled and the rash returned. The reason is that the doctor incorrectly, abruptly canceled the therapy and, most importantly, did not explain to the patient that as long as he takes the drug, there will be no exacerbations. If you stop, exacerbations may return. To achieve success, a certain complex of treatment is required.

- Is it possible to identify patients by risk groups?

If a person has received chemotherapy or radiation therapy, often uses antibiotics or hormones (I do not mean contraceptives, but drugs for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, so-called corticosteroid drugs) - all these are factors that cause a secondary, externally caused, immunodeficiency state. It creates the opportunity for herpes to spread to both the gastrointestinal tract and the upper respiratory tract. Herpes can be a trigger for other infections. It suppresses the immune system, against this background pathogenic bacterial flora begins to multiply, and as a result, vulvovaginitis, colpitis, and cervicitis occur. Doctors are trying to link herpes infection with infertility. But there is no convincing data on this matter.

Enemy or friend? Our life in society is a constant exchange of bacteria and viruses. In fact, we need viruses. They stimulate the immune system. The reproduction of viruses and the immune system are in mutual opposition. If this balance is maintained, it is, paradoxically, called health. If there are a huge number of bacteria and viruses, and the immune system suddenly weakens and cannot cope with the attacks of enemies, then an exacerbation of infections occurs. Suppose we manage to cleanse the body of viruses and make it practically sterile. As a result, the immune system remains idle. And then she thinks, what should she do? And she begins to aggressively look for the enemy in herself: this is how autoimmune, allergic and other diseases appear.
In Europe there are environmentally friendly regions where even electric cars are prohibited; everyone moves on foot or by bicycle. There are indeed fewer infectious diseases in these areas, but the number of allergic, cancer and autoimmune diseases has increased. The natural infectious background was removed, and it is a signal for adequate functioning of the immune system.

- Tell us about prevention. I read that condoms reduce the risk of infection by only 50%.

Condoms reduce only one thing - sensitivity. I have not seen a single worthy study proving the unreliability of latex, but I have seen a huge number of patients who protected themselves by using condoms. But we should not forget that a condom protects only the area that it covers, and intimate relationships are not only genital penetration, but also a certain theater of action. During caresses, a woman involuntarily touches the site where her partner is infected, and this can lead to infection.

- Some gynecologists claim that if you treat the vagina and external genitalia with betadine within five minutes after questionable sexual intercourse, you can save yourself from any infection.

If the mucous membrane is protected - and normally it is protected - then, of course, it takes a certain time for the virus to penetrate. If the mucous membrane is injured and the contact is prolonged, without a sufficient amount of lubrication in a woman, if microtrauma occurs, then, accordingly, the risk of infection through an infected surface increases significantly. Therefore, even such good drugs as “betadine” and “octenispet” cannot always help. In general, there is no 100% protection against viruses.

They become a very unpleasant surprise for most. The most favorable period for herpes is the off-season. But don’t despair when you see unaesthetic pimples on your lips; you can and should fight this, because it’s difficult to do with herpes.

What is herpes? This is a viral infection that manifests itself in the form of small blisters on the lips, less often on the mucous membranes.

This infection is insidious in that, once it enters the human body, it remains there forever and can appear again at any moment. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through various household items.

This does not mean that the virus will manifest itself immediately after entering the human body. He can settle there without showing any signs, and then, at the moment of weakening of the immune system, show himself in all his glory. What is the impetus for the manifestation of this infection? This could be a sudden change in climate, stress, overwork, overheating or hypothermia, taking medications that suppress the immune system, or prolonged colds.

With strong immunity, herpes can disappear on its own in 5-7 days. If the immune system is not too strong, then “lip fever” can lead to such troubles as increased body temperature, swollen lymph nodes, and eye inflammation. If the disease lasts for a long time, the rash can spread beyond the lips, for example, to the hands and face. In addition, much more serious complications may arise, such as pulmonary infections, inflammation of the nerve cells in the brain and the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, you should not take the manifestations of this virus lightly.

How to recognize the manifestations of herpes in the initial stage? This is not difficult: the lips become swollen, red, itchy, and the internal pulsation becomes more intense. You need to immediately take the following measures: wrap it in a cotton napkin and apply it to the place that makes you suspicious. Hold the compress for 5-10 minutes, remembering to take breaks so that your lips do not become numb or get cold. With this simple medicine you can prevent the spread of a viral infection.

If you missed the moment when the virus had just begun to manifest itself, then measures to stop its spread should be more serious. Wipe areas with blistering rashes with an alcohol-containing solution several times a day. Buy anti-herpes ointment at the pharmacy, which has a drying effect, and regularly lubricate the affected areas. I really like Celestoderm-B ointment with geramicin; I haven’t tried it yet, because you can get rid of herpes with this ointment in half a day.

You can use various herbal infusions that have an antiseptic effect, such as chamomile, calendula, sage and lavender. Brew 1-2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30-40 minutes, then wipe your lips with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared broth.

If you do all these procedures, the rash will not withstand such a powerful pressure and will soon lose its ground.

The best way to prevent herpes is to support the immune system in good condition, which is achieved by a proper and balanced diet with mandatory.

Normally, the immune system produces antibodies that suppress the herpes virus. Don’t forget about physical exercise, a contrast shower and a general healthy lifestyle.

A good way to protect the skin of your lips from herpes is to protect them from the cold with the help of balms and creams. However, do not forget to change them periodically so that they do not turn into a breeding ground for this unpleasant infection.

And it is better to prevent the appearance of this virus than to fight it later. Remember this and don't get sick.



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